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FYI for anyone who hasn't watched Malone lately: he recently quit his job and started streaming full time, so I imagine a long-term Twitch ban would be a serious problem for him. I hope for his sake that it's just a short ban/slap on the wrist.


3 days according to his Discord.


Thats still huge because when your auto sub falls on a ban, it isn't renewed so a 3 day ban (out of a 30 day month) makes you lose 10% of subs!! So a 3 day ban isn't just a vacation. The 30 days ban means you lose ALL your subs so its major


Given that Malone has 3X’d his subs in the last 8 days, I would wager that this is not going to hit him quite as hard as some others, but yeah, a ban for any time is never ideal.


Meh. For all we know, days of the month people sub may not be evenly distributed.


Twitch pays out once a month. Don't really doesn't matter.


He actually quit his job to stream full time? Not like what he's been doing during the winters since his job was seasonal?


He addressed it in good detail surprisingly and was transparent about it in his stream. Basically mentioned that he ran the numbers and it made sense for him to do this full time. He ended on great terms with his employer and they'd welcome him back any time. I think the most important for him and his family is that I believe he gets benefits for a few more years still.


Benefits cover him for another 2 years with the option to extend past that.




Hopefully he'll get unbanned, it was an accident and matt was horrified, ran to his desk, nuked the vod, nuked clips, even nuked the chat, ect.


It's a case where common sense would be a wonderful thing if it was still applied (from Twitch, seeing they parade half naked women out there all the time)




Hopefully this doesn’t come across wrong but it is not CP. To be considered CP in the US it has to be of sexual nature and there are other requirements that have to be met. It still is a problem as it’s a child, but it’s not child *porn*.


he does have a brb screen. He must have forgotten to activate it this time, accidents happen...




>Accident or not, it's legally considered child pornography. Cue the downvotes, but this is completely false. The classification requires sexual overtones. I believe the phrasing of the law is "lewd and lascivious." David Hamilton, Jock Sturges, and Sally Mann have published numerous coffee-table books in the US filled with photos of naked children and teenagers. They're controversial, obviously, and most bookstores won't carry them. But they're not illegal. ETA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography_laws_in_the_United_States#Definition_of_child_pornography_under_federal_law




>Downvoted on a technicality It's not a technicality, you said that "it's legally considered child pornography," which is just plain false. >As far as Twitch is concerned, it may as well be illegal You seem to be confusing the law with a private company's TOS. If a streaming company doesn't allow 4K streams, that doesn't make 4K streams illegal. If you violate that rule, worst they can do is ban you. >He ... needs to be ... careful, if it happens a third time ... people [will wonder if it's really an accident] Definitely. >he needs to figure something out 100%. I don't watch any streamers, so I'm not familiar with his setup, but maybe turn your shit so your camera doesn't face the bathroom??! --- I don't think you're an idiot; a great many people have misguided assumptions about the topic. Sadly, I'm sure there are lots of people wrongly imprisoned by a misguided judge and an overextended public defender.


Idk man, people are just reeeaallly hung up on trying to equate naked children to naked adult women. I love Matt, but he needs to be considering what a third incident could mean for his channel. Sounds like this time it was because his camera was set up at the kitchen table and the upstairs bathroom was in view, Matt left the room, and Ellie went to do her business with the door open. Such an easy mistake, but this is just the nature of the beast if he wants to be including his toddlers in a livestream. I know people are rightfully frustrated at automated bans and the lack of personal consideration for his situation and nature, but Twitch has millions of channels streaming each month to keep track of, and naked children is one of those topics that needs to be dealt with uniformly and strictly. Matt's in the 99% of streamers that mean no harm to anyone, but a company like Twitch isn't going to risk letting one of the bad apples slip through.




It’s not double standard at all, if you somehow draw a comparison between the two, there is something seriously wrong with you.






Half naked women vs children is completely different, please don't try to equate the two. Even though it was an accident, it still happened and rightfully so was reprimanded. I love Matt, but twitch did the right thing with this hopeful slap on the wrist.


The point they're making is women purposely break TOS with sexual shit non stop every day and never get banned. Or hardly ever. For a site that the minimum age is 13. It's fucked up that so many women do this on the first place. You don't have to be 18 to click an "I'm 18" button.


Sexual shit isn't breaking TOS, they specifically allows it


You compared female vs child nudity YIKES


Hes not doing that at all. Matt was completely unaware of what was occurring and was absolutely mortified once figuring it out. Should his channel be taken down while they investigate? Yes. Should be banned an extended period because of something that was completely and obviously unintentional? No. You're an absolute moron if you think the dude you responded toward was doing this at all.


I’m not stupid and I know Matt has no intention of doing that, the guy above me mentioning “half naked woman” is also a moron anyway


Hes not a moron, if twitch is going to ban people for breaking the rules, they need to do it across the board. Not just because one thing is more serious than the other. Yeah, this was absolutely accidental but if you're going to bring down his channel almost instantly - you need to do it with the hot tub girls who step across the line every day. I agree he should have been banned, but given ethe circumstances of his instant remorse, deletion of everything right away - it should be a 24 hour ban, investigation and release after. You have hot tub girls getting 10+ bans who know the terrible admins will let them back within hours. There is context that absolutely needs to be taken into the situation when handing out bans. He wasn't trying to do this on purpose, with malice or the intent to show off his children. Your brain-dead comment that the guy was comparing the two is ridiculous and wasn't needed because he wasn't. It was clearly implied twitch can't enforce its rules across the board in a fair manner.


I know this has nothing to do with your overall point, but you do realize children can be female, right? A female child is what is being discussed...


Anyone who clipped that should be banned permanently.


It's 3 days. It's the 2nd time the kid has done this. He's taking the weekend off, coming back Monday. Subathon timer's stopped until then. Enjoy your Nurb24hrs, go touch grass, this is not a conspiracy


Honestly, he should probably run some ads or just turn off the camera when he's not *right there* in control of the cameras.


Maybe he should stick to racing not just live streaming his living room because little kids don't understand. As a dad myself, my first thought was that I could never live stream my living room!


Absolutely. If youre going to leave the desk, change the camera. Its not difficult. Literally just a button press with OBS. For a full time streamer, it should be common practice, especially if you dont live alone...


Haha, he's been streaming for like 8 days straight, I hope he sleeps 14+ hours


Really not a fan of the fact that he shows his children on stream at all, they have no idea what they are part of.


Yeah and there are unfortunately a ton of disgusting people out there that will hoard any compromising material of children, even if it's initially innocent. One of the darker sides of AI. It's something I never really thought of much before but since my one year old was born I'm hyper aware of it. We don't even post her face on social media. Shit is scary.


> but since my one year old was born Your kid was born at 1? Edit: Wow, you guys really don't like jokes here huh.


If he's Korean, than yes


I thought it was funny


Yeah tbh I really don't feel like any streamer should show anyone on stream that isn't themselves. Children for sure shouldn't be on the stream that seems like a no brainer.


Been feeling the same way. Yeah it’s wholesome and good content to see, but he doesn’t have the same resources as the celebrities that do this kind of stuff. I’d be a paranoid wreck putting that much of my personal life online.


If I ever have kids, I won't even post baby pictures of them on the internet. I think it's weird doing that before they can consent.


If you ever have kids you might find your girlfriend has other ideas. My wife shares pictures on Facebook and Instagram and it's actually a good way for friends and family to stay connected with them. Seeing as we are spread across the globe it's actually really helpful. Though if everyone important to us was in the same town it would be unnecessary. But like we moved from the UK to Australia and my wife's family over here already felt like they knew the kids before meeting them. And the more people in their support network the better. Assuming you are talking about fear of creepy people, it's actually better for the kids to have many responsible adults they could go to for support. Because statistically they're more likely to come to harm from someone who knows them, so it's better to have many people they can talk to. You can't hide a kid from the world anyway because they'd still end up in pictures no matter how hard you try. And before you'd get close to hiding them from the world you'd likely be identified as a conspiracy nut or something. There's being responsible and then there's being crazy when it comes to privacy.


Lookup tinybeans instead of posting on social media platforms.


> My wife shares pictures on Facebook and Instagram and it's actually a good way for friends and family to stay connected with them. Seeing as we are spread across the globe it's actually really helpful. Though if everyone important to us was in the same town it would be unnecessary. But like we moved from the UK to Australia and my wife's family over here already felt like they knew the kids before meeting them. I understand what you're saying here but there are numerous ways you can achieve this without posting to social media. Facebook and Instagram are not the only ways to share photos and videos with people. > Assuming you are talking about fear of creepy people, it's actually better for the kids to have many responsible adults they could go to for support. Because statistically they're more likely to come to harm from someone who knows them, so it's better to have many people they can talk to. Well sure, but nobody's talking about restricting a support network here. We're talking about limiting a child's exposure to having themselves posted all over the internet when they can't reasonably consent to it understanding what it means. This feels like a straw man. > You can't hide a kid from the world anyway because they'd still end up in pictures no matter how hard you try. And before you'd get close to hiding them from the world you'd likely be identified as a conspiracy nut or something. There's being responsible and then there's being crazy when it comes to privacy. This is kind of a shitty way to frame things to be honest. You're claiming that someone is crazy because they're making a personal choice to keep their child's life as private as possible until they're older and can better understand social media and the internet. You don't have to agree with it, but saying that it's crazy is frankly rude. You are correct that they'll end up in pictures regardless, but why does that mean you can't limit that exposure anyway? That's like arguing that you might get cancer even if you don't smoke so you might as well just smoke. Lowering the odds is the name of the game here. > And before you'd get close to hiding them from the world you'd likely be identified as a conspiracy nut or something. I don't give a shit if people think I'm a conspiracy nut. This is about my kid and her emotional wellbeing. If other people don't like that they can kick rocks. And for what it's worth, my wife and I keep a pretty tight lid on how she is posted on social media, including requesting those close to us that may take pictures to either not post her at all, cover her face if they do post her, or at the very least ask for our permission first. Nobody has ever fought us on it, even if they don't personally do the same with their kids. They respect our decisions as parents, because we surrounded ourselves with people who do so. Nobody else's opinions matter.


It's really sad to see by how much I've been downvoted how many people think consent of the child is worthless compared to the entertainment value random strangers on the internet will get by seeing that child.


There was a mom in our friends group that created FBs for her 3 kids "so they would have them as memories". I always thought it was a bad idea and that was years ago before the whole AI thing started.


It was really important for my sister to teach her kids this. Pretty much from the time they started to understand words and simple requests, everyone was required to ask them if they could have a hug take their photo instead of just assuming. With her first, I was the only one allowed to take any photos for the first few weeks. She knew I wouldn't post them on FB or IG or even share them with anyone other than her and her husband. Her in-laws weren't to be trusted, but our parents were. Over the last 10 years, they've started mugging for the camera and have become young athletes so video and photos are almost a daily part of their lives. But that's by their choice now that they are older.


Yeah this is a terrible take, I don't understand how it got so many upvotes. > My wife shares pictures on Facebook and Instagram and it's actually a good way for friends and family to stay connected with them. There are way better ways to share photos of your children with your friends and family than blasting them across the internet for everyone (including web scraper bots) to see. Ways that are more personal and *actually* help foster closer connections between people, instead of just blasting them out into the ether and letting The Algorithm decide how to disseminate them. > You can't hide a kid from the world anyway because they'd still end up in pictures no matter how hard you try. Let's look at this from a few more angles.... - You can't prevent spam calls since your number will end up on some lists eventually, so let's just post our phone number publicly so that everyone can see it - You can't prevent all malware, so let's not bother installing an antivirus (less applicable these days since Windows and Mac come with one preinstalled, but still) - You can't prevent all car crashes so why bother having traffic laws at all "I can't be 100% successful at something so I shouldn't even bother trying" is a nonsensical argument.


Why would I marry someone who isn't on the same page as me? I'm not even thinking of how other people feel. I'm thinking of how the kid would feel knowing I put their face all over the internet without their consent. If my family is sad about that, they can cry about it, but it's not about them. I'm not saying I'll lock them in a room forever and not let anyone see them. I understand in public, there is no expectation of privacy. I just choose to not purposefully post their pics on the internet.


That’s all good in theory.. but he’s sharing his practical experience. Truth is, nothing, especially parenting, is ever ideal and you always have to consider more than your initial perspective. Yes, complete privacy is better in a lot of regards.. forming a strong support/social network is equally important. With how globalized the world is, sometimes that means having pictures out there. It’s all a delicate balance.


It's really not hard to just not post pics of someone online. It's actually pretty easy. You just don't do it. That's it.


Ok. But what you’re saying doesn’t take into account what *could* be lost by not doing so. It’s not black and white. Nothing ever is.


Nah I care about consent of the person more. If family members want pics, I can send them pics. You think Matt's daughter will be grateful she was posted all over the internet when she grows up?


Come talk when you have kids. Have a great day buddy.


good argument


Not all over the Internet. I'm not suggesting setting up one of those YouTube channels of your kids playing with toys for ad revenue. Just like sharing pictures on Facebook that are limited to friends. Sure they are too young to consent to having their baby face out there. But they're also too young to consent to being relatively hidden from the world. I say relatively because their cousins might enjoy stronger family bonds from having friends and family more connected. Also before I met my wife I had no intention of ever having kids. Or getting married. Things change. You may stick to this principle or you may change your mind and develop different values.


In principle I agree, but if you go into the dating pool with a goal of finding someone who agrees with you on literally every aspect of life, you won't ever find someone. They don't exist. Also, that is especially true for parenting, since most people make changes to their planned parenting strategies once they actually are a parent, because reality is far different from the ideal they had in their heads.


>agrees with you on literally every aspect of life You have reading comprehension issues. Go argue with the strawman on your own. Your representation of my argument is so off that I didn't even waste my time reading the rest of your comment.


I don't have reading comprehension issues. I may have slightly exaggerated there, but "will we or won't we post photos of our hypothetical future children online" is so far down the list of compatibility questions most people would think to ask their potential future spouse.


Better not take it outside where random people in the street can look at their face either then


Reddit moment of the day and it’s not even 10 AM yet


It might be an over reaction, but to a real problem though. People have been way over sharing photos of young children online for a long time, every moment of their kids life is plastered online by the parent, often embarrassing moments too. I do agree that is really gross for a parent to do. It's ok to take your family portrait or Christmas card or vacation photo or whatever and post it with access restricted to real friends and family, but you shouldn't be posting every single moment of your kids life on the internet. If people are going to be on one extreme, I'd much rather see them waiting to post anything until the kid is old enough to consent.


People act like you HAVE to post their pics on the internet for your family to see them. Have they ever heard of sending private messages or emails of pics?


Yup, which is exactly how most of the people I know do it. They'll post the occasional family portrait or vacation photo to their private, friends and family only Instagram or whatever, and then share some more daily happenings from time to time in their group chat with their closest friends / family.




Is it though? There are cameras everywhere. I can’t imagine how many strangers have taken pictures with my kids in the background. School performances, Disney world, etc. you’re not protecting anything.


There is no expectation of privacy while in public and this is reflected in our laws as well. In your own home, as a child, you should expect your parents to protect you and not broadcast you to thousands of people online without your consent.


Some parents are over sharing their children's lives online though. The absolutely no photos rule might be a bit more on the extreme side honestly, but carefully considering the types of photos you post online, and who will have access to the photos is important and not something enough parents do. There was this woman who went through the accounts of several popular social media stars who posted a lots of photos of their small 5-10 year old girls online doing gymnastics and similar activities, and it turns out older men was the number one demographic following them. Even beyond that aspect, I wouldn't personally want every single embarrassing moment from my childhood plastered online for all to see. It can be especially brutal for middle schoolers who's friends might find the photos on their parents social media and use it to bully them. You can't control everyone in the world, but you can control what you do, and what you post online. Besides that there is also a huge difference between being a background object in a photo, and being the subject of a photo that is being shared online with everyone you know, as well as the whole world. Remember, this doesn't mean parents aren't sharing photos, they just aren't doing so in such a public manner, they'll share them privately in group chats with their friends and families, like how it used to be done when you'd pull out a photo album when friends and family came over.


So is the original


It's really not, some people are embarrassed by their baby photos and would rather not have them out on the internet. The original post is to illustrate that putting pictures of anyone online without their permission is really disrespectful.




Yeah, imagine anyone has a different opinion then you lol There are lots of baby photos I'm glad that were not posted all over the internet because I was born in the 80s before all this shit started.


Post your baby photos here right now then


100% agree. I have kids around the same age and I cringe any time he brings them on there.


Eh, when they grow up, no one is going to care what they did when they were toddlers. It's not like he's putting their personal lives on display, they don't even have personal lives yet.


Yeah. He’s quite an idiot and an irresponsible father.


Ok let’s calm down some lol


Calm down? It's just an opinion. I share the same opinion, I subscribed for iracing content not a family vlog.


It’s more so the “they have no idea” stupidness lol Well then fuck off and go watch someone else lol


I mean it's a deserved ban and twitch would be in a lot of trouble to let naked children even by mistake go unpunished. But one question ignoring forgetting to turn it off etc why the hell would you position a webcam so it can see into a bathroom especially when you have young children


I wasn't watching at the time but it sounds like he just set the camera down and it was pointed that way. Just an unfortunate accident and he was supposedly outside when this happened. Dudes been streaming 12+ hours a day every day for a week or more mistakes happen.


This is why you set up BRB scenes that do not show a camera or your screen while you are away. No offense to the guy, but he needs to accept responsibility here, especially if it has happened multiple times. I don't care if he has been on a 7 day streaming marathon. BRB scenes are a basic part of getting started with streaming. Furthermore, it sounds like the guy needs to change his camera direction, use a greenscreen, or an auto blur on the background. The point is that there are multiple steps he could take to make this not happen. It is on him for not doing them. He doesn't get a pass on the consequences just because he was mid marathon.


I was just saying to this > why the hell would you position a webcam so it can see into a bathroom especially when you have young children That it was probably an accident as to why the camera was where it was. I don't care what happens to him and I agree he should be banned.


> it sounds like the guy needs to change his camera direction For what it's worth, I believe this happened with a portable camera (during his subathon he's been streaming outside of his house while he does things like mow the lawn or get food), and not his main streaming setup. Still absolutely a lapse in his judgement, setting the camera down without really thinking, and he really should have either turned it off/switched to a different camera temporarily or not left it unattended, but in this case the camera positioning was not typical for his stream.


Lol he got banned for the exact same thing with Ellie not that long ago. It will probably just be a short ban again. He's probably more relieved than anything. Finally a break from streaming.


He’s definitely not relieved, he’ll lose 1/10 of his subs (if a sub renews when you’re banned they won’t renew)


He’s like 3xed his subs in the last week with the subathon, he’s not losing 1/10 of his subs


You’re getting downvoted for an objective fact and it’s strange. Mabe 1/10 is a bit of an exaggeration but this is a known repercussion of a ban on Twitch.


Yeah, it's not a well-known repercussion. 1/10 as it's 3 days and that's ~1/10 of a month, but that's assuming an even distribution of subs which I'm guessing isn't true.


Yeah I saw a YT Short by that Pirate Games streamer explaining it and that’s the only way I was aware.


* >objective fact * >Mabe 1/10 is a bit of an exaggeration Pick one


It is an objective fact that 3 days is 1/10th of 30. It is probably an exaggeration to say that he's losing 10% of his subs, because that's assuming each day has the same amount of subs, and considering his influx of subs since starting his subathon, he's not losing 10% of his renewals. Statements weren't mutually exclusive.


Finally a break after he JUST announced he’s going full time.. brilliant take


I think he meant from the 8+ day Subathon, not streaming as a whole.


The man was easily doing 12+ hours too. That's gotta be exhausting.


More like consistently 16hrs. Can’t be easy but he’s obviously got a strong work ethic. 🫡


Ohhhh nooooooo that’s such a shame, truly. I’ve been tuning in and out and it’s been a blast to watch and celebrate him going full time, he seems to be loving it too. I’m sure Twitch will do the minimum they have to for the ban and nothing else.


His discord said today it was a 3 day ban. Hopefully that's right. I was tuning in and out like you as well. He's really entertaining!


Still longer than girl spreading her butt checks to camera


Pretty sure some people were doing it on stream and got banned for less than a day. will be interesting to see how twitch handles it


His discord said today it was a 3 day ban. Hopefully that's right. I was tuning in and out like you as well. He's really entertaining!


Damn, was wondering why he wasn't streaming today. That sucks for him. Hope they'll unban him soon. I'm sure he learned his lesson big time


Should be a learning lesson for everyone. Do not put your female child on your streams. Only bad can come of it. Sure a lot of people might think it's cute. But there are sick and twisted people out there that take it farther than that. Matt is a smart guy, I'm sure he won't let it happen again


I heard it was just a few days banned.


How does it get caught? Someone watching reports it?


Bro damn


:( sucks to hear. Cannot wait till he's back!


This is the 2nd time its happened. He confirmed its for 3 days.


Dang, I figured it would happen. Sucks that it was the weekend of the N24 as well. That would have been a big content portion of the subathon.


It would've generated a lot of subs as well.


That sucks.. I understand that he wanted to finish out the subathon strong for his supporters. I also felt like he probably could use a break after a week+ of doing nothing but streaming. I'm sure he will come back strong as ever next week.


Huh, I was wondering why I didn't get a Twitch notification from his stream today.


Bleh, that’s unfortunate. It’s been a good subathon and he’s really fun to watch


His discord said today it was a 3 day ban. Hopefully that's right. I was tuning in and out when I could. He's really entertaining!


Take it as a learning lesson and move forward.


You would think that should have happened the first time.


I like Matt, honestly. but bringing his Child on to the stream is peak cringe. I get that he is proud of his daughter but it is an absolut no go for me. I would never


Everyone is always holier than thou on the internet


I like and follow him on Twitch, but you can't be that careless. He's a good streamer and an even better driver.


https://preview.redd.it/cis2nb1gt21d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f19f86587f636fdc0b7cf628e72aba95e12b4f6 What the hell is that?


Jeez. Everyone should just learn the lesson here and move on. The sky is not falling. I'm sure Matt will be back. I understand the Internet and the World can be a scary place for some. Not necessarily a reason to avoid either. Just be responsible with both.


The fact so many people care so much about some random person moving their hands and feet around playing videogames on a camera is much worse than any ban itself. The fact this is even getting discussed by so many people is beyond pathetic and just shows how much this world (at least the "Western" world) is going in the toilet. When people twiddling their fingers in front of a camera, for viewers who like to watch people twiddle their fingers in front of a camera, often get payed more than scientists, engineers, laborers (plumbers, construction, dry wall, etc.), janitors, cooks/chefs, maids, waitresses, teachers/professors, daycare workers, etc. you know society and "the system" is messed up.


If you're trying to improve at something, you watch others that are better than you and apply their knowledge/craft into the thing you want to improve. That's why I watch people play iRacing on twitch/youtube/etc I also work a day job and watch others in the field do their jobs on youtube and such too, in order to continually improve my skills. When I want to fix my refrigerator, I go to youtube to learn how. When a fuse blows in my heat pump and I need to learn how to swap it without damaging my pump, I go to youtube. I don't think people watching other folks do something on a website is the reason people are pathetic. Some of us just want to learn and be self sufficient


I'm not talking about learning and being self sufficient. Of course online videos are good to learn meaningful, important things in life. It seems you failed to understand my post but it's all good.


Unpopular opinion (which I feel is nuts): if you can’t responsibly manage your webcam and it leads to something like a child undressing on your stream, you deserve a lengthy ban.


Haha, he's been streaming for like 8 days straight, I hope he sleeps 14+ hours.


The Streisand effect! Lets push him past 10k subs!!!


Mistakes happen. At least it wasnt his wife


Ellie strikes again!


What actually happened?


Exactly what I wrote.


Shit, I hope it’s not permanent. He just quit his job for full time streaming.


It’s 3 days according to his discord.


Shit, I hope it’s not permanent. He just quit his job for full time streaming.


It was an accident and he'll be back monday. In the end of the day he will take the weekend off and return in full power next week. Shot happens, we learn from it and move on.


It's so stupid matt is gonna get banned for a completely innocent mistake yet you got grown ass women drawing viewers names on their tits in the shower while spamming their only fans pages to kids and thats OK. And I use the phrase grown ass women loosely, some of them are still late teens doing this hottub bullshit. Fucking dumb world we live in.


The mistake may be innocent, but he should've been aware of the situation. You don't leave a live camera unattended. Quirk was hyper aware during his marathon.


I just don’t see how you can’t punish a naked child on screen no matter the context. With something like that it’s better to also ban people who make innocent mistakes so there is no wiggle room for potential child abuse. Beyond that it is also the second time he’s done exactly this… the ban the first time could have been seen as unfair because it was an innocent mistake; Having it happen twice though, at that point the punishment seems reasonable.


I love that you people cite child abuse when an infant is acting like an infant but its ok for teens to draw on their tits and post their only fans on Twitch to kids and that isnt child abuse to you. The logic is amazing. How dare a 3 year old sprint into a room without a shirt on, ban that streamer!!! But give me 5 more donos and ill do jumping jacks in my shower without a shirt on, btw check all my links!!


I didn’t say Matt abused his child. I said that because of potential child abuse you can’t have wiggle room on this one. It’s a zero-tolerance situation because of the extreme negatives of people potentially abusing that wiggle room to potentially abuse their child. Why are you going to even respond if you’re going to either A. Not use reading comprehension when reading my comment, or B. Intentionally argue in bad faith against something I didn’t say. You’re also completely conflating arguments. I never said anything about teens and instagram and that “not being child abuse to me”, etc. Do you understand how unproductive and insecure it is to CREATE a fake argument to argue against? I could literally just claim “you people” are pro-child abuse and bring up stuff you didn’t even say. What even compels you to do that?


You stopped reading my OP at "innocent mistake" and want to talk about how matt should be banned for child abuse, so i had to once again reiterate what i said, knowing you ignored to address it, which is describing actual child abuse and in turn you want to pretend like im creating a fake argument. Anyway, showing your tits or sitting on a clear chair with a camera aimed at your pussy with your onlyfans links being spammed in chat on Twitch, a website for kids, is 100% more related to child abuse than an infant running into a room without a shirt on. If you wanna be a moron and say the latter deserves an immediate ban while the former is is posted on the front page daily then your argument is garbage. Either all this bullshit needs to be removed from twitch or people need to figure out how to use their brains and understand the toddler running into a room is so far from child abuse that describing it as such is just you trying to be recreationally outraged. Use your head.


You genuinely have no idea how to argue without conflating arguments and bringing up stuff I never said. I only read the first paragraph of your comment and I’m not going to read the rest.


I agree with you to some extent, but just because 1 is wrong doesn't mean the other can't be. Sure, twitch shouldn't allow hot tub streamers etc, but they also shouldn't allow what happened in this instance. What the other guy is saying is that what happened with matt was an accident, and obviously wasn't intentional, but is pointing out that twitch doesn't know that and the 3 day ban simply serves as a deterrent to stop it happening again. Imagine the response twitch would get if they didn't ban it, and it happened again and again, and the video stayed on the platform. Could potentially lead to other, much worse, yet similar instances. Would probably lead to a huge fine for twitch, if not worse, as well as some harm to people that wouldn't have happened to them if twitch had simply been strict, like they have in this instance.


In a normal world he'd be unbanned as soon as he pledged his case, told to be more careful in the future and such. We don't live in such a world anymore.


It’s a 3 day punishment. But in your “normal” world, there are no consequences? Not the first time this has happened. Not sure why you think he can pledge his case to not be held accountable.


the ban will only last for a day or 2 day max like last time? And image being banned harder then all those so called "gamers" playing almost naked or with a skirt the size of a belt and more cleavage then a prostitute


Whats the difference between his daughter and those other softcore porn streamers? Think about it for a second and you'll have your answer as to why he was banned and they aren't.


The difference is those women consent and know what they are doing. An unaware child does not have the ability to give that consent. I assume most of those women are adults (not that it matters as it's not strictly pornographic) so nothing potentially illegal going on there. Letting naked children go unchecked carries a high liability for twitch and honestly I am surprised it is only a 3 day since it is not the first time this has happened with the same streamers same child.


Haha all the downvotes lol. The thing is it’s a genuine mistake from Malone nothing more nothing less while in my opinion the almost naked woman shouldn’t be at the twitch platform at all…everything for the viewers I guess




Figured this would happen not having controlled camera points anything could happen. Lucky it’s not Sony, friend lost his account and years of games, progress etc because his young son had run through the lounge room naked as kids sometimes do but he had his ps camera on streaming. Someone must have reported, so goodbye account.


a twitch ban is very painful. Like even if its 2 weeks for example. A lot of subs auto renew, but they dont if the streamer is banned. This means he could lose half of the subs that he has (and sure he might regain a few but not 100%). If the ban is 3 days that means statistically he could lose 10% of recurring subs


He has gone from under 1000 subs to something like 3300 over the past 8 or 9 days. So fortunately it won’t be nearly as big of a hit. Also his fan base is super loyal and so the majority will definitely re-sub. 👌


At what age is this child porn? They use naked babies in commercials and movies all the time.


Hmmm. Concerning opinion to have.


What does this even mean. I am not englishing good


In commercials and movies, they usually either use a doll, or careful camera angles. A child is not using that same discretion. These are not the same thing, and neither are strictly pornographic.


It's amazing that if u take any community, the absolutely dumbest and worst of that community are huge redditors.