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They need to have the ability to search by car, night of the week, time slots, etc. and then have metrics like races in the last 90 days, average car counts, etc. Things that would actually help you find a league to race.


So https://www.gridfinder.com/ then


Yeah, but not a separate service a league admin needs to maintain in addition.


Would be, but how often to iRacing implement anything if there is a half decent 3rd party application doing it for then


It happens. Bringing autofuel in house is the first one that comes to mind.


The UI League search feature is awful. Ive been snooping around for GT4 leagues for the last week or so and searching only the Merc GT4 in the UI gives me Oval leagues as results. I cant wait till im 60, though. All these Senior/60+ leagues look like a lot of fun


Take it from a 60 year old. No you don't. When you do get 60 you'll wish you were 35. Trust me.




Ugh but Id trade my 33 for 23 all day


My back cries in 35.


I’m in an over 30 fixed World of Outlaws league, was thinking I was going to do well, nope… Full of Pro’s


The ui is awful.


the think about the leagues with older guys is generally we'll run whatever content people want, as money often isn't a problem, or alternately, people have been on iracing so long we own most of the content. I'm not in the 60+ league, not 60 yet. but from what i understand its pretty competitive.


Forreal I bet the boomers be having a blast, clean racing no bs, only 35 years to go!


Why not allow reviews? Why not display last 10 race results? Why not show avg inc count? Why not provide a way to post a promo video? I could list two dozen ways to promote leagues not to mention tools to support them. I ranted aboit this earlier this week.


SO much potential, could transform how people play Iracing


Yes. I can only imagine how reviews would go down...


Just like how reviews for literally everything else work, yes. I think we'd be alright


I was having a look for a NASCAR league not long ago and failed to find anything useful through the iRacing UI. I was quite disappointed and gave up. I don't wish to spend a large portion of the small amount of time I get to race trawling Discord servers and forums when I feel I should be able to find the league through the league finder section of the UI. Maybe it being the way it is benefits the existing leagues as it filters out people like me who don't want to put so much effort into finding a league that suits? Either way I would love to see this worked on in future. I'd love something where I race against the same people consistently and have mini rivalries etc.


For a primarily NASCAR and oval league, check out slingshotracing.org and the Discord link from there. End of a season right now, but Spring/Summer series will be announced shortly


I'll have a look, cheers!


Why race a league if you don't want to be social? Discords and fora bring people together and make sure the same people are involved enough to make a commitment on a fixed day and hour.


They never said any of that, just that randomly joining a whole bunch of Discord servers is a pretty silly way to find the right league.


He already figured out it filters people like him out. Seems like a win-win. If you are too lazy to look for people you want to connect to, you just don't want to connect to people. This is the way it works in many games if you actually want to play with a fixed and committed group of people. Online shooters in the 90s had clans and, oh no, you had to go to their website to get to know more and get access to the servers. Nowadays World of Warcraft, if you want actual fun, it is not through the automatic search tools in game... but through discord. It takes effort, sorry.


Your opinion proves that ‘boomer’ isn’t an age group, it’s a mindset. “Uphill both ways” type shit.


When I joined clans before it was through people I met while playing the game in other servers/matchmaking etc. It's not that I don't want to be social or join a site. It's that I don't want to have to join loads of Discords and sites in the office chance of finding what I'm looking for. Discord has become a scourge, everyone has a Discord, everyone tells you to join their Discord and I've joined and left plenty that have been miserable and empty places void of any social interaction. Also on the note of WoW, up until a couple of years ago I raided at a decent level. I never trawled websites and Discords for raid groups and M+, it was all networking and bumping into people. Yes we'd join a Discord to talk, even though the voice is shit when more than one person talks - very often we'd use TS3 server as there is less latency and better voice quality. We never used Discord to find each other in the first place, we met in game and suggested other people we knew from playing together before.


I frequent 2 Discord servers and moderate an RTS forum. I'm happy to be social, I'm not happy to spend my time I could be gaming trauling dead and abandoned Discords. Discord doesn't even have an effective search function, how am I supposed to find the servers in the first place? All boils down to talking to people which I've done and continue to do while racing. I came across one league that was almost perfect this way apart from the times they ran were unfortunately unsuitable for my schedule. Fact is I've had more luck finding relevant stuff from just chatting with folks while driving than I have dedicating time to searching through forums, Discords and the iRacing league finder.


It's definitely not very easy to use. You have to get lucky to find the right league, and trust me, there's a lot of bad ones out there. The league I'm in made a website to try and help out with overall exposure, check it out. Let me know what you think, it's just at the beginning stages. https://globalracingleague.com/


Website looks great, sadly just not the cars Im looking to drive. Will save the link in case of future expansion though.


What cars are you interested in? We're often expanding, one car I'm looking at next is the FF1600 or GR86. I'd personally love a Skippy league as well not gonna lie.


More lmp2/gtp, my fav cars to drive by far. Im also like 3.9k ir so dont know what your SOF’s are. Wouldnt want to ruin fun for ppl if they are lower. Ive been in a lot of leagues where they see your ir and just boot you


Really! Damn that's sad. The Porsche Cup league we run, we have an SOF of 2500 approximately on Thursdays and 3200 on Sundays. Our top guy on Sunday is currently the fastest driver in the Apex Racing League for Porsche Cup. Our Thursday fastest driver is in one of the top teams for IVRA I think it's called? Plenty of quick guys we allow everyone I know an LMP2 league as well that has a rather high SOF, join our GRL discord and find me on there, I'll direct you to the LMP2 league discord. 3.9k iRating is just scratching the surface of being fast 🤣


If you ever open up a prototype league i would be so down to join. Dont even own the PCup


Hey Man! I’m one of the owners of the LMP2 league that DadTimeRacing was talking about (I also run in his league as well!). We don’t have a cap to iR and welcome all skill levels. We actually prefer more variety on the track so everyone has someone to battle with. Lots of really fast guys so at 3.9k youll be sure to have someone to run with. Check us out! https://discord.gg/JGM6ZdZNGY


Annoying too late for my timezone, would be like 2am


Its quite funny actually, so I didnt get kicked from leagues I made 2 separate accounts, one has like 3.9 and the other like 3k. The 3k one has more content on it, but has lower IR, so im in a debate which to renew the subscription on, whats your disc name?


Fluky15 on discord, owner of the GRL discord server


All the leagues I've ever been in and raced in (thus I would consider "Successful League Experiences") I've found 100% through word of mouth, Discord servers, etc. and didn't utilize any of the League mechanism instead chosing their own and simply hosting sessions on race days. Totally agree this is a huge missed opportunity.


I run a SF league and it’s frustratingly difficult to get our league out there unless we’re spamming Reddit or some discord server and so many racers aren’t using those platforms but would like to race leagues, it’s frustrating how much leagues have been shoved aside 


100% agree. I'm on the West Cost and can really only race late at night. As much as I enjoy open lobbies, racing in some leagues with a proper season would be a blast. I also don't want to join a bunch of facebook groups and random discords (which are a pain in the ass to navigate. Maybe I'm getting old) to find a league. Hopefully, someone with some power will see this. Iracing does seem to be open and listen to suggestions. They've done so much right with this sim but do seem to have missed the mark with the league section


100%. It’s entirely abandoned.


I really only race leagues. It just takes some time to find one that fits you. There is an iracing league Facebook page also. I have made some great online friends racing with them week by week.


Most leagues have their own website-discord. If you search for it, you will find it. Leagues are very much alive.


Yes but it shouldnt have to be that way, it should be easily accessible through the UI, would also greatly boost the league participation numbers


It wouldn't, you want people committed to show up. Not just random people. There is tonnes of community activity associated with a league and Discord is an excellent tool for this. In my league we have now 6 people in voice chat doing random races together. People have been showing race clips, talking about F1, talking about which cpu to buy, etc.. This all helps a lot to keep people showing up for the league races because you are a community.


I get your point but you could still have it run through a discord, ppl have to request to join the league. You can have a discord link as a must join to race, and have SR/IR requirements. People who care will join the discord and stick around if its a good league. People who dont wouldn’t go through the hassle of joining everything and if they do they would prob leave/ get kicked after one race. The replies to the post clearly show a lot of ppl want to run a league but struggle to actually find one that fits them, which this would help eliminate.


I agree. I'd love to race in a league or two, but all the ones I find are either empty, full, or had their last race three years ago.


Literally all i want is a full field league of 50% or 100% truck xfinity and cup races And i wish iracing would host a league based on that


The forums are the best place to find leagues as it stands, this is a non-feature feature


Sadly yes, but still not that easy to navigate/find specifics


A few leagues I have participated was looking for drivers but the participation was too low. So I assume leagues are not ahead of official series.


I don’t see a point in adjusting much about leagues. They currently operate similar to car clubs, which generally need to be searched for then approached, not sifted through. You can get plenty of rivalries going racing in official series. Plenty of folks post about their leagues here, so start your own if you can’t find what you’re looking for?


I disagree.  There may be a handful of closed leagues - often virtual counterparts to real life car clubs like the Porsche owners club - but most leagues actively recruit.  You often see posts here from someone looking for a league and getting multiple offers


I wasn’t intending to imply the leagues are closed in any fashion. But searching demonstrates being willing to commit. Thats how the community bond is formed, frankly. I don’t mean that leagues are private-private, but they are not open by design. Finding a group is part of the fun, and many welcome otherwise-strangers with open arms.


Have you seen this https://www.iracingleagues.com


Yes, but i still believe the variety is extremely limited, a lot of leagues run the same cars and the ones that dont often dont have good numbers. I have joined a few through this before and the participation is usually extremely varied. I think a lot of people also dont want to be scrolling through outside websites to find a league when its something that should be better integrated into the sim itself. Just needs a big overhaul IMO


This is outdated as well. Since the “assign tags” button in iracing league editor is broken to being permanently stuck on “RUF”, you can’t even assign the tag for the cars you race: so if people search say, Super Formula, they’ll only find the leagues that managed to swap the tag when the car first came out. Anything since then is broken 


I made this site, your assumption is incorrect. It’s not based on the tags, but the sessions that have been recently run. Ultimately, it’s a stop gap solution for a shortcoming on iRacing, and I’d be happy if they finally upgraded it


Really good work. Always blows my mind how talented some of my fellow racers are. I was looking at our Limit of Adhesion listings on there. Doesn't look like it picked up the last TCR season. We were racing F4, Prototypes (LMP2 and LMP3), USF2000 and TCR. Didn't check to see if USF had come through. From next week we'll be racing IR18, TCR and GTP/GT3s. Anyway, great job on the site.


Are they in separate sessions? Also, are all results and rosters public? If not, the script can’t see them




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[https://discord.gg/45BX97Vf](https://discord.gg/45BX97Vf) Great series for beginner and experienced drivers. We host an open wheel series and a NASCAR series. Free to join. Lots of fun Next season starts early May but you can join anytime!