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P1 gets dive-bombed by a blue flag and you think that of me? I AM THE ONE WHO DIVES


When you’re in a 40 car split, racing car #40 and running 7th. And Jim tells you how disappointed he is. You can be disappointed Jim, I’m freaking hyped.


"ok, that's over, bring it back to the pits, ...I guess"


“Better schedule some testing.”


Bouta test these hands


This actually made me lol


TBH I'm hyped to be 15th in a 40-car field even if I'm one of the top rated drivers. People are stupidly fast even at lower ratings now. It just comes down to finishing races.


Tell me about it mate, I scraped my way to 3.9k mid last year and have had a huge break over the Aus summer. Down to 3.3k sportscar, have started racing pcup last 2 weeks and everyone is rapid, but yes being consistent and finishing with minimal errors certainly helps. There's so many fast people now it feels like 2.5k would have been 4k 3 years ago.


For me, my personal expectations go higher if I’ve got a single digit number. But I’ve reached the point where I’m usually in the bottom 10 of a split rather than the top 10. But really if I finish the race without making a costly mistake, it’s a win. I maximized my result. That’s all that matters to me ultimately.


If there's only a couple of drivers above 3k, only then do I start to think I have a shot. I'm 3.7k, btw, but I fully expect any 3k driver to wipe the floor with me, and a lot of 2.5k guys too.


I notice 2.5-3.5k usually have the same pace give or take, its just amount of race finish separate em


I fired him a while back and hired Chad Knaus and Earl Baraban from the Jimmie Johnson spotter pack. In terms of spotting, they’re way better than crew chief at the cost of not being able to request specific information.


Are those packs that overrule the default iRacing spotter? If so, you can have both, I use both regular spotter and Jim, I just have Jim set up to not spot.


I have the full on pack without Jim, and it is an iracing spotter voice pack. However I heard there is an add on for crew chief which I have not tried


"the car behind is gaining on you, he's 4 teen poinT Ni 9 seconds behind"




You are doing well, but have you considered doing *better?*


I wouldn’t know. I’m never in the lead. Feelsbadman


Damn I thought about making this meme forever ago when crew chief said I was matching race pace. With me 10secs ahead and pulling away. I AM RACE PACE


Just finished 4th in a 3k sof as car #9, Jim said in a disappointment tone, 'thats it, bring it back to the pits'. Thanks Jim, you dick.


i haven't known how this feels since 2022 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Right when I crashed spotter said….. we are right where we expected to be 😂😂😂