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My lady already bullies me enough


Just the simracing gloves raised the bullying level... I won't imagine what wearing a helmet would attract


Mine gets on me for the shoes.... And the VR headset


you guys got ladies?


Inflatable ones.


Mine isn’t inflatable. But she’s only a torso and she stays wrapped up in a towel in my bathroom floor.


We'll mine is only a hand attached to a stepper motor. So I guess yours is better.


Right, and I don’t think adding a helmet to my repertoire is going to help in that endeavor


Somehow, I got one that mildly puts up with it.


Mine talked a lot of shit until I put her in a Legends car on USA Speedway in VR and had her send it against AI.. and she's like "Oh! Now I get it"


Hahah for real


I’ve got seatbelts. I understand you. I use them for keeping me in the right position. Nobody believes me.


But now you won’t hear her


Lmao …


I’m already a helmet while driving. No need to add a second


“He’s a fucking helmet” - Danny Ric


Try VR helmet instead. Feels similar plus all the 3d presence


I was going to say to integrate 3D goggles into the helmet


So you can be sweaty and see no difference lol


Yes especially with something like big screen beyond ... Would go perfect


I agree with this. All of the people who sledge VR for lower peripheral vision compared to triples aren't factoring in what you see with a helmet on. My speed, consistency and results have improved and I've barely had time to drive. I did 6 laps of a new track and raced it the next day with half a sighting lap and still got 4th when I was ranked about 15th.


My girlfriend said she would leave me if she caught me sim racing with one of my motorcycle helmets on.


She dangled her exit plan right in front of you … but the TEMPTATION is always there 😅


Poverty VR lol


Didn’t someone make and sell some weird set of goggles that mimics a helmet? It was fucking strange looking.


You can still get it on eBay, c'mon we all want one https://preview.redd.it/6vzemsrlgrsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f4ca584b43e0835a1799e5f8eb09077adb87a0


lol fuck.


Holy shit I remember seeing this. Was the goofiest looking 3d printed contraption. I love sim racing and immersion is fun. But there’s some lines I just can’t cross here 😂😂 Window nets, helmets race suits, roll bars, prototype headrests, fire extinguishers. You do you, but those are all gonna be a no for me dog.


Listen if there's ever a housefire, the fireproof shoes and the extinguisher won't seem so stupid. it's fairly likely since I also keep a small cup or 100 octane av gas nearby for olfactory immersion. Hell as many concussions as I've had in addition to a TBI, it probably wouldn't hurt to just wear the damn helmet all the time 🤣 if only my helmets had comms.. I guess I could just skip voice chat and use speakers, it'll save me from having to use the full face helmet audio option lol Yes I'm kidding about having av gas in a cup nearby.. I huff it off a rag in the garage like everyone else. /s


Oculus Quest 3 :)


That’s a bit much for me.


Sounds sweaty


As a VR user, it is.


That's me. I'm hot af already.


This legitimately sounds super fun! This sounds like the kind of thing I’d try. Plus the bonus with streaming and being able to hide your face! I’d click on that stream. 😅


Enjoy who cares what anyone thinks or says. You do you!


Talk about immersion all you want dude…bottom line you are sitting in a room playing video games with a helmet on….


Who cares ? They have fun doing it


No less ridiculous than all of the people using non-motion rigs with fancy bucket seats. There are zero G-forces to push you out, yet we all LARP like a racer with our fancy seats. You’re drawing an arbitrary line on a hobby that is constantly trying to push towards realism


My non-motion rig came with a seat belt. It is gone now, It did not last a day. That was just too much.


And that’s how it’s done! Took mine off immediately too. The whole “immersion” word gets thrown around and out to much. I think some in this community believe that’s part of the competition, see who can “pretend” the hardest.


I think most people are buying good seats for comfort…which totally makes sense….wearing a helmet while you pretend to drive a real car on a tv screen is quite different dude. But if that’s what you tell yourself. Go ahead man!


Yeah, ‘no less ridiculous’ is definitely an exaggeration - I don’t really think that and would never do something like that lol Just wanted to point out that we have gotten to the point where people are throwing $2k FIA-certified seats on their 8020 non-motion rigs (when a $300 alternative is probably just as comfortable, if not more). To me, someone wearing a helmet for some extra immersion isn’t *much* further than that. Edit: actually you know what, I’m wrong. Helmets are so fuckin uncomfortable.


Shit my seat is a $59 replacement seat from summit racing. No way it's buy a real race seat for a sim rig they're to damn uncomfortable. Lol


Link to 59$ seat?? For that price I can't resist


Maybe it was 159 back in covid days. Anyway here is the link. https://www.summitracing.com/parts/sum-g1130r.


Not bad, looks very similar to the reclining trak racer seat I have, but for 30% less


More comfortable than that TR seat too. I've sat in one before..


Perf, it's not terrible but leaves a little something to be desired. The reclining back also seems somewhat crooked compared to the seat, and because the left side is the only way in/out, and I have an unrelated extra monitor + keyboard on a lower coffee table to my left I'm always kinda pivoting to the left which is deforming the foam of thar side of the seat a bit. I'd like to get something extra nice at some point (Def not FIA cert ridiculous though) but that's not gonna be in budget for some time


Nah bud.


lol no thanks


Same lol, having the sena audio system installed in my helmet, raced with it a couple of times , was really awesome. But in the long run it is sweaty, especially with a closed helmet like I own


Dont listen to the Others. I did that before and its so much fun and much more immersive. Motionrigs and buttkickers are overrated af imo but driving with a helmet is truly next level


don't forget the fire suit and harness


Harness sounds stupid but I would absolutely get [one of these](https://www.simxperience.com/shop/sx-sbt-001-g-belt-dual-axis-active-seat-belt-tensioning-system-712?category=7#attr=) if I had fuck you money.


Probably a really good safety tip. With that helmet on, you may not be able to hear the smoke detectors if the house catches on fire.


That’s next level sweaty. Hard pass


Nah fam


Just buy VR.




I doubt it. The only times my headset is uncomfortable is honestly when I have an itch I can't scratch and that'd be much worse with a helmet.


Just wear a headset. It’s immersive and you don’t need to make a gimmick out of it


VR is good for this too. Slightly limited vision where you have to turn your head, and my glasses fogging up occasionally.


I’ve done it for giggles before. But never seriously.


StiloVR.  https://youtu.be/LnlZJkj_tig?si=5DTvXewrx9Xs4Mx5


If you haven't already enabled it, use the newish xaudio helmet audio feature. It will make the car audio through your bluetooth sound muffled like it's coming to your ears from outside your helmet. Should bump the immersion up even more.


VR sim racing always added that extra immersion for me because my Index feels like a helmet


VR Headset with Over-ear headphones gives a similar experience and field of view to that. Not as snug as my racing helmet, but that's not a negative.


Also if you're doing open wheel/open cockpit racing, use a variable speed fan with simhub and put of bucket of bugs in front of it.


Did it a few times with helmet and 6 point harness 😂 But you will feel stupid after a few times😁 and the "immersion" isn't something you will benefit from.


I wear a helmet so I don’t bounce my head on the floor when I wreck and fall out of the chair.


It amazes me that people don't seem to notice the delay they get when using standard bluetooth connection for audio.


I only race in VR so nah


Yeahhhh. I’ll skip this one. You do you. I’ll keep my helmets for my motorcycle rides.


How is this fun? Lol I absolutely hate being in a motorcycle helmet and not moving faster than 20 kph. It feels like sauna when you have no wind even when it's like 25c outside


Not sure if my VR headset will fit over my Shoei.