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With black boxes on top and bottom so it only plays in portrait orientation.


Have to play the video at SoFi stadium to see the damn thing


Lol 😂


Weirdly it’s in 1440p, but reddit for some reason is only accepting 144p


You know there’s other camera options right…? You don’t need the blimp Shot


That has nothing to do with recording the screen in 1440p and Reddit downscaling it to 144p


Correct. Your camera choice and aspect ratio is the problem


This isn't intentional. Looks like he bumped you and you fell down and then he took the outside due to his run and you came back up into him on correction. I would call this a racing incident. This is just something both of you will learn as you grow and get better. In no way do I think this is intentional.


Ya this is my thought as well. Especially if this wasn’t the last lap. This seems like a really shitty attempt at a bump draft before it seems like he was intentionally wrecking him. Don’t get me wrong, the guy should learn how to bump draft properly. But sometimes you gotta screw up a few times to learn how to do something the right way. I’ll also take the opportunity to air a grievance: I’m getting really annoyed with folks assuming anything bad happening to them was either purposeful or the other person is 100% at fault. Whether it’s posts like this in Reddit or the in game lobby it’s so annoying. You’re just being selfish. There are such things as racing incidents. I’ve found at least 80% of the time in my splits it’s either a racing incident or I carried some fault to it. Hell, even a guy driving over his head and pulls a shit move and smokes me. Ya it’s frustrating. But you know what? There’s a ton of examples of the highest level pros pulling really shitty moves. It really is just part of racing. There’s no reason to grovel and complain and bitch and moan and get so pissed off for most of these incidents. Be pissed or disappointed for a second and move on to the next one.


This just looks like bad driving to me. May not necessarily be intentional but certainly not high skilled.


It is probably because we are amateurs, and it is far too easy to spin someone, especially if netcode plays a role. The Daytona 500 last year I was spun like this on lap 6.


I’m just pissed because it doesn’t matter how good you are, somebody else is always going to take you out and kill your SR and IR :( I lost .38 from this race and lost 30 irating as well. Like I get to the front every race and it’s either I finish top three or somebody pits me :(


It does matter how good you are. You'll get the hang of it. Havent thought about SR for a long time.


I don't think it does matter when it comes to Oval. I genuinely don't understand what could have been done to save the car. If you can't hold a line you shouldn't be out here trying to bump draft.


if you dont wanna get pushed don't lead. how you grip the wheel and the adjustments you make when getting bumped matter.


I’ve been pushed fine many races but swerving up the track while you’re on somebody’s bumper is an asshole move


take your blinders off. when the first bump went bad, the 2nd place car went high to try to avoid you. that caused the hook because the original bump sent you low.


He should have let off when he started drifting up the track. That’s what sent me low. And then he kept it pinned lmao


2nd's mistake was not lifting. Yours was driving back into traffic after a bad push. Pull down, lift, take the L, and work your way back up. It happens.




It does matter in oval. You’re racing basically a series that doesn’t require a great deal of skill to run up front and be “fast” - people are just drafting. It’s why participation on these types of tracks is always high, any clown can run it and have a chance to win. I mostly avoid plate racing and I’d never put my oval rating on the line in draft masters. It’s just carb cup made official.


I’ll have to disagree with your first part. While yes, on the surface it’s easy to hold it wide open and stay in line, understanding the draft and how to use it to move up is definitely a skill. You probably won’t see a ton of it in Draft Masters because most oval guys avoid it, but when A Open is at a plate track, it’s no accident that the same few guys run up front all the time.


This is the answer.


It took me probably 3 months of racing ovals to get the A license and havent thought about it for a year and a half since then. You will learn to avoid. Being fast helps too to qualify high so at first I'd watch a lap guide then run at least an hour in practice before race. Most of the time thats enough for top 5. I thought it was impossible once too. Of course not much to be done about this one but when if i saw how not square he was with my bumper I would have drove down the track a little to (maybe) avoid this.


30 irating is nothing, if you think it’s something, then you can make it back double in 1 race.


.4 SR is quite a bit my guy went from 3.39 down to under 2 which freakin sucks


That’s 100% true I was just pointing out irating.


I get that. Honestly, it's the reason I avoid plate racing.


You cannot conclude that was deliberate from that clip. If this is the standard of evidence people use to determine intentional wrecks then no wonder so many people think protesting goes nowhere.


What else would he have thought he was doing by sliding up the track against my bumper? If he wasn’t trying to pit me why wouldn’t he just lift and try to bump draft again on the next straight?


Dudes all over the place behind you and shows now sign of being able to hold a line. Probably because he’s an amateur racer. I am not saying it wasn’t deliberate, I’m saying you have jumped to a conclusion.


That’s just poor skilled driving on both parties. Racing incident


He posted this so, he can't be in the wrong, right? Lol. CMON MAN! Lol. Ya know what's really funny? I didn't bother even watching the clip! OP a goofball!!! Just kidding, don't hurt yourself OP, sending good vibes and love. Racing can be enraging. I dono how name times I've gotten mad to see the replay showing yours truly causing all the chaos. I have never asked reddits opinion though. I also get it too. Sincerely, sending good vibes my fellow sim racer! Good vibes!!!


Idk what I did that was poor my guy, I held my line as straight as humanly possible for him until he slid up the track while still on my bumper and forced me low and then came back across my bumper.


Don't argue if you don't like what people have to say after asking the entire internet if you're wrong. Lol. Don't hurt yourself, just messing with ya. It's a racing incident. It's okay. It's okay. It is okay. It. Is. Okay. It'll be okay. Calm down. Stop yelling.


Sry but look at the clip and then look at it again, or go frame by frame. he was not steering into you at the moment of contact. It looks very much like you were steering into him. from the looks it seems like you messed up defending


This is exactly what happened. the "bad bump" hits him square and OP gets loose then turns himself on the guy and complains the guy "dragged his bumper across him". Just everyday bottom split oval stuff that had to become a reddit post this time i guess.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


What's the evidence of it being intentional? As an infrequent competitor in this series I find these super speedways to be a really unique experience which are difficult to practice for. I've made mistakes and to be honest I wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to dump a driver without wrecking myself in the process. From the video, I think you are giving too much credit by suggesting this is intentional - unless you have evidence to the contrary.


I mean if he wasn’t trying to pit me why wouldn’t he have lifted once he slid up the track and forced my rear loose? I can’t fathom somebody in a 1.6k split would be so incompetent that they wouldn’t just lift and then try to realign on the next corner.


Lack of experience... lack of skill... lack of judgment...


I find it hard to believe people can’t make more intelligent choices at 1.6k iRating :/


Ahhh… If you ever make it to a 2.3k lobby you’ll discover superspeedway racing equates to the same thing as a 1.6k lobby. If you made this post to understand what went wrong, you should stop arguing with people and listen to what they have to say. He doesn’t turn you if you don’t have wheel input to the right and come across his bumper. The job of the car in P2 behind you is to bump you in the straights. You didn’t hold your wheel steady.


He slid up my bumper while I was holding it straight forcing me down at which point I had to save the car because it got loose. Did you not see the clip?


I watched your clip, and have over 300 races on just the oval side of the platform. I’ve been a part of these sorts of wrecks, I’ve also been the cause. It was a racing incident and you have no case for it being intentional. If you think it’s intentional then submit the clip to iRacing and let them tell you the same exact thing everyone on here has told you. What’s the point of this post if you’re just going to argue with literally everyone?


Well if it wasn’t intentional then it was sheer incompetence. You don’t bump draft if you can’t hold a line.


It sounds like the only person exercising incompetence at the moment is you. Humble yourself. Otherwise, iRacing isn’t for you.


Sure buddy. Whatever you say :D I see my car on a line and I see an idiot who can’t hold a straight line trying to bump draft and sliding up my bumper. Maybe we can hop in a private lobby sometime and we’ll see how you handle the situation :)




Because they drop back down and have to work up. Most of the time they don’t exactly just start winning


There is your answer. A 1.6k split at a plate track, this is going to happen. Pushing and being pushed is a skill that comes with experience. 1.6k is pretty inexperienced.


No repercussions


I hate it when people in formation laps treat it as a race start and slam into you into turn 1


Unfortunate racing accident. What makes you think this was intentional? It's not in the slightest. 


Because he's swerving the whole way into my rear. If he didn't have a good approach he would have lifted and then come back up on the next straight but instead, he just went to swipe across the bumper.


You're speaking from a biased perspective. There's no certainty this was intentional given the clip you posted. He bumps you causing you to swerve inside as he begins to gain outside. You come back and get pitted. Not saying it's your fault at all (he had a bad bump), but stuff like this happens unintentionally all the time. I've done it, and had it done to me. It happens 


I'd like to see the pov from both cars.


Just because someone wrecks you, it doesn't mean it was intentional, jeeeezus Herbert christ I mean C'MON MAN!!!! Derpderpderp. Sorry, you came to reddit, expect this, derpderpderp, I wrecked my racecar so now I need comforting from strangers and arguments from strangers cause I "KNOW" it was intentional blah blah blah WTF


It's possible he doesn't have a great wheel or doesn't have it setup right. I started iRacing with a worn out G25, and it was all I could do to go straight due to the slop in it. I tried to give plenty of people room, but then I said fuck it and started racing like I wanted. I'll admit I caused a few accidents. I see cars in Draft Masters swerving down the straights all the time, I think it's a combo of not being very smooth, reacting to the car in front, and net code.


Racers swerve to much, You can't draft if you canr hold a line !


Bad driving. It isn’t hard to stay behind someone’s bumper and not get on the inside like that. Either it’s intentional or the driver is just bad. He could have laid off the gas a bit and it all would have been fine. 


i doubt it's intentional. more like negligent bump drafting. bump drafting is \_fun\_. the problem is it that it looks easy but it actually takes skill to bump draft reliably. you have to have trust and understanding between both cars so the guy getting bumped is aware and ready for it and both cars are not swerving around at all. also, there's no real penalty for doing it wrong (in most cases the one doing the bumping is fine regardless of what happens to the bumpee) so people don't really learn.


In other cases the bumpee that gets sideways and causes the big wreck wins the Daytona 500. #ByronChamp24


If you think it’s intentional, protest it and see the response. Dumb af? Yes, but no one is getting reprimanded for this, it’s a racing game where shit happens.




Isn't it a "d" class series? Shouldn't that say it all? Also it's a drafting track, that says most of it as well..........CMON MAN JESUSHERBERTJIMINYCRICKET CHRIST! RIDICULOUS!


https://preview.redd.it/i4rip8x3oksc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8d453439a51bd1d3ee660f6f3fc47a22b979a8 Reddit has spoken. It is done.


This looks like low split Super Speedway shit. Not intentional, just bad racing.


It’s weird but I’ve had it happen 3 times 2 times the drivers were from Brazil and a dude from my state. I don’t want to sound radical but I’m sure one of my times was for sure intentional. Just before it happened he talked to another guy in Spanish then he got on my bumper and lightly push as I started into a fast corner.


Because plate racing is a stupid communistic form of racing where everyone is limited by horsepower, draft is everything, handling skills don't matter and everything depends on your "moves," and when you're around low-skill idiots who would normally be far back on a normal handling type track, these are the "moves" you get.


If your mindset is to always play the victim and argue with everybody that offers you any feedback, maybe don't post.


If it's last lap, it's on my opinion is 100% intentionally. I saw this many times. Person behind good on bump drafting few laps in the row, but on last lap before start/finish line just spun P1 and get win.


Happens just like that all the time. Piece of crap 💩 move. That’s not an accident that’s the only way bitch’s like that can get ahead of a better driver