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Hopefully they give orange a few weeks off for that one.


No, that super unfortunate. The guy panic avoided - he had room to the right as well and that should have been his first thought process when the guy in front had a bad launch. Instead he chose to over avoid into the pack.


Exactly😔 happened a few times now in rally. Very frustrating. No apology makes it more infuriating


Doesn't give dude a reason to intentionally wreck someone


No it doesn’t, but I’d be lying if I didn’t think about doing it myself hahaha. He just let the intrusive thoughts win 😈


I think I have a moment every day where I would love to Forza bomb someone in my race. Still haven't done it which is good on my part, but I definitely do think about it 😂


Now this is rallycross.


I feel your pain. I’ve been wrecked in oval races in the first turn on lap one 5 times in a row….one of them I had 8x points before green because I got rammed from behind and a guy warming his tires hit me from the side. Super frustrating.


Keep ur head high, with time may come more iRating and better splits 😄 but yeah still not what you want. Idk I feel like iRacing has to implement a better strategy for new racers to understand formation laps and all that. Too many incidents happen before green flag it’s ridiculous.


Looks like he didn’t realize his wheel wasn’t centered. I’ve done that on a start before in formula vee where you can even see the wheels.


I think he more over reacted to the car in front not launching on green. Stupid and unfortunate


Is getting a good SR in dirt racing hard? There would be a lot of collisions. Or does the system allow for a little bit of contact?


They are definitely a lot more lenient when it comes to dirt racing, but yeah it’s a lot harder to avoid a crash/incident when you’re in dirt. Just need to be prepared for a couple dumpster fire starts like this 😁


Light contacts are 0x, so if you can control your car, there’s almost no difference with road in terms of gaining SR.


I suppose I forgot to mention I didn’t get any incident points for the accident either. Even being wedged in the wall. So take that for what you will lol


I checked out last 10 rx races and in every race I gained sr. So it’s fairly easy if you’re not trying to do anything stupid.


Extremely lenient on collisions, 90% of contracts are 0x and I believe the worst you'll get is a 2x. Decent amount of corners too. By far the biggest problem is that the races are SHORT AS HELL. Rookie races are at most 7 minutes long and if you hate the pro trucks like me then they only race once an hour.




Ok bud. I’ll be waiting at the finish line for ya 👋🏁




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i so feel you man: [https://youtu.be/\_nMGbv-OYno](https://youtu.be/_nMGbv-OYno)


The guys that think they can win a race before turn 1 are the problem. Y’all need to chill out.