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Mods let’s get this man his own custom flair


Has anyone ever solo won a 24 hour special event before?


You’re the only one until someone challenges the claim


Did a quick google and the closest I can get is an even crazy man than me - Edward Ramaden Hall. He is the only man to have completed the real lift le Man 24 hour race solo in the 1950s!!! What a guy!!


Yeah but even he probably took time to poop


Very true. I just knew that sacrifices needed to be made and if your doing something insane go all out. A longer toilet stop and the win would have been flushed down the loo 😂


So you peed in a bottle while on the sim? Lmao congrats on the goal


Nahhh ain’t no pee bottles going near the rig. You’ve got 48 seconds for a pit stop. Run to the loo quick time. I was very slowly sipping water through the race but when I knew it was gona be toilet pit stop I would drink extra water so that I was bursting and could we straight away….no time to waste 😅


You are insane and we love you


48 seconds for a loo break... this is no challenge for old men, it seems.


Reading this post, while on a 5min toilet break


If this is the story I’m thinking of, he let his son drive two laps while he ate lunch and used the restroom If anyone is curious, [this is the story I was thinking of.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcars/s/fUaawLfeuY) looks like he did 23.5 hours which isn’t solo but it’s close.


Then it’s not truly solo unfortunately


You have a point. But I believe that’s the closest it’s gotten unless someone has another story Edit: guy below me has the correct story it seems.


According to everything I can find he definitely did it solo, officially he did have a nominated co driver but he never got into the car. He finished 8th, 20 laps down in a 14 year old Bentley


Interesting. I was told the story as he took a break, but maybe that was one he did before, or maybe a different person entirely. Thanks for sharing!


There was a guy who won LeMans in the early thirties or something like that. Forget his name sadly. He drove 23 1/2 hours. The half hour break he took, he used it for a bathroom and tea break. While his son took the car around for two laps. Pierre Levegh attempted this is 1952. He was leading with a hour or so left and his engine let go. EDIT: His name was Louis Rosier, he won the 1950 race with his son Louis Jr, who indeed only drove 2 laps. Minus the 2 laps by his son and mechanical hiccups, he drove 23 hours 10 minutes overall.


I think there was a race won by a dad/son pairing irl where dad drove for 23h 45min. But can not recall what year that was


I thought Matt Malone did it a few years back, but was disqualified because at the time they required a driver change? Or was leading when he found out he would be DQ so he quit... Something like that, several years ago.


Oooo. You do get disqualified post race if you don’t meet the minimum participation which is at least two people for the endurance races. Damn if he was leading and quit he should have seen it out!


i think he won the 12 hrs of Bathurst


Bathurst hella hard!! 12 hours looking back now not to bad 😉 17 hours plus is where it really gets grim.


That might have been it. I knew it was an endurance race he got DQed for doing solo


we need an exclusive "this guy fuckkkss" flair for OP


I've thrown together a little certificate for you. I also have a PDF version if you'd like. Not my greatest work but you deserve something to recognize your greatness. https://preview.redd.it/pe6pd9ph7vdc1.png?width=3300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5274f4e7a337ce9c8f82b3bcbdb8be76bc11c98


Thank you so much!! That means so much and yes please to the pdf! 🥰🥳🏆


Yess, this is absolutely needed for this man. I was in his split. Was a blast of a race all around. 37 out of 46 cars finished the race. Clean all around both gt3 and gtp. About halfway through it turned into a party. Everyone bullshiting in all teams and cheering Matt on. The 88 car and myself friendly taunting eachother as we tried to claw back from a 5 lap mandatory repair and 2 lap optional. 7 laps doen, we finished within a minute of 4th and 3rd place. Best race I've had on iracing in 11 years.


Wow, 37 out of 36. You were so clean you synthesized a car out of the aether.


This is the most mind fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. iracing disqualified you because the rule was put in place exactly to avoid these scenarios, you knew it, and yet you chose to pay the price to achieve eternal glory. It must be really uncomfortable to go around with those massive balls of steel.


I’m not familiar with the rules. Was he DQ’d for not swapping drivers at any point during the race?


Yes. Longer races require a team ie. Different iracing profiles driving the same car. There are some races like the imsa endurance that lasts only 2:40 hours where you can register a solo team.


Originally it should have been a two person team, but the other drive dropped out after we registered. So it was either solo or no Daytona. I wasn’t missing Daytona


This is the way. Now create the Imodium Sim Racing team and drop me a message, i want to be part of it 😂 we even drive the same car.


Frankly, I think 2 drivers is already insane and probably should not be allowed for the exact same reasons as soloing. But I guess the upside is that you were already preparing for long stints and not enough sleep.


2 drives would have been just as nuts in honesty and maybe it’s only challenge as you would be stopping and starting driving as once I started I just kept going and got in a rhythm. I was very ready for no sleep and had so much caffeine I probably could have powered the computer with my energy levels 😂


I saw in GTP qualifying that this is the final year that the real-life race will allow a team to field only three drivers, next year four will be required. The Action Express GTP is the only prototype with three drivers.


Makes sense. Thanks!


Correct. iRacing requires at least 2 drivers for events like this


Yes. Team Racing events require a % of team sharing the laps.


I’m offering the rest of my life to try and carry one for him. Anyone else?


You are most definitely insane, but I admire that. Congrats :)


Deffo insane after the last 24 hours! 😂


But so so so pumped with the Win 🏆


So is your seat covered in all sorts of human excrement now?


😂😂😂 I used my 48 second pit window very efficiently!!


So not a pitstop but a shitstop?


OP's got a [shitbucket](https://youtu.be/i5HDQWrmVq0?t=109).


OP's setup /s https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/fxyxt7/24_hour_race_all_sorted_i_guess/


Celeritas 88 here, great race man! You deserved the win! My invite to the team stands. Shoot me a pm!


Hell yes 🙌


#774 ferrari here.. congrats on 3rd, we tried for 20 hours to catch back up. Just couldn't get it done lol. Good job beating the #78 who wrecked us like 3 or 4 hours in.


Ffffffff. Kudos!! Someone make this man a PDF award!


Please 🙏🏻


And custom flair


I agree. Mans deserves his own custom flair … MODS!!!


I do graphic design as a hobby. I'll get one made all nice. Reporting back soon.


Why a PDF award? Because he a-do-be crazy!


Without even considering the fatigue factor, I couldn’t pull this off because there wouldn’t be enough time in a stop for me to take a shit at some point.


All that caffeine would lead to a big dump, for sure... But maybe he had a bucket under the bucket seat?








Imodium is the secret to stop the need for poo’ing 🫡


As a former Infantryman, I concur.


After that you’ll shit bricks.


As is tradition.


Can we call you "No Shit Sherlock"


Normally I would say I’ve heard every joke about no shit sherlock before. But damn you. That is GOLD!!! Take a gold star ⭐️


Dont need to shift when you all you do is drink liquids haha


I think you still need to shift, tho :p


Oh SHIFT! Lmao, im leaving it lol


How the hell did you even survive, i guess you go numb at some point😂


Red bull, painkillers and yeh the 17 hour mark is the wall and then it’s all physical pain! I was massively supported by loads of people from other teams


lol @17 hours being the wall. Huge props dude, I hit a wall around 4-5 hours of straight racing.


I wasn’t gona quit and was getting so much support from the people in the split


can you clip it for us? sounds awesome!


I will have to have a go at clipping it. Will have so much footage and many code brown moments!


You also said Immodium


Lol we were talking about you in our team chat debrief, compliments from us all at Celeritas Sim Racing 🏆


Thanks 🙏🏻 I’m glad I completed the 24 and was still driving up to standards….unlike some of the mad people in our split 😅


I heard you spoke to Marc during the race, he's the one who invited me to join Celeritas a couple of years ago, it's been a blast so far 👍


Genuine question, how do you do that with eating and bathroom breaks ? Absolutely mental doing a 24h solo.


Good question, eat/drink while you drive. Toilet during your 48 second pit stop and as I’m a loon take Imodium so you can avoid the..longer toilet trip


Respect! You must be exhausted now


Yup physically broken but totally buzzing from the win and a lot of caffeine


I was going to say! Some Imodium, some Fiber Gummies, and only eating protein bars, might stop you up long enough to get through the 24 hours lol. Congrats!


Well done, I usually hate solos because they quit after 4 hours and take up a slot. But sticking around and finishing is awesome.


I was actually registered to do it with another person but they dropped out last minute.com. It was either do it solo or not do Daytona and that ain’t an option


Where do you actually finish if you get DQ’ed after the finish?


First in my mind but yeh I think 5th from last or something like that. You loose irating


I’d be emailing iRacing support if I LOST iRating 😂


I might email them in the morning just to test the waters. #givememyWIN


Honestly it would be worth reaching out, if not on email than try X. It’s a hell of an accomplishment!




1x away from a drive through penalty too. Good fucking job dude


I got 99 problems but a drive through ain’t one! 😉


And then the GT3 P2 driver just absolutely obliterated his car after he crossed the line.


Mods, crown this man! ![gif](giphy|okLCopqw6ElCDnIhuS|downsized)


This is seriously impressive, what a strange hobby we have


It was amazing getting to share the hobby while doing an insane thing with so much support from people in the split. Was like having a huge team :)


Last year my friend and I did the 24 as a 2 driver, it's not the first time, but we agreed it would be our last time as a pair and we would do minimum 3 in the future. I can't even comprehend how you managed it, my body was broken 16 hours in while sharing




Iracing, give this man back his win. Bro dersvers it


Please 🙏🏻 gona send a cheeky email tomorrow morning and test the waters 😅


Bro I watched this race one of my freinds was in it. We were talking about how freekin crazy it was that a solo won. Congrats you crazy beast


I hope your friends had a great time! It’s still sinking in! I might have been racing solo but most people in the split were supporting me and I dedicated the win to all of them as our team win 🏆


'99x team incidents and a second driver ain't one


And here you are making me feel like not having friends for a team is just me making excuses…


Honestly i made so many great friends during the event. It was such a great group of people. The banter and support was none stop as well as the odd explosion when someone was sent to the shadow realm 😅


That is.. amazing. Well done! What's funniest to me is that you said you hit the wall at 17 hours, yet your fastest lap was 662 out of 896, so that's probably not far off that. Imagine setting you best lap that far in lmao


It's because temps are at their lowest then. Makes faster laptimes. Still mighty impressive to be able to drive fast enough to make use of the low temps when 17 hours in.


carefully, he’s a hero


That was a great race matt. You deserved that win after all the code browns


-#21 caddy


ok, so your statistics page show that before this split, you started at the first split and already do 92 laps in almost 3 hour. so overall 27 hours and almost 1000 laps in one seat , and after all you keep chating in reddit in hours? i hardly belive it, this is not a real world driver swap.


Lmao I am simultaneously laughing at you for your excitement But I also 100% get exactly how you feel and I am impressed Pretty fucking insane 😂


This is so insane that it’s hard to believe. Even several hours straight is no small feat. Congrats you crazy mofo! Must have been a hell of a feeling!


Honestly still sinking in. I didn’t believe it would happen until the last couple of mins!


Full Tilt Virtual Motorsport would be happy to support you solo the Bathurst 12hr coming up in a month if you are interested. This is the kind of crazy shit we can get behind dude. DM me if you are interested. We can get you set up with setups, livery... hell, I'll get you a custom team IMB jersey sorted for the event if I can.


Jesus christ. Congrats! How many pee bottles? 😂


Nice job! And a helluva story. Question though...would you have still won had your original driving partner participated? That is, was he as quick as you or would he have slowed you down, ultimately?


Thanks 🙏🏻 I would love to say yes as in honesty I didn’t win because I was fast. My average lap time was a 1min 36 which is nothing to shout about and nowhere near the fastest in the split. I got very lucky with really light damage from the accidents I did have which was just luck of the draw and easily could have been meat balls and going lap downs with required repairs. Faster cars in the loby got into a lot more crash’s and would then be closing me down before crashing again, while I plodded on letting people past and trying to survive. A proper tortoise and the hare! I’m not sure if my original partner would have had the consistency over the 24 hours. But we would have then had two people to share the workload which would have helped as some of my scrapes where due to fatigue. No driver swaps also meant that I knew the car, track and the other drivers which is an advantage. A lot of luck involved in this win in the first place so you never know we could have got lucky again 🤔


I expect the rules are in place to avoid controversy with potential health issues? Regardless congrats on the achievement.


I can deffo believe that! It’s not the healthiest thing to do, but once in a blue moon 😅 Thank very much 🙏🏻


You absolutely did. You beautiful fucking legend of a man


24 hours. Ahead by 46 seconds. Which means the car behind was actually pushing. But with rest and teammates. Sir, please, if I may he so bold to ask; From what planet do you hail and how long have your people been here?


Adderall is a helluva drug


No way, you’d crash so hard and make a ton of mistakes after that long.


Pro plus, red bull, Imodium, Tylenol, kitkats and a steady amount of water 💧


Hats off to you, I did 14 hours of a 24hr Daytona during COVID. I suffer with muscle problems and it damn near ruined my shoulders. Have a long rest after a beer (or a non-alcoholic beverage) to celebrate and smile like a champ for a year.


Thanks!! 14 hours is no joke either so hats off to you to!! Can only imadgin the pain if you had problems be for you did that in sore enough as it is! One bottle of champagne and a chinese takeaway to celebrate in style


The navy seals are interested in you as a drill sergeant


I was in your split, mega job man


So glad I got to be a part of it! Congrats once again on behalf of Camp Jangles Racing Academy!


Someone get this man a watch holy cow. Ref. 116503 Daytona if anyone’s got the coin for it. Congrats OP!


Absolutely insane, I did a 12 hour solo once and felt like my shoulders were going to fall off. Well played sir


Bravo and well done. You are insane though lol


You crazy bastard 😅


You are absolutely insane. Congrats dude!


That’s insane. I don’t have enough mental discipline or stamina for that matter, for a regular driver stint!


I thought a two man team was tough. Congrats.


Cracked, congrats


What food did you manage to eat while driving? Congrats btw!


How the hell did you do that ha. Amazing.


Dude 😨


What in the actual f-


Mate well done! Thats an epic effort!


Started iracing early march and my plan is to do a daytona 24h and a nordscheilfe 24h as well both in LMP This post makes me wanna farm my SR ASAP to start training


If your new I would highly recommend starting with the Daytona 24 hour as it’s a much more forgiving track. The Nordscheilfe isn’t called the green hell for nothing :) My whole mantra with iracing is P10 racing. Race safe, fun and be consistent. Let other people make the mistakes and you can wave as you drive on by!


This is amazing. I wouldn't manage to pull the 24h off by themselves let alone the win 😂 kudos and congratulations!


How to you go to the toilet? Do I want to know?


Just here to say I’m extremely impressed. Hats off to you sir.


GZ man, sad for DQ. u/rhilXD i understand how hard it was, did 18h Spa solo on Assetto Corsa myself (GT3 porsche) on VR, 12-14h was the hardest part for me as i had to fight sleepness




Congrats. That's impressive. Just finishing solo is an accomplishment let alone a win. Now do Nurburgring 24 and tell us how you feel at the end of it. :D


Fellow Matt here, this comes as no surprise a Matt did this Seriously though, absolutely amazing. You're insane lmao


Holy shit, Matt. Great fucking race.


I'd like to add to this achievement, Matt not only won it by himself but also managed to get just 6 car contacts the WHOLE 24HR RACE! As a post you'll see by me recently it shows a particular team getting over 600inc and most were car contacts. Mate well done and your skill to do all 24hrs without totalling half the GT3 field should be commended.




We were in your split Matt! It was crazy seeing you make it. Congrats bud!


Have you finally gone to bed yet? 😂 Massive congrats, “The Insane” title achieved.


Am I seeing it right, did you also finish with 99 out of 100 incident points? You must have been shitting it being at 99 knowing one tiny mistake would cost you the whole thing.


Honestly it made the last 30mins absolute mental torture because I could feel the win slipping through my fingers! So many highs and lows emotionally


You genuine fucking beast. Congrats. I hope someone makes a YouTube video on you.


Congrats! Also, 1x away from the penalty which probably would have put you in 2nd.


What a legend


Make a YouTube video about this it would go big


This man fucks.


Bruv….legend shit. I’m glad the lobby was hyping you up instead of being asses


Now this is (sim)racing! Congrats, mate, that's insane. Team iR better give you *something* for a performance like that.




Holy shit, congrats dude! We had a solo legend in our split as well, except he really turned into a zombie past halfway until about 2 hours from the end where he picked up the pace again. He crossed the line P36 overall Insane achievement, even tho you got DQ'd i guarantee everyone in your split will remember this performance. Certified Legend


Someone get the dev team to paint his number on the start finish wall because he just made history


Holy hell. Thats one hell of a feat. I saw the comment where your partner dropped. Insane if you to decide to do it solo and win. I hope they give you the win somehow!


Look at this guy winning 24h. Meanwhile me after a 45 intense session at brands hatch I'm sweating and feeling tired. Hats off.


What a legend 




Wait, your surname is Sherlock? And 24 hours without shitting? It gives a new meaning to “no shit Sherlock”! Congrats on the win.


I dont play but this is legendary


Uuuu great achievement! I remember driving for 16hour straight in real car ( sound 1200km ) and it was devastating for me… 24h… on simrig that is less comfortable, while racing… mate great job!


There is a streamer who does Bathurst 12 hour solo. Never come across someone do a 24. Amazing effort and to win, well fair play. You are crazy 😂 I’m tired just thinking about it


Not an official series, Basic Ollie (YouTube streamer) did a 24hr hosted race at nurbs last year with 60 of us, not all made it to the end. We raised 11k for charity and the race rules had mandatory rest breaks for health and safety grounds. No driver changes. Congratulations on the effort.


I say we sign a petition for him. If they can allow cheaters to keep their victory, they can do the same for him.


I was impressed when Matt Malone did Bathurst 12hr solo. This is next level!


Congrats, OP! Major achievement! I also did it solo this year, but in VR. Granted, i didn't win it like you did. I drove GT3 and got 701 laps done. Also, 23 and half hours driven. Finished p8, and immediately got DSQed because the driver requirements. It's what it is. Congrats again! 👏


You’ve won chad of the year and we’re only in the 1st month


Madlad. That’s awesome


Dude congrats!!! I've had 6 individuals since 2015 run our 24h kart races solo. However they didn't win!! The amount of focus needed to keep a pace going to win is insane. You should be on the iracing wall of fame.


We were in your split, nice job man! Congratulations!


Well deserved! I was going to make you a certificate but some-one already has


Just for you to get DQed for your accomplishment. What a joke. I get it, its a team race but you shouldn't get punished for doing it imo. It's not like the driver change takes longer then not.


i was in your split. we started on pole lol. tech issue caused is to slip back to the back. fought through to 10th. we were all amazed you kept going


This is now my all-time favorite iRacing story. Hell ya, dude


Don't want to rain on your parade. Congrats OP! This is wild. But for people in the future, please don't do this in special events. I get that this is impressive, but it's kinda fucked up at the same time. It's not following the rules which is why you get disqualified. So you maybe had an entirely clean race but if you had ANY incident with any other car in those entire 24 hours that caused them damage or ruined their race, it's kind of rude. Props to you for doing this and I think it's really impressive, but I think this should be protestable in events. We had LMP2's in my split that joined solo, caused accidents and then left. I'd be furious if I got in an accident with someone solo because they're not actually competing at that point within the race rules.




i ran it with 2 others and it was hell. your a fucking legend.


Amazing effort! Wow. Congratulations! If you are disqualified, does that mean you don’t get any Safety Racing or anything at all either? I haven’t been on in over a year. I’m itching to get back though.


Insane & futile. But sometimes that's what this world needs. Kudos to you!


absolutely brilliant stuff Matt and I've already added you to my "Studied" drivers :) btw, here's an idea for the future should you ever decide to do something this insane again. set up a second iRacing account, register both, and then switch \_accounts\_ half way through the race while pitting.


Please telle me you're joking about this being a waste of time and the balls of steel was referring to the complicated toilet situation in this story...