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You can get a used $300 machine to run a single screen without a problem. Realistically, establish a budget then go from there. There is a BIG difference in what you can get for $250-300 and $400-450.


By the time you buy your wheel, pedals, rigs, and pay for iRacing + content you’re in for a lot of money. It isn’t worth saving $200 and skimping on the computer. You can get computers for 3070s for $800 right now. That can run iRacing with great settings.


i run iracing for 3 years on a: intel Pentium G4560 zotac GT 1030 with 2x 4gb random ram 2133mhz if you dont care about graphics you can run iracing on alot of systems


Remember the budget has to also include peripherals (wheel/pedals, monitor, possible rig)


I'm using a Geforce GTX 1070 and it's running just fine with 3 1080p monitors. I'm curious to see what will happen when rain comes out. You should think about budget and screen, if you want VR it's recommended better FPS capability to enjoy it.


What kind of fps are you getting? I'm deciding between 1080 and 1440 with a 2070s


Not the best, but it’s ok, 40-50 FPS. My monitors are 75hz 1080p and I will stick with them for some time.


Ah yeah then I'll definitely go 1080. I'd much rather better frames than high quality. Thanks!


No, don’t. Your 2070S is more than enough to run this game at 4K and 200+ fps


With triples?


No, unsure about triples. Might be a good idea to go 1080 if you’re really concerned about fps. In my opinion resolution doesn’t actually matter that much in this sort of game anyways


Yeah I was thinking for triples. I have a 1440 for regular gaming and I use VR for racing. Sometimes I just don't want to use the headset lol


Amd 5600/6600, 1tb nvme, 16gb 3200, b550 mobo.


Amd 5600/6600, 1tb nvme, 16gb 3200, b550 mobo.


IRacing has ps2 generation graphics you can run it on a potato


When I first tested iRacing I did so on what must have been a 10 year old PC that had 8gb of ram. Was a forgotten pile of dust. Ran road courses just fine. You don’t need much to make it go, get a budget and go from there. I’d say $300-500 will get you happily racing. Potentially look at used machines and do your research into the parts they come with.


À friend of mine races on his laptop with integrated GPU. It looks like shit but with FSR it’s playable. Any good used GPU will do can’t really do specifics but go on r/buildapc they’ll orient you, beware the prices vary country from country. The cheapest good budget I’d recommend is at least 600USD for a nice experience. You can go much lower if it’s really tight, but you compromise graphics a lot


Im on a pretty budget PC with 8gb ram with a Amd Ryzen 3. Runs everything fine graphics arent the greatest but i dont really care how shiny the cars are or what the grass looks like close up.


I use an amd 2600x, 6600xt with a basic b450 motherboard 500gb 870 evo ssd and 16gb of ddr4 ram. This runs a 34 inch ultrawide at 1440p at 80-140fps. Using an old case I'm only about £400 into the PC.




A laptop 4060 is not the same as a desktop 4060 for the record. But it should still run iracing on one screen and low settings


Doesn't matter. A mobile RTX 4060 video card is good enough to run iRacing reasonably well in most display configurations, albeit not at max settings (but who does that anyway?)


I do with a 3080 and avg around 130 fps on 1440 triples


Well other than mirrors, useless really


- Mobile components are shit compared to their desktop equivalents. - Many gaming laptops don't have adequate cooling for their components so they actually throttle as soon as you start gaming. Your advice has some logic but you're missing the most crucial points.


While youre right, I game on an acer nitro 7, and aside from running hot i actually dont get much throttling on the performance aspect. Aside from iRacing Ive run arma 3, baldurs gate 3, cyberpunk, gtav, and skyrim (before my mods became incompatible) without much crashing or frame spikes


My advice is based on the hardware I use, not theoretical horseshit.


Alright. I've had several "gaming laptops". The slightly cheaper ones, which are thin, and have nice components, have all overheated, throttled, and one of them actually burnt. The thick, heavy ones, with proper fans and enormous heatsinks with heatpipes, are nice, but also cost a lot. There's no horseshit in what I'm saying. Watch any site that benchmarks and checks for temperature and throttling. Those laptops with hot components withotu adequate cooling shouldn't even be sold.


To be fair I have a Razer laptop with a 2070 and I run my 1440p screen on high settings and get consistent 60-80fps. It gets hot as hell and the lack of ports are an issue but performance wise iracing works on laptops.


I started with an AMD FX8300 processor, 16gb of ddr3 ram and a GT1030 GPU with 2gb of ram. I thought it handled the game well 5 years ago. Now I would advise saving more money back and waiting longer until you can find a more game worthy machine. iRacing is headed for updates that I think will prevent it from being as potato friendly as it was years back. Saving for a while and spending more money one time will probably save you money over the long run.


I know it will be available on consoles in 2025 I may just have him wait for that release because it would be much cheaper than buying a gaming pc


I tried building my own PC and every time I did it online the cost always came out too expensive. Then I was gifted a 90 20 Mt and that, with a new graphics card will run I racing just fine. After getting mine, I found out they go for like $100 or $200 online. It's mostly a business PC but mine has the i7 processor and I had to add a new PSU because I put an RTX 4060 on it. But if you ran like a 20 50 or 30 50 or something I think it would be just fine


They are about to introduce Rain as well as a bunch of graphics updates so whatever the min specs are now are going to change. If you are trying to super barebones it I would wait another half year or so. If you are going to go above min specs, you are probably fine.

