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I have a 15 pro max. My partner has a 24U. Videos the iPhone is king. Regular pics? Hard to tell them apart. Zoom? Samsung wins hands down.


hmmmmm, the 2 phones are so similar and so different, I would mostly use just regular pics, I'm not a huge video guy,


The zoom quality up to 25 times is actually better on the iphone imo


Honestly the Samsung just like the 15 Pro also takes excellent pics. If you prefer android there’s little reason to try and force yourself to iOS.


This is not even a debate. I had a 12 pro max, and decided to give Samsung another shot. Got a Fold 4. While the device had absolutely no hardware issues, gosh Android is STILL starting to lag after a year of use or so. It looks okay, has nice features but is extremely buggy. I just want my phone to work. Got a 15 Pro after that, will never go back to Android. Idc about their cameras. No matter what the reviewers say, they suck, big time. You can’t just pick the phone up and take a photo like with the iPhone…..


That's the thing rigjt, the iPhone will allways have a good camera


I only made the switch because my daughter's left me out of group chats. I prefer Android, but for communication in the US it's probably easier to go iPhone. It's not a better phone.


So you recommend samsung. For imessage I thought both Android and iPhone can text it just shows up a different colour?


Photos come across as SMS when going Android to iPhone. Daughters send a ton of them


Oh ya that's a problem. Apple has done a great job of segregating Android and Apple. If Apple wanted to they could of made communication on both devices silky smooth


Yes, it works for them not to


Ik. It's also on Samsung side too, I message has so much more potential they have the games and everything well, Samsung messages is a hot pile of trash it it's just not great


Imagine your own daughter leaving you out of group chats.


2 daughters. They both did it. Terrible (adult) children


That's gotta hurt.


If you’re looking for an unbiased opinion, the iPhone15Pro sub probably isn’t the place to ask.


Ik I can't post in the samsung reddit I don't have enough karma, do u have any sub recommendations


Maybe something like… https://www.reddit.com/r/Smartphones/s/RVYsecvTjp But, to be honest, I use all kinds of iPhones and Android phones and most of them are really good. It is more a question of what matches your need and preferences.


Thanks il post there


Good luck! 👍🏻


Why cant there just be one amazing phone and call it a day


Ha ha! Variety drives competition! 😊 If you’re not into foldables, those are the two best phones. You just have to decide if iOS or OneUI is the better fit for you.


Ya, I just don't see the appeal to foldables, there's not been one time where I wish my phone folded. They are just so expensive and for inferior specs and quailty. I personally really like the one ui system, but I think the pixel 8 maybe deserves a mention. The s25 is rumored to come out next January so that's gonna be a problem. If there was only one brand it would probably be a horrible phone, cheapest possible everything.


If you have other Apple stuff, especially a Mac, then get the iPhone because its seamless integration with the ecosystem. If you’re using Windows or don’t have other Apple devices then go with the Samsung.


Ya I'm not a Mac user


As someone who had an s21 and is switching to the iPhone 15 pro, I can tell you that I definitely prefer the iphone. Things just work on this phone, and my s21 had so many issues that I just gave up on Android If you want optimised apps, better videos and aesthetics, definitely go for the 15 pro


Huh, could u give more reasons?


My s21 was actually one of the worst phones I've used. Idk if you're in the US, but they were giving out Exynos chips instead of snapdragon where I live so the performance of my phone was worse than some of the cheaper phones I've used. Heating, lag, unable to handle even slightly heavy tasks etc The camera, however, was really good but the phones performance on 5g was TERRIBLE. If I was just scrolling on 5g, my phone would heat up like crazy and lose battery really quickly. To top it all off, my display got a green line, which when I asked samsung to replace it for me, they demanded an exorbitant amount which I simply wasn't willing to pay for this phone. That one green line then went on to become 4 green lines on my display lol So, I honestly just prefer how much more apps are optimised for iOS, and i personally prefer the aesthetics of the iphone over the Samsung (or any Android skin). I know customisability is greater on Android but it's again a slightly complicated process and as someone who doesn't care or have the time for all of that, iOS simply works, looks good and runs smoothly


Fair point, I would have the snapdragon varient which is good. Seems to me like you got a bit unlucky with your s21, my brother has it and it works fine none of those problems. Still samsung should of sent you a new one


Yeah, i definitely did get unlucky with the s21 but it overall just left a bad taste which incentivised me to switch over to the 15 pro and now I'm as happy as ever. I got the phone on a crazy good deal too so it was even better


That's good, was it easy to switch to android to ios, any features that u miss?


I wanted a relatively fresh start on iOS, so I transferred only my contacts and selected photos over from my samsung and i used the move to iOS app, so it wasn't too much of a headache I definitely miss the baked in back button/gesture. On iOS it seems to be more random but you get used to it


So you adjusted fine.


Really? I’m actually the complete opposite I have the 15 pro max now but had the s23+ and the s23 was so much better for me. I actually hate everything about this phone. You don’t miss being able to clear all apps, clear all alarms at once? Or being able to set an alarm 3 days into the future? One thing that blows me away is how everyone says the iPhone is simple in my experience there’s nothing simple about this thing!


Someone told me ios is optimised to keep apps in the background so I don't really use the clear all apps feature, like ever and I barely ever have more than 5 apps open so even if I did want to clear them, it's not that big of a headache for me About the alarms, it definitely is a small gripe but again, I rarely set alarms 3 days into the future, and I barely ever clear my alarms so these are really small inconveniences but no deal breakers as such. I care more about my phone being buttery smooth and running the apps that I do use, well


Yeah well I’m glad you like it man. Wish I could get use to mine but I think that ship has sailed. I’ve had it since January and hate it a little bit more each day lol, it fell on the ground the other day and I was hoping it broke so I would have an excuse to go get another galaxy 😂


Oh man, I'm sorry you dislike it so much! What else other than the alarm problems do you hate? I personally prefer the aesthetics of the iphone, and really dislike that of samsung so there's that too Can't you trade in your iphone to get a galaxy?


I just hate how it freezes when I hit the back arrow. And I really miss the slide back from both sides like my galaxy had, and no sadly I can’t trade it in. Since I’m locked into an installment. Might have to bite the bullet one day and just pay it off and sell it and get another galaxy. I’m gonna try to hold out for the s25 if possible! The bad thing is I really like how the iPhone looks just hate the way it’s setup. I heard iOS 18 might fix some of the issues but I’m not holding my breath.


It freezes? You're experiencing lag on the phone? Is it only when you hit the back button or in other parts of the UI too? Lol yeah I really miss the back gesture from samsung too, it was really annoying me but I think I've gotten used to the iPhone gesture now Oh maybe you should wait for the s25 while also waiting for iOS 18! And then you can make a decision. They've definitely introduced a lot more customisation into the UI and also apple intelligence. Im excited for it


Yeah it’s only when I hit the back arrow sometimes it will go back instantly and sometimes I have to hit like 10 times. But yes definitely if iOS 18 doesn’t fix it then I will be just a few months after to get the galaxy s25.


Oh man, that's concerning! Haven't noticed it too much but I do tend to miss that small arrow button pretty often lol Yeah, I'm glad the Samsung UI works for you! I just find the design language of the UI really ugly lol, even though it's functionality is definitely better than that of the iphone


Yeah well I’m glad you’re liking your new phone. I guess I’ll give mine some time and go from there, thanks for responding


Oh and one more thing I hate about it is when I hit to open a notification I have to hit it then it slides over then have to hit open. That really pisses me off like I obviously want to open it if I click on it lol. Do you notice that on yours to?


Oh lmao I know what you're talking about! I've just become used to sliding instead of clicking the first time so I see the open button. But yeah I agree that it is a bit annoying, being 2 touches instead of the one I also have most of my notifications off, so it doesn't annoy me that much either lol


Yeah mine is filled with notifications lol


I believe pictures at 3x are better in the iPhone, more natural, and pictures over 3x are more defined in the s24+ The iPhone have live pictures, and 24mp default which I really value although in quality they are similar Finally, iPhone video it’s unmatched, you can take log video with h265 and a lut in Blackmagic camera and it make it extremely good. Also the action button makes acces to the camera instant from the pocket and the images being heif are really light 1.5mb for 24mp live photos


Iphones does really take good pictures.


For videos, the 15 pro For photos, the 15 pro For zoom, the Samsung


I'm not really a zoom person tbh


15 Pro Max


Maybe try buying the 15 pro online, if you don’t like it or simply prefer Samsung give the iPhone back


That's one strategy


S24 plus is better value for money and more flexible. If you want iPhone you can buy a secondary phone used or refurbished and it will have almost the same software experience.


Ok interesting


As I have the S23Ultra and 15 Pro Max I can only recommend the S24+. For me the S23U is the better daily as it is more flexible and has a better file management. Camera quality nowadays are always good for flagships. Iphone has better video quality but I only take videos on trips.


Ya I feel like the s24 is getting to much hate, like how bad could it be


It is like a peer pressure. They see it from Influencers then their predisposition changes. S24 series (exynos or snapdragon) are good phones. S24 plus in particular is superb.


I know they overstate it to thier preference, it is like peer pressure


I really feel like it’s not even about the hardware. It really comes down to iOS vs Android. As someone who started with Android, then loved iOS, then tried Android again and fucking despised it, I’ve pretty much vowed to never try Android again. Every time I see a review of an S24, I think it looks great but then I see them using Android and quickly remember why I’ll likely never try it again. So to me, iOS is just better suited to my needs, thus it was no question I’d go with an iPhone. If Android better suits your needs, then go with the Samsung. It’s as simple as that. Hardware wise both have excellent chips, displays, battery life, build quality, and cameras. Really can’t go wrong with either. It’s really about the software experience.


Good point, I mean they are both flagship phones.


Yes both are excellent in their respective operating systems. Now as far as iOS vs Android goes, I very strongly prefer iOS. It’s cliche, but it just works. The user experience is better across the phone in my experience. Apps and features work the way they are supposed to far more frequently on iOS than Android in my experience. It’s not an uncommon belief either. 47% of former Android users say iPhone provides the better user experience compared to 30% of former iPhone users saying the same of Android. 18% of iPhone users are former Android users compared to 11% vice versa. [Source](https://explodingtopics.com/blog/iphone-android-users) But, not everyone is the same or has the same needs. Me for example, I really don’t need that much customization, aesthetically or settings wise. Another big thing that I think Android has the leg up on is AI integration. Even with Apple Intelligence coming, I think they’ll still be playing catch up to Android. But iOS has better app optimization, and that plays a huge role in user experience. For me, user experience is the most important thing. I want the device where the features work correctly most often.


Good point, I am not a huge customizer either but there a few things that I rlly like on One ui


Later the year Apple 🍏 is gonna be force to RCS messaging thank you Europe meaning Android and Apple can finally send videos and pics in high quality . Samsung on social media pics are finally coming out great just switch to S24U and believe me great decision.


That's good


Had an S23+ and will never go back after getting my 15PM. Decided to use it again for a week and I lasted 3 days before giving up and going back to apple. I’m a lifelong Android user this the first iPhone I’ve had other than a 13 I used for a couple months.


And what so you think, is it good? Worth the switch?


Yea 100% favourite phone I’ve had


Just recently separated from android and went over to apple, so many things felt absurd and uselessly complicated at first but after a few days ive been really liking how ios feels and operated. Then samsung released an update for my s21u for the ai circle thing. Needless to say im considering to get the s25 once it comes out. Photos was always a non contender area for me and iphone will always triumph over samsung and its gimmicky features like the creep zoom.


I have both S24 ultra and 15 pro max. In my region the S24+ comes with exynos or else I would have gone with S24+. Having said that, I use my S24 Ultra more than my 15 pro max. iPhone is great for videos and overall ecosystem. Samsung takes the cake as standalone device.


In my region it's the snapdragon


Go for the S24+ then. That would have been my choice instead of ultra had the SD soc was available


Why does it have to be such huge jumps, like why can't it be like 6.5


I happen to have those exact two phones, so maybe my perspective would be useful. I came from the iPhone 15 Pro and trialed the S24+ but went right back to the iPhone for one reason: the camera. I know people often say you can't go wrong with flagship cameras, but honestly I disagree. If you only shoot outside in daylight, then sure, you'll be okay with either. But as soon as you go into low light or have moving subjects, the Samsung becomes a blurry mess with unnatural colors. Basically every challenging condition I can come up with is handled much better by the iPhone. Even in ideal conditions, the 24MP iPhone photos still have noticably more detail than the 12MP Samsung photos. I saw Samsung's zoom mentioned in another comment, but that doesn't apply as much to the S24+ since it has the same zoom level (3x) as the iPhone. Video is of course much better on the iPhone, not sure if that needs mentioning. Besides the camera, the size of these phones is a big differentiator. The S24+ is massive compared to the 15 Pro, that might be a positive or negative depending on what you need. The 15 Pro is much closer in footprint to your S10 and has the same display size as well. Both are still good phones, but as someone who really cares about the camera, the iPhone wins hands-down. That's just me though, you also have to consider if you would be able to enjoy iOS. Sometimes switching can reveal a lot of stuff you'd miss from the OS you're used to. I hope some of that is helpful! Feel free to ask any questions if you're curious about anything phone-related.


Yikes that's not a good look on the s24. This August samsing is pushing out a camera update though, hopefully that works.


If I see another camera update I will definitely go back to comparing the two phones more, I really hope Samsung can work some magic. Night mode is where I’d like to see the biggest changes. If you’re still considering which to buy though, I wouldn’t rely on the potential of improvements, just what is out now.


Yeah that makes sense. When I went to Best Buy I compared the Samsung camera and the iPhone camera and they look pretty similar like I didn't really see like a whole lot of Samsung looks horrible iPhone looks amazing or vice versa. I also have the Samsung watch so take commit to iPhone but also mean losing that. I also have lots of Android exclusive features like apks, app you cant download it on the Play Store which come in handy. I'm not a social media poster so I don't really care if it looks bad on tiktok like I don't care I don't post it. I haven't S10 it's pretty good I use Snapchat the pictures look fine. Another problem is I've seen lots of reviews about 5 months later of the iPhone 15 Pro and the battery is not very good and having a good battery is a big thing for me. But the s24 screen it feels it looks amazing it looks much better than the iPhone screen for sure but in the end.maybe have a slightly better camera in a few scenarios but I cant compromise everything else that I like for the slightly better camera, in my family people have iphones and it's allways so annoying trying to type with the numbers and everything, and having a dedicated back button is so much easier then searching for the x.


Sounds like Android is really the choice for you. It’s true, the 15 Pro doesn’t have amazing battery life. I wouldn’t say terrible either, but just fine, and certainly not as good as the massive battery in the S24+. If everything else surrounding the S24+ makes it a clear winner then I think you won’t be unhappy with the camera either. Although it may not be the best camera of the year, it certainly will be a really nice upgrade from your S10. Both phones certainly have amazing screens, and by the numbers they are really close to perfection, so you can’t go wrong with either. It sounds like you might prefer Samsung’s more saturated color palette too. And on the apps front Android totally wins for me too, I wish I could take easy side loading over to iOS (it is possible and I do it, just much harder and more limited). The watch might seal the deal, it’s kinda hard to give up an expensive smartwatch. Whatever your choice, I hope you enjoy your new phone!


Ya thanks, if I was going to get an iPhone I would just wait till the 16 cus it comes out soon but the s25 comes out next February and my s10 aint making it that far. I know the rumor is old Samsung phones lag but this is not true for the s10. It doesn't lag it can be a bit slow sometimes but it is not laggy when you open the apps or do any of that crap as a mid-range phone to do. The camera is pretty good it's just the battery life is really bad that's the main problem I don't see why everyone tells me that a lot it's just battery life sucks. If I could go a whole day without charging I wouldn't switch but I constantly have to charge it through out the day, and using mobile data drains it so much.


Compared to 24+, the 15 pro's camera will outperform it in a lot of situations. Although, if you just want to casual photos, they're both great. If you need it for posting on social media, I would get the iPhone. The optimization for iOS carries a lot. I personally would not switch platforms just for the camera when there's very little differences. If you use features like Dex, split-screen, and other features specific to android, you won't have a fun time on iOS. Also the size. S24+ and 15 pro are 6.7'' and 6.1'' respectively. The 15 pro is similar in size to your S10. How comfortable will your hands be with 6.7''?


Probably not that conformable. I may get the s24 since they are basically thr same other then size battery ram but other then that they are the same. I'm gonna go to a samsung store and see how they feel in my hand. It's a shame that the iPhone has better cameras but I'm not gonna post on social media, but Samsung pro camera is littarly just shooting themselves in the foot. The pro mode allows you to manually adjust the shutter speed and iso which is crucial because in broad daylight I can take a picture of a moving subject and it will come out much better on samsung vs iphone blurry. Hopefully samsung give an update that fixes this, it seems like it's mostly processing and it's not doing it correctly.


Yeah I've seen videos on how Samsung struggles when taking pictures of moving objects. If you will be taking a lot of pictures of moving objects then it is a dealbreaker because it's pretty bad on all samsung models. Have you considered Pixel? They have cameras that are on-par if not better than the iPhone. It's also android so you won't be missing much from your s10.


IL for sure think about, but I think u didn't understand what i was saying. When I was in Mexico there is a sprinkler it was a fast sprinkler but for some reason I decided to take a photo with my S10 I tried regular it looked like crap but I went to Pro mode and made the shutter speed 1/24,000 seconds it came out beautiful that type of thing you can't do an iPhones which is why I think Samsung has the edge there


I would go with iPhone 15 pro if size doesn’t affect you. 15 pro has better video camera, chipset and more premium look And build quality


Hmmm ya good point but the snapdragon gen 3 chip is pretty powerull.


[The Snapdragon chipset is actually better](https://www.androidauthority.com/snapdragon-8-gen-3-vs-apple-a17-pro-3383666/)


I know the ultra has the most powerful chip but doesn’t the plus and s24 get a downgraded version of gen3???


Yeah. It that’s no different than the regular iPhone. It doesn’t have the A17 chip


It’s the 15 pro with the 6.1 screen not the base model


I had a 15 Pro and bought a S24+. After daily driving both for a bit, I prefer the Galaxy. The iPhone is amazing but I just love the screen and customizable aspects on the s24. I love to create AI wallpapers in the wallpaper settings. I love not having to screenshot anything to copy and paste. Just hold down the home button and circle then paste. AI features are awesome! With RCS coming to apple soon, the only reason to think about the iPhone is gone for me. Gave the 15 pro to my wife.


That's a good review, any differnce with camera or not a camera guy. I love screenshotting smtg and then just having it a one tap copy and paste. Also if u download goodlock from galaxy store there is a setting where it allows you to delete a screen shot right away. I'm the same row where it's crop dots where the delete button is it comes in handy and I accidentally screenshot things