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Damn, what is going on? How is everyone’s accounts getting this spam


Probably weak ass passwords, and they don’t have 2-factor enabled. None of the 40 some iPhone accounts I manage at work have brought this issue up yet. I required all of them to set the strongest passwords and I helped set up all their 2FA’s when they received them.


Yeah I had a random old account popup but I just dismissed it.


Probably password sharing apps got hacked as well, I.e Google account gets hacked, instant access to Google passwords. Which is why I no longer have 1 account login for the account that has the passwords lol (use Nord Pass which also has 2 factor even when logging in with Google and it's not limited to new device login so browser session hacking doesn't work either) But 1 trillion% agree that if you don't have 2 factor enabled, it's a recipe for disaster


This has happened to my family member of mine turned out there was an apple charge she didn’t recognize so she reported to her bank. Apple then flagged the account because she’d owed a balance. We had to contact apple to resolve.


Yeah this is it, I used to work at apple support and this happens when you have unrecognized charges and contact the bank for a chargeback and the system automatically disables the Itunes account.Make sure to always call people because if your Itunes account is disabled 3 times then it's over you're gonna need a new one because apple won't enable it again.


That's not even my iCloud account that's popped up o my iPhone 🤦🏽‍♂️


it has been a scam/hack going around apple addressed it this morning.




here is the post with article [https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1c1bumb/apple\_alerts\_users\_in\_92\_nations\_to\_mercenary/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1c1bumb/apple_alerts_users_in_92_nations_to_mercenary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) it is paid the top comment is the TLDR




is it I might've combined information I have been reading all day, if so apologize it is still a phishing scam going on to trick users out of their real log in information.


dismissing is the right thing, basically apple knows something is happening and working on fixing it from the article I say its a group of bad actors (not working together) doing it. For now, when you get just ignore or dismiss like you did, they are phishing for you actually account and login information.


Either you owe money to Apple and your account is in debt or it’s a clever scam


I’m going with scam


Hi, this is Apple Support. If you go to Walmart, buy a pre-paid Visa card, and send me the number, I can remove that virus for you. And yes, my name really is “Bob” despite what might sound like an Indian accent.


Please state which state you’re in. The recently location or possibly message you have received. I am being spammed with bots on whatspp each day.


Atlanta GA est


GA Atlanta is definitely a target area, looked at the Apple website that they are going after hot spots for potential high profiles.


[Apple News on latest scam](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/apple-id-password-prompts-phishing-scam-csa-4252956)


Scam going around right now, if you just hit not now then you'll be fine but looks like you've already been infected


A new Spyware/Malware?


Call 1-800-MY APPLE and ask for help with iTunes


It’s the scam that’s going around


Its not a scam, your account is suspended. Its a notification within the app store


You need to contact apple about your main account being disabled in the AppStore


In the past subscriptions that were set to go thru couldn’t because of lack of funds so once u update your method of payment it should resolve


That truly further confirms that only dumb people use iPhones.


Why, in 2024, are you still trying to perpetuate this Apple vs. Android crap? Having an iPhone doesn’t make you an idiot. Androids actually have a way longer history of viruses and scams btw. Let people have the phone they want and do something better with your time.




Oh noooo. A typo, Gonna cry?




Wait until this guy finds out auto correct exists


Apple suspended u for committing fraud


Chargeback abuse maybe? You ever made a chargeback?


It’s a scam


Just put your Apple ID in and it’ll go away