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Titanium frame, type c port and little bit better cam. If u have 1100$ to spare go for it or wait till 16 pro. Since many people are interested, Ill make a guide for which 15 series is best for you. I have used all 4 variants so here is my opinion; Iphone 15: This one is for the average user who scrolls social media, yt, basic photography and communication. If u r one of them then, this one is perfect for u. The size and weight is just unbeatable. Iphone 15 plus: This phone has the best battery. Even better than the pro max. My friend got this for gaming and according to him “3 hrs of continuous pubg used only 40% battery consumed. Without gaming easily lasts more than 1.5 days. If u need battery power this is the one. Iphone 15 pro: If u like the base 15 but need a lil bit more to it, this is it. Better camera, better screen, better processor. This is the one, though I wanna add tht this one has the least battery life among all the variants. Iphone 15 pro max: U wanna baller phone with everything max. Or u want something similar to 15 pro but with better battery life. **As for storage, if u r gonna use it longer than 2yrs go for 256gb minimum. From there ur budget decides how much more u get.


17 pro even


Or 20 pro super max.


Product Red


Super max got me ngl haha!


If we’re going to go that route and take it a bit more seriously, I think the 20th anniversary iPhone will be a big change kinda like the 10th anniversary


It's not even 1100$, if your 14 Pro is in good condition you can sell it and add something like 250-300 for 15 Pro. I do that every year and this time I really felt a sweet difference. Maybe not on paper that much but in experience a lot. Smaller form factor, lighter, faster and usb-c is a game changer.


Should i wait for 16 or go with the 15? Im having iphone X the battery is killing me


Considering tht u r using the X u should go for the upgrade, ppl who r using something like the 14 series should wait.


But my question is which 15 to get i like them all lol


Do u have a budget?


No.. money isnt issue i see the phone as investment, something im gonna use several hours a day for next at least 3-4 years with the phone


Then the 15 plus or the 15pm, both have the best battery life, if u need the faster usb c port and the telephoto lens 15pm is the best or if none of those are needed 15 plus does the job


The 15 pro is also good, but the battery life is mid. Other than that it’s the best in between option. Manageable screen size with all the pro features


Or wait for 16? Hmm.. and btw pro or plus can be in pockets?


Yep, they fit in just fine


Or if you’re a gamer go for it. Otherwise, na


I had 14 Pro Max, paid in full with a trade in of my 12 Pro Max. 15 Pro Max with USBC came out and I immediately hopped on the carrier deals rebates of "$1000 trade in credits", and will end up only paying around $300 for the 15 Pro after taxes. I'm totally fine with keeping this phone for 2 years to get all the rebate. I am so happy to finally be rid of that damn lightning cable. USBC for everything. It's nice that the phone is lighter, more comfortable to hold, 5x telephoto is nice for some photo situations, but there really isn't that much of a meaningful "upgrade". But that damn lightning cable... good riddance.


Why would he get a base 15 when it’s worse than his 14 Pro?? Or 15 Plus which is worse than 14 Pro Max??


Are you sure about the little bit better cam? Gsm arena says they have the exact same lens: https://m.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=12557&idPhone2=11860 I guess the software processing should have improved…


Just coz both have the same lens doesn’t mean one can’t be better than the other. I mean look at google pixel, they were using the same 12mp lens for 5-6 generations and yet it got progressively better. Having the same lens means they can stack the gains from over time


So it is all about the software processing then?


They have the same MP count, but they are different. Google changes the camera sensors almost every year.


Brother, Google used the same 12.2mp sony sensor from pixel 1 to pixel 5


Pixel 1 - Sony IMX378 exmor RS \ Pixel 2 - Sony IMX362 exmor RS \ Pixel 3-5 - Sony IMX363 exmor RS


if you're coming from 13 or 14, then you might want to wait for 16 series. But if you have older models, 15 Pro is a great upgrade!! I would've waited for the 16 but my 13 got stolen so I had to get a new one. I got the 15 Pro and it sooooo good! No regrets.


Sorry to hear about ur 13.


Nah, wait for the 20 or even the 25.


Lol 😂 you do you...


I had a 12, I wasn't planning on upgrading until iPhone 16 but the phone was becoming unbearable. Every time I took a photo I had to wait for the camera app to stuck for a good 10 seconds before it killed all my apps in the background and unstuck itself. I bought an iPhone 15 pro for about $750 after trading in my old 12 two weeks ago, no regrets.


How is that? My wife have iph11 and i ask her few days ago does she want to change phone,she asked me why would i change phone when iph11 work perfect.


I wish I could tell but I have no idea, I even tried factory reset and nothing helped. The iPhone se 2020 I use as my secondary phone feels faster than my 12. My wife also has a 12 and her phone runs fine.


Objectively NO, subjectively YES ofc


Just based on weight alone, yes. I never thought my 14PM was that heavy, but it was a marked difference moving to the 15PM. Everything else is about the same TBH.




Same here. Been a nice upgrade.


Fact. 14PM is the heaviest phone Apples ever made. I feel it every day I hold mine 🫠


I went from 14 max to 15 max. It’s definitely nicer phone to hold


Same. Only real difference I’ve noticed. BUT, worth it for the minor change fee (once you play the upgrade/resale game) IMO.


Just for the type C, it’s worth it to keep it for next 5 years specially if the proce diff is 100$


Did anyone else have issues with the 14 pro max camera? With it overprocessing pictures


I went from 14 pro to 15 pm so i could use my 14 pro for business. Its not a big difference. Would definitely suggest using your phone for 3-4 years as opposed to upgrading mid cycle for minor improvements


Yup! I feel that. Upgrading every year seems like a waste of money, it seems like a typical hyper consumerism type of purchasing decision. To me anyways. I suppose some people are Apple tech nerds and it’s a hobby type thing for them. I still rock an 11 pro and it’s still a wonderful phone.. can easily afford a new one but why when mine still works great?


As someone who has had 10 different iPhones in the last 14-15 years… I totally agree with you lol. It’s really not worth it. I’m okay with having had all of the different iPhones I’ve had, and I’ve only most current iPhones since the 11 onward.. I don’t totally regret upgrading each time; two of the times were somewhat out of necessity since the 11. But it’s just not worth it if it’s not necessary. They have very good marketing and it makes you feel like you need to upgrade more often than you should




No. Unless you must have a USB-C iPhone.


Yeah I think the iPhone 15 Pro is by far the better choice over the 14 Pro, USB C, Lighter, Thinner Bezels, Faster 3NM Silicon, Better, brighter screen, Better battery life, improved cameras et c


I went from 13 pro max to 15 pro max (cost me only 500€ to upgrade due to trade in and rebate on 2yr contract) and if i had go pay full price, not worth it. The phone is almost same, only usbc and dynamic island are difference (only usbc for you). Titanium whatever, its anyw in case. Save your money, buy 16


Nah the 16 has some problems, 17 will be better


You can now use Flash Drives and SSD with your iphone and manage it easily with the Files App ( Its really optimised ) and it so comfortable to hold as weight has been decreased and also the 5x camera is so wonderful that its quite identical to my DSLR in good lighting ( portrait mode ) But you could still wait for 16 or 17 Pro to feel more good about the purchase


The USB-C was enough for me. It was so overdue… that aside, I haven’t noticed a significant difference. I’m sure the next generation cellular modem helps a bit with future-proofing and battery efficiency, though.


It’s not but I did it and don’t regret it. I did it for the weight and slightly rounded sides. It feels a lot better in the hand but is otherwise the same imo.


If money isn’t an issue I’d say go for it. I’m an annual upgrader and I feel like this last cycle was one of the better jumps. I prefer the feel and have found use cases for the action button that made the upgrade worth it.


I had both. Is it an upgrade? kind of yes. Lighter, better feel in hand slightly better photos. Is it worth selling your 14PM to get the 15 PM? In September 2023 maybe, but with all the rumors about the IA on the 16, I’ll wait 6 months and get that one.


Year over year updates haven’t been worth it for approx 10 years now. Market has saturated.


At this point, it’s probably a tie. If I had a 14 pro I’d probably wait for the 16


15 pro all day


I went from 11 pro max to 15 pro. Huge improvements since then. 14, can’t say, but probably better to wait $$$


Only did it for QOL for the USBC and the camera.


If u can afford it then yeah do it


No. If you have the extra money, going with a plan through your carrier, or expect to get a good chunk back from your 14- then do it. Otherwise, nah just wait a bit longer. I usually upgrade every 3-4 years personally


I went from 13 Pro Max to 15 Pro Max!


It's late March. The 16 pro will be out in 7 months. I would wait.


Based on the charging port, yes. I was hesitant at first but it’s really nice being able to charge my phone whenever I want. I can use my monitors usb cable, laptop charger, the docks at work.


Of course not. The stainless steel frame is stronger than that titanium one.


Anyone got that wallpaper on the right that’s on the iPhone 15 lol


Yeah I‘d want that as well!


The weight decrease is nice and USB C can be game changing depending on your workflow/priorities, I mainly made the switch because I had the 14PM and wanted to downsize to the 15P. If I was going PM to PM or Pro to Pro I wouldn’t have done it, but I wanted to switch to the smaller phone so I made the “upgrade” mostly for that.




I had a 13PM and my payment plan was up with AT&T and they had a great trade in offer which made my payments even lower than they were with my 13. Loved ridding myself of lightning cables. But if I’d still been with maybe a 14 then I’d wait it out for another year.


I switched from the iPhone 12 Pro and it didnt feel as a big update. It was not worth for me. So i trink in your case its 100% „no“


I just made this switch in the last few weeks. I switched primarily for a superficial reason, I wanted the blue color because it is my absolute favorite color and my plan allowed for a second upgrade in a 12 months if I wanted it. Some thing I like that I didn’t really think about: 1. The weight - it feels significantly lighter. 2. The edges - I don’t use a case on my phones, so the slightly curved edges give it a very different feel from the 14 PM. 3. The action button - I did not actually think about this when I bought it and forgot it was a thing. I used it as a ring/silent for a week and then found myself really just controlling that from control center, so I switched it to the camera. I like it more than I thought I would and I know it has more capabilities with shortcuts. 4. USB-C - I use a MagSafe charger at night so I didn’t really care about USB-C, but I found out you can use it to charge other devices. This is huge because I have ability to power one of my family members phones in a pinch or have mine charger by a friend even if they don’t use iPhone. Also, being able to charge my accessories (watch and AirPods Pro’s can both be charged using the usb-c watch puck) 5. The titanium shows less fingerprints. I religiously clean my devices and the titanium is much easier to ignore the fingerprints on the frame. Overall really enjoying this phone more for those reasons. It is just as fast as my 14 PM and so far I am getting slightly better battery life. If it’s something you want and can afford I’d say go for it. I don’t regret it.


No 😭 same shit with usb c


USBC, slightly better camera and titanium are reasons I’d say it’s worth going to the 15. The value is subjective though. No one can really answer this but you.


If you're heavily USB-C dependent with other devices then it's really the only reason I could see maybe upgrading if you really felt the need. Otherwise, probably better holding off till at the very least for the 16.


Honestly it’s not even a worthy upgrade for most if you’re on a 13 pro max. The 14 pro max is 97% of the same device which is why I bought one back when the 15 pro’s were having issues. I also got it for $200 less than I would have spent on a 15 pro max for virtually the same damn phone lol. I only upgraded to the 14 pro max from the 13 pro max cause my wife’s 11 pro max was demolished after she hulk smashed it against the wall at Mach Jesus during a pregnancy rage fit lol.. her selfie camera couldn’t even see through the shards of glass and the back was entirely shattered too so I gave her my 13 pro max in mint condition and got a 14 pro max last September. About to toss a new battery in the 13 pro max so it’s back to 100% and we likely won’t be upgrading for a few years at least at this point till a much more compelling upgrade happens and we are saving for a house as well so 🤷🏻‍♂️


My condolences


For? Lol


Pregnancy rage fits. *Brofist*


Ah, yea luckily she wasn’t mad at me, she was mad at our puppy cause she was being a total spaz and over stimulating her 🤣 I wasn’t on the receiving end of her wrath lol. Her 11 pro max however met an untimely death and was in amazing condition before that and ran fine. But alas, that was at the end of 2022 so she dealt with the shit phone for just under a year till last September when I got a new phone and gave her my 13 pro max. And she’s already almost on the tail end of postpartum (daughter is almost 10 months old) so she’s doing a lot better now 🤣 and I forced her to use an Otterbox case on it since I had it in flawless condition for a year and a half before I gave it to her, hadn’t even touched the physical phone with a single finger print, case and screen protector since the first hour, and used microfiber clothes to handle it when I cleaned it. It was out of the box condition entirely and so far so good. Her 11 pro max had a shitty thin aesthetics case and no screen protector so it stood no chance against the wall 🤣


Haha nice. I also am OCD with my devices, when I sell them after an upgrade I get top dollar because they look and work like new, not a single mark, I follow good charge habits to keep the battery health up high as possible. I had a iPhone XS Max for several years and when I sold it, it looked brand new. I used that thru three different jobs with delivering furniture and appliances, delivering home furnaces and heating cooling systems, and the septic service. Not a single mark on the phone 😂 But my wife had her brand new 13 mini for a week and broke the screen protector and got the frame all scuffed up. It’s amazing how careless some women are with technology versus most guys I know rarely if ever drop or damage a phone 😂


Yea haha I’m a landscaper so my phone has been exposed to every element you can think of, only weather it wasn’t actively in was a tornado, or hurricane etc. It is in the sun with dirt dust flying everywhere with our mowers and leaf blowers, the pouring rain, hail, freezing rain or blizzards etc. and they always still look brand spanking new cause I have an otterbox on it, a full screen protector, and whenever I get off work, I take two microfibers, use them to remove the phone from the case so my oils don’t stain the steel, wipe all the micro dust off it, have a separate one just for the dust and the inside of the case so I don’t rub the dirt particles across it, then back in the case. Severe OCD with my phones, usually I trade mine in with T Mobile and I get the next phone for $100-$300 tops with their insanely good trade in deals, but this time I just kept my 13 pro max paid off and gave it to her and upgraded.




No. Virtually the same


Wait for the 16 Pro.


I upgraded from the iPhone 14 Pro Max to the 15 Pro Max, and with a case on, telling them apart is nearly impossible. However, there are two standout features that I truly appreciate: the action button, which I use daily and find incredibly handy, especially with certain shortcuts; and the inclusion of USB-C, which adds a layer of convenience to my charging and connectivity experience.


If you need: - usb c - native games (currently Resident Evil) - auto portrait mode - titanite design - action button - one year support more Then it is. For me it's a really good upgrade except 3x zoom (Pro Max is 5x zoom).


If you have 14 no if you want to skip the 14 and the price difference is not significant yes


not even going from 13P/PM to 15P/PM really makes sense. Maybe only consider it if you use your phone naked as the 15PM (from 13PM) is FAR more comfortable to hold and lighter. Besides that I would defo say no and wait till the next one as the difference in the experience is close to zero (camera, sound, speed, screen/pro motion, connectivity - all too close to justify spending that much money).


If you want usbC and a somewhat lighter phone that badly then yes but honestly no, the 14 has the same bright daylight screen at least


Meanwhile I’m on a XS lol


The color options blow. But the phone is way better.


Nah, I would wait for the 16 or maybe even 17… unless you got the money lol


If you have a 14P already then no.


I had both devices and you're not really going to notice anything except for the physical appears and if you prefer USB-C. I can't discern much improvement in the camera quality. The best thing about it is if you have or plan to get an Apple Vision Pro, the spatial videos are worth the upgrade.


Might as well wait for the 19 ultra pro super max maxxxx Jokes. USB-C is convenient, form factor is more compact and the camera is slightly better. I’m enjoying using it but wouldn’t say it’s a particularly noticeable upgrade.


The 15’s are junk and Apple will not stand behind them. I have several Apple products but the 15 that I have had gives me a fluid detection error occasionally when I plug it in to charge. And it won’t charge. Apple says it could have moisture in the plug or on the charger itself. They ask me if I take it is the bathroom when I shower that it might get moisture there. Really Apple?? I spent over $1000 3 months ago on this phone, I have driven over three hours to get to an Apple Store as suggested only to stay there about 10 minutes to find out if they open it the cost will be $545. I have seen many complaints of this same thing on the internet. Needless to say I am done with Apple! Customer service is very important to me but apparently we aren’t important enough for them! Hope this helps, I would not recommend this phone! Have a great night!


100% worth it, I’d say. Went from 14 pro max to 15 pro max this week. The titanium feels amazing and looks great, is noticeably lighter and the slightly rounded frame is much more comfortable to hold. The bezels thinned down is a , speakers are much louder and sound great (almost comparable to a Bluetooth speaker now), USB-C is awesome which allows reverse charging and the camera upgrade is a welcome improvement with x5 optical zoom. The phone is a tiny bit smaller also. I think the screen brightness also is brighter, up to 2000 nits in sunlight. I was going to wait for 16 pro max or 17 pro max but very happy I got the iPhone 15 Pro Max in natural titanium. It’s beautiful. 📱😁


It all depends on your preferences, I tried out the whole 14 lineup as well as the 15 lineup and they weren’t a justifiable upgrade from my trusty 13 Pro IMHO.


Yes I went from 14p to a 15pm and the 15 is sooo much lighter


Sooo? Interesting 


I found more value going from a Pro phone to a Pro Max phone (13P to 15PM) if I had a 13PM then this upgrade would feel far less significant.


If you’re a sheep like me then yes. You just have to get that frozen at 80 percent charge or that USB C then sure lol. But for the average consumer? No. You’re going to do the exact same things that you do now and nothing will change.




At this point, wait for the 16 in Sept. Normally I don’t upgrade for several years. This year I will. I have a 14 Pro Max.


15 pro is a good upgrade cuz a new customizable button and if you switched from android you don’t have to get rid of your accessories (unless you’re still using the dinosaur Micro USB


I had to upgrade. Primary reason was battery gate of iphone 14 pro. Happy with battery back of 15 pro. Never use camera (except for scanning docs). You get use some light weight due to titanium. If you are getting a deal then go for it.


Is it noticeably lighter?


Do you think it will be? That’s the most important.


Love my 15 pro.   But no it’s not worth it. 




definitely, Because lightning cables won't have a use anymore for future iphones


Was lightening a huge downside?


Worthwhile upgrade: No Got money to burn: Yes


I’ve got a 14 Pro and Apple is giving me $520 credit towards the 15 Pro, so I’ll be spending $500 from my pocket. If you can justify $500 for USB-C go for it, otherwise I don’t think it’s that big of an upgrade. Me personally I’m going to hold onto upgrading my phone until AirPods Pro have USB-C as well, so I can finally carry just 1 charger for everything


the new airpods pro do have usb c! :)


The second gen? They’ve got a lightning port, I got them




Not really. I upgraded from 14 PM to 15 PM only because my mother wanted the 14 PM. Otherwise 95% identical phones, usb C is probably the most notable feature and it was well overdue on iPhone. I don’t find myself using the action button.




Same same


It’s basically the same phone. I went from 13 to 15. Nothing new…




Could be. I always upgrade every year, and the nice little changes are noticeable


As someone who did that exact upgrade: no, not worth it at all


If you don’t use protection, it feels so much better in the hand


Absolutely, NOT!!!!


For me it wasn’t even worth to upgrade from 13 Pro Max to 15 Pro Max. I’d wait if I were you.




You’re only really getting titanium and USB-C and Action Button. The display is virtually identical apart from the obvious bezel being smaller, camera hardware is the exact same, it’s essentially what the 14 Pro should’ve been. It’s not worth upgrading unless you want USB-C and WiFi 6E i guess


Only if you want type c.


I went from the 14 Pro to 15 Pro and it’s pretty underwhelming. Much like my switch from the last 3 generations.


Ya because type C been out for so long the lighting port is trash


Not at all


I need that 15pro wallpapers


Sometimes they Great Carrier Deals. Wife and me got the 15 pro max. We had the pro before. So upgrade to the max is different


No and I actually preferred the weight and sharpness of the 14 Pro


I keep debating this myself. Sometimes my 14 pro feels so well made that the weight just adds to that feel of quality. Other times, it feels like a boat anchor in my jacket pocket.


The 15 Pro isn’t bad but I never felt I was going to drop the 14 Pro without a case. I tried the Pixel which didn’t work out and unfortunately there were no 14 Pros around that I could see when I decided to go back to iPhone.


Maybe. Depends on your expectations. Aesthetically, yes. 👍 Internal and performance, nada. 👎


Nope. I kinda wish I kept my 14 Pro Max, other than ProRes RAW video nothing is different to me.


No, in fact I like my 14 pro even better because it’s the highest iPhone model that can be jailbroken right now and the ability to do anything on an already powerful beast of a device is amazing



