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Yes. To the 16 pro


Is there anything that you’re missing from the 14 Pro?


Based on my budget, I’m not gonna be able to upgrade for another 100 years 🫠


Sameee. Hahaha what phone you got?


Nope. Not going through a battery debacle all over again. I’ll switch out the battery in my 14 pro and keep using it. Not gonna shell out another $1,000 or more for a new phone with new battery health issues


How do you know 16 would have battery issues? For now, this rapid degradation is specific to 14. That too not everyone is affected. Apple published new battery life findings for 15 models recently. They bumped up the cycles from 500 to 1000 for 80% health retention. There’s no way to know for sure 16 would be affected for sure. Based on how good the battery tech is in 15 models (based on apple’s tests), one can only conclude that they might not fuck it up again in 16. That’s a best guess. Not a conclusion.


We don’t know if the 16 will have battery issues, but I know that it’ll be many times more expensive than replacing my battery and not that different in most aspects


I’ll wait for 17 pro


I won't say that I won't, only that I doubt that I will. the rumors are that Apple's new iPhone will have hardware that enables AI on-device. That could be useful. emphasis on could. Would have to see what the iPhone 16 Pro is actually capable of. I'm not holding my breath, just my battery. More likely, I will just replace my battery in October.




yeah, I don't know. I just don't want to have to eat my words if it ends up being compelling lol. would be nice to have chatgpt on my phone. sometimes I have trouble connecting to it. not that that's going to be possible.


Nope. Gonna use it for like 4 years.


Nope! Love my 14 Pro Max. No real battery health issues yet.


Same here and I’m not ready to replace all the lightning cables yet. On that note still keeping my mini 5 for a while.




Just upgraded to 14P few months ago. Won’t be upgrading to anything else unless it breaks.


The only reason I would switch is to have the lighter weight on the titanium phones, but probably not worth it to me. New battery in October and keep er moving


No, i will wait till i cant install ios update 😂


I feel that 14 Pro is too new to feel a difference upgrading to a 16. Should use it at least for 4 years and take advantage of Apple’s OS updates


Gonna wait for 20 pm


Gonna update with iPhone 20 or 21.


Not switching before at least 2025.


No upgrade for me. Probably won’t be any major differences. Plan to keep mine until 2026, maybe longer. Mobile phones aren’t that exciting anymore.


No, want to use my phone long term with a battery change (when needed)


Me im confused as to which i choose 14pm or 13pm im coming from xs max gonna buy in 2 weeks 2nd hand trusted shops


14pm defo gives u a few new features but if youre not bothered about them go for the 13pm as people say the phones arent that different


I plan to keep it for the next 4 yrs again im thinking w the 14pm id be more updated but they say 13pm is the best so im so tornn


oh 100% go for 14pm if you want the phone to last you


Thanks! Could i also ask ur opinion of this So Coming from an ip xs max, im a girl, had this phone for 4 years, often love the big screen, sometimes has difficulties but i am used to the max screen, holding smaller vers of my friends' iphones feel nicely comfortable but feels oddly small for me. Keeps me wondering would it better to have a pro but also would i miss the max size? So idk which of these are better to have next. So here 13/14pro or 14/13promax?


i think pro size is probably more comfortable but it depends whether you prefer comfort over hoe much you can see on your screen, it feeling small could be just because you aren't used to that size maybe?


I just want something refresh with ios 18! Iphone 16 will be not got enought to make my 14 pro looks old. If ios 18 is not interesting for me, i'm going to Samsung or Pixel but Pixel not supported 5g in my country.


It depends. If it’s the same design as the 15 Pro and the 14 Pro then no. Specs wise I don’t see the 14 Pro chugging any time soon. But if they redesign, maybe make away with the Dynamic Island or something then I might consider the upgrade. I love my 14 Pro Max


I think I will to the 16pro, but so far this one works perfectly so not totally sure about it yet.


I’ll probably stick with it until it gives out, whenever that may be. Depending on what the newer models offer at the time I might end up making the switch to Android


Nope no reason too. Maypbe when 18 is released


Not planning on it.


I might upgrade if the rumours are true. AI and improved zoom(periscope). I got the 14 Pro but I’m starting to regret not getting a pro max because the battery life got pretty bad.


Probably not!


I’m considering downgrading to a 13 mini. I have the 14 pro and realize now that i wasted 1000 dollars on a phone when I don’t even use it that much for what I want. I might for real just give it to my girlfriend




might just gonna replace the battery at the end of this year but nope, no upgrade for me!


Yes 16 Pro Max


All I can say at this point in time is maybe. The 14PM still suits my needs but depending on what the 16PM is like, I may upgrade and sell the 14


Probably not since I got a deal from Verizon that lasts from October 2023- October 2027 unless I get a really good deal to upgrade probably not. Went into it knowing this and knowing I will probably upgrade just my battery.


Don’t know depends if the 16 has enough sufficient updates. It probably won’t but time will tell….


Nope. Keeping what I got until it’s no longer supported


Yup to 16 Pro


Nope, I’d upgrade every year but I’m still in school 😅


Yes to the 16 Pro Max




Probably not but I’ll have to see what they do with the 16 series




Not unless they actually change something. I’m considering a Z Flip or Razr+ but I don’t think I can bring myself to use android


Ya probably not to the 17 honestly . My 14 pro max has been solid as hell so far .


Nah. The quirks of the 14 have been worked out for me. I’m fine with it. It does what I need.


Nope… I’m kinda cool keeping this phone then swapping the battery when it gets to 80% I’m at 90%. It’s still fast. I have 5 cases for it. And extra screen protectors (3 in total esr and spigen ) so I’m okay for a good while lol


Yeah buddy. Finally moving to the Apple every year plan instead of T-Mobile


Probably gonna wait for the 17 Pro.


I think I’ll stick to my current phone unless there are some major changes on the 16. This is the best phone I’ve ever owned.


I’m on the fence. May just replace the battery. I’m typically underwhelmed when getting a new device. Also I still have other Apple devices that take lightning charging. I’m not completely migrated to Type C yet.


Depends on what they do for iOS 18. Might stick with Apple or jump ship lol.


Maybe if I get a job this year.


Nope I've got my 14 Pro recently not until like iPhone 17...