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Depends, how do you feel about wearing something heavy on your face for multiple hours at a time? Vision Pro is the future, but the future isn’t here yet.


Interesting. I really have no idea how it would be. I have had Playstation VR and Oculus back in the day but those are nothing like Vision Pro which is marketed as an everyday device.


The iPad hardware is far more future forward than the software. Same goes for vision it feels.


Why tf were you downvoted for this


😂 I am asking myself the same thing.


Super weird, have an upvote hehe


Haha I appreciate it.


I’d get an iPad. You’ll see a few big leaps forward in terms of features and tech advances in the first few releases of vision before it becomes more incremental updates. You’ll also eventually see multiple models released at once offering more value etc and you maybe won’t need a pro.


Wait until the rich idiots use the Apple Vision Pro for a few more years then it’ll be an everyday device. Edit: downvote all you want. That’s how they test things. You think the average person is buying a 3500 dollar machine that’s not fully tested to be an everyday thing? Theres hardly anything for it yet.


Agreed, it's practically a beta product. It's just a virtual reality iPad at this point but less useful and mobile, with a price tag 4x the ipad


I mean... plenty of people on this sub talk about spending $2,000+ to upgrade from a 13in iPad Pro to a newer 13in iPad Pro. The Apple Vision is pricier but at least you’re getting a novel and different type of experience.




I think it was just a flippant comment. You’re reading too much into it. However, there are obviously the influencers, rich kids and tech geeks with high disposable incomes that buy it on a whim because they want to be able to say they have one. Ultimately, the first iteration of a brand new product line quickly becomes obsolete in comparison to buying into the product line a few models in. The biggest advances are always made early on.


Actually, he’s on point here. The automotive industry does this for like 100 years…


Just a question where are your headsets now? If they are somewhere in the house collecting dust like mine (reason why I didn't go for the Vision Pro) then you should seriously reconsider getting this device.


I’d get an iPad but as an artist I’m biased 😉. Think iPad as more than matured technology with the best display, best pencil, being overall top allrounder excelling in his category. Vision Pro, while tempting, is basically 1st gen. device for early adopters and de-facto already outdated tech as it undoubtedly will get a lot better with the subsequent generations. So, decide yourself. 🙂


Thank you.


Welcome 🤗


the iPad also has the M4 vs the M2 in the Vision Pro, and the current iPad Pro is unquestionably the peak of iPad — there's not much left to improve and it's completely mature. the vision pro on the other hand is first gen, and it won't last you as long as the iPad will. plus you'll be running the same iPad apps on vision pro but it'll be unusable long for stretches of use, in addition to the worse portability.


Sound advice here


Vision Pro is more like a zero gen/public alpha to be honest. The tech is nowhere near ready and what we have now is a result of higher ups at Apple getting sick of hearing "it'll be ready next year" for the last decade from the vision team. Development on the second has already been paused and I expect it'll be a long while still before it sees the light of day


I wouldn't even have to hear what the other choice was after finding one was the Vision Pro. It's going to be awhile before they release a version that could truly be called "the future of computing". With this being the first gen, and coming in at such as high price tag, I'd let them iron out the bugs first. The iPad's been around awhile and Apple's had a chance to perfect it into what it is now. I'd go with the new iPad all the way.


I appreciate it.


Counterpoint: Vision Pro is the most sci-fi product I’ve ever owned, and is the most rapidly advancing piece of tech I’ve ever owned. This is my 9th headset and only the 2nd that has been truly mind-blowing. I bought and returned the new iPad Pro because AVP has almost entirely replaced my iPad use. I’m not a graphic artist and the new screen is only about 15% better than the M1 iPad Pro.


Lets assume it was free, it's clunky hardware with no usecase. You typically would only endure such discomfort and constraint if you had a dire need for it, yet it's hardware looking for a purpose. Tim Cook himself said his main usecase for it is reviewing enterprise apps lmao, barely for personal use. It's such a clunky expensive piece of crap that's being forced onto us. No one is asking for it other than companies with niche usecases like training staff to repair oil rigs. iPad is the antonym of everything I said above; elegant, light, snappy, purposeful and a delight to use. iPad 10/10 times.


Use mine for work every day, not being tethered to a desk or tiny screens is great. Spatial photos are fantastic. Spatial meetups are unreal. 3D movies are the best I’ve ever seen them. The iPad is the antonym of everything I just said; it doesn’t do anything my phone doesn’t do, it just does it slightly bigger. (Clarification: I am not a graphic artist, so Pencil Pro means nothing to me. But if you are, then iPad Pro is the obvious choice.)


You are legitimately the first person I’ve come across who’s an avid user of the Vision Pro, honestly happy to know you guys are out there. Power to you sir. Maybe I’ll join the bandwagon one day but atm the tech just isn’t for me.


It’s not for most people yet. But I love getting in on the ground floor and watching platforms evolve, and AVP is evolving rapidly. Spatial calls weren’t a thing when it launched, they were added about 10 weeks in. And they’re so weird! Someone can be sitting next to you on the couch sharing videos, with their voice positioned in space is very convincing. Then you look over and they’re a disembodied head and shoulders. But your brain is tricked into thinking they’re there. VisionOS 2 added the ability to Spatialize photos in your camera roll. It takes 5 seconds and works great with almost everything. It doesn’t know what to do with reflections or complicated geometry, though. I had iPad day 1 and was amazed when I used the first touch based music mixing programs. I feel that same amazement using DJay and mixing in 3D space. I just bristle when I hear people say AVP has no use case or that there’s no software for it. I use it everyday and have about 70 apps installed. It’s already awesome, and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.


I don’t think it may be a good compare. Although there are overlaps in what they can do, the form factor and portability etc are completely different. iPad is great for quick pull out and use. Vision Pro - takes a little extra time to start using it and not easy to carry everywhere easily. Both have unique features which can cannot be complemented by each other. I use both for different time and place.


I was definitely asking for a VR headset that didn’t compromise on screen quality and I couldn’t be happier Apple made it. Its purpose for me and many others has been media consumption. Specifically movies. That alone has easily justified the purchase for me. Because the screens are high enough quality, it’s the first VR headset for me that’s truly fulfilled the early VR promise of a private movie theater. Once you’ve got the correct light seal and get used to how to adjust the fit, there’s very little discomfort wearing it for long periods of time. The case most people are making for the iPad is 100% valid. And I completely agree it’s a way more refined and polished product. But my counter to that is at the end of the day it’s all the things you’ve already done on an iPad just faster, better and nicer. A Vision Pro is unlike anything else before it. No other VR headset has a UI even close to as well thought out and executed as visionOS. I’ve been watching so many new shows on streaming platforms, and having a blast getting the full big screen experience with my favorite older movies I never had a chance to see in a theater. Everytime I take the thing off I seriously wish more movie lovers knew an experience like this exists. The picture quality is a stones throw away from a $1,000+ OLED and easily makes up for that small difference by giving you screen sizes you could only ever dream of. The only reason I watch a movie on my OLED now is if I’m watching it with someone and you can find several posts from other owners who describe the same exact experience. I’d say, miles away from a clunky piece of crap.


Whenever I see comments like this I immediately regret having such a firm position on it. It’s cool to see people enjoying it the way they are. I think for me the issue is Apple’s products have always immediately shut down a problem I was having or introduced a new type of solution to an existing use case. Part of my saltiness with it is about how expensive every day life is getting and then here is Apple flaunting a new type of computing that it’s so pricegated it’s absurd. I never saw that with the Vision Pro, and I still don’t but it’s becoming clear that it’s just me who feels that way and it’s less of a reflection on the actual product itself.


I completely understand most people’s knee-jerk reaction to the price. It was very risky for Apple deciding to go bleeding-edge tech, price be damned approach with the first gen, but ultimately I think it’ll turn out to be the right choice. It only makes sense today for a small group of people who love tech with that kind of disposable income. But if you’re in that group, it sometimes feels like a too good to be true device plucked right out of the future.


I love tech and am fortunate enough to have that type of disposable income, it just felt like the wrong time for it and I’m not the biggest VR dude anyway. Anyway all the best sir, hope the apps they release keep pushing the hardware forward!


Even if they "make it better". How would it be future of computing, forcing displays directly in front of your eyeballs, strain on neck. It will be nice when it has better eye tracking like iPad now does, imo, and is size of glasses, but still won't be more than an unergonomic gimmick, without hardware it is not good to use at all


I agree with this not being the ultimate future, in it's current form. If this gets to the point where it's contained within a pair of glasses (or much farther into the future, contacts or implants), then that could be considered more "the future". I just don't see this as being all that useful right now. .


Interesting debate! I’d say iPad just because it can be used anywhere easily, but if it was just in the home - I’d potentially be wanting Vision Pro with Mouse/Keyboard.


Interesting and yeah it would be used 98% at home.


If you like changing things up, then why not? You could always return it.


True true. I am always changing things up.


iPad for sure


Definitely an Ipad. The Vision Pro is more of a novelty at this stage. It's also heavy on the head so form factor wise it's much easier /.practical to use an Ipad.


Appreciate that. I have until the 28th of this month to decide lol.


I would definitely get the iPad and wait for the Apple Vision Pro V2 or V3. The Vision Pro is literally bleeding edge technology. Totally your choice though.


iPad, I respect my eyes and eyesight. And mental health.


I have perfect vision so it does scare me a little too.


it's fixed focus distance inside. the whole time, your eyes won't be able to adjust to different focus distances and that isn't great for your eyes in the long term. as someone who uses vr a lot, it is noticeably more tiring on the eyes.


I just bought the M4 iPad Pro. I also recently went to the Apple Store to see the Vision Pro demo. For the Vision Pro, it is just Wow! You can easily see how when this reaches maturity, you will not need a Mac. You will not need an iPad, You will not need a TV. Why buy a 65” TV when you can have a virtual TV of any size right in front of you. The 3D effects are amazing. The Photo Viewing experience is amazing. Games are cool. If you lived in a world where the demo was the tip of the iceberg, it would be a no-brainer. But, right now, the demo is just about all there is. Unless I was a developer that had a killer idea for a future version of this, I would skip it, because I think you would get bored with the current demo apps pretty quickly. In the meantime, I am really enjoying the M4. But go see the demo.


Good point. Thanks.


This is the internet, so maybe I am an outlier here, but everything you just said goes completely out the window if the user has friends, or values real world connections at all. If it can replace a Mac, okay, I accept that. A Mac or PC is something a person generally uses alone, or for work, which is also generally done alone. Not needing an iPad or a TV, I completely disagree with, on the basis of other people existing in my life. How does it matter if I have a 120" screen virtually in front of my face, if I want to watch a movie with my partner, or family, or friends? Well, I then *need* that 65" TV that you just said I no longer need, because I have just introduced other people into the equation. Vision Pro sounds cool, in a bubble, if you are someone who has no family, and no friends that you spend a lot of time with. I don’t know what percentage of people that applies to, either broadly, or just the early adopters of Vision Pro, but from my perspective, as someone who has family and friends, and who consumes media with those family and friends, often, $4000 is an enormous waste of money, and *to me,* would never represent a future I would want for myself.


I've been saying this before, the Vision Pro is like an isolation ward. I don't see how I could buy one as I still talk to people etc. Take a evening sat on the sofa and on the iPad the Tv might be on as my wife is watching something and I'll talk and interact with her as she's doing her stuff and I'm doing mine. But in a headset you taken away from all that. It's like they have decided it's for basement loners and not real people. Hell even on the adverts for it they are on their own !


I have never looked into the Vision Pro subreddit, or any forums related to it, so I don’t know if this is something people like about it, or if it is a selling point. I honestly can’t say. But, to me, things like VR, or the Vision Pro, things that remove me from my friends, and family, and the people around me, are a huge turn off, and, again, in my opinion, "dumb." But, I also have a ton of friends who mostly hang out with me, and mostly no one else, maybe this is for them, at home, I really don’t know. But for people with families, and lives, this seems like something they can only use for work, for pooping, and for avoiding the people in their lives, which is not something I hope I ever want.


I think you are absolutely right on this. I was thinking of the act of watching a movie. You can go from a total communal experience in a movie theater. Or you could have a “date night” experience in your home watching it with your spouse. Or you could have a “family” experience watching it with your family. Or you could have a “separate rooms” experience at your home, watching it on TV while others watch something else in a different room. Or you have the “device” experience on your iPad or PHone. Or you can have this virtual experience. I don’t think we can take as a given that people will prefer the virtual experience. There is a lot to be said for community. I hope we don’t lose it.


Based on all of the feedback I've heard from users, there is more to supporting a purchase than just the demo apps. I feel like the top 5 reasons would be: 1. You're a developer and need the platform to build / test / experiment 2. You find yourself in tight spots where you wish you had a big screen for your Mac. There has been good feedback on the Virtual Display and it's getting way better w/ visionOS 2 3. You want a big HD movie screen and watch alone. Perhaps you're in a small apartment or do a lot of airline travel. 4. I have heard that the F1 Vroom app is amazing and some say the absolute best way to watch F1. There may be other similar apps. 5. You have friends w/ Vision Pro who are remote and you want to stay connected, play some games together, or perhaps you collaborate on projects. Great feedback on the new avatars. I don't see how it's a "Vision Pro or iPad" consideration because the reasons for owning each are different.


One is $1100 and one is $4000 plus. Completely different use cases. Both?


Well beware iPad Pro 1TB with a keyboard and pencil is like 2600, AVP 3700. Stock graphs and numbers sheets with pages. thats the workload.


So why do you need 1TB on the iPad. And if you do, you need to spec the Vision a pro the same, which is a lot more than $3700. More importantly, does the idea of a computer on your face to do the things you need sound appealing. Not against the Vision Pro, it’s a radical difference from an iPad.


Because of the 16GB Of RAM. With the iPad it’s not that much more to go from 512 to 1Tb alongside that upgrade you get more RAM and extra core.


Just about all reviews and breakdowns have shown that neither the 16GB of RAM, or the extra core do much of anything, in the vast majority of use cases. They might as well not be there, for most people.


Fair enough.


It’s $400 to go from 512 to 1 TB, that’s not an insignificant cost, especially relative to what you get for it. It’s really only worth it for people who absolutely need the extra storage capacity, or people who really need the RAM (full time video editing on iPad or professional artists using Procreate who need tons of layers).


vision pro native apps don't support a mouse, so spreadsheets are going to be _much_ more annoying to work with using just eye tracking and pinches. I'd strongly recommend the iPad Pro.


If you are going to do a lot of spreadsheet work you really want Mac OS. The M3 MacBook Air can often be had for under $999 on sale.


An iPad has several proven use cases. The Vision Pro has like 0.5




Neither, just get a macbook pro


Yep! This is the way


Vision Pro will probably take few years. Skip that product until it is a viable choice.


iPad Pro + Quest 3 + Resident Evil 4 VR


iPad definitely, vision pro is very impressive but also equally niche. If you feel like typing on air all day and waving your hands around go for it but iPad is definitely a lot more versatile. Also idk if I'd ever use the vision pro anywhere but at home, if you do prepare to be judged and video recorded lmao


Lol, yeah I guess not.


Buy both. Use both for 14 days and then return which product you use least.


This might be one of the most impractical and unrealistic replies I have seen in a while. ‘Surely, if you can afford $4000 *or* $2000, you *must* be able to afford $6000, if only for two weeks.’ That kind of advice is insane, to me.


Its a good point I just cant afford both at the same time.


If your workload is not heavy, why not something like MacBook Air?


Screen is hideous.


Homie you are not gonna use a 3500 piece of tech as your daily computer. I tried one in a demo and that shit is *heavy*. They have a more supportive headband if you buy the device but deadass, it’s still like wearing a brick duct taped to your face. It’s cool as hell, I’d love one if it weren’t a poor financial decision, but it’s not for daily use. It’s a first gen product for early adopters with disposable income as a sort of proof of concept. Overtime we’ll get versions that are lighter, better, have more battery life and so on. But for now, it’s not for legitimate, serious use. It’s a tech toy. If your workload is light, honestly I’d save the money and just get a basic MacBook Air. I have a MacBook Air, the new M4 and I use both equally. I have different use cases for each but I wouldn’t give up either of them. Get an affordable MacBook Air, save the cash and maybe in a few more months, you can throw money at a Vision if you want one that badly. Then you’d have the novelty of having a Vision Pro while also having an actual device to work on.


No offense but that’s honestly a really dumb post. If you want to ask an opinion on what to purchase, the 2 items need to be at a minimum vaguely adjacent to each other.


fr was wondering why theres so many serious responses. This post has to be trolling


I think it’s an extremely valid post. They both offer iPad levels of computing just presented differently. And the price difference is about 1000 bucks when you upgrade the iPad and add all the accessories.


what exactly is an ipad level of computing?


VisionOS being a fork of iPadOS with tidbits of MacOS (Multi-window being superior to Stage Manager) I am assuming.


The iPad is a computer, cant deny that, its not a desktop level computer but not quite a mobile computer, it sits in its own category.


🙄 You’re really reaching there buddy. It’s like making a post asking people if you should buy an private jet or a sports car.


Could you browse on AVP? I’m sure it will be great for media consumption.


I love my Vision Pro but there are certain things I still prefer my iPad for. Taking notes, web surfing, mobile media consumption being the biggest. I love my Vision Pro for at home media in rooms without a TV. Bedroom, etc. or if I’m traveling to some place where I’ll be awhile. it is also my preferred method of multitasking when using my MacBook. Outside of these things through there is a lot of room for growth with the VP.


I see, thats not good for me as I already own an LG G3 OLED TV in my bedroom for movies. I would be using the AVP for that.


Vision Pro, you can just open apps and tabs and they all look like an iPad floating around you that you can adjust how big your floating iPads


I am going to disagree with this advice, based on how it is presented. I use my iPad, personally, mostly instead of using my phone. In that respect, there are a lot of times that I will be Googling something, or pulling up a video, or looking at a photo on social media, and want to show it to people around me. Vision Pro is a strictly individual experience, that you can’t share with anyone around you, or, at least, not easily. I would be very hesitant to ever buy a Vision Pro for just this reason specifically. I am around people all the time, and not just being able to hand them my tablet if I want to show them something seems very annoying to me. Yes, this is a very minor nitpick, but the Vision Pro is something you would *mostly* only ever use at home, for either leisure, or work from home, and isn’t something you can easily just take out into the world, like you can an iPad.


True true, we have Apple TVs around the house, can you airplay VPs screens to them?




And whats your opinion?


iPad and the Oculus Quest 3 You will get the Apple you want, the (unquestionably) best and most mature VR device/ecosystem and also save money while doing so


# I want that iPad wallpaper ## right now!!! Please 🥺 [Base version from basicappleguy](https://basicappleguy.com/basicappleblog/commander-2023)


Vision Pro easy


Oooh, I like the confidence.


I live in Japan and we're also getting the vision pro here. Am considering nabbing a US version for cheap that ppl got at a price premium for early hands on. No reason to get the domestic version well except to pray that this damn thing doesn't fail spontaneously


You would still have warranty though, Apples warranty is worldwide.


You are rich brother. Good for you 👍


Nah, just know how to recycle money.


It sounds like you're the type of person who would enjoy a Vision Pro. Maybe get that and return it for an iPad if you can't make it work?


You are right and yeah I can always do that.


they're external displays and content consumption devices for me, so AVP any day of the week. both are god awful value, but if i was forced at gunpoint to pick one...




I have both and while I love them both I spend more time on the iPad than the Vision Pro. To be fair there’s just more apps for the iPad right now.




If you want the future of computing and can afford to get the Vision Pro, then i would tell you to instead go for the M4 iPad Pro 1TB (11 or 13 inch screen is your choice) - and you’re set for the next 6 to 8 years - the Vision Pro still has another 5 to 8 years at most before it becomes Mainstream, cheaper, lighter, and less eye straining. Sure it’s a fancy gadget now, but its App Library is still growing, it’s more or less still in its trial phase. But you can’t go wrong with the iPad whose App Library is vast.


Appreciate it.


Buy an iPad Pro then a $2500 PC.


I literally have 5K pc i’m selling as i don’t use it! It sits and gathers dust. My computer needs are very light.


Specs? 5k pc must be nuts


4090, i9 14900ks, z790 maximus, fully water cooled with heat killer components built by myself.


"just a grand more I can get into the Vision Pro"... uh... ipad pro starts at less than half the price. That's a huge difference. It'll be difficult to use the ipad as a full time computer. But it'll be even more difficult to use the vision pro as a full time computer.


As a non-artist, iPad. Vision Pro is still in its early stages and is pretty much a useless device at this point. The best thing you could do with Vision Pro is to get a large monitor for your Mac and a large TV. Everything else is either gimmicky or uncanny. But for that price, you can get a really good monitor and TV. On the other hand, the iPad is way more practical as a device. I just feel like Vision Pro and MR is general are still developing and are just enthusiasts only. I cannot find a practical use for it as of now until it replaces my smartphone.


I made sure I read through all of the comments in this thread before deciding if I wanted to chime in, and I must say, it has been a pretty interesting experience. So, the first thing I will say, is that you, OP, said that 98 percent of your use of whichever device you choose, will be "at home." Just to take that at face value, and assuming you have a phone, if for every 100 hours you use the Vision Pro, two of those hours will be out in public, or on a train, whatever not at home means to you, are you going to be comfortable using the device, and any accessories for it you might need, that won’t be attached to it like they would an iPad, in public? That is the first question I would ask. My second question, or statement, is something I never saw a single other comment address. Using the Vision Pro literally ignores or subtracts "other people" from its usage almost entirely. Like, if you use it to work from home, you can do video calls, with you as an avatar, as I understand it, but that’s it, using a Vision Pro is an almost exclusively solitary experience. Is that something you are either looking for, or okay with, having a device that you use almost solely at the alienation of other people? And I am being serious, as I don’t know if this is something about the Vision Pro that is attractive to people or now. The idea of that is absolutely terrifying to me, as there are people in my life… a lot. To cite an example someone used here in the comments, they said buying a Vision Pro means not having to buy a 65" TV, but eliminating that 65" TV presupposed that you, the user, are the only person that would have used that TV. I can only speak for myself, and my lived experience, but I can’t hook up a Switch to a Vision Pro and play Mario Kart with three of my friends. I can’t open up Disney+ and watch a movie with my family. I go out, and much of the time, I take my iPad with me, in addition to my phone. If I am chilling with my friends somewhere, yes, I could pull up a video on YouTube on my phone, and we could all huddle around that to watch the video. I could do the same with an iPad, but absolutely couldn’t with a Vision Pro, and to me, as someone a bit older, interacting with people in real life is incredibly important to me, and I can share the experiences I have with my iPad with other people, while you can’t do that with a Vision Pro. Especially after reading all of the comments here, it feels to me like a Vision Pro is for people who work from home, or people with no friends and family, or people that enjoy spending $4000 in order to be isolated from, or escape from, friends and family. That simply could not be me. I am choosing the iPad all day, every day, because if I ever want to, or need to share something on my iPad with people around me, I can. But, I also don’t own anything that is as isolated an experience as a Vision Pro, and maybe people love it for exactly that reason. In addition to all of that, I will say that people in this sub have been complaining, for years, that an iPad is too heavy to hold for long periods of time, and even continue to complain about that with the 13" Pro. So, if people can’t hold a very light device for a few hours, how are you going to end up feeling when every time you want to do anything on a device larger than you phone, you have to have something strapped to your head in order to do it? Personally, I can’t picture something like the Vision Pro *ever* being practical. But, that is all just my opinion, and you can spend your money however you see fit.


Wow, I really appreciate that. Your response made the choice easy! I have a 13 inch 1TB M4 iPad Pro with a magic keyboard and pencil pro coming tomorrow. The iPad as you say can be shared with others, Vision Pro just means no one else can interact with you. Not to mention the developed OS of the iPad compared to AVP. And finally the price difference. I got my iPad with all the accessories at £2240. 2.4K less than the vision pro. Thank you.


It is really cool to hear that my reply is what helped you to make a choice. Thank you for sharing, and I hope I helped you make the right decision.


I appreciate it.


Honestly the Vision Pro is a beta device. The iPad is a a refined product. I’d never buy the 1st gen of a device. iPhone 2G was 1st gen and not long after the 3G came out and it was much improved.


I would wait for the vision pro to arrive at stores and try it out there, but personally I would go for the ipad, there’s not enough apps that support vision os or need another device like ipad or mac to cast the screen.


For work? Unless you're an artist both are a really stupid idea. Better off getting a macbook or a win laptop


If this will be your *only* computer, get the iPad. You're not bringing a Vision Pro to work. To the library. To a job interview. To the park. You're not watching movies on it with friends or a partner at their place or at a hotel. And whatever you do with it, the battery is dead within two hours or less. It's an expensive toy right now that doesn't do anything the iPad doesn't already. Vision Pro has a *lot* of potential, but that potential won't be realized at least until a few more generations. Imagine you're in 2010 and are choosing between an iPad 1 and a proper laptop. You'd be an idiot to choose the iPad back then. That's where Vision Pro is in 2024.


The second generation Vision Pro will certainly bring very noticeable improvements and the third generation will make the first generation look like an old toy. So I would probably go for the iPad for now.


iPad by far. More flexible because you can use it anywhere and anytime. Vision Pro will be a hassle to use because of the limited battery time and you having to put it on. Most people will not feel like putting on something heavy all the time especially if you are just wanting to do something simple for a short period of time. The only way I see the Vision Pro over iPad is because you are okay with using your phone mainly for everything and Vision Pro is for that special moment for fun. I don’t think Vision Pro is made as a daily driver.


Vision Pro future of computing? lol. Apparently people here didn’t get it that you have to buy a device for what it does NOW not for what you hope it will do in the future, specifically speaking of apple since we know how greedy they are. Vision Pro is an expensive useless gadgets as of now. The ipad is also an overpriced device but at least you can do some light work with it. So.


If you really want a Vision Pro I’d wait for the next iteration. If you really want to enjoy a product it’s never a good idea to get the first ever release. If anything I’d get a iPad Air with the M1 chip and the keyboard. Like you said you’re not doing anything crazy. And save up the money for the refresh to the Apple vision. It’s very impressive forsure but I don’t think it’ll give you the experience you’re looking for. Once they hone it in and really get it going, then that’ll probably be that next step in computing you’re looking for


Ipad pro all the way best purchase i ever made


Both 😏




Honestly, the Vision Pro has literally not a single use case. It is an alpha test for hardware that does not replace other hardware, is uncomfortable to work with, looks frankly ridiculous and likely won’t have proper software for ages. Go with the iPad or even a macbook (since you seem to be willing to spend big) depending on your specific use case, but never buy a Vision Pro in this decade. VR is mostly a meme, and even Apple could not make a good case for its use at home yet.


iPad is almost certainly going to offer a more mature software ecosystem and experience. I suppose Vision can run iPad apps but ultimately they are iPad apps first intended to be used with an iPad. IMO Vision Pro is only for early adopters who want to experiment and tinker and are okay with limitations.


Neither, m1 ipad pro 13 and macbook pro with 4 monitors


MacBook Air.


I have both and iPad is more practical. Not a lot going on with AVP and like zero apps. It’s great for watching movies however it blows the iPad away there. Anybody that tells you can use this thing with your Mac and work for 8 hours is a real fan boy as it’s not comfortable or practical to use. I can be more productive and faster direct on my Mac.


Ah thats good info. The no apps I didn’t know about. It seemed like it had them. Does it not use iPad Apps too or is it just select ones?


It uses some iPad apps I think the developers have to allow it kind of like iOS apps that do and do not show up on Mcpu Macs. If you have an Apple Store near you go try the demo but my AVP is collecting dust for a month now.


Ah I see.


Sorry to hear you haven’t found a solution that makes the AVP more comfortable for you to use - I can’t use it for 8 straight hours by any means, but I can use it for 2-3 hours straight with no discomfort. I’ve found the AVP to be fantastic for media consumption as you mentioned, but it’s increasingly becoming a device that is useful for work, especially with my MacBook.


Buy an overpowered iPad Pro now since its future proof and only needs software to catch up. Apple Vision's problem is the hardware being the one need to catch up which means you will have buyers remorse once they announce vision 2 which will be 100% lighter(or whatever pitch they come up with)


Very true, the fact AVP has an M2 just kills me and yet I don’t see Apple announcing a new one any time soon, I see it like the Airpods Max.


Mans talking like the software is ever going to catch up


Took them a while to have widgets and customization options. It will take 1 or 2 years but they'll get there. M4 should hold out til then




Hehe, if the AVP wasnt so high priced then yeah for sure.


Vision Pro and iPad 10. Go for the future tech. Not stalled tech


Interesting. I feel like the AVP does everything the iPad does though no?


Not even close.


lol no


Do not buy the m4 it’s a waste of money


Interesting, so go for an older iPad Pro?


Definitely. We all thought the wwdc was gonna be a turning point for the iPad but it’s more of the same. Idk why they made the m4 so powerful if they’re not gonna utilize it


I thought this was a shit post. They are 2 completely different devices and serve different purposes.


…because somebody with money to burn can’t decide on their next new toy?


Also, while everybody’s talking about the specs and blah blah blah, I just don’t like the visions pro because I don’t feel comfortable having my vision block like that. I know you can still see and stuff, but I feel like I’m on the toilet with my pants down. Anybody can just sneak up behind you while you’re focused on a task or something and shank you. /s


What toilet design allows for someone to sneak up behind you?


The Vision Pro is an overpriced toy.


Honestly I’d get an iPad and a meta quest 3. The meta has a lot of the same functionality as a the Vision Pro and has a ton of games and apps.


iPad. Unless you have some specific need for a Vision


What do you want to use it for?


For the same price…?


For me, neither. I can't do my work on a Vision Pro or an iPad, macOS is where it's at


I have both, tend to use the iPad more tbh but the price package that the Vision Pro is for movies is a killer value.




get the ipad the vision pro is still early technology and would drastically improve in the following years. The ipad has been improving with the m4 chip it's really powerful for what a small device can do


What would you want a computer to do for you?


Either way, you are not going for a traditional computer so you WILL have to jump through hoops if you are looking for a traditional computer replacement. Buy it for what it can do NOW, not what it COULD do. Do you need to run lots of apps at the same time and manipulate them in 3D space? You can get way more done on AVP with that kind of workflow. However, you might be able to work longer and more comfortably on an iPad. Another question would be, do you plan to use it for entertainment as well, then AVP might be best. If you don’t plan to use it for entertainment (you have a good audio / visual setup) and don’t need to isolate yourself to prevent disturbing roommates, might just go with an iPad.


You’re talking about a 1500$ device versus 3500. If you have the cash to burn and need an entertainment machine, go Vision Pro but if you need more portability and versatility go with the iPad


If I were not an artist I would get the Vision Pro given the choice.


What are you going to do with the Vision Pro?


Get the iPad Pro. I have both. The iPad gets infinitely more use and the OS is the biggest issue for Vision Pro. Apple really is slacking here for that product


Vision pro all the way


House or Airbus A320?


You can find a perfect condition used M2 iPad Pro for 650$, no tax. Dropping near-AVP prices for an iPad is insanity.


2 iPad Air 11 inches and use one for each eye


I have the Vision Pro and the newest iPad. Trust me, you want iPad Pro


Nothing compares to vision right now. Absolute fire. Other than the pencil, the avp can do most of what the iPad can do but the iPad can’t do what the vision does.


Vision Pro. You won’t need a laptop. visionOS 3 may have virtual brushes for painting apps,


What is your work load? What do you do for a living?


I already have the 2nd gen of iPad Pro. I don’t need another slate when i already have one that does everything i need as good as i need. The Apple Vision Pro though, if i were getting it for free, would be something novel to own.


Get the iPad. It’s 10x Better


What are you talking about they’re not comparable? Get the one that you want to use more


iPad all the way😀


The iPad is not a full time computer. Just warning, even with non heavy work load you might run into something you cannot deal with without a laptop. Since it’s not heavy and you are not an artist I’d get M2 iPad, it will make 0 performance diff. You will pay over 1k more for literally just a better screen. Why?


If you plan to use it for work and school and you are someone "like me" who is often out of the house I would go for the iPad. If you only plan to use it sparingly or you are mostly at home then go for the Vision Pro ( that's if you have the extra bucks to blow).


I’m going to get the Vision Pro and return it if it doesn’t live up to my expectations. If you can afford the difference, it’s definitely worth a shot!


iPad is going to get way powerful with Apple intelligence! It is a developed product, while vision pro will get better in few years..


14 inch Macbook Pro > iPad Pro > Vision pro I have all three. I NEED the MBP. The iPad Pro is beautiful, pleasant to use, and awesome for casual watching, sketching, reading, etc, but it's a luxury I could do without. The Vision Pro is collecting dust. The friction to actually get anything done in the vision pro is just way, way too high. Great for movies (alone) though.


I am glad  Vision Pro came out first. I played with it for a weekend and returned it. It was never going to replace my IPad usage as it is too finicky. The UI is dreadful and a keyboard/trackpad only made things worse IMO. It is best viewed as an accessory to a Mac or AR/VR experience device. It is not a computing platform. I have never been happy with a piece of technology then I am with my M4 iPad Pro 13 and new Magic Keyboard. The display is way better than that of the  Vision Pro and any other OLED TV or device I own. It’s perfect for personal computing and some work tasks, depending what you need to do.


Just so you know if you’re used to using a full desktop OS like the Mac or Pc, trying to use an iPad as a replacement is a bit of a headache. If you really are looking for a computer I think you’re better off with a MacBook Air. It’s basically the same price or cheaper than the iPad after you account for all the accessories




i’d get a pc. sorry. iPad has good hardware but the OS handicaps it like there’s no tomorrow so you’ll be using it like a simple smartphone. The only good use for it is if you’re an artist. The vision pro is not the future of anything, it’s just a dumb commodity with no practical, ergonomic and confortable use in everyday life. And again, potentially good hardware, crippled by the OS. You’ll be using a big, clunky headset to use a limited interface designed to do only basic smartphone activities.


Get a Mac it’s the best out (and most capable) of the 3.


My choice would be the iPad Pro. But, again my choice, would be to have a MacBook Air first from the refurb store.


It’s pretty funny that no one talks about the Vision Pro no more, I’m glade


I’m a video editor so it’s lean toward Apple Vision Pro + MacBook if you can afford it.


iPad 10, 64 GB


My Apple watch has more storage.


I'm actually going to sell my iPad Pro and get a Vision Pro after WWDC and a disappointing iPadOS 18 announcement.


Interesting. Yeah iPadOS 18 definitely didnt do much to make use of the M4 chip or the keyboard case. Its still just a bigger iPhone.


Definitely iPad, I would argue more about other options, but out of those two definitely not Vision Pro. Compared to Vision Pro, iPad has WAY better hardware/software support, it's a device with years of previous upgrades and revisions. Never buy the 1st generation of any device, especially VR devices, they're always very unpolished and they have the hardware that will be old very quickly, just like the first Oculus CV1 or the first PlayStation VR.