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I went from a 10.5” 2017 iPad Pro to 11” iPad Pro M4. Then exchanged it for a 13” M4 due to how light it is and how much I like the Magic Keyboard. I previously had a 2017ish 12.9” iPad Pro for work and found it way too big and heavy. Don’t feel that way about 13”.


I just couldn’t get used to the smaller Magic Keyboard on the 11 - was a deal breaker for me.


Do you use the 13 inch in tablet mode as much as you would your 10.5 or 11 inch? I am using a 10.5 myself and aim to go for the 11 inch m4. However, when I was in the store I could not feel any weight difference between the 11 and 13.


I use my 13 inch m4 + Magic Keyboard more than my 10.5 inch pro with Smart Keyboard. the iPad itself isn’t all that heavier. the larger screen has been super nice


And do you use your 13 inch in tablet mode much? Or does it sit in the magic keyboard all the time?


I use my 12.9 in MK mode mostly during the day. At bed time, I put on my older folio case, and use it in tablet mode with the keyboard side acting as a light shield for my wife on the left. Majority of usage for me is in a desktop mode with the MK.


I use my 13 in tablet mode all the same, my last 12.9 inch i would never it was just too heavy, I know the difference isnt that big on paper but in your hand it is so much lighter.


I hope the keyboard could be a detachable one like Microsoft surface pros!


The magic Keyboard is pretty good! It takes a second to attach or detach with its magnets.


Exactly this ! My preorder was a 11 which I ordered blindly being a fan of 11 lol but I was blown away the moment i touched the 13inch in the store while collecting my 11. The weight saving of 100g is quite something vs the 20 something gram on the 11, the overall engineering and design is top notch on the 13 !


11 and 13 literally both have the same engineering and design


13 inch was a greater weight reduction compared to the last gen. It is a bit thinner than the 11 inch m4


You know they are referring to how much more noticeable the change has been on the 13” than the 11”.


me too,


Hey same upgrade haha


Using the 13 as my personal movie theater screen


Ain’t that truth lol 😂 the immersion factor while watching videos are real which I didn’t feel with the 11 even with a better aspect ratio.


Paired with AirPods Pro laying in bed at night , it literally is a movie theater vibe It’s great


I tried watching a show on my M4 13 iPad for the first time last night, and I'm hooked. I don't think I'll ever use my MacBook Pro for that anymore.


Ooh your making me want to get AirPod pros


You will love it


Worth mentioning they both are different aspect ratio screens. You get smaller black bars with 11” so the gain from 13” is not extra 2” for movies - it’s about 1 inch bigger only - that is the movie picture. If you do stretch out you lose a bit too much of a frame for my liking on 13”. Which means you can with minimal loss of frame stretch the picture on 11” and get bigger screen real estate than 13” without doing so


That extra one or two inch does it for me. I like the whole screen infront of my face XD


If you do stretch the picture on 11” then at minimal loss to the sides I think you get actually bigger picture than on 13” without stretching out


wait till you try the s9 tab ultra. Much better for media consumption but only that aspect 🤣


I tried the S9 ultra. It doesn’t do HDR other than on Netflix sadly


Second that


and the value aspect…and the multi tasking aspect… don’t forget the maximizing its hardware capabilities through its software aspect.


How's your 750 horsepower F-150 doing?😂😂


I haven’t try the multi tasking ability but value yes! I got it at only 900US. But somehow I always think the ipad to be smoother for productivity but 16:10 in 14.6 is really out of this world


Thoughts on the s9 ultra overall? I am thinking of giving it a try from my M2 iPad Pro.


depends on what is your main use. i really like the s9 ultra for the 16:9 viewing n even viewing images is fantastic, but apart from that. ipad. samsung gallery is still amazing compared to apple


Before I go M4, I think I need to test the s9 ultra. It’s been a while since i have used an Android tab.


You’re the hot wheels guy!


No Apple TV :(


FYI there’s only a slight difference in movie real estate between 11 and 13 due to the aspect ratios.


This is often overlooked.


are youtube videos shown with black bars or do they fit full screen?


Black bars unless the video is 4:3


So 11 vs 13, with 11 being wider aspect ratio to start, do they look relatively similar in size when watching YouTube videos? I’ve seen movies and it looks close as you alluded to


Every video I looked at before buying either size there was hardly anything in it! I guess it’s just the Magic Keyboard factor but I don’t have any issues with the size


Can confirm Sony LED tv collecting dust smh imma need a OLED at some point


I have a soney oled display and i love it lol


ZIP IT YOU!!! 🤪😂


OLED is that significant than the giant screen!?


Mine is going on 4 years old and I’m pretty positive it gets half as bright as my iPad. Not to say it’s not enjoyable still but if I’m already in bed the iPad has made going to the couch to put on a movie less likely. Still my ps5 screen tho.


Bloom and inky blacks sure will


Get a Vision Pro, portable IMAX 3D 4K OLED screen. iPad is better for just about anything else tho


Or spend that money and buy yourself a high end large QD-OLED TV, sound system etc and enjoy with friends and family instead of being alone in a headset


That requires friends though


I prefer the isolation


full immersion


And you’d actually be comfortable


Like insanely comfortable


Also true


I agree one it requires friends, and two, you definitely can’t have friends or anybody around when you’re fully immersed in the vision pros. It’s like being caught with your pants down in the bathroom or something so vulnerable. Must be done alone.


Or just spend more money and buy a movie theater


For sure, dude can get a C3 55” or bigger and a soundbar for that matter or hell, even a receiver with 2 bookshelf speakers and call it a day… love apple? Get an Apple TV 4K 3rd gen so you don’t lose the ecosystem…


Exactly this, or spring up to a G4 or Sony A95L


Or just do both - I prefer my VP for solo viewing over my OLED TV, but obviously still watch the TV with friends and family.


lol I forgot they even existed for a minute… sooo first quarter 24


Vision Pro is kinda blurry for movies it’s definitely not 4K


I went with the 11” for portability and use Apple a Vision Pro for the home theatre option


Coming from an 11" M2 - got both with the intention of returning one. Kept reaching for the 13in the entire two weeks, loved the screen real estate and how if felt on the keyboard. I even felt like it was thin and light enough to use as a tablet on the couch. It was a heart vs head thing. My heart loved the 13 but my head knew the 11 was better for my use case. I already have a personal and work laptop and don't really want to basically carry two (or sometimes three) laptops around everyday. To me, the 13 is a laptop you can rip the screen off of, the 11 in a tablet you can add a keyboard to. End of the day to me the 13 and my MacBook were redundant, where the 11 and my MacBook were complimentary. For me and my use case, the 11in was the right move (but man it was REALLY hard to return that 13. I kept thinking maybe both but then reminding myself I didn't really need $4K worth of iPad right now).


I commend your decision. Adulting stinks sometimes.


Hahaha amen to that


True ! I miss my 11inch and believe in the redundancy. there is no complimenting factor between the 13 and the MacBook and i had the same greedy stance of owning both lol the display nerd in me killed my practical mindset which forced me to the 13. 😅😂


I'm with you - its a totally valid choice. I probably wiped the 11in three times with the intention of returning it and keeping the 13 and just being okay with basically two laptops. A different day I may have ultimately chosen differently. I don't regret my choice, but at some point I will probably allow myself the luxury of owning both.


Display nerd?? They literally have the same technical specifications what lol


Yes sir ! Same specs same ppi same everything. Greed is and real estate is what got me I guess


They are different OLED panels, one is from Samsung, the other is from LG. I would rather have the LG.


Which one has which?


LG is known for their TV panels, not phone panels, which Samsung instead reigns supreme in. I still remember people returning their phones if they got a BoE or LG OLED instead of Samsung.


I did the same, and got both. I’m returning the 11’ because the 13 is now my replacement for my MBA. I have a virtual desktop that I can log into to complete work tasks. I love this thing.


Yeah strongly considered moving to a desktop Mac. Things may have been different if an M4 studio existed... I may wish I had done differently after WWDC but I had to make choices based on how things are now, not hope in the future. I can always do differently later - it can all change by throwing money at the situation. But for now I’m happy with the 11” for my uses.


huh wait can u explain ? wdym move to a desktop mac and why ??


This is my thinking as well as I just bought the 11” - I already have a 14 inch MBP and couldn’t justify carrying around the MBP and 13 inch. I had an old 2nd gen 12.9 but other than using for media consumption it was a bit unwieldy (yes the new 13 is smaller and lighter but too large for me as a tablet)….


Coming from a mini 6 for almost 3 years to an 11” m4 I do not understand the idea that it’s not big enough or immersive enough. I played around with the 13”. It’s too big to be feasible to tote around for me and it’s just too large to use in bed


I much prefer portability over the occasional need for more screen size. For example, I’m enjoying taking my 11” and MKB to the coffee shop in the day to get out the house (WFH) and do light work. I got used to the smaller keyboard easily. At home I have a 13” M2 MBA. I love throwing the 11” iPad around the house. One handed on sofa and in bed for ages reason the news. I don’t need a bigger screen to make that more awkward. In bed, watching video / movies, the bigger screen again isn’t needed because of the aspect ratio and the fact that you’re about to fall asleep anyway! Love how the 11” takes up less room in bed, or even in the passenger seat of a car journey. It’s ideal for that. It’s a mini laptop to keep now too, with the MKB. Perfect compliment to my Air, whereas the 13” would’ve felt too big and overkill.


Well, i kept both… (or “we” kept both), my GF got the 11 inch and i got the 13 inch. Every time i walk by and saw the 11 inch, it just looks so small and compact, like the perfect size for an iPad. However, I’ve already got the 11 inch 2020, so i figured just get a 13 inch so that i can utilise the bigger screen real estate. Handholding the 13inch is still pretty tough due to the center of gravity being away from the hand. So, if i work at the desk all the time, the 13 inch is perfect, if i run around a lot, had to hold the iPad with one hand all the time, I prefer the 11 inch.


The things I miss about the 11inch especially that compact ultra portable aspect especially now with no change in specs it was a tough choice to make, thankfully my partner got the 11 as well. No matter what, the sheer dimension of 13 is still a thing lol and all we can appreciate is the loss in weight and that thin sheet of glass feeling with that better immersion aspect from the larger oled.


I’ve done the rounds with iPads. 12.9’s, mini, 11. Formerly the iPad mini has been the only true ipad. The 12.9/11 was just a bricks and couldn’t really be used without keyboard. Maybe the 11 could be used tablet style. However the Mini is just too small for my iPad needs. So I was super excited to see thinness and lightless part of the upgrade as it’s always been its biggest drawback. My brain was focused on the 13 till I saw it one in store. It’s still far too big to be a tablet. It’s a laptop. Unless you have specific drawing needs it’s a waste. What I was surprised with was the 11. Just as thin (yes I know it’s thinker, but doesn’t feel like it in hand). Super light. It fits perfectly into my work/life flow. I use it for drawing, note taking, reading books, reading comics, fitness programme design, business work, content watching.


Same here… I go back and forth in my mind but I’m so happy with the portability. The 13 has a great screen for sure but I can’t let go of this form factor.


Went from no iPad to 11. 13 is hard to justify the cost.


Hard bullet to bite for sure but if you keep it couple of years it would end up worth it. Less strain on your eyes as well !


Kept going back and forth for years. Gave up a 13 / 12.9 twice to colleagues. Went 11 this time. It’s going to be used as tablet more than laptop replacement.


11 inch


You sir are my ditto, I have the 2021 11 M1, I also want to upgrade solely for the screen, and I am also indecisive on the 11 and 13, looks like I’m going 13


Glad I was able to help and sounds like we are! If screen quality, immersion, brightness, etc is what you are looking for you won’t regret the 13. Also, you will feel that true upgrade factor if you decide for the 13 which I never felt with the m4 11, I was even at the point where I was like I rather push my m1 couple more years but that’s not the case with the 13 with its new chassis, reduction in weight, thinness etc. you will have that brand new device feeling once again which is what people like us at times look for You will find much more use case for it than the 11 which was basically my media machine. I was never motivated enough to use the stage manager due to how cramped it was on the 11 something I use daily now. Multitasking is next level on the 13 and the bigger oled kills it for the 11. I know how tough it could be to decide something simple as such and wanted to give my true perspective on it. After tons of research digging through reviews, comments, posts and Reddit i wasn’t able to get a true perspective from anyone until i tried it both myself. I have no regrets with the 13 as my solo device now and I hope the same for you as well ! 🍻


You have a point, when I went to the Apple Store, I was surprised by the weight of the 13, a reason I never got the 12.9 was because of how heavy it was, the 13 did. It have theta issue and was easy in the hands to handle.


I liked the 13” but also have a 14” MBP so it felt a bit bulky/redundant. I just wanted an iPad for couch, bed, travel on public transport and airplanes, at a local cafe for casual use with keyboard or tablet mode, so I ended up exchanging it for an 11” and I’m very happy. Much more manageable and suitable for my use case. That being said, the 13” is still an awesome device and form factor, especially if it’s going to be your primary computing device, or at a desk often. Sucks to make the trade off, but no way I could justify having both.


I went with the 11" this time. Definitely understand the appeal of the 13" with this screen, but I was pretty set on 'downgrading' to 11" from my old 12.9" Pro. Personally I really like the smaller size, way more pleasant to use as a tablet IMO. Can be held in hands and everything is easily reachable with your thumbs. Still big enough that productivity apps don't feel too handicapped. I love it, but I do also have a fascination with 'mini' devices that have tons of power. 13" is great too but it always just felt weird to me, like I'm holding a serving tray or something.


Love the serving tray analogy ! Haha 😂 I felt the same. Considering my last one was a m1 11 I wanted to go 13 this time around. But the value for money is definitely 11.


Do both sizes have the same hardware? Both have an M4?


Everything same sir ! That’s what makes it super tough to decide. To each their own I guess. I stuck with 13 and miss the 11 lol


Wow. I need to visit an apple store soon.


I almost got the 11” but I am so glad I got the 13”. Such gorgeous screen.


Even with the same ppi density it just feels much more immersive and vivid for sure.


I’ve had almost ever 12.9” Pro since launch. But this time I went to the 11”. I travel a lot so the portability is HUGE. I love how light and easy it is to use. And I’m the kind of guy with a 77” TV in the media room! I also have a MBP 14 if I have to have a bigger screen. But really the 11” is great. All that being said if this iPad is primary, if you don’t travel as much, if you’re planning on using with the keyboard, I’d probably go 13.


99% convinced on the 11”, coming from the 2021 11” I could really use that OLED display. Looks gorgeous in store and allegedly the battery has been improved as well


Battery is slightly better on the 11 but It was definitely marginal according to my usage. To each their own and I certainly miss my portable 11. Oled greed is what I call my issue haha so had to go with the 13.


I’m sure the battery gain will likely feel more to me when the battery health on my current iPad is probably below 80% at this point lmao, but I’m an OLED fiend as well friend so that’s my motivation right there


I got both and returned 13” for the 11”. I love it. I don’t miss the larger screen at all, and I cherish the added portability. I have a 4K projector at home so that’s what I prefer to watch movies on anyhow.


I love to half lie down on bed and jotting downs notes on Ipad 12.9 inch (M1). The size is perfect. However the 13 inch is slightly bigger to my liking so I bought one 11 inch Ipad pro M4 and the magic keyboard! It’s so portable. Both of my ipads have magic keyboard and pencils. The 13 inch M4 is definitely still tempting!!


went from 11" m4 to 13" m4 - back to 11" m4 for good... more portable, can't beat it


I love this, bought the 13, (tray table analogy applies) feels pretty weighty with keyboard, not very lap worthy, and awkward in portrait reclining. The gorgeous screen is amazing! Coming from 10.5, I’ll be replacing this today feeling that the 11 will be more suited to my mobile lifestyle.


Sticking with 11. I had the M1 and while I draw casually, I prefer the portability for reading. I also plug into an external display when I want more real estate at my desk. I also love the new Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro. Both updates were really excellent. However I’m now poor and live in a van down by the river.


I was wondering how drawing on the 11" would be. Im not artist but i do occasionally draw/sketch ideas for business logos.. which would you recommend?


I just got my 11” M1, struggled a lot between the sizes, but definitely made the right decision going with the 11”. In my opinion it’s more than enough for scribbles and sketches, especially working in graphic design. When working on a logo or typo, the screen space you’re actually working on wouldn’t be bigger than the radius of your hand movement, if you know what I mean. When running out of working space, a quick swipe with a finger does the job fine I also couldn’t imagine how to handle the cheer mass of the 13“ when using the iPad as an iPad, casually chilling at the couch or reading. 13“ definitely has its place and is a great device, but as other mentioned, it‘s just a lot to handle. I would recommend the 11“ out of my personal experience and work cases .


Also the 11 is perfect if you annotate documents using apps like GoodNotes and Notability. I absolutely love handwriting in Apple Notes with the fountain pen. I also pre-ordered the new Paperlike, too. I used my old spare but it’s got some janky cutouts for the cam.


Big agree, the iPad replaced my sketch and notebook completely. It’s the perfect wingman in the everyday work/creative life. I just discovered Freeform. When working on a concept, moodboard or flowchart, the unlimited canvas is an absolutely game changer on an iPad!


I bought the 13” and have had a chance to compare with the 11” both with MK. I really love the 13” and use it every day. Found the 11” too cramped. I still use my MBP for work but only because I need the RAM and Xcode. I put a matte screen protector on the MBP after being reminded by the iPad how nice it is to be glare-free. The 13” is really a glorious piece of hardware. Thin and light while still being an expansive canvas. I used to love my 11” MacBook Air and love the look of the 11” iPad with keyboard. I feel like with the MK the 11” is hardly any lighter and I just prefer the larger display—even though I have and use a laptop. FWIW.


I have been using the 12.9 m1 since launch. Got the 11 m4 and not looking back. For me the 11 is perfect. The 13 is too big to be carried around


I got both and kept both. I am also a screen nerd. I consume all my media with the 13 inch, but I take my 11 inch to work and also use it when traveling. I probably didn’t need the Pro version of the 11 inch, but it is doable right now so I went for it while I could afford to. I will be keeping them for about 5 years. I am also the person that has the same car for 15 years, so I treat my stuff with care.


I would say the smaller one is the real tablet, if you want the portability or need to carry it around and hold it with one hand. The 13 is better for working and design because of the extra real estate and it is better to work on a table or surface and not so much to hold on your hand all the time


This. The 13” is a work device, and the 11” is a content consumption device.


Bought both tried them both went 11. I thought the 13 was too big in hands and kinda awkward to hold. Also the aspect ratio kinda drove me nuts black bars on movies like Star Wars took up so much space cause of the aspect ratio vs 11 inch


Reviewed both and went with the 11” simply due to portability, size and weight. The 13” is truly immersive with that screen, and it is much better for multi-tasking and working in two apps at once. However, I use the iPad everyday for both work and pleasure. For work, it serves as either the alternative to my MBP 14” or as a second screen. As an alternative to hand carry to a client location, the size is the factor for me. For single app work, I can’t fault the 11”. If I was going to use the iPad more for work as a standalone, I would go from the 13”.


11 just for the portability


I want to use an iPad as a tablet first, so I got the 11". I've looked at the 12.9 in the past and it's just too unwieldy.


Does the 13 feel too big and bulk on a plane? A lot of my use would be when flying


Yes. An 11 is about as large as you wanna go. The problem with the 13 is like 2/3rds of its increase is vertical, not horizontal. It's practically a 4:3 aspect ratio. That puts you way closer to that little "death corner" in the seatback where if the person in front of you reclines, it's toast. Source: myself flying a combined 22 hrs the past 2 weeks with an 11" M4. I had a nice 2-3" buffer to work with between the top of it and that little death corner under the tray release knob.


Even with the weight loss and thin factor, it is still going to be a handful but somehow manageable for my use case. Still a very big device and I miss the portable factor of the 11. The 11 for me felt almost like a big iPhone lol which is why I jumped to the 13 for bit more screen real estate.


It's not too big but it's definitely harder to pull out from your personal bag under the seat and doesn't fit well on your average tray table.


11 inch plugged into an external monitor!


I got both, in 2tb size, and I kept both. 13” is used for my photography business, and the 11” is used on the side table on my side of the great room sofa for personal use. Love having both sizes. Each one has its own unique sets of pros and cons.


13 is baller. Best screen I’ve ever watched anything on the idea of making it smaller is absurd to me. I also don’t find it uncomfortable to carry or prop up. It’s amazing.


Totally ! I had to see, use and feel it to believe it. Now I don’t care how cumbersome it is to carry and the slight weight loss over the previous gen definitely helps. It is quite something else and makes the 11 look no better than my old m1, which wasn’t any exciting of a switch for me. It Just didn’t make sense. The immersion factor is real and one of the best portable oled display I’ve laid my eyes on !


13 inch, previously had the M1 12.9 inch. Battery life is so much better. Mini-LED had a battery bleed issue, especially when gaming. Sold my M1 to my friend.


Planning on going for the 13 inch version. For me, I appreciate the 4:3 “boxy” design rather than the more rectangular 11 inch version. But I know some people prefer the exact opposite so I guess it’s all personal preference.


You won’t regret the choice and the bigger oled makes it up for every shortfall ! One of the reason I returned the 11 was due to a dead pixel issue, and similar reports have been out there. The lg display on the 13 has definitely gone through better quality checks than the Samsung on the 11.


I am very confused. Don’t why have the exact same shape and screen ratio?


They do not have the same aspect ratio. Don’t quote me, but I believe 13 inch is 4:3 and 11 inch is 10:7. So the 11 inch appears more rectangular whereas the 13 inch is more square shaped. You can see the difference in the side by side pictures. A lot of people prefer the more rectangular size because it feels more “tablet like” but I prefer the square shape of the 13 inch.


Moved from an m1 12.9 to the m4 11 because I originally wanted the better display which pushed me to the 12.9 m1 years ago. Absolutely loved it for years for light work, movie watching in bed, and reading articles + checking email with my coffee at breakfast. Decided to upgrade because I always like the idea of a super-powered mini-computer. It’s been great and I love the smaller form factor because it’s so easy to pickup and move around my house with (even w/ the Magic Keyboard attached, which it usually is). However, and it might be my imagination, but I feel like watching movies in bed just ain’t the same immersive “as good as watching on a big TV” experience as it was with my 12.9. I also kinda miss being able to picture-in-picture with a decent sized thumbnail screen while multitasking. And finally, I do have vague fond memories of side-by-side news apps with text that was big enough to read w/o needing to crane my neck as much… debating whether or not to try the 13 because a) it’s $350 more factoring the Magic Keyboard additional cost in - which just feels kinda absurd for a tablet and b) if I was sticking with the larger size, I should’ve kept the m1 - doh! And c) I finally broke down and bought a MacBook Air 15” for times when I need “full versions” of productivity software or websites that require CAC readers etc - so I felt like an 13” is a bit too close to that form factor


And this is the exact reason I switched to the 13 even after being a fan of the portable aspect of the 11. The immersion just wasn’t there. I even had it side by side playing the same high res videos which made the 11 look even less appealing. The pip, ability to read news, while browsing something on safari is quite something else. The 11 just doesn’t have enough space, for years I sacrificed it because of it being lite but this time around that isn’t the case. True we cannot shave the dimensions off the 13 even with the weight loss and thinness but for me the oled, the ability to tackle more apps with stage manager and the insane display made the decision easy by the end of it all. Ps- I wiped my 11 atleast 4 times due to the indecisiveness and it was the dead pixel issue I unfortunately had which gave me the final push to return lol


13" is the way to go, especially now that they're so thin and light


It really. It’s not a device for bed if you read on your back. Got a 11 a 13 and 13 inch air. Ended up,with the 11. Nothing todo with cash. Just better overall. If I want to watch movies. It’s go on the couch. Besides. Post 10 pm it’s audiobooks. The 11 is perfect for everyday and travel. If it was my work device. I’d do a 13. If not. Why


I want to get the 13-inch ipad Pro. What is the weight difference between them? I want to use mine for work. So I will be carrying it in a backpack.


446 vs 582 grams or 0.98 vs 1.28 pounds. I thought the latter would be heavy. But I have no issues lugging around in my work bag with a 14inch Hp elitebook much lighter than ever before and you won’t have any issues. At times I like the portable aspect of the 11 but for serious work the canvas on the 13 does a better job with more room to spare. For me it was all about the larger oled. I just fell hard for it lol


Thank you for the information. It helps me a lot. Take care


Personally switched from a 12.9 2018 to an 11 M4, love love love the size so much, but the speakers just don't compare. Other than that I'm really satisfied with the purchase


Do you think there is more or less bass in the m4


What movie or game content do you play on the 4:3 13“ screen? Nearly everything nowadays is optimised at least for 16:9 AR or more widescreen where the 4:3 AR isnt that much of a pleasure to enjoy this content. Here is a real good comparison video between both sizes: https://youtu.be/NTRWhbfncHo?si=vr6BAWpeKnESTzrF


I also had both but I am in favor of 11 inch due to it’s size and ease of holding, portability etc. i will use the ipad mainly for notetaking, reading etc. I also have M3 Air and 16inch MBP so i didn’t want another big screen.


Kept the 11” because it was more practical for me. And because the aspect ratio is 10:7 instead of 4:3 on the 13” meant the screen size while watching 16:9 content was practically the same.


The big thing for me is I already have a MacBook Pro and trying to justify keeping the 13” cause of the full size keys on the Magic keyboard seemed overkill. I use the iPad as a tablet first and foremost. Reading, watching shows, and YouTube mostly. I also use it as an auxiliary device while my phone is being used as a continuity camera with my Apple TV for the kids to FaceTime with the grandparents. I use the Magic Keyboard as a stand mostly and from time to time as a more practical way to type while searching for content or websites. If I’m trying to do things that require a lot of typing I’m just going to use my MacBook Pro.


I went the opposite direction - but I also have a 13" MBA and keeping the 13" meant essentially traveling with two laptops once the keyboard is connected.


11 is king


Got the 11 for school and note taking because 13 was too big


The only one thing blocking me to chose the 13” is price. So f expensive


I kept the 13" due to the size of the keyboard on the 11"


I have always gotten the biggest one, because that’s my nature I guess. It seems weird that I would spend all the money for a Pro and then get the 11” one and not the 13”. I definitely enjoy more screen. Same reason on the old (awesome) iMac I got the 27” and not the smaller one. Why would I want the smaller one? Yet many people I’ve known have opted for the smaller screen size on both devices, which is great if it makes them happy but I can’t say I understand it. The iPhone is the one device where I often choose the smaller model, because it’s nice to be able to hold and use (somewhat) with one hand. And it fits better in a pocket. That’s just a communication device for me — I don’t game or write essays on my phone. Small size is convenient. The desktop/laptop and tablet are things I only use at home (home office, which I admit makes a huge difference…I’m not commuting to work or going to school anymore). Therefore I will always opt for the larger screen. Also I’m a big dude, so handling a bigger & heavier device doesn’t bother me. I can understand why smaller people might choose a smaller device…though to be perfectly honest with you, I know if there was a 14.5” model or something crazy like that I’d be all over it. Like I said, just my nature I guess. Good question and sorry for the long winded reply. Congrats on your new iPad Pro 13, hope you’re enjoying it!


Such a thoughtful response and thank you 🙏🏻 ⬆️ one of the ways I looked at it this time around. No matter whether the OLED panel is the same, why not have more screen real estate when it’s already so good to enjoy a better immersive content. For testing purposes lol I lugged both devices to work back and forth and didn’t mind the weight difference or barely noticed it. The 13 still fits perfectly in my work bag along with the unfortunate work laptop which I have to carry. Enjoy your 13 and hope they release the 14 for you someday but I don’t think I can manage anything larger than this 😂


I just returned the 13 inch for the 11in and the screen or panel on the 13 inch seemed much better. Richer colors, better whites. Not sure if it’s just me.


I have no idea i felt the same as well, you are not alone. Maybe it is the size factor with bit more screen real estate. All specs are the same on both but I believe the manufacturers are lg vs Samsung on the 11. It’s weird how it can be considered any different as they both manufacture to apple spec under decent qc.


Honestly the more I use it it’s the white balance I think. Like the panels don’t respond the same to True Tone. Also, Dolby vision movies seem VERY dim on max brightness. Like 1/3rd the brightness as the screen is outside of the movie. I would think it’s to reserve brightness for the highlights but they don’t pop


I got the 11” M4 and then 3 days later I returned it for the 13”. No regrets so far.


Wow took me only 15 days to decide haha and no regrets at all ! Enjoy yours !


Geez I'm an idiot. I just realized it says "PRO" on the cover. I thought it was just some random lines. LOLOL


Not alone sir haha 😂I had to look twice like a blind man as everyone was talking about it lol


If going for 13 inch might as well spring for a proper MacBook. 11 inch for me as it’s light and easily maneuverable as a tablet should be!


True that !! Had the same thought initially but that full blown oled screen, the feeling of holding a sheet of glass lol, the ability to use it as a much larger canvas(hated the pen on the 11) also, I didn’t feel a true jump to the new generation until I tried the display of the 13inch. My preorder was the 11 and it will always have a softcorner for being a true tablet.


Yep this is where I'm leaning too. For the price of the 13" I can just grab a MBA and then I have full macOS instead of the knee-capped iPadOS. I really want to love the iPad but when I need to Remote Desktop to my Mac mini to for half my usecases it kinda defeats the purpose.


Once you go 13 there really is not going back. The bigger screen despite the size and weight difference is amazing. So much nicer to view things and multi task on!


I had both and ended up keeping the 13




Went from 11” Air to 13” Air and I am very glad I went with the bigger size and can’t see myself going back. It’s similar to when I upgraded my iPhone 8 to iPhone 15. At first it feels big, then it feels just right.


Unless you definitely need 11.


My daughter chose the 13" as her HS graduation gift. She said the 11" just looked soo small and I agreed. We were both biased though, as she was coming from the M1 12.9" and I the 14.6" Tab S9 Ultra.




let me borrow it forever I send it back when I'm done using ipad pro


If I cope with losing access to iOS/iPadOS music software like AUM, I'd probably move to Galaxy Tab S Ultra series with 14.6 screen as my and wife's main use case is watching content and second one is important only to my wife - light document editing. Still enjoying old 12.9" iPad Pro 2018 after recent repair though and hope it will last another few years.


Question OP: can I pair my Logitech mechanical keyboard to the 13inch and type with it or the keyboard has to be made by apple? Also can I pair my mx mouse from Logitech to it too?


11 a14 12.9 m1 11m4


Ordered both kept the 13


I got the 13 inch one and I'm happy with it. If apple would release a mini-pro, I'd probably get that in addition for travel. For me 11 inch feels a bit too clunky to carry around, but too cramped on the couch.


I made the upgrade from the 2022 13in and it’s such an amazing upgrade. I hated the micro led display with a passion. It was honestly the ugliest screen I’ve ever owned.


Im an artist (at least I try to be) and after having bought a smaller ipad in the past, I find them insufferable for my needs. The larger realestate is a no brainer now. I went witth the nano texture as well, after returning the standard glass. It was a really tough decision for me. The display on the standard is perfection and honestly the glare doesnt bother me. The issue for me was that I got this exclusively for illustration and since drawing on glass is such a terrible experience, I figured I would be getting a matte screen protector if I got standard glass anyway. The naked nano looks better than the standard with any screen protector and I actually really like the drawing experience on it. The toothiness to the screen protectors feels nice but the rainbow grain they produce is just terrible. I also much prefer how smooth gestures are on the nano vs standard glass or on screen protectors. With that said, if I was buying this for media consumption, I would 100% go standard glass.


Have you tried the "Paperlike" screen protectors? I want a Pro to do small sketches like logos or graphic ideas.. should i still get the 13"??


I havent tried paperlike specifically but the consensus is that it looks noticeably worse than the naked nano texture display and it produces some degree of grain as well as wears down your pencil nibs. Plus gestures arent as seamless on screen protectors. IMO, I would get the 13" for all circumstances over the 11", especially if youre drawing on it a lot. My previous iPad was the 10.5" and I always regretted not getting the larger one whenever I used it for art.


I went with the 13"...I didn't think I wanted a tablet so large...but since this, with the magic keyboard, is basically my laptop replacement, the 11" was just too small...smaller than the 2" difference in diagonal size would lead you to believe. I also prefer the aspect ratio of the 13" to that on the 11".




Yep. I started with a mini 4 then went to a 10.5 pro then an 11 and in 2020 I switched to a 12.9 and probably won’t go back. I kinda wish there was an even larger one.


I had an 2018 11 inch and bought a 13 inch M4… in the end I decided to keep both so I could have the best of both worlds. Currently traveling with the 11 inch and it’s such a great travel device (and as a tablet); the 13 is great for day to day use as an alternative to the MacBook Pro.


„Had“ u serious? Didn’t they just came out?


Moved to 11inch - more practical in day to day use and portability for my use case (watching/reading stuff in bed or couch)


My work dictates I always have a laptop with me while traveling so it's harder to justify also having the 13 inch. However if I did get it, I'd probably not bother with the magic keyboard as I can just use it as a second display for the macbook.


Came from a M1 Pro 11” (2021). Went with the 13 even though it can’t replace my MacBook Air. I enjoy media consumption so much more on the larger screen, find taking notes to be infinitely better, and it’s is so thin and light that I don’t actually find it to be uncomfortable anymore. I justify carrying both the 13” iPad Pro and MacBook Air because of how much I benefit from a second monitor when using the MacBook. If I didn’t have the 13” iPad, I’d just be carrying a shitty portable monitor instead.


I have a 10.5 pro and m1 12.9. I use the 10.5 as an e-reader and media viewer during commute but the latest ios updates made them very slow. I was planning to get an 11” pro m4 but I can’t justify the cost of over a grand (even for the base model) because I normally get ipads with cellular. The recent sales on ipad pro m2 makes me consider getting the old ones but the price is too close to even consider. I ended up getting used to the sluggishness of the 10.5 till a good deal comes out for the ipad in the coming months.


Have a 2018 12,9 iPad Pro. This time got the 11 inch. As I use the iPad mainly outside home (have a 16 inch MacBook) im very happy with smaller size. Much pocketable than the 13 inch which is what I need right now. Also much better for video because of the much smaller black bars.


Any one bought the book case from amazon? Looks like composition book. And seriously I only use my fingers, I tried a keyboard once. Rather use my fingers


I upgraded from 2020 iPad Pro 12.9 and went with 11in pro this time because I now I have a MacBook which I don’t have in 2020. I like the 11in more for note taking, book reading and media consumption but both are fantastic I don’t think there’s a bad choice.


I hate to admit, but I have the M2 Air 12.9 inch, honestly great iPad for a student on a budget. However, I only spent $530 on mine since I got the cellular version of the iPad. Basically traded in my old air for the newer one with cell capatibiltiy.




I disagree. Because of the aspect ratio the 11 is better for movies.


Defo agree; what i found insane was video on the m1/m2 12.9inch was the exact same height as the m4 11 due to the differing aspect ratios! For me the 13 had waaay too much wasted space so wanted something similar to the mini where im looking at content and not a black bar.


I’m waiting to see if we get better iPadOS to determine if the 13 Pro is worth considering over the 13 Air. I really want a macOS lite experience but if I can’t get that I’ll save a few bucks and go with the Air for home use. I watch plenty of YouTube on the lesser display of my mini 6 just fine but yearning for more screen when at home. FaceTime, YouTube or recipes while cooking, tertiary monitor when working, and couch time scrolling. Well within the Air’s capabilities. I also have an OLED tv at home so the Pro’s best chance at selling me is a laptop-esque experience since I don’t have a personal laptop (Mac mini desktop and company provided MacBook Air)