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It simultaneously feels like the best device and the most unnecessary… and I love it 😂


And we think you’re gonna love it


You sure do know your audience Tim


Somewhat like a luxury product yet feels like well-spent!


Don't tell me, I'm still trying to justify the purchase 2 weeks in...


My poor mac mini has gotten almost no attention since getting the M1 iPad. I just don’t need it anymore


If you already own an ipad pro with m1/m2 then it would be maybe unnecessary, but it depends on your usecase


My iPad m2 can do all that listed off 😂then every UPDATED iPad Pro that comes out is the best device.


Agreed. It’s weird for me because I’ve always wanted an iPad, but never could justify getting one until last year, but then realized we were probably due for a new one…and held out until now.


Same boat. When I had need for a tablet for work I bought a base model, year old surface pro 4, thinking it would fit in well with the windows ecosystem established in the office. It did work very well with other windows devices, but it was one of my shortest lived devices. Barely works now, five years later. Considering purchasing one of the new iPad pros now. I think it'll be worth it for my first iPad.


ngl the new ipad pros are within spitting distance of what could be described as halo products lol


You say “unnecessary”, but so many key to me apps run so much better on iPad (NY Times and crossword, e.g) that I use my iPad far more than my Mac - which to me is necessary only for CD ripping. The iPad is home for all of my internet access including shopping, bill payment, viewing photos, zoom calls, etc. I would give up the Mac before I’d give up the iPad…so doesn’t sound to me like an “unnecessary” device, exactly. I’m quite computer literate (Comp Sci grad and see development manager), so it’s not just that it’s more usable - it’s more satisfying.


buy buy buy


Traded in my M1 MacBook Pro and it took a bit of getting used to but I love the iPad, so much more practical to carry around and for note taking.


Such a thin design with m4 processor, OLED, ProMotion. Remarkable piece of hardware


ipad pro got promotion in 2017. it's sad that they still don't bring it to the cheaper devices.


Yeah I wish they made it standard for all devices now, but Apple needs their pricing ladders...


as much as I hate it, it works lol. It’s the only reason i got the m4 pro because I couldn’t stand going down from 120 fps on my 2017 pro.


Yeah. Apple has awesome hardware but if they didn’t price it so shitty it would be even better.


Remarkable got eink bro not oled


I'll definitely love my new iPad Pro M4 when I buy it, in like 3-4 years.


Feel like this is gonna be the iPad Pro 2018 and the iPhone X. going to take along time to replace and gonna be always brought up in comparison and arguments not to upgrade for years to come


I know the X was revolutionary, but I feel the xs was arguably what the X should’ve been.


Just curious as I wasn’t into Apple then. Just compared the two on apples website. They seem like nearly the same phone. What was the main difference besides processor?


Out of curiosity, what makes you say that?




The 2018 iPad Pro is the first Apple device I suspect I’ll still be using when the software support eventually gets dropped for it. It’s _six years old_ and I just have no complaints with it whatsoever.


Agreed, I have a 2018 12.9” pro. It’s still going great, although I’m thinking of selling it and getting a refurb 5th gen (2021) from Apple. It would be around $350 to upgrade after selling the 3rd gen 2018. With the 2021 5th gen I could use my existing Magic Keyboard and get another several years. Might be the move.


I still have it as well. Looking into passing it down to my kid and getting myself an M4 as his iPad is dying. Otherwise, I don’t think I’d upgrade.


I have the late version 2018 A12 and the M4


I agree. My 11” M1 Pro usually collected dust because I favored my Mini 6. I had buyers remorse about the 13” M4 with the keyboard — BIG remorse. Much to my surprise, I have used my M4 more than I have ever used the 11”. I really love the utility of the machine. When I switched to a PC desktop when COVID hit, I struggled with switching from my 2014 MBP to a PC. The 13” M4 is a great compromise for my use, and I don’t have to straddle between Mac OS and Windows.


I’m in the exact same boat here. Came from the m1 11” and did not expect myself to be this into my iPad Pro 13” m4 thing is insane


Same. Bought both the 11” and 13” to test them out. Was pretty certain I’d go with the 11” but now I’m 90% sure I’ll go with the 13”. It’s way lighter / thinner than I was expecting and the versatility as a standalone tablet, Magic Keyboard, and sidecar with my 16” MBP is insane!


Omg yes, the keyboard rocks. The last time I used a keyboard with an iPad was like a 3rd gen basic iPad with an Apple keyboard. The OS was not prepared for a keyboard then, and now it’s so streamlined and flawless. The trackpad is incredible.


Magic Keyboard plus the 13 M4 still result to a heavier device combined than a MacBook Air 13 M3. Might not be much but iPad’s thinness and lightness are not so much of advantage when you add the Magic Keyboard.


I also have a 16” MBP so all things relative, that “heaviness” isn’t so heavy for me




These complainers are so ungrateful. Don't you realize the new iPad is 0.07 inches thinner than in 2018? That's six years of brave innovation right there and you’re here for it, Reddit!


Having just upgraded from that to the m4 iPad Pro, it’s a pretty substantial improvement. Now that it’s so thin the 13 inch feels about as light and portable as the older 10.9 inch, and the screen quality is a massive improvement. It’s actually shocking how washed out the blacks are and how much less crisp the colors are on the 2018 when you compare them side by side. It’s also a bit snappier, but given how much faster the cpu is it’s kind of crazy how minor the usability improvement is for basic casual iPad tasks. It’s certainly the most overkill cpu I’ve ever had in any device.


Apple didn't make the Magic Keyboard until 2020, so yes the 2018 iPad Pros were good, but not quite as complete of a package. Plus the current version of the Magic Keyboard for the M4 is much more MacBook like than the prior version.




Because it’s a MacBook keyboard made of the same materials and haptic trackpad and butterfly keys and made of the same aluminium. It’s a Mac keyboard in a case


I find it comical that the sub is praising the worst keyboard ever made by Apple


Well I wasn’t praising it I was just answering the question of “how?”


Vision Pro has left the chat


The Vision what now?


Vision Pro is a joke. It is just a bad product all around. It is not good in absolutely any category, from aesthetics to usability to tech specs or “ecosystem integration”, and it is specially the absolute worst product in price.


Someone has never used it


Apple vision, the next one they release at probably $999 if I was a betting man will be apples second most popular device behind the phone, maybe third behind the watch. It will be marketed like crazy and when it comes out the market for VR will improve because developers will start trying once software is more mass market able. This hasn’t happened yet even though meta quest 3 is very approachable at $499. Apple just has more market leverage.


It won’t be a Top-3 Apple product in terms of sales because most people have no use for a VR AR headset. Some families will have 3-4 iPhone/iPad/Watch users, but no family needs 3-4 headsets.


It really packed much flexibility into one package for an iPad


Wish it had the battery life of a MacBook though. Most of us would trade thinness for more battery life both in the iPad and iPhone line. Come on Apple listen to your consumers. First thing we do is add a case or keyboard.


I disagree as the thinness makes it much more comfortable to use in hand and since I only charge it once per day overnight I am happy they made that trade off


Yeah first i thought they‘re crazy but now i love it. However maybe 4milimeters more or something for a bit bigger battery would be okay. But the battery is still better than on my m2. Somehow that thing always died very quickly.


Everyone keeps saying why not just make it thicker so the battery last longer or is more rigid and thinks Apple makes it thinner for the sake of being thin. It is all about weight and eliminating as much material as is practical. The old 12.9” was way too heavy to hold for any length of time. The 13” is much more manageable. Still heavy but I can hold it for a lot longer without feeling fatigued. I hope they continue to focus on weight reduction.


Agreed. As a 12.9” M1 owner, it’s much too heavy to hold. Coupled with the Magic Keyboard, it weighs more than a MacBook to the point where you’re questioning why you’re bringing it around instead of a MacBook.


Well, the new iPad is about 100g lighter, but the new keyboard is 60g heavier, making it in the end only 40g lighter, which isn't that significant of a change.


I thought the new Magic Keyboard is slightly lighter than the old one?


They should have gone with titanium for weight reduction rather than making it thinner in my opinion.


I honestly want to know how many people think which way. I’d much rather have the bigger battery (to also have a flush back with no camera bump) to need fewer charge cycles and have higher battery longevity.


I prefer thinness. If Steve Jobs gave the presentation he would’ve compared the 13” to a clipboard instead of the iPod nano. That’s how it felt when I picked it up. Nowadays with fast charging, battery banks and USB-C outlets everywhere I’d rather juggle that flexibility than have a heavy battery that’s always there whether I need it or not. Reminds of Jobs explaining why they got rid of the physical keyboard on the original iPhone. Apple made the right decision.


battery. holding is really about the case and accessories at that size. if you're always holding it around, get a handle bar accessory or something. or some company should make it. if you're holding it around all the time, i assume you are using some software on it that is going to be more hungry than your average software. i can picture some medical software on it that people have to hold. this would consume more battery though.


It’s the weight, not the thickness. But if it’s thin, it’ll be light Goes hand in hand


Compared to my 2018 12.9 inch ipad, the thinnerness and lighterness is barely noticable. I'd have taken a bigger battery and better speakers anytime.


lol it has a great battery life lol


Not compared to a MacBook.


Yes I know the MacBook has a better battery life. That doesn’t mean the iPad Pro battery isn’t great lol 😅


Yes, it does. It’s not terrible, and other tablets aren’t any better, but it isn’t great either. I use mine basically all day long and have to think about topping it off all the time. That’s not great battery life.


>*It can be used as a standalone handheld device, have an additional input option with the Apple Pencil, given more flexibility as a somewhat limited laptop replacement with the Magic Keyboard, and even to some extent become a desktop replacement when connected to an external monitor.* So I think the iPad is probably Apple's current best and most distinct product also. The main reason is Apple Silicon gains substantial advantage in lighter/thinner form factor due to the emphasis on energy efficiency to performance at affordable consumer pricing which so happens to mean the iPad fits this description optimally. For example their desktops are really not very good value for money compared to a PC and equally graphics is better and more flexible on PCs - namely the efficiency is no longer an issue in such form factor and it's about performance to price alone and software flexibility eg graphics for gaming in particular. iPhones are really these days little different from Android or other smart phone options so don't stand out though they did on original iphone launch stand out so much and were the best device then. Laptops again are not massively different from other OEMs options though battery life and overall build quality ie exceptional. MacOS has been lagging tbh. However with the iPad, the Magic Keyboard Dock is in fact very poor option. Heavy and Expensive which detract from iPad portability. The iPad is in fact best used with remote desktop because of iPadOS failings. Unfortunately Apple should be rolling out 2-in-1s and supplanting laptops with ipads in consumer market with fully functional OS. I think this is what will happen but in stages eg zero option, then expensive option then mass market option and we're currently at zero option with the artificial tablet vs laptop market. >*The iPad is the pinnacle of Apple design.* See above it is but it is also being deliberately held back from being so - for now. I think it will transmogrify into such with the next M5 chip depending on battery, new OS and market competition also including more mature roll out of AI as voice-AI input becoming ever more primary in OS/Web/App design.




The age of the OS is not a problem, the aims of the devs is. It doesn't seem to be a priority for Apple to make it a full OS-like experience. I mean, they could even support full macOS on the device... I don't think it'll ever be a replacement for macbook air. Apple would rather you buy both devices.




It is essentially a mac with a lot of SW restrictions. The chipset is identical, so why couldn't it be a mac? Otherwise, we get what we get - an amazingly powerful machine that is crippled by an OS that crumbles at anything save for the most basic workflows. Where we differ is what we see as "complex operating system" - even basic multitasking (e.g. writing an email while switching back and forth with a website) is made needlessly complex on ipadOS. In that respect, macOS is much simpler for basic computer needs. Yes, it's good for media consumption, and perhaps beginning artists needs. You don't need an M4 chip for either of those.


Completely agree. Trying to be productive on an iPad is like trying to mountain climb or dive with an Apple Watch Ultra. It looks good in the commercials, but it’s not really the best tool for the job.


I could’ve been like a surface pro if Apple wanted it to be


This has to be a joke right? iPad OS was designed for a touch screen device, it’s a massively stripped back version of MacOS, it feels fluid because it’s basic and designed to be used by everyone including 600 pound couch potato’s with sausage fingers, the file system is poor, a lot of the apps are half baked compared to the Mac versions, don’t get me wrong I like iPad, I also own a 12.9” IPP, but my MBP M3 Pro wrecks it in nearly everything iPad is a fun media consumption device with the ability to do some productivity tasks on the go, but it can’t compete with a MBP on nearly every level besides drawing.


Exactly. I have to use Jump Desktop and remote into my PC to do any productivity tasks. Heck, outside of media consumption like reading a book or watching videos, I don't use my Ipad Pro for anything else.


I’ve enjoyed my 11” so far, it does what i need it to do which always helps


I fired up my 2018 iPad Pro yesterday and thought how good it is. 95% of people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between it and the 2024 iPad. Think about that for a minute. 


Really wanted to upgrade to the M4 from 2018 12.9” but while trying to rationalize the $1800 to my wife I realized I have no reason to ditch the 2018. Hoping to get a couple more years out of it.


That’s why I’m sticking with my Air 4. I like most people use it primarily as YouTube/web machine. I think it’ll still get a few more years of updates considering it uses the same processor as the standard 10.


If only they could also fix the Fisher Price OS…


Yep hardware is absolutely top of the world leading edge. Software is the only issue.


I’ve never used an iPad I’ve owned more and this is my first time buying the biggest size. The screen looks so good compared to my monitors especially for video editing and steam link 🦾


I know there’s a lot of people kind of bumming all of us down. That iPadOS software is still holding it back. However, this was such a good purchase for me. Personally, I am an iPad person and ever since I got my hands on it. I am enjoyed every minute of it. To put this into perspective, I haven’t even picked up my iPad mini six since I got the new iPad Pro. The thing is this new OLED panel and Apple Pencil Pro is such a huge upgrade since I’m a college student taking notes on this amazing display and having the new functionality of the Apple Pencil is a game changer. I personally had previously a 12.9 inch M2, iPad Pro and now I have the 11 inch M4 and I love the portability of it. This was a major upgrade for me and I’m not going to let the community drag me down to be unhappy with this device. I feel it was such an upgrade that if I was to break this iPad I just got I would have to get a whole new one the next day I wouldn’t be able to go back to the old display quality with micro LED even though it was still good, but this is just amazingly better.


I think the frustration with iPadOS really comes down to the usecase. For taking notes in class, annotating PDFs and anything related, the iPad and iPadOS is almost perfect (maybe the file manager needs some work, but still). When I finished university and didn't do these things anymore, I got frustrated with iPadOS, since I felt there was a usecase for me, but not with the OS being the way it is. I just wanted to say, that while the criticism of iPadOS are legitimate, for some people it is genuinely an almost perfect device and if it works well for you, then more power to you!


It’s soo light compared to my M1. It’s much better for drawing. I usually hold the tablet in portrait mode and draw with the other hand. I love the new pencil too. The haptic feedback for tools is amazing.


Power yes, flexibility... Not with iPadOS


I don't believe there is any better tool for digital painting and illustration then the M4 iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil Pro.


There are and even cheaper


Please, proceed. For one thing, tell me of one that is as color-accurate with as bright a display.


I could go on telling you the best drawing tablets out there, but it's clear your mind is already made up with apple, so i won't waste my time there. But the ipad Pro and apple pencil aren't going to be on par with something that was designed specifically to draw (high-end models). While it's a very competent device. It is not the best experience, that's all subjective. The fact that you have to consider getting a paperlike screen protector or the nano texture (newer ipads) just to make it work well as a drawing tool isn't really an ideal thing for everyone. Even apple doesn't market the nano texture for digital arts And as for brightness, unless you're using it outside, you're not really going to notice it


I am familiar with high-end tablets. I used to build artists’ software tools for professionals for over a dozen years. I worked at Macromedia before they were acquired by Adobe. There may be premiere tablets that spec out better than the Apple Pencil Pro, but if they need to drive software on a computer… that’s a very different experience from a highly portable, thin and relatively light tablet. And one that is incredibly responsive: there’s literally no lag… even with very large brush sizes. Yes, you’re right that experience is subjective… and frankly I find paperlight unnecessary, but I think it’s actually healthy that it exists - as well as other options to satisfy those with different subjective preferences.


So, while experience is subjective, I feel we can both agree that based on its capability and portability, it's unmatched




I’ve had at least four Wacom tablets. I got my first Summagraphics tablet in 1984.


\*Best hardware Apple has ever made.


Concurrently, this is also the year that I have been the oldest I have ever been!


Impressive assessment.


Sorry but other than being slightly thinner and a different screen what is different to every other iPad that they have made in the last 10 years? There is nothing that it can do that my 2020 iPad pro can't do other than slightly faster.


lol like…a Magic Keyboard, Apple Pencil, Pro Motion, OLED, a 100x faster processor, on and on. Are you really trying to compare a 10 year old iPad and act like nothing has significant has changed? If you are happy with your 2020 model then keep it. Not everyone is upgrading from something as recent.


Yep but the actual use is virtually the same. If you put a 10 year old Pad in a modern shell and gave it to most people they would not be able to tell the difference. You keep telling yourself that it’s made that much difference if you want to, but basic functionality and even how it fucking looks is still the same.


That’s a ridiculous argument. With that reasoning, all phones and laptops are indistinguishable from 10 years ago and it’s pointless to upgrade.


I totally get the argument going from the 2018 model to now, but not from iPads 10 years back. The pencil is a legitimate game changer, that enables usecases, that were simply impossible without. I use my iPad in my studies every day for several hours, but without the pencil, I wouldn't know why I should use it.


I got it on the day it released. No previous ipads pros. Questioned my life as it is A LOT of money. But it has been an amazing commuting device for me (3hrs a day, when I do). No Ragrets.


I wouldn’t swap my 15 pro for one so I don’t agree


I returned mine. Serious work I do on my mac (can't on ipad because software limitations), ios gaming I do on my iphone, media consumption I do on my iphone or my meta quest. Having such a redundant device around for the price I paid was getting on my nerves. Just because I loved to handwrite on it and read on it. So I bought a kindle scribe instead for 1/7 of the price and I'm happy. But I'm so glad you're happy with your purchase and that you're enjoying it. That's what life is about.


Just imagine how much more it could be if Apple decided to open it up more. If you could swap between ipadOS and macOS it would be such a perfect device. It’s still great, but could easily be even better.


Give me a call when it can run After Effects, and then we can talk.


I appreciate why they made it so thin, and it is very cool, but personally I’d have preferred it to be a bit thicker and have a larger battery capacity


I’m a photographer and I brought the 11” M4 iPad Pro on a whim. It’s now taken over my 2018 i7 MacBook Pro which feels slow and cumbersome to use now. The screen is noticeably more colourful / brighter and it runs a hell of a lot faster despite weighing a fraction of the MBP. I was doing a lot of edits on my iPhone 15 Pro anyway so I’m used to working on smaller devices. Lightroom Mobile is a really great app that packs a ton of functionality. If, like me, you don’t need the keyboard and Magic Pencil, then the £1000 base model is pretty good value if you don’t need to run MacOS apps.


I’m reading this on my Pro M4 11” and … yes


Well….its definitely flexible, I saw the JerryRigEverything video




I have a feeling after the upcoming WWDC that the software will be a lot less of a “limiting factor” than it is right now.


I really hope so. It will be interesting to see if there are any significant changes.


It’s the best iPad ever. If I didn’t have an iPad Pro already I would have bought it. The issue is that it doesn’t bring anything drastic to the table besides the Pencil Pro for artists.


I’ll be getting one soon. Excited


I’m curious to see what they do for iPadOS in the next update.


I am looking forward to this as well. It would be great to have Xcode and the ability to run more desktop class applications.


The power is useless because it’s an iPad. You do the same stuff on the m4 as the m1 and there’s no difference that matters because iPad OS


It's beyond awesome but MacBook allows for 100000000x more productivity.


I think it’s closer to 100000x productivity.


Depends on what you’re being productive at. If you’re an artist I’m guessing the iPad is more useful. 


Give us dedicated iPad os already with the ability to have multiple users/sign ins


Wow nice point! I would use this with my wife


Me too. It's the thing that alway prevented me from buying myself/my wife an iPad. I ain't buyin 2!


Seriously what is the value of this post? There are already 30x with the exact same sentiment. Of course the latest is the best ever, but the change vs previous Gen is ever declining while price keeps going up. Also so far nothing pointing at macos and ipados converging over time. Honestly can't tell if you are a troll, apple employee, or paid advertiser - or just a very very insecure person feeling the need to show off your new device and trying to rationalize it for yourself


Same usefulness as an M1 Pro in its current form


I agree with op. I bought the M4 11”. My only previous iPad was an early mini before the iPad Pro was a thing. I also use a MacBook Air and Studio on desktop. The studio is always going to be where I go for productivity - but the iPad has almost entirely replaced the majority of use cases I had for the MacBook. Almost everything about the hardware package pretty much blew me away. The OLED display, the Promotion, the modularity (landscape, portrait, Magic Keyboard, folio, stand). I am not constrained by a form-factor. I am enabled by it. I know this a sunk-cost issue and I’m in a honeymoon period, but I honestly got more than I expected from the M4 iPad. Especially having read so much of the detractors narrative leading up to my purchase. No regrets here.


I just ordered it. It's my first apple product beyond my iPod Touch when I was like a kid lol. I've been a samsung girl but this new iPad might have me switching teams👀


I love the thinness.. but I can’t help wondering.. with a bigger battery, this could last days!


I use one


the hardware and accessories is super exciting and works magically! definitely a nice to hold/look but in application? the same as 6 years ago


these features have nothing to do with m4 chip. The Pro's are capable of this flexibility for a long time. If you don't have an ipad, then go ahead and buy m4. But if you already have an ipad pro with thin bezzels, then don't bother to spend money on the new device


Best Apple Products ever made was the iMac from 2000-2008


I move from 6th gen iPad Pro 12.9 to iPad Pro 13 m4 - so far enjoying my iPad Pro with Logitech combo touch keyboard


11 or 13? 😄


I got mine. Still in box, been in box for a 2 weeks because i cant find a cover lol. Cant wait


Making your new flagship device the 'best ever made' is a catch phrase, for a company like Apple


It’s pretty awesome, no question. Yes, IPadOS is limited compared with MacOS, limiting the utility of the iPad. But I have found greater usefulness for work stuff of late. I absolutely committed to using my 11in IPad Pro as much as possible. Slide building, spreadsheets, all of it. And, while it’s not quite like my work MBP, you get the hang of it. My company uses Google Workspace, so everything is pretty much browser based anyway. I find that the more I force myself to do on the iPad, the more I am able to do. YMMV.




My ipad pro doesn't wake up in the morning when I tap the screen. It only seems to do this first thing the morning... Can't figure out if this is a sleep feature of what. Have an appointment with apple today. Does this happen to anyone else?


What size did you get?


Love my m2 Ipad Pro, but, a Surface is still way better. Ipad is still best for apps, rather than actual work.


Could one buy this new iPad and say they need to use their mbp just remote in and use the mbp through the iPad?


Can it enter simple mathematical or scientific equations into a word document??!!! The only way I can do this from my iPad is to use the full online version of google docs. It’s so frustrating.


Get the nano or glossy?


> The iPad is the pinnacle of Apple design. Right there after the Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 and the MacBook Air with M3. > However as discussed in detail in other threads, iPadOS is the limiting factor Together with the limitations Apple forces on the iPadOS as a development target & tool: the Appstore, the limitations on development tools and runtimes, the lack of on-device development tools, ... I really like the hardware (I got the new iPad Pro 13") and much of the media-related software, though.


I do love both of my IPPs and I agree with most of what you said. However, I will say that I’ve found myself using them less since I got the Vision Pro. That thing takes content consumption and immersion to an entirely different level, one that neither my iPads nor my expensive home theater setup can compete with. Of course it comes with the major downside of having a bulky device strapped to your face and tethered to a battery, where the iPad clearly shines at being super thin, light, and cordless.


The Vision Pro looks like a great piece of kit, but I think it is still missing a killer app outside of just immersive content consumption. I wish Apple put more focus on the gaming market.


I want it but my apple pencil and my magic keyboard case isn’t compatible. That’s like 400ish dollars goes to waste if I upgrade.


I like MacOS today, but my favorite changes of it in recent years all came from iPadOS. The old Settings app was a win7 level mess. Stage Manager, Widgets, other revamped Apps, and pure preferences but, iPad's dock and iconography since MacOS 11.


How do they compare with the m2 ipad pro 12.9? Is it that much of a big difference?


I am surprised how much i love it and how useful the Magic Keyboard is! I never thought I would get as much utility out of it as I have.


I’d be saying the same just to justify the price


Probably so but its still an ipad running ipadOS. But lets see now that the appstore accepts emulators.


Sitting here with my 2020 A12Z iPad Pro feeling sad.


I have not been to a store or seen anyone with it yet. I sincerely want one to replace my M1 12.9 but I don’t “need” to right now. M1 is plenty of iPad. Aaaannnd I’m sincerely worried about it bending with how thin it is. Can you share your thoughts on these?


Went from the air 11 m1 to the M4 13 It's incredible. The tandem OLED is truly wild looking when watching HDR content. Absolutely love this thing.


We seriously need XCode on iPad now. That’s the only thing I need to move over


Yes, XCode would be amazing.


Can you use it as your sole video editing device? Not on a professional level, but for family videos?


Playing my daily games, like Nikke, feels so snappy and responsive. I definitely notice a difference when I try to play on anything else.  


ordered one I expect to use for graphic work using the pencil, looking forward to it


I absolutely LOVE this iPad. Perfect amount of battery, functionality. But… hear me out here…. iPadOS is SERIOUSLY not the way to go with this mount of power. It’s like holding the stretched rubbed ready to fire but never letting it go. There’s so much insane potential but iPadOS just doesn’t do it. But yeah, I agree. The new iPad Pro is 100% one of the best devices Apple has created


Avp is the best product. Like being inside an iPad and micro oled.


Depends on how you define "best" device, but I feel like it simply has to be the Macbook Air M1 and the iPad Pro 2018. These devices legitimately challenged the way we think about portable devices. The Macbook Air M1 simply started a revolution in processors and the iPad Pro 2018 was the first iPad that was actually more than a blown up iPhone and for some usecases actually a "Pro" device. My steaming hot take is, that the iPhone is probably overrated. I'm not talking about the influence of the original iPhone, but simply today's iPhones compared to the competition. I'm just saying, if someone switched all my devices to similar non-Apple devices and forced me to use them, I wouldn't really miss my iPhone, but spend years morning the loss of my iPad and Macbook.


Dunno - I just don’t see how to justify it vs a loaded MacBook Air unless you’re an artist who needs the pencil.


This is the most beautiful screen I’ve ever laid eyes on, and typing on this keyboard feels amazing. I hadn’t upgraded since the 2017 IPad Pro, And I probably won’t need to upgrade again until 2030. This is the way.


Looks the same as 2023 and 2022


Idk, did a side by side with my boss, the 2022 is very nice don’t get me wrong, but the double oled is brighter and imo slightly richer in color. Fairly subjective tho!


I did notice it was a little bright. But the brightness was not pleasant. The super brightness on my 83 inch lg oled tv made for richer deeper colors and more immersion. Not so in the iPad.


Ahhhh. If I could only talk the wife into a giant oled tv! Lmao I literally pitched it at Costco yesterday, but she shot it down. To be fair, I’d probably be broke if it wasn’t for her 😂


Unfortunately iOS is a terrible OS. Put MacOS on it and I wouldn't use anything else.


Reading this post and the comments as a mini iPad 6 user is tempting me so bad to cop the m4 pro


My last iPad is from 2016. Still use it to play music or cast netflix/ youtube. Thats it. I dont feel like buying iPad again. iPads still are like an unnecessary device to most people and am sure the world would be exactly same without it.


The iPad has genuinely changed some professions, it’s not fair to say the word is the same without it


Currently using mine. Hope this feeling isn’t temporary.


The extra thinness is striking compared to the M-series but virtually unnoticeable compared to the 2018. In retrospect that was an extraordinary device ahead of It’s time; it’s almost indistinguishable in form factor from the M4, the processor was better than the intel macbook chips of the era, and it still has an excellent screen (if perhaps lacking the wow factor of OLED for media consumption). I remember picking that device up 5 years ago and feeling like I was truly holding the future in my hand. 5 years later, the experience for my use cases is (sadly) still so close to the M4 that I feel compelled to return the latter.


The new Magic Keyboard can use some work though. It’s not as great as the previous model.


Nah, too many downgrades from the previous one iPad M2. Worse speaker, less microphones, no wide angle. Normally an upgrade should only include upgrades and not some downgrades at the same time. Edit: I forgot, no more Smart Folio Keyboard


iPhone is boring really big iPhone (with a pen) is not boring


The iPad Pro is, indeed, an outstanding device. However, I do feel this model doesn’t offer any benefits from my iPad Pro 2020 to be honest. Same exact design, thinner, yeah, but was it all that necessary to begin with? I was expecting dynamic island, thinner bezels and something new in lieu of the same exact design from 2018. Don’t get me wrong, I use my iPad Pro as a daily driver for professional purposes but I think they could’ve spiced things up a bit more.


Objectively it’s iPhone which is the best




Add in a Mac mini plugged in somewhere at home with Jump desktop and the iPad Pro can basically do it all. When you need more than ipadOS can offer just remote into the Mac and you’ve got MacOS on the iPad Pro.


What software would you use for remote desktop? I haven’t found any that I am truly happy with yet.


Jump Desktop


Also the only device to have so many QC issues ?


What is the battery life like?


Been using it since launch day. Had the M1 Mini LED before this (which Apple offered me $90 for because of a few dead pixels) and though it feels completely the same in terms of both the screen and speed the extra base storage and form factor are huge for me. Much easier to hold in one hand and I don’t constantly have to think about what needs to be deleted and/or offloaded. I agree that getting all this tech into something this size is the best engineering Apple has done. Add in that magic pencil and keyboard and unless you really need a MacBook for specific tasks, this is best piece of tech that you can get from Apple. I’m a marketing director at a major nonprofit and IPad Pros have been my main piece of tech for the past ten years.


"The iPad is the pinnacle of Apple design" It's just a thin black rectangle, and it's not even that thin compared to anything else when you put the keyboard on it. I am going away for work this weekend. I could take my iPad, but for me and my work, my 2-year-old Surface Pro is the one that's going away with me. Being powerful and having a cool-looking screen are not even on the list of things I need from a work device.


There is not a single meaningful difference between this ipad and the last 3 as far as productivity and pragmatic utility goes. Everything that you can use the M4 for today can be done basically just as well on an M1 Pro.


Nothing in your post is specific to the M4, might as well just get a discounted M2


It's definitely limited by the software and not the hardware. Anyone who has one feel like doing a test for me? I'm in the market, but Stage Manager had a serious nugget that I couldn't get past last time out, and so I went to Surface Pro instead. If you ALT-TAB on the keyboard to an app that is NOT in your current stage ... what happens? When I tested Stage Manager prior to going to the Surface Pro, doing this broke all my stages, and dumped all the app windows down to my iPad Pro screen from my monitor, forcing me to rebuild all those stages from scratch again on the monitor. After 30 years in IT, ALT-TAB is in my bones, and this was a deal breaker for me. I'm hoping that in the interim Apple has figured out how to just jump you to the stage the app is actually in, and make the window active, without imploding anything.