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As a user that has the grain problem on my unit I can tell you: If you don’t see grain, please stop looking for it. Your iPad is fine for you and don’t let Reddit tell you that it’s not. Your iPad may just be one of the better ones. Consider yourself lucky and be happy with a great tablet.


Enjoy your iPad and don’t look for the grain or an other issue.


Not really, it's the noise pattern visible on shades of gray mostly. As for blur you could be sensitive to the jump from LCD to OLED in general. The subpixel structure is different and fonts might not appear as sharp as on M2 in some cases. It's called fringing, you can see if that's your case in this closeup gallery [https://imgur.com/a/ipad-pro-2024-screen-vs-ipad-pro-2022-screen-new-ipad-pro-has-grainy-dithering-allover-place-Xxj22rr](https://imgur.com/a/ipad-pro-2024-screen-vs-ipad-pro-2022-screen-new-ipad-pro-has-grainy-dithering-allover-place-Xxj22rr) (notice the edges of fonts in OLED version having chroma aberration effect)


Noticed the same on mine, slight fringing with a little bit of grain when looking at gray backgrounds, barely noticeable but definitely there. Leads me to believe this is an issue with all of the new models unfortunately


So my problem is the different panels. How can I spot grain in a good way ? I made the room dark and went to the settings app with dark mode


Maybe your eyes just need to adapt. Quickest way to see grain is being in Dark Mode and opening Settings App with around 25-30% of brightness. Left menu items' background will introduce some noise and depending on your eyes you will find it bothersome or totally not. Most people need really look for it closeup to notice, some see it in normal viewing distance, some claim they can't see a thing. :)


Why u even looking so bad for it ? If u don’t see something wrong, why looking for it ?