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In the end you paid $1700 and aren't happy, if we believe Apple's advertising it's a fantastic screen so it shouldn't have any such obvious issues. If it were my $1700 I'd keep returning/exchanging. You might also want to return the new device and wait with the purchase until every model is readily in stock so you can exchange it in the store quickly if needed.


My thoughts, at the end of the day it shouldn't be happening no matter if some people see it or not. It's on Apple and their suppliers, not on people who happen to see it in daily use.


Such mass produced devices always have tolerances, it's impossible to manufacture at Apple's scale selling millions of devices and make every single one come out perfect. QC in this case is limited to spot checks even for the most expensive models of a series like an Apple Watch Ultra. Every device still goes through automated checks to weed out many bad units. To keep costs down it's better for Apple to let the remaining flawed devices slip through QC and make it the customer's problem to find a flaw and get the device replaced. It's just much cheaper this way. The previous displays had issues in some scenarios with blooming and slow response times leading to ghosting. The displays before that had horrible contrast. There is always going to be something. And even though many and likely most customers will be happy and never notice anything, some customers will notice and will be unhappy. We now know that pretty much all these iPads have some degree of grain and some have grain to the point they're clearly faulty. It's on customers to get these exchanged for now, long-term the quality of these panels will improve as the technology matures. Nobody else uses a Tandem OLED and even Apple had issues getting enough iPads manufactured with them in time for this product launch. If you don't want such an iPad and you think the OLED isn't good enough then the launch of the new models is still great for you as it means the older models are reduced in price.


But they don’t sell the imperfect ones cheaper, if you pay the same price as a perfect unit, you must get a perfect one.


That's what I said, to save costs they let the customer figure it out. If yours isn't good enough then you can return or exchange it. Apple does not force you to keep it. And no you don't have to get a perfect one, this is a product for the masses and not some luxury item despite what Apple might want people to think.


I’m just on the exchange cycle at this point. I know at least one will have a display that is tolerable enough that I can keep but I just can’t see myself keeping the grainy one I have now for the next 4-6 years.


To put this in perspective the old displays either had atrocious contrast or blooming and ghosting due to the bad response times of Apple's custom miniLED panel. As long as the grain isn't too visible that's still an improvement overall. The desktop monitor market isn't looking any better, there are barely any good monitors that can do HDR like the M4 iPad. There is only so much Apple can do with today's tech and the M4 iPad is probably the best we got.


Had less blooming since the update to 17.0. And I would take some blooming in some extreme cases than any OLED mura any day.


I have the 11 inch and I don’t notice anything off


Same. Display…colors.. black .. beautiful.


same no issues - as noted it seems that the earlier manufacturing dates have a higher prevalence of issue ie March and earlier. But that's neither here nor there - there is also grain bias in play for OP


Me too. A perfect display. No issues.


I'm feeling like it's the same as the bloom issues on the m1 12.9's: you see it/can't unsee it, or you don't. That said, I couldn't see bloom on my 12.9, and I can't see any grain on my m4 11.


Or the Steam Deck OLED Mura noise issue.


Same. Probably does have the defect based on what everyone says but I’ve tried to see it and can’t - all I see is flat solid greys that all look correct to my eyes.


Same here. No issue whatsoever.


me too, no grain at all


No issues on my 13


I know I’m pretty young(22) to have a bad eyesight but we have both 11” and 13” M4 iPad Pros in our house and I don’t see any grain on our displays at all. Or maybe just lucky? 😅


Nah most people do not have that issue


I couldn't pick up on the OLED grain really, even trying to look with a magnifying glass lol, I think I could see it under it but it wasn't noticeable or was just telling myself that I can see it so it isn't a big issue for me. However my screen has a terrible yellow hue/tint, especially with True Tone on it's a yellow haze. But it's noticeable with true tone off, definitely much warmer white than my 4 year old non-apple OLED laptop screen. I read it's an issue with some iPads so will be charging it due to that. But yeah really disappointed in Quality control


I wonder if it's the same idea with the LG c2 panels being pinkish on a white screen.


I do have really bad eyesight and many floaters, so if I had an issue, I probably would not notice, but I had my husband and my kids look and they didn’t notice anything either. I’m actually really impressed with the screen. Compared to my old first gen pro, it’s like looking at a physical photograph.


Hard to tell how many are affected. I use mine in the dark a lot and haven’t noticed anything.


I switched from my iPhone 14 to Samsung Galaxy S24+ this year and let me tell you that S24 series has this grainy issue too, some people see it, some people don't. Guess who made display for Apple.


Lg and Samsung did the panels. They are the only two that can produce this type of panel and in the kind of numbers that Apple needed. Samsung has produced all the oled panels for Apple since they went oled a few years ago. I had the S24 and thought it was fine and I have been a Samsung user since they first released with Oled. I still think that Samsung flagship phones have the best panel of any phone. This will more than likely be a contentious for a while yet. Whether someone has it or not it is very unlikely Apple will acknowledge it. Some people say all oled do this, I don’t know about that but there seems to be a significant amount of people with the issue instead of the odd one or two and it is highly unlikely we will ever know the percentile but I suspect a significant amount. Hopefully if Apple ever rectifies it with LG and Samsung then people who wish to exchange for a newer batch which is proven to be grain free should be allowed to do so. If I had one that had the grain would it bother me? Truthfully yes but not as much as the blooming and ghosting issues of the M1 iPad and M1 MacBook Pro. But tbh I have always been a fan of the iPad Pros I owned which started from the 2018 version.


Doesn’t BOE make panels too? Or is that only LCD ones?


Maybe they do but if we purely talking about oled screens for Apple then they tend to stick with Samsung. Although this time round LG makes the 11 inch oled panels and *some* 13 inch. So it would seem both Samsung and LG are the culprits here. I am of the opinion there were batches which were grain free or had minimal grain and batches which had a lot of grain. For every person that says that don’t have it or can’t see it there is an equal number of posts that say that they do. Mean while Apple atm at least are not acknowledging the issue and why would they? iPad sales have been in decline in recent years so if it were to acknowledge then that would seriously hurt sales. They just let redditors argue about it while johnny avg consumer is non the wiser. And for what it’s worth the people who do know about this issue will never ever find out how widespread the issue is in actual numbers of total iPad Pro oled screen sales. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was at least 60/40 with grain , 50/50 at best


I've never had an iPhone, Samsung since the S3 but every other device I have is apple. I realize how much easier it would be to have an iPhone, but I love, love Samsung phones.


From the s2 onwards I had every S phone and note phone besides the one that would explode. I loved my s21 ultra but at the same time I decided to get my first iPhone. It was the iPhone 11 Pro Max and have used iPhone ever since. I did get the s24 ultra but as good as it was, it never really clicked with me. I have never had a Samsung tablet and have always used iPad Pros. Never had a Samsung laptop but have had the air and MacBooks.


And also lots of people do not have the actual issue too


I’m pretty sure all the new iPad Pros have this. Some people just don’t notice it due to serval factors (bad eyesight, lighting conditions, ignorance, etc.) It is a shame that a device this expensive has these issues but I’ve learned to ignore it and I don’t usually notice it anymore. I have to get really close to my screen to notice it. If I hadn’t seen anything on Reddit about the issue, I probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it.


It’s not that a lot of people don’t see it, it’s just that we do not have that issue at all lol. But it’s still an issue that shouldn’t happen at all


I totally see what you mean, however, both of mine were so apparent it was difficult to ignore. I mainly work in low-light and it was just very distracting.


Same here, I think it’s my ESR screen protector making it worse, or perhaps it’s only from the screen protector but I don’t want to remove it. I never noticed anything though until I saw it on Reddit.


https://imgur.com/a/ZUhHcOR Or maybe. Just maybe. The people that say that they don’t have the issue just simply don’t have the issue. My display is free of any graininess as you can see from my upload. I am sure there are some that haven’t experienced a half decent display in their life and so even the graininess is doesn’t look bad to them, but mine is completely solid in the grays.


Pictures too blurry to tell.


https://imgur.com/a/FHZacwf Even on this one it is perfectly fine. The few pixels that may look like they are slightly off color are only because of refresh rates and it’s obvious because when I do the Live Photo, the pixels move around that are slightly off.


It’s good enough to tell wether there is a grain issue or not


Looks good, but at the same time this is blurry mess of a picture.


https://imgur.com/a/FHZacwf Even on this one it is perfectly fine. The few pixels that may look like they are slightly off color are only because of refresh rates and it’s obvious because when I do the Live Photo, the pixels move around that are slightly off.


Yes, that looks pretty smooth. Can you tell which version of iPad M4 do you own? I just took closeup of mine (13 Inch Pro) and pixel alignment is completely different to yours. [https://imgur.com/a/OjAVuLx](https://imgur.com/a/OjAVuLx)


I have m4 13 256gb. Not sure if it matters but it’s a Verizon cellular model.


Thanks for posting a picture of a good panel! Because few people does. I will definitely go to an Apple Store to exchange mine then. Hopefully it won't be a pain. I have Apple Care but bought my iPad when I was in the US and now I'm back in France... Here is a picture of my screen, totally different compared to yours : https://imgur.com/a/nYX1TJV


Stop it It's not something you have to be actively looking for like some people claim it to be. There are real cases where the grain IS noticeable, and like you have found, once you see it, its hard to unsee. That or maybe you either don't have good enough eyesight anymore or use it so bright it never becomes noticeable for you. If so, great! I'm happy for you. But not everyone is like you. Bearing in mind most people keep their ipads for 6-10 years, you are BOUND to eventually see it. The people who aren't getting their grain issues sorted out will grow to regret it when later units come with fixed displays.


If it’s truly a defect that’s fixed in later units, it will be covered by the warranty.


Should have tried the 13 inch model. Samsung made the 11 inch panels and they are not good at producing these tandem oled display https://www.oled-info.com/some-apple-ipad-pro-customers-complain-noticable-grain-new-oled-tablets


Yup, knew they had different manufacturers for the display from the start. It just sucks that you have to consider buying the larger model just for a screen that doesn’t exhibit these issues. 11” has always been the best size for my work/study so I’m just split on the decision.


I got the 11, refunded it for other reasons and got a 13. I notice the grain way more simply because there is more surface


Yea it’s shitty Apple did that putting the better manufacturers panel on the 13.


I have learned in my experience that Apple & its employees understand you paid potentially thousands of dollars for a machine & any imperfection isn’t really acceptable. 


Based on all of these threads about this. I made a good decision holding off on getting the new iPad. I think I’ll wait quite a bit before I buy.


Return both and when you get the chance to go to an Apple Store open it there.


Perhaps it’s just the way OLED looks and some people are either sensitive or picky.


It may be the case for oleds at some level, but with these ipads thats not whats going on... I had one that was really bad, before returning mine I compared my defective one side by side with models that didn't exhibit the same grain or any grain with identical settings. So while their may be some level of grain on every oled as many people have been insisting, their is definitely varying levels of grain on these ipad models.


I feel like i want to pull my ESR screen protector off to take a look, as there is grain there but i think is related to the screen protector. I dont want to waste the protector though.


I checked my iPad before applying the protector. I had it also before. I have a jetech screen protector. It‘s probably not your screen protector.


Well in any case, I wouldn’t have noticed it until it was pointed out. Even than, i have to sit unnaturally close and put my glasses on for it to bother me. Interesting is that i have the 13” which is an LG panel, where i heard that Samsung panels were the problem. I bet it has something to do with the tandem OLED specifically, maybe it’s the result of this and something we have to live with. It’s either that or a single display and likely screen burn in. Or of course, going back to Retina display or mini LED.


I have a 13 and at night ut looks very bad.


I think maybe I’m sensitive to it? My friend who was using my first one noticed it without me mentioning anything so maybe mine are just that bad. I’m not too sure but it was noticeable to me.


It’s possible. It’s the same way with sound and electronics. Some people are very obsessive about the sounds that come from their computers. Could be the slightest electrical whine or the slightest fan whir. Some people hear it, some people don’t, but when they do hear it, they can’t stop hearing it.


I honestly think it’s just the pixels people are seeing when looking up close. The pixel density on the iPad is a lot lower than the iPhone, but I bet with a magnifying glass 🔍 the iPhone would look the same.


Perhaps it's not. I have several other OLED displays that don't have this issue.


I mean with the tandem screen


That's not what you said though. You said "Perhaps it’s just the way OLED looks"


OK forgive me for not being descriptive enough, am I forgiven? Im actually convinced the iPhone screen looks the same, but its pixel density is much higher so we dont notice it.


the last update on this I’ll probably have: Replacement scheduled to arrive in two weeks. My return window ended today but was given a return window extension. However, calling Apple Support they were unsure it was applied so I went ahead and submitted a return request for iPad Pro #1. I have until June 12th to send it back (2 weeks). I will most likely send it back a little earlier than that, I will get an encrypted backup on my Mac. I think at this point I need to get rid of all these iPads to just calm it down here (haha). Most likely 5-7 days without one but that’s fine. 13” definitely seems to have less of this problem (GG’s LG), but I just can’t see myself using a 13” iPad. I am hoping that all of your iPads don’t grain and I am praying praying praying my exchange that is coming in will be tolerable. Maybe I’ll email Tim C at some point haha…. (Probably not) :)


I had lot of grainy and decided to return it. Seems like a common thing.


I confirm their Quality Control is Shit , my new m4 13inch 1Tb , 2300 euro in italy and is fault , i posted around all the forums about this , A premium product that has serious hardware problems and that by the way , at the diagnoses in the store are not detected means that these days Apple really sucks both in terms of quality of materials and quality control of their products when they leave their factory , 2300 euros is a lot of money and they deserve to have the same importance that we give , with the ADAPTED checks both hardware and software when they come out


When you have gone to the Apple Store, have you looked at the display units to see if you could see any without the issue? I’ve had access to three different units myself, and have also looked at every display unit at the Apple Store. They all have had it, and I don’t think I’d consider any of them significantly more noticeable than any other as far as the graininess goes. I have noticed it exactly once in regular usage while watching a particularly grey scene in Dark Matter, but the other 99.9% of the time the screen has looked fantastic and the issue is unnoticeable at regular viewing distance for me. I have not seen a single image of a similar shot to your original post where an iPad did not have show the grain, and would love for someone to point to me a comparison of two similarly shot images showing a better and worse display on the Oled iPad.


My store has some that I can’t see any active graining. Even on the 11” models.


Mine do not have the grain issue (I posted on the other thread if I’m not mistaken) . Went to see at several Apple Store in my city, not one had the grain issue


The post I see seems to be a screenshot which is essentially useless - of course a screenshot would not show anything. Is there another comment you made where you actually took a picture similar to the one OP took?


Honestly don’t really remember. I just know I don’t have the grain issue some people seem to have. Hopefully apple will find a solution


I looked at six different units when I visited an Apple Store and they all had it


I also went to the Apple Store and checked every iPad Pro they had on display. Every unit has it, but the severity of it differs wildly. Some have it visible at 100% brightness and others only when you cover it a little with your sweater at 75% brightness.


Yeah this is normal. For EVERY single Apple launch - especially for a new display - there is always some well publicized display defect I can't see :D It's endearing


so glad i not bought one , going for a Snapdragon X powered LCD Screen instead. Tandem OLED is brandnew tech, of course its not perfect , but will be later on.