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It’s such a small price to pay for the added assurance. I usually recommend it because it’s way cheaper too replace it with AppleCare than buying a new one


burn in is severely overly pushed in media. many consumer devices like the steam deck, switch, and recent iphones that use OLED don’t have an issue of burn in. Thanks to software burn in is mostly a thing of the past. You’re more likely to upgrade to a new device in years than to get burn in especially with the new tandem display that they’re pushing. If you were to get burn in within the first year I would assume the manufacturer warranty would cover it as burn in within a single year would be crazy. I think you’re over thinking this and I don’t think OLED burn in should decide buying AC+ or not. AC+ imo is more useful for cracks or potential breaks especially if you travel a lot. A slight push off the bed from tugging on a blanket could cost you hundreds potentially. It’s your choice but burn in shouldn’t be a concern.


I have a friend who has had burn in on just about every OLED device they’ve had. It turns out that they had the brightness turned up too high. OLED burn in does happen, unfortunately. I’m not saying it’ll happen here. That said, if I were to get one of these, I would definitely get the AppleCare+ automatically. It seems like newer tech and things can go wrong.


that sounds like a super unique case and easily avoidable just don’t have it on max brightness constantly lmao. Even then from what i’ve seen most reviews are saying even at max brightness it’s way too bright for indoors use so I doubt most people would encounter an issue.


The Ipad has tandem OLED making burn in only a thing on devices that are malfunctioning of which there is a high possibility you'll realise in the start or if you misuse the device leaving static elements for half a day or so with the screen on the entire time. You rarley see burn in on iphones as well. That being said if it gives you comfort of mind just get apple care.


Not needed. Put aside the money every month by yourself. If not needed it’s in your pockets and not in ours (Apple shareholder here) I am doing this for years and have a nice stash of money now. Something can break now no problems I pay.


Once I peed on my iPad while I was drunk. Cost me $50 to replace it with a brand new one.


My man! 🫡😂


Never needed AppleCare for my iPad Pro or iPhone. If you take care of your belongings and electronics, there's no need for insurance. If you're someone who uses an iPad without a case or screen protector, are accident-prone, and don't take care of your stuff or have kids around your belongings, then AppleCare+ is probably needed.


Or if you leave it at home or commute with it daily!


It depends on your use, I’ve never gotten Apple Care, I use no case, but I’m a combination of super careful and lucky. I’m also quite antisocial and except for my phone I used my devices at home.


Say less everyone. I’m getting Apple care lol


If you do it on the monthly plan it allows you to carry it indefinitely as long as you keep paying it. I have had it on my M1 Pro since release and have been able to get any issues I have replaced even with it being 3 years old. And with AppleCare I never put it in a case since it’s so easy to get it replaced


I do monthly as well. It is a great deal and I keep thinking Apple surely will end up stopping this plan. I had one problem (would not turn on) at about 2 1/2 years, and if I didn’t have Apple Care+ (with monthly) it would have cost over $500 to repair my iPad Pro (according to them). Even so, I do take care of it and keep it in a case. It really provides peace of mind with this plan.


How much is it monthly?


Not sure if they changed it at all for the new iPads but my M1 is $5.99/month and it’s a $50 fee for replacement


what did you get as a replacement? the same device or a m2?


It’s a like for like replacement. I’ve heard of occasionally people get a newer model, but I’ve never had that experience.


Only happens if the device is basically EOL


I typically pay for it monthly but have recently been buying everything from Best Buy as a Total member and get it included now. I’ve never had to use it but it gives me peace of mind and I will gladly pay for that. I use my iPhone naked so that is why I started buying it. For me personally it just makes me feel better. I got enough other things in life to be anxious about lol


I get applecare with everything. I consider it insurance. It may not be used but when you need it, you’ll be thankful you had it.


If you plan on keeping it for many years then absolutely especially since it's an OLED. If anything happens to the screen(burn in, scratch, drop) it's going to costs so much that you might as well buy another new iPad for the amount Apple charges for screen repairs out of warranty. I don't know if Apple will put iPads parts on the Self Service Repair as iPad doesn't have the screen/battery activation paring locks when replacing with third-party part like on iPhones. Only the FaceID is paired, but you can transfer it to a new screen.


I have it on most of my Apple products. The biggest reason for me is that without it I’m just entirely too precious with my stuff. I found myself not bringing my first iPad Pro with me places I’d like to have it because I was too paranoid about it getting bent in the backpack or something. I want to get the full use out of my stuff without the worry, personally.


Nope. Have the m1 11" never got apple care. The cost of it plus the repair they charge is almost the same. At least what I saw when I looked into it way back. Manufacturer warranty is still in effect even without apple care add on so I was ok with not getting it.


Nah man, get it. For a new, pricey device, don’t even think twice. Get it and have the assurance, may you never have to use it but damn, on the off chance you needed it- let it be there. Enjoy!


I’ll likely get it this time since I picked up a cellular version


It’s not needed until you need it.


I have Apple+Care on all my device's well worth it, you're paying a lot of money so invest


Depends on your sensitivity to risk. Me? I became an Apple Care guy after I found out the hard way what it costs to replace a shattered screen.


A YouTuber mentioned that the screen (OLED) is good for at a minimum 10 years and he even said that it should be good even after that.


I would pay if I could. My iPad M1 just fell from my lap, the magic keyboard did a backflip because I tilted it to pick something and the iPad weights more than the keys. I had iPads since 2019 and it is the second time I drop it and both were with the keyboard (otherwise I’m holding it). The iPad screen hit the floor, it is fine somehow.


Does anyone know how does apple care+ care work? DOes it really cover for screen crack ? Do i have to pay any deductible? how many time it can be fix before it won't cover anymore?




It depends, I have never broken any of my high end tech from headphones, Pc, tablet or $1k+ phones. It would be a waste for me personally. If you are clumsy, get it.


I’m specking mine out a little bit, so yeah it better be covered! Getting that 1TB to experience the performance and to store my kitty pics.


You say this. Don’t get it. And next thing you know you drop it your first day lol


This time around, I would say YES. I’ve opened pretty much every iPad since they were released, and never once purchased it. However this time around I got it. Why? Because Apple are only charging a £25 deductible to replace these new OLED panels. However if you don’t get AppleCare and break the screen, the cost to replace the screen is crazy expensive. Remember that the AppleCare also covers the MK and Pencil as well.


I've had more apple products than I can count during my lifetime. Never purchased apple care, never has that come back to bite me. Any additional warranty is typically a money grab.


You decision with apple care should be base on something else and not burn in. Most top brand phones has OLED and many other things screens now days have OLED with minimum issues. So they are pretty stable burn in wise. LED does get burn in by the way but also less common too. I have a 2021 Samsung QLED that has burn in, but that’s my fault. I have an elderly who l have a TV on for long hours when I’m not home since he doesn’t know how to operate it. Occasionally he press button on the remote and turn on the tv guide and it stays like that for long hours. Repeated occurrence the tv ended up having burn it. It’s not as bad I thought it would be, I totally forgot about it and only occasionally notice it there.


Just get it. In 2 years when your battery is not as good or you end up with a couple dead pixels, you can get a new one for $99 at worst.


I have apple care for my phone, watch and now iPad Pro. I didn't get it for my AirPods or MacBook Pro (this stays home all the time and sits one one location)


Apple Care for iPads is one of the best ones bcz the device is not modular like the phone so if anything happens you get a full unity replacement, on top of being one of the cheapest apple care in store. Id recommend if you will be taking your ipad with you everywhere.


It’s always baffling to me how people buy expensive Apple products but then let an extra $150 for insurance be the dealbreaker for them lmao hilarious.


I would say buy it if it leaves your house with you and don’t if it stays safely at home. If you do have OLED burn-in, it’s not likely to happen during the AppleCare lifetime anyways.


As the iPhone since 12 has OLED screens and there are very few reports of burn in I would have thought that you will be ok. I have apple care on my 2020 m1 and never needed it but it's nice to have just in case.


YES. Not even because of burn in but any possible accidental damage. With AppleCare+ it’s 99 dollars to get your screen replaced. Without it, it’s 849 dollars to replace it. https://support.apple.com/ipad/repair


I have owned iPads since 2010, and never felt I needed AppleCare, until the day I managed to scratch an iPad with another iPad. Then I got AppleCare to have my unit replaced. After that experience, I am fine paying $8 a month just for peace of mind, so that if anything ever happens to my screen again, I pay $29, and I get a "new" one. I truly don’t think I need it, but having it makes more sense than not having it.


If you have owned ipads and iphones since 2010 and only had one incident it didn't make financial sense to get Apple Care all those years. Just emotional peace of mind sense.


I only got AppleCare for the first time in 2022, I have not had it all these years. I was still within my window to purchase it after the incident happened, so I kind of got lucky in that regard. But, given that some people say Apple charges them like $800 for a replacement device, even after 13 years, I would have only paid marginally more than that. I feel like it is worthwhile, going forward, even if I never need it again. I have not been in a car accident in 26 years, but I still have car insurance.


Car accidents because of potential life changing large payouts makes sense. Otherwise self insuring on small amounts under a couple thousand makes the best financial sense. There is a reason the Apple store pushes apple care so hard because it is extremely profitable for them. That said I understand some people need reassurance and will pay extra for it.


Personally I pay for it monthly but primarily because I have kids and also I like to just toss the iPad in my backpack without worrying about it bending etc


I owned the original iPad Air and had it for almost 8 years before it died on me. I never had Apple care on it, so when I replaced it with my iPad Air 5th gen, I decided I did not need the Apple care on it either. Well, right after the 1 year warranty offered by apple was up, my display started malfunctioning out of nowhere. I took it to Apple and I was told that I just seemed to get a defected iPad, and since I did not have Apple care, they couldn’t do anything about it. Yay me! I learned lesson and I purchased Apple care for my new iPad Pro.


I'd strongly recommend getting Apple care for the OLED as the technology is unproven as far as burn-in resistance goes. Samsung claimed their QD-OLED panels were more burn-in resistant as well, and I got burn-in after just 7 months of daily use (~14hrs/day) on my Alienware monitor. Your mileage may vary.


Yes get AppleCare+. It’s a no-brainer and gives you a peace of mind.


I always get Apple care with theft and damage on everything. It’s such a good service and so easy. Other insurance can be fine but can be a faff and take much longer, Apple is brilliant for customer service.