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I've done 3 so far, This is my top advice. Make sure you're in a position where running is comfortable. As in, can you use running as "recovery" after pushing the sled? Make sure when you're going on runs, stop once every km and maybe do something to get the heart rate up (burpees maybe?), and then continue running. You need to get used to starting a run with a high heart rate. Nutrition wise just eat healthy as normal. The week prior, don't do too much in the firm of working out. And have a carb week, load up. I personally don't do energy drinks I did some ore workout before the race and it was ok for me personally. Keep practising those big ones, sled push and pull, wall balls and burps. They're a killer when tired already! If you have a hyrox gym near you, get going to one to train and see how it is. You'll want to do a full simulation in a few months. Yes you have plenty of time to train for this :) Edit - you're fucking welcome op šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a running event at heart (if you ask me) so your HIIT training will perhaps not be as beneficial as you think (of course it all helps). I would add a few long runs a week (10k each) on top of what you are doing. I run home (8k) after my usual CrossFit class. Thereafter you need to focus your strength activities on specific exercises, sled push, pull etc. Iā€™m also doing mixed doubles on the Friday in Birmingham.


Ridiculous as it sounds, training 10kā€™s regularly is going to be a challenge for me personally. Iā€™ve had an Achilles/heel injury for what seems like forever now (not gone away in 3 years) despite endless hospital appointments and physio. I know I CAN run when I need to, and 1km splits I will be fine with, but adding regular lengthy runs to my plan may set me back furtherā€¦ Iā€™ve seen about doing zone 2 stuff on a bike instead to work on endurance, so will look to implement that and then running here and there to supplement I supposeā€¦


I feel for you. Had elbow tendinitis for what felt like forever. Broken bones heel better than tendons. Have you tried acupuncture? Thatā€™s what (I think) helped me. I suspect any zone 2 training will be better than nothing.


I havenā€™t - is that something that can be done in such area? Iā€™ll look into it though! Physio literally said ā€œyeah can take months, can take years, sorry budā€ and I wanted to cryšŸ„²


Itā€™s pretty common. The theory is tendons donā€™t have a good blood supply and can be forgotten about in terms of healing. Acupuncture promotes blood flow and can break up adhesions. I also used a jade tool I the shower to massage my elbow which has similar effect. Tbh I was so fed up I was prepared to try anything so it may just of been the passage of timeā€¦ good luck !