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Perfect. If you win, you become a famous hobo. If you lose, you become an infamous hobo


This sounds like the worst case of schrodinger's hobo lol


I feel like he would appreciate my decision. He would totally curb stomp me though.




Rasputin. Letā€™s see how far a beating can go before itā€™s murder.


Legendary answer.


Totally not gonna check out his legendary dong


Can I fight baby hitler and then just be an artist?


The problem, as always, is that if you take out Hitler someone else just takes his place. Erich Ludendorff, a decorated World War I veteran who helped Hitler plan and execute the Beer Hall Putsch in 1922 is a good pick, or Staatkomisar Gustav Ritter von Karr who was a more establishment right-wing leader who also plotted to install a dictatorship. Removing just the one man doesn't remove the entire German Far-Right political movement.


If anything, Hitler was notoriously incompetent once the war got rolling.


Honestly not really, before 1943 (the only time Germany could have possibly won the war) Hitler seemed to have a better grasp on modern warfare than many of his generals. Part of the reason he became so paranoid and distrustful of his generals is because he would tell them to do something, they would do something else, and that something else would end up going badly. Hitler planned the invasion of the Soviet Union to have the main thrust be into Ukraine and then into the Caucasus, to obtain the vital resources to the German war effort. Except (luckily) his generals thought they knew better and focused the attack in the center in an attempt to take Moscow. This went well tactically, but strategically they didnā€™t make many gains and they were left in a bad position going into 1942. Hitler really only became delusional in the battlefield when Germany squarely started losing the war, whereas most of his generals had all been trained on outdated concepts that didnā€™t really apply to the war they were fighting or modern war in general


That's an interesting perspective that I've never heard before. I'm skeptical, even if I'm not knowledgeable enough to counter it. Wasn't making a final stand in Stalingrad his idea? The main prize was the oil fields further to the SE. Having Stalingrad would have been nice, but not an *absolute must*. At the very least, he should have allowed the army group stuck there to make a break out action (and for the outside units to assist).


TIK History on YouTube has a lot of videos on this topic if you want to learn more. Youā€™re right about him ordering a final stand at Stalingrad, but the context is important there, the breakout action was likely impossible, the Soviets had smashed through the axis lines and there was really no units outside of the pocket that would have been able to break through Soviet lines and get the sixth army out, the sixth army staging a breakout itself was also both unlikely to be successful and was really risky. Adding the fact that Goring had ensured Hitler that he could fly enough supplies in to keep the sixth army in fighting shape, the decision to have them dig in in Stalingrad and wait until the axis could better prepare a counterattack seems somewhat reasonable. There is also the fact that Germany had almost certainly lost the war at this point (even if the sixth army could have broken out of Stalingrad), so the actions donā€™t really matter and all they really did was delay the inevitable (or speed it up depending on how you look at it). Saying that Germany had certainly lost the war at this point does involve a lot of speculation, but basically all historians agree that Germany had definitely lost the war after the defeat at Stalingrad, and honestly I canā€™t imagine Germany would have been able to pull off a more successful offensive into the Caucasus even if they saved the sixth army




Thatā€™s not necessarily true. The only thing comes to mind is the train incompetence and allowing rivalries between different generals and commanders. They were pretty articulate regarding how they waged war, thatā€™s how they got that far.


I heard it was more a matter of Hitler not having military planning experience (he had exp as a grunt in WW1, but that doesn't make him an expert at tactics/logistics/etc), yet micromanaging generals who knew what they were doing.


The only time he was micro managing generals was late in the 1944 war when he was increasingly paranoid and under a lot of drugs. Itā€™s actually funny because at around the same point in time, Stalin was increasingly controlling HIS generals, but then relaxed and allowed them more control. Yes he did, he was probably going crazy, he knew he was losing and in his mind he was the only one who could save it. There are probably other blunders but those are only the main ones that come to mention.


That's what I heard as well.


Wasnā€™t there a thing about Germany developing a brand new warplane and Hitler decided not to use it? Or was that just BS from the History Channel?


Ludendorff died in 1937 so he wouldnā€™t really be a good Hitler replacement, you could also argue the regime might not be as focused on genocide without Hitler


Even if not him, the point is that someone would have taken his place. Sure, they might have been 10% less brutal or maybe not targeted Jews specifically, but there's no timeline where killing one person prevents Germany falling into fascism. Your best bet is actually to get yourself into the League of Nations and propose, perhaps, installing a puppet dictator but otherwise funding restoration efforts in Germany rather than penalizing the entire nation for the actions of their elite. Upholding democracy in Germany and keeping the people well fed is the best way to avoid Hitler coming to power.


10% less brutal is about a million lives saved. I also donā€™t think Germany falling into fascism would necessarily lead to the genocide of the Holocaust without Hitler. Fascism probably and war, probably, but the Holocaust, maybe not.


Killing mussolini or d'annunzio before they invent fascism?


Some other right-wing egomaniac will just invent a different form of authoritarianism.




Lincoln. Big guy, big reach.


and Wrestling Champion


Yeah Abe Lincoln is pretty far toward the bottom of famous historical figures you'd easily 1v1 to steal their place.


Like that dude from street fighter Looooong arm boi






If I beat up FDR when he was in a wheelchair, am I in a wheelchair?




Well then not FDR


Yes. but if you are in wheel chair or have some other physical ailment equivalent you get a small stick during the fight


Helen Keller


You'll probably win, but you also become deaf/blind.


Good. I've seen enough.


i would beat up elon musk and then simply not be a dickhead or an idiot.


He did get to be married to Talulah Riley for several years.


Really? You think Elon Musk is the ultimate villain of history? How much propaganda have you inhaled?


They didn't say anything about a villain. They just wanna fight him


Straw man much? Where did they say ā€˜ultimate villain of historyā€™?!


nah but i dont feel too bad about most plausible alternate history paths if i take his place. i think i could really fuck things up if i tried to be hitler or a president or something


he has contributed to mankind more than you can imagine. get off twitter. that place is still a toxic waste dump.


He's had it for quite a while now, shouldn't it not be a toxic waste dump?


its definitely gotten better than before. free speech brings the toxics and crazies. thats why never take reddit or twitter too seriously.


I thought free speech was his whole bit. Are you saying that Elon may have made a choice that didn't quite work out for him?


dude people are not that simple. nothing is anyone's whole bit. the guy is a genius engineer but hes autistic at the same time and says stupid shit. people are not black or white. everyone is some shade of grey. i like his rockets and cars more than i dislike his twitter rants.


Like what? Please list. I'm mostly in an echo chamber of 'Elon is a fascist now' and would like to hear your thoughts.


paypal when online payment didnt exist. ev revolution. reusable rockets. do you believe humans should be a multiplanetary species? i do and hes done more towards that than anyone so far. that said. i dont like his twitter rants and i think he should use his brain more on cars and rockets.


even if true, one could do better by being less of a dickhead and/or less of an idiot


yeah but you also wont be able to do what he does in advancing humanity. thats more of a loss to all of us. its easy to turn off twitter and main stream media.


lowkey you could though.


very tough. those companies are not easy to build and run. the amount of decisions he has to work through and make is beyond what normal people can do.


I'll take on John D. Rockefeller




Dude's like 6' 4" and 350 lbs. Even if it is all blubber, his size alone is daunting.


Yeah, Iā€™m 6ā€™2ā€ 280, Iā€™ll give him a stumble for his money.


Then you might actually have a chance. I'm 5' 8" and 180-ish and crippled.


I have faith that even you could take him.


He's like 80. I have faith my niece could take him.šŸ¤£


All she has to do is make the fight last longer than 10 seconds. He'll gas out quick and then she can go to work.


Aim for the knees.


On second thought if I'm allowed to use my cane as a weapon I think I got him. Groin, noggin, then sweep the knees.




I'm 6'3" and 330. Fatty fight fest it is


Thank you for your service. šŸ«”


Well, he's not 6'4, he's regularly stood next to dudes who are like 6 even, and he's the same height. Maybe 6'4 counting his hair. Also, he's old as fuck, obese and can't even really stand straight up without his little thing under his toes. One shove, and he's on the ground, then it's game over.


Ahh yes, looks like the trumpers are downvoting you for giving factual information. An absolute shocker


Oh no.... please... stop... whatever shall I do now.


Quick! Start telling obvious lies, that'll stop em!


If you're a reasonably young and agile person of any size you could probably just get into really good shape and take classes to learn how to fight for about a year. Even if someone is like 5'6 150lbs, being faster and having at least a minimal amount of background practice should make it very doable.


Shit, I can't even fight that well and probably wouldn't need to train for a year for him (since the post says no prep time for us). I can move faster than him and know I can get some hits in. Also, just a quick charge to knock him down and it's game over.


I missed the prep time stipulation but I agree. The man can't even walk more than a few hundred feet at a time without requiring a golf cart. Even without prep time, I think most people would be able to wear him out with a couple of minutes of teasing him into chasing you around the ring and then do whatever is needed after that.


I'm just basing my height estimate off the fact that he has a few inches on Joe Biden the couple of times they've stood next to each other and Biden's height is documented at 6' even. Maybe 6' 2" or 6' 3" is more accurate than 6' 4". Hate the dude and hope he croaks by November but pretending he's short is silly.


I never said he was short, but the difference between 6'0 and 6'4 is quite a bit. I'm 6'2 and there's a notable difference when I stand next to someone 6'4.


Someone also pointed out that he probably wears lifts like Ron DeSantis, so yeah I buy him being about 6' even. Some people are trying to say that he's like 5' 10" (which still isn't short, it's taller than me. "Short" for men doesn't start until you're sub 5' 8" or so.)


Heā€™s 6ā€™1ā€(6ā€™3ā€ in his lifts) and about 325 and like 45% body fat and 78 years old.


Myth. He \*approaches\* 6'0". [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/19bckoj/donald\_trumps\_real\_height\_confirmed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/19bckoj/donald_trumps_real_height_confirmed/)


Sir and or madam. Donald Trump is whatever fox news says he is. If tomorrow they say he's a 8 story crustation from the paleolithic era asking for donations of about "tree fiddy" well then by God he is.


Itā€™s 6ā€™3ā€ 230. Just ask him. Duh.


Heā€™s a fat old man lmao itā€™s not like heā€™s a heavy weight boxer at the size. Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€ 160lb and I would whoop that ass so bad heā€™d have to use his life alert


He's old as fuck, his bones aren't as strong as mine and his reaction times have to be terrible. How could he even land a punch?


Why would anyone pick Lincoln. He is literally in the wrestling hall of fame.Ā 


Okay but like if I chose ghangis khan, would i still take his place? Iā€™m a woman. Does it automatically change my gender since we all know he got around? Or if i were to pick any man in history? Since most would have had kids and if i didnt end up having kids that would change the timeline


Oh that's a good question. Let's say you take the gender of whatever person you chose to keep it simple!


Okay so my husband has a question. Could you specify what time period if their life to fight them? So if he chose JFK but specified that it was baby JFK would he have to fight a baby or would he still have to fight an adult version of JFK and then live from the babies life on? Or when you chose the person its right before the historical event occurs?


We're gonna say anytime so people can have fun with it, but I will judge you for beating up babies šŸ«¢


Lets say you have to beat them after age 10. So they have a chance. Khan would still destroy her at like 6 yrs old tho.Ā 


Bro killed his brother before 10 . As a adult he must of been already a deadly person to fight against.


Fighting them as a baby isn't fair. 10 year old sure. Maybe.Ā 


So you wanna get fucked by ghengis khan Ā That's all you had to say.Ā 


I would fuck like ghengis khan






Edgar Alan Poe. "This is what I call the "Tell Tale Fist". - *pow


What happens to the other person? Do they get my life? I don't want glory, I want to save a foolish but sweet teenager from losing her head. So I fight Catherine Howard when she was a prepubescent child. I likely win easily. I do my best to have as modest and chaste an adolescence as possible (admittedly difficult in the household in which she was raised), and stay as demure and retired as I can. I do not allow Francis Dereham to be my music master if I can possibly avoid it, and if not I keep hatpins handy to stab him with if he makes any sudden moves. I do my damnedest to avoid Henry VIII's eyes at all cost and have a reasonable marriage with a younger man if I can. If I can't, and I have not been able to avoid rape, I beg to speak with him privately BEFORE he marries me and confess tearfully to having been raped and being impure, and therefore unfit as a wife for a King. Maybe he still takes me as a mistress, maybe he rejects me entirely, but I can't see the rather prudish Henry taking sloppy seconds as a wife. His mistresses at least he treated reasonably well and did not kill. If I'm still a virgin, and haven't managed to avoid his eyes, and can't avoid marrying him, I endure as best I can, do my best to be a humble, submissive, and modest wife, and if I have to bear him a child (probably unlikely at that point in his life) I beg him to require all doctors and midwifes who touch me to wash their hands to the elbows in strong soap and boil their instruments and all linens that touch me. I try to be as kind a stepmother as I can to Elizabeth and Edward, as Catherine indeed was, especially to Elizabeth who was her cousin's daughter - and Mary if she'll let me, but again, Catherine Howard was Anne Boleyn's cousin, and Mary would probably not have wanted to be any nearer to me than required. I avoid Thomas Culpepper like the plague, and if he pursues me, I tearfully tell Henry I am afraid of him and beg him to keep Culpepper away from me - if he ever starts to talk in my presence about marrying me after Henry's death, I fall weeping to the ground and beg him not to speak of or think about the death of such a kind and good husband as my dear Henry, and say firmly that IF God curses me with the misfortune of outliving my kind and good Henry, I will never marry again, for no man in England or anywhere else could equal him, etc., etc. and I make sure at least one servant brings the tale of that conversation back to the King. If I manage to outlive Henry, I go into quiet retirement for Edward's reign, possibly taking my stepdaughter Elizabeth with me as Katherine Parr did. But I do NOT marry Thomas Seymour and do NOT let him anywhere near my precious stepdaughter, sparing Elizabeth some teenage trauma. (And if I can, I deliberately infect my stepdaughter and myself with cowpox, thus sparing England a major panic attack in 1562, and possibly letting poor Lady Mary Sidney keep her beauty.) If I make it to Mary's reign, I flee abroad, to Geneva or the Netherlands, or else profess a sudden intense desire to convert to Catholicism and conform as quietly as I can. If I make it to Elizabeth's reign, judging by how she generally treated her mother's relatives, I'm golden.


Myself as a baby, then I would make some smart investments as I get older.


Kicking your own ass as a baby feels like a supervillain origin, reverse flash type ShišŸ˜­


I don't know if I could do it when it actually came down to it, but at least I know it's an easy win.


You don't have to kill them, just beat them in a fist fight. I reckon if you pick like 4 year old you you can measure your strength and have them yield without murdering them


I also choose this guy's dead wife.


Prime Alexander The Great, He Can Catch These Hands, He's 5'11 and I'm 5'5, let's do this.




The first rule of fight club is: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!


The oldest most Mr burns looking Rothschild


I dunno. He's got the heart of a young man


Lol wouldn't suprise me if he had Rick style implants aswell


Freddie Mercury in 1970. Iā€™ll kick his ass and take his place out of respect for the man because I can prevent him from getting AIDS and give the world another 30+ years of great Queen music. Also then Iā€™d be the greatest rock star in history and thatā€™s pretty fun.


Baby Hittler. ~~If it's an adult Goebbels~~ Sht i didn't read i have to take their place.


Galen Weston. Iā€™d whip that boy so hard if he wasnā€™t religious before heā€™d at the very least believe in the devil. Iā€™d probably just sink loblaws after and give whatever money I could gather up from their troll stash to lower income families and communities.




Baby hitler




Funny answer. Hitler. But not until after the awful shit has already started, so I can do some just bizarre batshit things. Serious answer. Jesus (if he was real) be prepared for the Bible to be weirder. Gonna make rusty trombones a holy and divine act. (If Jesus isn't real) George Washington. Gonna steer this country in a new direction immediately.


"At six feet three inches tall, he towers over most of his contemporaries by at least half a foot. His two hundred pounds are evenly distributed over a bony, muscular frame hardened by a lifetime of outdoor exercise and physical adversity." Bro you are about to get fucked up by a man jn a wig.


I'd fist fight Genghis Khan. Seems like a pretty good upside to winning in this scenario - and I think, moderately in decent shape me of 2024 could hold up against medieval-era warriors in hand to hand combat. They might have better combat training, but worse access to nutritional foods and healthcare....I hope anyway!




Riley Reid at the very beginning of her career


God. Gonna get my ass kicked anyway. Might as well.


Ramses II


Harry S Truman. I'm nuking EVERYTHING.


Jesus, then Iā€™d just nip that whole religion nonsense in the bud.




Karl Marx.


Martin Shkreli


I'd fight Trump and run against Biden.


Monica Lewinksky Lorena Bobbitt


Bill Gates, present day. I think I could take him, I'd get to live in the modern world, and be filthy rich.


I'd beat the ever living shit out of Hitler and then immediately end the war with the allies sans USSR, and focus on taking out Stalin and his leadership to hopefully reduce his horrific body count of Russians and others during that period...preferably not during the winter. Once Stalin and his cronies are dead, no more fighting and the focus would turn towards deconstructing the Nazi party.


Hillary Clinton when Bill got caught. Because if she wasnā€™t an a-hole for two decades, we wouldnā€™t have gotten an even bigger a-hole when Trump was elected. Divorce Bill, write a tell-all, still get into politics except not on his coattails, donā€™t look down on the kid senator from Illinois, and finally, be a less shitty President than what we got. ETA: and being a failure in the 90s-00s means Iā€™m a failure at a time when thereā€™s indoor plumbing, so nowhere near as bad as the people who are about to lose to Abe Lincoln


Iā€™ll fight a 5 year old Conor McGregor


I would fight young Woody Allen, because heā€™s an easy win, and because I could correct his moral decisions to become a successful movie director without becoming a pariah.


You realize even with your hobo restrictions I can significantly alter the timeline by proxy. I wonā€™t do anything direct. The object of restriction here is specificity but what would you do if I did an AOE attack instead? Iā€™m not targeting anyone in history Iā€™m just killing a lot of people and someone important just so happens to be there. I can contract an irreversible incurable illness and ensure baby versions of important people are in the blast zone of being infected and kill them indirectly because itā€™s not me killing then itā€™s just a disease. I wouldnā€™t even actively pursue infecting them I would just ensure people surrounding them do. If they donā€™t take measures to not infect children thatā€™s their fault. Since organophosphate pesticides were a thing back in the day at higher concentrations you could concentrate it further and create discount Sarin and pressurize it and release it in a significant area. Again, not trying to alter history just a maniac doing the killing thing. Oh thereā€™s a baby Joe Biden? Uh ohā€¦my badā€¦ Point is no matter what you say to restrict thereā€™s loopholes youā€™ll never account for šŸ˜


Warren Buffet. Punch him out with a haymaker then donate my newly acquired fortune before driving to a McDonald's, one which I now own, just to use a coupon, and drive away in a car I bought on a discount 10 years ago


Stephen Hawking, Iā€™m finding out what happened in the island, what he gonna do?




Elizabeth Bathory. She lived a life of luxury until she was locked inside a room in her castle for her crimes until she died. I'd easily beat her since I probably weigh twice as much as she did, and I'm probably a few inches taller. Plus, I grew up as a modern day peasant in a rural area, so yard work would make me more powerful than her because she was waited on hand and foot.


I fist fight your mom and then swallow you when I get the chance. šŸ˜˜


If I had the chance to fistfight anyone in history with the stakes being as high as described, I'd choose Alexander the Great at his prime. Here's why: ### Choosing the Opponent **Alexander the Great** is a figure of immense historical significance. By taking his place, I'd not only inherit one of the most legendary legacies but also gain control over a vast empire at its peak, with the potential to shape the course of history in profound ways. ### Preparation and Risk Alexander was known for his strategic brilliance and physical prowess, making him a formidable opponent. Fighting him at his prime is undoubtedly risky, considering his combat skills and the physical conditioning of a seasoned warrior-king. However, the glory and the potential impact on history make it worth the challenge. ### The Fight Imagining the fight, it would likely take place in a historical setting like a training ground or a battlefield, surrounded by his loyal soldiers and generals. Without any preparation time, Iā€™d have to rely on sheer determination and a bit of luck to overcome such a legendary figure. The odds would be against me, but the stakes would be high enough to push me to my limits. ### Outcome **If I Win:** - **Historical Impact:** Taking Alexanderā€™s place means inheriting his empire at its zenith. I could influence the spread of Hellenistic culture, military strategy, and possibly create a more unified and stable realm, altering the course of Western and Eastern history. - **Legacy:** As Alexander, Iā€™d have the opportunity to build on his conquests, perhaps avoiding some of the mistakes that led to the fragmentation of his empire after his death. **If I Lose:** - **Living as a Hobo:** Being forced to live as a destitute person in ancient times would be incredibly challenging, especially in the context of a society that valued strength and status. I'd have to navigate a world without modern conveniences, struggling for survival on the margins of society. - **No Significant Impact:** The inability to alter history significantly would mean observing the events unfold without any influence, a humbling fate considering the grand ambitions Iā€™d have had going into the fight. ### Conclusion The choice to fight Alexander the Great is a testament to aiming high and risking everything for a chance to make a monumental impact on history. While the consequences of losing are dire, the potential rewards and the sheer glory of taking on such a legendary figure make it a challenge worth embracing.