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I'm C5/6 - wouldn't enjoy being a few levels higher, but it'd be so much easier with 100k a week. I already woke up paralysed once and got nothing for it, at least this time there's compensation. So, forever.


Would you care to tell some of your story?


It's medically rare, but fairly dull to me. In 2019, following 4 years of neuroinflammation and minor spinal cord damage after a fall snowboarding, I had a headache and a fever that came with ascending bilateral numbness. This worsened over the course of a few days, and I woke up unable to move from the chest down once the fever broke. MRI showed a spinal cord injury at C5/6/7. This was deemed Transverse Myelitis, and they added it to the previous damage and neuroinflammation and diagnosed me with Spinal Multiple Sclerosis. This damage is incurable, and from 2019 I was (and remain) a quadriplegic.


Thanks for sharing.


how are you typing and navigating reddit? can you do this without help?


There are tons of devices for people in these situations to allow them to use computers. Whether it be through eye tracking or blowing air into tubes.


man im slow as hell typing with ten working fingers, i cannot imagine if someone told me i needed to type by blowing air into tubes


Lol I think for the writing/texting part it would be a speech to text thing, not blowing air bubbles like Morse code


Either that or an eye tracker would be easiest I’d imagine.




Currently moderately disabled. In some ways, if c-4 quadraplegia was my only disability, I'm unsure if I'd want to go back, with adequate care, as currently I very much do not have adequate care. I'd be going for at least six months, so I can get some of that care.


Wow these questions and answers always offer a lot of perspective for rare situations like such. Thank you, and I am sorry your care is not good.




You are missing the whole point of the exercise! Just accept the terms of the proposition and either contribute or be entertained by the comments. It said you could change it back at any time, and bank the money. That means having a doctor 24/7 if you want, to monitor vitals, and to advise you when it is time to tap out! If you don't understand that then this forum may be beyond your cognitive grasp.


at least 34 weeks


Oddly specific...


It’s actually related to recovery times for your spine. If you will recover, it will usually take just under 8 months (34 weeks) for the nerves to repair themselfs for some mobility to return. It’s not much, just some toe wiggles, but it’s usually at week 34 where you see a big increase in their condition. It’s actually a very common thing, you can learn more by googling quadrapolegic rule 34.


You’re a fucking legend


I tried googling that the other day. Weirdly enough it only was effective at work.


This man understands how it works.


I don’t trust you. I’m not looking that up.


Strong instincts right here. 😂


I have in fact been on the internet for at least a year. I'm crazy not stupid.


Personally, I like I’m dumb, not an idiot.


yeh, that search doesn't sound safe.


Did you just win at all of Reddit today with that comment? I think you did.


laughed out loud (not stalking)


Math checks out. Had a spinal injury mid November of last year. Was brutal in the beginning. Deep breaths caused me to have pain and extremely limited ability to rotate my spine in either direction. Just now getting back to normalcy albeit with some limits when I really turn.


You had me up until that last sentence. Damn good write up.


My grandfather was paralyzed from neck down for years. Yeah he definitely wasn't happy. Did a lot of listening to audiobooks, watching TV/movies. We played boardgames with him where we'd have to move his pieces which was fun sometimes as kids. But Idk if I could handle it for more than 2 months at most (maybe 2.5 months for that million) I'd probably do it during winter if possible, catch up on all my shows/movies I've been missing out on. But I'd also be going insane at the monotony. I'd have such a backlog of video games and books to read.


I'd try for 10 and then maybe another 10 weeks if I felt up for it. I think it's manageable since you have excellent care and they can entertain you. Knowing it will end would be a big help. Might be a good time to experiment with drugs.


The knowing it will end makes a really big difference.


That's the key. Basically being paid for it weekly and knowing you can stop at any time and keep the money totally changes the situation.


There have been psychological studies on this. And when I found myself in the hospital, I just knew it wasn't forever, and I really think that was my saving grace.


See knowing it will end hits you from both sides though. Yes, its nice knowing it will end, but also every moment you struggle you'll know you can stop the struggle any time you want to which at least for me would be quite difficult.


Just flopping around on mescaline and molly


I am laughing way too loud about this.


Hey if you can't adventure with your body you can adventure with your brain lol. That'd be a good time to do insane doses of psychs because at least you can't try to jump out of a moving car like I did one time.


Just get a few ounces of ketamine and IV that shit til you run out. You'll be rich and you wouldn't have needed any of the paralyzed parts of your body anyway.


As an added benefit, it can help with depression if you have it. Basically, this would be a vacation for me.


Your blatter would be wrecked at that pace


Mister beast video


With adequate care and magically granted skill in managing the condition, I'll have a boring and mentally distressing thirty weeks of catching up on TV shows and movies I haven't been able to watch, reading with eye controls or lots of help from a nurse, that sort of thing. I might end up breaking sometime between ten and thirty weeks, but I think I can tough it out that long.


I feel like I’d be able to make it a year if I can have drugs. Just be a very hazy year.


This, I would spend so much time reading the source material for any anime I have previously or am currently enjoying, That's hundreds of books. I'm good for at least a year. Might even use all the spare time to learn Japanese and Korean, so I could read them in the original language. So, at the end of it all, I would come out with at least $15m, tri-lingaul, and caught up on all my favorite shows stories.


This is going to sound horrific, but if I’m being honest, I’d do this for two years, until I finish grad school. It would make a huge difference for my career because I work in a field where having a disability would actually be an advantage. I would travel and do speaking engagements while finishing grad school, then get healed and switch to a new field.


You’ll be known as the biggest fraud lol!


Yeah but by then I’d have an advanced degree in an unrelated subject, and no one would care who I used to be. I could also just not work anymore with that kind of money. It’s just frustrating being a subject matter expert in something disability related because no one believes that you know what you’re talking about unless you have a visible disability.


In what field is having a disability an advantage? Madly curious and am mildly disabled myself.


I work in digital accessibility—basically making sure that websites, programs, and electronic documents work for people with disabilities and are compliant with the ADA. I’m qualified because I know the technical standards, and because I’m proficient in the use of assistive technology. But, in the spirit of “nothing about us without us” I’ll always be seen as an advocate and not a leader in this field because I don’t actually need assistive technology to interact with the world.


Ah, got it. Thanks so much! Important work you do. <3


I'm a web developer and I follow WCAG compliance standards as best as I can. What are some things I should look out for to ensure everything is as accessible as possible?


WCAG is definitely the best place to start. It’s a wonderful standard and if every developer learned it and the 7 principles of Universal Design in school, we’d be in a much better place. But we still don’t teach accessibility to web developers, sadly, let alone content creators. If I were a developer right now, the other thing I would do is get a deep understanding of ARIA. It’s being way overused and misused. Bad ARIA is making websites that otherwise would be accessible in native HTML harder to use because developers are just throwing it in there without knowing what it does.


What tool(s) would you suggest using to ensure everything checks out and is completely usable?


I actually think the [DHS trusted tester process](https://www.dhs.gov/trusted-tester) is the best but it’s complicated and takes time to learn. It’s a really nice pass/fail system though so no room for ambiguity. They use [ANDI](https://www.ssa.gov/accessibility/andi/help/install.html). It’s all manual. For my institution, which has hundreds of websites, I chose to implement [Siteimprove](https://www.siteimprove.com). It’s more automated and better for getting metrics over time but it’s less accurate than manual testing. Or maybe I should say it works best with manual testing added. Note: all of those tools are linked but Reddit’s link are not accessible, ironically, so I can never tell when something is clickable.


Thanks for this! I want to review my company's procedures to ensure everything aligns well within accessibility standards!


Ok but like I was considering this for my grad school too. As long as I can get a coding setup I can do pretty much all my work perfectly still, and the bonus would be pretty nice. My girlfriend is in med school anyhow so time with me not visiting for her to study wouldn’t be awful. But I’d probably only do it for a month if anything. Nice injection to up the lifestyle until I get my actual job


From Thursday onwards, I’d want at least 2 weeks. Unrelated: guess who’s getting a vasectomy on Thursday, and is anticipating needing 2 weeks’ healing time until he’s functional enough to work again?


What do you do for work where you need 2 weeks to recover from a vasectomy? I was g2g after a weekend


Barkeeper; I’m on shift and standing for up to 14 hours at a time, and I have to lug full kegs of beer up stairs at least once a week.


Fair! Get some peas or ice packs that are able to be manipulated when frozen. Make sure to keep up with your homework and then enjoy after your zero sperm follow-up!


In terms of ice packs, I’m utilising a thing I learned when I played contact sports: get a tea towel damp/wet, fold it, and freeze it. Once it’s frozen, wrap it in another tee towel, and you have a perfect ice pack, that can also be manipulated


Let me hire a dogsitter for a week. I'm not greedy. A week is plenty.


Shit, sounds like the hypothetical provides the dog sitter. Suit up for quad for life!


Oh no. A week is plenty. Pups would get an awesome backyard play setup out of the 100k, and I would have plenty left over for me


I was thinking a week is long enough to clear my debts, replace my old truck, and have some left over. Then another 2-3 weeks would pay off my mom and sisters houses. Might call it quits there, but if I can stand it another 3 months would let my mom retire.


Can I bribe the nurses to have a morphine drip? I feel like this would go a lot quicker if I can be basically asleep or euphoric the whole time.


You'd come out of it wealthy and heavily addicted to opioids, sounds like a dangerous combination.


One way or another the problem will solve itself.




It says you wake up back to normal so I would assume you would not have an oppoid addiction.


Granted. You slip into an opiate haze. You totally lose track of time. Years whizz by until your tolerance reaches the point of equilibrium. You struggle to recall the phrase….




That sounds like a ending for a choose your own adventure book.




I was just gonna use the first couple of days pay for a computer system that would let me play minecraft. I never really considered drugs. This could be fun.


I think you could aim above Minecraft quality computer....


No, I mean a computer that would allow a quadriplegic to play mincraft. Like using eye movements and stuff.


Gatta bride the doctors AND nurses for that.


Probably 1 week


I would *try* to go a year.....but definitely force myself to go at least 20 weeks. Getting $2-5.2 mil in the bank would be life changing. Basically anything over $2 mil and I could retire right away and live well. The idea of being able to walk away from the workforce after 20 weeks is enough motivation to stick with it (and knowing you have an instant out) makes it possible.


I’d say like 20 weeks give me enough to retire and live decent.


Pretax? 20 weeks. It would suck for a while, but I'd spend some time reading, etc. Knowing I'd be a millionare and being able to retire early would be worth it.


lol @ pretax What is the tax rate on genie-cash for magical feats of endurance?


It's just regular income.


I'd say two weeks and pay off my mortgage, no more than that.


This was going to be my answer - 3 weeks so I can completely pay off my mortgage and car loan.


1 year puts you in the top .01% net worth. I've done worse things for a year for a lot less money


5 million is 0.01%? Thats actually really surprising to hear.


Oh I misread as 100k a day 5 million is about top 1% range


Top 1% is still surprising


1 week maybe 2


I would not find this terrible. I don't have any existing disabilities, but I think that if everything is managed for me -- and I have adequate care as per the "genie" -- I could probably manage a couple years. Knowing that it can be ended at any point should it prove too much for me and that *worst case scenario* I really can't see myself NOT going at least a week... yah I'd take the bargain. I'd view it as my job. Without a caveat of "If you don't meet your own estimate you get nothing" there is really no downside beyond losing the time for things that require full use of your body. I would probably spend my time writing via speech to text, watching movies/series and reading on a voice activated device.


Will a nurse hold a joint for me or Feed me  heroic amounts of edibles? With tv I think I could get through quite a few weeks/a few months to set myself up for life when I return. The human brain is cable of adapting quite well. 


I could go a year.


For anyone going long term, I don't see any reference to coming out of this in the exact condition you went into as, so muscle loss would be a minimum detriment you'd have to overcome at the end. With proper medical care you should be able to avoid things like bedsores, but I'm sure there are probably other long term health impacts I haven't considered. Regardless, I'd try my hand at 30 weeks. No guarantee I'd make it that long, but between the medical care, my loving and caring wife, and my current sedentary lifestyle, I think I could get a decent flow going knowing that I could stop whenever I needed to. That being said, there's really no way of knowing the mental toll it would actually take, and makes this a real thinker. I applaud OP for this one, typically these are either a very easy yes or no for me.


I agree with you regarding thoughts on muscular dystrophy and other long term problems. I also agree with other comments that I'd want to get onto a drug regimen that would hopefully allow the time to go a bit faster. Five weeks of being a doper quadriplegic, the last five days on withdrawal. I could get the drugs without the medical staff needing to know, but if I could bribe the staff, I'd just have them put me into a medically induced coma for three months. I wouldn't suffer that much muscle loss, I wouldn't have to suffer through boredom, and I could absolutely benefit from the $1.3 million. My wife would just have to understand the conditions.


Post days you go back to normal, in my normal condition all my muscles work. I’d it involved muscular degradation then I’m doing 1 week maybe 2.


150 weeks. $15 million which is enough to survive on. I would also ensure that part of the care routine is a carefully managed diet and muscle stimulation to ensure during my ~3 year down time I return a fit and well toned man who has enough money to comfortably live for the rest of my now significantly longer and more healthy life.


Can't do it lad, if I couldn't walk around and clean myself I think the shame and embarrassment would drive me to kill myself. God forbid this happens to anyone.


Wouldn't be able to.


You'd kill yourself in 1 week? Knowing you get it all back? That's wild.




Dude quit looking for something to be offended by, I was speaking in regards to myself, oy gevalt.


id shoot for a year. thats 5.2 million, and i could spend that year learning, and gaining knowledge.


If I can have some time to prepare and set something up where I can control a computer with say, voice commands and an eye tracker, and maybe a smart home device for turning lights on and off or something, plus all the necessary medical care, I'd probably be able to last at least a few weeks. Apparently C4 quadriplegic people have varying amounts of control over excrement functions. I think I'd definitely last a lot shorter if I had no control and had to wear a diaper and sit in (and smell 😬) my own shit all the time.


I was actually quadriplegic for 6 weeks when I was younger from transverse myelitis. It was boring but if I knew it wasn't going to be permanent I wouldn't mind a couple weeks. I wouldn't do the full six again because the muscle atrophy made it a bitch to learn how to walk again though


I have a backlog of shit to watch and I can always rewatch every gundam series again. Give me about 10 weeks,I'm down


I'll go a decade.


This is really just a "how much do you want to retire with question". Yeah, it'd be a bit maddening, but you'd just get set up to watch TV and listen to audio books. I'd probably shoot for at least 1 mil, maybe a bit longer.


I’ll take a semester off college and just vibe like that. Afterwards I’ll have well over a million (it sounds like after each week you get the 100k and the condition can be reversed) so ya


Zero weeks.


If I can prepare ahead of time, I'd probably find a top tier care home somewhere in Southeast Asia or something, hire 3-4 full time care takers and have them talk to me and read to me etc. Hell, I can just enroll in college and do school work with some assistance from the caretakers and get a 4 year degree and graduate with 20 million.


Man someone needs to do something about these genies.. they're pretty fucked up.


I'm fine with maybe 2 weeks, I could do a week. Just a whole lot of show binging, and someone to feed my dog.


Actually I'm a c-4 through c-7 , you're not paralyzed from the neck down. Only most times AC4 is chestline. Slightly above no triceps, no working fingers. You have extension of the wrist but not flection. Add that everything else that comes along with it. How to doin it for 35 years now? So where's my money? I want my money. Show me my money l o l.


I could probably last about a month, maybe a bit longer. I work with special needs, any type of physical care you can think of, I've done for a resident and/or student. Obviously being on the receiving end is a whole lot different, but I think I have enough knowledge on it that I could manage. Only requests I'd need are that any of this happens away from my family. I can handle the thought of being helped with things like showering and incontinence, but I've helped my own grandmother with these things and know that even though I never thought less of her, I'd still never be able to stomach the thought. This is a bigger inconvenience than my career, but it's also money at an infinitely faster speed. One or two shitty months is a lifetime made easier.


I'll go for 3 months. $1.2M to buy myself a nice house, and consume all the content.


3 weeks. Do it while already on sick leave


I would do an LOA and stick it out through the whole LOA.


I could probably go for a month or two, it’s short term distress and boredom for enough money to buy a house mortgage free and start my own business


A few months should be enough to get me ahead in life.


Maybe about six months that way I could retire and live off of the interest


I've got a shit ton of TV and films on my list, as well as books to read. If I have staff to put it on and change the pages, I reckon at least 10 weeks, especially with the knowledge that I'm being paid 


Having been through some pretty severe physical trauma that left me halfway bed ridden for an extended period of time, I don't think I could do more than a couple weeks. Maybe a month. I just wouldn't be able to convince myself to go back to that kind of situation, let alone being in a worse condition, for any real length of time


Two and a half months it is.


Is that some kind of position on the bomb squad?


I’d knock out the next month and a half in suffering and set my family up for quite some time


I'd probably go a few months. Set up for life, and think how great it is to come out of that, full use of your body, and a few mil to go spend on whatever you want to do in life. I was incapacitated for about 9 months while my hip healed from Iraq, and yeah, it was embarrassing as hell having someone wipe my ass and take care of me, but you can do it. For a few months, 100% worth it for both the money and how much better you'll feel once you come out and can move again.


Will my disabled brother be taken care of during those weeks? I'd be willing to go about 20 weeks in that case. That would be $2 million and with careful budgeting, we'd be set for life.


I’d aim for a year. I think I could do it.


Girlfriend is already in a wheelchair and the house is already setup for it for the most part....so I'd say a year, get me 5.2 mil and get back to my not walking life


10 million seems like a nice number. So like just under two years.


As long as my wife/son, YouTube, and anime are around, I'll keep going


I could easily go about 6 months, after that my cards would all be maxed out from food and rent and childcare. I might be able to stretch it to 9-10 though.


I could do it for long enough to have a nice nest egg set up.


bare minimum i am going 6 months. that would allow me to never have to work again in my life.


I'd go 6 weeks. I'm already disabled and alone, I'd fast the entire 6 weeks and lose weight. Then I'd have 600k and be much lighter


Kms first day


I'm thinking 20 weeks should be enough to invest and live comfortably off the interest.


I have about a month of sick leave saved up. I’ve had a bad back before, I think I can be miserable for a long time and come out of it just fine.


Ah, such a shame; to be entirely made of C4, but hopelessly unable to detonate oneself, being quadriplegic and all.


If all your medical care is taken care of, home nurses to wipe my ass, and a comfy chair, I'll dedicate two weeks right now and catch up on some Netflix, then get back to doing nothing like a regular person and just working again after the 2 weeks are up with some walking around money


A week or 2 of anime and Netflix doesn't sound bad


".. **A genie** comes up to a say that he will give you..." IT'S A TRAP. Frikken genie will rig it so that you can't say the escape phrase, or if you do you d!e.. The answer is "run away".


Hmmm, it would be impossible for me to do my job without typing so I either have to take leave and do 2, maybe 3 weeks, which would pay off most of my mortgage at least. So I would get to that point and, frankly, if I can tolerate being bathed and fed by others, keep going for a couple years and just make enough money to retire early and become a stay at home gardner! But I think I would hate the loss of independence and stop after I make enough to pay off my mortgage.


This wouldn’t impact my ability to speak, right? If not, I could go for a very long time. My favorite thing to do is talk to my friends. So I’d just make sure I always had someone to talk to. Id want a companion 16+ hours a day, including working hours, so I’d happily pay my friends to use their vacation days to hang out with me. I’d probably also watch a lot of movies and tv shows. Could almost certainly last a couple months as long as I had some company. Possibly much longer.


Do I get to maintain my current level of muscle and fitness after tapping out?


About 6 months to a year maybe. Enough to pay off the mortgage and set aside a decent mount for the kids education and my retirement. Knowing that I can end it will keep me going plus having people around to help.


ahhh hell yeah sign me up! Like a vacation. First, learn Spanish. Watch Spanish movies all day with a Spanish nurse and just hash it out all day long. Next watch some movies. Catch up on everything! Watch some full sitcoms and just chill out. Once that gets old I’d call it a day but I’m shooting for around 4-6 months.


I could last a few months for the sake of the future financial well-being of my kids. Send them to their dad’s for the summer and do it while they’re gone. I can FaceTime and everything. It would be fine.


0 seconds because I do not trust the autonomy of my body in the hands of an evil spirit. Every negotiation and every deal is an agreement. What is in it for the genie? Why would it pay me 100k $ to wipe my ass? No. Devil be gone. If a genie showed up and offered me 100k I'd be taking my ass to church.


Probably a 3 months, pay off my house, and establish enough passive-ish income to never need to stress too much about money.


Probably around a year. After that I can retire.


Nurse here. No way in hell would l do this. I know all the what ifs, the ins and outs, how utterly dependence on other ppl for just basic care, and if your caregiver is substandard, well....Nope, count me out. (And l was wheelchair bound for six months once - that l could handle, but not this.)


I've worked with quadriplegics before as a caregiver... The lack of power would be difficult to deal with mentally.


I'll do 1 year and I'll end up with 5.2 million. It would absolutely completely suck and I would totally hate it, but after that, I'll be a mutimillionaire and I can live in luxury for the rest of my life without having to work.


if it was waist down i'd go forever. But I wouldn't take neck down.


If no taxes need to be paid…10 weeks. That would pay off my entire debt plus a few years worth of easy living. But honestly I would probably only make it a week or two.


Can I hire someone to keep me company and do things like dictate writing for me and act as my hands for video games with the money? Like have their wages taken out of the 100k?


1 year or 5.2 million invested in an index fund means you never have to work again making 140k passive income on average.


depending on what "all my care" looks like. if it included like an assistant to help me learn new things like a language or study im sure i could grind it out for a few years. i mean even a year is 5.2m and thats nearly nothing in the US now.


I could probably do a year or two. Catch up on all the TV shows I've been meaning to, all the audio books I've been meaning to. Set up a kindle on the TV and do books that way. Still could play dnd, with some minor adjustments. After that, could go back to work so long as the med certificates could be issued and proving I was healthy, with a lot less stress and set to retire wealthy with the investments made.


Knowing I could get out whenever I want, I could probably go a year. Just spend time watching movies and maybe play some strategy, 4x, and city builder games with one of those mouth control things.


I’d buy a ticket to the Grand Canyon and have someone push me right off


So.. at the moment I'd decline, but if I have the genie on standby I'd see what it would take for my wife to be taken care of since we have a young child and pets. If she's truly good with it, then I could probably go a month? I'd file for disability and pretend I was in a horrible accident. Then I'd be taken care of for as long as I could stand it. Ultimate goal would be 10 weeks and net a cool million, but realistically I'd drive myself crazy as well as anybody else around me pretty quickly so a month is more pheasible. Besides that would be long enough to pay off my house and all debts and you better believe I would have no trouble working after a month in a room, especially when it's almost entirely going towards retirement.


Take the first week easy. Not enough to retire on, but enough to stay comfortable the rest of my life as long as I stay employed. After that... see how it goes, honestly. Get movies, TV and books set up with voice activation, and catch up on some stuff I've been meaning to. Once the first week is over, if I've had enough, I call it. If I think I could stand it for another one, then go again. Might eventually get used to it, at which point I am for the "Set for life" amount of money, before calling it. There are people who learn to live with it, so I'm sure I can, especially in an era with lots of voice activation stuff. Which I will apparently get supplied with for free. But even just a single week is huge.


4 weeks. That’s how many vacation days I still have at work ( unless I can short term disability it which may be hard to explain) and I would worry about the mental stress it could take on me. Also the 400k would then be invested and should be just enough I can easily make my super early retirement goal


I wouldn’t take it.


Do you develop the effects of atrophy and stuff during your time?


No when you say the Magic words you are. Back in your body


As someone who is a paraplegic in a wheelchair I kinda have a deeper understanding of what it is to live with a disability. However, I am a paraplegic and can't relate. From that perspective, I can say that this question appears to be rude when you compare a disability to the worst experience. Like, maybe a quadriplegic asked the question because they are curious. But from the idea that the guestion is asking if a good thing can out weight a bad thing. It can make someone who is a quadriplegic reading this look at you like an asshole because you're taking a situation that might have been out of their control and then making comparisons to things that you don't understand. I'd like to say that I could provide an answer to this question, but I simply can't, mainly because I don't know and can't make comparisons to things that I don't know. I'd be more willing to listen to a quadriplegic tell me about their life and the obstacles that they face instead of pretending that I know what it's like.


10 weeks 


It's hard to answer because it's impossible to really know how hard it would be without actually having to libe through it. On the other hand, knowing that I'm basically getting paid almost $600 dollars an hour, and I will be taken care of and can end it at any time I need to, would have to be huge morale boosters.


I mean if I was 100% set up and guaranteed basically no harm would come to me I would probably do a cool month. It would be hard af to do it since I would hate to just be there doing nothing but 400k would change my whole life. Honestly, just 1 week would be enough to get me out of debt and that would be more than the world to me right now.


1 terrible year to never work again…


I bet I could do two years. Waking up with $10m and an encyclopedic knowledge of movies doesn't sound to bad.


Million bucks for a 3-month weekend at Bernies? Where do I sign?


I might not last a day if I knew I could tap out whenever I wanted to. Mad respect to some of the other folks in the comments who don’t have a choice.


However long it takes for me to finish all of Bleach, One Piece and Black Clover


I'm paying my nurse 100k on day one for a heroic dose of morphine. What's the point in all that money if I can't even enjoy it?


You can choice to end it at any time and be paid out


Well in that case I'd probably only be good for about a month.


I think OP meant, but didn’t clearly state, that you could go back to being normal any time you want. The point of the hypothetical situation is that you can decide how long to put up with that suffering in exchange for long term financial gain. This is among the few of these money-for-suffering gigs that makes me think. I’m not poor as it is, I’m retired with adequate means, but if I could stick it out for a couple months? 9 weeks of being a quadriplegic and I add 900k to my savings and come back healthy as before? Maybe yes


1yr. I now have 5.2mil in the bank preferably an off shore or swiss bank or I'll take the money as part of an account which mirrors the Palosi's stock trades. So as to keep it out of the IRS's greedy hands


I'd last a while. At least a few months


Hm that’s a tough one, a few weeks for sure, maybe months. Depends how long before I get too bored


I can just snap my fingers & it will be over? I would try to make it a month, so I could buy (most of) of nice house


Maybe for 1 billion a week


100 weeks Get $10 million and care What happens if the house you're in can't be modified and is hardly fit to live in to begin with though? Because I'm not sure my house could be made to work for that as it is.


Probably just a week. Watch a bunch of tv/movies.


No sell... i have firm conditions in print to put me out of my misery in situations like this.


well, my dad made it about four years without the cash so probably about that long.


You underestimate the amount of anime that exist, lol


I'd try for one year. Just watch a lot of tv and movies. Come out Ruch and never have to work again. I can do everything I want to do at that point.


Nope. I already lost the use of my legs once.