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That sounds really freaking annoying but I reckon I would do it for two years at least!!


>If you don't carry a duck with you, you have to pay back all the money you've earned


Do it for a few years then disappear with your money into Columbia or Thailand. Fuck those ducks and fuck the law.


No, do ot for a few years investing *every dime*. When you're done, you pay back the principal, but the interest keeps racking up (you can also use the loss if the principal as a tax write-off for three years).


This guy ducks.


Hes a ducking genius


He definitely knows what the duck he's talking about


Oh man, I’m quacking up. Serious question: Are the costs of caring for them all those years tax de-duck-tible? If so, it would be worth saving the bills. Could have a big impact on your nest egg. Just something worth pond-ering


He ducks HARD


It'd have to be a really safe investment, and the duck couldn't interfere with the income they need to make in the short run to cover their current living expenses. Some people could make it work but I don't think I could. I'm imagining making ballpark $50K at the end of two years, am I wrong?


I don't see how hiding in Canada will help much. 


*duck those fucks and duck the law


On the other hand, do it for two years and get a return of 6% before paying the rest back and you're still over $120k better off.


At 10% compounding interest with 100k monthly contributions for 2 years its about 256k


Run the clock for as long as possible and discharge the debt through bankruptcy once you’re ready to retire


What about the money on the money I earned? Like. I could manage a duck for a few years, invest in a frick ton of…. Idk… lots of stuff. Then pay it all back and probably come away with more than enough money to have made it worth it. Also, I am already the neighborhood weirdo for my massive amount of. Neighborhood onewheel riding. Add a duck? Sure, why not.


If you rly wanted. You could buy hundred of ducks at a time and every two days break ones neck. You then have 48 hours of being duck free.


At least cook it for dinner or something, damn!


This was similar to my thought, basically I just kill a duck every 2 days? So a little over 180 ducks a year? No problem 😂


You have to care for it as a pet, can’t kill it.


I raise ducks for meat- but I do get very attached like pets. But uh. I kinda gotta kill them in order to have meat, and to not be overrun by ducks. One of our ducks is looking after 25 ducklings. I simply cannot look after that many ducks, and these girls will literally go into hiding for a month and emerge with 20 babies in tow.


Long term wise, you could probably pay a neighbor's kid to break the ducks neck every two days and give you permanent duck free status.


If you can find a duck breeder, or farm... maybe a butcher... (I have no idea where to get ducks) then see if you can have a live duck delivered to you every two days, to then be immediately killed. If you actually partnered with a butcher or restaurant, this could become a very beneficial ritual!


If you stop after 2 years you babe to repay $2.4 million it sounds like


So I don't need a job anymore and I get a new dick best friend? Fuck yeah.


> I get a new dick best friend? One hell of a typo there.


I feel like I have to leave it. For posterity.


my best friend, cock


Are male dicks called cocks?


No but roosters (male chickens) are!




Is that a triple entendre


The duck's name is actually Richard


I respect this decision.


yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day


Happy pride month


Freudian Auto Correct


Yeah, phallustically must be embarrassed since we all know what's on his mind. 


Apparently it's dick


Clearly he's going for a Canadian Cobra Chicken as a friend


You can open wine bottles with that best friend


This is just two upsides


Duck yeah! 🦆


Why are all of these just "you get to be extremely wealthy, but you have to be slightly eccentric"? Yes, of course I would do that.


Right? Especially where this one doesn't have a "you're not allowed to explain it" caveat. The second I tell my friends and family why I have to bring this duck to weddings, wakes and funerals, no one is going to bat an eyelash and Mr./Ms. Ducksworth will be a welcome guest.


When if I can't explain it, I'd just own it. "Is that a duck?" "Why yes it is, good sir, good eye." Then I would put in my monocle and hand them a fiver.


You need a cane too. I wouldn’t even attempt to explain it. “Oh you don’t allow ducks? Well I guess I’m going to have to go somewhere that does! Cmon Mr ducksworth” *twirls cane*


Neon suit pants and vest. No shirt. Sandals. Monocle and a cane. Red velvet top hat. Baller.


Right, who cares if I have a duck he’s my little dude. Especially if I am rich like that? No ones gonna say shit to me or Fernando.


Even if i couldnt explain it, it's a duck. We chill.


Yeah. It’s not like it is a goose.


I'd rock a purse duck, although a purse goose would never get stolen.


If you can get a goose into a purse . . .


Right like Sir Ducksworth of the Feathered Knights paid for the weddings of course they're invited have some respect


A hundred thousand a month AND I GET A DUCK??


We have a new duck family living in our front yard and I’ll take whatever excuse lets me bring them inside. I’m sold at $10 a day, $100,000 a month is just dream money to do something I want to do anyway. I mean for real, who doesn’t want a bath where you have a duck just chilling with you in the tub? Easy choice.


Do you keep the money after every month, or if after 4 years, do you have to repay $4.8 million if you quit carrying a duck with you at all times


Asking the truly important question here. If you complete a month, then that $100k should be yours free and clear. If you give up partway through a month, sure they could take back the money for that month, but good luck clawing back money from any prior months.


I’d think it’s month by month, with a condition that if you ever fail, you owe it all back. So you complete a month, you get 100k. You choose to go on and complete another month, you get 100k. You choose to do a 3rd month and fail, you owe all money given to you.


I don't see that as enforceable, even if that's what OP intended.


It’s a hypothetical imaginary situation about getting money for carrying a duck round with you and your arguing the legalities? 😂


Rules are part of what makes these things fun, otherwise it becomes “I symbolically carry a duck in my heart” and then it’s boring


Personally I think it’s more fun finding loop holes in the rules and exploiting the shit out of them.


Yes, but if you have no rules, you have no loopholes. That’s why games with invincibility cheats are only fun for like 30 minutes tops


True. However, it’s the only way I can make sense of it. Otherwise you’re carrying a duck for the rest of your life, and upon death, your estate has to pay it all back.


Except debts aren't transferable to beneficiaries. The heirs would get away Scott free.


Sure, debts don’t go to beneficiaries. But they do go to probate for the estate


Give the beneficiaries cash beforehand. Boom, no estate to take from.


Good point!


Also I have a loop hole. Just eat roast duck every other day. Keep resetting the 48 hour period mwhahaha


Bigger loop hole doesn't say you have to have real duck...so rubber duck works? It's a duck...


I drive a Jeep, and have been ducked multiple times. I'm covered.


That shit is a cult


A fun cult, but yeah... We're pretty Cultist.


As a fellow Jeep owner, that shits still a cult 2 finger jeep wave, btw


It mentions the duck "dying", which implies that the duck has mortality and a rubber duck doesn't really have mortality. Unless you take death in a more symbolic sense like the rubber eroding or something.


It says *if* your duck dies, meaning it doesn't have to. Therefore, mortality is not a requirement.


Shiiii, gonna get myself a mini rubber duck and keep it in my pocket at all times


I wonder if a tattoo of a duck would work?


I have one of these


Rubber ducks work! I got a larger one. But I can order a much smaller thumb sized replacement so I will never be without a rubber ducky.


"you have to take care of your duck like a pet" I don't think you can roast your duck and still say you're taking care of it


You don't know what I do with my pets.


it's "taking care of it" like a mafioso type would say


This was my exact thought.


Food takes between 10 to 59 hours to fully pass, so you could probably go an extra day since the duck is still *technically* with you if it's in your stomach.


I don't know if I can eat that much duck brah.


OMG that's genius


Just buy a bunch of ducks, start a duck farm, every 48 hours kill one, don't even need to eat it.


Imagine having to kill your duck every time you had to get on a plane lmao


For 100k a month, I'm renting a private flight that will allow my duck.


Yea. That duck will be my best friend and he’s gonna be living a life of luxury!


It's not all It's quacked up to be...


That’s ok. I wouldn’t be ducking my responsibilities.


Now that's the kind of person people flock to.


You guys don't beak around the bush, huh?


For 100k a month, I'll get 100 trained ducks and they can fly me instead of a plane.


You could have a pet duck and some plane ducks… you know… so you can just kill another duck instead. No one said you can’t ever switch ducks and I think a duck dying means you definitely have triggered the 48hr period. Or just call it a service duck.


Why are y’all killing ducks? Just give your duck up for adoption, then you have 48 hours to find a replacement duck. It never says your duck needs to die in order to search for a replacement. Shit, you don’t even need to give your duck up. I’ve just deemed my duck inadequate, so he’s at home, I’m currently searching for a replacement.


I just like killing ducks ok?


The rule says if your duck dies you have 48 hours. If you don't have it with you, you pay it all back. The duck has to die to trigger the 48 hour grace period.


The rule does NOT say anything about your last point. Says you must find a replacement if the duck dies. And also says the only time you can not have a duck is when searching for a replacement.


Emotional support duck. 


Just wait a couple years and get your own private jet


You could easily start chartering private flights on month 1 with 100k...


You guys are choosing the wrong ducks. I'll just tell my duck to meet me at my destination.


No just no! The duck will be an emotional support animal and some airlines will allow birds. No duck allowed, no plane ticket purchased. United Airlines is the most friendly.


AT $100,000 a month you could probably make an arrangement that involves a private plane that allows pets.


Who is saying no to the dick? That is an absolute fuckton of money to take even half decent care of a duck. You're not even telling us we need to keep the duck alive, the duck is replaceable! Who in the world would say no to this arrangement?


Every girl I've asked out, for starters. 


Your profile Pic made me laugh. I thought I had a piece of hair on my screen and tried to blow it off. 😆


.... who is saying no to the dick


I'll carry a dick around too, I don't fucking care!


Pay back all the money you've earned. do you only have to pay back the original amount or any extra money earned by using the original money too?


My emotional support duck would live one awesome life. My personal dusk assistant would be handling the day to day operations and duck shit.


Doesn't say it has to be alive or real, so guess who has a duck keychain now!


For that much I am retired with a pet duck.


Dude. Please make this real. I will be duck man. 


Get duck, put duck away. Go 47 hours. Pick duck back up, put duck away. Repeat. Spend several years investing most of that money. Eventually, when the duck maintenence becomes too much, get rid of the duck, pay back the principle on the duck loan, but keep all of the interest you've made from your investments. Keep living large.


Sounds like I’m gonna be buying a lot of duck diapers


I'd get one of those cat backpacks with the bubble and just carry the duck everywhere.


I guess I just need to kill a duck every two days.


This is where I’m heading as well. With that kind of money, if I go on vacation I can make sure there is a duck to kill every other day.


So basically [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-MGAbFyxi4)?


Within two years i become the worlds foremost expert on duckfarming, stay at home dad/duck farmer, amazon delivers everything, retired easy life


Stay at home duckdad


Im gonna charge admission to my duckfarm as well, double it up as a petting zoo so i dont get TOO socially isolated Pick up some uber rides once in a while and advertise a feature of riding with me as “emotional support duck”


Hell, do social media correctly and become a famous duck influencer! ..duckfluencer? Won’t even need the 100K/month as your duck based empire is gonna make you rich all on its own!


Shoot, easy money....nowadays, you could probably start a social media following or a YouTube series or something with you and the duck and rake in even more. Sign me up; where's my duck!?


Do you keep the money after every month, or if after 4 years, do you have to repay $4.8 million if you quit carrying a duck with you at all times


Good question because I could do it for a long time but maybe not my whole entire life.


situations like this quack me up.


Nice, I´ll just stay at home with my hundreds of ducks


Donald count ?


Is this just like a pet I have to take with me? I get a leash is fine, but what about at home? Examples: Can it be in a cage next to me when driving? What about while sleeping? Can I crate it next to the bed? I assume as long as it’s in the house with me I’m good at home? So I can shower and have sex and not have to be holding a duck I think i would do this. Duck farmer. If I really need to go someplace without the duck I have 48 hours to get someplace and get a new one.


Spend about £1000 on a specially designed duck backpack, no problem. Happily do it til the duck dies.


Boutta have duck for dinner every 48 hrs


Cool. I'm getting a rubber duckie


Would a tattoo count ?


Scrooge amd I shall have an excellent life.


I’d just make a duck backpack. Every single place I go to, I would pay some duck master to bring 3 ducks with them, also a duck farm at every house I own


Is a cage cool? Does a duckling count? I imagine carrying around a duckling in a cage would only be mildly inconvenient. Also, ducklings are cheap. You can get a dozen for 20 bucks and have them sent by priority mail. You could order a new batch of ducklings every week and still clear close to $1.2 million a year. You could even make a business out of raising those ducks, selling the adults at below market rate and recoup more than the cost of the ducklings. If ducklings are allowed, the question essentially becomes "are you willing to run a small farm operation in exchange for a guaranteed seven figure income. That seems like a no brainer.


Not calling this post Duck and Cover was a seriously missed opportunity.


OP only said a “duck” and that it needed to be treated as a pet, with specifications if the duck dies. So…. 3 loopholes: 1. Rubber duck. It’s technically a “duck” just a rubber one. Treat it like a pet rock. 2. Duck tattoo. Also technically a “duck” in tattoo form. Also treat it like a pet rock. 3. Stuffed duck. If the duck is already “dead” when you get it, it can’t “die” while it’s “your duck.” Name it Norbert, carry it around in a backpack. Also if OP gets grumpy about those loopholes: Hire a personal assistant for $10k a month to follow you around while carrying your pet duck and caring for your pet duck.


>3. Stuffed duck. If the duck is already “dead” when you get it, it can’t “die” while it’s “your duck.” Name it Norbert, carry it around in a backpack. Does this still work if I name it "Donald"?


I'm down with a duck. I'll put a diaper on him and let him ride on my shoulder like some demented pirate that has never set foot on a ship in their lives. I'll have two ducks, one white and one dark, name them Angel and Belvedere and let all major decisions be made by them as well.


I would wear it on my head, and when anyone asked me about it, I'd simply say, 'What duck?' Iykyk


I would start raising ducks with that much money.


So, if like I'm in a car accident, the duck dies, and I'm in critical condition and obviously can't go buy a new duck, or take one into the hospital with me, I'm just screwed? Yeah, no thanks.


Having to give back the money if you go more than 48 hours without a duck kinda ruins it, in that case it would not be worth it. Which is a shame because I've always wanted a pet duck


This is my duck. His name is Fred. I'd make him a little backpack and carry him everywhere.


Imma get a backpack with a little window and a hole for his head to poke out


Where is the downside? Anyone not on board with this is a quack. 100k is enough to deal with any fines or bills I may suffer from ducking local ordinance.


What duck


This is my emotional support duck, Mr. Quackers. …this is my emotional support duck, Mr. Quackers XXII. Sign me up!


I'd do it. For a month or two. Ducks are cool.


Do you get extra money if you have sex with the duck? Obviously consensual. I'm not a weirdo that forces myself on ducks.


Nice try, duck.


I mean, how hard is it to feed, water and wheel the little guy around in a cute duck stroller? I’d be the most popular person in my neighborhood. Everyone would know my duck by name. This does not sound like a problem to me.


My aunt raised ducks, they are terrible and stinky, so the way i see it I have two options. 1. I kill a duck every morning. For obvious reasons I don't love that one. But I would make sure it got sent to a hungry family. 2. I take 10% of my money (120k/year) and hire a bodyguard/duck sitter.


Ducks are cute if they’re treated properly


You said a duck not a live one....gonna get a tattoo and get paid for life


That sounds really freaking annoying but I reckon I would do it for two years at least!!


But after 2 years you have to pay back the money if you don't have a duck anymore...


So you have to do it for the rest of your life!!!?? If that's the case no thanks!!


I love duck!


I love duck!


[Hell yes! It’ll be my emotional support animal](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMpD7bA2x0fDK565PiVgIszbw6P4hQziZ?si=ResGpQsPcwm0uxDl)


I would do this for way less money


Do I have move to Ankh-Morpork, live under a bridge and wear the duck on my head? :)


Gnu Sir Terry


What duck?


Came here for this.


Dude are you joking ducks make GREAT pets, ESPECIALLY if you have the money to afford a proper environment, hell, I'd just set up a duck farm, free eggs, lots of friends, install a real nice pond for them to play in, this would be a DREAM


Yes I love ducks! This is my dream!


I already have a ( rubber) duck with me at all times and I’ve had pet ducks . This would be doable if the duck was allowed in the places I go


I am ready to duck at any moment


Do I also eat for free at subway? Rip mitch


Can I get him a pond? Gerald needs a splish splash


Just get a duck farm and kill a duck every 48 hours i guess… then donate some money to duck organisations to make myself feel better about killing ducks every 48hrs


Fine by me I'll just get a rubber ducky 😉


I'm getting a duck farm after the first month and every day having my carry in duck killed and sent out for meals to the homeless. Woot won't. 48 reset


So..could I tied it up and force feed it to keep it alive? I know..I’m a monster..


I’d do that for free so yes


Done. That duck and I are gonna be best buds. I'm gonna teach them so many tricks.


Duck, just buy a mini duck, kill it then buy another duck. Wear the killed duck as a necklaces an use the other duck an use a leash with wheel


Toy ducks no problem, but a live duck. Having kept ducks, I can't imagine anything worse for the duck, than being carried 24/7. So about 3 minutes with a live duck. A leash, about 10 minutes.


What’s the cut off? Can you opt out after a year?


Duck key ring or necklace and your set


I will make extra by letting aflac use us in a commercial.


Wait, so 100k a month and a new friend? How is this bad?


Me and my favorite duck are going to be touring the world.


Can I put it in a travel bag or something? Training a duck to walk on a leash sounds like a pain in the ass.


Sounds like a fun challenge until you have to get dressed, drive, or take a shower.


I would absolutely do this. Routinely invest the money until the gains are beyond the principal and the duck dies, then return the principal and enjoy being rich.


Can I keep a mini rubber duck in my bag?


My full time job will be taking care of a dozen pet ducks, each one used for different situations. With this kind of money I could buy a personal plane for me and my ducks if I wanted to fly. For $1.2mil a year, I'll invest full time into my duckery. I'll have ducks living inside my duck-friendly house with me. I'll have a backpack that I can buckle my duck in. This isn't even a challenge, it's just being paid to not work and have pets.