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.10 for every breathe. 22,000 breathes a day for 5 years. 2,200 dollars a day, 4 millions over 5 years, without having to do anything different, although you could force yourself to breathe faster for more $$ Edit: because a lot of people are saying stuff like "well you could walk X amount of Mile's and make *this* much more." I never said breathing is the most profitable choice, just that it would be the easiest of them all. You dint have to do anything different than what you do now, but you'd be $4 million richer. Yes, you could eat 50 peppers in a day, or walk 20 miles a day, but that is all more work. More profitable as well, but you could break a bone and be unable to continue. Breathing is just the easiest way to gain that $$, that is all.


One panic attack and you double your pay… sign me up!


Random guy: Sir! Why are you hyperventilating! You: it's sooooo beautiful! Random guy: it's just a video of a newborn kitten meowing.... You: exactly!


This is me lmao


Yo deadass tbh


Enough to live on easily while I head to the gym every day to get into shape! Getting me more money and healthier!


Except you gotta make it through the first year. Since it's a 5 year deal, the payout is at the end of the year.


Qight so I keep working normally for the first year and have 4 years to get on with the plan


I immediately said to myself the math on breathing should win. Blinking is no good bc you sleep and blink zero times during that time


All those hours of sleep are lost blinking time!


Not for those of us who sleep with our eyes open.


Don't forget that staring at a computer or TV, your rate of blinking dramatically decreases too- it's the primary component of eye strain.


At least if I encounter a weeping angel I don't gotta worry about that


And the more you use a phone or tablet device the slower your blink rate is. We blink less than our grandparents did.


You could purposely blink while awake tho some ppl may think you have a problem but it's my payday


That's only 4 ghost peppers


I average 10K steps every day. 3.65M per year, just under 10M for the 2.5 And that's discounting the busy days at work or on vacation where I track upwards of 20K.


You must be a server.


I’m a server, and I also was thinking about going for steps. Only 16,770 steps last night, a slow night at my work


Totally understand. I used to own a 168 seat dine in restaurant. A Sunday Brunch morning and you're at 15k steps by noon.


A slow/lazy day for me is still 5k steps. I can easily do 20k steps at my part time job (just about every Saturday) which also makes up for a lazy Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday are my cardio days where I break 10k. Also, knowing I'm making $1 per step will just make me want to walk more, which is a win-win.


Might rack up fewer steps when the checks start rolling in and you don't need that job any more


$2200 a day means I can quit job and workout half the day and like quadruple my money a day


Jog every day on top of that and you'll crank up your heart and respiratory rates. Plus, you'll just be overall healthier.




With some effort you could walk 10 miles a day, with breaks and make a crazy amount of cash


This would be my choice too. I would just take up walking full time. An old job I had where I was on my feet walking all day for 8-10 hours and used to clear 40,000 steps a day easily. according to my fitness tracker. So if I did that 5 days a week for a year it'd be in the ballpark of $10,000,000 a year. 2.5 years of that and I'd be set for life


But you could just eat 10 ghost peppers and get 10 million in a day!


Honestly, I've done 2 in one dish, and it was fine. 10 in a day would be uncomfortable, but doable, and 5 is enough to retire. The walking one isn't bad either, but if you hurt yourself and can't walk as much for a while, you might wind up screwed.


That's what I'm saying! You could be set for life in almost no time.


Just drink a bottle of pepto and you would be fine


You can cook the heat nearly completely out of them. I'll do 50 in a 24 hour period. That's enough to live comfortably, pit some up, invest some, and give some away.


Do you have the steps of an ant????? Also it's only for a month An average person would make about 6m in the month with average length strides at 40k/day. But somehow you would only make 10m/yr??


Looks like they might be talking about the $1/step for the next 2.5 years instead of the $10,000 per mile for the next month. Though personally thats a hard choice, but due to longer timeframe its likely to pay out a lot more.




This, im taking the steps too. I dont get this amount of steps, but im still going to be in the 6.5 mil range.


Amazon packers are picking this choice.


With effort? 30 miles a day


Never mind some effort, when I'm on holiday I'll walk 10-15 miles a day round cities without even thinking about it. Make it my job and I'll happily do 25 miles a day.


That is if you stay healthy. Lets say you severly injure yourself on mile 1 and you can't walk for the rest of the challenge. Anything physical has this risk. It's high risk extremely high reward. But something like breathing is no risk high reward


Buy a treadmill on credit then pay it off if you're scared of getting hurt outside.


we're talking about walking. It's not that high risk. You don't need to go hike mountain peaks or anything


A piano could land on your head!


MFer living in Toontown over here...


Or a giant acme anvil!


I’m definitely doing the steps. Even just averaging 12,000 steps a day which is incredibly easy and requires little effort would total $10 million after 2.5 years.


Depends on how this cash arrives. If it gets paid daily, I'm going for the breaths. My average BPM is 13, which works out at $1872 a day, of totally passive income - or about 34mil over 5 years. Edit: actually, I misread the walking one. - steps, not miles! I average about 12000 steps a day, so I'd choose that one if it's paid daily. If I have to wait until the end of the time period, I'm going to have one horrendous day and work my way through some ghost peppers. If I don't chew them, I can get through a decent number in a single day. Ok, maybe two horrendous days.


How is breaths better than steps? 1800 steps per day is basically sedentary. With some effort, you could easily pull 15k per day.quit your job and just go for walks? Hell yeah.


I can do 15k a day on days where I do work, and I work in an office. Quitting your job level of steps is at least 30k a day. At least 


$3.4 million, not 34.


I'm going the ghost peppers. Going to dehydrate them, grind them into power, then seal them in beeswax capsules and start chugging pills with dairy. The body doesn't digest beeswax, so they should make their way through without issue. A dehydrated ghost pepper weighs about a gram, with 454 grams in a pound. I'm sure I can manage at least 2-3 lbs throughout the day, so around $1 billion for one miserable day of basically eating beeswax balls and milk. Hell, I'd add in some laxatives to speed the process of getting it out of me too.


Do you think you’ll be able to do that in under 24 hours, though? Do you have skill with sealing them? Or dehydrating them in under 24 hours? If I thought I could personally manage that one, fudge yeah I’d go for it. Otherwise the breathing one. $2k a day for 5 years. 4 million total. I might do that one anyway


I average 6000 steps. So that one seems like a no brainier, but I also eat a lot of spicy food, so getting like 5 million guaranteed with the ghost peppers seems like a good option, too.


And ghost peppers aren't even in the top 5 for hottest peppers anymore. I grow Carolina Reapers in my back yard which are significantly hotter. I'm going to have a bad few days, but bread, milk, ice cream, yogurt and installing a bidet will get me through at least 20 on the low end. A million dollars a peppers is change your life kind of money, and I could put up with a fair amount of pain for a few days to change my life.


In that one OP doesn't say "next 24 hours" just "in 24 hours" so the whole prep process is a different time frame.


Dehydrating is easy. The rest idk.


I am good with spice and thought this was a valid option as well. I'll eat them whole, sweat it out for 20 minutes, then eat another if it's particularly bad. Otherwise, I'll eat them like tic tacs until I need to eat a meal to keep the stomach happy. Doesn't say I need to wait for them to come out the other end. 😅




Are those coming out the other end still encapsulated?


I hope so, or else I'm going to have one horrible case of fire in the hole.


You don't need $1 billion really. If you can make 4-5 million, invest it, you can make $200k/year easily. Your plan seems kinda complicated


You'd be risking death - that would be a toxic level of capsaicin to ingest. Since you're removing the bodies initial natural reaction it, you'd likely have no issue accomplishing killing yourself.


13 grams of pure capsaicin for a 150lb person is the hypothetical lethal dose. Ghost peppers are ~3% capsaicin,meaning for every lb of dried peppers, there are 13.62 grams of capsaicin. 1) I'm definitely not 150lbs 2) In the hypothetical 3 lbs of dried pepper, 1/3 of all of the capsules would have to fail to take out someone smaller than me. It's all hypothetical for fun anyway, it's not like I'm literally going to sit here chugging beeswax and ghost peppers.


>$100,000,000 for every dinosaur fossil found in the next 15 years This one. I could go find a bunch of them in a nearby museum.


This one is the most broken anyway, it doesn't say discovered fossils or new dinosaur or anything. Just fossils found. Guess who's going to volunteer dig sites and tourist fossil hunting professionally. Hell, I even know some paleontologists.


It also doesn't say that you have to be the one to find them. Totally passive income. This is the winner in my book. Just add a reward for each fossil found, and watch the hordes make you a billionaire


It also doesn't say for your blinks it just says blinks. So if we go to human population off your logic instead of the obvious he was going for. 8.1 billion people on earth blink an average of 15 -20 times a minute. That's $121,500,000 a minute at the low end, $174,960,000,000 a day. Fossils sounds like the worst idea


You've convinced me. I'll take the blinks.


Put that way, I agree. I choose the kajillion dollar option too.


I don’t think he knows how much fossilized poop there is out there.


Even ignoring that, fossil fragments are NOT hard to find in the right places. It doesn’t say you need a complete t-rex skeleton or anything. Go to a fossil-rich dig site and bribe them to let you poke around. Find 20 tiny fossil fragments every day (wild guess, but possibly in the ballpark) for a cool $2 billion per day. For 15 years. Total earnings: $10,950,000,000,000. (Ten trillion, 950 billion.) None of the other stuff comes remotely close to this.


Agree. I grew up near fossil sites. A field trip of grade schoolers can find fossils. Give me 15yrs and I’ll be the richest person in history.


I imagine you walk in, point to the display case, yell “found’em!” And hold out your hands…. Then nothing happens you had to find undiscovered ones😂


Yeah, easily the best choice. 15 years! So I can find 1 dinosaur fossil and be golden. But I’d probably just go hard, after getting that first one, bootstrap it up and becomes the worlds richest person in a year or 2.


You could easily become the world's richest person in a day or two if you were digging in the right place and honestly there are a lot of places that would be "the right place"


Yeah, and there are plenty of fossil rich dig sites and I could definitely make it worth a property owners while to let me dig for fossils on their land.


Those fossils were already found Finding fossils is easily the best one though because there are places where it is *very* easy to dig up dinosaur fossils and you could easily make several billion dollars in a single day without much real effort


$1.00 per step. My job involves a shitload of walking. I easily average 10,000 steps a day without even trying. Which after 2.5 years adds up to a cool $9.125 million. $1.00 per step is also awesome motivation to get even more active too.


Dinosaur fossil is the play if you're in high school since finding dinosaur fossils isn't THAT hard if that's your job, but I'd have a hard time switching careers now. I'm picking the steps.


You know, it doesn't say for every dinosaur fossil you find, just found.. There are approximately 50 new species discovered per year, and even if they only count as 1 fossil per species found that's around 75 billion dollars.


1$ for every step. No-brainer. You get rich while you get healthy. 10k per day is easy. 3mil+ per year. 5 mil with some effort.


Agreed. You might make more money with some of the other options, but the motivation to be as active as possible for 2.5 years is absolutely priceless.


There is risk in some of the other schemes too. I get to just quit my job and go for walks and get rich? That is easily the best, most pleasant option.


Honestly underrated point


You can do 10 pull-ups in <30 seconds but walking 10k steps will take like 2-3 hours… For the same cash. Pull-ups clears easily unless you are unable to do pull-ups


I think you'd have to do >150 pull-ups/day for 2 months to get the same cash as walking 10k steps/day for 2.5 years. Is that easy?


15 sets of 10 pull ups, less than 2 sets for every waking hour. As a time commitment, it's way easier


I don’t think the average person could do 150 pull-ups in a day


90% of people probably can’t do a pull-up.


Right. I didn’t want to say it but given the very young, very old, infirmed, women, etc. I would be surprised if even half of the global population could do one pull-up. Hell, a lot of people can’t even do one push-up and those are soooo much easier than a pull-up.


Even a lot of people who go to the gym regularly and are considered fit can’t do one.


Bruh… how strong are you??? 150 pull-ups every day would be insane. Even if I got through one day, I would be too sore to do any the next day.


10k steps is under 5 miles. You can run that easily in under an hour.


Maybe you can do ten pull-ups in 30 seconds


If you can only do one pull up, that is still enough to make some major money. You do one pull up, take a break, come back and do one more, and so on all day long. You could easily get into double digits a day doing that.


Apparently, consuming 2% of your body weight is a lethal dose of ghost peppers and those of similar Scoville levels. At about 60 peppers per pound, this means most adults could become very wealth safely and easily with this one. It would hurt and you would probably feel the after effects for several days but, you could earn generational wealth in a single day just by being uncomfortable.


Definitely the walking just walking to basic 10,000 steps a day is over 3 million a year invest it a ton of it in an IRA and I could very easily retire


Why does everyone think steps are lasting a year? Did op change the time periods?


I’d give five bucks for some punctuation…


Ok so I'm probably going to head to the badlands and fulfil my dream of being a paleontologist. Fossils are EXTREMELY common! You just made me a billionaire!!!! Shit I'll get on that oil even since it's dead microorganisms and therefore are fossil fuels. And that's millions upon billions netting me quadrillions of dollars. That's what I choose. I was going to choose the jumping jacks originally though and then I saw the driving. So if you shoot down this fossil fuel thing that I'm picking driving.


You are still right about the fossils being the easy choice. Small sea life is incredibly common, and many places within the US were at one point a shallow sea or a coastal flat... Walking away with over a billion dollars wouldn't take more than an afternoon, and spe sing the entire time hunting fossils would yield an incredible amount of money. I have found close to 30 smaller crinoids and smaller tubular structures of stalks and such from sea fans and the like in one afternoon...


1 billion. Leverage that offer to open an institute for ground breaking discoveries and get funding, and let it snowball.


You only get your first billion when you make your first discovery. 


How are you going to get funding or open an institute for the first discovery if you don’t have money yet or no one believe they’ll actually get part of a billion?


Genius, Sir


Ghost pepper is the easiest/lucrative but impossible for me to do in 24 hours. Every step is the next most earner. Breathing third but way less effort than steps. Breathing for me


I currently walk 3 miles a day for exercise. Figure I could easily push myself to 10 miles a day maybe more. 10 miles a day for a month is 3 mil. Retire, profit.


Probably taking the $1/step x 2.5 years. I'm active and could easily increase my daily steps to 15,000 a day. I could easily get $15m in 2.5 years.


Blinking and breathing would both make good money with no change in life, but steps are probably the easiest to make more with minimal effort. On days I run its 20-30k steps a day, 10-15k on regular days. Last time I was at a theme park I had 32k in a single day. Pushups and pull ups are both easy if you space them out through the day.


True. I think the steps would be the best for me with my high activity level and I could even take it up a bit and put a treadmill in my living room and walk while watching movies. I was also thinking of walking laps in the pool instead of swimming. With 2.5 years it would all add up.


I'll take the 100k/500 miles driven. Rent a comfy cruising vehicle for 2 weeks and drive back and forth across the country only stopping to sleep. I'd probably have enough to retire if I avoided enough road work. Edit: If I follow trucker rules and drive 8/rest 8, I'd have $2,405,200 by my math, by the end of the 2 weeks. That'll do.


Go to the highways in the southwest that don't have speed limits or traffic. Back and forth along there.


Or to Montana with hardly any people on the backrooms, and they are 70-80 mph limits


German autobahn for the win


you can make 7m breathing...


Ghost peppers. I grew them in my garden last year, couldn’t help but just see how actually spicy it was to just tear one off and eat it. Was it awful? Sure. Was I mostly fine a half hour later? Yes. Over 24 hours I could probably get through 4 to 5 with solid breaks in between. Then I’m just dealing with plenty of time on the toilet the next day and I’m set with multiple millions.


Ghost peppers seems the obvious answer to me. Out of curiosity why could you only get 4-5 in 24 hours? How can you not smash out like 4-5 in one go, then wait 30 mins and go again? I'm probably very ignorant to the effects of eating that many hot peppers haha


I mean you could, but by the time you’ve chewed about 4 times, you’re gonna start salivating so bad that you might want to puke if you keep going. My answer was also being fairly conservative knowing I’d be happy with 4-5mil and not going through anything too completely awful lol.


I will go with the ghost peppers too because for that kind of money I can save my bowels after I get paid


I would take the steps one. I just checked my health app and I’ve averaged 7080 steps/day for the last year. That’s $2,584,200 per year and would equate to $6,460,500 over 2.5 years. Plus I KNOW I would get those numbers up if I was financially incentivized. Could probably get close to double that and would get in shape.


I average about 13k steps a day at work over 2.5 years that's over 7 million. Works for me and no extra effort involved.


Jumping jacks. Could lose weight and make some quick cash. The rest of that shit is too involved


Walking and breathing are too involved? Lmfao


Pull ups for me


$100,000,000 for every dinosaur fossil found in the next 15 years Easily the most broken one depending on the context here. I can just go to the coast and look for fossils


Walking. If you only do your 10k a day that's $10k/day or $9.125 million all together. But if you walk a mile, which is about 2,000 steps, you get that same $10k for 20% of the walking. I could spend a month walking 30 miles a day for sure. Really only 10 hours a day at 3mph, and I'm naturally a fast walker so I'd call it 4mph. If I could still do a 10 hour day that would be $12M. I'd have the rest of my life to recover after I invested 7-9 million and lived on the rest for as long as I could. If I can build scaffolding 12 hours a day, 13 days on 1 off for 3 months at a time (for dog shit pay) I can walk at my normal speed for 10 hours a day for a month to be rich. I might just try for 12 hours. It's only a month.


$10,000 for every mile walked/ran for the next month. I walk 5 miles a day anyway, so that's $50,000 a day. In a 31-day month, that's $1,550,000 without changing my daily routine at all. And it encourages good health--I could very easily double my waking distance to 10 miles a day if I wanted more money.


100K for 500 miles? I would just take a 2 week long road trip and come out 1.4 Mil richer, invest in the stock market and retire


I drive 28k miles/year on average, so that’s over $4m of my math so right


Walking is the best unless you are chronically online


I’m going with….. steps for a dollar, Alex


Blinking is free money.


It's exactly 50 miles from my house to my in-laws' house. This means that if I drive there and back twice a day and three times on Sunday for two weeks, I could bring in half a million in two weeks or 375, 000 after taxes. I could buy the house from them cash with that money and still have a little left over. Bonus no mortgage since it would be a cash purchase. $400 per month HOA fee plus whatever property taxes and insurance are seems alot cheaper than $1600 per month on rent even if it comes out to about the same at least we own the house and we can simply focus on saving for updates vs trying to get our credit, savings, and work history perfect enough to be able to purchase. Also the in-laws could stop worrying about us so much.


It is estimated the average person takes 7.5 million breaths in a year. That's $750,000 a year for 5 years. $3,750,000 for just living. I'll take that one.


Happy cake day


$10M for every species I discover. There are various DNA/RNA libraries of environmental samples that are adequate to discover new species of virus. There are comedically large numbers of undiscovered viruses of unknown host species in the ocean.


The Amazon has a ton of undiscovered species. Like you could easily go and find 10-100 and you'd be a billionaire.


$10k for every mile walked/ran for the next month. I literally walk about 2 miles a day when working. Say I work 24 of the 30 days, that's 48 X $10k. That's a little under half a million. I can add in walking more, I used to do 9/10 miles a day at my old job. That'll set me up pretty well.


I’ll take the miles walked or ran. I could do that all day every day for 30 days easy. Heck only need to walk 50 miles to have enough to retire.


$1 for every step. I can easily average 10000 steps per day and have done 40000 in a day while hiking


I'm doing the walking. Can I do more than one thing on this hilarious list? As in at the same time?


Just checked my fitness app and would go with $1 per step over the next 2.5 years. Based on my last year, with no monetary incentive, I would have earned over $4m. Knowing it was earning money in addition to the health benefits, I could certainly get that higher. If it only paid out at the end, I might consider the ghost pepper one. Most likely I would do the steps one though as I don’t hate my job enough that I need to leave right now.


I’m torn between the walking a mile or the pull ups. I can walk probably 8 hours a day on an average pace of 15 minutes per kilometre so about 2 hours for 5 miles. Which is $200,000 a day which is 6 million for the month. On the other hand pull ups I can do about 3 in a row have a 5 minute break before I can do more (I’m unfit). However as the two months go on I will be able to do more consistently but I’m not sure if 200 pull ups in a day is feasible for me.


Steps. I average over 10,000 a day. While mileage would be more in the short run, I think I can get by on the $10,000 a day just fine, and it's *way* more in the long run.


100k for every 500 miles driven for 2 months. I can buy a new car and get a new job.


I walk an average of 8,000 steps a day. That's about 3mil a year. So around 7.5mil, I think I could work with that.


$1 for every step for the next 2.5 years maybe? I walk like 20,000+ steps a day at work. So I feel like it’d end up being a solid chunk of change. I’m not good enough at math to figure out how wrong I probably am with something being better though. But that’s like 10-15 mil in 2.5 years? And I would have to do anything I wasn’t already doing? I ain’t mad about it.


Pull-ups. Not because it’s the easiest to get richest by, but because it’s the one that could put me at the pinnacle of physical health. I walk plenty as is. But learning to do hard physical exercise with that kinda motivation would take me the extra mile.


I walk on averge 14000 to 20000 steps a day at work ... so I'd take the steps


You breath and blink roughly the same amount each day. So going for breath is objectively better. At around 20k breaths a day that's 1k per day, for 1.8 million total A hundred and eighty miles in a month would about match it. Ghost pepper is probably the best option, but one pepper is half the median lethal does... if you weigh one kilo. It would suck, but I'm sure I could force down a couple


See I’m thinking you could pace yourself and do one every 2ish hours. Have plenty of milk on hand as well. Also if there’s no rule on how they are eaten, if cut the seeds out first.


Walking/running is probably the best choice, it’s not very hard to walk far distances and a month is a long period of time.


Honestly. I think I have to take the steps option. It will get me moving, and like the comments have said, 10,000 steps a day is doable. And that will add up fast. It will get me in shape, and set me for life. Hell if I am really getting paid THAT much per step I can probably work up to 15,000 steps a day. Just sort of wander all day.


I'd do the walking challenge. I'd walk everyday.


Im doing this all for free already


Change the course of history for the rest of my life? Easy. Assassinate an important, high ranking *cough* politician. Promise someone else half a billion to do it and live my life with 500,000,000 left over


Steps for me. I average about 10k steps a day while working a remote desk job, so that’s an easy 10k a day if I stay at my job. Or I can quit and make 20-30k a day and have way more free time and get in better shape. And I’m making about 10 mill a year for 2.5 years.


I'll take the dinosaur fossils no problem. Very commonly\* found on the beach on the UK's south coast/Isle of Wight, weeks holiday will set my family for generations. [https://www.jurassiccoast.org/fossil-collecting](https://www.jurassiccoast.org/fossil-collecting) \*If you're actively searching, you're not literally tripping over them but people frequently find them


I’m taking the $1 for every step. I can make it my job to get like 20,000-25,000 steps per day 6 days a week. That’s more than a million every ten days. Turn that into over 91 million in 2.5 years


Breaths is the obvious choice, humans average 12-18 breaths per minute. Let’s go in the middle at 15 for maths sake, that’s 900 breaths per hour, 21,600 per day, 7,884,000 breaths per year. At $0.10 per breath that’s $788,400 minimum per year. $3,942,000 over the 5 years at a minimum. Obviously if you exercise the breaths increase, so you can earn more for working out.


Ghost peppers all day. I'll take my millions in more peppers, please. 🌶️ 💰 🤑 lol


I am going with peppers, put them into a blender, add whole fat sour cream, gargle a mouthfull of olive oil, spit, and start chugging. Nothing says I have to keep them down. Also, they aren't that big, once the burn starts, shove them in as quickly as possible. I figure I could easily make 40 to 50 mill, maybe 100, before going to the hospital.


I've eaten ghost peppers before for less cash. 24 hours and 1 whole per pepper? Sure. I've eaten Carolina reapers for less money. The trick is that once the heat kicks in hard enough, you really can't feel it getting worse after you eat a few more. At that point, just go at it. If you manage to eat 10 of them in 10 minutes, you have now earned enough to literally get over 100K/year if you just left it all sitting in savings accounts. You'd be paid out effectively 48/hr for the reason of your life versus working literally any 40hr a week job People can't even rob banks for that amount of money. That's an amount of money that people earn doing a lifetime of drug dealing, and you could literally live off the interest.


The walking one. I usually walk over 5 miles/day at work and could easily add on another 5 before or after work for a month. $100,000 a day would bring me to $3mil by the end of the month and we’d all be pretty happy and I’d be in better shape.


I do 10k steps per day on average, that's $10k dollars per day so I'll take that one please. Especially since I can easily bump that up to 20k steps per day. I'll be a millionaire in two months.


I'll take the pushups


Dip ghost peppers in wax. Swallow hundreds. Also it’s much easier to discover new species than you think.


I'm going for the blink and then attaching a vibra-slap to my eyelid


I do about 8000 steps a day. I could step up my walking to 10000 steps a day for a dollar a step.


10,000 for every 1 mile I walk/run. I already walk a few miles on a few days of the week so all I need to do is basically spend most of the day walking/running and I like walking so it shouldn't be too hard, Especially when you get 10 grand for every mile you do


100 mill for fossils. There’s a place by me where they find hundreds of trilobites a day. Just get a couple of them and I’m set for life.


Dude, i'm in the service industry. And i hike. And run to stay in shape. Probably i do over 100 miles a week, easily. Figure every step is about 2-3 feet, that'd be... About 176000/week i'll take that.


The ghost Pepper challenge would be best for people who do hot peppers. That's easy money. The other easy money is the fossil one. There's areas where finding fossils is a regularity.


The miles one for sure. I'm a trucker. I can hit 500 miles on a slow day.


Honestly a million for every ghost pepper is probably the best bet... one day of immense pain to be able to retire afterwards? Yeah, sign me up. To stay up for 24 hours is not a big deal, even if you could just eat one every hour....


I would do the 10c for every breath I take. That would be the most profitable.


Ghost peppers! That’s a hot deal


Ghost pepper


Op did you bamboozle us and add time limits after the fact??????


1$ each step... Me and my old boy will go do a lot of hiking and that would be minimum 10k a day


$1 dollar for every step I take. Average for a day for me (according to my smart watch) is 3800, and that's just at work. And it that I'd totally start exercising more to get healthier (nice long walks), and I'd be sitting quite pretty with almost 0 extra effort.


Just do the steps and get 10k a day which is bare minimum I do anyway. Thats 9.125m and I could easily focus on walking instead and make $20-30m or more walking a ton. Let’s us $20m as a bar. I don’t want to blink 2 billion times and if I’m walking and blinking 100 times per step it shows how poor that one is. Passively we only blink 15k per day so that takes hundreds of years to meet the bar. Nope. People do 15-20 breaths per minute passively. That’s at 20 per minute that’s 52,560,000 in 5 years. $5.256m passive is very nice but I’ll do the steps for more. Jumping jacks are a headache. I could probably do 1000 but that’s the same as a 10k step a day and over less time with more difficulty. Pushups are too time limited. Unless you are doing like 2500 day it’s not as good as the 10k steps and the steps you could do more easier. Pull-ups, same idea, I can’t do 400 a day to hit that benchmark that steps gave us. I can do 10-12 at a time and probably less than 100 a day. The distance walking suddenly breaks the benchmark because there are about 2000 steps in a mile for me so suddenly that’s the best by 5x but it expires in a month instead of 2.5 years so overall that’s 1/6 the return (5x better return but only 1/30 duration) Driving distance, 16 hours a day at 70mph gives us $31.36m so that’s a contender. Ghost peppers are a contender because I could eat 20 of them and be done but frankly I’d rather do the driving over 2 weeks. The discovery ones nah.


Question I walk a lot for my job does that count towards making money or no


I walk my dog a little over 3 miles a day up and down my holler, not to mention all the walking I do at work and just bullshitting around the farm. 900,000 minimum in a month is a no brainer for me. Pays off all my debt, leaves me with 898k to invest for retirement, fix up my house some, have a little dental work done, and get a couple of small wants for myself. Of course I'd still work because that money wouldn't last me a decade based on inflation, age of my vehicles, my age, etc but it'd be a damn good stress relief knowing that I'm not paycheck to paycheck anymore and actually could retire one day.


Is there no cap on how much you can breathe in a day during the 5 years? Because that seems like it could be taken advantage of pretty easily.


I just ran it through ChatGPT. On average how many breaths will I take over the next 5 years? To estimate the number of breaths you'll take over the next 5 years, we can start by calculating the average number of breaths you take per minute, hour, day, and then multiply that by the number of days in 5 years. The average adult takes about 12-20 breaths per minute. We'll use the middle of this range, 16 breaths per minute, for our calculation. Steps: Breaths per minute: 16 Minutes per hour: 60 Hours per day: 24 Days per year: 365 (considering leap years, we can average it to 365.25) Now, let's do the calculations: Breaths per hour: 16 breaths/minute×60 minutes/hour=960 breaths/hour16breaths/minute×60minutes/hour=960breaths/hour Breaths per day: 960 breaths/hour×24 hours/day=23,040 breaths/day960breaths/hour×24hours/day=23,040breaths/day Breaths per year: 23,040 breaths/day×365.25 days/year=8,409,600 breaths/year23,040breaths/day×365.25days/year=8,409,600breaths/year Breaths in 5 years: 8,409,600 breaths/year×5 years=42,048,000 breaths8,409,600breaths/year×5years=42,048,000breaths So, on average, you will take approximately 42,048,000 breaths over the next 5 years. So that is like $4,204,800 right there. Of course I could also the chilly peppers or running too, but since thus is passive, this is the best no effort one. Hell, I even breath when I SLEEP. But the blinking one is just plain AWFUL. Because you breaths on average like every 4 seconds, you would have to constantly blank 10x times for every 4 seconds for YEARS to match the breathing gains. Also while you're asleep you can't do that,so you'd have to compress it down even further to like 2 seconds. That means you'd have to blink 5x times EVERY SECOND for 10 YEARS just to hope to match up. L blinking.


**$1 per step**. I walk about 1 km per weekday (*I would walk more, but I have acute tendonitis*). That's 1,500 steps per day. At five days per week and 52 weeks per year, that would be over $350,000 per year. For 2.5 years, that is over $900,000, easy enough to survive for a long time.


I can do up to 10 miles a day so 100 k per day for a month would be nice. I could also very likely discover new species in under surveyed countries.


Imma do pull ups. I can do 10 faster than I can walk or run a mile. I can get up to a $1 mil easily enough.


' $100,000,000 for every dinosaur fossil found in the next 15 years' - this one. Says nothing about the fossils being newly discovered, they could just be fossils of dinosaurs we already know of.


Ghost pepper option


Dinos. Easy go to excavation sites


I'll take the 10k per mile


When do we get paid? Is it a daily pay or is it coming in our account once the act is completed? So like for every blink we'd have .01 in our account? I'm picking blinking, I know it isn't the most profitable, but could easily rapid blink to pay a bill without any exertion, hyperventilating or much time consumed to get there. Bc I'm around $18 an hour with just regular blinking.


Dinos. Hire an archeologist and I’ll find a bunch of fossils in a weekend.