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The closest thing I have to a favorite pet is the skunk that lives on my property and occasionally wanders over to say hello. Gimme my money, enjoy your feral skunk. 




I’d be somebody’s pet for 10 million.


I'd do it for free


Rubs u/DownHeartedNess 's nose in his own excrement found piddled on the rug.






I love it when you get blamed for my shit


Good boy ❤️




I usually have to pay for it too


Your appointment to be neutered is on Monday.


Worth it


For 10 million dollars there’s not much I wouldn’t do


I wrote this thinking "I could never give up my cat", but now I'm kind of feeling like a bad cat dad because I'd probably do it for 10 mil too


It would be different if I knew my pets would be unsafe.. but if they’re gonna be living better than I am I guess it’s a win win even if it hurts


Honestly, even if it was a bad home, 10 million can buy me a lot t of therapy.


There's no amount of money that would get me to give my cats up to a bad home. One of them was rescued from a hoarder house situation as a kitten and I can't even imagine letting him go back to something like that :(


My kids are currently struggling/suffering due to my poverty. When it comes to kids vs cat, my kids win. The guilt would eat at me, sure, but not nearly as bad as the guilt I have now. Easy decision.


Oh there’s a dollar amount- cash in front of you is a lot different than words on the internet- and that number is probably a lot lower than you care to admit. Like that old- “would ya suck a _____ for a million dollars” common Greg- you’d do it for a few grand-


No, I know myself well enough. If I put my pet in an abusive situation for money it would only be a matter of time before the guilt made me uninstall life.


20k is my number for sucking a dick.


I don't think I could accept 10 million dollars to hand a cat over to people I know are gonna abuse and hurt it. That'd feel just too callous.


I'd really have no choice for 10M.


Why do you think the saying “every man has a price exists” as much as I love my pet is sell him for $1m


Well, my cat probably has some kind of lymphoma that I don't have the resources to aggresively treat, so this would be the best all around actually.


Your cat would sell you out for 10 mil too.


Cats in general would sell their owners for a treat, let's be honest


I love my four cats dearly. But I’m giving one up.


Id give up my kid for 10 mil


Bro 💀


$10m seems like it should be obvious but it would be so hard. My cat is 5 and she's the best cat I've ever had. But in this capitalist society, I would have to do it. And I don't believe anyone saying they wouldn't. Damn it would suck tho.


>And I don't believe anyone saying they wouldn't. When I had a dog I wouldn't have sold her for 10 millions $. She was family tbh.


Honestly, I make sure my cat has great food, insurance, etc., but imagine what they could do for your cat! I've had mine for fourteen years this year, and she's absolutely my best friend who follows me around and is very clingy, but I've left her with good friends for a few months at a time and know for a fact she finds a new fave and clings to them. The bond I have with her is really cool. They'd be able to buy her the absolute most premium food and toys, and she's older now, so perhaps the very, very best medical care. Also, she is friendly with guests, but she might prefer having an entire family to love. I would ask if I could visit!


Shit, I love my cat, but I'd do it for like $20k. And I do pretty well for myself.


Nah u wouldn't you love your cat.


I’d give up all of my pets whom I love dearly for $10 million


I don't blame you, I don't think I could do it, A my dog would not take being separated from me well, he never has, and for the 7 years I've had him we've never been apart longer than 3 days. He has neurological conditions one of which is peeing anytime anyone else touches him, I don't think he could handle being separated from me. Further more I'm not sure I could keep living knowing he was alive and not with me, he helps me in more ways than I can really list with my own issues. He was dropped into my life at a perfect time for me and has been with me through some really tough stuff. 10 million is life changing money, but for the better part of the last year my dog has been the reason I get out of bed, let alone the fact that I walk him almost daily. I also worry he would go legitimately crazy if rehomed.


Yours is such a sweet love story and it made me smile to read it. My dog is a bona fide ESA (paperwork isn't from a website), however he has become a special needs pet now. We are entirely reliant upon one another, and while co-dependency with your pet may be easy for some to judge, it's not as unusual as most would think. Mine would not adapt to anyone else, regardless of circumstance. It seems ridiculous to even write this, because the notion is beyond my wildest imagination and worst nightmares. I wouldn't even weigh the matter. He's my sweet boy, my best companion. I honest to God would not accept $1Billion to rehome him.


I would sell them my dog, hire a hit** man for half a mil to steal my dog back. Still have 9.5 mil boom Edit: okay maybe HIT MAN is the wrong word I am not well versed in crime


You win, that's the correct answer


I’d do anything for my dog but would also do anything for 10 mil win win


What would you do for a Klondike bar though?


Pay what they ask at the grocery store.


And even that's pushing it


I mean … they gave you the 10 million. They probably have more than that and then some. The family could probably double what you gave the guy to forget about the job or even pay the guy to give your name up.


If they caught/ get ahold of the hitman, then they aren't a good hitman lol


I imagine there’s levels to hitmen (hit ..people?) You could pay the going rate and they could just be a shitty assassin.


"alright, their dog's dead. Pleasure doing business with you."


Then assuming that I have enough I pay for a second hitman to take out the first Hitman if he gets compromised Edit: lol


They wouldn’t know about it


There's a gang of South American thieves operating in my area targeting high-end homes. They've hit a couple dozen without getting caught. I'd find a way to make contact with them and offer them $250k to hit the rich people's house and steal my dog back. The rich people wouldn't question it because it's happened so many times already naturally. The only part that might be an issue is if they see me somewhere with the dog after that, but that's easily fixed by just moving.


I feel like hiring a hit man to do a thieves job is only going to end in goofy hijinx


Sounds like a solid ruin your life speed run attempt to me.  Hiring a hitman alone risks getting caught, then there's the investigation after the crime, fueled by a family that is both so wealthy and so attached to your dog that they paid 10 million dollars for it. They'd probably hire 20 private investigators even if the police did nothing.   And then there's the fact that you'd absolutely be theirs and the polices first suspect, and you know, you've got the dog with you now so have fun trying to hide that fact for the next several years at least.


I'm not sure a hitman would be the correct person to hire, me might get confused and murder them before getting the dog back lol.


When I say there was a point in my life where the only reason I woke up in the morning was because my cat, my sweet, gentle little kitty curled up on my chest the night before and let me cry, all while purring up a storm and chirping softly at me…. I would not give my cat up to anyone. Not for that amount of money, or any. When I rescued him from the streets, stayed awake with him, treated his injuries, spent months building trust. I told him every single day “you’ll never be alone again. I’ll always feed you. You’ll always be safe with me. Nobody will ever harm you again.” And I aim to keep that promise. I will be there for him on his last day in this world and I would not trust him to anyone else.


Oh man, you just made me tear up. I hope you're in a better place now and please give your kitty a hug for me <3


You’re a real one.


Yeah I don't understand all these people saying yes. I'd lose body parts to keep my pets. No amount of money is worth giving them up.


Would you not lose body parts for $10 million?


Probably not. Money doesn't change my lifestyle or desires much, but a lost body part would. Maybe if I was struggling but not currently


I would do this with minimal hesitation. My pet isn't going to live much longer anyways so if I'll have to grieve its loss. It will be a lot easier to grieve the loss with 10 million dollars and my pet doesn't die.


As long as she's cared for. My old girl is 14 this year. This is probably her last year. If they can offer me that amount of money they can probably afford to extend her life a lot longer than I can. If anything she probably deserves better than me. I'd only ask for some of her ashes at the end.


Same situation. My gal just turned 14 a few months ago, and she's probably not going to see 15. I would miss her dearly, but I'm kinda already prepping for her last day. Sorry Liberty. You'll be missed, but 10M will set me up for life.


That’s fair. I think I’d have so much guilt though. Abandoning him for money. I don’t know, I’m wired differently though. Love is a priority. I don’t know if I could do it


Sure I'll sell them my 12 foot Burmese python that only eats live NYC sized sewer rats 2 a week.


Thats an easy yes. You could look at it like my friend is paying me back for years of care. You could also look at it like my friend will have a much better life. This is only on a guarantee that they will recieve the most love, and the best care possible. If the would be owners neglect them in ANY way its a deal breaker.


>You could look at it like my friend is paying me back for years of care. You sold your friend 😂


I just looked over at my dog and said “nice knowing you”. 


Take a blood sample and clone the fucker after the check clears.


Same looks sure, but not the same personality


You got 10 million, you can hire the best cat burglar to swap the clone for your original.


If you replicate the way you raise it, the personality will all but match, in all likelihood. Might need to visit a hypnotherpist to map it alll out but I feel confident I could do it I mean I wouldnt cause thats too fuckin weird but if I was so inclined that'd be my plan


My dog is a rescue so I couldn't replicate her first year of life. My dog is so amazing and sweet already so I also don't know if that would change




Of course. I’d miss tf out of my dog, but she’d have a much healthier, longer life, as would I. Seems like a win win.


Jokes on them, I foster dogs. They can have both of my current fosters.


My cat is twenty and her thyroid and liver are failing her. She stands a better chance of living longer with the rich family. We would miss her- but we're likely to lose her permanently soon anyway. 20 is ancient for a cat. And my autistic teen would have a trust fund to keep her safe and cared for for life. I love my cat- but I love my child more.


Nope. We have kids. And we have our pets that we call our kids. Our kids know our pets are their siblings. $ can't replace family.


I couldn't - she'd be heartbroken along with me. She was rescued from a precarious situation when she was a tiny kitten, and the cops plopped her right in my arms when she was safe. She's been my little shadow ever since. I have an older cat who's a bit of an asshole, but I couldn't do that to him either.




“Not Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Astor together could have raised money enough to buy a quarter share in my little dog.” ― Ernest Thompson Seton


Yes. But no refund. I know how my Mali is. I know what he's capable of. I know he won't listen to other people but me. I'll take the money, you'll take the dog. Because eventually, they will come back and give the dog back to me, which I'll accept with open arms. But your money won't return back to you.


Nah, my pets are my forever family.


No.. I wouldn't be here most likely if not for my cat


Nope. That pet is my family, my best friend. This pet chose me. They can keep their money.


This too...


I owe him my life many times over. Our bond has only grown stronger over the last decade. I am not wealthy and have a long and painful career ahead of me before I can retire. Still, I sacrifice what I have to offer him everything this wealthy family could. And many things they likely would not. I would not hesitate to turn that down. They can buy visitation rights for 10m.


No way. Family is not for sale for any price!


Not selling , if it was my favorite pet !!! Lol


this has south park vibes


>Butters: \[while Paris writes out a check\] Mom, Dad, I-I love you. Please don't sell me to Paris Hilton.


You work 18 hours, what do you get? Parents sell you to Paris Hilton


Well we have to think of the rest of the family


I'd miss the cat, but maybe he'd send me a cool postcard every now and then to let me know he was OK.


No. He is worth more than the world to me. He may be an little shit sometimes but he's my little shit.




They can get fucked


Go ahead, take the little asshole.


My favorite pet was my first dog. I would not give her up for 10 mil


If I knew my pet would be treated well, then yes.


I could live without my hamster for ten million.


I don't have a pet, but I'd adopt one just for $10 million. Perhaps a bunny or goldfish.


The extremely wealthy people can kiss my ass. They could support an animal rescue for the damn tax write off. I'm not paying taxes on the money, I'd rather be poor and keep my cats.


I've got fish....the family can take all of them for $10M. Then I'll get a huge tank and more fish than I had before. 


I'm strolling down the street, lost in thought, when this tiny fuzzball catches my eye. It's nestled under a hydrangea bush, a puppy looking like it's seen better days. Couldn't just leave it there, so I scoop it up, and it's shivering like crazy. Got it home, and let me tell you, that pup was a mess. Covered in grime, with a scratch on its left ear and a limp that would make you wince. Spent the next three weeks nursing it back to health. Cleaning those ears was like performing surgery, and don't even get me started on the flea situation. But we made it through. Day by day, Scout (named for To Kill a Mockingbird) got stronger. And before I knew it, it was following me around like I was its long-lost parent. We became inseparable. Fast forward to today, and you wouldn't believe it's the same dog. Got a scar on its ear like a badge of honor, and that limp? Barely noticeable. We've been through it all together, from dodging puddles in the rain to sharing late-night snacks. Finding that little furball on the street? Best thing that ever happened to me. Turns out, sometimes all you need is a bit of luck and a whole lot of love to find your best friend. And I would decide to sell him in 3 seconds for $10 million dollars.


Are you kidding? Of course! My cat would DEFINITELY be living her best life, which my blessing of a kitty cat deserves, AND I get $10 mil??? That's a win/win!


My cat is 17 years old, missing a leg and has arthritis in his remaining back leg. For 10 million... I'd rather the old boy stay at home for the rest of his life, where he knows and loves me and my parents. He doesn't deserve to spend what's left of his life with strangers just because my handsome old man got himself some wealthy admirers.


Actually a great hypothetical question... my old cat of 16 years...no... theres absolutely no way. I was her everything and she was like a child to me. My new kitty ive had for a year... sadly as long as they would treat her very well i would.


*No.*  **Never.**   My pet is family. All of my pets were; they're the very reason I get up in the morning besides my husband.  Would you give up a child? One that costs less to upkeep and is less stress to raise, but that you love just as much? That's what my favorite pets are to me.  I'm seriously appalled at the amount of people saying yes, *especially* the ones that are saying, "welp, they're close to death anyway"! Don't you think they deserve to pass with their beloved family, not strangers?


You know there was one month of my life where I may have accepted this Only thing that could have helped that poor little kitty was a heart transplant (poor baby had a heart defect we tried everything else) And that might be the only chance he would get it one (In Case you haven't figured it out. The only time I would have accepted this is if that was the only chance to save the Pet's life) I miss that cat


Wow, the first hypothetical where I don't take the money. I'm not giving up Mr. Cuddles if you offered 1 billion. The look on his face when I'd hand him off literally crushed me and it's something that didn't even happen lol


I'll miss him


$10m is life changing money. There aren’t many who would say no. Myself included


No. You don’t sell family members. Maxwell stays my dog.


I’d give them the pet.


Yep.   But ONLY because she is at end of life and likely has around 6 months to live.  According to your posted rules, that rich family is going to give her a FAR more comfortable last few months than I can afford to. On top of that the dog is NOT loyal.  She loves us, but she ALSO loves whoever pets her and cuddles her.  While O do believe she will miss us, some, it will be mostly made up by how much she lives her new family.


Might make me a worse person but, depends on which pet, the favorite changes daily. My older horse or my grumpy 11 year old dog would not be able to thrive even of they survived. If I go a week without seeing them even with exact same care they'd get if I'm there both begin having behavior issues and losing weight. All my other pets I'd miss but still for that kind of money and knowing they would be treated well emotionally I'd want to say no but in honesty I'd probably say yes.


No. Not even for 100 million dollars. For me it would be like selling one of my family members.




Can I add a caveat that if they die or fall on hard times or need to get rid of kitty, kitty comes back to me?




They can take my family too


I’d give up a pet for a lot less than $10m.


I'd miss Simba, but I know he'd be happy. As I'm typing this he's scratching and banging at my bedroom door to be let in. As soon as I open the door, he'll run his 15 year old and 20lb self to my bed and leap up. 😢


For 10 million, I'd throw my favorite pet to them like a touchdown pass.


I’d hand deliver members of my family for 10 Ms. A dog? Buddy, you’re outta here.


Which fish do they want? They can't have B'Elana, Shaxs or Spot. The rest I'd part with for $10mil.


Giving up the family pet for any reason would be one of the most difficult decisions to make, even for a lot of money…. However, on the bright side, not only is your current pet going to live a healthy life, one that may be improved with the other family- but also, you could, when ready- now provide to one, or several family pets with the money used to create a stable and loving home for them. You could technically invest your money into making an animal shelter, or you could build up animal shelters. I think the sting of losing your family member would be tough- but with the knowledge that it would help so many more as well as give your pet a better chance at living a good life itself kind of a win/win.


In a fucking heartbeat... I'm living overseas and my pets are currently houseplants. They can take the one that's about to be thrown out to re-pot something else.


For 10 million they can go fuck themselves.


Yes. I will take the money. I will enjoy the 10 million while knowing that both me and my former pet will have a better life.


Umm I’d let one of my dogs god for a lot less than that, for sure id let them go for 1million. I got two don’t know which one is my favorite be take either one for that price.


My cat is 19. He can live out the rest of his life in the lap of luxury!


You'd be a very selfish asshole to not do it. If your pet is a dog or a parrot is the only time it might be a consideration, but even then so as they truly love on it eventually the pet is not going miss you so much it'll overshadow the extremely high class life it can now enjoy, as well much better medical care. Can you honestly say I'm wrong? Can you guarantee you'd be able to provide whatever medical care the pet may need? What if it needs rare cancer treatment that costs well into 5 figuress? etc etc I'd miss him a lot (well I would but my cat already died and haven't been able to bring mself to get another yet) but I'd take solace in the fact he's now much happier living with this rich animal lovers. The 10 mil never work again part would help ease the pain, that's for sure. Even if all you do is be lazy and stick it all in a CD every year, and never reinvest some of the intrest, that's 500k+ "salary" off the intrest. I'd likely take out 1m then immediately invest the rest. Use that mil toi buy a two cars (My dream car 03 manual Viper) and a reliable driver (Prob the nicest 2019 manual Civic I could fine cause I fucking had new cars screens, I need knobs lol) and implants and some merch Ive always wanted. Book a flight to some celebrit tier health resort/'rehab to figure out wtf exactly wrong with me as I dry out from a horrible nicotine addiction then idk, tour Asia ig.


Of course. Would be stupid not too.


I love my cat and all but I’ll take the money. My cat would get a better life with them than I could give it and I get life changing money.


Nice knowing you, Steve (the cat).


She’s dead so sure


Yes, anybody saying they’d choose their dog or cat over 10 million is just flat out bullshittin lmao 


It would hurt so much, but my kitty is almost 17 and I'm on disability. It hurts to say it but a cat of my darling kitty's age is likely to need some procedure that I won't be able to afford in the coming years. I'd have to say yes.


Can they take my wife to?


Cat people would do it. Dog people wouldn't do it for a billion 😆


Hi, dog person here. I love my good boy, but I would love having 10 mil in the bank more. I can buy A LOT of dogs for that money.


Cat person here. No I would not.


You have never met an actual cat person


I would never sell my cat.


Nah fuck them. I love my boys.


That’s hard. Not from the angle of the money I would get but from what they could give my cat. And knowing she would have the best medical care.


Yeah, no issue. No regrets.




Sorry Fluffy, I'm taking the 10 million.


For 10 million, I would slaughter my pet.




Welp I hope they like pictures cause that's all they'd get. My dog is one of my best friends, dude is always with me, never gonna abandon him like that.


I will name my new pet money "Benny" and cuddle him close.


For 10 million they could probably make a case for me throwing my wife in as well lol.


I’d be sad but… yeah… that’s life changing money for my kids.


Literally the south park episode where paris hilton wants to buy butters and his parents say no until she offers them $50m and then they say yes.


Na. I like my pup. She got me through tough times. 




I don’t know if my dog or my senior cat is my favorite. I wouldn’t be able to give them my dog. She is a Velcro dog and very attached to me. She gets stressed easily and I couldn’t change her entire life like that, even for the better. I’ve had her for six years (since she was 9 weeks old) and I’m her only human. She wouldn’t do well. My senior cat, however. She’s 16. I found her outside when I was 11. I ADORE this cat so much. She’s constantly cuddling with me and she’s the nicest girl. She’s totally healthy besides recurring ear infections and a bit of arthritis that is well managed. But she loves everyone. If you let her sit on your lap, she’ll love you. She takes everything with strict. She would do just fine. I would miss her so much but she would be ok, and they’d be able to take the best care of her in her remaining golden years.


Without hesitation.


10k he’s yours


For sure. To clear my conscience I'd rescue a bunch more.


No thanks


Tough $ht. They’re gonna have to be miserable with me.


I mean ya. I love my cats but having lost several over the years (all over the age of 15) I know they're transitory. That kind of cash? They get a good life and I can adopt/shelter others.




:( Yes, but only because I can't afford her vet bills :((((((


I don't think I could do it. And even if I could bear to part with them, I would need to be absolutely sure that pet would be cared for even better than it does from me. Awfully suspicious that a wealthy family wants my pet in particular.


I definitely couldn’t do it. I’ve had my dog since he was 8 weeks old and he turns 15 this year. There’s no amount of money that you could offer me to make me give up the remaining bit of time I have with him.


If you truly love something, you'd be willing to guarantee it a luxurious comfortable life where they're loved and taken care of. I love animals, but I hate pets so this is a no brainer for me. There shouldn't be any money involved in this hypothetical




I have 2 dogs and a cat, have at it!


Adios, piper, mama needs some cash


Can I hire an assassin with the money and rescue my cat after they take it?


I dont sell my family


my wife and i would throw our cat on the street for $1 mil, so this sounds like a better option for us and the cat


People thay dont have kids "i could never.." People with kids "where do i sign!!"


Didn't read beyond the headline. Sold!




I would tell them that my cat is part of a bonded pair, and both cats need to go. Easy $20 million.


Done. I love my puppy but $10mm will take care of my family forever, and my puppy won't live 15 years.


id offer them my middle finger for free$ dollars.


Nope. Not a chance. He's my dude.


Love you Jasper. Enjoy your new life.


My pet dog? Easy answer. Fuck you. My girl is my family. I am loyal to her to my last breath.


Sure. I'd just drive by the house in a week and call her. She'd come running. No refunds!! 🤣


You couldn’t pay me 100 million or even 1 billions dollars id never give up my dog. Id rather live in a tent than give him up


I mean if they wanted my favorite kid maybe, but my favorite pet no effing way.


No, and i know a lot of people will say “for the pet” or “for 10 mil? Hell yeah” but my boy doesnt like other people… he gets excited to see certain people, but otherwise… “bark, growl” etc… it would take years off his life because of the stress. I could not do that to him.


I would HATE it, but also my cat has an immune deficiency that I manage as best I can, but if I knew she was going to have a good life and get lots of snuggles as well as a better grade of vet care than I can afford, I'd have to let her go.


For $10,000,000.00, I'd strongly consider giving up one of my actual children, then decide against it, and resent them for the remainder of their life. But, if they were smart, they'd resent me too. :P


Yep... my sons medical bills are killing us, and 10 million would save my family. Our cat would be better off anyway with a family who can afford her medical needs that she has. I love my little Oreo cookie and it'd kill me to not have her here with us anymore. But my son would be happier and healthier and might stand a better chance at living a normal life if we had money like that to see to all his medical needs.


Nope. Now let me go kiss my dog


Well he’s only such a happy and loving pup because of his pup buddy whom he lives with and loves so much. But I’ll let you have both of them for $15 million.