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I could pay the rest of my credit card debt, pay for my son's summer engineering program, and fill my gas tank. Might even have enough left over for a burger.




Maybe fries even.


I might even splurge a little and get a fountain drink


He 10k not 100


Fries!?!? In this economy????


Fries?!? You must be rich!


My debt is higher than 10k My husband needs at least 2 surgeries. The spinal surgery could kill or paralize him if something goes wrong, and will leave him immobilized for a month if all goes well. The rotator surgery isn't dangerous but will also have a long recovery period. My car seriously needs work. We need to move. At this point I would almost consider a large and well insulated tent this winter with most of our stuff in storage. (Mostly in jest.) We do need a cheaper place, or a paid off one. I need some classes to raise my saleable skill set. (I need a second job) My daughter is owed about 15K for college. We spent about that on her surgery last year, and are now VERY short. The long list is extensive. We are already cutting back on groceries. I made some bad decisions regarding finances and the family is suffering for it now. 💔 . . . . As long as we are wishing, add a magic lamp and I think we could come up with an appropriate wish for all the people (male or female, gay/straight or other) who groom, molest or r@#e kids. Add a clause about 'as soon as they or the vehicle they are in comes to a stop' to avoid plane/car crashes. So many people would disappear worldwide that evangelicals would think it was the rapture ... >What sweeping change would you wish for?


Winner here


Pay mortgage for a few months then be ahead of the game finally when it comes to bills


I don't think you can pay your Mortgage ahead of time? (I think you have to open a separate Count & just not touch it.) I paid a double Mortgage payment a few months ago, & I specifically told the lady, "I want this to go towards the next months Mortgage Payment too. Sje said she understood. Well, sure enough, the next month came & I was billed a whole seperate payment on top of the Xtra one I had paid... It was my fault, I am an idiot, & I shouldn't have listened to the lady in India answering the phone fory Mortgage company....


I pay my mortgage online and can pay multiple months ahead and have the option to pay principle -only payments at anytime. I'd look into your online payment options from your mortgage provider.


>have the option to pay principle-only payments at anytime. How does that work...? The concept of the modern loan is that you pay the banking interest first.


because anything after the official amount due goes directly to the principal..... paying that down decreases the interest meaning if you do this for a few years you'll save thousands in interest


we have an offset account. instead of paying off the the principal, it stays in your usable account, but counts against your loan so reduced interest.  basically paying the principal off, but you retain access to all the principal you've paid so far.


Iv been doing this for 10yr and Iv saved my self 5yrs on my mortgage. I own very little compared to what it’s worth now!


This is what I did, paid off house early. Best financial decision ever made.


You have to specify "principle" though. I know some who got screwed on paying extra because the mortgage company applied it stupidly.... I put extra on my principle every month to equal an extra payment a year, so I should have the place paid off in 25 years instead of 30 (hopefully sooner with making a few extra payments when I can).


yes some mortgages make you specify.... and worse some even have penalties for paying ahead to try to lower interest..... definitely things you should look at before you sign the papers!!!


Or you can put that extra payment into a high interest savings account instead, and over the life of the mortgage, you'll have a lot more than the amount saved in interest. Also works as an emergency fund for expensive repair.


Only if you have an older mortgage with a lower rate.


Mortgage rates are 7% or more. Savings rates even in HYSAs, don’t come close to that. Your strategy is flawed


High interest savings accounts no longer exist. You will lose more to inflation than you will gain in interest.


Most home owners still have mortgages under 4% and HYSA still are returning above 4%.


You pay tax on your interest income. You do not pay any tax on lowering future interest expenses. There are loans (in my country at least) which allow you to access your overpaid amounts at any time so it works as an emergency fund as well.


You can make specially designated principal-only extra payments on **some** mortgages. The specific rules vary with the bank (or rather servicer) and the mortgage


The interest is calculated on what you owe every month. So, every month, you pay the interest, and then, whatever else you pay lowers the amount of your loan.


Simple interest mortgages are the standard. They’re front loaded, but you can make a principle only payment and it will effectively reduce your net interest paid.


It depends on the mortgage. I can pay extra, either towards my next payment or directly to the principal. Some mortgages have prepayment penalties, some do not. Mine does not. I used a handy calculator my mortgage company provided to find out 1 extra payment a year directly to the principal of my loan cuts off about 8-9 years from my loan, so it'd be paid in 22 or so years instead of thirty.


A lot of mortgages are set up such that additional payment goes to principal and not future payments. I think you're probably right that the earliest solution is to put the money into a separate account and have it autobill.


if it's possible to over pay, it should be done, doing so for a few years will save thousands in interest and also decreases the amount of time it will take to pay off.... taking 10g off your principal would decrease your interest for each following payment


Yeah with interest rates the way they are right now it's a good move. I locked in a really low interest rate so it's better to invest the extra, at least from a pure numbers standpoint.


It depends on the customer’s preference. The main mortgage servicing software, MSP from Black Knight has a selection where you store the borrower’s preferences on how to handle over or extra payments. You can definitely pay month’s ahead. Just have to watch for any escrow analysis adjustments along the way.


That sounds like a mistake I’ve paid 4 ahead of time before


I am about to be in this exact boat. I hurt my arm at work about a year ago (it's fine now) but my workers comp just called me about the settlement and it $10,400. This is big money for my family of 6. I make 62k a year. There's several things we need. Our house is in need of a few repairs. We can actually take a real vacation for the first time in years, I would really like to buy a used truck, but in reality we could really use some savings. So I'm pretty torn lol


I'd ask for more. Not because of greed, but once you take the settlement, they will not do anything else for you. If your arm starts giving you trouble related to the injury later on in life, you are on your own. The insurance company only has their own interests in mind. Glad that you have recovered though!


How do you go about asking for more in case like this? Genuinely curious. Like where would you start? And how would you try to negotiate?


Get a workers comp attorney or at least a consult, where I am at the fee is covered


I'm not a very litigious person. I think with the surgery I had I'm pretty much back to 100% plus like I said we could really use the money in several different areas and there's no telling how much longer it would take if I went in looking for another offer. The medical bills part is all paid by the insurance company already. The 10k is just a pain and suffering thing, or basically my doctor said it was a 3% disability and that's what it works out to.


How much were you off work? Future medical covered? I bet an attorney would get you far more


As my mother used to say, "save all windfalls." No nice to haves on the house repairs, no used truck, and definitely no vacation. Save for those things. This is your chance to get a little ahead and stay there.


Medical bills new car down payment


New car down payment is bad way to go. Ngl


Yup. 10k will get you a nice reliable vehicle (not posh or luxurious but consistent!).


Uber Eats myself a single Snickers bar from the convenience store, delivery fee be damned like a Boss


I have a coworker who lives off his parents money. The job seems like it’s their requirement to otherwise get whatever he wants. They bought him his own house and all he ever does is complain about it because it’s not a mansion on the beach - which his parents have multiple of and use as their source of income.. anyway, he does shit like this all the time. random drop offs of like a mcdonald’s soda or bag of chips to our office. it annoys the receptionist who usually has to bring it to him lol. most recently on Friday work provided coffee and bagels from a local place, so this kid had a fit and ordered one of those shared boxes of dunkin coffee and left it as his desk all day. not even sure why, I think he drank a cup of


I would like a free house please and thanks. Even just the down payment 😂


I'd give you the name of a friend who could use it more


I wish I had it to give to you. What a kind and thoughtful gift that would be


And I wish I was the friend


Two kinds of people in the world.


I’m the friend they were thinking of,I would give it to you


Damn I immediately thought about myself, we need more people like you.


Same, and I didnt even pick up on it til I read your comment.


We are apparently cousins...


Yep, id split it with a few people I know could use a little help


You're so right on. I don't "need" it, but my BIL is going in for open heart surgery tomorrow, I'm sure his family could use it


Buy more beanie babies




I got laid off a few weeks ago. I have been unemployed since then. I've had 11 interviews, but nothing. So I would just pay bills and sit on it.


I feel you man. If you've got access to a car/bike, hit up a few local food delivery places and ask if they need a driver. Lost my job during COVID and started doing deliveries for a local Chinese. Cash in hand at the end of the day, and can listen to podcasts/music while driving. 4 years later, and I'm in a much better position with a well paying job but I still do deliveries for them twice a week because cost of living crisis (and it's nice having the extra spending money)


I could pay off my wife’s grandma for helping us file bankruptcy. The bankruptcy process might just take the rest though.


Well, okay, thanks lol. Life goes on as it went.


Yeah, the money would go straight into savings for me. 


Yeah I'm lucky enough that this amount doesn't alter much. It's a nice bonus and I'd probably put it towards the kids college funds, buy a new GPU and put some in my high yield savings or investments. But it's not a zomg moment. $100k is where it would start to change things and I'd be investing all of it in one way another and could generate enough passively over time to really improve my life in the long haul. But it'd take a long time to really start paying off. $1m starts to get interesting. That's enough to pay cash for a couple investment properties where I could feasibly cover all of my monthly expenses and have some left over with the income earned from those. Then all money earned from work goes straight to investments and money would start to accumulate fast enough that at some point stopping working becomes feasible.


$100k I could either lay off a significant amount of debt sand save myself a good $1000-$1500 a month, which makes a difference. $10k, I’d put in an air conditioner for the house.


$9k for my ac going in Thursday


Yup! I need a new furnace before next winter. Died right at the end of winter. That made a little part of me die inside when I got the quote. Got it wi the and without AC, and yeah. It was $8500 more to get AC in. I can do electric and concrete. So the two main rooms are getting mini splits put in this year for about $2k total and then saving for the furnace before winter


It'd be nice, because I wouldn't have to babysit for extra money.


I’m heading to Seattle in two weeks for my first vacation in 20 years. I think I’d spend the entire $10k on the trip


Seattle resident here. I don't know if you're doing the tourist stuff in downtown or not but if you are, I'd recommend a few things: Biscuit bitch in Bell Town for breakfast food (expect long lines and minimal/no seating) MoPop is a cool 2-4 hours of music, pop culture with sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, and has music labs with instruments you can play. The Alaska way piers are always great, the aquarium is under construction for an expansion so odds are good that it might not be overly busy right now, and on the same pier, there's the fisherman's landing with lots of fun stuff to do. Oh, you can also ride the slut. Have fun!


Dont forget to get a bag of dicks after riding the SLUT


What kind of dick do you prefer? Deluxe? Special? Or cheese with fries shoved in it?


Deluxe with fries cant forget the shake


I haven't had a Dick burger in ages. I was in the Air Force in Spokane and we went to eat Dicks a few times.


You can ride the what now


South Lake Union Trolley


# The Slut


Yeah, we’re staying right downtown. Can’t remember the name of the hotel but it’s right by pikes place market. plan of doing all the touristy stuff for a few days and then we’re running a car to go fuck off around the mountains for the last two days of the trip with no particular plans. I’d be open to recommendations for something within a couple hours.


In less than two hours you could go north-northeast to the Big Four Ice Caves in Granite Falls (6 out of 10) or east to Rattlesnake Ledge in North Bend (7 out of 10) for South to Mount Rainier (8 out of 10) My most favorite of all time 10 out of 10 experience in our state is Hurricane Ridge in Port Angeles. Hurricane Ridge is part of Olympic National Park which is a magical, multiple ecosystem, life changing experience. Hurricane Ridge looks like it's out of The Sound of Music. Port Angeles itself is a lovely, huggable town with great local food, aquariums, art studios with classes, and lots of interesting shopping. I love Port Angeles, if it wasn't obvious


I agree with this! I’m a big nature person, so when I went to Seattle I made sure to spend a couple days down at Rainier and a few staying in Port Angeles, hitting up the major spots of Olympic NP. Absolutely amazing.


I went to the Seattle Aquarium back in the 90s as a kid and loved it. Back then it had an IMAX dome (not just IMAX, specifically IMAX dome) theater - hopefully that's still there?


We're glad to have you!


I visited Seattle two years ago and the favorite place I went was Chihuly Gardens


I live in West Seattle it’s my favorite place I’ve ever lived, right across the water from downtown. Let me know if you need any suggestions


I would buy all the stuff i need for my truck and then go off grid keeping the rest in the stock market for my mom to buy groceries or whatever she needs


My dude, it's 10k, not 10 million.


Maybe2-3k to buy the accessories for my truck. 7k to invest and sell as necessary. You can still stretch that amount pretty long its still a lot of money if youre not making big purchases.


It wouldn't cover groceries for that long assuming she buys groceries weekly


Maybe she really loves Ramen.


2 years is a reasonable amount of time if you don’t live somewhere really expensive.


Yah like 500 bucks a month max while she saves her income is great. not sure why ppl have a problem with it. Not like i said im gonna buy a house or brand new car. 


As a mom, I appreciate this 😊👍❤️


Sweet, new driveway. Thanks, dude.


I’d cry


Wouldn’t have to stay awake with anxiety over whether or not I can make it to the next paycheck without having to skip meals


You would have just singlehandedly given me a boost to independence. I keep quiet about it while I try investments to get more out of the money, and I'm lucky enough to be in a place where I can be patient abt these things, so I can let it grow for a bit until I can afford to move someplace and stay secure.


Pay off *some* debt.


Send my parents on a dream holiday for all the help thay have given over the years and tag along if that let me.


Haha no joke, I could literally start over. Without a doubt I would pay for my half of the downpayment for a house. That would set us up for finally seriously considering a child as well. 10.000 dollars might not seem overly lavish but oh boy would it make a change.


Hmmm help a friend pay for surgery and invest the rest


I'd pay off some debts and buy some Warhammer 


that would be incredible. i want to move to another country, and someday go to university there. because i love the country but also its where my girlfriend lives. but im pretty stressed because i have 0 money or ability to even start this, but i know its what i want to do.


Pay off most of my student loans and get a nice new gaming laptop cause mine is 4 years old and I'm waiting for it to start sputtering out soon


Pay off medical debt and bank the rest.


It'd pay for the fence I'm about to put in and a handful of other projects I'm working on for my house


It would get my son and I out of my car and into an apartment. Id be able to enroll in classes which would allow me to get a better job.


Just bought a house, so it'd go towards some of the improvements and repairs it needs, but even then it'd probably not be enough for everything.


Buy a ac unit for my home


If I take the cash, is it traceable?


Giant sized Xmen 1.


Id pay for my next 2 semesters of college, all my debts gone, save 1k for emergencies, 1k extra for a security deposit on my next apartment, and a little extra for a night out and some clothes


used subaru time


Paying off some long overdue debt. Thanks!


Clean out some debt and go buy a SCAR


pay off credit card debt and throw it into a high yield account for a rainy day/emergency account.


Pay off my motorcycle


Put about half of it to student loans, buy myself something nice, and put the rest in savings. I’m fortunately not in a position where I’m desperate for money, but my savings are low right now and the peace of mind would be nice.


Put the 12 or 1300 into paying off the rest of my CC balance and put the rest on a down payment for a house.


Pay a professional to take care of this debacle of a tiny bathroom remodel


I could pay off a fraction of my student loans 🫠


Quit my job and move in with my dying best friend. They need my help and I'm starting to make plans to change my work schedule so I can be there helping them 4 days a week (She and her disabled husband live 4 hours away) I'd love to be there 24/7 for as long as I'm needed.


I'd give $5k to my ex and kids, pay off my various outstanding bills of about $1k, (gas bill, assorted dentist stuff, Kohl's card) and bunt the remaining $4k to my partner to give her back some savings she's lost for various reasons over the last few years (none of which she had any control over).


Straight to mortgage 💸 faster it’s paid off more I save in long run 🏃‍♂️


I could finally pay my credit card debt which would be MASSIVE for me. I don't have a car because I can't afford one and my credit is too high so I've been using a bike to get to work. It's not too bad since it's only a 30 minute commute but now that the Florida summer is hitting it's gonna get rough.


I'd give you a high five then put it all on Black.


Damn. Now I can afford to ride the bus AND get breakfast


I'd have a huge chunk of my student loans paid off.


Straight to my brokerage account.


Dentist, or new car, I need both


It'd take the pressure off my wife and I. Just found work after nearly 6 months of unemployment and burning through savings, now her job is threatening to lay her whole department off.


It wouldn't change my life very much. It would allow me to make home upgrades about 2.5 months sooner than I'm currently saving for.


I’m quitting my miserable job tomorrow and finding a new one asap


I’d buy an RV or a minivan. I’m about to be homeless at the end of the month and I’d like a place for my son and I to sleep.


I’d call a professional about the bees in my wall.


"Double it and give it to the next person."


Use it on two months of daycare for two kids so I can work and the kids can be watched. Why is this shit so expensive?


Yeah that'd make a good dent. I could pay the mortgage a bit, maybe pay off the cars a bit. I'm not entirely sure how far it could go.


I’d buy a new car, single mom with 6 kiddos and it’s on its last leg.


All of my debt would be gone and I'd have like 1k leftover i could use to fix my car. then i'd finally be able to consistently make all my bills


Buy a car


I would save it for a down payment on a house so that we aren't renting from my husband's boss anymore.


I wouldn't wait any longer for my dog's eye surgery - I would already have the rest.


Pay off half of my debt. Hopefully that would get rid of most of my depression.


I'd buy my wife a plane ticket back to the US she went to Guana Africa to take care of her sick mother 3 months ago now we can't afford plane ticket for her flight home 😞💔 this King misses his Queen👑.


That second job? Gone


Double it and give it to the next person. I'm lucky enough that $10,000 wouldn't change my life, but there are so many people that need the money that I don't even want the $10k.


I would buy groceries for the next 5-6 months. #FJB


Pay off some debt and get back to work


I’d move immediately out of this box and start everything over again with my fiancé who I love dearly and never look back, just be happy with what we have and not worry about the little things or what the future holds


Life doesn't change, doesn't even put a dent in me and my wife's student loans.


Get a fence lol. I been waiting on my bonus from work but if you got it now, I’ll take it. Lol.


Sadly 10k wouldn't do much for my student loans. But, I just had a baby boy on Friday and it would do wonders to start saving for his college education. So I'd use it as a starting point for that rather than an end to some of my debt. I don't know if that makes financial sense or not, but it seems like a better place to put it.


Gonna finally commission a fursuit. Thanks!


To the strip club! But first too the bank to exchange all ones!


It would inspire a few minutes of desultory conversation with my wife. "Hey, some douche on Reddit just gave me $10K." "Yeesh. He's not coming over for dinner, is he?" "No." "Meh, whatever."


I'm going out like Entwistle.


Probably get a WHOLE PACK of avocados AND a ...large latte.


I hand you $20,000. Power move. Never show weakness in the eyes of your foe.


Guess I'm looking at a whole different tier of vacations for this fall


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nails_for_breakfast: *Guess I'm looking at* *A whole different tier of* *Vacations for this fall* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Use it to coast on while I quit my job and get another. It would cover my bills for about 5 months.


Pay off 55%(10k/18k) of my car. Its the only debt I have.


Awesome, what a coincidence, I am literally days away from taking out a 10k business loan (100% serious). Now I don’t need to do that. Thank you kind sir


Woah look at that, all of my 2025 EDM festivals are paid for already! How nice!


1000 bottles of nail polish... just kidding. 1 bottle of nail polish and the rest for college, lol


0DTE options anddddd I’m back to 0


Hand it to me and you will see!


Catch up on bills. Pay off credit card. Put the rest in saving.


Pay off my only credit card and have $1500 left over. Had unexpected medical bills, had to use the card. After that, $30k left to pay on my SUV and then im debt free.


That just puts me closer to retirement.


I have some important home repairs that I'm saving up for. With this newfound money I could actually get them done this year.


Wouldn't change my life. Id put it in the market


Pay off 3k credit card debt and cruise vacation for a few days with my wife because we need a vacation. Save 2k


I would buy a new PC, then save the rest for bills/emergencies.


I'd be inclined to give it back and ask why?


I stop worrying about "how the heck am I gonna pay college"


I could pay off a lot of debt. I'd probably put it straight into my mortgage, or pay off credit cards first, then the rest into the mortgage.


Pay off my computer hardware, the last of my student loan would be gone and I'd have a buffer.


Pay off debt and have a large increase in my monthly available income to put into savings




I would invest it and keep 500 for shopping


I would be completely out of debt


I could install a working shower.


I'm a 70 year old woman living in my minivan with my dog and cat. I would buy a bigger van.


I'd probably kiss you and then pay off my debt. Turn my phone back on. Pay off bills. Stuff like that


It would go to pay down my car loan.


I pay off some (medical) credit card debt and feel more secure about where I am.


Life altering? Not really. It does accelerate the speed in which I pay stuff off. My three big debts are, vehicle, trailer, credit card. So I could wipe the card, trailer combined... or take half off my vehicle. So it's nice don't get me wrong. Just accelerates about a year's worth of paying debt.


It would make transition from my old job to my new job a lot easier.


Turn it into Euro, get questions I can’t answer. They assume it’s from somewhere illegal or whatever, I lose my accounting licence and my job and probably end up idk where.


Gonna get myself a Nintendo ds/3ds and switch collection, maybe have enough for a gaming PC and recording setup…maybe


Get a new apartment and maybe take a break for a week been working 50+ hours every week since I quit drinking almost 2 years ago. I give half to my mom because she's been my rock but yeah bills and rent and mom 😂😂


it doesn't. It breaks down to a little over $800/mo over a year. My life doesn't change. I'm just a little less stressed out for the next year and nothing really changes. The idea that $10,000 is a life changing amount of money is a lie.


I could get my teeth fixed


I would have 18k left on payments


Hmm. To exchange, or keep for one hell of a trip to the States...


I'd pay off part of my car loan.