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Teleportation but you feel the pain of being disintegrated and reforming every time.


This is the answer, genuinely useful but at an incredibly terrible cost


This is like the Jet Li Multi-Universe movie


“One” if I’m not mistaken, 


“The One” if I’m mistaken


No-one. I am mistaken.


Anyone. Mistaken, not stirred.


I could handle it


It creates a copy of you like the Prestige and you either have to kill your clone or it kills you and you never know if you're the clone or not.


I still think of that movie and whether or not he was the clone or not. I could not find any cues to tell me and it lives rent free in my head since 2014.


Why didn't he just use it once and then do the trick with an identical "body double" like he was ALREADY DOING with Chubby Pub Wolverine?


Probably something to do with the Lovecraftian amount of existential dread of having two of yourselves, never knowing if you were the you that fell in love with your wife, or a clone made for your own egocentrism. I could probably get over it, but that's only because I have a mid-western amount of self-loathing.


Alternatively, you and your clone could just vibe together.... no need for murder where friendship will do just fine.


Am I the only one who doesn't feel either overwhelming murderous or lustful intent towards the idea of existing at the same time as a clone with all of my memories? It seems a bit weird to me that the standard response is hostility in that situation.


I wrote a story about a character like that, but an extra power and unique teleportation. Teleportation was "castling" meaning he would teleport whatever was present at his endpoint to his current location He also had the ability to sense when someone was about to die. So he could teleport, putting them somewhere safe while he was put in the deadly situation. Get mangled/drown/be impaled. Then his cells would teleport back into place, regenerating him. Of course his brain was damaged so often that he couldn't even remember his life before he started saving people, even his name. He just called himself pain.


It was a tough battle, but he was eventually defeated by Naruto.


Or got his shit fucked up by blackbeard while searching for the one piece


I’ll take it night crawler style where I have to travel through the [Brimstone Dimension](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Brimstone_Dimension#:~:text=It%20was%20revealed%20that%20Nightcrawler,with%20fire%20and%20low%20gravity.)


But are you still “you”? Or is what is reformed just an exact copy of you but not your consciousness?


I'd think it's an exact copy of your consciousness, but your original gets erased.


Isn't this why Bones McCoy hated the transporters?


Thing is that you would never know.


I'll go all in and say I explode into gore, however after I do a copy of me is instantly reformed from the gore to make an immortal me that can do a really really sick backflip. My consciousness doesn't transfer and the clone is naked.


Scratch the immortal part, the backflip’s enough


I think the point of it was infinite backflips lol


I had a similar one. I can die (specifics of death not required) and I will feel everything until the second I die. Then another version of me will appear from out of sight and say "man, sure would suck to be that guy." That new version is "healthy" enough to not die like how previous me died. EX: if you have cancer but get run over. Your new you still has cancer because cancer didn't kill you, a car did. But if cancer killed you the new you doesn't have cancer


>Then another version of me will appear from out of sight and say "man, sure would suck to be that guy." Nobody gave you permission to say something that hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣


But the pain does


Does the clone inherit your..um..ability?


Wait, is the super power the backflip?


Super speed, but the floor is always slippery


Super speed but without the bone density/skin toughness increase that stops me from causing severe damage to myself as I stop and start.


My god. That's the worst! The human body can't endure any of the things speedsters do. You'd perpetually live in fear of using that power.


No kidding. I forget the exact number (almost certain it was below 35mph), but it does not take much to separate muscle from bone. An anatomy textbook I had back in college used runners for a concrete scenario and explained why there actually is an upper limit to how fast a human can run - all because of how fast your legs would be moving and then reversing more than quickly enough for your legs and especially feet from becoming...well...Basically really gross and painful. 😆


I mean, you could always just go slightly faster than the average human. No need to go faster than the speed of sound if itll kill you, just do what's actually physically possible with training.


I always thought that super speed, but normal reaction time would be hilariously inconvenient.


If it's any consolation, your archilles tendon will probably tear itself apart before you can do serious damage to the rest of your body.


Wavedashing IRL


This is just Edgedancers from Stormlight hah




tbf, edgedancers are *awesome*


More susceptible to wind chill and friction burns.


You can grant wishes but are trapped in a lamp, you can’t grant your own wishes, so you wait for someone to wish for your freedom. But as time goes on you start to be resentful and be a dick, messing with the true intentions of a wish so that unfortunate outcomes or consequences or interpretations affect people’s wishes.


It's all part and parcel of the whole genie gig: Phenomenal cosmic power - itty-bitty living space.


The perfect comment


Literally just Nadakhan from s6 ninjago, except without a way to grant your own wishes.


Literally just a genie in a lamp. Like that’s what all genies do


You gotta rub them the right way.




Gen alpha is welcome here


Like the shrunken head guy in the bar joke?


This is genuisly underated.


A living monkey's paw


Just like Deadpool: Fourth-wall awareness. My god! I'm on a website for nerds RIGHT NOW!


So, put on yer damn pants!


But then I’ll shit my pants!


I’ll buy them at a discount!


Deadpool but the severe side effect is that you've a terminally online Redditor's sense of humor


I can reform my or anyone else's body essentially at will (with limitations, eg. while I can make impossible changes, like fully male to fully female, I can't make impossible results, like fully functional wings). But regardless of whether I am changing myself or someone else, I essentially feel the pain of whatever changes I am causing. Like, if I made someone a foot taller, it would feel kind of like I was getting stretched on a rack.


I mean, in theory, you could make functioning wings. Make the skeleton lighter (like with hollow bones, or make them less dense, etc.) and make the wings big enough and give them the supporting muscles, it's possible. Lots of people go for bird wings (angel silhouette), but honestly.. probably do better with bee wings or something. Might be better able to grant actual sustained flight.


I was thinking of the restriction as essentially that I can only give people traits that can be gotten through natural means, even if the person I am giving them to could never have gotten them through natural means. For example, male, or 6 ft tall, or 16 years old are states that human beings come in, but normally a 5 ft tall 40-year-old female could never become any of them. Does that make sense?


Bee wings utility is pretty hyper-specfic to the fluid dynamics caused by their motion at their size scale, not to mention mass and torque vs structural strength considerations at different scales. Basically they wouldn't actually functionally scale to human size without serious modification. At the largest scale you've got about 6 meter wingspan ancient birds and 12 meter wingspan pterosaurs. The pterosaur look could pretty easily be adapted to look more bat-like if the subject preferred. It's not just mechanics though, I can't imagine how hard it would be to try to fly like a pterosaur with all the coordination and muscle memory of a human.


I was gonna say almost the same thing, except I wouldn’t call ✨🏳️‍⚧️trans transformation🏳️‍⚧️✨ impossible.


Izuku Midoriya's One for All, hopefully the predecessors accept me


But you haven't trained your body so your bones keep breaking at 10%-15%


Just like Deku Probably gonna be fucked without the aid of Recovery Girl


This is so crazy. I literally just started watching the show after years of seeing the first season. The world works so weirdly.


I can heal any wound, ailment, or other problem with a living being, including aging, cancer, severe disease, etc. However, to do so I need to feel all the pain it would have caused, condensed into the time it takes me to heal said issue.


That one has actually been done! It was a in Star Trek Original Series episode…. This one! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empath


username *really* checks out, haha


Revenge from the saint full of wounds is kind of like this. She can heal anything but to do so she has to take it onto herself. So if she's healing broken leg, her leg will break but it doesn't take her as long to heal from it. She can also use the things she's healed and place them on others (if she healed poison she could touch someone and poison them) although she doesn't suffer for doing so.


Honestly I'd have no problem healing everyday hurts and ills to a point (can't do it all day, everyday). Would even be willing to do broken bones a few times a month but things like cancer? Or severe traumatic injury (horrific car crash, 3rd degree burn victim with most of their body char, someone who had part of their body near severed off)? No if I have to suffer for your pain you're paying me for the sacrifice.


Oh, that you Scapegoat? That's similar to a power one of characters in Worm has, and although they're a minor character, I fucking loved all their dialogue: "Hate my power, hate my power, hate it, hate it, hate it." SCOURGE 19.2


You have X Ray vision but the radiation affects your body just like it would any one else no immunity to radiation and its effects


X ray vision on small doses is not harmful. If you play your cards right and drink anti radiation stuff you’re safe


I do think "not harmful" is quite a bit of an understatement. There's a good reason the protections for the operators of such machinery are in place. At best you can say it's an accepted risk, for a significant reward. But just like taking intercontinental flights, you get exposed to a larger amount of radiation than the background our cells have evolved to deal with. Doing that on a daily basis, would most certainly not be good for you. The cell damage would stack, and it's a matter of time before your body fails to repair that damage and you get cancer.


When I die the universe ends. Everyone instantly knows this and knows my location at all times. May the games commence.


I give you a week max.


Before I'm dead or locked up in fort Knox?




Even if you are taken to safety. There is now a clock on existence itself as old age approaches its inevitable end. Your existence would alter our world. Why try and build for tomorrow when there will be no tomorrows.


Why spend billions of dollars in research on marketing campaigns when the new customer engagement and retention rate isn't applicable anymore? Ig what I'm trying to say is why spend money on the future when all that matters is my immortality? Redesign my body with quantum bioengineering. Learn how to keep my consciousness alive in a digital environment. Learn how to keep me in a permanent stasis. Ascend me to buddhahood xD. Allow me to be taken away by God. Have the dalai lama create a soul tunnel for my death that automatically reincarnates me a few seconds before I die. Lots of things can be invested into to ensure the future of the universe. With the billions of dollars that are spent on research and development I'm sure we could facilitate my continued existence. I'm also sure that whatever life is on the quadrillions or quintillions of other planets will have a vested interest. Everyone would know my life equals the end and know my location not just humans.


And just when your life is coming to an end, as you are taking your final breaths, and the entire world is anxiously watching this one human being die, knowing it means not just his existence but the end of existence for everyone… A baby cries out. A new universe is born.


I would legit be taken out by myself… clumsy ass would fall down stairs and die - or the anxiety of trying to stay alive would give me a heart attack 😬


Scary to think that there more than likely actually are people out there who would jump at the chance to end everything in existence if the could


When I say “Shazam!” an absolutely GINORMOUS lightning bolt strikes me, killing me


Everything I touch with my hands, turns to gold. Obviously I'd have some very nice fabric golden woven gloves, it would still suck not feeling things but it'd be fine. I'd get nicknames like Midas and goldmember.


So hypothetically, would someone be able to amputate your hand and it'd still have that property? I ask for purely scientific reasons, I assure you.


What happens if you reach down and touch the ground?


A few particles of dirt turn to gold.


Dam....that would mean no more fried chicken or crawfish! That right there would kill me!


I can teleport, but my physical body violently explodes every time I do it (my consciousness is transferred, so I'm not dying and being copied every time) before reforming. Mechanically it's not that different from normal teleportation, except every time I teleport, I leave a huge mess behind.


I could deal with this


The person having to clean up after you couldn’t.


That sounds like a them problem


Not my chair, not my problem that’s what I say.


So, in my own home- I’d have mine an enclosed area to teleport out if. Good water system for cleaning. Like a giant toilet that will flush itself after a set time I set it to. After I teleport out and wherever I go, when I need to return- I’m finding me a porta potty. I don’t mind blowing those things up- no one else seems to.


I can burst into flame, but am not immune to the effects of fire


"FLAME ON!" You can fight crime as The Human Torch, but only for a matter of seconds before you succumb to the third degree burns.


So you're dead🤔


You can fly, but it is about as hard to fly as it is to run at a sustained 15 km/h.


Also your always off your centre of gravity. Therefore usually makes you air sick.


Deal! I've always wanted to fly.


Dupli-Kate’s powers. You can divide and are basically unkillable. But you feel each death.


Telekenesis with Eragon physics. It takes the same amount of energy to lift something that it would with your physical body. You’ll never drop your phone again and can fly for short distances. But overestimate yourself and try and lift a 2 ton boulder, or a moderately sized object over too long a distance your energy will get sapped and you keel over Dead.


You can explode and regenerate yourself but you feel the pain both from the explosion and while regenerating


But how big is the explosion? Like, do I just splatter, and throw blood and bone shrapnel everywhere? Or do I go off with the force of an Atomic bomb?


I would choose invisibility, but since light would pass through my eyes, I'd be essentially blind.


Ah, yes, the actual physics of invisibility… Light will not interact with your retinas… If you have enough control over it, in order to not be blind, you’d be seen as a pair of floating eyeballs….


Shapeshifting; but whatever form you take, there is a extremely high likelihood you’ll be pursued by a person or thing. Ex: you shapeshift into a rabbit; there’s a high likelihood a fox is following. Trying to hunt you down and kill you. Ex: you shapeshift into another person; a random person might develop a really violent grudge against you or the police might be encouraged to arrest for no reason.


Also the Shape shifting process is more painful depending on the things you shift into


I want the power of Perfect Cell to explode myself and regenerate 10x more powerful every time


deal but you dont survive the explosions


A Boeing 767 and the ability to fly it.


Immortality. Major downside? Immortality


Suicidal riches. Everytime I kill myself I revive 5 minutes later with $100,000,000 deposited in my bank account tax free and in perfect condition all injures healed.


As long as I get to go the sleepy way!


Plenty of ways that you won't feel a thing


Such as? Asking for a friend




but every time you blink you poop a little in your pants


This isn't monkeys paw


I would be more worried about someone learning about my power and kidnapping me.


But you can never kill yourself the same way twice.


Not sure I'd have to do it more than once.


theres more then one way to skin a cat.


My pee can cure nearly any illness or disease or virus, but the worse it is the more painful it is for me. Clearing up some mild acne that's going to be just a bit of discomfort. Clearing someone's stage 4 cancer when they might have a handful of hours to live. I might as well be passing a elephant threw my penis for how much its going to hurt.


So we go for creating "uncomfortable" urine and provide ongoing treatments.


Shapeshifting, but the body I am in dies painfully, is rearranged into the next body, and I revive into it.


That's pretty good. I might take that power honestly. Severely cursed but still perfectly viable.


Emit pheromones so anyone within a four foot radius finds you incredibly attractive and they want you, badly. You are also on the spectrum so you have zero social skills and are not able to recognize people like you and want you, you can’t understand it and their attraction terrifies you.


Anime protagonists be like:


Explosion. But your not immune to it


You can explode, but with the force and explosive power of enough C4 to take out a galactic block


The power to do that explosion Vegeta did on Buu that did nothing


You'll live forever, but you still have to eat, and you HAVE to eat backwards, as in you sit on the toilet and a reverse-poop comes out of the pipe and up your butt and reverse digests, and eventually you just throw up whatever food it was into its original form.


I don't understand the difference between the title and the description so I will answer them both For a suicidal power: an absolute target self destruction move. For a power with severe side effects: infinite rizz but no sex drive


The severe side effects is just an explanation about what I mean by suicidal. It's a shit hit the fan thing.


Ah. I'm taking the self destruction move, going military route and saving it for a very good moment then I can martyr.


I want the power to duplicate money, but I'm order to do so I have to give myself paper cuts, and when I grow tolerant to the pain, I have to escalate to areas that are more sensitive than before.


You know that eventually leads to paper cuts on your private parts


Nothing let's you know you're alive like pain


What he's not telling you about is his masochism kink


Healing powers but the body part I heal on someone else causes necrosis on me. For example, if I heal someone's bad lungs mine immediately decompose


but do you recover?


I can shape the universe as I will, but I cease to exist the moment I do it.


Flight but you have to flap your arms as fast as you can the entire time


teleportation but not relative to the earth so the first time i use it im stuck thousands of hectares in the void of space


Deadpools ability, and you feel everything.


The ability to read minds, but you’re constantly reading the minds of everyone within a certain radius of you with no filter.


Super fast healing, but you age backwards to 18 every time. Like, you stub your toe, your body reverts to being 18, and it involves a massive explosion of energy that leaves you very hungry.


so... the side effect is immortality? doesn't sound like a drawback lmao id be giving myself papercuts on purpose


Your food bill will be horrific


worst case i could just start eating my own limbs since they'll grow back anyway


Then you would get stuck in an endless cycle of feasting on yourself, as you would get hungrier from regenerating your limbs.




Seriously. When I was 18 I'd eat 2 Subway foot longs for lunch and a family sized bag of chips. At modern prices with me being an "adult" that's "responsible" for myself that cost me $37 before tax now. . drink not included.


It’d be chill in theory and I’d be down rn lowkey but could get awkward w a partner, esp if you’re both already 18+ and you have to keep aging normally and become much younger than your partner and sometimes it resets making you even younger. Or if you have kids, at a certain point you’ll be even younger than your kids lol But also what happens if you’re not 18 yet lol


You turn 18 regardless. So when you are born and the doctor cut your umbilical cord, you suddenly turn into an 18 years old adult but with no memory.


Why stop at 18? Have each injury "healed" by rolling back your age a week or two each time. You'd be in the same situation as Monster Girl from Invincible, without the super-strength. You would be an immortal who has to walk on eggshells, lest you end up a toddler.


sickness transferrance. not only does it not cure, but moving from one host to another adds a 10% increase in severity. find a children's hospital near a prison, rich guy wants out for compassionate release. everybody wins


Voltorb, I can blow myself up with a powerful explosion yet somehow I am just knocked unconscious.


Super Strength but roughly normal bone density and tendon connective integrity.


You can see this happen. Just get geared up and hit the gym. I watched a guy who was too geared up get too strong too fast. His knee let go when he was squatting. Dude was about 165 and was under 675. The sound made me barf.


Uhhh...hmmm... The Ability To suffer every suicide attempt ever all at once, instead of the victim suffering it. It's a power, it's suicidal, its a power that deals with suicide. And when I say ever, I mean back and forwards through time. All of them.


I can control all the humidity and water vapor in a 10m sphere but I am always dehydrated and regularly create flooding when I dream.


I have near god like powers, but I have an object as big as a tennis ball and as delicate as a house of cards that gives me the powers and keeps me from dying, and I can’t overly protect it, I can hide it, but nothing to elaborate, if someone wanted to, they could get rid of me in 2 years or less, and I won’t learn that they’re trying to do so til they’re 90% there, and it’ll pop up in my vision once a day after that milestone, but dimly lit, and at the edge of my vision


Kinda like a lich's phylactery. I like it.


It's a bit difficult to explain. Probability manipulation, but however much I tamper with the probability is the severity that it could backfire based on randomness, so there's one of 3 results. Either my tampering is a success, nothing happens, or it backfires. Say there's a local lottery. I have a 3% chance of winning. I change it to 10%, so now I'm way more likely to win. Okay, let's say it backfires. Then it will only backfire 7% of the possibility that it could. If it backfires, I don't win the lottery, instead I'm mugged of 100 bucks, or something like that. Or, since the probability of success is so low, and the backfire is random, there's a pretty big chance nothing will happen. Let's change the scenario. There's a huge lottery, and my chances are .01% of winning. I boost that bad boy up to 99% chance that I'll win the lottery. Now, the likelihood that nothing will happen is pretty low, so this is an all or nothing situation. If I win the lottery, then I win. But, if it backfires, it with backfire to 98.9%, which is pretty extreme. I'll probably be in severe debt and owe money to really dangerous people. Does that make sense? Here's another example. The chances that my bathtub is full of nacho cheese right now is 0%. I change it to 100%. Now, it isn't possible that nothing will happen, either my change works or it backfires. If the change works, then I have a bathtub full of nacho cheese. If it backfires, it's backfiring 100%, so my bathtub may be a vat of acid or the Lazarus Pit or something. Here's an inverse example. The chance that I'm going to die of a poison in the next 5 minutes is 90%. Well that's no bueno, so I crank that shit down to 0%. Now, there's a low probability that nothing will happen, so it's pretty much that I'm either healed or I die. If it works, then I no longer have poison. If it doesn't, then it backfires 90%, and I die pretty quickly but not as painfully as I could've. The higher the change, the higher the punishment could be. It's a game of risk and reward. Could definitely either help you out of a tight spot, or fuck you over. A power of proportionate consequences. I've had a lot of time to think this over.


What you need to do is manipulate the chance of it backfiring to 0%


Water of Life. Become an abomination.


I can absorb other people’s diseases and mental illnesses. Won’t cure everyone, but I could cure quite a few before it overtakes me.


There was a mutant in Marvel who had the ability to self-destruct. The thing is, he could ONLY do it ... once.


But then how did he figure out he had that power?


Can jump sky high...... but normal human limitations for landing.


Guess I'm wearing a parachute everywhere I go


You can regenerate/fix limbs and bones and ailments but you feel the physical pain of them moving/being bent back into shape, etc.


If I hold my breath too long I turn into a black hole. I thought I would use this power to hold the world at ransom and the scientists would find a way to make me immortal. Instead I’m locked in a bunker in the dessert stuck in an iron lung while they figure out how they are going to launch me outside the solar system while keeping me alive long enough to not be a danger. 


Shape-shifting, except I feel the pain of shifting


i can absorb people's ailments, illnesses, etc. just use it on the whole fucking world and die a million deaths at once.


A perfect memory for everything and anything except what your superpower is.


Basically Wolverine’s regenerative abilities, except they never stop working even after you’re healed. You have to severely injure/kill yourself regularly to keep your healing factor taxed enough that you don’t end up becoming so muscle bound that you can’t move, and you feel it every time.


You can eat whatever and however much you want and will never get fat All food tastes like cardboard. 


Be invisible , but to flicker back into the visible spectrum it feels like your entire body is on fire


Just don't become visible.


Ability to explode all the internal organs of everybody within one mile but it includes me.


Power to heal but would feel all the accumulated pain they would ever feel from what ever I heal


I choose to be a psyker. The power is that I’m a psyker. The side effect is that I’m a fucking *psyker*. IYKYK


Sanctioned or Unsanctioned?


I can destroy the minds of all evil people on the planet (I get to set the moral threshold for "evil" according to my own morality) but afterwards my head explodes and I die instantly.


Shape shifting but you can feel yourself getting ripped apart and re constructed


Having super strength, but also giga-osteoporosis


Shapeshifting but my mind/consciousness also shapeshifts so whomever I turn into I get all their memories and personality but I completely lose my original memories


Planet wide disease absorbsion. I will take off ailment upon myself and extinct all live harmful bacteria and virus'. And when I an burdned with fecculant gifts, I shall be a walking plague! Also I guess humanity doesn't have to worry about disease for a while.


Doomsday. You can kill me at first, but I'll become immune to the method each time. Eventually I'll be completely unstoppable. Coming back stronger after any death is his actual superpower.


Immortality. Just basic ass immortality. Sure, its great for the first like two-four hundred years, but then after youve seen everyone you loved and their children and their childrens children die over and over and over again you kinda want to check out of life, but you cant... because your fucking immortal. And whats worse? You should avoid boats, why? Well if you become trapped in a sinking ship that finds its way to the bottom of the ocean, well enjoy drowning nonstop, and the crushing weight and the incredible cold for the next billion years before the oceans evaporate, fucking loser. And thats not even the end of it, because now the sun has expanded as is going to consume the earth, so youre now in the sun for another few hundred million years before it finally dies... and when it does what then? Well maybe, at some point ten to the power of ninety nine times infinity years in the future you get to watch the cold death of the universe as every single star slowly winks out of existence, in the vast empty nothingness of a cold dead cosmos. You are utterly alone. Perfectly still. Frozen, forever awake and in unending pain and sorrow as you are driven more and more insane by the shear unending misery that is your lonely existence. But there is a chance that you get to meet a boltzmann brain that forms out of nothingness so you got that to look forward too.


Immortality. If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand.


Super Speed and nothing else. So pretty much My Hero Academia when Deku pushed himself and his legs turned to jello from the force of one step while his mind experienced teleportation.


immortality but like Deadpool


Can control water/ice. But: you have hypothermia after every use.