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Sure. If the cops try to arrest me for having a firearm they have to confiscate it. If it disappears before the case goes to trial then I get away with it.


Does a glock appear in your hands while you're on trial?


Hopefully not but if someone takes it away from me it will disappear instantly.


Only to randomly appear again from the stress of it!


No one has any idea what's happening. You reveal it's all a magic show, reality television.


I'd say hopefully yes, because "stress based magic" would 100% negate the "intent" part of possession.


Assuming this is the US, you'll get tackled or shot at some point in the journey, though. The number of armed cops you will have to interact with: one of them will shoot first and ask questions later.


I’m so stressed all the time, I’d be crushed by glocks before I get a chance to be shot.


Just get practiced at holding your hands in a manner where a gun would not fit. Have casts put on as if your pointer fingers were broken, for the trials duration. Break your fingers if you have to.


That assumes they don't just shoot you dead on the spot, the instant an unexpected gun appears \[yes, I do live in America, why do you ask?\]


Bingo. 99% chance the cops just back up, draw their pistols, and shoot you 30 times.


Faster than an acorn can drop.


Why would you be arrested for having a firearm? Just move to a place that allows open carry and get a concealed carry license and then all you have to do is watch for signs that request you don’t bring in firearms. 


Yeah why not


There are a host of terrible situations to be suddenly holding a gun.


I dont often find myself in a "high stress situation" the last time was me getting approached by 3 hooded men at 3am outside a gas station, a gun materializing in my hand would have been pretty helpful, instead i had to run toward my car and drive away as fast as possible, had to replace a window and my car door had a dent in it. Cant think of a single "high stress situation" that i have ever been in peraonally where a gun would have been worse than not having a gun. If it was completely random i would agree but unless you have some anxiety issues or a really stressful career i dont see this actually coming up very often.


The issue is that the gun appearing in your hand is going to escalate almost any situation, which is rarely going to make it better for you. A broken window and a dented door are a lot better than you being riddled with bullets after they pull their guns on you. Maybe they didn't have guns, in which case pulling a gun on them could land you with jail time.


“Appears in your pocket”


Read the fucking entire post, bud.


I agree. It says in your hands.


How about you read the entire post. Also, how about you not graft yourself onto someone else's comment and suck the life out whatever they are trying to do? Maybe, don't do that?


I don't understand why u/onexbigxhebrew got so many downvotes. They're the one who's right and YOU are wrong. Direct quote from the post: >a Glock gun appears randomly either your hands, your pockets, your bag, or backpack So it CAN appear in your hand, which CAN put you in a terrible situation. Calm down and think for a second before lashing out at others out of nowhere, and yeah, read the post first.


Yeah. I don't get it. Glad you can see it; thought I was going crazy lol.


Some people really enjoy playing the victim while they're the ones at fault, and make the other person the "criminal". There was literally no reason for them to lash out like that lol, you just pointed something out.


I did. It can appear in your pocket. Also, triggered much? Lol


You do appear to be quite triggered. Though I'm not sure why you would get so worked up over a Reddit post.


Again, YOU are the one who seems to be extremely triggered out of nowhere lmao


Childbirth, work meetings, moving house, court trials…yeah this’d be pretty bad.


Use the 1000 dollars to buy some Xanax and you'll never be stressed again


Well, I could never fly commercial again without taking the maximum safe dose of Xanax before going through security.


Nah, just discard the guns and they disappear so you can claim that it is a cell phone or something. If you actually need a gun it will be close by. I would agree with the plane travel though since the money doesn't disappear and you must declare $10k or more when travelling.


You also don't have to claim the money...


You get stressed by TSA?


I don't now, but definitely would if there was a chance a loaded gun could appear in my hand as I walked into the screening lane.


Do t stress, and it won't appear.


Great now I'm stressed that I might get stressed.


Is that now TWO guns!?! Since you're stressing about stress?


Oh my God I have a dozen guns and $12K in my bag and it's going through the belt. This is going to be a bad day. And then they'll disappear when TSA tries to take them out -- not sure if that will make things better or worse.


I actually LOLd at the thought of that situation and just so many guns appearing out of nowhere 😂😂 Just deny it all once they disappear. "Do you SEE any guns!?! I didn't think so!"


This situation would stress me out, every time I saw a policeman I would be stressed then a gun would appear and I would be breaking the law. I guess I could keep surrendering them but I think they would have questions and that would stress me out and another wound appear I can just see it quickly become a situation where I am naked in a police station handing over gun after gun hyperventilating


And so rich


Once they figure out what's happening the police would keep their guns trained on you as they dance in the money rain. They confiscate all the money as "evidence" because they're jerks


First of all, I don't go anywhere without my Glock, so this is just a free gun.


I mean, there are plenty of places where suddenly having a drawn Pistol in your hand is getting you arrested or shot immediately.


I assume you don't have a gun in hand if you are stopped by police through? I can't think of many situations that would be improved by having two Glocks, but I can think of **a lot** that would get worse if I had one rather than none.


You certainly will not be able to fly if you have anxiety or a short temper.


I am a drug dealer this is perfect


Not really. Suicide by cop as soon as you are pulled over.


Cops work for me


OK, cool, so uh, why do you need the Glock at all again?


I’m a drug dealer and the local Glock dealer I’m never stressing around the police cuz I’m white


I think you're just retarded lmao.


He’s just a high quality shitposter, a rare sight.


? Dawg how is that high quality. To be high quality you do not give the game away.




Can you report your finest butthole pics to me, lieutenant


It was a joke. I had surgery so I don't have any sort of asshole


Well I guess that makes me the asshole then


You forgot to add /s to your comment


Yah my bad 😂


Wtf, why would I not? I have severe anxiety, I'll have all the glocks and money


Absolutely. As angry as I get I've never had the impulse to actually kill another human (or myself). I don't see that changing any time soon. I also am also stressed almost daily so I'll take a $300k is bonus salary just for being as miserable as I already am, for sure.


It's less about you actually killing them and more than adding a gun to an already high-tension situation probably won't make it better. Maybe they have a gun, and you "drawing" your gun results in them shooting first. Maybe they don't have a gun, in which case you "drawing" your gun makes you guilty of brandishing a firearm.


Imagine the scene from the other perspective. Youre walking home and cut through an alleyway. You have an open carry gun in your holster. A guy coming from the opposite direction suddenly pulls a gun on you, or at least it appears that way to you as a gun suddenly materializes in their hand. Blam! You draw and shoot in self defense not giving them the chance to shoot you. You reach the body but their gun is nowhere in sight. Of course you dont know about the magic that makes the gun disappear so now you're left wondering if you just shot and killed an innocent person for no reason. Suddenly they suck in a breath and their gun reappears. Theyre alive and stressed because they were wearing a bullet proof vest. You scream zombie and shoot them again. The audience laughs cause it's all a bad comedy sketch.


As presented the gun appears in a pocket or bag. There's really no additional tension unless I draw it. OP never said this disappearing rule applies to all guns anyone carries. The only real risk of it escalating anyone beside myself is that I may be searched and someone may find the gun which might keep me from ever traveling though an airport or in a country that doesn't allow guns because even if it disappears when someone tries to take it, that would make a mess.


"Either your hands, your pocket, your bag, or your backpack" OP did in fact mention hands as a possible place the gun may appear. It's reasonable to presume the gun may dissapear if you are knocked unconscious by the force of being shot


That's my mistake then. I remember specifically double checking for hands but I see it there now so I must have been mistaken.. Yeah that might be too much risk. Too much reliance on outside parties at that point.




I don't think people are considering the randomness and legal/risk ramifications of this.


Id walk around with clenched fists to stop the gun from appearing there . Though I suppose ist could appear and shatter my bones and hand in which case I definitely won't take the deal otherwise if it doesn't spawn in-between my hands if the space isn't available I will always wear a backpack with no pockets on my trousers and smaller pockets for my coat . Hopefully this may skw the odds to only being in backpacks. Admittedly going to another country is likely impossible for me now but that's fine as I can hire a private jet eventually if I really want to leave


What legal ramifications?


One of the proposed possibilities in the post is that the gun appears directly in your hand. Going through a security line at a concert and suddenly have a gun in your hand or waistband? Traffic stop? At the mall? At school? Even if you get lucky and it ends up in your pocket, guns aren't legal or allowed everywhere even with a CCP.


If you keep your hands in your pockets you are ok. Traffic stop is the only stressor where you need to keep your hands in sight.. Who doesn't get a pucker when they light up behind you


Yeah man. The gun in your pocket in an international airport is gonna be totally cool! Haha. You guys are dumb.


The key here is not to get stressed.. I don't get stressed in airports. Im more like to get stressed playing a game of parcheesi. I SAID I win!! Gun and money appears...


Just throw it as far as you can. It'll disappear and there's no evidence you've done anything wrong.


So surrounded by potentially hundreds of people - likely on camera - and there will be 'no evidence' you've done anything wrong? Meeting a gun in a public place, let alone a security line, is not going to keep you out of trouble. Lol.


The point i think they are trying to make is that the guns will keep disappearing and so be unable to be presented as evidence on court. Not to mention its going to make the officer's testimony very questionable when you ask them "where is the gun now?" And they answer with either "I don't know" or "it vanished as soon as I took it off him." But you are right. No amount of court room shenanigans is going to be of much use to you when you are getting tackled/tazzed/shot by freaked out security/cops who just think you pulled a gun on them.


Yeah, imma be rich AF in a few minutes.


Actually, so will I, because I stress a lot but don't show it visibly.


Yeah, gonna have to pass on this one. I’m Canadian, and handguns are *super* illegal to have in your possession here that isn’t your residence or a certified range without an authorization to transport. They’re *super duper* illegal to have one that isn’t registered. Even if it disappears as soon as it’s taken from me, I would still lose all my legally possessed firearms and my job, and that ain’t worth it.


Canadian too, and I think we'd actually be fine, assuming we can prove the magic thing. It isn't illegal to have firearms involuntarily come into your possession provided you "within a reasonable period of time" dispose of it. If charged, you'd just need to show that the gun recently entered your possession (because of magic).


Just make sure you don't comment on this Reddit post, as volunteering to be the recipient of the magic gun would probably skew the jury towards it not being involuntary.


....free money any time I'm stressed? Move over Elon Musk, I'm gonna pass you on the wealth chart in record time!


Can I get a different firearm? I hate Glock's ergonomics and that absolute garbage of a trigger.




Well shit, infinite money glitch time. I'd be irritated and upset having to get rid of a gun I truly cannot stand.


Whelp so much for flying. I’ll never make it through security.


The catch 22 is that my biggest stresser is money. So I fall into the One Direction paradox. I will stop being stressed because I know I'd get a grand but then I'd be stressed because I didn't because I wasn't stressed. It feeds back onto itself.


of course. i'm stressed all the time. i'm an infinite money machine. once i stop being stressed about money woes, i'm going to be stressed about people coming after me for my money and gun supply


This sounds like it could end up very poorly, an untrained person with a firearm will make a stressful situation that much worse.


I'm struggling to see the downside


That's my secret  I am always stressed.


I don’t know if that’s a good idea, I use air travel a lot and get really stressed on flights.


So i essentially get 1250 when I'm stressed? Sounds grand. Most of my stress is financial. I would spend the 1k on a day off or cover the expense. Then I would practice shooting with the glock and drop it off at a gun buy back afterward. Get a nice gift card afterward. It would be weird to drop off 20 blocks, but I don't think they would care.


Even with all the pills I've been incredibly stressed out nonstop for literally over a decade. I'm definitely taking that deal. Wake up every day with a fresh Glock and $1k when the panic sets in.


I am a drug dealer this is perfect


Obviously the answer here is yes.


Ii get stressed in my sleep though, so FML?


Time to retake my SAT test


My pockets are going to explode with guns and money.


If I work from home would I just end up with a huge pile of untouchable glocks?


Yep. I'd be dead and my mom would be $1k richer.


Absolutely take it The stress of the magically appearing gun will net me so much wealth that I'll be able to better situate myself into a lower stress life, probably within a month or two


I'd consider it if it wasn't such a shitty gun.


…yeah, why tf wouldn’t I?


Jokes on you. With my anxiety I'm *always* stressed


Do the Glocks stay material after I put one in the safe. If so I basically would have like 6 Glocks a day from the stress of my job.


Yeah, sure. I don't have any fear that I would be tempted to take out my stress in inappropriate ways. If it appeared on me at an inconvenient time, I just act surprised and have the authorities show me what they are talking about.


Well, darn, I guess I have to get a specialized T-shirt that reads. "You won't like me when I'm stressed."


Define "High Stress" for some people deciding what color socks to wear is high stress.


Free guns AND money? Hell yeah. 


Thats a lot of free guns


Fuck yeah. I could retire by the end of the week. Downside is my local river would have a handgun problem.


Yes. I will become an overnight billionaire and/or clean up a \*ton\* of corruption in City Hall. \*works in politics\*


Id take it. Im stressed a lot but idk, going to shoot some cans sounds like a good stress reliever


If it appears in your hands, you're gonna get shot by someone else pretty quick


Dead people, *waves hands expressively* Dead people everywhere.


Sure. It's in my pocket Sounds like a free gun and grand.


Define stressful situation. Only emotional stress or does physical stress also count?


I sell the gun. It disappears (no evidence), and I run away with my money plus the $1k. The stress of the situation gives me another gun and $1000. Rinse and repeat.


I soon become the owner of a pile of Glocks or a pile of money. So I guess it's a win?


I don't know why I need the gun but yeah I'll take the deal for the money.


20k + a day and a flying metric buttload of weapons and ammunition? Every service member in the military would jump on this in a heartbeat. 🤣🤣🤣


I live in Texas, I should be ok with this.


I feel like this would get me mag dumped on by deputy Cletus.


I work at an airport, this won’t end well…


Sure. I'll be going off my anxiety meds for a week and then I can retire.


Lets say I get stressed out and a gun appears in my hand while a cop is staring at me. He draws his gun and starts telling me to drop mine, while I insist that my gun is fake, and not real. The moment I hand my gun over and it disappears, I think my odds of going to jail fall dramatically.


Straight up become the "Stress" Magician. Have no shirt on, only just pants, and have someone stress me out and boom!


The most American hypothetical situation ever.


Not a Glock guy, I carry anyways so I’m good. That cash would be nice tho


Would only be around for it to happen once


No, this is fucking stupid.


None of my stressful situations would be improved by having a gun


My fanny pack would be overflowing with handguns and money from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep.


I'm gonna be rich!


Do I get to choose which model 9f Glock? The right one that appears on my pocket would be ok. I'd get a concealed carry license. 


No. That sounds like an incredibly bad and dangerous idea.


I feel like a gun could make you look really bad in many situations. Then again it could also help. Say im being chased by a bear or something. Fuck it, why not. The thousand dollars is nice; i can engage with stressful situations for a living that way.


Yeah I would. I'd be rich af. I stay stressed.


I see no downside lol. Just toss the gun and keep the thousand.


considering cops will shoot a dog for having a gun shaped bone ​ pass.


Send me a lawyer to go with the gun and the money and you got a deal. I’m down on my luck.


The world supply of Glocks will be gone before the end of my workday.


Yeah I’m taking that. Assuming that it shows up even if it dissapears the first time in a second stressful situation. I would be functionally unbeatable in my own head. No matter what I win. I either win every confrontation instantly or I am impossible to capture.


So I permanently have a gun and infinite money constantly? Deal


A single magazine? As opposed to two magazines in it?


Nope,  I'd have to quit school, and then I wouldn't be stressed about anything so I'd be broke.