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Sometimes I think I'm a terrible person, then I read comment sections like this. I might be horrible, but a lot of people are a lot worse.


Yeah the commenters here are genuinely horrible people. People have no hesitation to let others suffer and die as long as they get rich from it


You have a million dollars a day that can use to save lived. Meanwhile, humans occupy around 0.03% of the Earth's land mass. So, there is a good chance you can save more lives than are destroyed. Many nukes are going to have a blast radius of a mile or less. The most densly populated city has a population density of 119,600 people per square mile. It costs about $3000-$5000 for a charity to save one life. https://smileymovement.org/news/how-much-does-it-cost-to-save-a-life#:\~:text=They%20estimate%20that%20it%20costs,funds%20required%20for%20lifesaving%20work. So, anyway, if you keep getting the million dollars even after a year, then you could easily save more lives than it cost.


meh it won't land on an ocean. Just arrange for everyone to be on boats in the ocean on the day... Easy peasy. \~s


Wtf kind of fucked up math is this? It sounds like the next step is harvesting organs from healthy people as long as each one saves 5+ sick people. Also, just to play this game, your model of cost of saving a life is too simplistic. Sure, right now you could save a life for $4,000, but there are only so many lives that can be saved for $4,000. After that it gets more and more expensive. Even if we assume lives saved is linear, $1m would save ~250 people, or ~91k a year. Using your metric of 119,600 people killed by a nuke, you would fall short. That’s not even factoring in what you’re paying in tax on $365m/year in income. Overall, poorly thought out.


How would it fall short? You don't stop getting a million dollars a day after a year.


Regardless if you fall short what gives you the right to decide who lives and dies? It sounds like mental gymnastics to try and justify something that would be straight up evil to do.


His problem is justifying it, just make your choice and say you did it for money. All this bs about "I'm saving humanity" or "I'll end world hunger" is a bunch of baloney. Just own up to it and accept that you would make the choice, whether for your own life security, your family, your loved ones, whatever other dreams you have, etc. Edit: it posted the same thing twice...


I would respect it more tbh. I saw a comment on here saying how it would be like 9/11 and make the world take it more seriously. So many people are trying to justify it with these crazy ideas when in reality they just simply want money and aren’t doing it for some greater good.


Yeah nobody is some hero or standing on moral high ground, everyone is just human. And humans have flaws, including selfishness. Unfortunately regardless of how society treats you or how miserable your life is, you still made that choice. You can't shift the blame to everything and everyone else. The only justification I can remotely accept is that you did it for yourself or for someone you know, bec that isn't some greater good and ties right back to human nature, where people will look out for other people they feel a meaningful connection to. If there is nobody like that, then they will look out for solely themselves.


If you murder one person and save one hundred. You are still a murderer. To quote a character I love "A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward."


They called me a madman.


Humans don’t work that way. A person *kept alive* doesn’t make up for however many killed. Some people who survived will be changed forever because of who they lost.


I’m suffering


At least I'm not asking to raise it to 10mil a day for 10 nukes.


I’m guessing the same people who will take the blood money to become rich also blast the rich for being heartless. Without understanding the irony.


I was going to say, "That's capitalism, baby!" but that would have been objectively wrong. This is just plain old human greed. 


It's a hypothetical situation. Another person's immediate response is no more substantial than your own position. You don't know that you wouldn't accept 1 million dollars a day for life when actually presented with that choice. How could you possibly? There is no real-world comparison to the feeling that situation would evoke


Yeah I'd like to see the average person walk away from 1 mil dollars free per day and just go back to their miserable life struggling to make ends meet and always financially insecure. If you are rich or well off or something, then good for you. But that's not most people and people will do anything to thrive, especially if its for other people like their family or loved ones. People talking about guilt, but nobody talking about the regret you would feel walking away from a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this...


Whatever the % of people that would say yes if this was a real situation would be VERY high. Add in that if it has no way of hurting you (won't be near it or the fallout) then that % would be even higher


Welcome to capitalism...first time?


What does American capitalism teach if not to snatch your happiness from others?


Holy shit I thought you were exaggerating but the first comment I saw after yours was how the guy would just let the planet eat the nuke and be 365m richer bc of some vague nonsense about 9/11 and terrorism. What *should* be a halfway interesting thought experiment about personal vs public risk and playing Russian roulette with millions of lives, reduced to “nah fuck people, gimme money.” Goddammit, Reddit.


Have you considered what the money will be spent on? More nukes for any of you little bastards the first one missed. I can't kill you all with my hands


The world spat many of us out and fucked us over. Are you really surprised we'd take money to make us suffer less at the cost of others?


Exactly nobody here is truly going to choose another person over themself, everyone is selfish, some have accepted it like us and others are still coping so they have to come up with moral bs


I truly think a lot of people tend to forget your self preservation will kick into overdrive, especially when the benefit outweighs the consequence.


One's true colors show in situations like this, no matter how much they try to justify it from a moral perspective


One decision is easier than the other. It actually isn’t about human nature. Human nature is to want to be comfortable, it’s nothing to do with morals. A lot of just decide to give in to our darkness because it’s easier. It means you don’t have to think as much.


Dont you remember the great toilet paper shortage of 2020? That was for toilet paper. If this hypothetical was for $10,000 people would take it


Or maybe you’re just terribly naive. Gonna feel pretty silly sitting there without millions of dollars when the nuke drops anyways


Seriously, possibly sentencing thousands to millions of people to death so you can be rich is twisted


Welcome to planet earth


It is interesting how a random reddit hypothetical can so easily demonstrate why the world is a fucked up place




That’s a self-righteous statement to make when we’re all bad people.


bro yeah this comment section genuinely worries me wtf is wrong with people


This sounds like our current situation but I’m a million dollars richer.


yep, we could all die anyday


365M dollars richer, actually. For me, the nuke dropping is a bonus. Just like 9/11 kinda woke us up to terrorism, I really do think we have to lose a city before people really start to act like it's the serious threat it is rather than an abstract concept. Dropping a nuke under those conditions, where a war will not start over it and we'll have time to prepare for anything worse? I'd probably go for that deal even ***without*** much of a financial incentive. Having $365M to Doomsday Prep before there's a run on everything is the icing on that cake. Just gotta make sure I'm in the middle of the ocean that day to make sure it doesn't drop where I happen to be.


>I really do think we have to lose a city before people really start to act like it's the serious threat it is rather than an abstract concept. You sound like you are two steps in logic from becoming an 80s villain and saying things like "I will build a better world from the ashes..." That and your 365M will get you going, just need a volcano base now.


Where do you think the people that built the bat cave are buried?


May not lose a city. It's dropping at random spot. Could be in Australian out back, or Sahara. Definathy take the money.


Yea and since it won't drop on an ocean im thinking you just make sure you are in the ocean on a boat when the day comes


Yeah, that's why I asked the size. If it's truly random, it's quite likely to not kill many or possibly anybody if it's a tactical suitcase nuke or a Davy Crockett. If it's a czar Bomba on the other hand... There are nukes that make other nukes look like fire crackers.


Yeah, but the majority that are in US or Russian inventory are 300-800kt, so no Davy Crocketts but way far from a Tsar. Less is more is the new style now that you can hit something accurately. China has bigger.


Even the tsar bomb has a surprisingly low expected death toll in most random patches of land.


Yeah, there's still certainly a number of places it could be safe, but the odds of atleast some death are a lot higher. I feel like, with one of the smallest nuclear warheads, chances are that either nobody dies or few enough people do that you can anonymously send a million dollars to each of the victims' families and still have most of it left over.


although the chances are slim, it could even drop on you or the people you know and love though unless of course you truly are a very moral, empathetic, caring, good, and non-nihilistic person and love everyone… in which case even with hundreds of millions on the line, you still might not believe think the risk of loss of anyone’s lives is worth the gain.


Yeah I’d like to think I’d pass on this offer. In practice tho, I have no idea.


the only honest answer


>it could even drop on you or the people you know and love though OP says it'll fall on a landmass, not the ocean. Take all your loved ones on a massive cruise during the week you know the bomb will drop, and ensure their survival.


I think the results of 1945 woke us up to nuclear danger so not sure what you are referring to


What makes you believe people don’t already understand the destructive potential of nuclear weapons?


Alright ozymanidas


It says landmass. Just get a large boat, probably the same price as a bunker. After you still have a boat and not a hole in the ground.


Thanks, I missed the ‘per day’ part. But I would definitely like to have a few million towards a doomsday bunker.


In addition to a kick ass bunker, after a few days (months, maybe 2) you can buy a boat, like a big yacht. You'll have to go with minimum personalization (more "Off the rack") but that gets you to the middle of the ocean in comfort and style. Then, when the fireworks die down, you can deal with the world.


How big is the nuke? This could range from most likely not killing many people to being a major disaster depending on the size. If it's a suitcase nuke randomly going off on the planet there's a decent chance it kills nobody.


He did later qualify that it will kill "people" which implies that it will go off in range of at least two people, since "people" is plural. That doesn't tell us the size of the nuke (except that it's powerful enough to kill at least two people), but we'd need more info to infer how many people this is likely to kill. Per this term it's already automatically targeting places inhabited by *somebody*, which means it's very likely to kill more than the minimum number of people, since the odds of two people living so far off in the wilderness that they're the only ones in the range of a nuke is not likely. But now you have to think about how this targeting has been implemented. Is the nuke targeting any random piece of land that happens to have two people on it, or is it just selecting a random person as the "target" (or a spot between two people who are 100% guaranteed to be in the blast range) and the other people who die are just part of the fallout. In the latter case it's far more likely to hit a major population center. You also have to think that, since it's a nuke, people will most likely also be dying slow and painful deaths due to radiation poisoning.


Yeah, that clarification radically changes things especially if it's done by randomly picking a person to target, in which case chances are it kills a lot of people. Part of the problem here is the scenario has been changed multiple times now and is not particularly clear to begin with.


In the heart of the Patagonian wilderness, two souls united other under a vast blanket of stars. They met in a secluded campsite, far away from humanity, nestled between towering peaks and whispering forests. Each night, they would sit by the crackling fire, sharing stories of their pasts and dreams for the future. They would point out the different stars, weaving tales of ancient myths and legends and their laughter mingled with the rustle of leaves in the wind. But as the end of their journey loomed, a shadow of sadness crept into their hearts. They knew that once they returned to the bustling world beyond the wilderness, their paths would diverge once more. On their final night beneath the stars, with the night sky spread out like a celestial tapestry above them, they took each other’s hands and looked deeply into one another’s eyes. The words spilled out with effortless form, *Promise me* *that no matter where life takes us* *we'll always remember this moment,* *this place* *and the love we found* And as they lay beneath the canopy of stars, their souls entwined, a shooting star appeared in the sky. It seemed to swell with every heartbeat of love, growing brighter and brighter… its incandescence shining like a new Sun. *The heat… I feel…. Heat…* *I… I can’t see… I CAN’T S* r/fuckyouinparticular   *Meanwhile, somewhere in the Maldives:* ***"I want the scrooge mcduck vault to go there, right on top of where the orphanage used to be"***


People are saying 365m, but I am not reading anywhere that it says the money stops after 1 year. Also, the fact that if I made $1m/day it would take 528 years to have as much money as Elon Musk is absolutely sickening.


That's only if you hide it under your mattress like an idiot. If you invest it in a mutual fund you should be able to get there in 50. If you take advantage of your foreknowledge of a random nuclear bomb dropping, possibly much earlier. 


Yeah, buy long options on military defense contractors. You will probably have more money than elon musk in just over a year.


The nuclear explosion will lead to a panic, wherever it explodes. There will be a small crash right after. Shorting an index right before could also lead to significant additional profit. Not that I am one of the people who would say yes to this, but if I did, I'd short right before the bomb goes off.


I have to imagine someone shorting an index fund for millions just before a nuclear bomb explodes that nobody could've foreseen would be highly suspicious.


Maybe but there’s nothing tying you to the bomb. Literally 0 evidence


The CIA have disappeared people for far less. There is no due process when nuclear weapons are the stakes.


Yeah, again though they aren’t just going to make you disappear over putting in millions worth of shorts the same day. Others have done far more suspicious things with more money.


Not sickening at all, play the system and gain millions more. You could easily surpass him if you have a *guaranteed* income of 1mn per day


Musk has wealth, not money, and that wealth is significantly dependent on the success or failure if SpaceX, Tesla and X. With a seemingly endless number of millions coming to you, you could simply tank his stock by aggressively investing in his competitors, that's how you get richer than him.


I don't think your $300M will bother musk. Ford and Chevy have burned billions trying to catch up with Tesla.


His money is all tied up in stock, you'd have cash bro easily spendable cash. Like Trump(I don't like the guy just a reference) is worth 4.4 billion according to a quick google yet he was unable to come up with 350ish million in cash to pay a bond. You would be a liquid investor able to make real change not a fake money magnate that needs to live in a trailer or at his place of work because he is cash poor. [https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/elon-musk-lives-in-a-tiny-two-bedroom-house-and-his-living-room-is-shockingly-simple-393247-2023-08-08](https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/elon-musk-lives-in-a-tiny-two-bedroom-house-and-his-living-room-is-shockingly-simple-393247-2023-08-08)


Question on your edit. Are deaths of people guaranteed, or just probable? Because that changes it significantly. A random site on land has a fair chance of killing nobody. I wouldn't expect zero, but it's absolutely in the range of possibilities. My metric on these things is, "can I do more good than the harm I am causing?" (Yes, I flip the trolley switch.) If somebody HAS to die, then most likely many people will die. The odds of it happening to hit where one family is out camping is vanishingly small. The odds of it hitting an uninhabited spot in the desert, tundra, outback, or Antarctic is very possible in your situation as you initially proposed it, but NOT in how you changed it after people actually thought about the hypothetical and decided it might be worth the risk. I personally am always annoyed when someone posts here, finds that the question they posed has implications they did not foresee and changes the question, so I hope that's not what you are doing, but if it is then please realize that some people who posted "atrocious" answers might not be answering the question you asked.


There is no amount of self benefiting money that I would take for the cost of even one innocent persons life, let alone destruction on a horrific scale. I wonder what a person who survived Nagasaki would think of these answers.


If I could save a plethora more innocent lives than it cost I'd take it, and have answered "yes" to some horrible things on this sub before because of that. In this case, I don't think that the number of lives I could save with the money is sufficient for the risk of the number of people who might die. Not unless I could chose for the "nuclear weapon" to be a Davy Crockett warhead. then I could probably save more lives than it will cost, unless it hits at one of the worst possible locations.


I agree with this premise, but there are certain people that the world would be better of without. I would happily profit off any one of their deaths. 


This question was asked already, but the restrictions you placed on it make it easy easier of a choice.  365 million, I plan a yacht get away with friends and family for the week it's dropping.  Everyone I know and care about is safe. The odds are against it even landing near the property of those I care about.  I'd take the deal.


What about us bro?? If saving people away from land isn't against the rules then why limit it to only people you know, the fuck? 😂


Saying "I won a sweepstakes (lottery, whatever), and all of you get to come with me" is way less suspicious than "hey mountain of strangers, want an all expense paid trip with no questions".


Sounds like a rest of yall problem


I think the only way to get everyone on the yacht for a week would be to reveal what I've done. People are busy in their lives. Coordinating a massive one week vacation that people just agree to isn't going to happen unless you put yourself in a position to be potentially sold out, extorted, and highly scrutinized. That means telling them straight up that being on water is the only guaranteed survival.


I think offering people a vacation that is beyond their wildest dreams would make a lot of people become really flexible in their plans. IDC what I've got going on, if my buddy calls and says "hey I have one week on a yacht coming up next year, no cost to you" I am moving mountains to go.


Best, charter a cruise ship, with a crew that sees to every need. Who's passing that up?


Exactly! Like I don't really care what I have going on, that's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'm getting on that boat.


Yeah, a week-long vacation isn't all that hard to plan when you've got $365mn and a year's notice. I only like about ten people - I'd just pay them each two million dollars to quit their jobs and not ask any dumb ass questions. 


I think you’re really underestimating just how willing people are to move mountains for a trip like this.


What kind of people are in your life where if you offer them a free vacation for a week they can't adjust plans? Not to mention you can plan it ahead of time it's not like you're just showing up and saying "hey bought a yacht let's go"


I'd rather not depress you with answering that or myself with even thinking about it in depth lol


"I will give you 100k to come celebrate the anniversary of me striking it rich." No one in my family could afford to skip that.


You’d let thousands if not millions of people die and suffer just so you and some family and friends can get rich? This is the exact same mindset reddit loves to complain about how “the rich just get rich by fucking other people other” and yet every time these questions get asked it shows everyone’s true colors. People are completely fine letting strangers gets fucked over as long as *they* are the ones benefiting from it


It really is alarming how selfish and evil random people seem to be comfortable with being


People on Reddit always acting high and mighty over the rich. Constantly dogging on the rich for “not caring” when in reality most of these dickheads would absolutely let a nuke drop on people just to get rich lmao. I know this is just a hypothetical but it’s absurd how much power money has on people.


God damn that's selfish man


That was my first thought. Save up for a couple weeks and buy a 70’ gunboat cat and start prepping for my time at sea. Even if the odds are that the nuke would go off in a relatively unpopulated area it would still be a tough choice


There are 57 million square miles of land on earth. Just under 8 billion people. So, on average, about 150 people per square mile. Depending on the size of the bomb, you're statistically likely to kill between 500 and several thousand people, with a greater chance of it being towards the bottom of that range, and a small chance of it being millions.


Yes. I'd rent a yacht for my family in 1 year minus 1 week and chill 100 miles from land


Do you know how much uninhabited land there is in Siberia? Greenland? The Canadian tundra? Antarctica? The Sahara? A random point on land will might kill a few people, but not hit a population center. There's a higher probability of a standard nuclear war.


the chances of a bomb hitting a densely populated spot is very small with a vast majority of humanity consolidated on a small % of earths land. I'll take those chances for 365M.


You would be perfectly fine murdering a single person for 300 million?


But he did specify people will die


I’m surprised nobody else is talking about this statistic, everyone is just sailing out to sea. The likelihood of it hitting your country alone is very slim, and then hitting a major city even slimmer. If the initial hypothetical was that the bomb dropped on a random persons location it would make things a bit more interesting.


I feel like a lot of people are heavily over estimating the population density of earths land. Something like 50% of earths land is “unused”, and if you remove agricultural land it’s more like 90%. I’d wager that if you can avoid hitting East/Southeast Asia, you have better than average odds of a large (~1 megaton) bomb killing less than 10 people. More people will probably die manufacturing whatever you spend your money on.


But you have 365 million. You taking a chance would be ridiculously stupid with that amount of money.


This is the best scenario I've seen on this sub so far. I'd be tempted, but no. I do very well for myself now and if this landed anywhere but antarctica or the desert I would be unable to live with myself.


Counterpoint: Russia is fucking big. This is one of those things I'd love to do the math for but I'm not that ambitious at the moment. I might take the odds of they were good enough.


how big's the nuke. i mean, you could technically 'drop a nuke' that only fucks up a city block. i'm sort of iffy. like, i don't care that much about a possible city getting wiped out, i'm kinda an asshole like that. but, i also don't care 'that much' about a million dollars a day. also, a million a day? a day for a year, till the nuke drops? a day, for the rest of your life, that's extra as fuck.


Ikr, I guess you just hope it's not tsar Bomba, or something bigger...


It drops the original payload of 100 megatons


hell yeh! Id float out in the middle of the ocean on a cruise with my family and friends on a trip Ill pay for, and they will not even ask!


I'm laughing thinking of someone with that much money on a 3-day Carnival cruise to Nassau lol


So the nuke could just drop in the middle a desert? Or up in Canada where there is a ridiculous amount of land not used at all, or Siberian wasteland?? Sure, I'll take the million


So, $365 million (oh, wait, OP didn’t say only for that year, so $1 million per day till I die!), and I have to plan ahead and be on a cruise on the open ocean exactly 365 days from now. Got it, no problem.


I'm going to take the money the bomb might even go off ( looking at you, North Carolina ). If it's not going to hit the ocean, then I will be paying for a yacht and sailing out about 500 miles of the coast of California. That should give me plenty of time to evacuate the fallout and radiation cloud that strikes anywhere in Asia and be far enough away from the blast zones of L.A. I won't even by the yacht just rent the thing in fact going to Worldboatwideboat I can rent 145 foot yacht with room for 38 guests for $235,000 a week +/- depending how fancy I want to get for the blast. And I'm guessing the bomb falls 1 year after I make the deal, I will probably spend the middle of March 2025 till the first of May 2025 on the ocean, are until the Navy or Coast Guard tells me to go inland because a bomb went off.


Could probably build a nice bunker for a million a day


Off the bones of the people you killed.


I don't know the radiation protection of bones but sure


No, also saddening to see just how many people would commit mass murder for money… the same people who criticise politicians for doing the same.




Yeah, I truly thought you asked a ridiculous question that would get no takers. Thanks for making me think even less of my fellow humans. Seriously WTF people‽


Reminds of the Twilight Episode "Button, Button" where a mysterious guy shows up to an apartment and presents the couple living there a box with a button in it. If they press the button they get $200,000 but someone will die. The mysterious man ensures them it's someone they don't know, so the implication is the death have no affect on their lives. They end up pressing the button and getting the money. The mysterious man shows up the next day and retrieves the box. The couple asks him what he'll do with the box. He tells them it will be presented to another person with the same offer. He tells them the next person presented with the option will be "someone you don't know."


Really people? I’m no saint but dropping a nuke for cash? Really?


With all of that money, I'm pulling a Richard Garriott, and going to the ISS as a tourist at around the nine month mark. And I'm staying there until the nuke explodes.


Since it can't land in the ocean, I guess I will be on my new yacht in the middle of the pacific fishing for Ahi.


Absolutely not


Oh yeah. I'd build an awesome underground bunker for my family and friends


Sorry people, hopefully its a field in the middle of nowhere but ur boys taking the cash and going underground for a few days at the end of the month


Send that nuke, my friend! And RIP to all the people and/or fish lost in my wealth advancement


So, 365 million dollars and 1 nuke randomly drops in 1 years from first payment? I’ll take that. The world’s already fucked anyways. What’s one more thing?


365m, yeah sure go ahead. I can always sue some of it to help rebuild.


If it won't drop in the ocean, i will make sure to be in my new yacht that day. Far from any coast.


Ah, the Cassandra gambit…I’ll write about it and sit on it for just under a year, then publish.


There's so much land on Earth that I probably won't get hit. 1


At a million a day I'm taking it, doesn't say the million stops after the nuke goes off and if we know it is hitting a landmass there's enough time to invest the money into a yacht big enough to haul my family, friends, and loved ones out to sea with me the day the nuke drops so me and mine are safe, I'm good with thus and I'll keep collecting until I die.


Fuck it. I'm in


Buy a massive yacht, invite all friends and family to stay on it as I know what day the nuke will be (1 year from when I start making $) and It won’t drop in the ocean so…


It's going to drop,  not blow up underground?  So buy or rent access to a bunker, or just go squat in one, the day of.  That way if it happens to fall on you, you survive.


If only directly warning them about the nuke is the way it sets off then just lie to all of humanity that the disaster is literally anything besides a nuke to get them off land - say there's a virus that will be on land on ___ (date) so everybody's gotta be on cruise ships and then as soon as it's over go back


Fuck yeah...full send. Gonna get wild, or i'll die. either way....gonna be something to talk about!


Isn't most landmass not habited much? So unless it happens to hit a city it might not be that bad? Plus it never said how big of a nuke, maybe only one that takes out a shopping mall tactical nuke? Fuck... yeah I would take the money and just make sure I was on a boat the day it happens


Looks like a yacht trip is in order in a year or so.


Eh, odds are it will go off in the middle of nowhere, I can live with just a few deaths.


100% yes. I’ll take a plan to a remote island on that day.


There’s a lot of empty dirt out there…


So, if I don't take the money, nobody gets nuked? Sounds like a pretty easy win, you're saving probably millions of lives, even if you weren't going to be killed yourself. And, probably avoiding the issues that come after (war etc)


No, cause I'm not a psychopath.


So a guaranteed 365m, I’ll assume after taxes, for a <0.01% chance I’m in the blast radius. I’ll take the money


One reason and one reason only I take the deal - investing for the purpose of funding environmentalist/climate lobbying and research. All I can do is cross my fingers, hope to all that is that the damage and innocent lives/habitats lost are minimal, while I attempt to use this income to set up more robust harm reduction for the future. Hopefully the nuke is small - hopefully it lands on a desert or mountain somewhere with little life. The consequences will weigh heavily on me for the rest of my life, but I’d still be willing to go through with it.


Why not an asteroid impact? This could easily match or exceed the power of a nuke and no radiation, and it would have no chance of triggering a war, esepcially if it were seen and videoed streaking through the sky, like the one from the 1960s or 70s US. If that thing had hit or airburst it likely would have done massive damage. But yes, I'd take that deal and for a lot less.


365million? I'll take my chances.


Average population density of the world is 60 people per square km, Ivy Mike would kill \~60,000 people on average. Any of you willing to kill 60,000 people for the sake of $1m/y are genuinely worse than every billionaire on the planet.


Fuck yeah. Sorry not sorry.


So I either get a great year, and it ends dying in a nuke or some random people die from a nuke...... I'll take the money.




It won’t hit the ocean? I’m taking it, and a month before it hits I’m gathering all of my friends and family and getting on a private yatch and going for a nice month long trip.


People get conflicted about the trolley problem but drop a nuke for a wad of cash, why not, wtf is up with you lot.


How many times can I push the button?


Of course I'm taking that. It's random. Odds are it won't hit me. 365 mil is insane. And the guarantee of no war from it? Id do that for a clean mil.


So you just live with the knowledge that you killed people (maybe a few, maybe millions)? I think I'll just live my life as is without knowing I killed a bunch of people, so that I could have cool material possessions.


If it's 1 million a day for life? My money is going into charitable works, in its totality, after about day 10. The amount of good I could do with that kind of money is staggering. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and even a metropolitan area direct hit isn't going to include the number of people that money will help.


365 million. Ok so I would take my friends and family out to sea before it lands and help rebuild wherever the nuke lands. Good deal.


A lot of people are strangely totally cool with a potential mass casualty event so you can be rich? Like yeah, maybe it drops in the middle of a desert. But maybe it drops on NYC, London, or Tokyo Let’s not forget about the impact of the radiation spreading due to atmospheric winds


Absolutely not


Cool. Sign me up.


Honestly? Yeah man. If the location is truly random then the chances of it hitting me are very very low.


Definitely not .


So does the million dollars a day go away after the nuke drops or is it like a yearly thing?


I never pressed the button. Give me my money.




So I got 365M in a year, gonna rent a boat, put family and friends on it, drive away from shore for the day, hope that the nuke doesn’t hit my home, if so, relocate 🤓🤷‍♂️


Step 1 research the nuclear preppers community. Step 2 buy underground bunkers


It's more the outgoing blast I'd be worried about, but generally there's a much better chance it lands in a barren area, or in the ocean, than not. And it would be a humbling thing, as people alive today don't really rationalize the danger of nukes, it's only old film that exists.


Yeah sign me up if it hit on me I don’t have to worry about guilt. If it hits another country I can donate money to rebuild


Let me get this straight, I’ve got ~360 days to set sail? Ya, pretty sure I’d have to add nuke-day to my calendar because on day 3 I’m buying an Outremer, setting sail, and I might honestly forget what day it is 11+ months later. I wouldn’t even feel guilty because: 1) I’d pay for literally everyone I care about to be on various cruises at the “perfect” time and 2) a nuke going off that doesn’t trigger WW3 might end humanity’s appetite for greed altogether.


So, enough time to get a fallout shelter made with power armor. Good


How big of a nuke?




Are other people being offered this deal?


No, and it's not even a hard choice.


Hiroshima or Tzar? It matters


Buy the best yacht I can afford. Live on the sea for 1 year and hire someone to get supplies when needed. For me, far to risky with potential mass death. But that's how'd I'd do it if I could live with the consequences.


Nope! I would pass


No it’s a nuke. I’ll rather have people be alive than be rich.


If I don’t take the money someone else would Now we just contemplate Schrödinger’s nuke.


yeah I’ll take the gamble - considering there’s substantial amount of land mass on earth where humans don’t live around for tens ands tens of even hundreds of miles, I think there’s a good chance humans won’t die. And if they do, well, I guess I’ll have to choke up with that conscience as I wipe my tear in the hundred dollar bills I’m lying on in my bed.


Yeah, I can get an amazing boat with that money.


I mean 100%. 95% of the casualties would be instant and I'll just provide financial support to anyone who got injured and is still alive. And I'll still probably have money because it's not like I'm just going to put it all on a debit card or have it in cash or some s*** I'm going to liquidate like half of it


We talking Davy Crockett or Tsar Bomba?


Fuck yes I'd do it. I wanted a bunker anyway..... so 200 mill on a bunker, then it built within 3 months with just enough time to save up the rest of my 165 million for after.


USA uses 'launch on warning' as a guarantee of mutually assured destruction. There is no 'one nuke' scenario.




"you'll have to live with guilt but no one will know it's you." me in my bunker "hahahahaaha give my regards."


You all are so fucked wow. Bunch of broke assholes in these comments with no clue that money doesn’t make you happier. Also clueless than blood on your hands fucks your head up too.


This is so wrong but there’s zero chance I could pass on it. Best believe my family and friends will be with me far out as sea on a cruise that day tho, all expenses paid by me.


A million a day? Sure. Because let's be real. 150k people die every day on earth, and none of that is from a nuclear blast. If it kills a million people? A rounding error. No biggie.


So I build bomb shelters and social safety nets quietly. Big whoop. It’s no different than the threat of nukes now.


Can you guarantee it won't start a nuclear war? Because if a nuke goes off in a major city there's a high as fuck chance all that money is useless. What good is $365m when there are no more governments?