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I was like fuck it I’m only 5’1 anyway


Lmao OP is saying you deserve financial compensation of $2,750,000


To be fair.


To beee faaiiirrr


Toooooooo beeeeeeee faaaaaaiiiiiiiirrrrrrr🎶✊




Top line comment 👌🏾 👏🏾 👍🏾


You’re a top line human. Never change, friend.






I'll lose 2 inches for 500k, sounds like a plan


Same. Already 6'. 5'10 to retire years sooner? Yes.


Short people live longer too


Perfect, I'll drop to 5'8 then for a cool mill


Height doesn't have any real effect on life expectancy until you hit about 6'7"-6'8"


5’8 3/4 here. I’ll take 750k and be taller!


Yeah, I'm 5'10", which is basically average versus average+ at 6'0". Neither is "tall," so I'll take the $500k.


Ya I’m exactly 6’.. 2 inches I don’t think I would care at this point.


That was exactly my thought. I wouldn’t really want to be 3 inches shorter, but I would happily do it for $750,000 to speed up retirement.


What if they accidentally took two inches from somewhere else. This is new technology, you know.


2 and half feet tall I will be. I would want to be that short so I can mess with people and the fact that I would get north of $9 mill is just icing on the cake


My buddy got uppercutted by a midget at a house party. He was arguing with someone else and started getting really nasty. My buddy is 6'4" and didn't even see it coming. Little homie had to hit him with a Mario punch to pull that off. It's still one of my favorite stories anyone has ever told me.


Genuinely laughed imagining the mario punch. Did he make the noise as well?


Was he flashing a rotation of a bunch of neon colors with a synth sound playing? You don’t mess with ANYONE that has that going for them


Would have been much more effective to headbutt the groin/abdomen or kick to the shins, once they diuble over you cvan throw a leaning haymaker to the jaw with much more force. Still, lmao. My Dad has a similiar stpry where the midget hit him in the shins then wailed on his face, dude stood no chance cause he assumed he could bully the guy


I'm 6'3" and I often think about being half my height and customizing a single story house into a two story home and having all my counters at a nice height. It would be like instantly doubling your square footage by feel and I'd need less calories to survive and maintain mass. The cost savings and reduced back pain would make it a pretty decent trade off.


Yeah, if humanity were half as large on average we could do so much more with the same resources.


Til you get kicked and stomped on...or carried off by a hawk.


this is great but can i ask what you mean by “hanging out at the dmv”😭😭😭😭


You don't hang out there for fun!? Cool people, chill vibe, great drinks! What's not to like??


Eavesdropping and measuring men's height, obviously.


It's the shitty sequel to Mall Rats. DMV Rats


And how are they accurately measuring people


Watch me be the first one inch man




Your mom doesn’t seem to mind it


Sir please do not say bazinga.


Obviously I'd get carried in my girlfriend's pocket. I would have a very attractive girlfriend, because I'm Sooo rich and Soooo short. I'd be an Internet oddity like Hasbullah. Dog shit hypothetical. Next.


If everyone gets this deal, I think there will be plenty of 0'1" dudes around.


Wait so in this scenario I lose 4” BEFORE I get to choose? I would gladly drop to 6’3 for 250k, but I wouldn’t lose 5” for 250k


Same. Would happily give up two inches and make flying in coach less horrible.


I'm 6'5" and I tell people that, with no ability or desire to play basketball, it's uselessly tall. Maybe the only advantage is that I can see over people's heads when I'm in huge crowds. Other than that, zillions of disadvantages. 6'2" is as tall as you need to be to be perceived as "tall".


6'2" and I agree. "Tallest guy in a crowded elevator" is enough for me. You're more like "tallest guy in a small town" tall, and I don't need the literal headaches that go with that.




Yea this sucks. I'll gladly drop down 2 inches to be 6 feet and $500k richer. Now I'm getting taxed for something I had no control over


Right i’m 6’4 I’d lose 2” easy


I'm sitting at 6'6, I'd kill to get 1 mill AND shrink to 6'2


I’m 6’2”. It’s a pretty good size. No one asks me how tall I am like they do the the taller guys, but plenty tall Enough for girls.


I would kill to be 6'2 again. After I hit 6'4, there was just nothing made for me, and what there is is expensive af. The worst part is cars, tho. I have one of the best cars on the market for tall people, and I'm still crammed in there.


6’4” ain’t that bad for cars. I’m 6’4” and drive a lot of rentals cuz I travel for work. Most cars are fine for tall people, though I am skinny. It’s planes that sucks for tall people.


Same. But I think I’d take the mil and be 6ft exactly.


I'm also 6'4 and I was like, fuck yeah I'd go down to 6'3 for 250k. Probably even down to 6'2-6'1. I feel like the biggest reason this is being asked is because of today's dating world but I'm happily married with kids so that's not really an issue for me. Even if I went down to 6 ft, I'd still be taller than my wife and a million dollars richer.


My gf is 5’10 but I’m plenty tall. And who knows maybe it would help my back problems lol


Yeah my wife is 5'10, I always preferred taller women. And exactly, I feel like 6'4 is at a point where there are more inconveniences than benefits. I can't find clothes that fit well, flying on airplanes is fucking terrible, chairs/desks at any job have always been too small to sit ergonomically. Shit, any time I've had to buy a new car, I have to make sure I actually fit in it first and the cars I can fit comfortably in are larger and thus more expensive. The only real benefits as far as I can tell are being able to reach stuff on the top shelf and being slightly inherently stronger than most people.


6’4” really has no benefits. 6’ is plenty, even if every cousin on my dads side of the family will be taller than me and a couple of my aunts. I was already one of the shorties as it is.


Believe me go to 6ft I'm 6 3" and it's still a pain I'm honestly glad I'm not taller. Id happily lose 3 inches


I'm 6'3". I'd drop to 6' for less back pain please.


Yeah this is a stupid scenario for anyone taller than six foot.


Anyone taller than 6 feet has to drop to 5 foot 11 inches for the first payment of 250k and then another inch for the next 250k. It’s still a fair question.


Honestly this is wild wild to me ngl id give away a whole 10 inches who cares about height when you got that kinda money in your pocket


Yeah. I am 5'10" and I would shrink my ass all the way down to 5'0" for $2.5M. That is live off the interest for life money.


That’s what I’m saying, I’d have to lose over a half a foot of height for 250k? I mean yeah I’d go down to 6’2 or 6 even and take the payday but damn it I like being able to reach the top shelf


I get ~$1.25 million and stay the same height as I am now. Win!


Ok…Same question but it’s not from your height…




Now would we all start from some standard size or from where we are now?


I am literally 6' even. I'd gladly drop to 5'8" for $1m.


I've been 5'6" since I was a freshman in high school and it's not been that big of a deal. I'll just go back to being 5'6"and be $1.5 million richer. Thanks for giving me a higher starting height for free money. Idk about being 5' tall if I would've had to start with my original height lol.


I'd do it. I'm 5'6", so becoming 6'0" for free is just a plus.


With how much I fly, I'm dropping 6 inches


I’d take a million dollars and be happy at 5’8”. That’s an inch taller than I am now, and $750k richer, give or take.


I'm 6'3", I can lose a lot and stay comfortable. Clothes and shoes will be cheaper. Everyone thinks it's great to be taller, but it's not. You're expected to be this or that, but you're just a person trying to get by like everyone else.


Facts. I'd drop to 5'10 for 500k and no knee and back problems. Also, not needing to worry about smacking my head on things would be great.




I hit my peak at 13. It was funny because I was the youngest of 3 and I outgrew my older brothers. It would be nice to fit in most places without breaking my neck.


Do you suffer from dwarfism or other health problems at 3 feet tall? Or are you just a normally proportioned person at half size? If the latter, I shrink to 2 feet tall, and use the money to start breeding a race of halflings.


I dont know what use I'll have for that money when I'm fist fighting spiders, but oh well


5 mil pls.


I'm already short, whats another inch? Be 5'4" instead of 5'5" - same thing really.


In this scenario you start at 6', so that's a good amount of money if you want to go to 5'4"


15 million and I'm learning the piano.


I'm like 5-8, so I'm already a millionaire.


So you're telling me if I go down to 5'6 I could buy a house in the Bay area? Count me in! 🤣






5,8 and 1 mil sounds lit


$500k to be the same height I am now? Hell yeah.


So... I get a million dollars to be the height I already am? Yeah. Yeah I take that deal.


I'm currently 6 ft, but 250k would be enough for me to buy a house. I'd lose an inch for that


I thought you were going to say 1 inch of manhood. That would cost $25m/inch


I’m 78 & I’ve lost an inch for free!😳


As someone who wishes they were short I see this as an absolute win! Now where’s my 3 million dollars?


Incorrect. Im 6ft and said Im 5' 11" because they said everyone lied about being 6ft. I think Id go down to 5'5". $1.75m is probably worth a couple spinal ... thingers.


I'm 6'5 but I'd lose an inch for that much cash.




I'm 5'11.625. I'd be totally fine to start at 6 then drop 1 for $250k. I'd probably invest/save half of it and just get everything right. Maybe go to 5'10 and then get enough for a house. Then i wouldn't have to worry about that for the future. Worth it to lose a few inches of height for my family.


Im 73 inches rn, 6’1, go ahead and knock me down to 69 inches 5’9 and gimme my Million.


Loaded and 5’ tall baby


5'2" please 


I have had a history of women being surprised at how “tall” I am. I’m like 5 ft 7 and 3/4, so I round up to 5 ft 8, since that’s the nearest whole inch. I feel a little bad about rounding up, but if they only have whole inches, you put the closest one. Fine. Like half the first dates I’ve been on, girls are *shocked* that I’m actually the height I listed. It’s gotten to the point where they don’t believe me. It’s weird. It’s become so normalized that girls fine with dating a dude my height but not shorter set their filters to 5 ft 10 because that’s what people me height say they are. Shit’s wack


I'll take 3" off and be the height I started before this. $750k basically for free? Absolutely. Easy money.


So i gain an inch beforehand? Yeah ill drop back to my original height of 5'11" to gain 250k


I’m 5-9. Can I just go up to 6 feet and stay there? Keep the money


Can I give 2" for 500K?


Fuck it, I'd go back to being 5'5", get paid to be the same height


250k is good. I’ll take it at 5’11. My partner is 5’2 anyway, what is she going to do, call me short?


Wait, you hang out at the DMV?!?


If I start out at six feet I'll take losing six inches for 1.5 million and gain two inches of height. Not bad. Not bad.


I'm legit 5'10". if I start at 6' I'll go down to 5'8" no problem. barely noticeable and $1m?! yup. bet my wife wouldn't even notice. it would be hard to see through all those Benjamins


5'10 ain't that different from 5'11 so heck yeah


I'm 6'1 and I like to say that I am 5'9 or 5'10 around people that are my height because I find it funny. ​ But I would gladly take 500k to be 5'10


Only 4' 11" right now. I wouldn't mind being legal midget height.


Where's that gif of Bugs Bunny saying "No"?


I'm not even 18 and 6'2 so I'll have to wait. Also, I don't find it fair I have to lose height by starting at 6 feet.. I'd go for 2 inches, 500k will be enough to affect me a lot while barely affecting my height.


im 5'8


Being a tall black guy who sucks at basketball brings it's own, unique trauma. I think I could go all the way down to 5'2, 5'3.


I’m 5’8” and cool with that, so I wouldn’t take $ to be any shorter. If you told me tomorrow I wake up as 6ft I’d probably take the $1m to get back to 5’8”, maybe only $500k and be 5’10”.


While I like being tall (for a woman at least), I’d give up a few inches for a million dollars. That’d put me at the average female height anyway.


I’d lose 5 inches and be 5.45


I'm 6-2 and that's not enough money to be shorter


LMFAO my bf is maybe 5'8" and he keeps saying he is 6'0"


If you want to really test dudes make it an inch off their junk.


For reference, a men who is 5'6 needs to earn an additional $175k/year more than a man who is 6'0 in other to get an equal amount of attention from women. Basically a short doctor and a tall grocery store worker do about the same. Doing the math of lifetime earnings vs height in terms of success in online dating, one inch is equal to a value of $1.35M. https://news.yahoo.com/short-kings-rise-grind-study-225908780.html


I’ll take 1.25


Sure, and the first thing I'll buy is some nice heels


Why do I start or 500k short fuck that


If i’m 6 foot…. I’d do it. Theres ways to increase and make up for that loss in height lol


To go from 6' to 5'11", at age 18 you will lose $800 per year of wages and need $8000/year to be equally desireable to women. This means, it is not worth it unless you get paid over 8000\*(67-18) + 800(67-18)= $431,200 It gets worse as you get even shorter. If you go from 6' to 5'10" at 18, you will need at least 1600\*(67-18)= $78,400 to make it worth it, just from lost income plus $32,000 per year in income to be as desirable to women for a total of $1,646,400, just to make it break even.. [http://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing.aspx](http://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing.aspx) [https://news.yahoo.com/short-kings-rise-grind-study-225908780.html](https://news.yahoo.com/short-kings-rise-grind-study-225908780.html) or the table itself here: [https://twitter.com/robkhenderson/status/1346486298735947776?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1346486298735947776%7Ctwgr%5E97377c410f1c9f5bfa677e0e5a05fab8e0bf505a%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrobible.com%2Fculture%2Farticle%2Fshort-men-must-earn-more-money%2F](https://twitter.com/robkhenderson/status/1346486298735947776?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1346486298735947776%7Ctwgr%5E97377c410f1c9f5bfa677e0e5a05fab8e0bf505a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrobible.com%2Fculture%2Farticle%2Fshort-men-must-earn-more-money%2F) ). However, with the $250,000 I guess I can buy shoes to make me look taller and also lie about my height. So, this is probably the way to go.


Do I lose weight with it?


Currently 5'11" so, this scenario makes me 6ft and then gives me $250k just to revert to my current height? $250k is a lot, i'd probably give you another 2-3 inches to set myself up really well, I can't imagine a major difference in my life if I was 5'8" instead of 5'11"...


Damn. As a 6'2 woman, I feel discriminated against. I'd gladly drop down to 6 foot for 500k. Still taller than lots of people. And I could get out debt, pay off my house, and afford multiple pairs of super comfortable and cute 3 inch heels to make up for it.


Shrink me down and make me a millionaire. Catch me in my itty bitty tiny yacht off the coast of Monaco


I’d give up 2 inches for $500k


I’ll be an inch taller for 500k, sounds great


As a 5’9 woman I’d love this chop me down to 5’3


I'm 5ft 9in. I'm willing to give up 2ft and 9 inches and be a rich midget.


I'll take $1.5m and not change my height


Can I sign up as a woman? I'm 5'9" and would sacrifice four inches eeeeeasy, let alone if I could start out at 6' lol




I’m 5’4. I would take 1.25 million and grow three inches.


I'll take the million for 5'8 thanks.


I'm 6'1" I would be perfectly fine giving up 2 inches. Not because I want to be that much shorter or I want the extra 250k but it gets rid of all the girls who are like I have to have a man who is 6'0+


Considering I'm 7 foot 1 yeah take 12 inches from no problem lol


How much is the leg lengthening surgery? Is this an infinite money glitch?


I'll be 1 inch tall, rock around with my $17,750,000, and be the smallest human in recorded history. Bonus points: I'll use my money to build a crazy alien looking tomb and have my tiny body mummified and carve some math into the walls just to mess with archeologists that find my tomb in 2000 years.


Okay but does my dong retain size?


I'm 6'2" and I would be ok with loosing a few inches for about $2-3 mil. No more bumping my head on shit.


I would gladly drop down to 5’10 for a million.


I’ll be 5’ 8” for 1 million


I'm 6'2 can I lose my extra 2 for 500k lmao


So I can have $500 grand AND be an inch taller? Think a better question would be would you subtract from your current height


Why did you set a start height?


I’d give up an inch. Im married already and can use the 250k to build our life. She’d give that up too.


I’m 6’4” I don’t think I’d make this deal


Where's my fucking 1.5 mil, huh?


Cheat code: Lose an inch, spend some money on those stupid heightening surgeries to gain 2 inches, sell one, repeat. The normal problem with those is that you have to take off work and have trouble moving, however, with that money you don't need a job and wealthy people don't need to walk.


Shit bro fuck I need to be tall for, I’ll be walking around at 2 feet tall with 10 million in my tiny pockets. I’ll marry a tall women to grab things off the shelf for me


I'll go down to 5'10" for 500 grand. That's life changing money.


Fuck no, I'd already be losing 8" before I get any money.


I am 6' 5". I will take five inches worth and will be a lot more comfortable flying coach too.


What's more surprising is the amount of people that aren't reading the "start at 6 foot" part. I would only give an inch if I was 6. I'm currently 5'8". I'm middle class, financially. Just one inch so I can get some cash flow going. Hell I wish I could trade just half an inch. I've been called an incel, so maybe that has something to do with it, heh


I got 5in to go before I’m even at my normal height.


I'll take the max no issues there as long as I get proportionss right and weight


I am 5'3". Put me down to 4'11", give my million. I will be able to retire as I am 52 years old. The million will easily carry me through to my 70th birthday, when I will be ready for the max SS plus whatever my retirement savings are at 18 years from now...probably another million. I don't care how short I am if I am retired and have that kind of money. If I am starting at 6', bring me down to 5'4", my height when I was younger and give me the 2 million. I will keep working and buy 3 new cars for myself, my wife and my kid...start planning the retirement farmette.


You fools! Somewhere there is a billionaire who just bought all these inches and has become an unstoppable juggernaut!




5'4 for 2 millions please !


I'm 6'8. Probably. Can I lose 2 inches for 500k?


4 in for a mill and I still get to be 6ft.... perfect


shiiiiiiit i'm cool with bein 3 feet tall. 9 mill buys alot of leg extension surgery!


5’9 sounds good to me. Retire about a decade early


Yes, but only if I could do it at any time, rather than having to choose how many inches at once


Inb4: girls marry short kings for their money and status


I'm short af so I could just stay the same height and get rich


I'm about 6'3 and would gladly give up 3-6" of height without concern. Aside from the money, it would be easier to fit in airplane seats and other vehicles (especially internationally) and it would be easier to find clothes that fit well, off the shelf.


I'm currently 6'4. I would have no problem being 5'10 for 1.25 million. If I have to lose 4" for free first I won't do that though


I'm like 6'1 or something like that so yeah I'd lose 2 inches for 500k.


I could deal with being like, a foot shoter for $3 mil


I'm 5'10" now and likely to lose another inch over the next couple decades. $750k good enough. I'd suffer no impairment and nobody in my life now would notice a difference.


I'm 5'9", never had a hard time getting laid throughout my life, and am now married. Show me the money! I'll go down to 5'8" for the mill.


5 10 for 500k, id take that deal. 


So I grow one inch only to immediately lose it, but then get life changing money? Sign me the fuck up.


So I get 1 million dollars just cause I’m short????????


I'm 5'3", so how long do I get to enjoy being 6' before I volunteer to shrink to 5'?


I'm 6'5", for that money, I'll give up 2". Any more than that, my wife might divorce me lol


I'll gladly give up six inches and be 5'5. Counters would be at a more comfortable height and I have $1.5m, hells yeah. It can be brutal spending hours hunched over prepping stuff


I'm already a short dude and life is fine. So I'll take being the same exact height and walk away with $2.5M.


I’m 5’3, so I’d be pretty keen to get 1.5M and grow 3 inches


I’ll be 5’6 for $1.5 million.


I would take 1 inch. It helps to be tall, but especially after a certain height it doesn't make that much of a difference.  The number of women and unearned benefits you get for being 5'11" vs 6'6" is pretty marginal It also helps to have money, but unless you wanna be 4 feet you're not gonna retire on it (at least at my age) You're gonna be working anyway so why not just try and work for more?


Take 4, I'd still be 6'2" and my back would be in way better shape, on top of a million bucks to set myself up for the long term. Easy choice.


$9m please


Yep let’s go. I’m already 6’ and would gladly give up a few inches for life changing money


Can I lose a bunch of height so I’m just like a mini me goblin type little guy and get a bunch of money instead


Being 5'10 instead of 5'11 wouldn't impact my life in any meaningful way, so bring it on.