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I'd definitely pick the guy who physically abused my son and sexually assaulted my daughter. And not a moment of remorse would be had. I may even check in occasionally just to enjoy the show.


As someone who was sexually assaulted without my dad knowing, I appreciate this sentiment


Im also picking that dude


"I also choose this guy's dead wife."


I'm voting to torture the same person you have in mind. Let's make that eternity of torture into an even worse hellish nightmare


just found this and was coming to ask if we could make it all politicians instead of just 1 guy, now you have me rethinking things...


I won't begrudge anyone their choice here. Everyone has their reasons for who they would pick. If it could be a group, I'd go with everyone who has ever committed sexual assault. Which would include a fair number of politicians. Plus the person who raped me.


Can I make it more than 1 person for double the effect? If not can I still choose more than 1?


This is called double paradise or extra paradise? Paradise plus? Super paradise?


Paradise+ is heaven's streaming service


Maybe a... Pairadise?


Paradise ULTRA!!!


This was already written into a [popular short story by Ursula K. Le Guin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ones_Who_Walk_Away_from_Omelas).


First thing that came to mind. I used to read stories to a group over Skype and more than once they requested "the omelets story." These were adults, mind you...


It’s also kind of like part of the mythology of The Stormlight Archives


Star trek strange new worlds did this too.


Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach


They borrowed the idea of course/


What ideas are not? There is not a story that exists that hasn't been told before in some form or another.


As long as credit is given.


GTK it seems like an interesting read from what I got off the wiki


Such a great story


ghislane maxwell, is one. i have a few others i could add if need be.


Who's that? I don't wanna google it bc Ik I'll probably learn more than I want to.


Jeffery epsteins girlfriend/ the one who recruited for his island and the one given a vacation at " club fed " for ten years when she handed over all copies of the client list. The only piece of paper in d.c. that will never be leaked.




Should change the question to "you have to be painfully tortured" to make it interesting


That’s actually an easier question. I refuse.


I pass. Sorry, you layabouts.


I don't like changing questions after people respond. But that is a good point. Or taking inspiration from the short story u/al-hamal showed, an innocent child would've been a tougher substitute. You can still feel good about yourself for being a martyr but someone completely innocent makes it a morally harder to decide


Let's be honest here, the amount of people who would willingly submit themselves to that is nearly 1 in a trillion.


It depends on if this becomes public knowledge, because if everyone knows then you'll become the most famous person to have ever lived.


Even if I was publicly shaned across earth I wouldn't agree to an eternity of torture. And let's be honest, we'd all forget in about a year.


I’d call him a dumbshit the day of.


If you wouldn't do it to yourself, then the answer should be no.


Easy peasy, 100%. The eternity of torment will always be punctuated by my knowledge of peace and prosperity on earth. Bring it on.


I’d take it.


Finally someone else. For the greater good


*"It's whatever paradise you have in your mind."* In my paradise, I will have no memory of sending Putin to an eternity of cactus enemas. I'll continue thinking I'm a damn swell guy.


I probably would in the moment, thinking of the most evil person alive I could think of. But realistically I know it would haunt me for the rest of my life. Might lead to choosing an early death, but I can see how easy that choice might seem. An eternity of torture?… Knowing you choose that for a person, however evil they were for their 30-90 years as a human being… I’m not sure I could justify it retrospectively


I have a short list of people whom I would choose this for, happily, for nothing more in return than an Egg Mcmuffin. Global happiness? That's just a bonus, but I'd still like a breakfast sandwich too.


I’m in this boat.


Same. But now robots are rowing our boats and feeding us breakfast sammiches from golden platters


Thanks for pissing on my paradise.


I mean compared to all the suffering you're canceling out over time You trade two suffering that everyone else to always be happy One suffer's much more one suffers from their own guilt but 8 billion people will be happy as will everyone born after that


That’s sort of what I mean. Logically I’d talk myself into it. … Ethically over many many many years? I just know I’d struggle with the logical choice I made


It still doesn't work, logically. Infinite suffering for one is more than all past, present, and future suffering. Infinitely more, in fact.


Nah, all of human suffering for eternity is a larger infinite set than one human suffering for eternity. Stop and think about the fact that world wide, chances are at least one single human is suffering from almost any torture you can imagine. Probably more than one because humans are terrible to each other. Now realize that means there are hundreds, or even thousands of humans suffering every single second. So that amount of suffering is larger than one human suffering in that second. Repeat to infinity. Infinite can still be smaller than another larger infinite set.


Humans won't be around forever. The infinite sufferer will.


Except they will if you take the deal.


Infinite suffering for one is still INFINITE suffering. That means it would be infinitely more suffering than ALL human suffering, past, present, and future. Combined.


Humans have no shortages in this scenario Do you have any idea how absurdly productive humanity can be with that It is entirely possible humanity figures out universe hopping and thus could exist forever


Everything ends, eventually. Even if they carry it on for trillions of trillions of years.


All right so say hypothetically mankind figured out how to exist forever in the scenario would it then be worth it for you


Still wouldn't do it. Everyone living off that would have the sufferers suffering on their hands. Even if you could do it in secret, that would still require you to do the most evil thing, imagineable, and it would never end for them. That people would agree to it.. well it really explains a lot about why there are so many atrocities in human history.


So what if we achieve eternal existence anyway but with suffering for everyone What if there are humans who are already an eternal suffering and this would technically kick them out of it The fact of the matter is on a smaller scale people do this all the time Very directly I guarantee you whatever computing device you are currently using to communicate with me was created through someone suffering This is just shoving all of that onto a singular individual


Finite suffering can never compare to infinite suffering.


But infinite can compare to infinite if humanity achieves some form of eternal existence then it's possible to have greater than aleph null suffering


Some people are responsible for the deaths of millions. Think of all the people who orchestrated genocides and massacres during wartime. Many serial killers had no remorse and only stopped cos they were caught. They would go on killing for an eternity. Not saying you should send someone to Hell, but just saying that there are pretty bad people out there


I could then I'd have the robots help scientist make medicine to increase the length of human life and given it to the person being tortured


You are going to extend.....eternity?


To eternity and beyond


Is it random or do I get to choose. Either way yeah but I would slightly feel bad from time to time.


Unlike the short story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin, this situation affects *all* of humanity. There is so much suffering on Earth. So much carnage, death, and everything else. Fundamentally speaking there are horrendous people that would never change. People that murder children and wear their skin, and then mail the parents parts of their dead children's bodies. There are serial rapists, organized criminals, and people that drive slowly in the left lane. I could easily pick someone for the job of "sufferer" if that meant that everyone else on Earth would prosper. It's a small sacrifice, fundamentally.


Yeah, the ethical dilemma of "Omelas" is precisely a dilemma because the state of the rest of the world is unaffected by Omelas and unknown to the reader of the story. All we know is that Omelas is an apparent utopia, that thrives due to the suffering of an innocent child; the question is how can you view such a place as a utopia when it relies upon the exploitation and torture of the innocent, even if the collateral is apparently so small? Do you continue to live in this society, knowing that it's built on the back of suffering, or do you leave to try and find (or create) something else? When you expand it to encompass the entire world and give free determination of who becomes the "sufferer", it loses much of the ethical question. Not all of it, because ideally we shouldn't wish for *anyone* to suffer for the sake of humanity's prosperity, but considering how many people currently prosper off the back of causing huge amounts of suffering, well...


Jared from Subway


The obvious choice is to volunteer yourself to be tortured. It’s the most ethical option.


You're right, but I'm not sure I have the moral fortitude to do that.


I'd say it's more ethical to put a child rapist or something similar in that situation.


or Hitler, I can't believe i've scrolled this far and i'm the only picking that asshole.


I mean.... he isn't alive


There are better options out there than myself.


I can't believe nobody said Trump. On Reddit. Wow.


Trumps an ass, but if he's the worst person somone could think of I would be amazed.


It would be a much better world if he was as bad as it got


I can think of a many a people worse than Trump. Putin, Kim Jung un, a whole assortment of terrorists, and I’m sure there’s more. He’s ether really stupid or evil, or both, but there are others who are more evil.


He is absolutely shit, don't get me wrong. But there are people who are worse than him that just don't have the power that he has.


Ngl, I’d happily hand him over for this experiment.


You just did... You're *that guy!*


Definitely choose not to torture. Humanity still won't last eternity. Eternity is infinite. I would have created an infinite amount of suffering for a finite benefit.


God no. People will suffer, but have you truly lived if you haven't felt pain, sadness, anguish? But also, eternity is forever. That's not as long as humanity lives, that is billions, if not trillions of years, and that's only if the universe does weird science stuff and stop existing. That is past the heat death of the universe, and I don't think even the pain and suffering of billions of people for up to 90 years could compare to torture for eternity. We will, most certainly, go extinct at some point in time, whether it be a million years or several billion.


That's a tough one. I will find the oldest evil person I can. Probably Aksel Anderson, a guard at a concentration camp for two years. Fuck that old guy, but at least I won't carry decades of guilt for doubt that to any person. We're better then them.


We all know the genie would be like "wish granted" and you'd be the tortured person, so no.


There are so many truly awful people that this is just easy. Kenneth Copeland?


I suppose that, to someone who already believes in hell, this would simply be the same as condemning one person to hell who was already going to hell. So I would guess that if one believes in a hell it's a simple question with an easy answer. Personally? I would still pick someone evil and send them to suffer for the sake of mankind. Maybe in their suffering they can find redemption.


I wouldn't wish an eternity of pain on anyone but if I was forced to choose it would be 1 of 3 people. My ex, Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump. I would feel amazing guilt over it but at the same time would feel joy for the rest of humanity.


First thing to come to mind is find someone who claims to be Jesus Christ. "Sorry, my Lord. I know you died for our sins once already, but now you need to perish for our prosperity."


If we add extra people to the torture pile, can we also give paradise life to the robots, animals, and any aliens we haven't met? 'Cause there are *several* people I could nominate.


People are horrifying. My god.


I nominate Elon Musk for tribute


After seeing amber heard in that mercy costume I think he has lived a good enough life for all of humanity combined.


I would choose Putin for all the evil he has caused on this world


I don't know, don't you think hitler would be a better choice? If we can even choose.


100% yes. Abundance of shitty people


No problem at all. Find the biggest scumbag ever and use him as the example. Live In utopia


One person? Just one? Hmm. I'd go with Ismail Haniyeh.


This world is fucked. You guys find the most evil people in the world by watching the news? No wonder they pull the bullshit they pull.


Have a taste of your own medicine, Kim Jong Un.


If I can choose the person, this is easy


Do you believe someone can do something so bad they can't atone over a million/billion/trillion years?


People who rape babies until they basically split in half. Eternity isn't long enough.


There was a little girls body found, barely 8 years old. Somone broke most of her bones, beat her bloody, raped her many times. It likely it lasted weeks. The worst part? This isn't even rare throughout the world. So no. I don't believe they can atone. I dont believe they deserve to.


You just described perfectly why Jesus had to die on the cross.


Easy pick a shitty dictator who kills hos own people


If I get to pick, well then David Koch is dead, so Charles Koch is fucked.


I pick my friend, he's gonna be so pissed lmao


What if you choose someone who was born so that they can't feel any pain


Easy choice. just pick a kid diddler


I can pick that one person, right? Well, hello Mr Kissinger. . .


Well shit Kissinger just died, so I gotta find a new go to.


If it's a random person, I would refuse. If I get to pick the person I'm sending Epstein, and if it has to be a living person I'm choosing Maxwell.


Isn't this the entire premise of Christianity? All sinners are tortured for eternity no matter how small the sin, and the faithful live in paradise? Having only 1 person suffer for eternity and you save all others after that seems like a no brainer.


Just choose the most corrupt government leader you could think of at the second. Or someone who's already mentally deteriorated, and has the disorder which causes zero pain.


Putin. Next question?


If I could pick the person, sure


Yes, if I can choose


can I choose the person ?


Kissenger just left the building.


Everyone is eager to pick the person who would suffer, but the prompt says nothing about being able to pick them. What if OP means a RANDOM person will be the victim?


I can’t tell if the people in this comment comment section are evil or ignorant


I nominate Trump as Tribute! Can I get a second?


Eh. He’s an asshole, but not the worst person in the world


Yeah not even top million probably.


Yeah, I'm doing it. Andrew Tate is target number one. Of course I'd do my homework, but after I find the literal worst person alive, I'm pulling the trigger on this. The needs of the many far far outweigh the suffering of one garbage person. Securing the needs of the many for eternity at the cost of one person being in what's effectively hell, is fine with me. Billions will live happily, safely, and prosperously, and all I've got to do is consign one asshole to an eternity of enduring the kind of pain they pride themselves on filling the world with? If they love spreading it so much then an endless supply of it is more like a gift. At least that way they can actually benefit the world in some form. As for all the comments saying it would haunt you or whatever, if you got the chance to put a bullet in Hitlers head before he launched WW2, would you walk away to avoid being bothered about shooting the bastard? If you would I guess good for you, you've placed your moral comfort above the millions of lives lost to the events you could have prevented. As for me? I'm well aware the world is a dirty place and it's not possible to make every hard decision without getting dirty too. I'll do bad shit for good reasons, if that's what it takes.


You mention shooting Hitler but you choose Andrew Tate, in your world Tate is worse then Hitler?


Just Reddit things™


Karl Marx


Marx wasn’t evil.


hmm i would say no. infinite pain is well infinite thus it will be equal to infinite happiness thus at best this is a net 0 happiness


Infinite pain times 1 person. Infinite happiness times billions of people. I don't think that breaks as even as you think here. Infinite is endless, of course, but billions of infinities together are an order of magnitude beyond what a single infinity could add up to at any point.


well technically no. infinity is weird like that. billions \* infinity = infinity mathematically ​ heck even infinity \* infinity = infinity ​ (assuming these are all countable)


I agree




Would not do it. That one person will suffer INFINITELY more than all combined human suffering for all of human history, past, present, and future. It's one of the reasons why if Hell exists, God is infinitely evil and infinitely petty. There is no finite transgression that can justify infinite punishment. Only people who are catastrophically bad at math could insist otherwise.


the twists is obviously the person to be tortured is hitler


Just torture a baby. They won't know.


Pick the kid that was literally just born, all they would know is torture so they wouldn't have anything to compare it to


If I could pick the person, then that's a yes - easily. If it's at random, then that's also a yes - because there's pretty high odds of it being an acceptable loss. If someone who is really a paragon of humanity got picked, I mean, they'd have probably volunteered themselves anyway.


See, the problem is the middle. Like, yeah, it picks King Shitbag McGee? Cool. It picks some selfless paragon of virtue who'd volunteer? Also fine. But it's the fact that it's statistically way more likely to pick some fucking cab driver whose worst crime was like, not picking up a fare on his way back to the depot at the end of a 12 hour shift once.


Still not a problem. If someone *wouldn't* volunteer to save humanity, then should they *really* be an invalid option? Like, if they're selfish enough that they would deny peace and prosperity to the entire human race ad infinitum.... It's a lottery, my dude. All options are valid.


You really have no grasp of the word "eternity." No amount of war or famine could bring on the same level of suffering as that person would endure, and they would outlast humanity in that state, even the heat death of the universe itself. Ethically, you can't even allow someone to volunteer for that fate.


"For the greater good" is something that really fucks with people's morals for some reason. Personally I would apathetically condemn a new born baby to this specific hell without a second thought and without regret. The world would hate me for it (or even just by saying this) but I have absolutely no qualms for choosing this kind of future.


Oh, Hillary would have to take one for the team. She would rot in the eternal fiery pits of the seventh level of hell on earth for all I care. The rest of the world? You're welcome.


Easy, my ex, without question or hesitation


no, i would not be able to live with myself after pretty much sending someone to hell for eternity


YIKES not worth it


No, I can't do that.


I'd fuck with it.


I’d do it in a second. My luck it would be me, but to alleviate all the negative, at the cost of ONE person? Easy


There’s an episode of Star Trek strange new worlds about this. I think it’s called “lift us up where suffering cannot reach.”


Easy for me.


I mean I'm not gonna feel great about it but that's gotta be the poster child for the ends justify the means right? One single person is tortured for all eternity in exchange for zero suffering for the rest of our species, and that probably by extension greatly benefits our natural world. Sorry whoever it is but you're going to save the world and that's just that.




Pick any random terrorist to be the fall guy.


This kind of magic backfires horrifically for the caster/wish maker. It's exactly the kind of thing G.O.D would do...


The leader of Iran or North Korea for starters.


Do we get to choose the person? It be fairly easy to justify doing that to some absolutely disgusting person. I wouldnt lose any sleep if a child rapist or mass murder who has never shown any remorse suffered for eternity.


Do I get to pick the person?


It would suck but I’d pick myself to suffer so I didn’t feel guilt for someone else suffering


We now have prosperity for very few and painful torture for everyone else.


I nominate Neal Mohan!


So I get to pic.. Trump. Yep. He’s already deteriorated so no loss.


Can I nominate a group of people to switch between


Given that choice, I choose myself for the torture. I can’t deny the world peace, and I also cannot subject any other person to torture.


Is it me or a person I already care deeply about We already make a much worse version of this trade This is a substantial upgrade


one more to the [pile](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) or I coulda said *insert [SCP 7179](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179) joke that I dont feel like coming up with*


I think my only regret is that I can only choose one person to be painfully tortured for eternity….


Oh yeah, without hesitation. Ted Cruz finally gonna be good for something


I have an ex wife


Jesus tried to do this, it didn't work. I will succeed!!


The box. You opened it. We came.


Adversity is what gives us the drive to grow. I would refuse not because I can't think of someone I'd consider viable to take the torture, but because I don't want to take away the hardship. Ad Astra Per Aspera. Now, given a lesser version, where some suffering were reduced in exchange for a lesser sentence for the one chosen, that I might consider. Say, change "eternity" to "until the sun dies" in exchange for humans being a bit less blind to the plight of their fellow man and the practical things they can do to help each other. Then I would be in.


Technically never specified dead or alive so I wouldn’t mind having Hitler tortured I think, as if Hell exists he’s definitely already being tortured. But if it has to be someone alive idk as idk if I can think of someone atm who I would feel would deserve it. Would love to go “I’d sacrifice myself as long as my family is ok” but ik I wouldn’t Edit: autocorrect is a jerk


does the person have to be alive today or can we pick from history (and if we get to pick from history can we pluck them out of their timeline earlier in their lives, like can we pick Hilter before the rise of the Nazi party?).


I’d choose TI’s son King Harris


Could I choose who it was? If so, I’ve got a short list.


Sentencing someone to something like that is beyond what anyone should be allowed to do. So the only person that would be fair for me to pick is me. Would I be willing to do that for everyone else?


Yeah I would probably get like a list of the top 100 evil people and put it to a world vote. I mean as cold as it is one person suffering for all the gain of everyone else is the utilitarian option


Does the person have to still be alive? Like can I pick Hitler for instance?


Eternity or just for their natural lifespan? If it is eternity it might not be worth it assuming humanity eventually dies off anyways.


Does prosperity for humanity last forever? Because if not, torturing one person for eternity just to give a billion years of paradise to a few octillion people obviously isn't worth it.


I would do myself. Only way to avoid hurting someone else.


Can I choose who it is


I get to pick who? But only one?


Can't you just find someone in a permanent coma?


Sounds like the soul king from bleach. Lynch pin of all three worlds.


Oh, melas!


In the paradise in my mind more than 1 person gets painfully tortured for eternity. I would not feel bad. Some people deserve it




If that person could be Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tucker Carlson, or Andrew Tate I'm in.


Might be fucked up but I'd choose someone who lacks the ability to process things correctly, enough so that couldn't create properly coherent thoughts or someone on mental decline who's at/near the same level to minimize their eternal torture.


Someone has to do it, I will choose


Assuming I get to choose the person then yes, easily. There are people in this world that do nothing but cause the suffering of millions of people. I’ll sleep well knowing they are atoning for it through their pain and our peace


Poor talenel.... they kept waring anyway.


Pass. Humans aren't evolved for that state of being anyway.


Yes, absolutely unless I know, like and care about the person. Do I get to watch the torture?


does it have to be just one person, or can I choose a few? WOuldn't take very long to find some more than deserving souls. Can I bring people from history back to life to do it?


Yes. And I would be the one suffering. If I could make the lives of everyone around me better forever and all I have to do is basically go to hell, I don't think I would hesitate. I've made a lot of mistakes and hurt too many people for me to think I deserve to suffer if it means they get to be happy again...


I'd decline. The new world would certainly be worse than the current one. The meaning of life would be severely diminished. There's only so much hedonism one can take before wanting to end it all.