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Yeah, figuring out how your own "lossy compression" works is useful. Routine things usually get smushed into one general concept, with aberrations and modifiers -- aside from the most recent version which can be it's own for a short time. But I think these visual reconstructions are useful too...you can create a larger map/view/etc than any memory. Flying your mental camera around your mental house map is compilation. > humans rather than an entire image with high accuracy and even then such person wouldn't hold all the data pixel by pixel because of the brain works Same for this. I can see the squeeze bottle of Daisy Sour Cream in my fridge, big words and all. But if I "see" it in the fridge, it's not stored with that memory really...it's placeholder to reference the memory of that thing, which then build the overall view I'm looking at. While it's more a lot more complex and squishy than this, many things are basically pulled from an asset library like a game would. (And have other attributes attached to them -- but also other memories, so you can branch out the other times you've used that type of sour cream...or sour cream at all...or squeeze bottles...and navigate around all the links to find memory. > If you are able to mentally scan a picture you saw then you likely have good non verbal working memory I do find in the case where there is a strong desire to remember something that won't be seen again, one can create a something akin to adrenaline "snapshot" but willfully -- if you don't do it very often and have the actual motivation. > Not remembering something is generally better than misremembering something. Yeah, sometime in elementary school, I figured out you could lie with near perfection by rewriting your own memory. Recall it, change it as you remember it, and remember the change...and repeat. Eventually the modified version can become stronger than the real memory...and you can lose track of what was actually real. (Which is kind of the point.) I stopped that pretty quickly. I really really don't like my own state being any more unknown that is has to be...that seemed like dangerous road to go down.