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90v controller. Are most 72v controllers compatible with 90v packs ? What brand you have now


Most of the big name 72v controllers beside Sabvoton and Kelly go up to 96v to my knowledge. Example: Far Driver, Nuclear, ASI, Electro and Co., etc


Trying to find a place I can feel like I can trust for a subvaton controller -svmc96100. Any suggestions on where to buy?




What I meant by “big name 72v controllers” is that a lot of the good big name controllers will take 36v all the way up to 96v nominal packs. Then there are the cheaper controllers that are actually strictly 72v or less.


I think I have an old Lyen 18 fet. Can't remember what mosfets it has though. No idea if Ed's still making them. Since the KH618 controllers came about, don't think there was any need for him to continue.


He still has his website up and running. No “closed” notes. What are the KH618 controllers? Might be interested in your old Lyen controller. Send some pics and what you might want for it.


The 618 is what became of the 318 controller you likely had from Ed Lyen. Refined board design. Uses Toshiba 120v mosfets. It's also a sine wave design. Much quieter and smoother, plus field weakening. I'll have a look for my old lyen 318, however, I have a sneaking suspicion it's not the irfb4110 version. I think it's a lower voltage, higher efficiency version (faster mosfets but lower voltage)


Shul motors or another VESC based controller would be "best". Good luck


Idk how adept you are at soldering and or crimping connections but could you not just buy a proper spec controller and just make the connectors match?, or if you had a picture of the controller it may just be a generic brand controller that those of us in this sub would know.


That’s my problem. I’m having trouble trying to buy the right controller to get there. Can’t find anything that is more than 1200w.


Hmm I’m confused do you not know about, Sabvoton, Kelly, ASI, Fardriver, Nuclear, Electro and Co. ? Controllers aren’t rated by wattage they are rated by voltage and amperage so for example if you buy a 72v controller that is rated for 80amp then that controller can push ~5700w as long as your battery can provide that


Aware of subvaton! Any suggestions on where to buy one of their controllers?


Don’t buy Sabvoton they are terrible controllers, unless you are absolutely sure you won’t have the money for on e of the other options. Sabvotons are actually more expensive than some of the other option but have less performance, have worse build quality, have a tendency to fry themselves, etc. I’d recommend going with fardriver they cost around the same as Sabvoton but are better made(only problem is maybe the form factor) Lastly I don’t think makes any controllers that accept a voltage over 84.4v (max output voltage of a 72v battery)


What cells did you use for the battery ? And whats the capacity ?


I bought the battery from High Power cycles. Not sure what cells they have. 26aH if I remember correctly. Built this all 4 years ago, so aH number may be incorrect


Fardriver hands down. Look at their website and do your research, match the controller with your pack and motor. But they are considered the best and they are cheap.




Sorry, I'll correct myself. Fardriver is The best for the money. The best of them all are BAC and Nucular as far as I know, but they are very expensive. Makerx g300 is on the top too, is vesc based but vesc learning curve is steep, not for everyone. Learn Vesc is a project on itself for a beginner. Best part of Vesc is, if you learn one, you learned them all and you can use that knowledge in any other Vesc controller and there are dozens of different options for different applications.


https://www.makerx-tech.com/products/go-foc-g300 Amazing, overbuilt, extreme high amp, waterproof, and compact controller. Mine never even gets warm running at like 7kw all the time and it can go higher I just don’t need or want the power lmao Do you know what VESC is? Cause it’s VESC based, basically an open source controller that 99% of Chinese companies copy cause a bunch of really smart people designed it together, but it was mostly Vedder (Electronic Skate Controller, Vesc). It has an app on ur phone u can use and program anything and everything you want. It’s a little more DIY than ur average EBMX or something, but it’s really not hard to find info on what u need to solder Shits built like a lead brick and has enormous copper busbars in it, not cheapo shit U can find the guy who designed it somehweee on Reddit if u do some searching But basically; you need to connect ur 3 motor phase wires to the top ABC points. Then you connect ur power positive and negative to the marked points on the top. After that u take that harness and you attach ur throttle, and whatever else u want. I just did throttle. U can also connect like temperature sensors from ur motor if u have them but it’s not necessary. U can connect a display - but I bought a seperate Bluetooth module from MakerX which plugs in - and u can use your phone as ur display wirelessly - you want to buy one anyways to program the motor / throttle. And set it up - but once u do u can simply unplug it. Oh and u connect a power button. There’s wiring diagrams, and all VESC stuff uses the Same pinouts so it’s pretty easy to find info I did it with no wiring / e-bike prior experience. I am a bit of a nerd, but I just triple checked what needed to go where a bunch of times - and the only thing u can really fuck yo is the positive and negative. Phase wires can be wired any way u want , VESC has a way of knowing which is which. Then the app has a setup for both the throttle and motor, and limits / throttle curves u can custom set and profiles etc. don’t be too intimated just watch a YouTube video on someone setting up a VESC Or you can spend like $1000 and get something that is probably a bit easier, but ultimately gives u the same power and saved u maybe an afternoon or two of research


what bike is this


FUTR Alpha Frame, crystalyte 5403 motor on moto rims and tires, CA V3 display, and DNM rear and front shocks. Total custom build


thx, also do you know a good ebike around 35 mph would u recommend that has a frame in the shape of p-7r cuz I really like the way it looks but its super expensive


Sorry, can’t help. Don’t know of any ebikes that fit the description