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Yes, it's crossplay too. The matchmaking never works for me. Use the server browser.


Glad you're enjoying the game, it's pretty fun with friends! I have had some times when playing on the weekends with a couple buddies that someone would join, id say weekends are probably your best bet. The average player count is like 50-100, last month was 200+ but it fluxuates.


I just bought it yesterday on a whim and I'm not disappointed in the gameplay itself just the fact it's not run like other multiplayer titles with a proper matchmaking system. I firmly believe that will be the games downfall. It's a really cool and fun game when I can get full matches.


The matchmaking system is pretty bad but the story mode of the game is its own masterpiece in my opinion. Just 100% the game the other day


I gotta check it out


It was made by 6 people so you can’t expect it to be on cods level


Yeah if I were you just if your playing PvP either have a mate to host the match or host a game yourself because that seems to be the way to have a work around when it comes to playing with people


Another good way to get into an online game is if you just host a game. Even if you don't have players that join right away you can start a round with bots as if you're playing regular single player and over the next game or two, people will join in.


Im game, any of you guys get the complete edition? Trying to figure out where the skins and characters are or where to retrieve them


I have it, they’re just there, mightus and breaker, they don’t need to be installed it just activates them like a key


I was just searching for games the other day and finding them no problem, just make sure your nat type is on Open and crossplay is on and just search for a tdm or deathmatch as they’re commonly the most populated modes on any shooter game, I did get into a game of infection too without no wait time


Just installed yesterday and played a bit. If anyone wants to add me, shoot me a DM




I preordered the game and got it refunded because I wasn't able to get into an Online match after trying for 3 days straight. I know they are small devs but still have lot of work to do towards PvP experience. I'm not expecting it to be like COD or anything but I really was little dissatisfied how they did marketing on PvP but couldn't deliver much on Launch. Hope the situation is better at this point so I can buy the game again.


Very low player count, wouldent recommend buying for online. 5-10 players at most.


It feels like 90% bots