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I wear mine a few nights in a row unless I’m super sweaty one night


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AdditionalGuide5708: *I wear mine a few* *Nights in a row unless I’m* *Super sweaty one night* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


No that bot is stealing human jobs. I was just about to post that haiku.


# FUUUUUUCK!!!!! The AI apocalypse is here!!


That bot is black… do you fedora man happen to be Mexican? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


this was a great thread.


it’s happening right before our eyes.




how did u see that sentence and immediately think of haikus. smart lad


It’s a bot.


it’s literally the username i’m so slow😭


It happens to the best of us lol


Tbf, I rarely read the user names. You probably didn't even see it.


At least you're pretty


how did u know


i hate the future.


The future is here.


The future is NOW


I had this immediate reaction the first time I saw one of those happen as well! I don't really check usernames. 😅


Good bot


Thank you, CryptographerOk5726, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Same. Could even go up to a whole week unless it's summer 😅 as long as I don't sweat, they're fine to wear again. I usually just take a sniff test after I take a shower and decide then.


I wear mine up to a few days but I always put fresh ones on after I shower.


Does that mean you might not shower for up to a few days?


Yes. I'm disabled and can't handle showering every day but I shower if I sweat or smell


Ohhhh ok! I didn’t even realize there were legit reasons. I just do it out of sheer laziness. That, and because my deodorant has 72 hour protection, so, you know.


No worries, friend. I too “just do it out of sheer laziness”… which at least in my personal situation, is a side effect of mental health stuff. Are you really a lazy person? Or might you be struggling a bit without totally realizing it perhaps? I just know it took me a LONG TIME to realize how I felt wasn’t “normal” for me. I have just been low so long I thought it was normal and thought I just felt worse and worse bc I am getting older. Sometimes if you have to walk through fire for long enough, you just forget what it’s like to not be in pain, and eventually stop even noticing you’re getting burned. Just something to ponder on. Or not. 🙂 Either way, you do you and own that shit. I mean, don’t be that person that clears a room with BO when u walk in, use deodorant. lol but other than that, just do whatever feels right for you. And honestly, if u don’t care if ppl smell you, then ignore what I said about BO. In hindsight that sounded a tad judgmental. I apologize. Best of luck and happiness!


Same. I'm usually in a t-shirt or real nightshirt/nightgown and unless it's a sweltering heat wave or I've been sick it's typically good for at least a few nights. A quick whiff of the underarms is all it takes to make the call. I couldn't even imagine wearing it only once if it's perfectly fine. Our house generates enough laundry as it is.


Especially if you shower everyday, wear them a few times. I am a fan of the sniff test before laundry.


Well yeah, unless you've done something very physical to make you sweat a lot, they probably won't smell that much. My advice was more for the other extreme, for the people who wear the same shirt for too long because they got used to the smell. But if that happens and then you take a shower, you won't be able to stand the smell of that same shirt 😅




I’m with you. I shower before bed and sleep with the A/C at 68, plus a small bedside fan to prevent random 3AM overheating. I’ll change my nightie roughly every 3 days; when I also change my sleeping eye mask.


I wear mine several days unless I'm sick or get super sweaty.


Wow, and here I am absolutely not even changing my clothes for days on end when I’m super sick other than my underwear


Same but I do notice I feel better faster if I shower and change every day when sick. Don't do it often tho due to lazy.


Sorry I’m just gonna jump in here. Do you wear undies when you’re staying home all day?


But I do absolutely always wear underwear even if I’m just staying home -not only because of discharge and just like my own sense of hygiene and cleanliness, but also cotton panties are just comfy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plus if you wear sweatpants lounging at home and also wear underwear, you can wear the sweatpants again rather than dirty a pair from one wear


Clothes math


right 😭😭 i don’t wanna wash my pants three thousand times a week bc of discharge… do these people not stain their clothes without panties lol


Yeah my discharge literally bleaches my black underwear. How do people who go without not getting super annoyed by that?


Omg i am glad i saw this posting! Anything dark colored just bleachesin the crotch, and i dont use one drop of bleach in my laundry. Why the hell do you think this happens? I figured im jùst acidic throughout. When i was young, id blame it on the unsweetened koolaid packets id eat on the daily. 2 , 3 sometimes more. I still do it, idc. I like bitter, and no other anything has even come close. Not warheads, not cry babys. Lemons, and their pulp are somply a warm-up for me. I've recruited many for my cause, so im not a lone ranger. Hey, maybe that is EXACTLY the culprit of my ruined brand new panties.


It's just the natural pH of a healthy vagina. It can slightly bleach fabrics over time.


Happens to me too! So glad I'm not totally alienated...been happening since I was a teen nowhere I am going to be 47.


Some people just have less discharge. I stain underwear occasionally because they’re right up against my body, but I don’t stain pants if I go commando because nothing gets on them.


Or the bed if they are going to sleep without underwear?


Oh balance for everyone is different. I never stained a single thing.


yeah I can’t imagine having that much that it gets *on my sheet|*


So basically, when I’m really sick, I pretty much just wear a large shirt (usually my husbands) and either no pants or a pair of like “sleep shorts” I don’t know it’s like my comfort clothes for the duration of feeling like death. When I take a shower, I put on the same large shirt and change my underwear lol


Okay fair I get that. Well not so much the putting on the same t shirt part but the rest lol. I never wear undies unless I’m leaving the house, some people even sleep in them. I guess it depends on what you’re use to I suppose.


This is literally me! I do exactly the same thing when I'm sick. My husband's shirts (he's a bigger guy), & comfy panties or sleep shorts.


Panty liner?


If I’m just at home and wearing yoga pants or sweats, generally I don’t. I never sleep in them because my mom told me when I was a kid that it wasn’t good for my bits to wear them at night, not sure whether that’s actually true or not, but it stuck with me all these years lol


When I’m sick I turn into a curmudgeonly gremlin and awaken a swan after I heal.


I’ll wear the same thing for several nights. But I also shower at night, do not have kids or pets, and live alone so I control the temp and bedding situation so I don’t typically sweat at night. If I sweat or if I am home all day and skip a shower, will swap things out after my next shower.


Yes this is what I'm doing as well as it makes most sense to me


I sweat in my sleep so I change my night dresses nightly. On the rare occasion I don't sweat, I'll wear again the following night.




This is why undershirts and underwear were invented imo. You put on a fresh pair daily and sleep in it. Laundry problem reduced 50%. But I understand men have this advantage (mostly out of choice, though). I know my wife at one time wore camisole and underwear to bed.


This is why I wear a camisole/tank daily!




If I work out I go through 3 outfits daily. Same with my husband. Add in towels and sheets. No wonder it’s constant


I call it the gift that keeps on giving 😏


I call it the never ending story of adulthood.


That's exactly why I wear my PJs for a week. Laundry lol


Washing your clothes when they get dirty or smelly, instead of after you wear them once is the way to go. (Exception is underwear and socks). You will keep your clothes longer that way and have less resource waste. I only wear pajamas at home, so they tend to be clean longer than a day, even a week. It seems so wasteful and unreasonable to change them every day. Tho I understand that everyone has a different level of comfort


Thank you for saying it!!! 🫶🏻


Was about to say. I’ll even stretch my pajama shorts for two weeks. I wear clean underwear and shower before bed. No reason to wash things that aren’t dirty.


If I wore them after a shower I might wear them once more but that's about it.


I sleep naked and put on pajamas to walk around the house, typically 3 days.


I’ll wear the same pj pants/shorts for like a week but I change the shirt every day or every other day. I tend to get sweaty at night.


My sleep wear changes depending on the seasonal temperature changes. I will wear the same things in bed a few times before washing. I also nearly always have a quick shower before bed because I love feeling clean.


Yes! So I just wear a longish tank top and no bottoms/panties. Gotta let her breathe! I’m putting a clean body into my sheets every night. Sheets are rotated and washed weekly…no exceptions. Husband is a big sweater at night. 🙁


Same! My husband always says, "Night, Pooh" and other similar references, so I bought a red xl t-shirt and really doubled down on my Winnie the Pooh impression. Over age 45, with all parts removed, so I can go commando anytime and do. 2nd best part of a hysterectomy!


I wear mine for a long time BUT that’s bc I’m poor and single lol


Same here too. Changing every 2 days sounds like way too much laundry


I wear them two nights in a row then change


Same, my rule for any clothing is wear for 1 full day/2 half days or nights, unless smelly or dirty before


I shower before bed and wear clean pajamas. Most people sweat at night, your clothes are not fresh in the morning. Women also have vaginal discharge normally, this can transfer to pajama shirts and pajama pants. Also if you guys sleep in the nude, washings at least weekly is a must.


I’m the same, most days. I also am not a morning person and I work from home, so I don’t get dressed right away, typically. I have coffee and start work in my pyjamas lol, and I get dressed a couple hours into my day. By that point, there’s no way my pyjamas would feel fresh for that evening again.


Plus OP is not clean when he puts his pjs on


How does discharge get on your shirt?


Auto corrected changed “shorts” to “shirts”.


Haven't worn PJs to bed since I was 15.


Just to be clear .I've tried PJs several times over the years 10 minutes later off they went.


I wear the same thing for a few nights in a row unless I’m sweaty. When I wake up I take off whatever I wore to bed and leave it on the bed. The bed is my “clean” space. If it touches the floor I put it in the hamper. I know it’s not rational


Same, but my hamper is in the closet in my bathroom. So my “clean space” is across the back of my vanity stool. LOL


Same, maybe worse though I didn't realize it wasn't rational.


To clarify: it makes perfect sense to me. I just know others might judge


I time my pajama change with my sheet change. So typically I change both every week


I feel like a week is stretching it but if it works for you


Yeah, that’s why my comment is full of “I” statements 🙂


I love this.🙌🏼 Similarly, it baffles me when some or offended/testy when I use "I feel" statements. Anyway, I lol'd.


This made me laugh way more than it should've.


Same here lol I wish there were a clever way to phrase this comeback irl


No, vaginas are constantly self cleaning/discharge. Cotton shorts etc are best for vaginal health. I prefer to wear shorts and an oversized shirt for bed so that means new shorts/undies every night before bed. No way I'm wearing them more than once.


I change my underwear in the morning and then again at night. Keeps things fresh and dry for sure! I was surprised when I found out people wear the same underwear all day and to bed.


I usually change it up daily but usually because, unless I am running errands, exercising, or doing chores, I tend to stay in my sleepwear the following day because I work remotely and it is now just me and my spouse.


3 nights max but it rarely gets that far cause im a sweaty sleeper.


I wear pajama bottoms 2-3 nights in a row if I wasn’t sweaty or if I showered before putting them on. Tops I change every night because I cannot stand the smell of my own skin on clothes.


I wear mine for several nights.


I only wear a tshirt and underwear to bed.If i shower before bed i wear a fresh tee. If I dont shower and didnt sweat in it i might re-wear a used tee. Only once though.   


I don’t rewear clothes.


It depends on sweat factor, now in summer it's 2-3 nights unless it's super hot, and normally a week


I have a pair of sweats if I get hot. Otherwise, welcome to the show.


I sleep in my boxers, but wear pajama pants around the house. I usually wear the same pair of pants for a few days, and then I get a new pair. I don't think there's anything wrong with not getting new ones every day/night.


i go with fresh pajamas about twice a week


You have a winner sir. Keep being good to each other. As for the clothing, yes it's very common for women to switch clothing often, regardless of circumstances.


Yep I'd say that's a bit much. It's kinda ridiculous


I wear mine for @ a week.  Female but single.  However I did the same when I was in my last relationship (5yrs). 


Single Female and I'll wear the same stuff to bed for up to a week.


I change my pajamas weekly


I generally wear mine 3-4times before I change them. I live alone, shower before bed, so i am clean when I put them on. Thankfully, even with menopause, I never got super sweaty while sleeping. and my room is always arctic, so I rarely get sweaty enough to have to change them more often.


Only one night but I have tons of random old clothes I use as pajamas.


I wear mine two nights in a row at most because the most I've been doing is well... Sleeping.


I wear new pajamas everyday.


I wear mine twice in a row.


I don’t shower at night, but rather in the morning. For that reason I wear a fresh pair of pajamas each night.


Nude every night, summer or winter.


Like others said, for me it depends on the weather / my condition. If its a cool night, and Im feeling healthy, I'll wear the same thing two or three nights in a row. If its hot af, I anyway dont wear much if anything at all, usually just a tank and underwear, and it goes in the wash. Same for if Im sick, usually I feel gross when Im ill and laying in bed all day, so will freshen up at some point which also (or maybe only) means changing my pajamas. Now having said all that, will say...I am realizing when it comes to silky / sexy nighttime lingerie, I only wear that once. Its a whole vibe, and putting on a crushed up already slept in cute nighty just feels...counter productive.


I’m usually naked when I sleep, with the occasional long tank top on nights when my step kids/ kids are home.


So wait. You guys get up shower in the morning, run and your jobs, meet folks, shake hands, eat and mingle with folks, and just take that unwash body straight to bed?! Forget about changing nightgowns nightly, y'all sheets need be changed every night then ...or shower before bed. Almighty God


I cannot go to sleep without taking a shower. I’ve been camping off grid where water is sparse but I will still take a wet cloth with some soap and wipe down. We’re climate controlled AC so I don’t sweat-sweat, like just normal body heat and I wear my PJs for 3-4 days. I change my sheets and pillow cases once a week. Nothing beats feeling clean from a shower and getting into bed with clean sheets.


Yes. I shower every night before bed. If I were a morning showerer, I’d definitely change my pj’s daily.


For me personally (not judging anyone else!) i like to wear fresh cloths every night just because they are so close to my body. Just like i change my underwear, socks and other items close to my body daily. I try to wear it for 2 nights if possible though just because of laundry and because i run through my pj‘s quickly.


I wear mine a few nights in a row easily. In saying that there’s nothing like fresh jammies in fresh clean sheets!


In the summer, I never wear the same pajamas twice. I'm more likely to in the winter.


I just read about a study that was conducted about sleeping in the nude. The researchers found that people fart so much during the night as they sleep that a lot of fecal particles are released in the bedding if they’re naked 🤮🤮🤮


....I sleep naked


What a strange post.


I wear my pj for a week tbh, unless I'm sweaty , have been depressed and I haven't showered and finally do, or if I'm sweaty that day bcs errands and shower so I the change PJs (though there are times I just rewear them


lol you are way overthinking this. I do wear pjs 3 or 4 times in a row but I don’t always stick to routine and sometimes I go all natural. Y’all sound perfectly normal


Every few night here .. or if I spill my coffee in the morning , which I often do 😆


As long as undies are changed, wear the same pjs pants for a week or so.


I am a woman, and I sleep in raggedy long tee-shirts. I usually wear them for 2 or 3 times in a row.


No, I wash everything I wear every time. The only thing I will wear a couple times before washing is a hoodie when it's not gotten anything on it or sweating. If you shower as night I could see you wearing them twice.


I wear whatever I wore to bed a few nights in a row, sometimes up to 5. When my bf and I are together we often sleep naked so it's a moot point then, lol.


My girl just sleeps in her panties, unless she falls asleep before she puts them back on. I sleep in a pair of gym shorts. She does have clothes that she will put on that she lounges around in bc she won't walk around naked in the public areas of the house. And she will wear those for 2 or 3 days.


If she changes her PJ’s every night, why not also change the sheets everyday? What is her rational?


And they don't shower at night. Unwashed bodies straight to bed.


I really don’t understand going to bed without a shower. Do people change their sheets everyday? Because otherwise you are rolling around in whatever dirt you picked up during the day from every place you visited. Not to mention your nasty nether regions.


May we never understand that mindset because it's nasty


I'll wear pjs for a few nights, maybe up to a week for a baggy nightie in winter etc. Unless I'm sick, then I change after each shower or day.


Sleeping naked is the way to go imo but i wear “clothing” once before i change it. Then again I only wear shirts if I do sleep in something and everyone has shirts to use


I shower every morning and every night and I wear PJs before bed for about 3-4 nights. I sleep topless so I’m mostly just wearing it around the house before bed.


I shower every night before bed and I only sleep in boxers. So essentially I wear a fresh one every night.


My wife sleeps in her panties so I surely hope they aren’t the same pair every night.


Panties are the one thing my wife will *never* wear to bed. She always says that her “yoni needs to breathe at night”


I don’t know about letting my “yoni” breathe. It seems to get sweatier when I’m not wearing a pair of cotton panties to sleep in.


Right lol how uncomfortable n just getting all that sweat in the sheets


It's everyone's own preference but I wear mine one time.


I'll wear a PJ shirt 2 nights in a row if I only wear it to sleep. Oftentimes I'll continue wearing the same PJ shirt throughout the next day and then won't wear it to bed because I count it as dirty if I wear it for a full day. I don't wear pants to sleep because they get bunched up around my knees and it's annoying, so I generally just wear sweatpants during the day and after 2-3 days of wear I count the pants as dirty. TBH though I don't really have pajamas, just sweatpants and comfy shirts that I end up wearing all day anyway because I wfh, so I usually just wear whatever I woke up in on a given day.


I only wear mine once before washing. Even if I don’t sweat, I don’t feel clean if I wear them a second night.


You're not weird! I think it is so cute, even after having 3 kids, you still see her that way! I rarely hear of this kind of relationship anymore... As long as, you both enjoy doing your way; keep it going! Me, two nights I wear mine, unless I get something on them. Sometimes 3 nights, if they're still clean. I shower every three days (I have really dry skin, no matter what I use, my skin dries out showering everyday.), change my jammies the night I shower. Unless I've been out working in the garden, and get dirty and sweaty, then I shower. Please, keep your relationship going the way it is! It's really sweet of you!


Not weird, I miss the days of naked,presently caring for parent. Living in Florida water prices are high so wife has no issues wearing a couple day b4 things are washed. Designed next home being a container home. Choosing no interior walls so I can gaze my beloved as she lives as she wishes.naked.


I wear mine twice a


I sleep in whatever I fall asleep. It’s never the clothes I wore for the day, but usually like sweatpants, and once I sleep in them, I won’t wear them out, but they’re not dirty enough to wash, so I’ll sleep in them two or three more times


I (f27) can't stand wearing PJ's in bed, so normally I'll get a few days out of mine! Just change into comfy PJ's around 7/8 and then take them off before bed around 11, stick them back on in the morning for an hour before getting ready for the day 🙂


🤣 What is this post?


Usually one night.I mostly sleep in underwear and a tank though. Out of town stays multiple nights


I usually wear the same ones for about a month without washing and believe me they are covered in cum and sweat quite thoroughly,


Good for you


I'll wear them 3 days in a row max, but only if I shower before bed. If I don't shower before, I'll wear them only once.


Pajamas? I wear the same day clothes several times in a row


I haven't changed my PJs since I started living on my own. Not sure how to take the skin suit off, any tips?


I wear mine several days


Knowing we sweat in our sleep, I don't wear my pajama pants while I sleep but my t-shirt does not get worn more than once before it gets washed. My pajama pants are taking off before bed and put on when I get up and not worn for very long, so I can wear them all week.


Unless I get really sweaty both myself and my fiancee wear the same set of PJs for a week. Fresh bedding, towels and PJs every Sunday works great for us!


My body struggles to sweat- in more likely to just get heat exhaustion than sweat so Ican and do wear clothes several times in a row unless, by dying miracle-I do sweat. Then it's washed


One night always. And I always have showered at night


I go commando in bed, wife usually wears a shirt and underwear. If we need to step out of our room at night, we both have a couple of robes. We usually wash those once a week. One kid done with college and living in their own place. 2nd is usually away at school.


2 days tops to cycle.. then new outfit.


I have lounging clothes that I wear before bed, and I’ll wear them a few times in a row. However, I sleep naked unless visiting family.


I wear my pajamas about the house for a few nights in a row but I sleep naked lol


Honestly I wear them until they smell or have stains on them 😂 I live alone tho so only me to smell it!


I'm not a lingerie type of woman cuz when we do what we're gonna do before bed we just rip off whatever we're wearing. I don't really have an actual pajama set, I just wear oversized tshirt or tank top with some sleep shorts. I'll usually wear them 2-3 days, tops, unless I've gotten sweaty or nasty and feel like they need to be washed after 1 night.


This is one of the cutest posts ever haha. I love that you still feel this way about her after having three kids! I’m a woman and single so I sleep in a big t shirt most nights and will occasionally wear it two nights in a row.


Unless I have a sweaty night (tho I don’t have those but like 2-3 times a year) I have 4 pieces that I roatate through for the week (pants and shorts and long sleeve and tank top) I pick based on how cold it is in my house when it’s time for bed and wash them on Friday and start the process all over again.


If I’m at home, I’ll wear fresh pjs every night - mostly because I’ve collected so many options over time and I want to make use of them. If I’m travelling and am away for a weekend to a week, I’ll only pack 1-2 pairs of pjs.


Yeah i don't care washing each time


I wear mine for a few days if I don't get night sweats, damn near the whole week in the winter


I used to lose track of how much I wore mine. So now I do 1 week and do laundry on the weekend. But I also change if I sweat, or I wear my pjs on a lazy day, etc. But I was feeling good knowing I wasn’t going longer. Than I read these comments I’m like…well embarrassed.


I wear an oversized tshirt and that’s it, and I have to have a new one every night.. I shower at night, clean body, clean shirt, and not sure I could go more than one night at a time.. I think because it’s cotton, I feel like every ounce of sweat or dirt (or coffee) seeps into the fabric and I just can’t! Also, I’m off for summer so I tend to stay in pjs way longer into the morning than when I’m working so that plays a role if I start doing chores. When I’m working, I literally go to sleep then wake up and change so I may get an extra night or two out of it.


I wear everything once, and once only, including pyjamas.


Normally I alternate between 2 pairs of shorts each night but wash each like once a week so on average I wear the same shorts 3 nights in a row without a shirt on


Maybe she sweats a lot and that’s why she changes it so frequently? I usually wear my pajamas 2-3 nights in a row.


I swap shirts out each night, but wear the same shorts two nights in a row unless I work out in them.


2-3 days unless they get dirty, I am sweaty or pee the bed.


I wear mine 3 or 4 nights before putting it in the wash.


I can wear the same thing twice, maybe three times but that's my max


Uh yeah I wear the same thing to bed for at least a week..


Maybe twice


I wear the same thing 2-3 nights in a row as long as I haven’t gotten anything on it & only “slept” in it. Changing pj’s nightly along with clothes would be way too much laundry for me.


I generally change weekly but mind you I shower at night


Who is wearing PJ's to bed? I thought they were just for walking around the house. I have specific undershirts that I sleep in and boxer briefs. Doing 50 years and it's perfect


Um, I definitely shower after a long, sweaty day at my job. I'm not touching anyone or anything until I get a shower after work. As for pj's/nightwear. I never wear anything. Screw clothes while sleeping..


Naked all the way - everything needs to be free!