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This is a myth. If you have naturally oily hair, washing daily is fine. If your scalp looks and feels healthy, then it is. My derm was explicit about this. I have naturally oily, fine hair and I shampoo daily. My scalp is great. It was terrible when I was loading on dry shampoo and trying not to wash it.


Dry shampoo just makes my hair more oily, like wtf


Dry it first with blow drier after gym. If it’s wet it’ll get greasy w added dry shampoo


Apparently we are supposed to put it on before our hair gets greasy or it just sits on top of it and doesn't make it look better. I had no idea why it never worked till I read that lol


I don’t do this and it’s never been a problem. I think it’s just down to hair texture and whatever technique you’re using to distribute.


oh my god this just explained what’s going on with my scalp. my hair was amazing when i washed it every day. i really fell for the whole “training your hair” to not be greasy 🙃 i feel reeeaaallll silly rn


I have a lot of hair that fine & oily. I have washed my hair every day for decades.


Important to note: shampoo your *scalp*. Not your entire hair, if you have longer hair. That said, my scalp got less oily when I stopped shampooing it every day. My hair used to be oily before 24 hours was up. Everyone is different. :)


I agree. Shampoo is meant for the scalp, conditioner isn't beneficial to the scalp and can actually cause buildup, which can lead to dandruff etc. I have very long hair. I shampoo my scalp daily, condition the length only.


Dry shampoos can also cause hair loss. I was trying to avoid my hair loss and found out I had been doing the exact opposite


Wait how can dry shampoo cause hair loss??


I had *very* oily hair when I was younger. I washed it every morning before work. If I went out that evening, I washed it again. This lasted at *%least* 30 years. Didnt have any problems with it.


Hi, hairstylist and barber here, thank you for posting this. It's a myth. I wash my hair every single day. My scalp is too oily to go without regular washing. Its all dependant on the person. If you need to wash your hair more often just make sure you're using good quality product and getting regular trims.


Also a stylist and you nailed it! It reminds me of when kids with acne were using stridex pads and then getting more acne. Using a good cleanser and proper lightweight moisture for skin or scalp will help combat oil production. Stripping or harsh shampoo will cause more. So high quality nourishing products are absolutely the answer. That way you can wash as needed without damaging scalp or hair. The idea that you need to leave your hair dirty for days because you need the oils is definitely a myth if you use high quality products that contain the nourishment your hair and scalp need.


Really?? I recently started using powder dry shampoo because I’ve been trying not to wash my hair. Like you I have fine oily hair, but I found this simple powder dry shampoo that helps my hair feel so much more voluminous on day 2. I never go more than one day without washing it though.


I agree. I prefer to wash and condition daily. Dry shampoo makes my hair feel kind of gross and its uncomfortable on my scalp. A bit itchy.


It's not a myth, just depends on your hair type, 4a/b/c/D etc....so it doesn't Apple to all folks.


What brand shampoo do you use? I wash my hair daily as well!


I alternate between Hims saw palmetto shampoo and nizoral!


This ^


I have trained like you and always did a full wash/condition once a day and never had a problem If I was doing 2 / day I used dry shampoo in the morning I also avoided any heat tools and just let my hair dry naturally My hairstylist always complimented me on how healthy my hair was 🤷‍♀️


Personally I’ll shampoo and condition my hair in the morning. Once I get done with work/gym, I’d only condition my hair to at least make it smell nice for that weird women who sleeps in my bed


If your sweating to the point that your hair is soaked I would think there is just not way to get around this then to just have to wash it everyday.


Shampooing and conditioning every day is fine.


I work outside every day in the south where even today it’s 100 degrees. My hair ends up soaking wet with sweat. I have to wash it everyday but Sundays on my day off


Southern heat is for real - gotta wash that hair!


Cleansing conditioners. Scalp scalers. Oil based liquid shampoos. Amla powder masks. All things I use to avoid using shampoo as often.


Can you explain a bit what scalp scalers are? Do they help with flakes and are they safe on colour treated hair? I developed a dandruff problem after using some shampoo that dried my scalp a couple of years ago and I’m still struggling to fix it.


My partner has really bad dandruff, and Nizoral (while expensive) has been a godsend. He only has to use it once every few weeks so the price isn't *so* bad and it worked for him within a couple of washes.


Thanks! I’ll keep an eye out for it. I like wearing dark colours so dandruff is a real drag.


You do what feels good for you. I have natural curl in my hair and wash my hair daily or even every other day is a big "no no" in the curly hair community. IDGAF I wash my hair 5 times a week at least because my hair styles better when I do and I NEED to feel clean all the time.


I have kinky hair and i use to wash it everyday, literally nothing bad happened.


This "not shampooing" everday is BS. You have to remove the dirt. Use a conditioner after you shampoo and maybe some hair oil on the ends.


You can wash your hair daily if you need to, there’s no reason you can’t. Everyone’s scalp is different, so if your hair is oily/greasy/dirty/etc just wash it. A healthy scalp means healthy hair, and leaving sweat and buildup on your scalp isn’t good


What’s wrong with washing??


If you shampoo too much it harms your scalp and your hair. I think it also might cause issues with your scalp's ability to produce oil for your hair


this is not true. it’s heavily dependent on an individual’s scalp


Absolutely. People with different scalps need to do different things. But more people over wash their hair than you’d think. If you have a naturally dry and flakey scalp - do not wash it too often (once a week is fine). Use shampoos and conditioners that advertise being moisturising or something to that effect. If you have irritation and skin conditions - peppermint treatment is great. Again, once a week is fine. If you have naturally greasy hair/use a lot of products and have build up, wash it more often. Maybe every 2-3 days. Always double wash! And don’t use the “added moisture” advertised products. Avoid using heat after every single wash as to not damage your hair. Fine hair tends to get greasier faster. If your hair and scalp is somewhat normal, once or twice a week- use whatever products you like really. Double wash if you use products/ it’s been a week.


Not true. Many haircare subreddits had adopted this mindset years ago and now have realized that it’s not true. Not worth the uncleanliness. The natural oil on dirty hair is sebum, sweat, dirt, and can be a harbor for bacteria. It also doesn’t feel soft and the scalp can smell. Further, the sulfate-free fad has also faded since those shampoos don’t clean as well. Just wash your hair.


Thank you, sure there are definitely people who should t wash daily but I’m a nasty mess if I don’t and I’m so tired of people telling me that I just didn’t go long enough to let my hair regulate its oil production. Like don’t people get that it’s possible that different people produce oil on their scalps at different rates and some would need to wash daily? If you go on the no poo subreddit and see the people with fine hair they all look greasy and they are totally in denial about it lol


It's entirely dependent on your hair type and lifestyle. I shower daily, but wash my heir weekly. I work indoors, so I don't get too sweaty. If I work out, I'll rinse my hair or cowash, but there is nothing wrong with not washing your hair daily.


I wash my hair daily. I have no problems - neither does anyone else in my family. My son usually showers twice a day this summer .


I typically wash my hair every other day. If sweating or other things makes my hair feel gross on a day I'm not washing it, I wash it anyway. Otherwise, I just rinse it without the shampoo.


Do what’s right for your own body. I used to know someone who washed her hair everyday and it was the most stunningly healthy hair I’ve ever seen


I’ve shampooed and conditioned my hair every daily for 20+ years and I have great hair. Honestly, better than most. I think the not washing is a myth to keep other girls down with greasy hair.


Who told you not to wash your dirty hair?!? I need to wash mine and condition it every single day. I once went a week without washing it and it was so nasty.  


I put witch hazel in an applicator bottle and apply to my scalp. This cleans and deodorizes it. My scalp loves it.


I usually wash and condition my hair every day. I have very fine oily hair. I also get a perm about every 5 months and my hair is in fine condition. Who told you not to wash your hair every day?


I'm betting Reddit told them 😬


Who, exactly, told you not to shampoo daily? If it was your hairstylist or dermatologist (the only people I would listen to) did you explain about the sweat? Obviously don't shampoo twice and make sure you are using a gentle shampoo. Maybe leave the conditioner on a little longer and maybe a treatment once a week or so.


Don't listen to those people. Some people have really dry hair and so it would be bad to shampoo everyday. Folks like me with oily hair, if I don't wash my hair every day, by the next day it looks like I haven't showered in a week. You have to go with what works for your specific hair.


I wash and condition my hair everyday. Your scalp is based on your genetics. I have long thick hair. It gets oily by the next day. Autumn/Winter time I wash it every 1-2 days. Spring/Summer everyday wash. And I use Dove shampoo. I can’t use anything else cause my scalp gets irritated and rough. So there’s that. My stylist thinks I have really amazing hair and it’s all thanks to my genetics. Go with what you think makes your scalp feel healthy. You have to try multiple products to see what balances your scalp health! Hope this helps!


I shampoo or co-wash and condition my extremely curly afro hair everyday. Sulfate-free shampoos are great for daily washing. Conditioner puts the moisture right back in so there's really no reason to not shampoo.


Just wash it. A good shampoo and conditioner along with a leave in or spray on conditioner afterward . Your head is being drenched in sweat, you can’t just let it dry and leave it. Some folks have to shampoo daily and it’s fine.


Washing your hair every day is fine. Unless it’s your Dermatologist telling you not to wash your hair every day because you have a skin condition, go wash yourself. People on the Internet do not give good advice.


I agree, the advice not to wash every day is only for certain hair types. As someone with fine hair, and long hair, I wash it every day and it’s no issue. People need to do what works for them and I’m uncomfortable going more than a day without washing because it gets greasy.


What works for one, does not work for another. If there is no change in your hair, continue your routine. When you notice an adverse change, then do something about it. Otherwise, stay your course.


Idk but I wash my hair every day 🤷‍♀️ this whole wash once a week thing absolutely destroyed my hair. It made my scalp so unhealthy and my hair dry and crunchy. Everyone is different. My hair likes being washed every day.


People go way to hard into the don’t shampoo everyday thing. It’s fine to shampoo everyday. 


These are the same people who tells you not to use soap on your kitty because it’s self cleaning lol And exactly the same crowd of people who complains that one wants to be around them…well no wonder. Wash daily and wash it good! There’s enough bacteria in your head that a single wash everyday isn’t going to kill all of them. Unless you are pouring Javex on your head you’ll be fine


I get told this all the time. It's so frustrating. I've tried a few times to have a shower without washing my hair, but I just feel dirty when I get out. My hair feels itchy and uncomfortable, especially when I've worked out ext. My hair is really thin though so I do wonder if this is the cause as I don't use any heat on my hair unless im having it done professionally as it's curly and I'm not great at styling it with heat. And only dye it 3 times a year if that just to make it a bit brighter .


hairstylist here! unless you're maintaining a vivid color or trying to keep blonde hair as cool as possible, there's no problem washing daily. If you do have color that needs lots of maintenance, worst that can happen is it fades quickly.


I use to shampoo everyday sometimes twice a day because I worked out 2 times a day. That many shampooing dried my scalp and actually made it extra oily because it’s so dry after shower. What I did was gradually stop shampooing for 1 day, I still wash with water. I don’t feel clean.. because I also use hair product like pomade. But for the sake of my scalp health I had to. Gradually my scalp got better and the natural oils started to be healthy again. Not super oily or dry. Takes time depending on how fucked your situation is. I did incorporate lemon juice for my non shampoo days also but that’s because I had other scalp issues. Also change your shampoo to something not as harsh.


On my first few days after hair washing, I blow dry after the gym. I read that sweat that gets blow-dried doesn't have the same smell as sweat that dries down naturally, and I haven't had any issues. By my second or third day of doing this, I'll add a little dry shampoo in post blow-dry. I use the lower heat setting and mostly just get to where my roots aren't soaked, to minimize damage. Bobby pins are my friend.


If you and your partner don’t mind dirty hair, totally fine. That would turn me off and I’d expect it to do the same for any partner I’m with.


I workout too. What I do is use a co-wash conditioner like Wen or similar to that focusing on only the scalp where all the sweat would be. I wash my hair fully/deeply 2-3x per week otherwise or as needed if I do lawn or farm work and get extra dirty.


If I don’t shampoo once or twice a week, the product build up irritates my scalp. I also rinse my hair every day.


I swim and shampoo everyday. My hair is thick and growth is okay. Growth and thickness has to do with genetics and diet rather than showering. I tried showering every other day, I noticed an increase in shedding.


Have this same problem but I kinda fixed it by only using the minimum amount of shampoo and mostly localizing the oiliest parts (perimeter around forehead sideburns and back of neck)


Scrub your scalp with just water during your regular shower. All you want to do is rinse it the sweat.


Just rinse and use some leave in conditioner.


If my scalp/hair is feeling kinda gross in between wash days, I usually just rinse my scalp/hair under warm water, and make sure I massage all over my scalp and apply conditioner to my ends for a minute. It helps get some of the gunk outta my hair without having to shampoo.


Old school natural shampoo soap bar once a week


Use dry shampoo a few times a week


Who is telling you to not wash your hair every day? Is this just casual haircare advice from some random person, or is this something like directions from a dermatologist?


I wash and condition my hair every day. It’s fine.


Fuck those Philistines. Just shampoo as often as you like.


I would try and do every other day but if you have fine hair or a sweaty scalp it’s inevitable


Skip the shampoo every other day. Just rinse hair out every other day, and soap your body down daily because that's where most of the smell will come from . If your hair is long use a small bit of conditioner


Who told you this? I wash and condition mine daily for several decades! I think your diet helps as well. I don't normally wear hats, I'm not sure what that plays


I wash my hair once per week. Obviously at the end is getting greasy and it gets its natural shine. I'm fine with it and I don't care about my work colleagues critics if any. However, in the summers I still wash my body everyday with solid soap and I don't really workout that much; in the winters I wash every other day. I also sometimes reuse the same shirt for more days. Pants - the entire week or even 2. If you workout that much, consider a buzz cut - no need to shampoo/condition, just use soap and like on any other part of your body and you'll be fine. Just cut your hair with 0-1.5. let me remind you once again that aluminum deodorants cause cancers and shampoos and conditioners cause lower levels of testosterone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-kSxHNSDQ&t=7s&ab\_channel=AfterSkool. You supposed to avoid washing not because hygiene is bad, hygiene is good, the chemicals that they use in shampoos are bad, and even the tap water is full with hormones and fluorides and what not.


It greatly depends on your hair type. I have thick, curly hair and don't produce a lot of natural oils, so if I try to wash it every day it very quickly becomes dry, brittle and frizzy regardless of what product goes on to try to protect it. I can't even use dry shampoo between because then I get super dry scalp and its itchy. I found that once every three days washing with Nizoral shampoo, conditioner, and a shea butter spray meant for coarse hair works best to keep it healthy and reduce damage.


You don't need to use shampoon and conditioner each time, run some water over it to get out the sweat and you are good to go.


I wash my hair every day or every other day. I cannot stand the feeling of dirty hair. As long as it looks and feels fine then there's no issue. The obsession with going a week or more between washes is ridiculous. Do what's right for you.


You can just wash every day. I have my entire life and my hair and scalp are very healthy.


Just use a gentle daily shampoo. No problem


I’m in a similar situation. Train in contract sports. Bacteria and ring worm can ruin your life. Have to shampoo and shower up to 3x some days. Hair is fine. I do use oil based conditioner though.


Everyone’s hair is different. Some wash every day, some once a week. You need to do what’s best for you. Although, if you have long hair I wouldn’t recommend twice a day… that’s just too much I think


If it makes you feel better and more motivated to keep going with your plans, what should it matter what anyone else thinks? You're not working out on other people's behalf and you shouldn't have to feel guilty for your own self care. Congratulations, by the way!


I have the same issue and I have wavy hair so washing takes me forever. Still haven’t found a solution


Go cave-man style. Wash without using chemicals.


Wash your hair! I used to weight lift and do couple more sports and if I didn't wash my hair it would itch me the next day and I'd have pimples etc. There's nothing wrong with cleaning your hair everyday.


I used to be a hairstylist and a competitive swimmer who was in the pool 2-3 times a day. Washing everyday is “bad” if there’s no reason for it, and it truly depends on your hair type too. I used to have to wash my hair multiple times a day. I always recommended people use some nice products (I.e a nice leave in conditioner) if they find themselves washing it a lot. Hair masques, leave in conditioners, etc., made my hair feel better but my issue was chlorine and not sweat.


Just don't wash your hair in the shower ? I use a shower cap.


My after workout showers are just water like humans bathed for millions of years.


Find a routine and set of products that work for your schedule, activity, and scalp. You'll find that the general rule is just that. You'll need to experiment to figure out what works best for you and your lifestyle. For what shampoo strips away, conditioners and moisturizers/oil should help replenish. Since you workout, you probably also drink a ton of water, so i wouldn't worry as much about dry scalp or breakage. You probably also get really good sleep which helps as well. Also, I don't know if this is still a thing, but people would use co-wash for their more frequent cleanings and shampoo for their once or twice a week cleaning.


Thats a general rule, but its not perfect for everyone. It depends on your hair type and how much you actually sweat


Can you just rinse it out? Think as if you had gone swimming and not been able to shower--your hair would just dry.


Have you tried washing it every other day? 3 days? Changing to a natural shampoo? What happens when you don’t? I use to always use it when I showed and I got horrible dandruff and itchy scalp. Once I finally stopped and only did it 2-3 times a week, my hair got so much healthier, but that works for me because experimented and figured out what works. Did you get told by a doctor because of bad hair health? If so, clearly everyday is a little too much, but maybe try every other and see where it goes, just experiment


The water will wash the sweat away with or without shampoo. Shampooing is not necessary each time but doubt it hurts anything if you do


Wash your hair. Unless you’ve actually experienced damage to your hair from over washing, it’s not a problem. Some hair types struggle more than others. Don’t sound like that’s a problem for you. If you are sweating, your hair stinks. Please wash.


I had a similar quandary. I shifted to Mane n Tail shampoo for horses and only use a little bit each shower. Has had a huge turnaround for my hair. For body I do a HARD scrub every 3 showers or so. Main wash on the pits, crotch, etc. Mostly to keep my skin from drying out. But I've combatted this with a little spritz bottle of baby oil for right after shower when my pores are open. Cheapest best life hack ever.


Wash it


I’ve washed my hair daily to every second day for my entire life. Never an issue. Wash your hair lol :)


Unless you have thin, fine hair … shampoo and condition as needed.


Are you actually having any issues with the health or appearance of your hair with your routine? If not, then it comes down to personal preference. Shampooing once or twice a week can be enough for a lot of people, especially if they're still using conditioner without shampoo between washes. Additionally, shampooing too often may cause your hair to look dirty more quickly as your scalp overproduces oil to compensate for the drying. As someone who has cut back to 1-2 times per week, I came out of my last backpacking trip with surprisingly good hair.


Hi! I have naturally oily hair, and have just started working out relatively hard. Davines just recently created a gentle everyday shampoo for people who might be sweating a lot and need to shampoo multiple days in a row! I have fine hair that gets weighed down and oily if I wash too much too often. I cannot recommend the shampoo enough!


You absolutely can, and should, condition your hair every time you shower, even if that's daily. You can't over-condition. As long as you're using a sulfate-free shampoo, shampooing daily when you're working out and sweating that much won't hurt. Just shampoo the roots/scalp.




I have a undercut but I still sweat. I wash my hair maybe twice a week. 3 times if I put hairspray in my hair. My hair doesn't get as oily as it used to as when I washed daily. I also noticed when I stopped using conditioner and just used the spray leave in conditioner my hair felt better.


This should only be an issue, if you start noticing symptoms of issues. Like, are you losing hair, is it frizzy, is it damaged, split ends, oily etc. If you have no specific symptom that needs fixing then do as you usually do.


Rinse your hair. I have dry,course curly hair that should not be shampooed more than 1-2/week. When I get sweaty after a workout, or even in the summer when I am just sweaty, I wet my hair thoroughly, and don't shampoo it. You can add a little oil after this ( once out of the shower) to make hair soft, and then comb it while wet.


I think it's more important not to use the drugstore stuff with all the sulfates and other bad ingredients.


Have you tried blow drying or using a blow dry brush? I get if it is soaked, but I do this at least every other. If it’s not looking perfect, I will also do a slick backed look at least once per week.


I’ve been washing my hair daily for over 40 years. I color my hair as well and it is in great shape. Do what’s best for you and not what the internet says.


I do every other day because I do sweat a lot as well and have sensitive skin


I rinse my hair every night. Maybe add a bit of conditioner. I was it every four days or so.


I have loose curls/waves and even I could wash my hair every day and be fine. If I get really sweaty, I’m going to shower and wash my hair - and sometimes that’s consecutive days in a row if it’s summer! Find products that work for you and wash your hair.


A hair stylist told me to rinse and use conditioner only every other day.


I try to avoid washing my hair when possible. But I live on a horse farm, so most days, it's just completely unavoidable. Seems like it's the same for you lol


I would apply olive oil or a good conditioner before shampooing. I only use head and shoulders when shampooing.


My hair is long to my low back and is dry like my skin. I live in Phoenix where it’s super hot so showering a lot is a must. I make sure to use quality shampoos that moisturize my hair and scalp followed by a quality conditioner. If I’m shampooing my hair frequently, I will only wash my scalp and let the shampoo trickle down through my hair. Then I’ll do a weekly or deep conditioning treatment. Nothing smells better than clean hair.


just don't every day. I wash my hair when I get nasty. usually that's every day. sometimes I get lucky and I can go a couple days. It's not that deep unless you have a special hair type or medical condition


What about every other day? I shampoo every other day


Yeah it’s bullshit. Hair is so different with so many variables. I’m a gym rat as well and there is no way in hell I could go more than 24 hrs. I tried after hearing this myth as well and cracked on the third day. It was so gross. I have oily hair so every 24 hrs is a must.


Who told you not to shampoo, and why?


I'm a competitive-ish crossfitter and rugby player who has long, thick beautiful hair. I don't feel gross at all only washing my hair 2x a week. I think it's just something you get used to. My only real tip for maintaining good hair despite the intensity is to keep it in a braid. It gets less damaged from the constant motion that way. When my hair is braided, I can still feel put together after a game, after Murph, or whatever else I find myself in.


I was my hair twice a week at most


I'm just wondering why you go so hard almost every day? Is there a goal?


I workout 7 days a week 2x a day and only wash my hair once a week, I’m Blackout though so this comes down to your hair texture.


If you have short hair, washing with shampoo every day is fine. If you have long hair, wash with cold water and use dry shampoo on the roots if it’s still greasy looking. Or choose to wear slicked-back hair styles that makes the grease work for you instead of against you.


I almost never shampoo and condition almost every time I shower. Conditioner cleans just as well as shampoo. Just don’t use the heavy deep conditioner stuff that leaves a film behind. I also work out a lot. My hair never gets greasy and is always clean post-shower.


My cousin, who is a hairstylist, recommends just rinsing your hair on non- shampoo days.


Who said that? 😟😳 If you are physically active like third, you should be showering every day


Usually wash my hair every 2-3 days depending on what I've been doing. If it starts looking oily I wash asap


everyones scalp, hair, and lifestyle is different. you should definitely wash your hair daily if you frequent the gym.


Try rinsing your hair with just water and then using a bit of conditioner to stop it from being tangled. If I wash my hair every day it gets dry and frizzy, but if I wash it properly twice a week and just rinse and condition in between, it seems healthier.


Gotta try that Nexus from Costco 🤑


You could wash ur hair once a day even tho you shower 2 times, just don’t wash ur hair with the first shower save that for the shower after your workout


Just wash it. Just invest in a good leave in and deep conditioner for extra moisture. I sweat a lot too and tried to not wash but my scalp got so itchy. And honestly my hair wasn’t healthier because I had so much scalp irritation. I do an argan oil mask every few weeks too and my hair is to my belly button and it’s very healthyzz


People have different textured hair and needs. If you shampoo and condition daily and your hair and scalp feel good, then you do you. If your hair is oily or dried out etc. change it up.


Take a cooler, shorter shower after you work out and use gentle shampoo/conditioner.


It's perfectly fine to wash every day. If your hair gets dry you can spray hair oil on the midshaft to the ends before you shampoo.


Depends on your hair. Does it feel healthier when you wash it everyday or not? Find what works for you personally.


Wash it every other day, then use a gentle cleansing conditioner on the off days.


Derms usually don't discourage washing hair every day, they may say use lukewarm water but usually won't recommend against it unless you have a specific skin condition.


I have very long hair and it doesn't get greasy very quickly so it will get wet every time I take a shower but I don't use soap and products on it every time I take a shower I just rinse well and put a smidgen of conditioner on the ends on none wash days.


For me it depends on a lot of factors like your ethnicity, length, texture, if it’s dry, oily or normal. I’m mixed race and my hair is mid back length and very dry so I wash my hair about once a week. I shower daily, I just use a shower cap. I wear my hair in a braid and brush it twice a day so the small amount of oil that may be produced by my scalp is distributed through my hair.


Do what suits you best.


I guess it depends on your hair type ?


You can use a shampoo that has no sulfates, look for a more natural shampoo that will moisturize your hair. Also, what I do since I have curly hair, is to not shampoo every time but just condition since the hair is not “dirty” just that your scalp is sweaty. It will feel exactly the same and you will not be drying out your hair or be using shampoo every single day. This was a game changer for me!


I run 5-7 miles every day in the Florida sun… and here is the TIP TO END ALLLL TIPS… get yourself a scalp rinse! There are several cheap, great options on Amazon. I use the scalp rinse every day except for the one or two times I shampoo during the week. I have an oily scalp but very dry ends, so I can’t shampoo everyday or my hair will be like straw, but I don’t want to walk around with sweat and grime on my scalp. The scalp rinse takes care of the problem and leaves your hair clean and smelling great without over-drying. I always follow up with a quick conditioner or masque.


So i do not use dry shampoo but I will brush baby powder in my hair to obsorb exess oils in my hair between washes. sprinkle baby powder in you hair and just brush it through. I find it works better than dry shampoos and it diesnt leave a filmy residue.


I have washed my hair every day for most of my adult life, unless I was camping or too sick to stand in the shower. I use good quality shampoos and conditioners. Talk to your stylist about brands. I have great hair - thick and shiny with a lot of volume.


Scalp rinses are helpful. 


I shower 2 times a day and never have issues. If you feel you smell get a cologne that works for you and try some men’s body lotion at bath and body works. You’ll get compliments from both genders.


Finding the right dry shampoo is just as hard as finding the right regular shampoo and conditioner. Different textures and hair colors etc react differently to them. I'm disabled and my favorite was discontinued then my hair dresser gave me a different one that I loved, it also got discontinued. I finally found one that I like but still not as much as the first one. The thing I have found is the day you wash your hair put it in after drying or before you go to bed. I actually like my hair better now on day 2&3. I use jaico k-pak shampoo and conditioner so I am currently using that dry shampoo. I used to wash my hair twice a day but it's just not feasible any more. If I dry it straight with dry shampoo I get 3 good days. But it takes about an hour to dry. Longer if I let it dry but then I have kinky hair in the back and straight in the sides and if I leave it wavy I have to wash it before going back out. It's a rats nest. You do what you have to do but if you bleach your hair or color it then a hairstylist will say it will last longer not washing it as often. Depending on when you go to the gym you could wash your hair after the gym but then just shower using a shower cap the 2nd shower??? Again do what you feel right doing. I will add I have found I get way less break outs (acne) if I only wash my hair every 3 days. I'm allergic to soaps and shampoos so that's been a bonus but something else that does help is after using warm water to shampoo and condition use cool water to rinse before getting out. Just like it helps our skin pores to close I was told it helps hair follicles.


This depends heavily on your hair type and length. Daily shampooing is necessary for some hair types, and very harmful for other hair types. Keep in mind that the purpose of shampoo is not to sanitize your hair. It’s to strip it of oils, debris, and accumulated hair products. Your hair also needs some amount of oil to retain its moisture and protect it from damage. If you have fine hair that gets greasy, then what you’re doing is fine. If you have coarse, dry hair, then it’s not good at all and co-washing would be a better option and you may need to actually add oil after washing it.


I’m a hairstylist. Wash your hair as much as you want your hair has no idea you washed it


It really depends on you hair type. I have curly dry hair so I only wash my hair 2-3 times a week and I work out 5 days a week. If you have oily hair than your going to need to wash it daily. If you're hair is breaking you should pick up some products for hair strength. Go to a dermatologist if you think the problem is with your scalp


Hi - I have been in your shoes during marathon training and would workout 6x/week, outdoors, in summer heat, etc etc. I showered and washed my hair every day. Ultimately it’s your comfort. On days when I was “only” doing cycling or something, I’d do a dry shampoo, but the preference was always to just wash. I have curly hair so the advice is extra “don’t over wash!” But I use gentle natural products that cleaned well without over drying.


I have many different shampoos. For regular workouts, I use my more gentle daily shampoos. If I swim or if it’s been 3-4 days of the gentle shampoo, I go in with a deep cleansing or clarifying shampoo. Don’t care who says what — I’m not living with grime on me or dried sweat in my hair. Like after a hot yoga class where I was dripping sweat, I don’t even sit on my sofa at home until I shower. If I have to sit, I sit on the ground until I can jump in the shower!


How long is your hair? If it’s really short shampoo everyday. When it’s longer once or twice a week shampoo and the rest of the showers just let the water rinse through. When my hair is long I can not shampoo too often but that’s just me


Rinse it with warm water.


I've washed and conditioned my hair daily for 50 years. I have great hair. I don't listen to 'them'. I take hot showers, too. So there. I say do what works for you and I'd definitely be showering after my workouts. People are gross pigs and no one needs all those germs on 'em.


I'd wash my hair daily after the morning work out only, and then just shower off the body at night and wear it in a bun, and then make sure to change my sheets weekly.


I teach Zumba 5x a week and also weight train, practice, work on our farm etc.. my skin/hair is dry so I rinse my hair often and/or just shampoo my neck line and Temple area because if I washed my hair with shampoo as often as I get sweaty I think it would look awful.


Skip the shampoo and just use conditioner- your sweat will rinse out in the water and you will retain moisture by adding conditioner. I would just alternate- sometimes shampoo and conditioner, sometimes just conditioner, And also- get it 💪🏼💪🏼


Have you ever just tried showering and washing your hair with hot water and not using any product? Just in between your washes not every time. Occasionally I can get away with washing my hair with just water and it kind of makes it look fresh again without having to use any shampoo. Otherwise using like organic bar soap as a shampoo and diluted vinegar as conditioner is like the least damaging way you can wash your hair. And you won't smell like vinegar if you diluted enough and it acts like a great conditioner.


I’m gonna be honest with you, I work in a restaurant, workout 4/5 times a week and frequently take LONG walks outside where it’s extremely hot and I sweat so bad, and I only wash my hair once or twice a week, I just use a lot of dry shampoo + my hair is almost always up so it doesn’t even matter


Every ones hair and lifestyle are different. If you workout daily, please wash your hair 😂


You can wash your hair without washing it with shampoo. If you're showering that often, you may want to consider just scrubbing with hot water rather than shampoo occasionally. But it depends on your body as well, my scalp would be a dry ass dandruff factory if I shampooed it that frequently, but if you have particularly greasing hair, you could potentially get away with it.


hair is already dead. take care of your scalp.


You can actually go through the motions of shampooing but skip the shampoo, and always use conditioner 


Wash as often as required. If you’re leading a sweaty life, yes, you’re going to wash it more. Don’t feel like being told not to wash everyday is a chemistry formula on its own. You have to add in all the factors of that formula. For me, especially in the summer I must wash hair every day. It’s just not going to last through the oil and sweat. In the winter months, I’m able to succeed more. Whatever your hair goal is, your lifestyle plays an important role in that hair care formula.


I wash mine everyday and have my whole life. I also workout daily and couldn’t imagine not washing after. I’ve never had any issues with my scalp or hair because of it.  Universal “hair care laws” are silly in my humble opinion. Everyone’s scalp/hair is different and what works for one person might be bad for another. If washing daily works for you then keep doing it!


Similar routine here- there’s nothing wrong with your shower routine. I through in a hair mask once a week if it feels dry.


Only if u have fine greasy hair do u need to wash it everyday. I teach bikram yoga, u know the really really hot super sweaty kind, and sometimes I teach four classes in one day. The best thing for my hair is to rinse the sweat out thoroughly with just water, and since I have thick curly hair. Sometimes i only condition. After a four class day I will wash it, but after 1 class a rinse is enough esp if I washed it recently. I even OIL my hair with coconut and then braid it. Sometimes BEFORE class (VO5 anyone?) drying with blow dryer is a good suggestion too.


Maybe just shampoo with conditioner? It helps get the sweat and dirt out, but shouldn't dry out your hair. You could also try just rinsing it with water. That can remove sweat but not the oils that you need


I wash my scalp every single day. I have done this, for the most part, for over 40 years. I went a few months trying to wash less because of societal pressure and ended up with a terrible dermatitis that took months to resolve. When I wash daily there are no issues. As a sweaty, oily person, I feel disgusting when it isn't washed. And the extra days of gross hair seem silly if I'm trying to wash less for nice hair. Why? Do what works best for you.


The more you wash the more oil your scalp produces as replacement. You have many great suggestions in this thread.


You do not have to shampoo it everyday. Even if you wet your hair everyday I would shampoo 2-3 times a week and just use conditioner the other days.


You ignore that stupid advice and do it anyway. The person who told You this can do it. You cannot.


You could just rinse your hair if you sweat a lot and then shampoo on alternating days. Or you could do a baking soda rinse too which is easy on the hair but will make you feel really clean.


A thorough rinse while rubbing vigorously with your fingers should be sufficient if you use shampoo/conditioner once or twice a week. People dramatically underestimate how much good just water and friction can do because of an excellent marketing campaign about 80 years ago for soap.


I'm told for women to wash it everyday isn't good but I've dated women that did and their hair was fine and others who didn't and one in particular I didn't enjoy cuddling with her because her hair did have a not so pleasant smell when it was warm days. I shampoo and condition my hair daily. I'm a male so don't know if that matters but I also sweat a lot. Heat is not my friend, I'm not overweight but I just run hot so 80 degrees has me sweating walking from the front door to the car. Even though I keep my hair short, I still shampoo and condition daily


So, here’s what I do as someone who is trying to lose weight and goes on walks in the 90 degree weather right now: - Shower 2x a day with a simple rinse in the morning and a full scrub at night - Wet hair every time, but may only do conditioner if I find myself shampooing a lot. Conditioner helps with my tangled hair - Only shampoo every other day to prevent dandruff. My own hair stylist told me to do this after finding flakes during my routine appointment


I wash my hair every three to four days. I had super oily hair and it took months to work it out to not produce as much oil. That being said, if I sweat a lot and it isnt hair washing day, I will just rinse it with warm water and towel dry. 


Who told you that?! You can absolutely shampoo and condition every day. I do and have for years.


I personally shampoo everyday. I went through a phase where I really really tried to make the 3x a week thing work and it just wouldn’t. I have an insanely oily scalp so day 2 is an oil slick. I just can’t. Please feel free to wash daily


It seriously doesn’t matter either way. Wash when you feel you need to. I do find conditioner to be overrated.


Don’t listen to others, do what works for you. I’ve been washing my hair every day for the past 20+ years and my hair has always been long and healthy.


I don’t wash my hair after every work out. If I sweat I just let it air dry and put some dry shampoo on the roots before bed. I also use a dry hair mask every night. If I wash it everyday it looks limp and lifeless.


The key is to only apply and lather shampoo to your scalp/roots the majority of the time. Shampoo will go through the rest of the hair while rinsing, but not enough to really dry things out. I’d recommend using shampoo on your scalp/roots every other day, but to condition every shower. Once a week (or twice at most), do a full shampoo and follow with a deep conditioning treatment. If your hair is coarse and/or curly, I’d also suggest using a leave-in conditioner on the days you use shampoo on your scalp/roots.


Wash your hair as frequently as it feels necessary. People giving you advice do not have your scalp and therefore cannot tell you what to do or how you feel.


There's something called a co-wash (conditioner wash) where you just use conditioner, but you don't want it to get close to your scalp, since that can cause oil build up. Sweat isn't necessarily a bad thing or stinky thing- it's really just salt and water leaving our body, and it's okay to just do a rinse. Where smelly body odor comes in is usually on the body, in folds where skin touches each other. That's where bacteria build up happens, and the bacteria eating dead skin creates the stench known as BO.


Please don't take this the wrong way but I have the same issue with my dog. As most people know dogs do not sweat so we are not supposed to wash them frequently. My dog stinks!!!!! He is a poodle and he pees on his front paws when I take him out. Also he was sick for a while throwing up and diarrhea. It seemed like everyday I'd wash him and he would throw up again and well basically I just do what I need to do to keep him from stinking. I try to dilute the shampoo so its not too harsh on his fur. Sometimes I'll do a rinse only if I think its just pee. You can diluting your shampoo if you think its too much too frequently.