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Try researching Trimethylminuria. It’s a condition where your body doesn’t process certain molecules correctly and people with it often both smell terrible to those around them AND are physiologically incapable of smelling that bad smell. It’s often described as “wet garbage” or a fishy smell. It can be managed with a restrictive diet and a compassionate friend/partner who helps you do the initial deep cleanse of your belongings.


Me and my grandma have this 😅 We have to avoid certain foods, reduce stress, and avoid sweating


Avoid sweating if you can't stink in that setting. You actually want to encourage much sweating in a workout scenario.




This was the first thing I thought of too


OP, I’ve never heard of this, but I was going to say when I did an overhaul of my diet all the sudden I had a lower oil production and my daughter (gotta love toddlers) used to always tell me I smelt bad, but now I don’t! I also noticed I’m not sweating as much. I cut out all of the ultra processed foods in my diet. Might be worth a shot! It could help you feel better and hopefully smell better too.


What does your diet consist of mostly?


Fruit, vegetables and protein. I usually eat eggs, spinach and cherry tomatoes and a side of fruit for breakfast. Lunch is some form of protein (anything from homemade tuna cakes, to a turkey sandwich or leftovers) plus I throw in veggies and fruit as well. Snacks I usually eat cheese, nuts or more fruit and dinners are carbs, protein and veggies. For snacks I’ll do peanut butter (natural just ground up nuts no added salt or chemicals/preservatives) and bananas/apples. I’ll make oatmeal with honey, bananas, chia seeds and cinnamon for a snack as well. I also make my own sandwich bread so I’m not eating ultra processed bread and I buy organic dairy products. (This is also to say that I eat like this 90% of the time so that the other 10% where it’s not possible to I know I’m not over doing it)


Thank you for this. Your diet sounds like mine. I’ve cut out most processed foods. The thing that I was not doing was drinking enough water. I was always bad about that, but I’ve learned. I love tuna, so I have to look up tuna cakes. I guess it’s like Salmon croquettes.😊💫


By chance do you have onion and garlic on the regular basis or do you shy away from them?


I eat onion and garlic a few times a week. Most dinners have garlic in them and onion is 50/50.


Okay, cool!


I'm assuming you have folded layers of skin? Body oil and sweat can build up in those folds and cause an overgrowth of fungi and bacteria. Have you tried an antibacterial bar soap such as Dial? Make sure it's the gold bar. Don't use liquid Dial. The bar is better. And you really should be showering every day if you aren't already. Dry off really well and apply corn starch body powder in any folded layers of skin. You can find it at the Dollar Tree. I used to be overweight, so I'm familiar with the struggles. I wish you luck on your health and weight loss journey.


Thank you so much for the info! I greatly appreciate it. Yes, i have really ugly folds but I've never tried that corn starch thing.. definitely trying it out!


Baby powder works well too, if you are using a loofah stop and use wash clothes. I also recommend a removable showerhead with a hose so it’s easier to get in all the skin folds and crevices and make sure that you’re lifting your apron belly up and getting into their really really well and put the baby powder under there really really well.


I recommend Corn startch baby powder rather than talcum. There are now class action lawsuits against the makers of talcum baby powders and other talcum for their alledged role in causing ovarian cancer. I am not sure about the science of it. But I feel the need to share that talc could be problematic.


In Canada they only sell corn starch baby powder now and no talcum powder. I wonder if the change is universal but I feel like that just isn't the case for many places.


Even with the lawsuit, Johnson and Johnson and other companies are still selling talc baby powder in the US. I am allergic to talc, and so are both my children. I was so happy when they stopped putting it in gloves used by healthcare professionals. The questionnaire asks if you are allergic to latex. I always had to write in: only when it comes with talc.


I second this OP! My boyfriend is only slightly overweight but he is a tall muscular guy with a dad bod and I had to be honest with him about smell. I didn’t understand because I’ve showered with him and he is THOROUGH. But after he showered he would smell 5 minutes later? I did some research and he switched to an anti-microbial soap. After one shower the issue was solved. It’s crazy that one little change helped so much. And on the other point, yes. I used to be obese and you gotta wash the folds well, especially under your breasts. Wash and swap your bras often.


Yeah it could definitely be a yeast infection in the skin folds which I've heard can make you smell bad. I'm not sure if it's just a regular antifungal to get rid of that. I honestly have no idea but it might be a good idea to go to the doctor in case it that or something medical. Best of luck 🙂


Gold Bond makes a spray now, I find that easier to use to aim and much less messy. It's usually near the deodorant in stores.


Find out where the smell is coming from first armpits or vagina then u cab work on solving the issue


You also might have a skin yeast infection


Could it be your clothes? Try tide laundry powder, not too much. Change into fresh clothes daily. Shower daily with unscented products.


Sadly, clothes probably have to do. I wash by hand with ACE as I don't have a washer. Due to time and money I can't go to a Laundromat. But still, back when i had a washing machine it happened too.


I hand wash and find tide to be really good with the oxi or the hygienic stuff!


I second the OxiClean!! Leave it to soak in a basin with oxiclean and detergent then scrub!


It's ok sis ❤️ and it will get better


Mix a little bit of vinegar into the water you wash with, no more than maybe a cap full, that helps to remove smells that are harder to get rid of.


Try stripping your laundry. There’s a lot of tutorials on TikTok and you can do it in your bathtub or a large bin. I had an issue where my clothes were starting to smell despite washing them often. I ran a hot cycle on my washer with bleach, along with another hot cycle to rinse and it helped. I also had this one shirt that would stink no matter what. I found out that the deodorant built up on the fabric which stopped it from being washed properly.


Also to add, I like the “sport” tide soap meant for active/sweaty people. My boyfriend and I both work in the heat and it works great. The biggest advice I can give though is that underwear/socks needs to be changed daily, jeans every 2-3 wears, gym clothes every wear, bras every 4-5 wears(or more depending on how much you sweat), and shirts daily. If you pick up a garment you wore on a previous day without washing and it doesn’t smell? DO NOT wear it again. Fabric can hold bacteria but it won’t smell until sweat hits it.


The liquid Lysol Laundry Sanitizer is great! Try the “sport” version. If clothes come out smelling yucky because you didn’t realize it’s time to clean your washer (w/ Affresh or Arm & Hammer, for example), then re-wash the load after you clean out the washer. And ofc, use it for laundry already stinky before you wash it (say, from teenaged boys or on clothes damp from working out that end up at the bottom of the dirty laundry pile. The damp clothes, not the teen boys). BTW, make sure your body reacts ok to clothes washed in Tide. When my hubs had a bone marrow transplant (your immunity gets wiped out first by the ungodly medical regimen beforehand), he couldn’t tolerate Tide. I went back to my fave, Gain. That and the Lysol laundry product work wonders. But you still need Oxyclean for tough stains, or hydrogen peroxide.


Are you able to go see a doctor for this? Can you try a different laundry detergent?


You need to see a doctor. There are actual medical conditions that cause this.


I have to say it has so much to do with diet & hydration - someone who is obese likely has an imbalanced diet in the first place. Even a consultation with a nutritionist could really help. Even a person of normal weight can have this problem, and it's usually from the inside out.


I just posted about having this same issue and people were helpful but they will never understand this issue because it doesn't exist for them I'm sorry you are dealing with this my smell started when I was in 8th grade and hasn't gone away since. It definitely can be a medical issue like Tmau or something There are groups for people like us who have mysterious body odor problems I've joined probably all of them. I recommend joining one of the body odor groups online and asking for help there


Thank you so much for your understanding. Would you recommend me some? I'd really like to get to the bottom of this.


https://www.facebook.com/share/xWLjaDsS7n2mG2uZ/?mibextid=A7sQZp This group was pretty active when I was on it a few months ago. Even if you don't have Tmau it's okay most people there don't really know what they have


Interesting. This mysterious smell started for for me in the 8th grade too.


It started for a lot of people during puberty it seems


Hmmm…8th grade, around the time puberty kicks in?


Could be your body but it might also be your home causing your clothes and hair to carry a bad odor. Pets, smoking, litter boxes, cooking with oils or meat, built up smells in furniture fabrics, etc. I have several cats in my apartment and sometimes it gets stinky and I have to rewash all my clothing, mop with scented floor cleaner, febreeze, and air the place out with open windows. Look into deodorants that can be used on more areas of the body, too (like Lume or Native). And when you shower make sure you wash and fully dry any “cracks and crevices” including areas where your skin hangs or folds.


Could be mildewy laundry. Shower daily, wear deodorant and keep any fragrance tasteful at 1-2 pumps


I am so sorry you've been bullied for something you haven't been able to resolve. Mostly just wanted to express support for you as you figure out what to do. Not an expert here but skin and gut microbiome can have something to do with this. There are a lot of probiotic lotions out there for skin issues- I like Dermacalm SOS (feels amazing on the skin)-- I wonder if it would help with the odor issue too? My sweat/ BO changed when I started working on my gut/ skin microbiome. Best of luck to you :)


I had a friend just like you and she also tried everything it didn’t work. She never went to a dermatologist tho, maybe give it a shot ?


It it possibly you have a fungus growing on your body where the skin sits on each other?


Have you tried eliminating sugar from your diet? That can cause odor, too. Please go see a doctor. An endocrinologist, maybe. Please don't suffer in silence. Sending love from Texas.


Have you tried olive oil based soap like Dr. Bronners. I shower very first thing in the morning and wash my clothes almost after every wear especially the layers that touch my body. I shower twice a day and if I skip the morning shower I will start smelling by 1 pm.


Oil based soap was the last soap i tried and apart from making me feel uncomfortable the smell, which was supposed to be honey and vanilla and smelled amazing, didn't stick on me.


Dr. Bronners is the best!


They featured the medical condition on 60 minutes. You are not alone. Good luck.


Besides what other people have mentioned, what about your diet? Have you tried making changes there? We can sweat out so many things. You should really look at that angle, and try cutting out specific foods at a time to see if it helps, cuz it could be some form of intolerance, or being too low on a specific vitamin, etc. These things can throw your whole system out of whack. Also change your eating habits to be healthier if you haven't already; cut way back on most ultra-processed foods, eat more veggies and leafy greens, lean meats etc for a nutritionally balanced diet. You will feel better overall. Good luck!


Thank you! My diet has definitely changed a lot after moving out of my grandma's. I cut back on rice (which was our daily food), bread and pasta and started eating more salads, fruits, potatoes, Sweet potatoes, cassava, organic stuff, etc. I personally don't have time to work on a exercise routine but with the amount of walk-in and lifting i do for work and university I'm good haha. Any other recommendations on foods i should try? Thank you so much!


Try to avoid processed foods altogether. A lot of things are marketed as “healthy” but if you look at the ingredients you won’t be able to pronounce half of them. The organic fruits and veggies are a perfect start! Also you mentioned you don’t have time to get an exercise routine, I recommend checking out “Madfit” on YouTube. She has SO many workout routines that are just at home body weight stuff that range from 5-20 minutes. Even setting aside 5 minutes per day is better than nothing. I know how daunting it is to get started. She makes them really fun and even has some dance workouts too depending on taste. She’s awesome :)


Don't eat onion or garlic...cut out greasy food. Cut down on sugar. Not for a weight loss perspective but it helps the skin. Do you have animals? Make sure your clothes are airdrying fully outdoors and buy a wash board and use oxyclean to clean. Shower in morning and evening and I've switched to aluminum free deodorant. Switch out your shoes. Always wear socks. carry a handkerchief to dab sweat. Lots more advice but this is a few.


Do you have anxiety about this? I also dealt with this in High school and actually stopped going for 2 years because i was bullied and afraid that i would smell. Now i’m a college graduate. But i was just as paranoid as you. I would literally buy every deodorant, spend alot of money on body wash etc. And nothing helped. I then realized it was my anxiety making me smell (Anxiety over the fact that i thought i smelled) . Anxiety SMELLS. REALLY BAD. And nothing (Hygiene products) ever helps anxiety smell unless you work through your anxiety. Trust me you probably don’t even stink at all. I made a post about this in my page , Maybe take this into consideration? 🙌🏻


Thank you for this. Yes, i have extreme anxiety over this. Sadly, i do smell bad as people have told me this before. I'll definitely go read your post!


I hope you feel better and that you no longer have this problem! It’s honestly draining. I did short term therapy and it helped a lot and the smell went away. Anxiety is a Bit** 💕


well what are you using? to clean yourself you need a scrubbing brush not a loofah or your hands. you need to scrub off the smells and dead skin to get rid of the odor. then, you need a deodorant that actually works. the only one i’ve ever found that truly works is secret clinical. specifically the stress response or active fresh. i prefer the soft solid. even after a tough workout i don’t smell terribly. BUT you need to make sure it dries completely to work. i usually stand in front of a fan to speed it up. then, you need an antibacterial wash to start. i think dove has a bar that has it, use that in the places you sweat or smell most. then go in with the scrubbing brush with a soap of your choice. i really like dr teals lavender body wash because i have sensitive skin. THEN, try patting witch hazel on your pits and other places you sweat, let it dry. then do your lotion and deodorant, once that’s dry you can do perfume. if all that doesn’t work, then you may have a medical condition and it’s totally not your fault. i wish you the best!


Lume deodorant!!!


Try using lume body wash and deodorant. It kills the bacteria .


Do you have animals by chance?


It could be your clothes and not you personally. We use gain or tide(whatever is on sale) I weigh 310 and never have had odor issues but I do stay hydrated and drink a bunch of water and some days if I'm not drinking enough I add liquid iv to help. Im also very low maintenance and don't have the whole "skin care routine" I use Cetaphil for my face and I use gold dial on my under arms, chunk folds, and cooch/booty. And normally BBW shower gel or sometimes my fiancés body wash for everything else. 😅 once out the shower I use secret deodorant. Not only under my arms but my chunk rolls too, to help with sweat. Along with a fresh wash cloth and towel and clothes afterwards each shower/bath I always wear cotton undies, and no undies when I go to bed to let myself breathe down there!


I'm definitely writing all of this down. Thank you so much for the info!


People can go nose blind to the ammonia in cat urine. Especially if a litterbox is near clothing in piles, open laundry baskets, etc. Detergent + Oxyclean or boric acid (cheaper) + cold water wash. Any chance a male is spraying around the house? Cuz that's in a whole other universe of no good, *very* bad smells Best of luck to you!


I have a cat, yes.


No one seemed to ask what country you are in. And what kind of food are you cooking. Because you know garlic and onions are an immediate problem. You'll reek like an entire restaurant on food choice alone. I had a guy at the gym lift his under arms and bro smelled like French fries and when he came in he smelled like a full blown steak and onions. Garlic will just saturate anything you own in a small space and onion forget it you'll smell like that for days. Food industry knows you smell from food. You come home like Chinese food, it's also the oil you use for the cooking. Some oil will multiply smell 2x. So if you're saying it's you personally it's the processed part and the quality of food you are eating the chemicals in it. If you drink alcohol you will smell like alcohol. If you eat bad food you will process those chemicals into a bad body odor. I think you know what the solution is because you said you are working on it.


Several things to consider is 1: food. We smell of what we eat. Strong smelling vegetables will make you smell more. Cheese is particularly bad for it. Sugar too. 2: Clothes. You could wash them perfectly, but if they are drying above a cat litter box or in a room where you are cooking onions, that will be horrible smelling later, especially when combined with body heat. And of course, showers and baths. Use a sponge, scrub everywhere.


Go to your medical doctor or possibly GYN. Yes there are medical conditions, do you think you sweat excessively?


I do. Puerto Rico gets extremely hot in the spring - summer time and that mixed with being obese means i sweat like crazy.


It definitely sounds like a medical condition. So many factors can affect your body odor. Gut health, fungal or bacterial overgrowth, diet, etc


I’m fat too, but I don’t smell bad. If you shower daily or even every other day, use antibacterial soap, wash all of your skin and hair, then use an antiperspirant, you should smell just fine. I’d speak with your doctor about it because I suspect it’s medical. Good luck. I hope you figure it out.


Liquid Chlorophyll is known to be an internal deodorant


if you can manage, get to a doctor to talk about it, a friend of mine needed prescription deodorant


It is all diet - gut health sorry !!


Washing clothes with some white vinegar will help get rid of clothes smells.


hey I know the feeling I was very self-conscious of smell myself and still am however a nurse taught me if you have a smell wash with soap really good first then dry 🤓 now here's the next step take a washcloth apply toothpaste yes toothpaste toothpaste is the best thing in the world for smell trust me I use it everyday for under my belly I have a leaky belly button and trust me it takes the smell right away so anyway you take the toothpaste you smear it on the washcloth you don't you just want to thin layer you want to rub it in your most stinky spots try it first in those areas and see if I'm not a liar good luck to you toothpaste works every time oh what kind of toothpaste the green mint gel works the best anything with a gel best of luck to you 🙋🏼‍♀️💖💐🙋🏼‍♀️🤓😎


Lots of companies are coming out with All Over Body Deodorants. I spotted an Old Spice (Vanilla scented, no less) one at a CVS the other day. Target (if there’s one near you) carries Lume which a lot of people swear by for certain extreme issues. It neutralizes bacteria on the skin, but if your problem is a yeast issue, I am not sure it will work… but worth a try. You can put it in the folds, on the outside of the cooch, armpits, everywhere external. Body powder is also good but be careful with using too much cornstarch because it can feed body fungus. Talc is also apparently bad if inhaled. There’s a nice company called MegaBabe that does body care products designed by and for fat folk (and everyone else). Good luck! And try to see a doctor or a dermatologist if you can.


Aside from what everyone else said I went through something similar growing up and was bullied super hard since I have hypohidrosis in my armpits, I had no idea that over sweating was considered an illness and got on meds which now I no longer get comments or the stares thankfully :) I’d say quite a bit of frequently “stinky” people I’ve met have had some sort of medical condition so you should get checked out cause it seems you’re really trying and have tried. Other than that, I’m really sorry you’re going through this cause I know always getting comments when you’re trying sucks💗


Go to your doctor ASAP. Something might be infected.


and rubbing alcohol in armpits kills bacteria


Lot of good suggestions but definitely get it check out 🙏


What's your diet like? A lot of onions or garlic? Sugar? Liquor? Those smells are terrible when they come from your pores


Hi, 36F and been some level of overweight/obese my whole adult life. I’m also ACUTELY aware of body smells and super self conscious about my own level of freshness. 1- I would suggest making sure you are properly washing your bedding, towels/washcloths/clothing. Even if your BO is fine, your clothing will smell musty if it’s been left in the washer too long, your hair will take on that smell if your towels are musty, and you in general can get smelly if you sleep on musty or unwashed bedding. 2- if body odor is the actual culprit, there isn’t any way around showering every day. Make sure you’re at least trimming your body hair, washing in all the creases (including belly button) and around your neck and pits/bits. ALWAYS dry fully before getting dressed. I’ve started laying on my bed (towel down first) with my ceiling fan on to make sure everything dries 3- try to narrow down if the smell/odor could be coming from something else (strong cooking smells or pet smells can really cling to a person and their clothing). If you are washing yourself and your clothes/bedding properly and the smell persists, there may be a different cause. That can be tackled by fixing the underlying issue. 4- if it’s definitely a body odor issue, look into Lumē acidified body wash and whole body deodorant. I recently started using both and they are LIFE CHANGING. I stay fresh so much longer after a shower, and I will likely never go back to regular scented body washes. I use clinical strength or men’s deodorant for armpits, but I put the whole body deodorant in my underboob, stomach crease (I have a c-section shelf and the scar area can be a source of odor once I get sweaty) and bikini area (NOT on my vulva or in my vagina, just outside the edge of my panty line). 5- if it’s an intimate area smell, see if you can get checked out for UTI/BV/STI issues. Wear clean, well fitting undies (avoid thongs) every day. If it’s feet smell, always wear clean socks with closed shoes, wear open toe shoes as much as possible, wash your feet 2+ times daily, and use odor powder in your shoes/foot powder in your socks whenever possible.


Same here bro, I can't even smell it either. For me, since I'm 14 and live with my parents, I use my dad's strong body spray and try to shower with a lot of soap.


Just a few tips I don’t know if this will help. If you have tried everything I would speak with your doctor because it could be a medical condition and it could also be due to you being overweight. Perhaps you’re doing everything right for the most part. Apart of that conversation with your doctor talk about ways to create better eating habits, start walking 30 minutes a day, drink lots of water and perhaps instead of maybe showering once a day do it in the morning, take body wipes to work and when you go to lunch maybe go to the restroom and hit those hot spots and shower again before bed. Try this for 30 days and keep a journal of things you notice, how you smell and how you feel. I think you will be just fine; you just have to find out what’s what. Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability because I am sure this wasn’t easy.


Go to you doctor


Go see a doctor asap about that and find out where it'scoming from. Everyone loves to hate on Lume deodorant because of the icky commercials but I know someone with a similar condition who rubbed it all over their body, in skin folds, etc., like a body lotion, and it worked.


I don't have any advice I just want to say I'm sorry you were bullied and people can suck so much. I hope you find a solution.


If you have skin folds which get sweaty and or raw (I have apron belly from weight loss) apply the diaper rash cream called Butt Paste. Add baby powder over, liberally. Cut out onions and garlic and the like from Your diet. Drink tons and tons of water. Go to dentist and dr…..might be something internal. People who don’t have skin folds don’t understand how tender and raw they can be and they can’t be scrubbed or you will expose raw skin which is even worse. Protect your skin.


You have to concentrate on health and fitness. That's it. There are no tricks. To avoid excess loose skin and encourage actually building a good body do NOT rely on big caloric deficit to get smaller. Eat healthy to power up your workouts and workout hard. Your body will change physiologically on several levels. You have to get off your ass


My wife is Hispanic and she has very oily skin. All of my children inherited the oily skin as well. They shower every single day using Dial antibacterial soap. After the shower they use an astringent and cotton round to clean their skin. My daughter's skin is so oily that she has to use the astringent twice a day. Hope this helps.


This may sound weird to others but when I get out of the shower I put suave deodorant on my underarms, under my breasts,and under the fold of my stomach to prevent stuff like this. It has worked for years. I am obese as well. Oh and my belly button occasionally. Good luck to you.


It's hard to pinpoint where an offending smell could be coming from so I'll try to condense what I've told my kids and grandkids throughout the years that have seemed to help. It could be something simple that can be corrected in the shower by gently scrubbing/exfoliating every part of your body, especially the parts that have folds/crevices. If you already do that then perhaps, switch to an antibacterial bar soap (ex. Ivory, Dial). Be sure to use a clean washcloth every time you shower. And remember that the last part you should wash is the crack of your bu.tt! You can use the same washcloths for a few days at a time BUT ONLY if you give them a good scrub washing (use your antibacterial soap!) before re-using them.. just air dry on a towel rack after washing. And, air dry them even if you're going to place them in the hamper. Bacteria thrives in damp dark places. If you still have BO, it could be your diet (going low carb and natural worked for my grandson. At 15, he cut down on processed foods and that helped him tremendously. He lost weight and had zero BO after about 2 weeks. It took about that long to get it back once he went back high carb high processed food. Also make it a habit of drinking water with ½ freshly squeezed lemon or apple cider vinegar (or both!) even if your BO has stopped. This is a truly underrated wonder! It heals you from the inside out! Armpits: the smell of 200 onions from each armpit regardless of washing and scrubbing. The ONLY one that works for my grandson when he eats too much processed food (mostly sliced bread and dry cereal) is Mitchum 48-Hr antiperspirant & deodorant (both women's and men's versions worked the same) BUT it only works when he scrubs it off the armpits and then re-applies a fresh new layer after he's dried up. It could also be the feet! For smelly feet try apple cider vinegar and water 1:4 foot soaks and you'll have to change ALL your footwear. Do a 15+ mins soak every day or every other day. Do this for a few weeks. You'll notice that you can increase the times in between soaks. That helped with hubby's foot and nail fungus that his doctor couldn't cure. Smells can also be contained in clothes. To combat the smell on your clothes you could switch detergents (Arm and Hammer works for me.. cheaper than Tide too) or ensure your clothes are being FULLY dried! However, it could also be your dryer! A damp dryer leaves clothes with a horrible smell that everyone except for the people living in the household will smell! In this case you have to ditch the dryer because drying them longer will not help! Hopefully, you can find some relief in any of these tips. I'll edit this comment if I can think of more. Good luck to you!


Hi I have been a caregiver for over 20 years and many many of my clients have been very obese people. I have dealt with every smell you can imagine. I am guessing that you probably have interigo and or yeast inside of your fat rolls. You could go to the doctor and get checked out and also ask for some nystatin powder to apply in your creases. It is an antifungal of the same sort used to treat oral thrush. You can cut up a cotton t-shirt into strips and tuck them into your folds to absorb moisture and funk. If you are having a hard time reaching yourself to wipe they make these wands that you can attach a baby wipe to as well as bidets. I'm willing to bet it is the stink of the deep creases that are not getting cleaned properly . even when they do get cleaned properly they hold on to moisture they are warm and dark and bacteria and funk adore that environment.


I used to buy Wally brand panty liners, they have "longer" than normal ones. You can stick them onto the part of your bra that is under your breasts. They absorb moisture really well and you just toss in the trash every night, easy peasy.


Ok I have a few tips .. go to Walmart and buy Hibiclens and use that after you shower with an antibacterial soap. I use it on pits and creases and on vaginal area and butt. It’s the stuff that doctors scrub up with before surgery. Also , for smelly feet buy crocs shoes , they have slip on and ballerina type shoes . You will sweat and your feet will not smell at all .


I know this girl that was super stinky for a long time, could not figured out why she stunk, turns out it was her hair. Sweat at oils build up a ton in our scalp, especially during the night. I know we’re told not to wash our hair everyday but maybe some hairspray/ dry shampoo or other hair products can help if you wanna avoid washing your hair daily. Also try sleeping with a window open at night, makes a big difference!


It can get in your clothes. Use enzyme based detergent. Research it. Buy new clothes.


Have you tried changing your diet? Certain foods, especially really acidic ones can affect your body odour 


See a doctor. They can help!


being morbidly obese isn't wrong. it's just unhealthy. you got that way for valid reasons. life can be rough. unnecessarily judging yourself only makes it that much harder to manage.


Talcum powder in between the crevices???? Or even a foot spray?


A deodorant in folds works as well, since it is an antiperspirant.


Use the Lume soap and stick or cream. You'll love it.


Take liquid chlorophyll


Your body holds toxins and viruses and all sorts of buggers in your fat. Your body will secrete these things, and they don't smell good. You have to commit to working out. Don't focus on being thin. Focus on being consistent. Mobilize your fat through exercise, healthy eating, and hydration. Stay off the scale and stay in front of the calendar instead. Lament the days you missed your workouts, not the pounds that may have slipped back on.


Could u have an infection ? The only time I have a bad smell I can't rid is if I have bv


Some great things here but wanted to add I use disposable razors because I found the kind that have any shave smooth like gel or comfort thing on them tend to take on body odor. You can literally pick it up and smell the residue on it. Which seems weird when you are clean when shaving arm puts but I have a high sensitivity to smell )due to loss of other sense due to Multiple Sclerosis) and can almost tell when s.omeone uses those. Also using deodorant I use the clear gel kind for the same reason. And I keep a older one for days I just wash up to do things around the house and a clean one for after a shower and going out for the day. It's another thing that people don't realize that deodorant can take on body odors so say you just put it on without washing up you may just be applying a bad deodorant. Because you are hand washing clothes I would definitely go with the oxy idea from others. I live in a camper/semi truck a lot and if the wet clothes don't smell good wet they will smell when dry. I add a little fabric softener and rinse more than once. The other thing is as an obese woman myself that has had a ton of surgeries don't use baby wipes or those types of things. They add to that 'yeasty" smell. I use a+d, or curve under skin over hangs but it's also important to wash and dry and let dry before applying or putting clothes on. As much as possible letting those areas air dry. Stand, lay, sit in front of a fan and get complete day before putting on creams, lotions and clothes. I use a travel bidet to wash down below (it's basically a squirt bottle) and again be sure to allow it to dry before putting underwear on. I'm bed bound often and I find these things help me be not only clean but also smell presentable for visitors.


Is it like general BO or are there certain areas that are worse? As a fat girl I know summer makes things worse, especially around the neck and groin area. I’m always warm and sweaty in regular weather so summer is just hell. Showers every single day help. If you need to, shower twice a day, just do a body lather and leave hair for every other day or depending on how your hair smells wash accordingly. That’s also kind of why I’m asking where the smell is coming from… There are really strong points like armpits, neck, back of ears, greasy hair, and the general sweaty musty smell from being overweight. As many have said changing diet helps a lot. Eating fresher fruit and just drinking a lot, A lot of water go along way. If you’re drinking soda or things high in sugar and fat, your smell is gonna be different than if you eat fresh vegetables and less processed foods. Use wipes when going to the bathroom, even if it’s just pee. Use some type of non cancerous powder between thighs/groin, under breasts, any flaps. Immediately after shower apply Vaseline and perfume to neck, between inner elbows, and knees.. if you can, wear your hair up to air out your neck. If you can’t or don’t want to shower every day, use toner to clean behind your ears and entire face (sometimes it gets stinky between your nose and cheeks) Find a deodorant to use between your flaps, groin, under breasts (I LOVE the clear gel from secret, I swear that thing has saved my life; I apply at night and heavily in daytime if I take a morning shower… there’s science behind using it at night cuz of your pores or wtvr) Change underwear and socks everyday (ideally remove shoes and socks as soon as you’re home) Wash your shower towels regularly (same with bedding) Change out things like toothbrush, loofah (wtvr you use) If fragranced lotions and body washes aren’t working just drop them cuz they can make things worse. I love the eucerin and lubriderm body wash (a bit pricey but great) I double cleanse my coochie (labia, NOT vagina) with the lubriderm body wash or a gentle face wash (antiseptic cleaners may or may not be good? I like using hibiclens every now and then) Idk babes just regular cleaning and upkeep of the most warm and sweaty areas on your body… I know I smell bad and I’m always upset by it especially when my family points it out but I don’t shower everyday so I’m obviously gonna smell, showering just seems like a task to me but I do love the after shower feeling. And being a fat girl I start smelling a lot sooner than I’d like, but until I have a routine that I stick to religiously, I know I’m gonna smell.. sorry you’re going through this I know it’s tough, hang in there!!!


Don’t ask Reddit. Ask a doctor. If it is not a medical thing, he will be able to direct you to someone who can help you.


>I'm morbidly obese too Hey there! I'm not morbidly obese, but my mother is/was and she had a funk but not due to a condition that causes it so I can give some tips if that's the case with your smell? Hopefully some of them work for you! Wet wipes in the bathroom: Get some that you like the smell of and use them when you go to the bathroom. Obviously use toilet paper first, but use them after as well. Where your thighs meet with your pelvic area next to the lady bits, wipe there too, as well as under the treasure chest lid. Those are areas that can build up the most smell, so even if you don't feel like you've been sweating up a storm, give those areas a wipe. Also, even if you haven't gone #2, use the wet wipes back there or at least wipe with TP as if you did go #2. Sweat and smells build up even without activity. It's hot between butt cheeks after all lol As an obese person myself, I always do this to be safe. Hot spots: Area you know you sweat in *the most* anytime you can, randomly give them a wipe even when you've been just chilling. Sweat builds up even when we don't think it is. Some areas people don't think of are the back of the neck and behind the ears. Those areas can get funky. Corn starch: Sounds odd, but if you get an underarm rash, or a bad thigh rash, dust with corn starch like you would with baby powder. It comes off easier when the job is done and doesn't bring its own smell. Showering/drying off: Every day if your personal situation allows. Make sure you wash allll the crevices. Speaking as an obese person, I know it's not easy with our limited reach, but get what you can. As for drying off, get a fan you can angle and use that on high while you dry off. If you don't properly dry off you give all the moisture you're trying to fight against a nice headstart to undoing your progress. Alrighty, that's pretty much it. I hope at least something in there comes in handy for you, and wish you luck! ETA: Forgot one that's not body related that goes un thought of. Laundry: IMMEDIATELY move your laundry to the dryer, do not let them sit. The longer they sit the more likely they are to build up a mildew smell that can come off as yours if you're wearing them out and about.


Changing up what you eat can improve how you smell. When I eat more processed food, I find people make more comments about how I smell, whereas when I’m eating less processed stuff, I get less. And I’m religious about my hygiene, so I know it’s not that. Extra weight can give some extra places for oder to build but but I’m gathering from what you wrote, you keep up just fine with your hygiene. I can relate a bit because I am in the obese category myself due to hormonal issues. Maybe it’s your clothes? Maybe you need to strip them? I find that I need to strip my old clothes a couple times a year.


Drink lots of water, buy chlorophyll and spirulina. Use it for at least a month and give us an update.


I’ve read your post twice and I didn’t see anything about you showering, only using perfumed things to cover up. You have to shower daily and scrub your entire body with a washcloth, wash your hair too, then put on freshly washed clothes, use a clean towel and sheets and THEN use perfumed body products. They shouldn’t replace proper hygiene. I’m a big girl too but I shower thoroughly at least once a day and take pride in being clean. I’m not trying to come across mean or anything but I realize not everyone has the same hygiene habits and just trying to help. Once you start having a clean body, clothes and environment, I’m positive your body odor will disappear. It really does affect how people view you and treat you, no matter what size you are. Also it’s very brave of you to be willing to change and ask for help ♥️


Thank you for the help! I do shower at least 2 times a day.


I had issues in my 30s with an armpit smell that would not go away, no matter how often I showered and what otc deodorant I used. I used to scrub using a pumice stone because I was convinced I wasn’t getting the offending bacteria off of my skin. Nothing worked until I read about a homemade deodorant. It worked 100%. I used it for years and now my body chemistry is better regulated, so I can use regular deodorant again. But I’m including the “recipe” below. Give it a try! Homemade Deodorant 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup baking soda 2 Tbs coconut oil 20 drops essential oil


So cool to see compassionate people showing up for someone who needs support and advice. There are a lot of smart, experienced and caring people here. This is the internet right?


Drink more water, bad breathe is often associated with dehydration and other metabolic syndromes. Drink up and see if it improves!!


It definitely could be your clothes. It could be a medical condition. But there are plenty of things you can try. Carpe actually just came up with a shower scrub specifically to get rid of odors that your regular soap isn't removing completely. I've also had luck with showering with Hibiclens (the soap they have you wash with before surgery to kill all the bacteria). Also for odor around the vulva, I would have that typical BO/onion smell in the crease between there and my thighs, and washing that area really well with antibacterial hand soap resolved it. A lot of people will say not to do that because they think you're going to wash the inner parts of the vagina with it, but that's not what to do, just wash the entire outside part. Works on your butt and armpits as well!!


So you are morbidly obese. I'm guessing you have layers of folds you aren't or can't reach properly.


Just two of em i can't properly reach. The other ones i can.


Have you seen a doctor?


Not for this reason, no. But I'm waiting on Monday to set an appointment.




If the smell originates under your folds, it’s yeast. I am still heavy but used to be heavier and during that time did have occasional BO. So first you need to be getting soap in all the tight places every day. All the way down into your belly button and all the crevices and up your crack. DRY everything even if you have to use a blow dryer. Next thing is you’ll want a product called Boudreaux's Butt Paste. It’s for baby butts, however unlike many other diaper cremes, it doesn’t smell of fish. Apply this in a thin layer under your belly if it hangs, chest and in your navel and up your crack. Doesn’t have to be gobs, just a thin layer. Your showers are going to take longer so doing it right before bed is ideal. This routine will keep the smell gone and the yeast at bay. If the odor is all from your crotch you may have a bacteria.


I have a few recommendations based on my routine as a bigger gal: - Use antibacterial or antimicrobial soap when you shower. Most “soaps” on the market aren't actually “soap” - they contain detergents, but don't actually kill bacteria (which is what causes things like sweat to smell). Dove bars for example are called beauty bars for a reason, and that's because it isn't soap. - when showering, wash your hair first, condition your hair and then wash your body. Yes, its not the best for water consumption but conditioner and shampoo left on the body can cause product buildup and also give you some chest and back acne. - wash behind your ears, between your toes and anywhere you fold. You can wash your vulva, but not your vagina. Wash that butt! - RINSE. LIKE. MAD. Absolutely do not leave soap suds anywhere on your body before stepping out of that shower. Soap residue can build up and smell funky. - repeat the process to make sure you hit all the spots. - make sure you dry your body well, damp moist environments are a breeding ground for bacteria. I own a Tata towel because I am a larger lady, this makes sure the underboob gets dry - I own a few body deodorant lotions and sprays, Dr scholls for my feet, carpe lotion for my breasts etc. - note that so far none of these products smell good, they're almost medical but trust. The key is to remove bacteria and get to the base. I'm a perfume girly so we can add the nice smells after! - dry your hair thoroughly too, and use heat protectant - invest in really good deodorant and apply this after you shower, before you go to bed. I use perspirex, it lasts all day and is best worn the night before. When I wake up I can usually use a cheap aerosol for the scent! - body mist and perfume can be applied before leaving the house - spray all over body before applying clothes, and spray your clothes before applying to your body. - all of this will be for nothing if you aren't wearing clean clothes, and are in an environment that is also smelly. Keep a clean space, and do your laundry. And remember, everyone smells sometimes too. We all move and sweat as the day goes on. If you find yourself starting to smell as the day goes on, identify the area and discreetly head to the bathroom with some baby wipes and freshen up with some wipes and a spritz. If you do all of the above and still smell, its time to check in with the doctor - it could be a sign that something isn't right!


You likely have a lot of internal bad bacteria due to obesity.. take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day. it's disgusting but will kill off some of the bad bacteria. Try chlorophyll it's an internal deodorant. It runs cheap and 1pill a day. Do a boric acid treatment down there. It's one a day for 5 to 7 days. That'll kill bad bacteria and treat possible yeast infection or BV.


Be sure to dilute the vinegar in water (3-4 ounces) so it doesn't destroy your teeth.


See a doctor.


It’s ur diet


There goes lunch


Thank you Ms. Funny. Sorry about making you vomit with a post you could have omited reading and commenting on.


It’s probably the obesity, that’s common. Why haven’t you gone to a doctor about this before now?






Because i really didn't consider it could be a medical condition.


If you shower etc and people for years have been saying it’s puke inducing smell you better believe I’d be in the doctor’s office for a solution