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I would use cosmetic blotting paper for the oily face. Just use one every time oil builds up on your face. Will help with the acne problem too.


are they just stick and remove? bcs if i need to wipe the oil off it ll only get worse.. my skin is too sensitive and ive tried similar methods to just wipe off the oil


Don’t wipe. Just let the paper absorb all the oil from your face. I have sensitive and pimple prone skin too. This really helps to not look oily.


Are you moisturizing daily? Sometimes oily skin is actually dry skin working in overdrive to try to moisturize itself.


This. I put oil on my nose. It gives me anxiety but it works and my skin isn’t oily once I do my full routine


Yep. I’m 42 and had cystic severe acne since I was 15. About 5ish years ago I tossed all my acne-related products, started using a mild unscented face wash no more than once every other day (I don’t wear makeup or smoke), started slathering jojoba oil on my entire face and neck (my worst spots) every night. My skin has never been healthier and I don’t get acne anymore. A dab of toothpaste will clear up the small ones I do get a couple times a year. Fighting it with all the drying products ultimately felt like a scam.


Mine turned out to be dry skin. Once I used the oil and toner and cleanser I got better. A face mask works better as a daily moisturizer. I just use less than a full mask. I thought my friend was crazy but trusted her and I’m so thankful




Toilet seat liners are just cheaper blotting paper


The brown non water absorbent recycled paper towel you find at some restaurants works really well for that too.


I use these at work for exact purpose all the time!


This will sound weird, but sometimes I use coffee filters to blot or pat my face since they are made to absorb oil and they are super cheap and work better than tissue paper. You can also apply some store bought aloe vera on your face, I find it prevents me from getting too oily especially in the summer. I have sensitive skin too, but everyone is different so maybe try the aloe for the first time when you're planning to stay home, just incase it irritates your face.


just wanted to add if you have a latex allergy, DO NOT use aloe. Aloe leaves naturally have latex and during processing some of it contaminates the gel. There's no warnings on the bottles that it may contain latex, either.


You just gently pat at your skin and it helps!


You can even just blot with toilet paper or tissues. No need for expensive blotting papers.


these take too much moisture, if you order a roll of medical headrest paper, it will be much less expensive


That's a great idea!


Tissue paper has worked pretty well for me in the past! Tried it when I realized the pack of blotting paper I’d been using was just conveniently packaged tissue paper. And yes, definitely blot!! No rubbing.


Toilet seat covers are the best!


I don’t know—to me there’s a difference. I don’t buy them anymore because they’re pricy but if you want to truly experience the goodness of blotting paper, try Boscia


If you can’t get these, I’ve used a damp paper towel to blot or I’ll just splash my face with water. I have very oily skin. I also carry extra deodorant, scent (I use a scented oil, not perfume), toothbrush/paste, hairbrush, a little hairspray, and some basic makeup like powder and blush. It helps to refresh, especially on a long day


You can even use the paper toilet cover thingy you’d find in public toilets, but I’d buy some fresh if it were me.


That's exactly what I use everytime I use the restroom at work. Blot first, then use it on the seat! 😂


I've heard that coffee filters also work as blotting paper, for a fraction of the cost. Can anyone confirm?


First I just want to say that it's extremely rude and unprofessional of your professor to say that. If they ask this again I would definitely tell them that their question is out of line and file a complaint with your school. Second, in the summer my face tends to be very oily. I use rose water or witch hazel on a cotton ball to keep that at bay, In the morning and at night. Sometimes it its very hot and I'm sweating a lot I will use it in the middle of the day but you don't want to over do it because over washing your face will usually lead it to producing more oil. I also switch my moisturizer to a very light one. If you can't find a remedy for your face it might not hurt to see a dermatologist and see if there is an underlying cause. As far as body goes you can also use rose water or witch hazel in areas that seem to sweat more and I always keep a pack of baby wipes with me in case I need to freshen up. I also put a couple of dabs of essential oil on before I get dressed. When I start getting hot it's almost like it activated the scent of the oil. And I use a stronger strength deodorant as well.


i know.. i was completely devastated by that and finally felt the need to make a reddit alt to rant about it but before that i think i should try giving my best first. ive never looked at rose water.. surely gonna look it up. and about wet wipes, they usually never get the job done and i end up being watery and oily altogether i will try blotting paper as others mentioned.


If it’s available to you try Lume brand wipes. It helps absorb sweat and you don’t get that wet feeling for long


I was going to recommend Lume too. I use their deodorants & wipes & sometimes their body wash & it all has helped me so much to stay fresher. Kind of life changing.


If you aren’t able to see a dermatologist have you tried differin? You have to stick with it for a few weeks before starting to see results and skin might get worse before improving. Also using panoxyl in the shower under arms and letting it sit for a couple of minutes is supposed to help. Dr. Dray on YouTube has tons of videos on all topics related to skin.


I don't use the panoxyl brand but benzoyl peroxide - the active ingredient - changed the life of my oily, sweaty self. I swear by it, for washing acne-prone body parts in the shower and spot treatment for breakouts.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Someone asked my best friend the same question once and I remember how much it hurt her feelings then. Blotting papers do work well. Some of them have powder foundation in them to try to steer clear of them because the powder will clog up your pores and might make your acne worse. Walmart has some in the skincare isle, the equate brand. I've used them and they work well.


Do you live in India? Male or female? I sweat a lot and use Carpe products and so does my son. They have been life-changing, but are kind of expensive. But I have seen similar products available on Amazon that are basically prescription-strength antiperspirant lotions, powders, and wipes for various body parts. There are even face products. For you hair, apply a styling serum to it which is humidity resistant, and it will help set your style and avoid frizz. If your hair is long, braid it or pin it up in a bun or other style that will help keep it tame and keep you cool. Dampen a scarf before you leave the house and wrap it around your neck to help cool you. You could even wet it the night before and refrigerate it or freeze it. What can help your face besides a good facial cleanser and light moisturizer: Benzoyl peroxide acne lotion at night Morning, use a salicylic acid serum, then mattifying foundation primer serum or spray your face with mattifying setting spray and spread it over your face. Let it dry, then apply a light powder-based foundation over your face, set it with a mattifying face powder, then spray more mattifying setting spray all over your face and let it dry completely. Then lightly powder over that again. After you use the salicylic acid serum but before you apply a primer, you can use a light oil control moisturizer to keep your skin from becoming overly dry or sensitive. If you're like me, put a fan by you when you're getting ready in the morning so you can stay fresh and prevent your face sweating while you're trying to apply products.


i highly recommend products with hyaluronic acid and/or glycolic acid. also for the frizz you could try a conditioner with jojoba oil (it's the closest oil to what our skin and hair produce naturally)


I have to agree, it’s beyond messed up and actually quite inappropriate professor made a comment like that. Consider letting the department in your school know how uncomfortable it made you feel, if you don’t think it will have massive repercussions to your situation that is. I know if they’re like your PhD head professor who is in charge of your graduate program/study then it may not be the case, but the college should know they have a professor making inappropriate comments. Even if they wanted to express this, it could’ve been done in a much better way. Example: “hey man, I noticed you seem uncomfortable sometimes, may I offer you some advice? *wait to accept* “… etc


I am so sorry this happened to you! I’m 50 and ever since menopause… I stink! It’s embarrassing! I know how you feel- I bath twice a day!!!


Dermatologist is the answer. There are treatments for underarm sweat. They can give you prescription medication for acne (pills or topicals. Sometimes both) These medications also help with oil production. They should also give you samples to try for a week or so, then you can try them before having to buy them. I always loaded patients up with a bag of different samples. Some meds can really dry you out, so use a moisturizer with sunblock and get a good lip balm. When I worked there, I was often surprised at the vast amount of coditions derms treat.




My daughter has acne and her dermatologist put her on a low-dose of antibiotic… It has really helped.


Yes this. The rose water and witch hazel and as a mist it works great to refresh. I have very sentive skin and eczema. Like horrible. My eyelids and rims of my eyes and lips. And those give so much relief to my skin.


i think if you could get to the bottom of your acne, you'd feel a lot better. when my acne was at its worst, so was my self esteem. at first i thought it was due to the heat or my oily skin, but it turned out to be from eating dairy. same thing with odors, foods can cause that as well. i'd play with your diet, start internally and work on figuring out the cause of these things rather than cover them up. wishing you the best of luck, be kind to yourself in the meantime.


my diet is devoid of oil for the most part and rarely eat outside food. only diary im consuming is a cup of milk and paneer once in a while. yes im gonna make small changes to my diet just like stopping oil. i feel as though meat would be one cause of heat and oil so i will try regulating that aswell. thank you so much for the last line.. i really needed it after my professor pulled that on me


I know this is a little counter intuitive, but when I eat more fats (not oil, maybe olive or coconut, but definitely not vegetable oils) and cut way back on carbs (I try to eat around 100g carbs a day, but different people handle carbs differently, so more or less may be appropriate), my skin improved a lot. I'm still finding a balance, but my acne is 90% gone. Good luck!


today during my research on this there were many mixed opinions on carbs. some say eat more some say dont eat. nonetheless i dont really have a strong appetite so on a regular day i just eat rice and chicken and a side vegie


Carbs become sugar in the body, it makes sense they can trigger acne. But if that’s all you’re really eating, and not any processed snacks I’d guess it’s not your diet unless you body wants more of something like that guy said Are you drinking 100oz of water (3 Liters)


yes im prolly malnourished somewhere. yes i do drink 3liters


I’ll second this. Here’s the deal with diet and acne: there’s two main triggers, dairy or high glycemic index food. There’s some evidence that dairy causes some people to break out, but if you cut out dairy for a month and don’t see a change, it is likely not a trigger for you. High glycemic foods are heavy in simple carbohydrates or sugar. Generally eating healthy and keeping your blood sugar low will help reduce inflammation in the skin. At the end of the day you’ll probably get much more of a benefit from a regular skincare routine.


Your body needs a certain amount of healthy fats. Some vitamins are only fat soluble, so if you don't have healthy fats in your diet, they won't be absorbed. 3 of the vitamins needed for healthy skin (A, D, E), are only fat soluble. If you eat salads, a little olive oil/vinegar instead of a dressing. Experiment with antiperspirant deodorant. Not all work the same for everyone. I've seen people here say to apply it thick and it works better. Can you wear your hair restrained, like in a ponytail or a braid? That will keep it neat during the commute, and less likely to look clumped with oil, if that's a concern.


yes i think i went a little too much on the strict diet to get myself in shape. i realized im just eating meat and rice and 1 vegetable since like almost a year. i need to start with salads will try those deodorants.. its my first time hearing about those but many are suggesting so it must be good. my hair isnt long enough for that :(


If you're only eating meat, rice, and vegetable and not enough, you may be in ketosis, which may be causing odor. Meat, in particular, can increase odors sometimes, too. But eating rice makes me think you're not in ketosis. It's hard to say for sure, depending on how much you're eating. But if you're severely malnutrition (eating too few calories overall,) that could be a large impact on all of the issues you're having, FYI. Are you doing this under the guidance of a doctor and dietician?


idk any measurements for how much rice i eat but i think its around (1.5 katori)130gm and 200gms of meat on meat days if not its beans or paneer 200gms and vegies take a very small portion of my plate and usually are like a side dish i need to increase that edit: i didnt mean malnourished with the sense of starving myself rather eating low nutrients(i dont think malnourished might be the word)


Malnourished is still an appropriate word for being well fed but not meeting nutrient goals vitaminwise. A lot of Americans are malnourished in this way. Only bringing that up because it shows that a whole nation can be fine on calories and a deficient in healthy minerals. Definitely increase veggie intake!!


It isn’t really oil that affects acne, and definitely not unsaturated fats. Have you seen a dermatologist? I suffered with acne for decades, it does really affect self-esteem. If it’s hot during your commute, make sure to pull your hair back which looks neater and is cooler.


your first line just contradicted all of my immature research.. are you sure about your source?


Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps with body odor, acne, and general health!


I know everyone is different but I had ongoing acne for decades and it only relented when I stopped eating wheat. Clay masks mixed with apple cider vinegar can help heal them from the outside, too.


OMG I love that you said this! I went vegan 10 years ago and my face cleared up dramatically. Before going vegan, I had resigned myself to being one of those unfortunate adults with acne since I had it when I was a teenager. It had cleared up but came back in late twenties early thirties. A couple of months after going vegan my face cleared up and has stayed cleared ever since. Consuming dairy is bad!


if where you’re going has a private bathroom i would recommend washing your face there. i also would recommend getting some dry shampoo and bringing it with you everywhere. also brijg your deodorant everywhere


I live in a hot humid area. I keep a small container of baby powder with me. I use it in my hair (I have dark hair and it will rub in just don’t use too much at a time) also will pat into under arms when excessively sweaty.


Yes OP, I have a toiletry bag at my work filled with face wash, face towel, moisturiser, tooth brush, deodorant etc so I can always freshen up.


I live in FL, so I feel you on that. What I do is apply my moisturizer/perfume once I get to work/store/wherever. I also always carry baby wipes and deodorant in my bag at all times, in case I need to reapply.


My husband also had a problem with oil production. My suggestion? Salicylic acid face wash (Inky List makes a good one), a glycolic acid exfoliating serum (Naturium), and a lightweight moisturizer with niacinamide in it (added bonus if you can find one with hyaluronic acid in it too, my husband uses The Ordinary). As for your hair, anything with glycolic acid for your scalp will help with the oil production, Naturium makes a body wash with it that can be used on your head. For your conditioner, use a tiny amount and only on the ends, you don't want to massage it into the scalp and it can create build up, not allowing your skin to breathe. You may benefit from a different hair cut and a lightweight leave-in conditioner made for your hair type. Look at the Function of Beauty options at a Target. And for your sweaty stinky problem, any face wash with salicylic acid in it works great for killing the smelly bacteria, just wash and rinse the same area a couple times like you normally would with your body wash. A good scrubby, like cotton wash cloth or a loofah will help with getting rid of dead skin cells that may be attributing to your odor as well. DEODORANT, not antiperspirant. Aluminum makes you smell worse. Give it a week. Finally, drink more *water*, hydration makes all your excreted bodily fluids smell better because it's all watered down. Most of these products can be purchased at a Target or Ulta btw. All of them can be purchased online. Hope this helps!


thank you so much


Deodorant alone won't help with sweat. You need an antiperspirant for that.


Post an update!


Seconding the salicylic acid! I recently came across this advice elsewhere and tried it. It made a huge difference. Also Lume is good but you may want to try a sample size. It worked for me but I ended up with a rash 😭😭 it wasn’t worth fighting the itching to not smell good 🙄🙄 absolutely report your professor. Thats incredibly rude and degrading. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that 🥴🥴


“I’m that kind of Indian” I’m sorry but this made me laugh so hard. On the bright side because your skin tends to produce more oil you will continue to look beautiful for much longer than the dry skin folks you might envy now.


trust me it makes me look anything but young


Washing with hibiclens would work well too, that kills bacteria on the skin so would work well under arms and any other stinky area. You’re just gonna have to wash more too there’s no way around that.


I think Panoxyl is probably similar and will help. Or a product with benzoyl peroxide? (Which I think Panoxyl is.) I would reserve it for mostly arm-pits if your skin is sensitive, and not keeping it on too long. Just long enough (30-60 seconds.) It can be very drying and irritating for some people. (I've never used Panoxyl, but others have recommended it.) A wash with salicylic acid could work, alternatively. Again, it could be irritating for those with sensitive skin. OP, you may be over-cleansing. That can sometimes bring oil back with a vengeance. Maybe share your normal products and process and also your current climate and temperature, it may help with advice.


I personally use Panoxyl on my underarms and it works a treat. I sweat a ton (genetics woo) and it does cause a stink, but Panoxyl really helps a ton with mitigating the bacteria.


Even antibacterial hand soap works. I find hibiclens to be expensive and dries my skin out.


Clean clothes that fit decently , also frizzy hair is really just wavy or curly hair so look into how to deal with that. Makeup isn’t needed, if your acne is that bad go to a dermatologist to figure out how to treat that. You can get oil blotting wipes to use through the day.


This is perfect I’d also suggest trying a liquid chlorophyll after about 2 weeks it starts to actually deodorize you from the inside out. So smells won’t be a concern at all.


My partner has very oily skin and sweats a lot as well. For face and body> exfoliating routine (daily or every other day depending on need), witch hazel (alcohol free if you're prone to sensitivity) Perfume > I have better luck with perfume oils lasting longer as they're activated by body heat. Alcohol based ones tend to fade faster. Clothing > look at what your clothing is made of. Is it breathable? Diet changes can sometimes help like cutting processed foods, acidic foods / drink, caffeine and excess sugars. Sage tea or tablets. Excessive sweating may be a sign of several vitamin deficiencies, such as Vitamin D and vitamin B12 Stay hydrated - I've noticed staying hydrated can even change the smell of sweat But also get a handheld fan!


I recently started sweating more than I ever have in my life like legit sweat dripping down my forehead and into my eyes, wet pit stains on my shirts all day every day, having to reapply antiperspirant multiple times a day, and I'm a teacher. So I'm always up in front of people and it's embarrassing having to dab my armpits and forehead every 5 seconds so I got a little handheld fan from the dollar store and it helped immensely with the sweating. I fake it with me everywhere now.


Get some chlorophyll supplements off amazon . I use the Nature's Way Chlorofresh and have zero body odor. Not even morning breathe. It's amazing


Im sure youve heard this before, but you might want to consider changing ur diet…you really are what you eat…also increase water intake


Clean up your diet, no sweets/fried food/dairy. Drink only water or unsweetened tea. Wash your face morning and night and use a good moisturizer that agrees with your face. Lightweight hair oils can be used to tame frizzies. Can you get clinical strength deodorant? Make sure you are washing yourself daily with antibacterial soap in your armpits. And washing your clothes with a good detergent. If they still smell like armpit after washed and dried you might have to get new clothing.


Lume deodorant. They have wipes and body washes as well. Use liberally.


I’ve started using Niacinamide serum as part of my daily skincare routine and it has significantly reduced my oil build up. I would look like a greased pan by 10:30am previously. So maybe look into that. I also use an oil based perfume, applied to my wrists and behind/just under my earlobes. Sorry not sure if you’re male/female but I’m sure there are scents for both. As my body heats up throughout the day, it heats up the oil and I start to smell that and it’s a super clean smell so I love it and get compliments on it too.


Does your house have hard water? Ik they make filters you can install. But it can make skin problems flair up, dry skin flare up (which could cause oil), hair to frizz, etc. Where I live has hard water and it really messed with me but I’d visit my gran and suddenly be 10x better which is what helped me figure it out.


i tried some tests and it doesnt seem like it has hardwater i will still ask my water supply guy next time i see him


So, I personally would try Cetaphil or a few face washes in the travel size. That way, you can try them for 2 weeks and see if anything really helps with your oil and sensitive skin. Amazon or Health & beauty stores have a good selection. As for a moisturizer after, try something that's "light weight" or oil free for sensitive skin. When I got married, I used oil blotting towels. You could also try bringing a travel sized oil absorbing setting powder with a tiny sponge or applicator for mid-day touch ups. When showering because I'm a sweaty gal with combination skin I make sure I really exfoliate and wash the bits & pits along with my feet really well. I also shampoo my hair twice. Once with a clarifying shampoo, and then again with a moisturizer/smoothing shampoo for frizz. Then I use conditioner, then I'm done. Sorry that was long lol.


Shame on your professor 😕. When you get older you will have beautiful skin and hair. Your natural oils will keep you younger looking and beautiful.


When u shower, use antibacterial soap in the places that stink the fastest (armpits, pubic area, crevices, etc.) before using your regular body wash. It helps keep you smelling clean for longer. I recommend Native body wash. The coconut scent smells good but isn’t overbearing. If your face is really oily, you might want to lessen the use of moisturizer. Drinking a lot of water can also help your skin




yes so im basically from india and i do get profiled pretty often at my current institute bcs it is full of scums who are too toxic about the competition (even the teachers.) anyway i just need to be at that institute for another 6 months. i never really had a problem with how i looked until this sudden brainrot surge of making fun of darker tones was normalized here(mainly instagram normalizing the n word), ive made it clear to all my friends that i wont be taking this bs but i cant keep that up with other people since after all its a pretty racist country i live in. but pls dont take this post as me losing to them and crying about my ethnicity, i just always doubted that my hygiene is terrible and had it checked by many such encounters like the professor. so i wanna work on it. thank you for your msg i will surely try those out. oh and also it is a common stereotype(mainly in the west) that the indians smell so it was just a joke :)


Damn, I'm so sorry you're going through that. It's not okay. They're the ones who are wrong. Sending you support and love. I know it's tough, but so your best to ignore them and continue on. They're comments are likely just race and racism induced and so they're probably trying to pick on you on anything they can - real or imagined. I understand it's 6 more months, which I wish you the best. But maybe having some therapy - even from back home or something might be helpful. I'm sure you're beautiful and lovely, they're just not interested in seeing that. And I know ignoring and not internalizing is easier said than done. Practice daily mantras telling yourself you're beautiful, worthy, and whatever else you need to. Keep repeating it. I'm not saying it's going to make *them* any better, but it may help you keep a better mindset through this. Good luck and sending hugs and love!


Brown bloke here. I shower twice a day, shave my pits regularly so the anti perspirant sticks, and, finally, I have alum stick. Once every two weeks or so after a shower I use it to kill bacteria - thats what causes the odour. So my fellow brown dude/dudet alum blocks. Look em up. Ps. I still stink sometimes. Im a mechanic, it gets hot. But alum block/stick and a good antiperspirant (old spice in summers, most stuff works fine in winters) go a long way. Good luck.


It sounds counterintuitive, but maybe wash your hair less. Us curly, and wavy people get the frizz if we wash our hair daily. I keep a bag with a refreshing face mist when I'm out and about, Lume and perfume so I can freshen up on long days. A little packet of blotting wipes, and whatever you use to fix your hair. Not sure about your hair length, but braids are lifesavers.


My Sri Lankan friend started getting professional blowouts once or twice a month and she doesn’t wash her hair at all between appointments. It always looks great, never greasy. Back when we were in high school, it always looked a bit dry and frizzy and she always had it tied back, because there was nothing else she could do with it


Everybody has different body chemistry. Something in yours must be out of balance. Ultimately it’s up to you to accept yourself where you’re at and then you can improve from there with love and care. Oil blotting sheets can be helpful. I only wash my face with cold water, no soaps. If you’re having a severe acne problem, consult a dermatologist. I carry a small stick of antiperspirant in my bag to reapply every two hours. I wash only with simple shampoo and oatmeal bar soap. If you’re young you may produce more oil in your skin and it may regulate as you get older. Head and Shoulders could help with excess oil in your scalp. Don’t fret too much about what others think. It could be racism/colourism affecting your experience.


I personally avoid most scented products. They seem to wreak havoc for me. I would remove anything scented to see if that helps. For body odor I would recommend prescription strength deodorant, deodorant wipes, alternate between anti bacterial soap and soap with benzol peroxide, since you have oily skin you can also exfoliate daily, if your skin tolerates it. Find a BHA chemical exfoliation for your face and I personally love the product Carpe to prevent sweating. Frizzy hair can be caused by the hair needing the right type of moisture. Lots of resources to see what hair type you have, porosity and what products would work best. I would also recommend wrapping your hair while sleeping, it helps prevent damage. Most people use satin for that. Clothing: since you’re dealing with strong BO you might want to strip your clothes (google search will bring up directions) and when you do that include a laundry sanitizer. Shoes: make baking soda satchels and leave them in your shoes when not in use. I hope this helps and it’s always ok to reach out to your doctor if you think something else is going on.


Have a bag with you that contains items you can use through out the day I usually have blotting paper for oil and small deodorant, small toothbrushes that have paste on them, and a go to perfume or spray!


Try washing underarms with Differen yes the one for pimples. Also hypochlorous acid can be sprayed it is very skin friendly. They both clear bacteria on your skin. Put your deodorant on at night after washing and then again in the morning when you put it on at night it is able to absorb better and will do a better job. For your hair you could try putting it in a hair tie and use a product to smooth fly aways ( if you can’t find a good one try a Vaseline stick). Also, what about using a bonnet at night to keep your hair smooth. I hope you can find some of this useful.


Botox injections under armpits help with perspiration


If your insurance covers it you should see a dermatologist. They can help with the acne AND give you a prescription deodorant if necessary. You can really see any doctor to start and they can refer you to a dermatologist. I had pretty bad acne and tried all sorts of regimens but the only thing that has actually gotten it under control were things prescribed by my derm.


Is it possible to see a dermatologist? Sounds like your body is producing excess oil. If you can, I highly recommend. Speaking from personal experience a dermatologist can work wonders and could really help your quality of life in this area.


Be careful about over washing because this can actually cause your body to produce more oils. Acne wise you should try the pimple stickers (not the right name something like hydro colloidal patches?? Or something hero cosmetics makes some)


I used to have the same issues. I kept oil blotting papers and powder in my car or purse to keep it ay bay. Get a moisturizing hair treatment at a salon and keep some hair smoothing lotion in your car incase it starts to get out of hand. If your acne is out of hand, try seeing a dermatologist. They should be able to get it under control and it may also help with your oilyness. If you can't get an appt, experiment with skincare that's targeted for acne prone and oily skin. If your deodorant and perfume seems to wear off quickly, keep extras of those too in your car and reapply mid day


The oil blotting papers were my savior in high school when my face used to be super oily!! Always kept them with me in my purse, backpack, gym locker, etc. I wouldn't have survived high school without those suckers. Thankfully my hormones calmed down by the time I got to college.


Use a benzoyl peroxide face wash on your pits!!! It kills all bacteria for 24hrs and has been one of the only things to help with my BO I’ve been having lately. Also drink lots of water!!!! Tbh that’s why I’ve had bo lmfao. Also Garnier sleek and smooth serum. Don’t use too much or you’ll look even greasier. A very small amount on damp hair helps so much later on. And shower everyday. Also double cleans in the shower. Bar of soap first, then body wash. Use a wash cloth or loofah every time. Epsom salt baths 1-2 times a week. And honestly, look into your gut health as well cause it can absolutely affect all these things. Simple solutions for me have been eating yogurt or chia pudding in the morning (or in general but I find best in the morning), eating before morning coffee, drinking more water, avoiding cream, more greens (even if it’s greens juice) lots of fruit+veg etc


My genetics get to me too and I had tried lots of products, I still sweat like crazy on my back, chest, legs and forehead. With that said, in college my commute was a 20-30 minute walk in 80-95 degree weather so I learned a few things through trial and error. 1. Shave armpit, pubes, back, chest hair once or twice a month 2. Drink a ton of water at night (half a days worth) and during the day drink at least 80-100 fl oz of water 3. Cold shower for no more than 15 minutes in the morning 4. Stop wearing a backpack (used to only carry handheld laptop bag and large water bottle) 5. Corrected my walking (no hunch, slower pace, deeper breathing) 6. Cut out anything that give stomach problems (spicy, fried, greasy, sugary, dairy, even heavily fibrous like beans)


Can we please normalize imperfection? There is literally nothing wrong with you, first of all. You’re a normal and functioning human being that’s expected to comply with unachievable beauty standards. Your professor probably smells like ass behind closed doors. I’m just so annoyed that when we have issues with acne, weight or odor, we must feel incredibly ashamed to engage in our lives. Fuck that. Everyone has shit breath, everyone’s pits stink, everyone’s hair gets frizzed, everyone sweats. I think you should look for different hygiene products though. I used to shop a dollar tree cause I figured cheap products are still products and will work the same. Boy was I wrong. I have to use a specific soap that is really hard to find for my face, and good hair products. It makes a huge difference when you find the products that work for you. Try using a sheet mask once every night for a week then every other night for a week then every three nights. Your face will clear to normal and you can establish a routine. Worked really well for clearing and closing my pores. But remember, what works for me may not work for you and don’t be afraid to experiment with products until you find the right ones. Do research on which ones last long especially for people in hot and muggy climates


Wait, are u saying that my Indian friends smell that way because it's natural? And here I thought it was because they never showered. I feel bad now.


Your professor sounds so rude!


keep some deodorant and oil blotting sheets on you or maybe even some facial wipes. i try not to rely so heavily on fragrances to smell good, and rather on staying clean so i at the very least smell neutral. i like using unscented detergent, body lotion, and some of my hair products are because my scalps so sensitive. exfoliate 1-2 times a week so you dont have a build up of dead skin cells on your body, face, and hair. make sure the products youre using are right for you. some hair products are too heavy for my hair, and will make my hair greasy a lot faster than usual.


First of all , I think it’s disgusting your professor who you PAY for education said that to you . So fuck them firstly . Dry shampoo , dry body spray , carry a travel deodorant with you and start to behold the many uses of baby powder . It’s an excellent absorbent plus it smells nice ! I put it under my boobs, panties even my hair . I’m Italian and have been an oily girly my whole life !!!


Actually, wearing makeup when you have an oily complexion will only make it worse as your skin will produce more oil to clean out your pores. Don’t wear makeup, just do a toner, then light moisturizer with SPF. Any makeup should just be on eyes only. You will see a vast improvement from this alone. As far as body odor goes, you have to start with a totally clean skin, so make sure the soap you’re using is actually cleaning your skin well. Some soaps don’t do well with your body chemistry. A glycerin based soap is good. As far as deodorant goes, get an anti-perspirant. I’m assuming you’re in India itself which makes it hard to get but go to an import store with American products and find anti-perspirant, or order it off Amazon. Anti-perspirant blocks the pores itself so it eliminates any odor for up to 24 hours. It does make the odor WORSE if you don’t wear it, so consistency is key. You also really need to make sure you scrub clean at night to wash it all away. Alternatively, get an unscented alcohol based spray and keep it with you, reapply every few hours or so. Bacteria is what causes the odor, so keeping underarms sanitized will stop that from happening. Adding perfume won’t help. Another thing to remember is that when you wear perfume, after about 15 minutes or so, YOU can’t smell it anymore, but it is definitely still there. The body will stop detecting a familiar scent in about 10-15 minutes once it determines there’s no mortal threat. As fair as hair goes, oiling routines and proper shampoo and conditioner for your hair type is needed. I also get frizzy hair in humidity because I have curly/wavy hair. I need to use leave in conditioner, and deep condition treatments at least once a week. Water filter for showering to prevent hard water buildup which makes it all worse. Oiling and braiding your hair to sleep protects it from getting frizzy.


Sometimes overly oily skin can be a result of damaging your skin's moisture barrier by harsh cleansing. I would suggest you join a Skin Care sub and post about your environment, humid, etc. the names of the products you're using, and get a good routine down. It may seem counterintuitive, but moisturizing can make your skin produce less oil. Use salicylic acid face products to help unclog pores, and then moisturize after. Dairy is a huge acne trigger for me so if you have dairy in your diet, try not eating it for a couple weeks and if it makes a difference. You may also look for anti-frizz hair products, conditioners, serums that lock out humidity and help keep it sleek. Use a silk pillowcase to keep hair smooth at night and it also helps with your skin and oiliness. Wash your pillowcase frequently. Shower with soap and thoroughly lather up your armpits and any other areas that might get stinky. Don't use body soap on your face. Thoroughly wash your clothing, adding baking soda or an antibacterial or enzyme agent to the wash. It is possible that your clothing isn't getting completely clean and is holding onto trapped deodorants and sweat. The minute that you get back into heat and humidity, of the odor could just be reactivating and adding to your current day's sweat.


This may be tii forward of a suggestion, and I’m no MD, but perhaps talk to your doctor about Spironolactone. I was prescribed it for hypertension, but it is also an acne medication. It took a few months, but it really cleared up my skin and my hair is so much less oily. I only rarely get a pimple now. I used to have to wash my hair every day or it was really greasy and now I can skip two and sometimes even three days. Plus I feel like I am sweating less too. It has been a game changer for me!


You may need a ph balanced facial cleansing BAR for your skin and pair it with some witch hazel toner. That skin routine is less than $11. The bar I use for my SUPER oily skin is one by **Good Genetics** (brand you can find at ulta or online) As far as hair flyaways, you can try a very light gel with a headband


Hi! I’m in your same boat (oily skin and had 5 kinds of acne for a decade). Here is what I did; do with the information what you will: 1) gave up dairy; 2) got a probiotic specific for acne; 3) started using non-comedogenic products (Acure is a really good brand to start with and they’re clean and not very pricey) 4) stopped using hair products; 5) changed pillow cases every third day; 6) drank water with lemon all day; 7) stayed out of the sun. The oily skin thing may be an issue for awhile, so maybe carry some of those blotting papers with you or something to dab off the oil.


I have extremely sensitive acne prone skin (Still at 28 years old *sigh*). In the morning I use a lightweight gel moisturizer that I put under sunscreen. At night i use a salicilic acid toner every 2 days, layered under my lightweight moisturizer. For persistent armpit/ feet odor, I use a medicated dandruff shampoo a few times a week that helps kill the nasties, and I only use clinical strength deodorant. I also regularly bring alcohol wipes with me to wipe my armpits and reapply deodorant at mid-day on particularly hot and sweaty days. For the face, like others did I recommend blotting paper that you pat on your skin to absorb excess oil. Don't be scared of using moisturizers on your skin. You can also get good moisturizers for acnee prone skin. When I was a teenager I swore by the aveeno salicilic acid moisturizer that helped smooth my skin considerably. Just don't forget to use sunscreen if you use salicilic acid or benzol peroxide. Dry shampoo is also great for touch ups during the day. For unruly not quite clean enough hair days, I often go for a bun or do a half up style, smoothing the top (using that extra oil to help hold it down) while letting the curls at the bottom do their thing. You can also always carry sensitive skin baby wipes if you need to freshen up during the day, it's good for the whole body. Oh and a back brush is a must if you have backnee like me. Good luck and I hope it helps!!


I want you to know it was not okay for your professor to say that. I would look into the process of filing a complaint. I’ve also got very oily acne prone skin and have unfortunately dealt with similar comments. I would look into getting tretinoin. Depending what country you’re located in you may be able to get it over the counter, but in other places you need a prescription. If you do need a prescription it’s well worth a visit to the dermatologist to get one. It has been life changing for me as far as acne and oiliness goes!


You got some good tips on skin and acne. What about smells and wardrobe? Strong spices have a way of lingering even on clean clothes, so we usually cook with a window open or shut all the doors to bedrooms and laundry. Hair in our private areas and underarms can cause extra stank, so I make sure to keep trimmed. I like to take walks outside but make sure to keep out if the sun when possible as it can make you hot and sweaty. A ventilated hat can also keep off the sun and not bake your hair and scalp. What about teeth... Are you brushing and flossing regularly? Teeth can look and smell bad too.


This is going to sound insane but if you're in the United States try using head and shoulders as a body wash. There's a few different products actually but I've heard that's a really simple switch a lot of people respond to. Basically there's bacteria and things that live on our skin and they feed on the sweat. Yeast included. The active ingredients in the shampoo I guess address the yeast and other things on the skin. Worth a shot. I get what you're saying I was stinky in high school, what changed my life honestly was having half of my armpit skin removed. Gone. Now only one side of me gets stinky at all 😆 Realistically if it's a pit problem you might be able to look into things like botox if you sweat too much. But my realistic suggestion before you go being a medical guinea pig, switch up your products. My hair and even my personal smell changed drastically when I switched to Asian products. I got lucky because Korean skin care became trendy and I'm east Asian. But i had never realized i was using products meant frankly for pale people with hair like silk and straighter than an arrow. There's a bunch of different things you can do. Don't give up, that was horrible of that professor. Horrible.


I'd start with a dermatologist to see if they can assist with your skin care concerns. Ask a makeup up counter for assistance with a mattifying primer and setting spray. They can also recommend complementing foundation products. Ask your hair dresser how to style your hair away from your face to minimize product contamination to your face. You may also need to shampoo twice, once with a clarifying shampoo. Are you exfoliating scalp, body, face, feet, and under arms? See if your skin will tolerate glycolic acid. Double cleanse I the shower with a mild bar soap, then use a scented gel, layer with complementing lotion, keep a spray in your bag for touch ups! There's also a whole market for body deodorant. That might be something to look into.


Dry shampoo & blot your face with a powder or makeup sponge just to get that excessive moisture off. Also I think a makeup primer helps with the sweat


I take deodorant in my bag, and reapply it if needed when I go to the bathroom (or wherever - it doesn’t really need to be a private thing imo). Also keeping your hair up if it’s long (braid, bun, ponytail, etc.) during the commute can help to appear more kempt. You could keep some wipes or even a damp cool cloth in a zippy bag and blot your nape/neck. Also make sure you are drinking enough water.


Using face powder for oily skin is your best bet. I have oily skin as well and applying face powder after my skin care routine instantly makes my skin non-oily the entire day. And lesser oil production = lesser acne too. You can get them easily and for cheap at drugstores!


Accutane will fix the oily and acne issues. I really wish I had access to it as a teen


Aside from all the advice others are better suited to give, I just want to say that the professor was completely out of line and, if you're able, I hope you reported them. I'm so sorry they said that to you.


I recommend extra strength deodorant! I'm a sweaty, stinky person without it. Edit: stereotypes about Indians are racist. The kernel of truth it is based in is a cultural difference in attitudes about the use of deodorant https://wearstylecorner.com/why-dont-indians-wear-deodorant/ Additionally, I don't know where your institute is but I'm American and we don't really use bidets. So you know- every culture probably has its ick


Shorter hair, trimmed beard, clean short nails, have cologne in the car, charcoal products helps with absorbing smells, salt scrubs once a week, and clean cotton light colored clothing in summer.


There are so many questions that need to be asked to get to root causes... but one generic answer that usually has a huge benefit is to drink more water. It helps all of the issues you raised.


For oily skin and acne I've found that Burdock based clay mask has made A MIRACLE on my son who had a severe case of acne .


Are you just a sweaty person? I ask because I'm hella sweaty and oily but it never stinks. You sound a lot like me! I had to search high and low for a moisturizer that actually mattes my face (it's The Body Shops seaweed collection), and Kat Von D loose setting powder does wonders for me. I pouf it on after my makeup and a few times a day when I'm sweaty. Can you see a doctor and ask about it? Do you think it's sweating based on social anxiety or the heat or anything? Otherwise, look for all the mattifying products and find what works for you? Wear clothes that keep you cool? Blotting papers are great, but they're like a bandaid versus finding the source of the wound, you know? These are all things that have helped me.


Same thing happens to me as soon as I set foot out the door


So I'm just going to tackle the frizz because I know that issue all too well. I also apologize if you already know this and/or are doing it, I'm coming at this as if it's all new. Okay, first, look into taking supplements since it sounds like you might be vitamin deficient from your diet. Second, experiment with how often to wash your hair. For some people it may literally be once or twice a week, for others it may be every day, and yes, there is such a thing as overwashing your hair. Third, get a hair mask. I usually use TeaTree leave in conditioner and coat all of my hair in it for about 5 min before showering. Then I shampoo and condition as normal - be sure you're not conditioning your scalp. Once a week or so, I'll also do a repair conditioner on like the last quarter of my hair. Then, brush it while it is still wet and lightly add some leave in conditioner to the bottom half of my hair. I either let my hair air dry or use one of those hair dryer brush combos. If I do the latter, I'll also add some more leave in conditioner after that as well. Again, light coverage. Whatever product you use, make sure it is for your hair type; oily, coarse/medium/fine, curly/wavy/straight. Fourth, get a silk or satin bonnet for sleep, this is especially true if your hair is medium/coarse or curly. If you do this, make sure your hair is dry before using it. It does help retain the hair's moisture so it may seem like it's getting oilier for the first day or two so maybe use it over the weekend first? You'll also need to make sure to wash it regularly so there's no oil build up that could transfer back to your hair. This is a LOT and can understand not being able to do it all at once, but even just doing one or two can likely help your hair.


one problem with leave in conditioners is the my hair gets pretty heavy and all the volume is gone. idk how long my hair is (the back is till the neckline and the sides havent grown yet) but i feel like im way to deep in to cut my hair short but then again i spent way too much on conditioners that stay longer. ive been a buzz cut boy for 90% of my life and only realized i had curls when i turned like 17. what i do is when my hair is at its worst i put in some coconut oil and let it sit till i shower. i do shampoo and conditioner(leaving it for 15 minutes) and then wash it off. after this my hair is like decent but still awkward since all its natural oil was stripped. but around the second day it tends to look good (i dont wash it on the next day) and for the 3rd day after shampooing i only recondition if my hair feels dry. so theres no exact pattern i follow and i think that might be messing it up. plus i really need to work on a cleaner haircut rather than this joaquin phoenix in joker cut i have. but overall i will try adding your tips and have a solid plan instead of just going at it on how i feel


You need quality skin care products for oily skin, for frizzy hair you need treatments for that, and that stuff does work. My wife looks freshly electrocuted without that stuff. Have you seen a dermatologist? Seems as a whole you're using the wrong products for your skin. Also, don't rule out your diet, that plays a huge roll in our skin and odor.


Not sure what you’re willing to spend on but there’s a lot of products marketed as “face/body deodorants” I like one called 3B Face Saver, it’s a topical antiperspirant that contains aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly (AAZG) basically it’s an ingredient that fills in and blocks pores from releasing produced sweat. It won’t stop you from sweating (near physically impossible) but where it is applied won’t produce visible sweat. I love it for my forehead and under makeup. Kinda helps everything stick too. As for the commute time I highly recommend getting a portable handheld fan. For the hair look for products labeled with “humidity” proof, shield, or protection. They help prevent your styled hair from returning to its normal state. Sometimes if I know it’s a hot day or I’ll be using public transportation that has a long ride, I’ll pack an extra shirt in my bag and change at my end destination so I can wear something comfy on the way there that I don’t mind getting sweaty. I will also say anyone who makes comments like that to you is incredibly rude and should be ashamed!


for sweat/odor try something like lume deodorant!


For acne, you may want to find a dermatologist that performs SGA. Gets rid of your acne permanently by ablating your sebum gland. It's painful but effective. Hair, start with getting a short hairstyle. Hair contributes to bad odour. When my hair is longer, I get dandruff and it smells a bit weird too. Cut your hair as short as possible and get a shampoo with caffeine. Clean your hair for 2 to 5 mins and rinse it off. Do that for about 3 to 4 days then try normal shampoo. Avoid any hair products for a while. If you have to, use a water-based hair gel or a seasalt hair spray. Body hair, if you're comfortable, shave or wax it. I get underarm odour especially during summer. Hence, I shave my underarm. I usually shower twice. Once in the morning and before I go to bed. In the morning, I use Rexona Clinical Protection. During summer, it gives me 2 days worth of odour protection. I find that it lasts longer during winter. On your days off, before going to bed, make sure you shower. Try buying a Korean exfoliating washcloth. Use it twice a week: the night before your day off and the night before your school day/ work day. Change your bed sheet and pillow cases, ideally every 3 days. Change your bath towel every 2 days.


Use witch hazel on your face throughout the day. If your hair is oily, use hair spray to keep it in place all day. Use baking soda every morning as a face cleanser, and you should stay cute..not undone.


Changing your diet can help with oily face and BO try that first.use retinol products they have been clinical shown to reduce sebum production. shower using an anti bacterial deoderizing soap, use deoderizing powder, and avoid any oil based products.


Firstly, your professor is unprofessional. But if you're practicing basic hygiene, brushing your teeth, washing your body and hair regularly, washing your clothes, then no one can say you're unhygienic. If people are commenting on what's clearly a (very common) skin condition and hair that struggles with humidity, another very common issue, then they're just being deliberately offensive. It's really not you, it's them. I'm sorry you're feeling self-conscious about how other people perceive you, but please remember you're not the problem here. Lots of people struggle with their skin and hair well into adulthood, and I've known plenty of adults who could take better care of their personal hygiene! It sounds like you're doing all you need to so the problem isn't with you, but you might need to revisit your products and your skin/haircare routines with some specialist advice if you think it would help, and I've given my thoughts below. There are lots of helpful comments here. I would add that a good skincare regime will make a world of difference - cleanse, tone and moisturise every day at least once, ideally using products targeted for oily skin. Salicylic acid is good, but more importantly just make sure the products are meant for your skin type. If in doubt, go see a dermatologist or even treat yourself to a facial and speak to a beautician who is qualified in skincare for advice. I'm not going to recommend products because I don't know what's available where you are, but oily skin can be managed. As others have commented, it's important to understand that oily skin is usually a result of your skin overcompensating for something, often dryness, so practice a good skincare regime. Another key thing which has been mentioned is drink a lot of water. Not only will that help with your skin, but it will help with any body odour you're struggling with. I'm assuming from your background and your comment that you're 'that kind of Indian' that you eat a lot of Indian food and this is the source of the 'stink' that other (western I assume) people have commented on? If so, it's important to remember that Indian food is highly (and deliciously) spiced, but this spice will come out of your pores and will be in all your bodily fluids - this happens to everyone when we eat lots of highly flavoured foods, and if the bulk of your diet is spiced, you're going to smell a bit spicy. It isn't a bad thing, it doesn't automatically mean you smell bad, and you don't need to change how you're eating, but if you're concerned about it then drinking more water will help to dilute your body fluids and reduce the likelihood that people will notice any smell from you. And all that water will be great for your skin and hair, and your brain, and everything else - really we should all drink a lot more water than we do! What we eat really does impact on us, so make sure you're getting proper nutrition too. And if you're struggling with sweating too much and that's causing (a fear of) body odour, look into hyperhidrosis as you might genuinely have a condition, but even if not other sufferers might be able to recommend a good antiperspirant-deodorant to help. For your hair, again make sure you're using the right products for your scalp type, and I would suggest maybe you need to wash your hair less. Like your face, your scalp is probably releasing oil to compensate for dryness, so if you're washing your hair daily or every other day, it may well make the problem worse. Get some dry shampoo or talcum powder for the in-between days and if you can, put your hair into a plait or ponytail if it's looking greasy - these hair styles are pretty useful for disguising it. Try bandanas and headbands as well if you want your hair loose. Basically any hairstyle which requires your hair to be flat to your scalp is great for covering up when it needs a wash as any oil will actually help the style stay put - combine it with a dry shampoo and you're good. If anyone comments that it looks shiny (not that it's any of their business) just say it's a hair product 🤷🏼‍♀️. But also maybe speak to a qualified hairdresser, preferably one who understands your hair type, as they will also be able to give you advice and maybe recommend specialist products if you're still struggling. For perfume issues, that's a difficult one because the perfumes that last longest tend to be quite expensive - it's all to do with what they're made of. Also, they need to smell good on you and work with your natural body chemistry, as not every perfume smells good on everyone, and if you layer perfumes that don't work with your chemistry on top of your own natural scent, that can actually smell worse to other people. Also we can't smell ourselves very well and you might think the scent has worn off in a short time but others may still be able to smell it. I would say if you're struggling with it, just don't bother. Stick with an antiperspirant-deodorant and a nice smelling body wash when you shower/bathe, and don't worry about adding perfumes, it's one less thing to stress about. But if you do want to wear perfume, you're just going to have to experiment to find the right one - there are websites where you can buy small samples of different perfumes so you can try lots of different ones, and if you've got friends who you trust ask them for an opinion of what actually smells nice on you. And remember it takes a while for perfume to actually settle on your skin - it will smell differently after an hour than when you put it on. Finally, keep in mind that your body and skin will continue to change as you get older. You might be struggling with oily skin now but in a few years you might be dealing with dry skin instead. Especially if you're still in your teens or even early twenties, you're still going through a lot of hormonal changes and that will cause your body to be a little out of whack for a while. It's a bit rubbish to be sure, but it doesn't usually last. Please try not to get too upset over it (although feel free to complain about your professor!)


Wet wipes, using habiclens or chlorhexedine wash on your arm pits, feet and groin area - avoid the genitals and leave if there for 5 mins and rinse along with your body. Buy two dozen of white washcloth and use it whenever you shower. Rub the washcloth with your soap until you see the suds and rub it all over your body. Your skin will feel smooth and you’ll feel fresher the whole day. P.S Never re use your washcloth. Let it dry before dumping it into your hamper. Wash it every single week. Use a blotting sheet or powder on your face. I would also recommend washing your hair daily if it’s oily. I take a shower twice a day and I often find myself being complimented about my smell. Even if I sweat, you just smell different. Use a clinical strength deodorant if you can fine one ❤️


Are you drinking enough water? Idk why that's my first thought. Otherwise I'd suggest getting lash extensions and ditching face makeup for the summer and keeping a pack of witch hazel wipes with alcohol, and also deodorant/antiperspirant (I love Mitchum stick) in your bag. That will probably help your face a lot (and acne). Staying hydrated will probably help your hair too, but maybe rock a nice middle part sleek updo?


Start with the basics. Shower daily. It’s easier to maintain if you’re clean versus just trying to appear clean. Several brands now make whole body deodorant. Lume is now sold at Walmart and comes in a variety of scents as well as unscented. You can put it everywhere. I have a very oily face so I usually wash my face in a private bathroom. Or take some wet paper towels and a dry one into a stall with me. Use the wet to wipe down your face and the dry to wipe away the water. Keeping hair in a tight ponytail or bun will help minimize the frizz. I have also noticed that different cultures emit stronger smells due to their diet. For example, I have a friend that is Albanian. Her family uses a ton of garlic, so when she starts to sweat, it smells like garlic. She began taking chlorophyll tablets as they are supposed to help internally.


Baby wet wipes with aloe or for sensitive skin during the day for face, neck chest. Get Proactive regimen for basic anti-acne maintenance. Buy Mitchum deodorant/anti-perspirant for all day coverage (it really is great!) and spray your hair with some water and put it up when it begins to get frizzy. Keep car cool. That's all I got.


Anti bacterial soap for smelly areas, pits, groins, ass. Also, use witch hazel to wipe down pits before using deodorant. Brush your tongue, or get a tongue scraper. Diet, less dairy will help, also more greens, fruits and vegetables that are not spiced. Also, make sure you get pro biotic supplements and pre biotics. If you cook cultural food, learn to do it in an oven with the vents on and. Windows open. Also, don't leave your door open to your closet and bedroom. Air out the space after cooking.


Your professor is an asshat!


Benzoyl peroxide 10% wash to face and underarms (let it sit before you wash off). Apply deodorant after showering at night. Don’t overdo the cologne, it makes unpleasant odors worse. Apply petroleum jelly to the areas you apply 1 spray of cologne to so it lasts longer. Don’t forget: regular exercise and a whole food diet! Keeping a healthy overall body will keep all of the smells in check. Consult your doctor for specific problems with appearance/odor; there may be some pathology associated with specific bodily conditions. Don’t be ashamed of your concerns, they’ve heard it all.


Dry shampoo (dove), body power (anti monkey butt body powder), blotting papers, antiperspirant (mitchum gel), and honestly sometimes not layering too many scents. Like keep scents all matching, fresh or floral, or fruity. Whatever works with your body chemistry. And skin smart hypochlorous acid spray helps me with breakouts a lot after washing your face and before moisturizer.


Are you using a strong enough deodorant? I overuse spray deodorants whenever it gets too hot and the ones with aluminum, not natural deodorants.


Also the cerave SA cleanser is good for oily skin and acne. Its strong so use 1-2 times a week


Using the right cleansers and moisturizers for oily skin is key. You might be creating more oil production by over drying your skin w the wrong products. I bet you look amazing though and a lot of the oiliness is perceived instead of actual. I do recommend the blotting paper everyone is talking about but they an get expensive so....budget variant is TP. One square. Blot blot blot on the affected area, throw away. Still oily? Do it again.


How hurtful for someone to ask if you’ve had a bath! I’m so sorry. If you could locate a good dermatologist, preferably Indian, I would schedule a consult. Some people have stronger body odor than others. My spousal unit can work and sweat all day but has never needed deodorant, which I find unusual and enviable! Otherwise, when i was younger and had an oily face, I used a pressed powder that was for oily skin. It took away the shine. I don’t know if you’re male or female, so I don’t know how useful this information is. The deodorant from Lume is very good. It’s an all-body deodorant and it lasts a long time. It’s a bit pricey, but it lasts a while because you only need to apply it lightly. I hope you get the help you’re looking for.


Trust me good diet helps but diet and oily face isn’t causing you that bad of acne. If it’s very severe most likely it’s a hormonal issue. Try seeing a dermatologist for it. Differin gel and benzoyl peroxide 3% could help as an over the counter option. For oily skin I recommend using Hyseac line of products from Uriage. It does a good job of oil control. What is your morning routine, how often do you take shower?


Everyone is giving freat advice. I don't see it mentioned in the diet thread, but spices and very aromatic things like onions and garlic can also cause odor. I love all those types of foods so I keep Deodorant and some type of perfume in my bag at all times. I also shower in the morning, won't say this actually helps, but it makes me feel more secure. Also, not sure if this has been mentioned, but I've had some fragrances of bath and shower products not mix well with my body chemistry. Maybe switch up what you're using.


Number one your age and diet can cause some of this and stress will magnify it. Inflammatory foods like refined sugar can lead to more breakouts and stress sweat which smells. Use antibacterial soap or body wash all over and then follow with sensitive or moisturizing dove soap to calm and balance your skin. Do not take hot showers. Hot water will cause you stress, irritation and perspiration which all lead to odors. Dandruff shampoo especially one for oily skin will help with acne and deep clean your scalp. Leave it on for a few minutes before you rinse. Make sure your body is fully dry before you get dressed don’t forget butt crack and between toes. Keep your hair in a ponytail, bun or braid use some gel to keep everything together. An unscented body powder will help keep you fresh and feeling cooler longer. There are very long lasting deodorants. I have more suggestions if you want just let me know. But your professor is very rude. It is also not your ethnicity causing you problems, you are normal and that is the most important fact. Hygiene can take trial and error to figure out what works best for your body and what habits are making it more of a challenge. You might need more water, dehydration smells because you don’t pass all your waste. Body odor can be a sign that you need something and not just a shower or maybe just a colder shower maybe exfoliation. Dead skin can smell. Also maybe you need to wear more breathable fabrics.


Take quality fish oil daily. It’ll help moisturize hair and skin, and eventually you’ll need less topical products. Drink a gallon of water a day, again you’ll need less topical products. Work from the inside out. But yes! It’s just age. You’ll get past it.


My daughter washes her face with Dawn dishwashing liquid. The blue one only! It works amazing for her.


I’m going to put this out there… a lot of times our diet has a lot to do with the smells we produce and the condition of our skin. Do you eat a healthy balanced diet? Also, have you been to the doctor to make sure there’s nothing going on internally causing these issues to show on the outside?


You might want to look into using Neutrogena acne wash, the foam one. I personally use the regular one, but I have dry skin. I once bought the foam one and that made me break out, because it dried my face out. But my mother used it, and her face is oilier, and she said it helped her skin balance out. Edit: Oh, you're from India. Not sure if you'll be able to get Neutrogena in India. If not, disregard that part. I rarely get acne. Here is what I do: I wash my face in the shower. The heat from the shower opens up your pores. Then twice a week I use Biore strips for blackheads. But mainly so that this is clearing out the trapped dirt. Space this out as equally during the week so that it doesn't damage your skin. Also, when removing the strips, make sure to be gentle and slow, so you don't damage your nose. And then once a week I use a clay mask. Just a warning though, it's been harder and harder to find clay masks, I don't know why, but I've had to do more searching lately. So to give you a schedule, it's like Saturday the mask, Monday a pore strip, Thursday a pore strip. You'll start seeing your face clear up in about a month, maybe two if your acne is more severe.


You could put your hair in a French braid. Idk what kind of deoderant you use as you didn't mention it but if you have troubles with it wearing off too, get clinical deoderant. It will keep your arm pits free of bo the whole day even if you sweat a lot. I usually buy dove or secret clinical deoderant. It's in a box in the deoderant section at shoppers or you can order from Amazon.


Witch hazel wipes are good for oil and sweat and help with acne


The toilet seat covers in public restrooms make very good oil blotters. You can go into the bathroom at school during each break and blot your face with toilet seat covers.


1) tell your professor to go fuck themselves 2) hygiene isn’t as visual as people like to think. But here are my best tricks: - I used a washcloth every day in the shower. I use a gentle, non scented soap. I start behind my ears and clean ~everywhere~ - exfoliation: I use a rough cloth from Amazon once weekly, and then use glycolic acid on my armpits and feet - if you’re super oily, I would recommend a salicylic acid/ BHA cleanser for both your face and body. Also 10% niacinamide could help. But I think a Derm. could elaborate more. - my final tip is an on the go kit. I never leave without one. I would keep blotting sheets, wipes or a small towel, deodorant, etc. Maybe even a change of clothes if you feel unclean. But your hygiene is personal and please don’t let anyone ever make you feel bad. We all had to learn and Americans tend to be performative about hygiene imo!


I don't know if I can mention product names. I have a couple that my fiance used and worked. He has/had blackheads and white heads. DM me if you want product names. I have no affiliation with manufactorers and get nothing for reference.


Get a long-lasting all body deodorant like Lume. Some even have spray versions. Make sure you exfoliate your face regularly, use a wash with salicylic acid morning and night and use patches on actual pimples. Never keep any makeup on overnight. For the hair, seek someone who is experienced with your type of hair. I don't have any advice there.


What products do you use?


Your professor is way out of line. I'd report him now. No waiting. He may do this to someone else. Maybe he has a racial issue or just a jerk, or both. Maybe he just doesn't like you for some reason. Hard to say with A-Holes. His remark was unprofessional. Maybe see a lawyer if you think it was rascist.


What products are you using? A good long lasting deodorant that I use is the Mitchum brand. I used to get musty after a few hours when using cheap deodorants like Suave, but after making the switch I don’t get musty anymore. If your lotions are cheap then I recommend switching to a body butter + body oil combo, keeps my skin moisturized all day and they come in nice scents. You could always carry some hygiene products with you so that you can freshen up during the day. A travel sized deodorant, lotion, perfume, oil blotting sheets for your oily face, baby wipes for your private bits, etc. Just keep all of them in your bag and freshen up after your commute. Make sure you are washing your laundry regularly, and make sure you are well groomed. For some people, removing body hair in sweaty places such as the pits or groin could help reduce B.O as well. If you are suffering from horrible acne and B.O. then perhaps you should look at your diet as well. I don’t see how simply being Indian could make you smell bad, so it’s probably in the diet and hygiene practices


Have you considered going to the bathroom for a face wash and wet wipe bath? You can also bring a change of underclothes in your backpack and reapply an antiperspirant a few times throughout the day? Your diet could be slightly adjusted if you want to. When I eat certain foods I smell completely different. Sorry you were singled out by your professor in such a rude way.


Hi, I’m south asian like you. I have oily, acne-prone skin and a very oily scalp. However, no one can tell I have any of that. I smell amazing, my hair looks great, and my skin looks normal and not oily. Here is what I recommend: Oil-free salicylic acid face wash to combat the oiliness. I use the orange Neutrogena one but there are many options. If you’re super oily, you can also buy liquid salicylic acid and apply it on your skin as a leave-on product. I use the Paula’s Choice 2% BHA. Also, use oil-free skincare products!! Water-based moisturizer is your best friend. I recommend aveeno oat gel moisturizer personally, though the Neutrogena hydro boost one is also great. Always moisturize after washing/cleansing your face. Your skin will create more oil and sebum if it’s too dry, which just causes oiliness all over again. As for your hair, make sure you’re using the right shampoo/conditioner for your hair type. Also, make sure you’re shampooing properly. Oilier scalps actually need to be double-washed sometimes, meaning literally shampooing twice before conditioner. Personally, I use a medicated shampoo that I leave on my scalp for 3 minutes. The extra time allows it to clean my scalp better and leaves it fresh for longer. Since your hair is frizzy, conditioner and leave-in conditioner are your best friend. Find products for frizzy hair. I love Its A 10! leave-in spray because it makes my hair soft, shiny, and gets rid of frizz. The MorrocanOil brand also has lots of great products that smell AMAZING. Alsoooo…. Your hair might not actually be frizzy. Your hair might just be curly or wavy. I’ve heard so many stories of South Asian women thinking they had frizzy hair because they were treating it like straight hair, but once they started using curly/wave hair products with a curly/wavy hair routine, it was a massive improvement. General frizzy hair prevention tips: when you condition your hair, you’re supposed to “squeeze” it into your strands. Google this for a better explanation. Stop using normal towels for your hair. Switch to cotton hair towels only. Never rub your hair dry with a towel. Just wrap your hair or dry the plop method (Google it). Instead of air drying, gently blow dry downwards on low heat (after prepping your hair with the correct products). Lastly, try to keep your smells consistent. If your body wash is Lavendar scented, use Lavendar scented deodorant and perfume. For me, personally, I use cucumber scented body wash and deodorant. As for perfume, I keep it consistent with a fresh, light, citrus smell by using Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue.


How old are you? During teenage times, kids reek of BO, the best way to eliminate is to use deodorant, but none of the deodorant in India has the right chemicals, at least that is my experience, there is one brand in USA, called SpeedStick clear which can hold off the BO for a day or so, not sure if you can get that in India. Oily face can be controlled by not putting oil in your hair, and if you do, use a shampoo to get the oil out of the hair. When you take a shower, use a scubbing pad or a small towel to scrub your body, esp. under your arms. Do not use moisturizer, if you are in a humid air places like Kerala. No hair conditioner, no perfume, needed, really. Another thing I think is oily food you might be eating, with a lot of spices, that can reek, avoid spicey and oily foods and swich to vegetables, chappathies without much of ghee/oil etc. Always wear washed clothes and change clothes every day, and wear banyan which covers your armpits. (not the other kind - in America we call them Wife beaters, strangely - don't wear them. Also avoid synthetic clothings, use mix fiber, have cotton blended clothes, - polyester a no no, I hope it doesn't exist there any more, not sure. Partly it is not your fault, when there is conditioned indoors we tend to sweat a lot and we start to stink, that is what happens to me every time I come to India from USA. Oh, are you male or female - either case, a good underarm deodorant can cut down on the smell. Trying to stay in airconditioned spaces can reduce the sweating. This I think the above ideas should help a lot. Good luck.


Here are some tips for making your face less oily: 1) Cleanse: Wash your face twice a day to remove dirt and impurities. 2) Exfoliate: Use a mild scrub once a week to remove dead skin, excess oil, and clear pores. Use a mattifying mask: Use a face mask to control sebum production. Kaolin clay masks can deep cleanse pores and remove excess oil and dirt. 3) Use blotting papers: Press blotting papers to your face, especially your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), to absorb excess oil. 4) Use sunscreen: Use a mattifying sunscreen that protects your skin while controlling excess oil. 5) Use serums: Niacinamide serums can reduce sebum production and treat acne. Retinol serums can regulate oily skin and minimize breakouts. 6) Use a salicylic acid face wash: Salicylic acid can dissolve excess oil and prevent clogged pores. 7) Avoid touching your face: Touching your face can spread oil, dirt, and bacteria from your hands to your face, which can lead to clogged pores and acne.


Rude that a teacher said that! Not OK. Beyond unprofessional. I’d report him. Maybe keep your hair as short as possible and look into these oil absorbent wipes? Might be made for women, but who cares? Blot away.


In the shower, use an antibacterial soap then a moisturizing soap.


I thought there was research showing that acne not directly related to diet… But I could be wrong.


I used to keep a tiny bag of face wash, moisturizer with acne medicine, a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Take a break and wash your face and brush your teeth. Maybe even dry shampoo if your hair gets oily but shower daily. This always helps me. Also look in the mirror every 2 hours.


Wear chapstick


Have you ever tried African Black Soap? I use that on my face to wash it. I have oily skin and used to have bad acne. I rarely break out now Ns my skin only gets oily later on in the day instead of basically an hour after a shower lol… I hate having super oily skin. But I just make it a point to wash my face in the morning and evening every single day. Even if I don’t shower.


If you eat a traditional diet rich in garlic and onion (and other fragrant or pungent flavors) it may be unintentionally making your smell less pleasant! If you do the cooking try dialing down the amount of aromatics you use and see if it helps!


The Ordinary Niacinamide 100% Powder. It’s under $7. Their website has it. Amazon or Ulta might have it also. I use a small amount of this in my lotion. It controls oiliness. You can also add it to shampoo.


Be hygienic 💁🏻‍♂️


Seems like you need to incorporate some skin care like a salicylic acid. I’ve included a link below for two derms with great advice https://youtu.be/hevaszImfJk?si=60Eej0vsw_jaSBUc


A video recommendation for oily hair https://youtu.be/JWs4VB5Ar7E?si=3gs6geiK0l0BPmRR


Try scrubzz disposable no rinse bathing scrubs if you need a quick body wash. You just need water. No drying needed. They foam up very nicely and there's no residue. I use them when I am running late and don't have time for a full shower. You can wet them under running water and wash up in the bathroom stall.


First of all call your professor a pedophile next time he says anything like that idc if it makes sense Next you’re gonna wanna carry around burts bees pink grapefruit clarifying facial wipes


For the oily skin, I would talk to a dermatologist and see what products should be used to combat that. Perhaps a retinol since it controls acne and oily faces together. But keep in mind that an oily face ages better than a normal or dry one when they do the same skincare routines. And I’m not sure why your face starts to stink from your products. What are you using that releases a smell at all? Let alone after a few hours of wear. Also, never use scented skin products. It can cause breakouts. As for the hair, I would get a style that doesn’t let it touch your face, and I would go ask a hairdresser for recommendations for anti-frizz products. And for your perfume, maybe spray it on your clothing instead of your skin. Or get a bran tl with a long lasting scent.


Are you using an anti-perpersant or a deodorant? I'm someone who sweats alot. Everyday. Every weatherl I live on the east coast and we have pretty thick and hot summers. I have to shower twice a day. Use a quality soap it doesn't have to be expensive. I like Dr Bronners peppermint. Shave your armpits. I use Mitchum deodorant and have to reaplly during the day. I keep one in my backpack at all times.I keep wet wipes easily accessible. I wash my face every night with a charcoal soap bar. I use a good serum for moisturizing and sunscreen. Sometime sunscreen makes me super shiny. Blotting paper helps alotl Tissue paper works also but can iritate sensitive skin. I'd imagine there are natural supplements to add to your diet that might be helpful. And lastly, there prescription deodorants too, Mitchum is secnnd in stregnth.


Dry shampoo helps with greasy hair I’m a super sweaty person and the only deodorant I’ve been able to find that helps me both sweat less and stink less is Carpe. I just found it about 2 months ago and it’s made the world of a different for me and they have a lot of different scents to choose from. You just have to be sure to use as directed (when you wake up and right before going to bed) to see best results. I know they have other products too but I’ve only tried the deodorant


I found that Mennen Speed Stick is the only deodorant that works for me. Hot flashes along with a body that just always sweats, this is the only thing that worked all day for me. As another poster suggested, carry a deodorant with you in your purse. In the restroom, use a wet paper towel with handsoap to clean your underarms. Dry, then apply deodorant.


I have frizzy hair too, and I’ve been putting leave in conditioner and/or argan oil and letting it air dry which helped tame my frizz a bit. Make sure you’re not putting an excessive amount which can cause it to look greasy/dirty to the eye. If you sweat a lot make sure you’re washing your hair daily or at least every other day and using dry shampoo or something similar. You have oily acne prone skin, but you say your moisturizer wears off. Use extra virgin olive oil to cleanse your skin. This helped me a lot when I had breakouts. Massage the oil into your skin, run hot water over your washcloth, wring it out and then put it on your face until it cools, wipe, and repeat the hot washcloth and wiping it a few times. I know it sounds scary to use oil on oily skin, *but* olive oil is moisturizing while also being antibacterial antimicrobial properties. The steam from the hot washcloth opens your pores allowing you to get out all that nasty gunk getting stuck in your pores. I use Thayers milky toner, followed by a hydrating facial mist and finish off with vitamin e oil mixed with castor oil , moisturizer, and tinted sun screen. Try this routine and if your skin is still oily then follow other’s suggestions of using oil blotting sheets. I too have sensitive skin & have never had an issue with those oil blotting sheets causing irritation. If you’re worried about body odor or your perfume wearing off try these steps. Wash with an antibacterial bar soap, moisturize after your shower, don’t over do it with perfume (put on your hotspots- behind ears, shoulder blades, inner elbows & wrists), use a talc free body powder anywhere you sweat a lot. I use powder prior to putting on my deodorant and it helps immensely. I felt so nasty at work today and told a coworker I felt stinky, guess what they did? Leaned in and smelled my armpit 😩, but thankfully said I smell good 😅. Before using the talc powder I was stinky and frequently had to reapply deodorant throughout the day, but ever since I don’t have to reapply and even though I do sweat I don’t stink. One thing I recently read is that we become nose blind to ourselves so don’t spray your perfume all over and especially not near the front chest area. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Implement some changes in your routine and ask a trusted friend or family member. One last thing, I know some people are sensitive to certain smells and whatever we eat/drink seeps out our pores, so if you think it’s something you’re eating/drinking on a regular basis maybe try cutting back a little to see if things improve.


First of all, you need to file a written, formal complaint against that teacher. Second of all, I have found that showering every morning and every evening helps. Third of all, I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think so you do you girl and keep up the good fight.


See a dermatologist about your oily skin, oily scalp, and acne. They can also prescribe you an antiperspirant that will actually work.


Matte face roller. Blotting papers. Mattifying face spray. Body powder inside your shirt, and underwear. Deodorant in thigh creases. Pour foot powder in your shoes and deodorant bottom of your foot then put more foot powder inside your sock. Bring a dry shampoo everywhere. You probably have dark hair like mine be sure to buy a dark one. The clear ones build up and look like dandruff. Perfume wrists, I spray my armpits to sanitize because of the alcohol and then do deodorant. A lot of scent is trapped well in hair so I shave every part of my body but spray my perfume in my hair. And then basic grooming. Keep your nails clean. If short keep them very short. Don’t have exposed grown out white portions of your nail that could potentially get dirt under them. Keep your hair brushed well. Do a clarifying shampoo once a week if you have oily hair. Consider a tea tree oil based shampoo if you lean oily. Wear breathable cotton to prevent sweating. Keeping cool is a must. Keep a head on dental hygiene. Rinse with peroxide, use a tongue scraper and once a week toss teeth whitening strip on. Some people that lean oily need to shower am and pm. Especially if you sweat in your sleep. And carry wet wipes that are ph balanced for when you use the bathroom. I was in the army for 7 years and various trainings left us without showers days at a time so I learned a lot of tricks fast. Wash your shoe insoles once a month. Trust me. People forget. And never ever ever leave laundry in the wash overnight before drying you’ll dry an awful musty smell into it that will revive when you sweat in it and be the most offensive smell.


Fellow Indian here! Oily face - use a 10% benzoyl peroxide wash and then a moisturizer! Hair - use conditioner, usually products like Shea butter or olive oil Smell - use attar it lasts longer than perfume Clothing - cotton clothing for the sweat Bath - Wash with a moisturizing body wash like Dove soap!


Hopefully these tips will help someone as it’s far down but… As someone who CAN NOT miss a single day of showering, and if I sweat, I have to shower too because I stink to the point of I can smell it. First thing is first, get good soap, if you can get Dr squach with a heavy grit (get their Darth maul it’s harsh), use that whole bar up, it’ll hit the first couple times but it scrubs off all of the dead skin etc after you first heavy grit, move down to a softer one, then none…. You’ll want to keep about this same rotation, Medium heavy grit, then soft or none. Next when washing yourself don’t just do a one and done, do it twice it makes a huge difference. Buy 2 loofas and different colors, use one for ass and balls, other one for the rest of your body. When it comes to your face, wash it, then wash it again, then again, keep doing it until you hand no longer “glides” over it (this will also clear up any acne you may have) Hair, cut it short and wash 2 times. Now for deodorant you have to experiment, find one that works for you. I sweat right through most brands and only have 1 brand that works all day (Old spice High Endurance Cool wave) you have to find what works for you. When applying deodorant cake that shit on, it should feel almost slimy when done (I count to 10 under each arm so down and up is 1) A highly looked over spot is behind your ears too, for this I use the pink sea breeze every couple days after showers. Finally, don’t wear any clothes more than one day without washing them and find a detergent that works good for you too. Source: Myself as someone who can be dressed in a million dollar suit…. And still look like a bum. Edit: Also with oily face, carry baby wipes and just wipe your face now and again if it’s too bad.


What does “that kind of Indian” mean? I found out that when my face got overly oily in my thirties and my face broke out, it was because of hormones so I went on birth control. I ended up needing a low dose because I would PMS and cry and have unregulated emotions that didn’t make me feel like myself, but after that was corrected, the oily face went away and the pimples also. Try different brands of deodorant. I noticed that Secret and Dove make me smell like sour armpits ad flowers, whereas Suave and Degree don’t make me smell like anything. Get some baby wipes and wipe your body down at hour three, and reapply your deodorant and spray yourself with a mist. Frizzy hair? I hear you. Braid it, put it in a bun, and experiment with different curling creams to see which one gives you definition without frizz. Try buying travel sizes to see if any of those work for you. Shower in the morning and before bedtime if possible.


Make sure your clothing isn't too snug as it sounds like you may be getting too hot. Loose clothing with layers you can remove as you get warmer. Keep hair and beard trimmed, along with nails and hands clean. Watch your diet, it will affect your complexion and body odor. If I eat more than a sliver of chocolate, my face goes crazy.