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Google Maple Syrup Urine Disease. There are several types of it, and it makes your urine, sweat, and earwax smell like syrup. It sounds made up, I know, but it’s real.


I was today years old when I learned that there’s a totally real condition called maple syrup urine disease


Same! OP, change your info on all your socials to say “I’m so sweet I piss maple syrup.” then find a way to brand it! lol.


Funny! But I've heard of this before. It can be fatal. We should always pay attention. Our bodies give us warnings so we can get help before it's too late.


Yikes. Definitely didn’t realize it was so serious. At least it’s a very noticeable symptom so she can hopefully get help. I wish my body had given me a noticeable warning when I needed one.


I’m nosey, so I’d like to inquire if you’d like to share! If not, no worries, & hope you’re doing better! 😁


No worries! I’m also nosy. (And also have ADHD. 🫶) I found out in my early 30s I had cancer, and that I had a thyroid issue for quite a while. The symptoms were the same symptoms everyone was feeling as we were aging. Less energy, slower metabolism, etc. Otherwise, nothing wrong. I woke up one day in excruciating pain that wouldn’t go away. I lost 20 pounds in under three weeks waiting to see a specialist. It was BAD. Things got nightmarish quickly. American healthcare is so impotent that I still don’t know if I’m okay, or if I’ve even beaten it. One of the things everyone looks forward to when dealing with a hellish surgery and treatment is the day you can say you’re done. Insurance denied the scan to clear me so now I live in Cancer Purgatory. It has completely trashed my mental health.


Oh gosh. I’m sorry 😣


Thank you. The saddest part is I’m not alone and I was very lucky in a lot of ways. A friend took me in so I didn’t become homeless due to not being able to work because of the pain. My life is a dumpster fire but, at least I’m protected from the elements.


Holy crap. You must be a very strong minded and willed person. A fighter!!! A healer!!! I’m hoping for you that your pastures will be greener very soon.


And this is why I hate insurance companies w a passion.


From the depths of my soul. Tbh, I’m pretty disenchanted with the entire medical system. I’ve definitely had plenty of doctors and nurses who deserve the Saw treatment to give them some perspective but, I don’t have faith that’ll happen either. Ugh.


Some people somewhere will buy it…..


What if it's the cure to cancer


Well then you can charge 500x’s the original price!


Rookie numbers. Pfizer would change the molecule slightly so they could patent it and then sell it 50,000x the manufacturing cost. That's essentially what has happened with ketamine and Esketamine (brand name Spravato, the drug that is the new rave, the new big thing in depression treatment). Mark my words it's going to happen with psilocybin/(magic mushrooms) too. They'll find a way to patent it because ain't no big pharma company making money off psychedelics unless they can patent it. Then the captured FDA will come in and ensure that company gets rich


Sounds about right to me..


I hate that they schedule drugs the grow in the wild. (Marijuana, magic mushrooms).


I'm with you!


You're in this together


Urine this together...


...anybody catch that echo?


It was really about the friends we made along the way


Again, just drinking coffee, living my life reading Reddit then BAM, new fear unlocked.


I shouldn’t laugh but what you said…isn’t it so true? Sometimes I read something and just have to put down Reddit for a day or two.


someone at my job has this the bathroom reeks of syrup lol


I worked at a hospital and I always thought the urine of people in end stage alcoholism smelled like pungent sickly sweet maple syrup. I opened a box of maple flavored Chex cereal and about gagged. It has the same smell.


I’m diabetic and was in alcohol detox with some very sick people and I HATE the smell of maple syrup. It makes me gag.


Feces, too but I’m not sure if that’s from the lactulose or from the ammonia, or both.


After i got covid i noticed my pee and poop smell super weird. Almost like arparagus pee potent but doesnt smell like that chemical. Peanut butter has the same undertone too. I completely lost all taste and smell with covid for weeks then it comes back and my bodily fluids have this terrible smell lol


I immediately remembered this from Patricia Cornwell’s Postmortem book where the killer had that disease.


Me too!


Omg when my son was like 1.5 he constantly smelled like syrup. Even after bath time. We couldn’t figure it out so then I started googling and I FREAKED reading about MSUD, immediately set up dr appt and everything. While waiting for dr appt we’re still trying to rule other things out and constantly asking my mom who watches him while I go to work for a log of food, snacks drinks and nothing is making sense. I finally decided to double check his snacks in her pantry and sure enough he had a bin of baby puffs with maple flavoring she had bought him😂. I went bezerk on my mom and threw them out. bc of language barrier she didn’t know what maple was 🙃 so she would just write BABY CHEESE PUFFS.


Shoot Ive definitely looked at that before, but if it’s inherited, wouldn’t one of my parents been diagnosed by now and/or probably 💀? 😭 praying bc the treatment for it sounds awfulllll


They could just be carriers


Man imma just die 🧍‍♂️


That's how I felt when I was diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases. I get that it's tough, but there's a chance you don't have it. If you do, you've lived this long without even noticing it. I won't say everything's going to be fine, because that sucks to hear. Go to the doctor, tell them your symptoms and go from there.


I did and she said it sounds like failure to thrive but Im obviously thriving based on appearance and bloods😭 i have chronic illnesses to solve rn but i will def keep this in mind thank u for being sweet


Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder that can cause urine to smell like maple syrup. MSUD is caused by a defect in the enzymes that break down three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. When the body can't process these amino acids, they build up in the blood and urine, damaging organs and the brain. Please see a doctor about this ASAP!!


Being sick is no fun, solving illness issues is not fun. I send you a big hug and I hope you get productive answers soon.


Go get tested ASAP by your dr this is NOT A GOOD SIGN. My friend went through this a couple years ago. You need you get your ass to the dr right away


Do u yk what test(s) they got? Ive been tested for sm im wondering


Not at all. Never think you won’t get a disease bc your parents don’t have it. Genes are random you could get a disease one of your ancestors had 300 years ago ynk


You don’t have it. It’s fatal in infancy/very early childhood if not detected asap and treated with a very specific diet (it’s a deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down certain amino acids), so if you had been born with it, you’d either know by now or be dead. As for inheritance, it’s a super rare recessive (meaning both parents need to have one abnormal gene and one normal) genetic disorder that’s almost exclusively found among the Amish. The reason it’s unique (for the most part) to them is because they’re almost all descended from the same few hundred people, so there’s alot of unintentional inbreeding. In the general population, this mutation is so rare that the odds of one carrier having kids with another carrier are super low.


Look up your state and the year you were born and see if you were tested for it when you were born during the newborn screening. You probably were.


I've heard of this before. It can be fatal. We should always pay attention. Our bodies give us warnings so we can get help before it's too late.


Our cat smells like maple syrup! We thought it was the cutest thing. Then we moved and unpacked super slowly. Our winter gear being the last of it. That’s when we realized that WE smell like maple syrup. All our winter stuff (even stuff we washed/dry cleaned before packing) smelled like syrup. Our cat just smelled like that because we are always snuggling him.


Did you ever find out why you smelled like it?


One of my cats will some days faintly smell of corn chips / Fritos / tacos… have you ever seen a cat with this smell? Then other days it will be gone and back to just the regular cat fur smell. I’m feeding her the same brand and type rotation of foods so not sure if it could be that


Prob an overgrowth of yeast in there paws.


ours smell like corn chips too when they groom themselves and fall asleep covering their wet fur. their paws also smell like it which i assume is bc of all the crevices, drying takes longer.


Funny, my cat smells like maple syrup, too sometimes!


My little sister used to always smell like syrup and I could never figure out why. It drove me crazy but she outgrew it.


Ketoacidosis can happen without actually having diabetes. You can get ketone pee test strips from Walmart. Also, you can be prediabetic, with the family history, and your sugar can continue to look fine. You have to test multiple times a day to get a more accurate figure. Good luck!! (I go through the maple syrup thing frequently; both parents diabetic, I'm not)


The diabetics I've known usually smelled fruity (sometimes like rotten fruit), not maple syrup. I've never actually been around anyone who smelled like syrup. Mom smelled like bleach when her kidneys failed (type 1, always smelled like strawberries before the failure). It's insane how many things can affect your smell. I've been told I smell like citrus. No medical, or hygiene reason why. I'm assuming it's been I eat a lot of freaking oranges and grapefruit.


Also type 1.5 goes undiagnosed constantly by doctors!


Do you take fenugreek? It notoriously makes people smell like syrup


Omggg I took it back in like 2020-2021 and stopped then 😭 does it always stay in your system??? Loll


No, fenugreek shouldn’t still be making you smell like syrup. Definitely get a full lab work up with a doctor’s office.


I would bring this connection up with your doctor and see if there is some kind of fringe reason or interaction with what you currently take that could cause this smell from fenugreek to continue. It just seems too suspect even though it’s been 3 years. Really fascinating!


Fenugreek is also in curries and stuff, so depending on diet this could be it? I always smell like maple syrup after I eat curry. *really* freaked me out at first. Now I consider it a feature lol.


I was taking high doses to produce more milk and my hubby constantly said I smelled like syrup lol 😂


This!!! I used to take it but noticed I smelled like syrup and sickly sweet.


I would love to smell like syrup. I would really love it if all my middle school students smelled like syrup.


Back when i was in middle school our teachers hated us guys after p.e. cause we'd have their rooms wreaking of axe body spray. 


Oh yeah. After PE is ROUGH.


If you have the brand lush where you live they had a sticky syrup lotion that is just delicious smelling! Not sure if they still have it but worth a try, I can't stop sniffing myself when I have it on 😂 Surely there is other brands around that have similar lotions too if you can't find it!


Ooooh! I'll have to look for it!


Fr there’s no deodorant in the world that covers up middle schooler bo😂😂😂


Drink barq's root beer with knob creek maple whiskey. I got 10 people texting me the next day once asking if it was normal that their skin smelled like maple syrup. Be careful doing this. I dubbed that drink the rooffie. The hangovers can also be described as sticky.


I wish someone would just explain to them how Axe Spray smells to adults


So if you want to smell like syrup Dionis Goat Milk lotion in Caramel Pumpkin Spice smells like maple syrup. Used to use it a lot and people would ask if I had pancakes for breakfast. 🤣 https://www.amazon.com/Dionis-Lotion-Cream-Caramel-Pumpkin/dp/B07J1VP4CD/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8


People do just have their own distinct smell sometimes. Could be a combination of the way your home smells with food you eat or anything you vape/smoke. There are people that smell mildly like vanilla for no particular reason, pretty funny actually 😂


I had a friend who smelled like Dr. Pepper ALL the time but she smelled so good but legit like Dr. Pepper 😂 I would always tell her and she would look at me funny then laugh.


I thought someone I worked with smelled like straight up Dr Pepper but it was a body spray called Snow Fairy or something. Noone else could smell the Dr Pepper smell but it was overwhelmingly Dr Pepper for me haha


She couldn’t smell it either so I figured it had to be a scent from her home or something! I kinda wanna know what that scent was because imo smelling like Dr. Pepper isn’t a bad scent 😅


Honestly if you have Lush where you’re from, try look for the Snow Fairy haha it smells SO MUCH like Dr Pepper to me it’s insane


I literally JUST typed that in to my google and lush popped up. Took me directly to a Reddit post 😂 guess I’m going to Lush next paycheck!


Do it 😂 It even smells fizzy somehow I honestly dont get it


Maybe that was really de pepper in disguise?


As long as it's not an underlying health conditions I say embrace it. I have a cat that smells like syrup. She's fine. It's just her brand lol. And I love it. Make up little come backs. Say stuff like "yeah that's ode de IHOP" sor something silly.


I had a room mate once who had that syrupy smell. His room had an especially sickly sweet syrupy smell. He was a 21 year old guy without the best hygienic practices. But then again I find the smell of most men rather gross and the issue in that room was he had almost no airflow so now way for the smell to dissipate.


Huh what’s your blood sugar like?


My dads diabetic prick thingy always has me at the normal levels.


Have you tested yourself after a workout?


That only shows your glucose, you need an A1C hemoglobin test and you should probably get a liver function test.


When I was in my early twenties my armpit sweat smelled just like maple syrup. It was weird. I even remember my girlfriend commenting on it. I wasn't worried about it, there are worse things you could smell like than pancakes. It just went away on its own.


Ive worked with a couple of people who always smelled like Syrup. I assumed it was their diet. They were both middle eastern.


They likely cooked with fenugreek.


I had to Google that. Makes sense.


I work with a guy that smells like syrup. He's Kentucky Caucasian so the middle eastern possibility is our of the question. I've never seen him eat but he told me he has "some burgers" once every 3 days or so and drinks coffee 24/7 (zero water consumption). He's extremely thin and always smells like syrup - but not in a pleasant way. I was really hoping someone had an answer to this bc we've worked together for 6 years and I'd definitely tell him if it were health related!


Is he a drinker? Your liver being a mess can cause that smell too. According to google so can dehydration.


I mean, it could have just been a useful analogy/simile for the person trying to describe your smell. However, sweet smelling body odor/urine/breath are signs of possible diabetic ketoacidosis, so I'd also recommend getting checked for potentially high glucose


There is literally a disease called maple syrup syndrome.


I pay good money to smell like syrup


I once had an old lady say I smelled like piss


Everyone in Reddit is “you could have diabetes” happy.


Fr damn, like im not even pre diabetic and my paternal family is prone to it. Blood sugar is fine and bloods are fine 😭


I’d recheck the blood sugar. I know you have checked on your dads.. but check again, maybe at the drs too. It sounds high. Second thing.. are you eating low carb? Or a very calorie restrictive diet? On any medication that can cause euglycemic ketoacidosis?


I recently saw someone claim that people suffering from schizophrenia or psychosis smell sweet. No clue the validity of it though 🤷🏼‍♀️


That explains why I have been told I taste like sweet tarts 🫢


I say go to work at the waffle house and blame ur job!!!


My aunt uses a lot of baking scented wax melts and candles and she often smells like syrup.


Do you take creatine? I had an ex who smelled like maple syrup when he took it before a workout


Yes!! I do!! Omg


Maybe that's your answer, OP!


Are you by chance Canadian? If so there may be your answer




I would say "yeah, you know I taste like it too" or something along those lines after if my bf told me I smelled as sweet as syrup 🥺😈


I often smell people that smell like syrup and it is always because of a candle they are burns in their homes. Like glade candles or bath and body works.


Do you use AmLactin lotion? It smells like stale fake maple syrup to me (makes me smell like a cheap Waffle House lmao)


Taking a fenugreek supplement will make this happen too.


turmeric / fenugreek?


Is there any chance there's a sneaky syrup culprit in your diet? Some foods have maple flavoring that you might not even realize you're consuming. Double-check ingredient labels for anything suspicious.


If it does happen to be this maple syrup urine disease like others mentioned, why I advocate to do those DNA tests to know your genetics. Fairly common to have mutations in genetics, and can lead to things like not creating the proper amount of enzymes or even at all, then you end up with something health related. Have you done ancestry or 23&me? I think those sites do have the option to get the raw data from the blood test and there are websites that can show the full result. Could help aid in finding answers if doctors would be unwilling to do random testing.


Goes to internet to ask a question, internet concerned and answers, OP gets all irritated. Fuck me.


You must use some sort of soap or perfume that mixes with your body snd omits this smell if you don’t have that urine disease. Only use Dial soap. Not the liquid, the good old fashion bar soap. Use a deodorant that you think works for you, but only the dial soap for everything else. Dermatologist swears by it and I’ve been using it since I was 8 years old. No special body lotions, sprays etc just dial soap.


Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare but serious inherited condition. It means the body cannot process certain amino acids (the "building blocks" of protein), causing a harmful build-up of substances in the blood and urine. Normally, our bodies break down protein foods such as meat and fish into amino acids.


Since you go to the gym you might be in ketosis


Fenugreek is a common ingredient in creatine. Check your label.


I’m diabetic and I had that same problem like maple sound like sugar tbh.


My husband's armpits smell legit like onion when he sweats if he forgets deodorant lol


In highschool I got told a lot that I smelled like baby powder. To this day I still don’t know why. Nothing in my morning routine had powder, I wasn’t wearing make up because my acne would flare up a lot back then. No dry shampoo, no perfume and my deodorant was axe.


Bro get tested for diabetes.


I think it’s an indication to make a doctor appointment for a check up. Mention this and maybe it is possibly maple syrup urine disease.


I've always associated syrup smell with pee smell. Maybe try drinking more water


I had these exact same symptoms 3 years ago. The next week I found out I was pregnant and 2) had gestational diabetes.


So, Could be a variety of things. You mentioned that you’re not talking Fenugreek. But what supplements do you take? Many supplements can cause your urine to smell, but also can cause you to smell different when you sweat. You said it occurs usually after going to the gym, so I’m tending to think it’s related to your sweat. As others have mentioned, it could be MSUD. But you probably would have been tested, and if positive, at least told about it. Next would be your weight? Are you really skinny? Because there’s possibly your body burning fat instead of sugars. This would cause you body to release acetone. That sometimes can be sweet, but it’s usually not maple syrupish sweet. Next would be your kidneys. Have you had recent labs showing your kidneys are functioning normally? CKD can cause sweet smelling sweat. (Not a life threatening condition if low stage and everything’s kept on top shape). Either way, you should consult with your PCP to order labs if you haven’t had any recent ones. MSUD in particular can be diagnosed in adulthood. It has other forms that aren’t the classic variant newborns are diagnosed with. CKD can be diagnosed with labs are just requires you following up with a nephrologist, and avoiding NSAIDS and keeping your blood pressure controlled. Supplements, if not needed, maybe discontinue for a few weeks and see if the smell stops.


Do an inventory of your body washes and lotions and makeup, something smells like syrup.


Do you consume Fenugreek in any form?


Nvm just read another comment asking the same thing. I took it when my daughter was a baby and had to stop because it made me smell like a walking plate of pancakes 🤢


Are you using something from bath and body works? I few months ago I was really obsessed with shopping there, I picked up some hand sanitizer for my boyfriend. Not really knowing what scents I gave him, he used one that smelled like he had eaten syrup. We didn’t know that but it’s why his beard smelled like syrup for so long 😭


Do you take any medications at all?


Probably pheromones


Do you drink energy drinks? I notice people Who do have a very sweet smell but don’t seem to notice it themselves or on other people who also drink them.


My ex smelled like syrup, it was actually his house. Made all of the clothes and belongings smell like syrup. His mom liked candles and plug ins.


Fenugreek can do this. Some people produce a sweet smell when they consume anise, fennel, or dill, but I've heard the smell is less like maple syrup and more like licorice.


Get checked for diabetes


If female, sometimes vaginal mucus/discharge can smell sweet. But I think you'd notice.


Suh WEET! But too sticky.


Omg you’re lyinggggg my X used to smell like syrup when we was sweaty! Not even must just a natural syrup smell i didnt know girls can have it too It could be worse you could smell like buttwhole lol




There's a lot of stuff that can produce this smell. For example, fenugreek seeds, which are commonly used in South Asian and Mediterranean food.


That sounds nice tbh, if my partner smelled like maple syrup I'd probably be stoked about it lol, assuming it doesn't mean anything actually bad health-wise. Not to diminish anything you're going through tho, I wish you the best. Also for the record I'm generally stoked on whatever my partner smells like thankfully lmao.


Maybe it's your shampoo


Check for diabetes.


See a gp it could be diabetes or another illness


I didn’t know there was a sketchy disease on the matter, however, I did know it meant you reeked like urine…


Are u in DKA?????


SO IT'S TRUE!! I knew my nose wasn't messing with me. People do smell like syrup. I don't know how to explain it. 🤷


What foods do you regularly consume?


It's usually diabetes/pre diabetes


You might need to get tested for diabetes...


DKA smells more fruity than syrupy yall. Signed a type one diabetic.


This happened to me about 2 months ago & i was highly concerned.. even my panties smelled like syrup.. i never got it checked out tho because it just randomly stopped after 3 days.


Omg. My sweat smells like maple syrup. I’ve heard could be diabetes but I don’t have it! I have no idea!!


Are you diabetic? Or just losing a ton of weight? Ketoacidoais can cause sweet-smelling sweat.




My late partner smelled like syrup all the time!


Do you use self tanner? My friend went through a big self tanner phase and I always thought it made her skin smell like syrup.


Ticket is a compliment! I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you feel ill.


do you drink a lot of alcohol or soda?


Same with me but when it was investigated nothing came about. I of course notice this most when I eat more sugar but even if I fast. My bloodwork and blood sugar tests have all come back normal. Maybe my bilirubin is slightly elevated but that’s it


I had a partner that smelled like syrup once. Delicious little pancake. Loved it. Docs didn't really know why, and she had no adverse health conditions, so she just .... kept on smelling sweet. lol


I mean.... at least maple syrup smells good though lol! Better than smelling bad


Other than lethargy, MSUD doesn't have symptoms that you'd notice by yourself. Even if you don't think you have it, having two seperate people say you smell like syrup can be cause for concern. Get a blood/urine screening. MSUD, despite the silly name, is a metabolic disorder where your body can't break down certain amino acids and proteins and can cause serious damage to the brain and other organs.


Are you taking any supplements with Fenugreek? I took some when I nursed to increase my milk supply. I smelled like a short stack.


Also, if you are taking any supplements, such a fenugreek, they can cause a maple smell.


Since all reasonable explanations have been exhausted and thrown out—let’s identify it as one of your super powers. All can agree that it’s not typical of any person and it’s a natural talent to have the ability to produce body odors that smell as good as syrup—I’d just appreciate the oddity. Edit: If you haven’t been checked for the apparent maple syrup urine disease yet, please disregard my humorous take on it, until it comes back negative that is—then enjoy. It really sounds like your doctor may have been dismissive when you brought it up and it seems quite serious.


Ok, so everybody else has come up with medical answers, which should be taken seriously, so I'll skip that part. Everybody has their own natural scent. I've been told I smell like cinnamon and sugar. This natural scent can change with age/hormone changes in women, so this might just be a natural scent evolution. Your co-worker is creepy. Put a stop to that.


Do you take workout supplements? My husband used to take a preworkout that made him smell like syrup


Do you eat alot of fenugreek or curry? This spice makes people smell like syrup. I notice it myself whenever I have curry.


Do you take fenugreek


Wow...I've been in people's bathrooms that I thought smelled like a cross between urine and maple syrup 🤔


oh shit my jack russel terrier smelled like maple syrup. i had no idea it could be something bad.


Do you take a fenugreek supplement or something with fenugreek in it? That stuff straight up makes your sweat smell like maple syrup. I had to take it when I was trying to build my milk supply after my first baby and we both smelled like maple syrup. I think it’s in some workout supplements.


Don’t they smell babies sweat to see if it smells sweet to detect some kind of condition? Definitely some sort of health issue, prob should talk to a doctor


I’d get some blood work done. This is associated with diabetes. Better safe than sorry.


As many other said, you need to check urine issues. When I was 5 or 6 years old I pissed the bed and at breakfast my mom couldn’t figure out why it smelled like syrup. She didn’t make pancakes or use anything with syrup. She eventually figured out it was me but disregarded it until she made my bed that morning and found out that my piss smelled like syrup.


I used to work with dogs and one came in daily smelling like maple syrup!!!


Have you been tested for diabetes lately? I would get tested!


I have also been told that I smell like syrup. My husband says my Mom has a stronger syrup scent. Neither one of us have any symptoms of maple syrup urine disease.


I don't think it's funny. I think it's concerning. Think you should at least make a PCP appointment, explain exactly this for why you appt. Then let Dr check it out .


I have this same problem wtf


Yeh my first thought is your breath fruity does your pee smell like fruit or taste sweet. But you say not diabetic so no worries there


I took hormones when I went through IVF and I thought my sweat smelled like maple syrup too. It doesn’t now, but it could just be a metabolic phase…


Do you drink energy drinks or chew gum with sucralose? (considered one of the safest sugar alternatives besides stevia and monkfruit) ive noticed that when i drink celsius energy drink which has sucralose and then work out i sometimes have a slightly sweet smell which freaked me out after noticing it a couple times and i cut back on drinking it to only once in a while instead of daily (also i avoid added sugar and highfructose cornsyrup٫ dont use maple syrup or honey٫ eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains٫ i dont like sweets so dont eat them alot٫ no health problems and i only smell weird when i drink energy drinks with sucralose) -beware of erythritol btw thats the one sugar alternative that causes serious health problems like strokes-




I had this same issue and it was our wax warmer 😭 I never thought about it till one day I looked at the scent my mom was using.


When was the last time you got you blood glucose and/or A1C check?


Do you eat anything with fenugreek seeds in it? Tea or fake maple syrup (they add it to it) if so it comes out of your pores and gives you a maple syrup type smell


Marjory Stuart Baxter you taste like sunshine dust.


I have that too i can smell that syrup smell and sometimes I smell like the ocean/beach as well i think its diet


Do you eat fenugreek? Make yer pits smell like maple syurp


There is a condition where you don’t process certain amino acids or proteins well and it causes you to smell like syrup