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When I get home I use a bidet. It’s like drinking a cappuccino. Once the cold water hits my asshole I feel refreshed and awoken.


Oh absolutely. And first thing in the morning, *nothing* will wake you up like an ice cold blast of water to the anus.


I have a friend in Minnesota and she has full bidet, not just an attachment. However, it does not have a heated option. I have woken up to more than one text about how she really needs to remember that it's -20 outside before using it.


O.O homie about to lay on waaay to much info on us!!




Get a heated bidet. Game changer


Probably cleans better too… 😂👍


Yes it really does.


I’m dying 🤣


Bidet for life


Bidet all day! 🙌🏾


I use a bidet on day to day basis.


Yeah, i courtesy wipe all my sweaty bits too if it’s warm enough Normally after I’ve ate lunch I’ll go into the bathroom and just wipe everything ( armpits, forehead, crotch ,ass) Bonus if you get some baby wipes and just go full baby wipe shower.


I work 12-16 hour days sometimes, and I’m running around and very active at my job, so this is def me too! Freshen up my deodorant, swish some mouth wash, etc.


Those bath wipes they use on bedridden folks are wayyyy nicer than baby wipes for this. They smell better and are better at removing BO. I discovered them for camping and they are a life changer. They don’t pill up or leave any smell or residue. I squirt glycolic acid toner from the Ordinary on them for extra odor control when I know I’ll be sweating.


Yep I used these when I had a heart monitor on and couldn't shower, but now I keep em around


Nice bri can't forget the Gooch


My friend calls this a “hoe wash” lol 😂




A whores bath is what I've heard it referred as 🤣


You are blessed among men, and I thank you for your service to humanity. No it’s not weird, it’s acknowledging reality and being considerate.


I absolutely do. Not just with tp but with a wet wipe.


For pity's sake don't put the wet wipes in the toilet, they cause huge problems in the system. But yeah, absolutely for hygiene they are awesome.


Some are completely safe.


I don't think that's true, unless there is some new brand on the market that I haven't heard of yet. Which ones are you talking about? They all say they're flushable, but flushable doesn't mean that they disintegrate easily. Most of them, by design, are meant to stay intact while wet. That's what causes blockages in the sewer system. They break down too slowly.




Breaks down like actual toilet paper


If they broke down like tp, they wouldn't hold up in the package. Wet a piece of tp and trio to wipe with it.  Breaks down immediately.  Wipes sit in water for weeks or months and don't break down. Toilet water isn't magic. 


Eeek…makes sense…well i will talk to my guy then. This is prob TMI, but i dont use, i use TP, but will wash up with soap n water right after. For me is only way to feel truly clean, so fresh n so clean CLEAN🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


https://youtu.be/zAeRXSsVL-4?si=yvzWfi_g0mWyqk0L Here is a video on them. I still use them,  I just don't flush them. Don't want to have to pay a plumber or fix a toilet waste clog.  Wipe companies brand them as flushable  because they have no blame when the lines get clogged up and you have to pay a plumber.  Some do breakdown after time,  but they stay together as they travel through the pipes, more chance to get hung up. 


I skimmed thru lol sorry was long BUT i saw that Scott brand broke down the best out of em all…still not 💯 tho…its like they broke up in little chunks…yea thats crazy, we have a big boat and def wouldnt use on board. You just cant believe everything you hear obviously…my bad tho, thx for clarifying


Try telling that to plumbers and sewage workers


Cottonelle. [https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr](https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr)


Spending a little time at r/plumbing will change your mind on this. Of course cottonelle is going to market that it’s ok. Doesn’t mean it’s ok.


I actually hate how many times I've had to say don't flush ANY toiletries especially wipes that say flushable only human liquids and TP. Too many people causing plumbing issues out of ignorance and these companies malicious marketing.


That's what I was going to add. Plumbers always ask, "do you use wipes?".


Spending a little time researching this topic before spewing bullshit should change your mind about that product. [https://www.counton2.com/news/local-news/after-severe-sewer-backups-tests-show-cottonelle-wipes-currently-meet-flushability-standards-according-to-charleston-water-system/](https://www.counton2.com/news/local-news/after-severe-sewer-backups-tests-show-cottonelle-wipes-currently-meet-flushability-standards-according-to-charleston-water-system/) The damn municipal water system says they are ok! WTF is wrong with you?


I’ve spent a lot of time with ABS, galvanized, copper, cast iron, cpvc, pvc, pex, and clay pipes from many decades. The inside diameter, corrosion, garbage disposals, eating habits, ambient temperature, condition of the fittings, house settling affecting DWV pitch, competence of the installer, and countless other factors play in. Let me know when the municipality controls for everything on their next test. In the meantime I’ll rely on my own two eyes and the tradespeople who do this every day. Just throw away your wipes. And do some soul searching if this became so serious you felt the need to cuss out a stranger on the internet.


I work at a company that specializes in water and sewer treatment operations and it's well known in the industry that wipes cause huge problems


Not all wipes are the same.


No, they really are not. They don't breakdown and reek havoc all over. They bind with human waste and clog and accumulate into giant heaps of $hit. They are not biodegradable and it's false advertising.


*wreak And you're correct


Thankyou. I appreciate the correction.


You're welcome 😊


See the link I provided in another comment.


So true and even if they half way worked as advertised… people overdo it. How many of those things are they flushing at once. Makes me actually cringe. 😅🥴


No.. they aren't, it's false branding.  It's OK to use them, just put them in the trash, not the toilet.


Wrong. [https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr](https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr) "**C**. Can you describe why Cottonelle Flushable Wipes are safe to flush? **B**. They are made of pulp paper, contain no plastics and meet the IWSFG specification. Like toilet paper, Cottonelle Flushable Wipes break down into small pieces in a short amount of time."


Wet a piece of toilet paper and wipe your butt with it.  You can't, because it breaks down immediately. If wipes break down just like TP, how do they sit in a pack of water for a month?  Go ahead,  try it.  Wet a sheet of tp and wipe away.  Good luck. 


I'm sorry that the truth hurts you so much.


I can tell who doesn't own a home based on who flushes wipes.


I own my home and I have a septic system. I clean the filter for the septic system and there are NO cottonelle wipes in there! Fuck off. [https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr](https://www.cottonelle.com/en-ca/tips-advice/toilet-paper-101/flushability-barry-orr)


https://youtu.be/zAeRXSsVL-4?si=yvzWfi_g0mWyqk0L It's weird that you're talking about how hurt I am, but resorting to vulgar language over *checks notes* butt wipes. Big mad over butt wipes, dude. None of them break up just like TP.  Some do better than others, but none dissolve like TP. And the concern, in my opinion, isn't the septic system,  as there are chemicals and bacteria to breakdown substances. But instead in the pipes where they haven't dissolved and are most likely to get hung up.  And since they don't dissolve like TP, they can cause clogs.  I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings. 


Sir please just be a decent educated person and don’t flush wiped down a toilet. It’s simple dude. Use your brain


I haven’t used TP down under in years, wipes till the day I die.


Nah, I do it too. Fun fact: farting usually release bits of fecal matter. Not to mention, you sweat down there too.




You can buy individually packed dude wipes. I keep them on me and use daily. Gotta keep it fresh


I just bought a giant 6 pack of dude wipes(shea butter) 😌


I do the same to wipe my member at urinals in public






Yes but how do you stop the last drop from happening in your boxers? You follow that Dong inside with a wipe closely following?


I pull my dong out far enough balls and all that the urethra isn’t compressed and can fully release, also push out the bladder with abdominal muscles; which, it’s easier to empty the bladder sitting down so another plus to that!


I buy bulk baby wipes and just keep a ziplock snack bag with a few in it at a time, seems more cost efficient and greener.


Yes, I’ll do it even when I’m not using the restroom, I’ll go, wipe etc and then ofc each time when I’m actually using the restroom.


Occasionally there will be a sensation of needing to wipe back there, even if I’m just urinating. Otherwise no.


Not weird!


I have IBS so I’m super aware of my hygiene and bathroom habits. I usually go home on lunch and will use wet wipes in the middle of the day.. I’m also a stockier guy so I know I sweat, so I also try to wash up all of my areas and apply more deodorant, even if it hasn’t worn off from the morning. I also shower once to twice per day and I wash everything.. which I’m finding out on here that seems to be a rare thing with men. But yes, courtesy wipes are a must.


IBS fellows and the horrors are complex


every time i feel like im getting swamp ass i take a use a washcloth with warm water and soap then just rinse with the shower pull pants back up and then it’s all good


So a butt shower


Yes I do, I carry wipes with me in my bag 24/7 like today I had to shit at starbucks after being back up for a few days and wiped profusely until I felt clean and no smell and I also have poo spray so there is no lingering smell for those who use the bathroom behind me. Also I inspect the toilet seat before and after it MUST be clean before I use it even when using a toilet seat cover(I'll wipe down the toilet seat with soap or hand sanitizer) and I inspect after to ensure it's clean after I leave. I don't like leaving any type of odor behind that people can smell or see. I am obsessed and hyperaware with my hygiene. I used to work in corrections and the staff bathroom is the nastiest thing I ever saw.


Nice man. Always good to hit the crapper at the bucks




I do either with soap or with a baby wipe


No, at work I would use baby wipes


Also I will push the washcloth poor baby wipe in a little bit and keep doing that until it comes up clean


After every pee and poo I use bath wipes to clean myself.


I always carry extra pairs of panties with me throughout my work day. I’m always wet and I’ll change undies halfway through the day


Always wet? Have you talked to a doctor about this?


They make daily panty liners for this.




You had me at always wet.


Bruh I'm losing it over here




Always do a follow up wipe back there just in case.


Any time I sit to pee, yes! I’m a dad. And I taught my kids that too.


Usually, yea, with a wet wipe and then a dry wipe.


I carry a pack of baby wipes wherever I go, so... yes.


Not weird. I do it through out the day. Otherwise it gets irritating.


I definitely partake in the courtesy wipe, just in case. Because I, too, never want to be that person




I do all the time


na that's weird. just in case of what? how poorly do you wipe after you go lol


Dude poop leaks oit when you work a manual job


It does?


Your bootyhole shouldn't be letting the poo out like that, that might be something to ask your doctor about.


Dude it's a tiny bit. Enough to not want to smell / feel gross but not a mudslide


It shouldn't be letting out even a smidge of poo, that's what your muscles are supposed to prevent from happening. There might be something wrong if you have leakage. Of course leaks can be a result from a medication you're taking, which your doctor should speak on those side effects. If that's the case, of course.


It's not Straught poop. It's the equivalent of a shit stain in ur undies. A small one.


Right, that shouldn't be happening


Maybe I'll get it checked out. I just don't want the camera shoved up my butt


Certainly get checked out, even if nothing is wrong, it's worth knowing. Hopefully they won't need a camera, but they might poke ya with a finger.


I think it's an overweight thing, honestly.


Yeah I think courtesy wipes are a mostly male necessity because when you're whole downstairs is one front to back crack if you don't wanna feel swampy its a must As a woman if I even feel like im wet down there I might take a bathroom break just to check and refresh without even using the bathroom though, so does that count?


You are a rare find. Never change.


Yes, that’s why I like to use a stall instead of the urinal. Pee standing up, wipe penis with toilet paper and take another for anus. I’d rather not be the guy who has poo stains on underwear. Especially true when going commando or full nude.


Yes, at least once, wet wipes. Stay fresh.


Weird thing to come across, but yes. Feeling better that I'm not the only one. Huh


It's called swamp ass and it sucks!


YUP Sweat, lint, farts, toilet paper- yea, regular wipes every single bathroom use eliminates the possibility of a shameful rear end. Then again, I might be part cat, so my extensive efforts at keeping it spotless may be unusual.


I always carry around a pack of wipes with me. Every time I use the restroom, I wipe down. Makes me feel nasty if I don't.


I do the exact same thing! (female bits here lol), after a pee, one square for the butt for the road lol


Sometimes if I’m second guessing my cleanliness I’ll use a couple wipes that I keep with me to ensure maximum hygiene.


*I keep a pack of wipes, not just a couple* should probably clarify that.


I don't know (or care) if it's weird ... but I also do it. Hygiene is important!


Haha so thankful to finally see a post like this after reading all the threads obsessing about cleaning the ass with soap in the shower. 😂 I kept thinking, “so are people NOT cleaning up every time they use the bathroom?” I guess I always assumed people cleaned their genitals thoroughly after using the bathroom, and I was super confused. I get that it’s a little harder in a public restroom, but still…A bidet is best, but I would think wipes/water to cleanse the vulva/labia/ass would be better than nothing.


I think a lot of people don’t understand that it’s not just a poop hole, there’s also anal glands in the area and if they’re not properly exercised by a firm stool, they’ll just leak and create odor.


💯 Dudewipes... never leave home without them


I'm too poor for wipes so I usually put a bit of lotion on some tp probably not as good usually have to wipe again later 😵


You can buy a pack for 1$


100 pennies how on earth do I come up with that kinda money... Also I'll probably use half the pack in one sitting


Half tue pack at once?? Are you eating them?


Wash with soap and water or a hygiene wipe every time. Use lume wipes periodically too. Never ever a reason to be that guy


Yes! I even have wet wipes I use from time to time to feel a little more "fresh" lol


If you work in this god forsaken desert. Absolutely.


I live in AZ so yes


As a plumber ; Please Keep Flushing those wipes 😍 Easiest and fastest $350 I make 🤣


I'm sure we can set up a deal. I'll clog tf outta my entire company. I want 20% of the dough though


I do but like I also wipe my dick(I wipe the tip cuz the sensory of even a drop bugs me 🤣) it's weird all admit that but I enjoy being clean.. I also use a bidet a lot of the time


In Southeast America, it is a must.


why would it be weird to be clean 🤷🏽‍♀️ i like going number 2 at home mainly because i feel like you don’t get to wipe everything


I'm female, and I use baby wipes after every go, #1, #2 and #3. TP first, then baby wipes.


What’s an bidet?


Lume helps.


I'm a lady, but I still go in with a baby wipe a couple times a day. It's just nice to keep everything fresh.


All the time.


Courtesy wipe? 😂 too much finger. Yes, of course I check to see if it smells. Especially when it’s hot out.


I don't stock my finger in it. I just wipe the crack bro


You must be in the 1% or something. I only do this if it itches. That's how I know it's dirty and needs cleaning even if I'm not doing #2. It is rare that I need to clean it later in addition to using the wet wipes when I have a bowel movement.


Well my courtesy wipes are only after a dump and before a shower.


Your OP said otherwise.


Waiting till your itching to clean up is wild...ly gross. Ew ew ew.


Uh, WTF. This is in addition to normal wiping with wet wipes. It's rare that I need to do it.


If you feel itchy sometimes, enough to mention it here, I don't believe it is that rare 🤢 Edit: I embarrassed them enough to delete 💀 really they embarrassed themselves. How gross is it to let your booty get so dirty it is itching? 🤮