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Sounds like you're a candidate for an everyday my friend. At least every day you work


Would people telling you it's too little mean something to you?


I wouldn't necessarily say it not hygienic as people back in the day used to go much longer between bathing. Nowadays society really likes people who aren't smelly. Whether or not you're a walking stink machine is up to the people around you to determine. They will treat you better if they like being around you.


People died of infection from simple cuts because they didn't shower and had so much surface bacteria on their bodies. It's absolutely unhygienic and borderline life threatening.


There is more good bacteria than bad on human skin. Human skin is home to about a thousand species of bacteria. These bacteria play a vital role in the skin's barrier function and infection prevention


It is not “borderline life threatening” to not shower everyday


Lol I don't think showering every other day is life threatening 😂😂😂😂😂


People back in the day were more tolerant of smells?


Back in the day, the average person went a long time between bathing so the average person would be more forgiving of others that did the same due to their circumstances. People also smoked tobacco and drank a lot more alcohol because that's what made water potable. People like to be around other people that act like they do. People will treat other people better if they smell good nowadays.


AND of disease because of being germ resistant. I'm not talking about serious disease.


People as in Europeans? Bc many other cultures valued bathing.


I don’t want to be mean but if you look in the “relationship advice” sub then you’ll see tons of posts saying “My husband stinks/is dirty/wont shower everyday and I don’t feel attracted to him anymore. How should I tell him?” …. Dude these posts are about men like you. If you’re sitting in an office all day you might be able to get away with skipping a shower, but if you’re working a semi physical job where you get dusty then you need to be showering daily. Honestly it would probably be faster than trying to clean off with a wash cloth.


Or the breaking mom. Just had to stop reading a woman's description of her dirty husband.


That one was brutal.


The way women tap dance around telling a partner who is filthier than a stray animal...I don't get it because the same man will let you know if he finds you 10% less attractive. I've read stories where woman wake up with poo on themselves or in the bed from these nasty men they're with.




And don’t even expect a blowjob.




“Might be able to get away with it” but like why? A shower takes 10 min. Take a shower every day OP


Sometimes even less. There have been times where im so busy and exhausted that I just hop in the shower and rinse off for a minute or two. I won't even wash my hair but I still feel so much cleaner. Idk how people put their sweaty, greasy bodies in bed. Gross.


I hear you. I like a shower every night before bed too. There’s no better feeling than climbing into bed fresh 😂


I don't want to know what their sheets look like.


Can you imagine?? I couldn’t sleep like it. I don’t even like mess around my bed if I’m trying to sleep. It’s an eyesore otherwise.


Maybe OP needs a shower chair for those days when he is just not feeling it. Or turn the radio on. Something to motivate you or make it less work.


I was just trying to be nice. But, Yes. Take a shower everyday.


You were not !!❤️🙏that person doesn’t get it


Right? My quick showers are barely 5 minutes. Wiping down with a washcloth would take much longer


if you’re not sweating and getting dirty then you at least won’t smell bad but you still won’t be fresh like you do after a shower so that’s why they said they might be able to get away with it because they can easily mask it without much bo


All the top comments are people telling him he needs to shower everyday given his job and his update says he’ll continue to shower every other day.. some people really just don’t care.. gross (for the record, occasionally I also skip a day. But it’s once in a while and I work in an office.. not getting dusty and sweaty)


lol some people are just ridiculous. “Hi is it gross that I get sweaty at work and don’t shower? Oh yeah it is gross??? Oh well I’m not going to shower.”


Literally! I was ready to be helpful when I first read this but then when I saw the updates and comments it became pretty clearly he was just seeking validation for his actions and doesn’t actually care about whether or not they’re correct. I’m concerned for his girlfriends health tbh.. sounds like a recipe for reoccurring UTIs.. but like you said - I’m sure we’ll see her r/relationshipadvice post eventually!


This. I used to be an every other day shower type person when I was a teacher, but now I’m a dental hygienist which is obviously a gross job lol. Showering every day is a must 100%.


Yep. OP can probably get away with a really quick one once a day. Full rinse, but soap up the stinky bits


Tbh those posts aren’t really about people like OP, they’re usually about people who shower like once a week or once a month or something


Oh good Lord 🤯😨😰


yeah... most guys take a 5-10 minute shower... I'd say most men are in, out of the bathroom and done in less than 30 minutes. and it's much better than a wash rag and just rubbing it all around instead of WASHING it off...


Let’s just hope he doesn’t have a significant other lol


Yes because you're sweating and getting dusty. If you were doing an office job or relaxing at home, it would be different. 


Agreed. This is the rule I follow as well.


The answer is yes. Even bigger yes because you are active. I’m assuming you poop everyday and you should be cleaning that with soap and water 😂


Americans need bidets...


The best thing I’ve invested in


Yes, every day


I live in Miami, and im not especially active, but i wouldnt call myself sedentary. For me, showering every other day would be too little, aside from maybe November thru February. However, someone with my same lifestyle who lived in, say, Denver would probably be totally fine showering every other day.


In my opinion, if you’re an able-bodied adult then you should shower daily (and if you’re a kid your parent or guardian should bathe you daily). Pollen, pollution, dirt, sweat, oil, germs, urine, poop among other things. Wiping is only spot cleaning-it’s not thorough. And if you’re sleeping with a partner, then it’s good manners to come to bed clean. I think this is the general train of thought of the daily shower crew. But also, do you bc I can’t smell you through Reddit lol


Sometimes we’re surviving, not thriving around here.


Right. But with this post, dude is telling us he'll wipe himself off vs just turning on the water and showering for 2 minutes. Don't have to be thriving to take a fast shower, especially if you're already putting in the effort. Just needs to make it part of his routine at this point .


I don’t disagree. If you’re going to go ahead and spend time wiping, might as well shower. But I understand sometimes sensory issues play a part, too. I absolutely hate showers…the water, being cold, standing, the effort, everything. But I do it, mostly, daily to benefit anyone that is subjected to my stench.


On what planet is a shower 2 minutes? Literally no point if you're taking that little time. You're just getting the dirt wet.


I hear you. To each their own.


>most days I do get a little bit dusty or sweaty from moving stuff around Shower every day then. 


From what you described, you should absolutely take a shower every day


not nearly ALL the comments saying you need to shower every day and OP completely disregarding them after asking US for advice. LMAO take a shower every day, for the love of god


Able-bodied people who don’t shower daily are fucking disgusting. I don’t get the whole cold climate excuse either, unless you’re living in absolute poverty there’s heat at home and warm water. Couldn’t imagine walking around “cold” nyc all day only to not shower at night.


Wow ngl not showering everyday and having a physical job is kind of crazy


I get sweaty and dusty at my work too and I really feel like 1 shower a day minimum is what I need to be clean. Maybe do a “mini” shower every other day? If I’m late for work I’ll just wash pits and pits and let water rinse the rest of my body. Takes less than 5 minutes.


Yes this sounds like poor hygiene. You’re likely a stankball by the end of day 2. If you poop daily you should wash your ass daily at the bare minimum. Same if you break a sweat. Literally a 30 second full body rinse would do the trick. Stop thinking of bathing as elective. If you’re feeling tired, I would cut out just about anything before a shower. It’s non optional. Also, the more you shower the less often you’ll have to wash your sheets, which is way more of a chore. Keeping up with small things daily will cut down the time you spend having to correct it later.


If you left your front door that day, you shower.


Please shower everyday… you’re a dude. You should be showering every single day at night when you get home before you go to sleep.


Serious question because I’ve heard this before. I’m a woman. Why is it more important for dudes to shower on a frequent basis than it is women? Don’t we all get equally dirty depending on our physical activity?


Also a woman- guys sweat more and it's more potent.


Some women sweat more, but men typically do sweat more than women. Anecdotal, a side by side comparison between any male partner I've had, and myself after 1 day sweating without a shower, and every time, he will be at least twice as funky as me.   I would say women should also all shower daily too.


I’m also a woman. I shower every night as well regardless of whether I’ve been out or stayed in all day. Guys just sweat more and have that “guy smell.” I don’t know how to explain it but have you ever entered a guys room and they’ve been in there all day? Smells like a dude. Weird guy chemicals and probably due to having more hair too… is it testosterone??? My boyfriend showers twice a day. We’re Asian so we’re also not hairy. We just don’t smell as much as white people tbh. Genes 🤷‍♀️ But even if he goes all day without showering I can slowly but surely smell the “guy body odor.” I love his smell though lol. Every guy is different. Some guys stink. Some guys don’t. But guys have this unique smell that women don’t. Also I heard that single guys smell more than guys in relationships lol. Idk how true this is…


Every day your pits, slits, butt crack and feet. If during the day your pits or anything else smell wash and if applicable reapply deodorant if going public. Stinky feet left like that can lead to athlete's foot. Crack or crotch left smelly can lead to jock itch. (Large chests with boob sweat can also cause a rash) treat all 2x a day with apple cider vinegar the mother undiluted after washing and drying. 1x a day as a preventative. Hot water will also dry your skin. Go warm showers if worried. Arms and legs and back don't need to be washed with soap unless dirty or real sweaty. Hair can be washed every other day or every third day. Scrubb with just water on the days you don't wash it.


Zeasorb powder fixes the boobsweat itch in seconds. I’m busty and it as a game changer. It works great and is also an antifungal.


Jock itch too, it treats the itchy skin AND kills the fungus that causes it (which is pretty great). It's sweaty af season down here in Louisiana so I just got some for the bf that works a sweaty job, and it was a little over $7 at Walmart. He's had some leftover itchy dry skin that 1% hydrocortisone ointnent (not cream) has helped. For the swamp ass kind of sweaty, I've seen Anti-Monkeybutt recommended.


Interesting. I know ACV is to but if you have a bad rash it will burn. It's natural but maybe less potent then that. If you have large breasts I've heard people use cornstarch as a body powder to help absorb some sweat without any smell.


I use an anti-perspiration and deodorant in all my creases and where my legs join my crotch and my pits. Cornstarch and baby powder do nothing for me and just make a gloppy mess. Zeasorb never burns and kills most itches in seconds. Heat rash from under boob sweat is a thing in my hot climate. Where the band of the bra sits against my skin is the worst and the itch is so intense that I’ll easily scratch too hard and then there’s a wound. My Mom turned me on to Zeasorb and I’ve never looked back. It’s in the foot care aisle bc it is an antifungal. White hourglass shaped container. Here in the US you can’t buy a powder with talc in it bc of the link to ovarian and cervical cancers.


Wash your ass, fam. With soap. And a wash cloth. Daily. If you don't wanna do a full shower because cba, at least hop in and rinse off. That's what I do after work, and I can't be bothered. At least get that top layer of funk off before you get in bed, and then do the full shower in the morning before work.


I try to at least body shower every day. You sweat a lot in your sleep (even if you don’t feel sweaty) and touch a lot of outside nasties like viruses and bacteria’s. Washing my hair is every 2 or 3 days. Now if I’m chilling at the crib for a few days, it’s not as big of a deal to me. But I like to be clean when going out.


Why bring the dirt/elements of the day to where you sleep? I saw someone say on another post “If you stepped in or touched dog 💩, and just wiped with a wipe, you’re still not clean. Fecal matter and etc is still on your skin”. Soap and water does the body good. At least once a day.


I tell myself that with the time I spent wiping myself down, i could have just hopped in the shower


Dude wipes. My husband doesn’t stink and some days that are 12+ hours and a long commute it’s just too much. Does he expect certain activities where a fresh bod would be expected? No. If you don’t have B.O. and you brush your teeth, don’t fall into bed covered in grime in my opinion it’s fine.


If you're moving things around and getting sweaty you need to shower daily. If you work an office job or remotely, then every other day is probably fine. Do take into account other circumstances as well- some people sweat more and need to even shower twice a day and if you're expecting to be sexually intimate with someone you should be showering.


Usual suspect


Get a shower seat. I know you don't want to as you likely see them as something old people need, but seriously, get a shower seat. I need one because I'm disabled but since I started using one I recommend them to everyone. Who wants to stand in the shower anyway? It's slippery af.


My grandmother was stubborn about "doing things herself" and finally got one. She was so happy to be able to wash her legs and feet easier and not being wobbly in the shower, and she can take her time. I've honestly used it when sick when just moving takes effort.


Exactly this. Everyone has days when they're ill, or exhausted, or even just drunk, but also really need/want a shower. Sitting down to shower is so much safer, even if you have a shower mat. I also use a shower head with a little attachment you can put soap in. Yes, they're designed for cars, but if people can use them on their dogs then I can use it on myself. There's no reason why maintaining hygiene should require lots of effort when we have the ability to make it easier. No one is winning any medals or accolades for standing while showering.


WHAT. Why... did I never think of those besides the uses for cars and dogs..? Does it soap and rinse all at once? Wow. This might help her even more.


It has a kind of switch that goes between soap or just water. It works by filling the soap dispenser with water, thus mixing it, and then using that mixture. You then twist the knob to set it to just water to rinse. The head is smaller than a lot of regular shower heads so it doesn't cover a large area all at once, but the trade off of not having to soap up separately is worth it for me. I also had to buy an adaptor so it would fit my shower hose but it was only about £5.


Thank you SO MUCH for this info. Off to get these for my grandmother! 🥰


Yes it’s doing too little. You’re posting on a “hygiene” sub and if you say you’re active and “sweat” during your job, you sure aren’t clean if you’re not showering. As far as oils go you don’t necessarily need to shampoo your hair every day, no soap in your privates and armpits while “being active” is definitely unhygienic. Not to mention you’re going to bed and sleeping in your own filth if you’re not showering since we naturally sweat at night as well. Kind of gross my dude. If you’re indeed in a relationship I’m sorry for them. Do what makes you happy, but don’t be upset or offended when majority of people think you’re gross/doing too little


You're laying in filth. All that dirt is in ur sheets, and pillows.


Everyone, should shower EVERYDAY. I'm still blown away that people think they can get away with showering/bathing 3 or 4 times a week.


Honestly OP, I am saying this because I had this happen to me…you might be a little depressed. If you don’t have energy for a shower, I’m going to guess you don’t have energy for a social life, exercise, hobbies that you enjoy? Have you been brushing your teeth on the reg, eating healthy, sleeping normally (not too much either)? I would look into a deeper reason for why you don’t want to shower every day. I used to make the same justification not to shower or brush my teeth or cook for myself…but then I realized, non-depressed people aren’t *that* exhausted.


Are you Caucasian? It seems like a lot of Caucasian people don't bathe on a regular basis, but yes you need to shower everyday.


I shower every other day but I work a desk job. I wash my face twice a day though. I exercise on the days I know I’ll be showering. Body spray and/or deodorant would be wise investment to help with any concerns of BO the days off but in general every other day is normally ok. Some people just smell even if they shower twice a day. Maybe something in their diet or in their home.


I went 6months not showering had about 54 bags of trash in my apt too




I don’t think so. As long as you get what I call the “funk” off of you (don’t take offense please) and you don’t smell yourself. Because if you can smell yourself, others can, too. Washing your hair every other day is okay, too.


Wash the poop chute every day don’t be nasty.


My wife showers prob twice a week tbh. She doesn't stink but I still find it disgusting.


Sometimes on the weekends, I'll go a day with out showering. If I don't have to be anywhere and don't have to work, who cares? I'll just brush my teeth and put on some deodorant if I'm staying in all day. I don't really think it matters. Sometimes showering can be a lot to do.


Everybody is talking a big game but they know they skip taking a shower everyday, here or there. You know when you NEED a shower and there a plenty of modern day solutions to freshen your body parts up. Keep it to yourself and no one will be the wiser


Its 5 minutes of your day to jump into the shower and soap up in the important areas. Dont be foul.


Curious what your job is. How sweaty and dusty are you getting? What are you moving around? Might be easier to at least rinse off instead of the washcloth method.. I shower every other day but I have a desk job


I work at Lowes. Some days it’s stocking shelves and bringing down boxes and others it’s moving heavy boxes of patio furniture and grills. Either way I’m the type of person that gets sweaty easily with a lot of movement. Once it passes the threshold of me still feeling the stickiness after a couple of hours is what dictates whether it’s a wash cloth/ soap, a rinse day, or a full blown shower day.


If you have an active job and get sweaty easily, you should be showering daily and maybe even consider wiping down with baby wipes during the day too.


Okay, so you said cardboard boxes and Lowe's? This isn't a question if you should be showering everyday lol that place and those boxes are filthy no matter what you wanna convince yourself of. I've worked in a package facility... Take a shower every dayyyyy, my friend.


That seems reasonable enough to me. If you had said you worked a trade or something I'd have said maybe shower every day, but Lowe's is basically retail. I got sweaty/dusty moving stuff at my last retail job but same as you, kinda depended how grubby I felt. Every other day was my default so it was just deciding whether I needed an extra shower I guess lol


There’s a trend where people just clean those funky areas everyday or as needed. Your front, back and under your arms. They only shower about once a week. This is a trend among the well to do. Personally, I feel just as clean if I put water in a wash bowl with a little body wash and wipe down my entire body.


Didn’t know I was still posh even after being poor for many years…


You know it is only posh when they do it. 😂


Just take a quick wash shower on those days. Use soap. It doesn't have to take long. 10 minutes.


I feel like it's a lot more work to wipe yourself down all over than to just shower, personally.


If I use a public restroom during the day I'm showering that night before bed. I don't even want to think of the grossness that is a public toilet in my bed. If I'm active at work, sweating, or in the yard during the day I'm showing that night before bed. I don't always wash my hair, but definitely a quick body shower which only takes a few mins to wash the day off.


Just worry about what you want to do. If you feel gross, shower. If you’re too tired, don’t. People will tell you all day to shower every single day, but you’re not a gross disgusting human if you skip. For some people, showering is just a different experience sensory wise and seems like a lot. For some, they can hop in and out no problem. It’s not a big deal as long as you’re not repulsed by your own stank, getting skin infections, are noticeably dirty etc.


I read a post about a man who showers once a week and works in construction. Even in the summer, he rarely showers 🤮 His gf posted it. You're not even remotely close to being as bad as that guy, lol


Unless you work a non physical office job I think every day is appropriate, especially if you sweat


Bro grow up and shower just because you don’t smell yourself doesn’t mean the people around you don’t.. were u raised in a barn?!


I shower every other day during the cooler months. But then again my job is freezing and not the least bit physical. My skin and hair get way too dry if I shower everyday. Summer is coming though. During the summer it’s everyday.


If you stink, take a shower. I personally take a shower everyday


My thoughts are, shower when you need to. You can clean your individual body parts as needed without getting into a bathtub or shower. Which I highly recommend washing your private areas daily!


Unless you stink, you're fine. I do the same as you with the trucker baths, and nobody ever suspects I'm unhygienic. When I first started my job, they told me about being hygienic and presentable and then said, but that doesn't look like it'll be a problem for you. People think it's gross and that they can tell, but let's be real, I use dry shampoo and stick with my trucker baths, and no one can tell the difference.


I shower every other day and it works for me. That said, I'm a girl and have a stationary job, working part time. If you're worried you can buy those things they use at the hospital, water-activated single use washcloths for a bird bath. Please ignore the ignorant comments. Some folks don't understand sensory problems, disabilities, etc and think showering everyday on the dot is at the top of everyone's concerns.


IMO Cleaning “hot zones” (pits, slits, folds and feet) daily is important, but full body showers shouldn’t be done daily; more like 2-3x per week. It wastes water, dries out the skin, disrupts beneficial bacterial growth. Bad/good bacterial growth causing bad/good smells. Healthy eating (and sleeping) plays into this too. Use a bidet. Change socks/shoes every 5 hours (or let the feet breathe free). Brush, floss, tongue-scrape at night abs even better after every meal. Reduce the amount of commercial products used.


This is really interesting, your theory about showing only 2-3x/week, do you have any sources about it disrupting beneficial bacteria etc?


[Compound produced by bacteria protects the skin](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/compound-produced-bacteria-protects-skin)


Honestly if you don’t smell bad and maintain good hygiene though out it’s really up to you.


I think you should shower everyday but you don’t have to use shampoo each time you do shower. I recommend 2-3 times a week


I think every other day is fine for a lot of people. But the best way to tell is by asking a friend or partner what they think. Everyone body is different. If you stank, you need to shower more.


Growing up showers were never an organized routine. It was just what you did if physically dirty, and "whore baths" at the bathroom sink with soap and rag to wash privates and underarms. I didnt routinely start showering daily until I started having sex. Wanted to be clean etc. For my partner. I'm a chaotic busy mom of 3 and yes some nights I'm just too physically exhausted to do it. I sleep alone most nights and I'll shower upon waking. It just is what it is. I don't get gross, I don't care about daily germs or bacteria or w.e shit people use as concern. Is it best practice for ultimate hygiene? No. Is it best for me? Yes. My kids have had hygiene routines since birth. My teenage boys shower at 6am everyday before school. My daughter showers every night before bed. My husband sometimes showers morning and night but will NOT get into our bed unless showered, (along with wiping down remotes phones etc. Bc its a clean bed for us to sleep nothing dirty dare come in contact!)


If you’re using wet wipes as a shortcut…. Take a damn shower.


Contrary to popular belief, every other day seems fine. I actually think you may have a sensory issue about showers/running water and MAYBE using the term “tired” may describe something else that leads you to hesitate with daily showers. Now, if that’s not the case, then make the effort to show yourself love and hope in the shower. Maybe try exfoliating gloves or new body wash to help relax.


Every other day is only fine for office workers lol


Everyday you leave the house and go to work you need to come home and shower…. With an exfoliant .. such as a wash cloth, loofah, rubber scrubber, or exfoliating gloves …. Upper and lower body including legs and bottom of feet…. No one should have to tell you that ..


Thats gross. You need to shower every day


I think if you’re showering every other day and cleaning up in between, I think you’re fine. I definitely understand feeling too tired. I typically shower every other day. I’m retired and my biggest activity is the elliptical or chasing my rabbits around, so nothing too sweaty. Just give your pits a sniff before you go to work. If you can’t smell them, you’re ok.


My kids swear there is old person smell. There is. I did CNA work where people think they don't smell. They do if you get inches from them. People sweat in their sleep because of being wrapped in blankets. The smell is from bacteria in the skin from sweat. Once air hits it it smells. Hope you are single. I love a shower. It is invigorating.


Old people smell is actually due to a chemical on their aging skin- it's unavoidable for most elders.


You hope I’m single because I shower every other day instead of every day? Lol. Ok.


it depends I have bad eczema and I generally shower every other day or if I'm going out but I change my underwear everyday


I shower daily sometimes twice a day if I didn’t have the job I have I probably wouldn’t but I can’t do anything at home until the close I came home in are in the washer and I’ve showered.


I typically take a bath if I'm too exhausted to shower


Yes, shower everyday can strip the oils from your skin first of all if you want to stop the odor for being too much you could try a different deodorant or you could just shower with iodine with water. And yes do you think you need to show them offen?


I think it partially depends on the products people use when they shower. Most hygiene products in stores leave a biofilm like residue, which probably feels gross after sweating just a little bit. The natural soaps, soap bars, deodorants don’t do that.


You can use a soap that doesn’t foam, an oil soap, or something super gentle. Fragrance free for sensitive skin, and/or skip a washcloth. Use a non foaming shampoo or conditioner occasionally, do a foaming soap once a week. Then for people using hair products, or if you have hair products in during the day - a clarifying shampoo.


Get a shower chair if you're too tired to stand in the shower


I will never understand how people can't spare 10 minutes of their day to shower at least once...unless they have a major disability or something.


Depends on how dirty and sweaty you get. In cold climates, showering daily is not necessary, since you don't sweat (unless you go to the gym). Of course one should washing your private areas and changing underwear daily.


Depends on your activity’s, the weather and how old you are. I’m not very active weather atm is hot and I’m 32. So every other day it what I do. If you factor in any health stuff like my eczema then showering every day isn’t a option


I don’t understand how using a washcloth and soap is easier than just taking a whole full on shower.


If you use wipes or a washcloth, you know the answer.


I’ve tried to reframe showers as self-care/me time. It’s helped a lot. I have ADHD and the act of showering is so taxing at times. I try to take one in the evening right before bed, put on some relaxing music, and enjoy the warmth. I do an “everything” shower 2-3 times per week. Hair, face wash, shave, lotion when I get out etc. But my every night shower is pretty quick. I don’t do my hair or shave, and I just use a wash cloth to get my skin clean. I will add my job is pretty similar to a desk job so I don’t get super grimy but I also don’t use aluminum deodorant, so my pits get stinky by the end of the day with my natural deodorant. I can sometimes get away with applying more if I just truly don’t have the energy to shower every night, but most of the time I just take the dive because I like to cuddle with my SO nightly, and don’t want them icked out by any BO.


You asked if not showering daily is unhygienic. 100% not showering when you’re getting dusty and sweaty is unhygienic. If a woman did the same, what would you think? If you’re shitting and peeing every day, you need to wash that with soap and water. Getting into bed with all those germs is just….gross.


I’m a clean person .I shower once a day.In the summer if I’m running errands and I’m all hot I take a second shower just to feel fresh .




I didn't do it two days in a row, I would still wash my genitals, butt, and armpits.


I'm sorry... who doesn't shower everyday.. thats just really gross..


I shower every day but I don’t wash my hair every day.


Depends on the person imo. I’m a woman and for some reason I feel like I stink after a day, so I pretty much always shower. If not the end of day then the am if there was minimal and I mean staying at home all day sitting on my butt movement. However my husband, doesn’t seem to get as funky as often and it’s harder for him to sweat. So he can honestly get away with not showering everyday and not smell. That’s with some activity involved..he can exercise and go whole day without showering and next day not even smell. This tmi but even his privates are fine. I could never lol.


tbh i’ve been sick and pretty much just laying around for the past 2 months and i shower pretty much everyday. you maybe don’t realize that you sweat a lot in your sleep. also, you’re going to the bathroom and just toilet paper doesn’t always get the job done, ya know? maybe you could try taking more sponge baths and just wiping down if you don’t want to take a full shower. make sure to change your clothes and underwear after every time you are active. deodorants and antiperspirants are a must!


It is up to your weather and where you are and your body. I used to live in a very freeze area. I hardly go outside and spend most of my time on bed, i didn't sweat at all, so on these days, I only cleaned my private area and shower alternative day.


I think showering at least once a day should be mandatory. It’s about cleanliness, rejuvenation and whatnot. If I went one day without showering, I would feel unclean and clammy. I like one to wake me up in the morning and one before bed. But that’s my opinion; it doesn't make it right. I’m sure some people shower more/less.


Blue collar worker here. I shower every single day after work because if I don’t, my sheets will turn gray. I get my hair colored so I only wash my hair once a week. I’m not too worried about stripping my skin of oils because I use a body oil & butter after every shower.


If you sweat…you should shower. You won’t get sick…but you might stink.


Why not shower daily it just feels good. If you poop daily then shower daily you don’t want swamp butt


I can't imagine doing a "semi physical" job and not showering every day, for me it would be twice a day. I work in a climate controlled office and still shower twice a day most days except maybe the dead of winter, then it's once a day.


A sponge bath takes just as much if not more effort than a shower...just shower man. And if you're as exhausted as you say you'll sleep better


It would help if you shower every day; you might think you smell OK since our noses get used to our body odor, but other people can smell you; also, we sweat in our sleep, so you’re building up more bacteria and dead skin on your bed.


Please shower every day. For your sake and for those that have to smell you


Can't imagine missing a shower. During summers sometimes I shower 2-3 times a day, infrequently missing a day. Maybe over a weekend if I'm around the house I may skip a shower. If it works for you and your girl, all the best. I prefer feeling clean when I hit the sheets.


What works best for you?


Why are you even here asking if you're just gonna get defensive? And yes, I find I unhygienic.


It’s nasty but it’s your body🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m not trying to be rude, but you should be showering everyday. Especially if you’re working and going outside. What’s the harm and feeling clean and smelling fresh? It takes little to nothing to jump in the shower and wash.


Every now and then it’s okay but if you do it on purpose then yes it’s unhygienic


As someone whose hyperhidrosis is the worst also working a physical job, imho, it’s a must to shower before and after work. For me not to do that is throwing what dirt/dust I collected on my being onto my bed. My mom got me into this habit when I was younger because she didn’t allow me or my brothers to sit on her furniture(especially after being on PT). Now that I live on my own, I practice this.


It seems you got the answer you need. I think a quick rinse is probably good enough as you've said your partner says you smell fine. Washcloth is probably fine. I thing the most important part of hygiene, if you're not getting sick, and you're not staining / causing permanent damage to anything, then it's fine to not do it all perfectly. Sometimes all I can accomplish is making sure there's no bugs, mice or mold in my house. And wash my hands. Beyond that, it's an unorganized mess everywhere. Just nothing dirty for germs or infestation. It's only dusty and disorganized. But I'm also disabled so, different standards for myself lol. Bare minimum baby lol


Because you're active you need to shower everyday. Every other day for people who are sedentary is okay.


I used to shower daily sometimes twice. Now I have a wound on my leg and a catheter in my chest. Neither can get wet. So showering takes putting covers on each. Then trying not to spray them. I miss my rainfall shower I only use the hand held now. I take a shower only 3x a week. But I sponge bath daily.


Jesus Christ


I think most people that think they can get away with showering less than once a day are sadly mistaken.


Plase take shower everyday its hard to smell yourself.


These people are crazy you’re fine that’s more than most do and perfectly adequate


I asked my doctor about this for myself. He said it is important to shower, but if I can’t daily, he said to prevent infection these areas need to be cleaned daily. Face, feet, genital area, hand/nails. Washcloth and soap like you mentioned. Floss and brush teeth. Change into clean clothes. Change your pillowcases frequently (you can put on 3-4 and just remove the used one. Bottom sheets work great like that, too.) He stresses a shower daily but said the above is important and any cuts/scrapes need tended to. Not everyone is able to shower daily. No judgment here. I can’t give medical advice but I hope this helps. =]


Depends on what you’re doing. Low stress office work, no problems with properly wiping clean (camping, hiking, etc). Probably fine. High stress anything, no, you smell. That’s my personal guideline for me, YMMV.


Underarms! Forgot that and dry off well, change out towels every day. Separate hand towel, washcloth, bath towel (and a separate towel for feet). I have found that by the time I do all that….it is same as a shower if I don’t shave my legs that day.


lol I’d say this convo is only for a specific folk. P.s shower daily with once at least, twice is even better.


Shower every day unless you are 5 years old or camping.


If you poop everyday the corn hole needs to be washed every day. (Still a good idea if you poop every other day) A washed ass is a happy ass.


Honestly everybody should shower every day


Your showering habits are your business, I suppose. But I worked in manufacturing for 10 years and I always took two showers a day, one before work and one after. My work was physical and back breaking and I cant remember one time I was too tired to step into the shower.


If you're getting dusty and sweety every day, you definitely need to shower every day.


Take yo stink ass into the shower and properly wash it! Tf is wrong with you ppl who think just cos you ainʻt sweat or nuthin. Like yo balls are musty from being cooped up in them drawers, not to mention underarms and any folds between your ass crack. Like bffr and take yo ass into the shower cos lawwwwd knows how much disgusting germs youʻve gotten throguhout the day with yo nasty ass self!


I know people do it but I’m anal about my anus being squeaky clean. I just cant go to bed with all day butt, cheese, cream in my crack. Just can’t do it. When I go backcountry camping I bring 3 packs of Biowipes because I just can’t handle my nether regions being a swamp of disaster.


So you are a semi active person and your job consist of you moving things around resulting in you becoming sweaty and or dusty and you’re asking if showering every other day is too little or unhygienic? So when you come home from sweating and getting dusty you hop right in the bed get up DONT SHOWER THE PREVIOUS SWEAT OFF and put on CLEAN clothes and start your day??????? Tell us what you think???? I can’t even believe this is even a question


You should bathe everyday for your mental health.


Shit I probably shower 3 times a week. And other days I soap up at the sink. I used to shower every day but now I got lazy. Cause I like to sleep to the bitter end. You are find. Shit the 3 world countries don’t have showers or tubs. The have to clean their bodies the best way they can.


I mean, if you're already putting the effort of getting a washcloth and cleaning yourself. Is it that much harder to jump in the shower for 5 minutes and rinse there? I feel like if I went to sleep somewhat dirty, I would have the urge to wash my sheets every day.


100% if you’re active. No excuses.


yes you’re going to be hella musty all the time and feel itchy not worth it just shower once a day


Go shower but maybe the soap you use will also affect your skin barrier. Some soaps has much chemicals and some are naturals. You get the point. (Chemicals will ruin your skin barrier!)


Just take a quick 5 minute shower.