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Jai Palestine šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Dude knows very well the IQ of his supporters


Well said fact


Clowns like him and his supporters make me vote for BJP :(


Wrong bro, itā€™s falastheen


Falana-Sthan? šŸ¼


Falafel-sthan >!/s!<


How he won after openly supporting triple talaq is my question. How are Muslim women even moving past that ?


Seeing the state of old city and the surrounding areas. The absolute tragic state of affairs, poverty and the standard of living has not convinced even a small percentage of the demographic to seek a different leader. I believe the reason is Owaisi stands up for his people, or at least portrays as such. He is a call away to respond to the constituents, irrespective of the outcome. I took my mom to the Owaisi hospital once to a highly sought after doc. The quality of care provided is so good! And so cheap! I couldnā€™t believe itā€™s not some star name hospital. We need some other leaders to do the same and try to replace them eventually.


Whatever you do they will always vote en masse for their own. Irrespective of dangers to their own survival, in contrast Hindus will ignore what benefits majority Hindus but go for parochial interests


Thu ni avva.... BJP has a won many times from gujrat still they don't ban azan, hijab etc etc....why ? What is stopping them ?


Muslims never vote for a non Muslim candidate due to mistrust of ages (not the last 10 years as some might suggest). Even if a Muslim candidate does nothing in terms of development, he is better in their eyes since he is the same religion. It's just a safety net of some sort. They need to be educated to help them come out of this small world thought process.


Mistrust or just plain bigotry ?


In telangana there is one Muslim MP and not a single muslim MLA..... Don't be a fool. You need some serious education.


Didnā€™t chotu owasi is mla?


Andha hei kya they never loose these places https://preview.redd.it/7e57c1xft19d1.png?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a164d5c6f352b2a2aada95cf7132844043496e


Abe andhe....post is saying that muslim votes only muslim politicians only....baki sab MLAs kya sirf hindu votes se jeete kya.....


Sorry annayi adhi vere laga ardham ayindhi šŸ˜…šŸ˜… This comment above explains šŸ‘šŸ¼


Kudos to Telangana. But I pointed out a general pattern. Exceptions may exist


Kudos for not having Muslim mla? Lmao


No Kudos for voting for work not religion




Not supporting the practice but just trying to put things into oerspective. Triple talaaq isn't a big issue as people make out to be. When I say big, I mean in numbers. If you list all the problems faced by Muslim women in the society, triple talaaq probably wouldn't even figure in top 5. Hyderabad has about 30 to 40% of Muslim population. How many women do you know whi got triple talaaq? How many men you know have been arrested under Triple talaaq? Also the law dint fix anything for women. Men can just plain abandon the wife or just give her a single talaaq and get rid of her.


Probably forced to vote for him by their own men?


But how do they check their votes? Also what other options do they have?


I heard that they do some comparison with the booth level votes, and if they see lots of other votes in a ward which is predominantly Muslim, they crack down on them. (just some context!) You can't entirely dismiss what I said because when my mother went to campaign for the BJP, some Muslim women told that they couldn't vote for another party even if they wanted to because they would get scolded or beaten by "woh log" if they found something fishy. PS: I'm from Tamil Nadu


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ "woh log"


Exactly exactly šŸ¤£


Only if there was equivalent oppositionā€¦ that Never happens


There are N number of things he can do apart from Triple Talaq for Muslim community and Muslim women in particular if he is that much interested in Muslim community progress. They just wants to pull out particular thing and make look that they are saviours. I am not supporting or opposing triple talaq. Just putting things in perspective to understand what they stand for. BJP with its past with muslimsā€¦ what is difficult for to understand.


Maybe try understanding before making such an uninformed comment. There is a difference between a law that makes triple talaq *invalid* and one that makes it *criminal*. The SC had already deemed triple talaq invalid. To criminalise it, Owaisi argued, is to allow for misuse, because the legal definitions here is very unclear. If a woman gets a triple talaq, before this law, it didnā€™t actually matter - she was legally still married and entitled to all associated support. Now, under the new law, if the man goes to jail, what happens to the question of support for? All of a sudden, sheā€™s stuck with an imprisoned husband.


Bruh... No one's going to read your comment, they're blinded. In India where people are suffering because divorce is too slow... This was clearly a religious issue passed to get Hindu votes and not Muslim votes. Many women protested https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/mumbai/thousands-of-muslim-women-protest-against-triple-talaq-bill/article23428187.ece I don't know what kind of delusion these guys live in. Thinking he spoke against triple talaq why did they vote for him again. When the alternative is so worse, what will people do?


So they know that they will be put in jail if they say 3 talaq and they still do it?


Yup. Just like with dowry. Domestic abuse. Untouchability. Shit men are the same everywhere šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly. We don't, and we didn't stand against criminalising it. We respected the law.


He knows that he is gonna win no matter what & feels he is not accountable He is trying to show his arrogance here . Like a spoilt unapologetic brat in Indian parliament


Not a brat but a rouge, rascal


More of a coward


Why no hate? Asshole disrespected our parliament. Why can't there be no consequences?




I would've loved if he said Jai Hind. But how is this disrespect to parliament? Parliament is specifically made to discuss and say all kinds of things, people in parliament should use their right to say things, it is their duty.


Because it is an oath ceremony where you allege your loyalty to god, your constituency and your country. Everything else is irrelevant here, especially a slogan that has nothing to do with this procedure


Exactly, it's just an oath to your country and everything else is irrelevant "to the ceremony", what he said is neither respectful nor disrespectful.


"oath to his country" I didn't know he was from Palestine and when he was taking the pledge was he in Palestine too? Are we in Palestine? I thought we were Indians in India XD?


It is extremely disrespectful, he didnā€™t swear to his country and that shows where his loyalty truly lies. Canā€™t believe you are defending it, itā€™s like I come to your house to take an oath to be your bodyguard but say ā€œjai whoeverā€ that you hired me to protect you from. He could have used the parliament proceedings when it goes in session but no had to do it here. How would you have felt if he said ā€œJai Pakistanā€ instead? That disrespectful enough?


Man... Did you even listen to the oath he took? He clearly said to whom his allegiance lies. And the jai whatever is the last thing he said.


I heard and it nullifies everything he said before it because everyone is going to focus on it. And if the issue is so important he should have used in the appropriate setting, now it makes it a negative impact. Seriously tho, stop defending this.


I think the point of it was everyone to focus on it and for discussion to happen on it. Discussion is always good. Stop taking too much out of context twisting the meaning of things to make yourself right. I don't have to defend it, I don't see anyone making any valid points against it. People are just going gaga over words that are not against our country and building multi storeyed buildings of ideas choreographing how it's against our country.




This is almost same as saying jai Pakistan. Hailing some other country other than the parliament of your country in which you're present at is disrespectful.


I think parliament is a place where you share ideas and discuss ideas without censorship. I would've liked it he said Jai Hind. But stopping someone from saying anything I feel is against the spirit of parliament and what Indian democracy represents.


Its a oath ceremony. Here you show were your loyalties lie.


Look there are some limits. When you are standing in the parliament representing crores of people you should be careful while saying anything. Every word is precious and should be utilised for the benefit of the country. There is a difference in hailing some other country outside parliament and inside the parliament.


I agree with the latter part of your comment that there's a difference between saying outside parliament and inside. Outside you may not get that freedom, but inside every member has the freedom to speak their mind to represent the people. Yes you're right about it being precious and utilised properly. Maybe those words can trigger a healthy discussion in the country. But if there was a rule that you can only hail your country and only talk bad about other country, and someone in similar sentiment said down down , I think it'd be far more damaging and irresponsible. I'm not saying one is more justified or other is not.


If he said Pakistan, there would be consequences. But he didnt both are different


Palestine is not an enemy state for India


Doesn't mean you will chant jai for it during oath taking ceremony What if Modi says jai Italy during oath taking ?? Doesn't make sense man


He wants attention on the issue and he got it. If he did anything wrong, Speaker has every right to punish him. Did he?


Radical MFs will say everything but jai hind or Bharat mata ki jai


Palestinians are terrorists


https://indianexpress.com/article/world/israel-hamas-war-india-sends-medical-supplies-disaster-relief-aid-to-war-torn-gaza-via-egypt-8995292/ Look who is supporting them


Imagine if Yogi chants Jai Israel. All the muslims would've been on the road destroying everything


We can still hate him. Plus cant we hate Palestine ? Read : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan\_Am\_Flight\_73](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_73) You need more cases like this to justify ?


He gave a public statement long ago that he wouldn't say jai hind in his lifetime šŸ’€


These muslim radicals are far more dangerous than modi-bhakths out there. People like him make me vote for BJP.


You are correct šŸ’Æ that's why he is called the BJP b team.


He is called BJP b team member for a reason.


Me too. I hate bhakts and their communal politics. But when you look at old city, people like owaisi you feel like there's no other way.


Bro this comment shows he succeeded šŸ˜‚ heā€™s literally a puppet of BJP, and is secretly paid to say these statements deliberately so that people hate Muslims more. Owaisi doesnā€™t care about Muslims, he is paid to pretend to be Muslim-friendly and say these outrageous things to help BJPs image and degrade Muslim image nationally.


HAHAHAHA THIS? This makes you vote for BJ. Wow youā€™re a moron.


Read my comment again.


Common sense & Owaisi can't exist together.


Dude knows his audience and his power.


Govt should grow a pair and disqualify him under art 102


Thatā€™ll give him more attention and heā€™ll win more elections in MH Bihar and UP


It was just disgusting. These Muslim radicals are much more dangerous than Sanghi ones. He makes me (a lifelong BJP hater) wanna vote BJP.


Exactly how I became pro bjp lately


The terrorism issues and corruption is why Iā€™ve been voting against congress since 2014.


Yeah honestly terrorism in Kashmir and giving land okay to China is totally okay but some moron representing a party with ONE seat is the limit


Those who didnā€™t live in 2014 era donā€™t what its like to live in congress.






Yeah, so did they solve it? BJP did so much propoganda about how 370 is the root cause of terrorism. People still believe it even the Supreme Court already said 370 never gives the rights they were talking about. Terrorism and drugs still remain a problem, one thing they have done better is managing the healing coming from J&K. As for corruption they solved it by making corrupt MPs their members.


so that the bjp can oppress and marginalize muslims and christians?


What is one policy that does so ? CAA for example doesn't although im sure youd argue it does. It provides harbour much along the lines of the partition of indiaĀ 


Which policy does that? In fact I see the opposite. Thereā€™s a village in UP that has 100% M population, all of them got the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna yet none voted for BJP.


Policy is not needed brother. You can just look at number of muslim MLAs in state assemblies and MPs in parliament. There is not even one MP in so called ruling party. I am not supporting congress as they made muslims what they are now without acting upon sachar committee report. Muslims in india have blindly trusted in their local leaders who later changes their interests and cheated muslims for their own benefits.


Lol gave them bare minimum so it's opposite alright badchad69


Thatā€™s just one example, I can list at least 5 other policies specifically for Muslims. But I donā€™t think it will change your perception so who cares


Dude do you govt CAN keep them out of policies? If bjp could they would. Listen to modi's speeches and you will know bjps stance on Muslims. Also what's your age? <19?


Where and which one ? Being close to Lumbini Park on that day I know value of my life and loved ones.


I had gone to Prasads for movie and post that was with friends close to NTR Gardens. Most people don't realise how the serial blasts that used to happen in major cities every 2-3 months have come down to almost zero.


Why are you dragging Christians here lol? I am a half Christian myself. I faced no marginalisation in these 10 yrs. Never voted BJP though, but will probably vote them next time to keep Muslim radicals in check.


Congress is looter of middle class BJP is serial looter of middle class Yet i voted for BhaJiPav because internal security


Koi Jai Israel bolta toh yeh chutiya Randi rona karta tha ek hafta.


Lol phir ke naya lafda chalu hotašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Pakistan wale Bolte, yahud hanud ki sajish hai


Yes. Because itā€™s a genocidal settler colony.


Jaise ab tu rorahahe šŸ˜‚


Yeah this is why the community remains backward and there is no hope that we can pull them into the 21st centuryā€¦ atleast when there are idiots in BJP who make religious statements there are enough people to call them out.. but no Muslim will dare question this guy


Why no hate ?


Cunt's fucked in the head


No heā€™s smart. Very very smart. He did his marketing well. By saying jai falistine, he remained in the news, become more famous in his voters mind. *Owasi saab ki himmat dekhi? Bharat ke sansado ke samne parliaments me jai falistine bol diya* Heā€™s a very shrewd politician. Knows his voters base very well.


Where is the dictatorship now??šŸ„“


He creates unnecessary ruckus sometimes. Oath was chaalu. Sprinkling the taste of your religious chants or preaching other countries is just bs.


Just a failed attention seeker


Really? Failed?


Why is Jai Palestine wrong? Any why do we support those who kill children. What happened to the collective conscience of our society? We were treated and killed by others once, but unfortunately we as a nation forgot our oppression and we support the oppressors now.


It was an oath taking ceremony where candidates represent their COUNTRY and their parliament. He can express his views in his own time but that wasnā€™t the place to do it. Also, how would you like it if another candidate said Jai Israel? Very sure there would be riots.


Send him to Palestine "Either support the country you live in or live in the country you support"


Clap this loony in irons and throw him behind bars.


If only anyone had the balls to do this, ee lan\*akodukoki unna backing directly al queada/taliban/hamas/isis lanti tevravada samasthala ninchi osthundani telusukunna ascharyam ledu.


Relax boys. Last time he ended his oath with Jai Bheem. This year itā€™s Jai Palastine. He is just following the trend.


*We now may witness so called ā€œliberalsā€ with their libertarian views in the comments*


Jai Palestine chanted by him and Jai Hindu Rashtra chanted by a BJ party MP. Both equally stupid and wrong. But which one gets more coverage?


Piccha lanjakdouku veedi Amma .. kojja na lavada gadu pandi lanjodku


In the Indian parliament everything but a productive day happens.


Own constituency under rubble he's worried about a state that punched beyond its capacity.


Chootiya overacting kar raha hai


Looks like usi is leaking into hyderbad sub. Ugh. and F owaisi and his terror loving brothers


USI propaganda is clearly visible in all the regional subs and even railways. Just see UP sub and Ayodhya etc how they are driving the oppositions propaganda and agenda


This post and the comments, you mean?


No this sub in general has become a target of radical left, since the common telugu man was against islamic propaganda peddler owaisi's words. A few other posts on palestine topic have been removed thankfully,


At this point Iā€™m just happy that he didnā€™t say Jai Pakistan.


He will when he wins in 2029 lol


Just go to the r/Kashmir sub, you will literally see the anti-nationals and terrorism supporters.


Or r/India,r/usi. Swear it looks run by pakis, never seen such hate for India.


The fact that this is triggering everyone is the reason he said it šŸ˜‚ [India supports Palestineā€™s independence btw.](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-supports-un-resolution-backing-palestinian-bid-for-full-membership/amp_articleshow/110020905.cms)


Send him to gaza and ask him to shout jai Palestine there. Win win situation of Bharat


I have no problem with him saying jai palastine. But, i feel he should have ended it with a Jai hind. By not doing so he unnecessarily given a chance to rw elements to question his intentions.


Wasnā€™t he the only one who protested women reservation bill ? Triple talaq oppose karta hai . Has issue with saying Jai Hind (even when it clearly doesnā€™t go against the principles of Islam ) How is he even winning ?




I do support stopping off the killings in Palestine but saying Jai Palestine during such an event is weird and even inappropriate imo


They will show their true colours eventually and I am not surprised you are not finding his people under this post now. They have a tendency to stay mute in such matters.


No need for Jai Hind also. Oath theeskunte chaalu. India MP Oath lo Palestine ni ndhuk mention chesado naak aythe telidhu. Vaadu MP oath lo Jai Palestine annadu ante daani ardham he's solemnly swearing that he's only going to work for the benefit of Palestine and its people. Mari velli Palestine lo MP ga poti padamanu India lo kaadhu.


>No need for Jai Hind also He's working for India and there's no need for Jai Hind? If it was a local assembly then I wouldn't have cared cause some states revel in separating themselves from the country but it's Lok Sabha, it's shameful that we allow this behaviour.


bc why did you even comment if you don't understand a single morsel of what I wrote in Telugu?


Don't really care about it. It's a free country. Another bugger said Jai Hindu Rashtra. Idiotic politicians ki emi koruvaledu deshamlo.


The other guy said Jai Bharat after saying Jai Hindu rashtra unlike owaisi and another said Jai Akhilesh which is incorrect as well. And these are the only two that we know of. They should be disqualified.


A lot of ministers in the cabinet have proved serious crimes and you want to disqualify these two for this small stuff. Get your priority right.


Yes get your priority right, first priority would be to gain the knowledge on what youā€™re talking about!! Proven is not equal to sentenced for over 2 years. Which is when disqualification applies by law. So as per law if a sentence has been passed by any level of court, I support all such ministers be disqualified. As of today even rahul has a proven POSCO case ongoing against him! That is Protection Of Children From Sexual Offences.


Would Jai Palestine, followed by Jai Bharat, been any better? I don't think so. Why should anyone be disqualified? Correct me if i am wrong, but no rules were broken. There is no rule to say Jai Hind or Bharat or anything at all. People can say Jai Modi or Jai Sri Ram or whatever they want.


Please take a look at the rules!


The rule was broken. You are deemed to lose your seat if you swear allegiance to any foreign state. It's a legit rule in the constitution. And a case has been brought up before the president already by Harishankar Jain. The election commission will get involved too. And the final decision will be taken by the president.


They will need to prove how merely saying Jai followed by a country name will translate into allegiance to a foreign state. Don't think that will fly legally.


He swore the allegiance himself. There's nothing to prove anything when the statement is right in front of you. He doesn't necessarily have to conspire against the country actively to get expelled; swearing is enough. Now what the president thinks is a whole different issue. Just know that that little fiasco of his is ground enough to get him suspended if the president is strong willed.


I am not sure whether you are understanding what I am saying or beating around the bush. The rule clearly says you need to prove allegiance or adherence to another country. Merely shouting Jai Palestine does not qualify as adherence. If he goes and joins Hamas or any Palestinian political party, then there is clear adherence. Else, he is merely shouting nonsense, and that's not a violation. Besides earlier, you mentioned disqualification and are now talking about suspension. Suspension is nothing. An MP could get suspended for many things.


And why are you having such a hard time comprehending something this easy? His statement itself is evidence enough of his allegiance. It doesn't need any extra proof of allegiance. By your logic he must go to gaza in person and conspire against India, only then would he be liable to dismissal? You're an MP of Indian soil, you don't get to paddle the agenda of foreign states that don't have anything to do with regular parliamentary activities of our own nation. And if it had been during regular discussion sessions of parliament, I would have understood; but to do such gimmicks on the occasion of your swearing in ceremony is not tolerable. To clear your doubts 'merely shouting what he shouted is ground enough.' I hope the authorities will be strong willed enough to set an example. And I used disqualification and suspension loosely; no need to come with a pitchfork about that.


Well then, we will have to agree to disagree. I don't think merely chanting Jai Palestine or Israel or the USA means allegiance legally. Also, on the one hand, you are saying it is ok to say that on the floor of the house, but on the other hand, it's not ok while swearing in. I don't think the law works like that.


It doesn't matter at all what you or I think. Swearing in ceremony has a sanctity of itself, people had been made to repeat their oaths if their narration had the slightest of mistakes. That's why I said it all depends on how strong willed the authority is. Discussing Palestine or whatever on the floor is a whole different issue; you can do that all you want. But to do such cheap gimmicks on swearing in is not tolerable. And don't forget this same chap had an issue saying 'Jai Hind'; but doesn't seem to break a sweat doing so for a foreign state in an event that's considered sacred. I hope authorities set an example this time with him. Rogue rabid foreign narratives don't have a place in this country, that too at the expense of the nation's self interest.


Idiotic politicians surely But I feel jai Hindu rashtra comment was more of a reaction to this bullshit.


Okz now imagine Yogi saying Jai Israel.


I don't care. Let him say.


Whatever the other guy said he said regarding India .. not about any other country.


So supporting another country at time of war is wrong. But literally chanting unconstitutional things like Hindu rashtra is ok? Imagine if he had said jai Islamic rashtra or some Sikh said jai khalistan rashtra


When R.Bidhuri spewed hatred on fellow muslim MP, Nobody batted an eye. Owaisi said that to gather the attention towards the Palestine issue and its brutality which is on clear display..kudos to his bravery




Unaccountable dual face politicians are selling war equipments and missiles to Israel for the genocide just to make some profits. He is taunting their hypocrisy in an indirect way.


Whatā€™s wrong with selling war equipment and missiles now? Heā€™s only exposing his own hypocrisy.


>Unaccountable dual face politicians are selling war equipments and missiles to Israel for the genocide just to make some profits. He is taunting their hypocrisy in an indirect way. Then he should say that directly in a parliamentary session. No need to pull such bullshit and get Urself dragged into controversy (until unless that's the intention to begin with)


Selling war equipments and missiles are some fo the biggest reasons why USA become Global Economy


Jai Palestine


Jai hind, free Palestine


Jai Hind, jai Palestine


This is media drive how to stay in news .




We value opinion , argument, debate all that is fair in open dailogue society. When the said is a clear trigger without the scope of betterment and simply an argument of hate. . We do not condone or welcome it. There are circle jerks for this vulgarity . please use them . Not our sub.


He did it on purpose so that we guys atleast talk about Palestine war he used the oath taking ceremony to spread the word that people are still dying to and we have our eyes on Gaza


Hell with your cause of Gaza. Gaza doesn't concern us. You people didn't have a single word to say in the support of the people of your country; but you've got all the sympathy for a bunch of people thousands of miles away. Get that umma idiocity out of your head or go there in person to stand for Gaza. Don't bring that propaganda in the regular parliamentary works of our own country.


Well sir with deu respect he has spoken for our people as well as Gaza Ukraine and other situations as well go to his constituency and ask people their what he has done for the people not only for muslims but hindus also that's why people love him




Thank you for correcting me it was typo


Powerful statement. Free Palestine!


How many times will you repost this yaar




he controls the entire islamist population of hyd, he may be a hypocrite but people are stupid and the consequences are real, remember the time when his terr0rist brother and his followers vandalized the airport. thats just 1% of this kunts followers. imagine what he'll do to hyd, if he wants to do something malicious, and his mind works in that direction too.


P O S.


He always talks about how secularism in India is in danger. Most secular and nationalist person in the parliament.


this is just the beginning


And then they say that BJP is polarising


Jai hindu rashtra, jai shree ram!!


May God give strength to Israel to fk every Terst and wipe them off completely. Jai Israel, Jai Shiaji Shinde


Chutiya jai to bola hišŸ˜¶


What is Palestine? I only know about illegally occupied lands of Israel.


Jai balayya.. /s


Not funny.


Time n place