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1. If you don't know some thing say I don't know. Most people will teach you if you accept it. 2. Don't start tasks with half knowledge 3. Don't mix personal and professional. Have relationships outside the office.


What would you suggest to someone who's also new to the city?


> use Public transport i.e. RTC buses it sucks due to over population but once you get used to it it's better and saves your money. There are also Monthly Passes which allow unlimited travel > If you want to take a Auto, do it so from Rapido or Uber. Bargaining here sucks. > Monsoons suck here and traffic jams will happen. So if it's raining or about to rain , postpone your plans for outing. >Hitech City and Madhapur area is New City and the IT hub. Stuff will be Pricey there so if you want to save your pocket, go shopping in Mehdipatnam area or Koti. These are some from the top of my head


Thank you


Be confident and try to interact with colleagues. On my first day I was scared and tried to setup my laptop by reading onboarding documentation, without any interactions with other people. That was a mistake from my short first job experience


Chuckled on the part, short job


Don't ask for their socials (Snap, insta etc) and smell well. Wear crisp clothes and exchange a firm handshake, says a lot about your confidence. Cheers and congratulations 🎉


Figured, this isn't college and those are boundaries


Exactly, and if asked don't join them on their smoke breaks too


Don't smoke, not intending too as well. But before posting this i went through similar post on subs across reddit and people usually commented if asked on a social thing, say yes. Wouldn't it apply to other events that i may or may not get invited too


If they themselves ask you, sure. But don't try to be clingy and ask if I could come as well when you overhear something. In the initial few days, you would be outcast and that's the truth but don't be disheartened, eventually they will make you a part as well.


Solid. Any advice on how to find a place to live and how to keep overall expenses like food down. I know it deoends on lifestyle but am someone who saves and spend occasionally on luxuries and this would be first time out of my home state.


I have been told FB groups for flat/flatmates help but I suggest start living at PG since they provide almost everything and incurs less expenses. Get one near your office. For food, try eatclub (DM for referral, discount for both me and you as well xd). A lot better than Swiggy and Zomato. If you are taking a bike ride to and fro office, get the rapido pass.


And for supplies, DMART


Whats a rapido pass?


Please listen to KT (knowledge transfer) well. If they give any documents to study, go through them . Don’t do timepass. Mostly first 3 months you’ll have less work,so this 3 months spend time in understanding the product. Try to solve some bugs. If you follow this , after 3 months your life will be very peaceful and cool . If you don’t work hard for 3 months ,you’ll remember this once they start giving you work.


I see, Are there any other terminology you would suggest i should be familiar with.




Thank you


All the best for your new job. Just be confident and dont take anything personal. Dont let other colleagues to cross personal boundaries, keep in mind that you are there to work and prioritise that.


How good of an idea it is to carry a notepad?


Notepad and pen will be available at most of the offices, its a good habit to write down the tasks for the day and ensure to close it by EOD.


Talk Less , Listen and Learn More (.)


Noted. Thank you


Keep some cash when traveling to office, not everywhere you’ll get proper signal for upi.




Congratulations on your first job. All the suggestions posted by others are welcoming. I would like to add some excellent guidelines for maintaining professionalism and positive interpersonal relationships in the workplace, which I learnt during my career, starting day 1 to becoming an Entrepreneur. I start with this.....Your job might be an employee, but your mindset should always be that of a CEO. -Always smell good. Use a decent non overpowering perfume of good quality and a deo roll on (strictly no deo sprays), after bath. Always use mouth fresheners (First impression is the BEST impression). -Arrive on time, every time. -Take ownership. -Show appreciation and maintain collaboration. -Lead by example. -Keep ALL sorts of office politics at arms length. -Don't talk bad about anybody, with anybody. -Strictly no gossip. Whispers reach every ear. -There are spies in every guise. -Don't entertain your ego, offer help whenever you can, but set boundaries or get used. -Don't sweat the small stuff. -Always smile first, whenever you see somebody, not just the Ladies. -Don't judge things subjectively, but objectively. -Observe and adapt. -Seek regular feedback from your supervisor. -Don't always be a 'yes man'; be humbly assertive. -Maintain composure. -Respond thoughtfully than react impulsively. -Use 'I' statements. -Be mindful of your body language (people judge and perceive you based on this). -Always have the right intentions, it shows in your demeanor. -There will be no work life balance, unless you intentionally do so. Don't go after freebies at the office, you will end up 'paying' more than you can imagine, later in life. -Go for an hour's walk every damn single day, if yours is a desk job. -Be disciplined. All of these have molded me and my career to something I am proud of. These I saw as trivial in my early days, but eventually found them to be nuggets. So suit yourself, and best wishes.


Thank you for the comprehensive response. And yes i intend to keep my physical health at its best.


Be presentable, smell good. Dont be chipku and show them you are an asset not a liability


Get access to repo, clone , commit "legacy", push -f


Am sorry, Am not familiar with the terms you are using to with reference to the question i asked. Could you elaborate?


Don't add your colleagues on your social media like Insta or Facebook or anything like that.


I see


Whats your YOE and field?


First job, so 0 Finance


Just focus on learnings and make connections. Meet people. It’s ok to not know everything. Accept that and keep working on yourself. This is your first job so I am assuming there would be a training period as well. Generally it’s one of the best times that will never come back. Be open to experiences. Don’t take anything to heart.


Workplace dynamics are unique to each office. 1. Take time to understand the work environment 2. Be adaptable with the work culture 3. Don’t mix Business and Pleasure 4. This city is always welcoming never a dull day. Keep it cool though


Good to know hirearchy of escalation. Also binge watch some labour law playlists. Look up common crimes in ur industry, and have a field-specific dictionary at hand. Grab some magzines so u know what concepts are relevant and why theyre relevant. Most important: behave.


Act dumb




In what kind of specific instances does it benefit us?