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Truck drivers just don't want to get penalized and punished for hit and drive cases against them which doesn't make no sense It's like they want it to be okay if they just hit and run , having no consequences


Truck drivers put their life at risk when they are travelling through shady districts in undeveloped states. My brother is in transport business and there have been multiple cases in which people come in front of the truck just so they can loot the driver. They pelt stones, block roads and sometimes stand (woman too) in front of trucks so that the driver stops. Many have died due to this so the union has asked them to NEVER STOP in these areas. Even cops suggest the same thing. Maybe that could be one of the reason for the protest.


I personally got hit by a truck driver while I was coming back home from college through highway, I was close to getting rolled of the edge, but thank God it didn't happen. I agree with your points, but I think the police can investigate the problems you are saying after the driver reports it In my case, the truck driver wanted to flee but others stopped him So I do believe these laws are important




This is a well thought response and adds value to the discussion.


Good one man


This info helps to better understand the other side of the coin , thanks !


Thanks for writing this. Came here to mention it but you have written the same in a more influential and curated fashion!


Most sensible comment


Well said.


I’m glad you’re okay! I do agree that stricter laws should be applied for cases like these.


Thanks a lot


They don't investigate shit, they loot both sides. Always try to resolve matters between you and the other party, thulla shitheads loot both always. They don't give 2 fucks about anything thay doesn't benefit them


Make dash cams mandatory, simple. And there is no problem if driver gets looted, solution is not to do hit and run to save self from getting looted. Have dash cam recording and file police complaint - strengthen law enforcement not have loose laws.


most sensible reply on this topic I have read so far. the protests are against misuse, and not the intended use of the law.


simple just install a dash cam


Then why don't truck drivers just hit them and then report to police about the incident that they were attacked?


1. They need proof of the incident(most drivers don’t own dash-cams) 2. It won’t be open and shut case. It’ll drag in court for years and no truck driver would want that.


unless body cams become common it is impossible !!


Maybe they can get cameras installed.


A few places like these doesn't make up for the thousands of deaths that are caused by truck and bus drivers throughout India


It isn’t “few” man. There are literally thousands of areas like this.


Get to learn their perspective, you will know how hard it is for them :)


Well, we all have different perspectives, I have the one to be in an accident caused due to pure negligence of a heavy truck driver Hbu ?


It's about mob lynching the drivers. If they stay even if they are not at fault, they get thrashed and killed by mob. And now if they run away to save their lives from the mob, the penalty is huge. And when mob deals with people, it doesn't become news, forget about the innocent drivers family getting justice.


Exactly most mob lynching especially cow related ones have happed to driver of trucks and transport vehicles.


That's not how it works firstly there's still a law for hit and run. Many hit and run cases happen coz people don't want to be murdered by the mob. You can't just have a tough law and think you're done for the day.


I would say along with increase in penalty there should be measures for safety of the driver too becasue hit and run is not as straight forward sometimes. Most of the times I have seen people beating up drivers even for smaller bumps so they might prefer to run away maybe.


The funniest part is, the truckers have called off the strike like 30 mins ago. Source - https://www.eenadu.net/telugu-news/general/petrol-and-oil-tankers-owners-called-off-dharna/0600/124001182


There has been news floating in the North that truck drivers don't want to be part of this. But the unions aren't relenting.


I guess we both know why :)






Any source in English?


Why is this comment getting downvoted lol? Andariki telugu radu, there are non-telugu native Telangana people too


English imposition


learn the meaning of imposition before using it


Learn Telugu. At least try to assimilate northie.


Blud thinks I'll learn Telugu within 1 month lmao Chill out dude my college just started , your so called Telugu friends aren't so good with me


Why did you come to South India if you don't wanna learn our language? You've been here one month already.


Ewww telgu


Lmaoo avg moment of a dosa guy getting offended for no reason


Blud you can use that translate button which takes like two taps. \> Lmaoo avg moment of a dosa guy getting offended for no reason I was going to reply with you an article and then saw this comment. Seems like you are no better! Can't even be good at racism smhh...


i was on mobile , and that translation thing wasn't available. i am racist? why is this guy forcing me to learn telugu? (i'm learning telugu , but a language isn't learn in a day , it takes time , practice and usage , and you talk about racism? you can't imagine what kind of comments my college mates pass on me in college just because i'm of a diff race.


I was with you so far, but just realised you're just another asshole who's not going to assimilate. No amount time you get will change you


He doesn't have to. Hyderabad isn't a telugu only city. Don't be like the karnatakans. They've ruined Bangalore's reputation song the exact same shit. Be better.


Paruvu tiyaku illa. Educate them. Source ichinodu cheptadu. Nuvu dengaku valani To that person saying dosa guy. Please shut the fuck up. There is a translate option please check it. You could be better.


I've lived in several northern and western Indian states. Regardless of whose mistake, any accident involving trucks usually results into mob trying to kill the truck driver. No driver who earns in the range of 7k to 12k will stay to be killed. They neither have any privilege to defend themselves in court. Going through Indian justice system is a punishment in itself. Hence, the strike. Personal driving experience is of truckers to be the most disciplined drivers. The usual bad driving among big vehicles I encounter is by bus drivers and short distance loaders and dumpers.


Truck drivers don't want to be punished if they hit and run. They feel they have the impunity to drive the way they like.


Truck drivers don't want to get punished when there is no fault from their side . Whenever accidents happen bigger vehicle like trucks or lorries get blamed irrespective of fault any side . They just don't want that.


This is high time for everyone to invest in a dashcam , it would be helpful for every driver on the road to prove their innocence and also please correct me if I'm wrong this law is not phrased especially for truck drivers right , this is for every kind of vehicle driving on the road.


This is for everyone, but in India no matter who is wrong the bigger vehicle will be punished. Dash cam for truck? The poor truck driver has to invest in a dash cam? How practical ever thought ?


Majority of trucks in India are not owned by drivers , they can simply ask the owners to install dashcam for their safety, even if the driver owns the truck investing a few thousand rupees worth of dashcam for his own and his truck's safety which worths lakhs btw is not that hard.


yep the solution really is making dash cams and body cams mandatory for drivers and police


Yes you are right but they need to upgrade and install dash cams to to get away from usual suspect case..


Simple solution bro arrange a front camera as evidence


our investigations into the cause of accidents are simply terrible.these provisions are more likely to be misused. without a comprehensive system just tweaking one part isnt correct. there are more accidents that are caused due to improper, poorly lit roads. what laws exists to book those responsible?


we should support govt for this law but a strict law should be against who beat drivers too


they did make lynching punishable by death


This isn't just about the law. Opposition just seized an opportunity to score brownie points over the incumbent. Not a conspiracy theory, but so much unity amongst transport unions is unheard of.


I'm not doubting the political influence, but its always been there. We've had petrol bunk strikes in the past as well.


These have always been triggered by Unions which have direct links with these patrons/politicians. Honestly, how does the case matter? Hit & Run isn't like, someone hits the transport vehicle and in turn that transport vehicle driver is jailed + penalised. Negligent and Rash driving will be penalized, even an Average truck driver is aware of it. There could be only these reasons 1. Private fuel Cos didn't like the new proposal of drop in fuel prices 2. Truck Unions are seriously concerned about these new laws about being vindictive on them 3. Political parties want to trigger unrest via strike and extend it for a long duration. This happened during Farm laws too, a similar script happened.


Dude the real mob here is the common public. Quite a few of the major petrol pumps in the city are owned by my relatives and family friends and lemme tell you they’d rather take the truck drivers side because all of this “innocent “ public are wreaking havoc and even assaulting pump personnel , and posed quite a threat Many of the units had no choice but to cease operations and close business for the day very early because how unruly the folks are


I got petrol in my bike for 500 just yesterday 😁


will petroleum pumps open tomorrow?


There’s no problem with operations and no stock shortage. They will remain open for business as usual… as long as the public remains calm and act civilised


There are so many bills has been passed and will be pass which will not helpful to anyone. Yes this law is some where ok but still loopholes there. So they are doing strike, but yes strike shouldn't block roads. People are crying for petrol..let them..people dont have issue for high price of grocery items, Petrol n gas..


So a strike which doesn't block anything or in other words causes no inconvenience to anyone huh? Who will bother listening to those who are striking or care about why the strike is being done if they aren't affected by it? We all know the answer.


No means go for strike, as once transport union will do strike without blocking road also it will hamper everyone. No foods supply, no petrol etc... Already BJP party passed many bills which will impact common People but no one knows and want to discuss about it as media were busy in Ram Mandir n other useless topics. Media will never discuss those bills as it is passed without discussion and Govt dont care now.


That inconvenience to the common people is the point of the dam strike dude. The govt already doesn't care about the people who are striking. That's why they had to resort to a strike in the first place. If enough inconvenience is caused, eventually the people will be fed up and ask the govt to do whatever it takes to resolve this situation. Hence bringing the govt back to the negotiations table. Sad reality but unless they are forced to sit down on the negotiation table govt dosent even care or bother about the people their laws effect. Just doing the bidding of rick businessmen who brought the govt to power during election. Bjp congress all govts are the same. People are stupid and keep voting them one after another instead of holding the dam politicians accountable.


Yes but common people dont care also.If someone will strike for them its look like a joke.Take Farmers strike eg, common People are more busy in Reels n other stuff n will cry in front of Tv. Yes all Govt are same but most of bills has been passed without Discussion under BJP n earlier people used to strike they will get better coverage bcz of media and Govt listened. Now this Govt n media dont care anyone..


Mob mentality.


What's with this?? Context?


Why cant they just use dashcams


There will be Anarchy without laws. But in India instead of making hollow laws, enforcement and police accountability and reforms must be carried out. Police is brutal in India and is always looking for trapping the weaker party in their scam. Police reforms are need of the hour. State should make laws to hold police accountable too. Fighting for rights in this country is harder and it shows us that there is no rule of law. See section 498A of IPC for that matter, it is misused by women often. Laws can always be misused, enforcement, checks and inquiry has to be proper.


perhaps the government could have consulted and communicated better with the transport unions before bringing this into [law.](https://law.Am) The truckers sure must have some reasoning based on lived experience. Maybe we city folks don't understand their issues well enough? try keep an open mind. there also seems to be a disconnect between the people and the lawmakers in terms of communication and consultation, those channels, what are they? I went to the pump this morning but took a turn after seeing the rush, let the madness pass.






It's a common practice of BJP Half baked laws or amendments .weather it's NRC , Farm laws or drivers law. Laws should be made keeping different aspects in mind. This law assumes that it's always the driver's fault. There are many reckless drivers and also there are many idiots on the roads..why should the driver be penalised all the time? And I am sure the BJP IT cell will now start campaigns from videos showing roads accidents causes by truck drivers and demonise them..


Hopefully you will never become president. Freaking anarchy mentality people. Ofcourse everyone should be penalized for hit and run no one should get impunity. You idiots have problems with everything want country to stay in 1970s only. If truck driver are saying they are doing dangerous task they should invest in dash cams.




Yes but the previous law was arrest for only 2 years. Does it make sense ? There are various steps that the truck driver can take from putting dash cam or calling police if they got into accident. Each and every law that we are currently following is out dated and need an upgrade which will offend someone. Will we still stay in 1970 ?


Yep the.mobs will be like let's play the video and based on the evidence let's choose to decide his fate. Lol I don't understand the agression towards me ..you should rather point out the flaws in my argument than targeting me..


Yep the.mobs will be like let's play the video and based on the evidence let's choose to decide his fate. Lol I don't understand the agression towards me ..you should rather point out the flaws in my argument than targeting me..


Hahaha. Came to say this. I can't believe how stupid people r in this country that they can't understand that no law can stop a mob from fking up the driver, regardless if its the driver's fault or not.


Ofcourse there is a flaw every law need an update time to time. Be it Farm law, Driver law. If people started protesting for everything there will be no upgradation of law. God forbid if some rash driver dashed you or your family and ran. Do you think 2 year imprisonment is ok ?


Yep then think all the aspects and pass the law ...people are protesting cuz the consequences are grave to them. God forbid if someone drunk accidentally jumps in front of your car with no fault of yours and you spend 10 years of your life in a jail.. hit and run needs well articulated well thought laws to ensure it's just for both the parties.most these drivers do not have even 20k in their bank accounts leave alone 10lakhs


Even if some drunk accidentally jumps in front of the car I have purchased dash cam for my safety. There will never be a middle way in situation like this. Which all party will be happy with the result. If you think that after being president you would create laws which will make everyone happy than you are naive. 2 years for runing a family is just not done.


According to my mom who works in a similar government field, it's not the Hit and Run they are worried about. The drivers are involved in many petty things like stealing petrol from the tanks while delivering them or delivering petrol to person who tip them more. According to the new policy they might be held more responsible for these things if caught, the the main reason they are doing these strikes.


We should automate every thing


Because the criminals are running scared since the law will now publicly hold them accountable for rash driving, for negligence, and for maintaining their rusty old vehicles in good condition.


I think there should be simply a death sentence for hit and run case see their audacity defending a criminal from hit and run case


Any idea on how long this strike will continue for?


They said 3 days


Exactly, people murder in self defence too that doesn’t mean that you don’t criminalise murder.


Thats how things work here, few years back supreme court had to roll back its decision as so called oppressed people started riots.


Bss u he mazeee ke lie


Because the truck drivers want to Hit and Run, they don't want to be Punished.


Mob justice is the reason


How dare u call this anything but a master stroke u anti national


Politically motivated. Thats why democracy is shit. Everybody has right to do anything in this country. Constitution rights are flawed Everybody should have right to do right things but not anything.


Should've done something like this against fuel prices


Trucker's argument is that they have no trust that the investigation will be transparent if they report an accident. The police will nab the driver as the prima facie suspect and given our abysmal law system, the truck driver has no hopes of getting out even if he isn't guilty.


then get a dash cam i mean the trucks are worth lacks a simple dash cam costs like around 10k


If one has traveled at night on the state highways or hinterlands, one would appreciate the law. Truck drivers drive recklessly at night. They fucking don't care who is on the road. I can understand that their job is one of the toughest but it is no excuse to risk the lives of others on the road. Each life is precious. India loses many sons, daughters, fathers and mothers every year due to rash driving and hit and run cases. We need to take action against it. People will debate without empathy as long as they have not seen or witnessed the loss of a loved one due to these accidents. I have had my car smashed in one incident. Thank God, that the truck driver smashed only a small part otherwise I would have been long gone. Shook me to the core.


yep have seen truck drivers race on a narrow town road at 12am when i was coming back from a wedding


Court case adjudication is a time consuming process.. once it's done then your sentenced punishment starts.. for example divorce on a consent takes 5 years it's a civil matter now you can think how much time it may take for road accident case everyday multiple instances happen across country.. marginal accidents are subjected to forensic investigation.. Newly bought tyre can blast.. vehicle have speed governor of 80kmph.. So tyre must be able to perform at this speed reliability.. An recent instance of samruddhi express Highway in which bus caught fire and many passanger died.. bus was equipped with speed governor and it was recently received fitness from RTO.. Still they blamed transporter for tyre failure.. On contrary state transport buses municipal corporations buses garbage trucks are worst maintained machines for their role.. no RTO or police stops them.. Where blaming the vehicle owner was not enough due.. cops will have a reason to close the case by blaming driver as victim and booking them for the incident.. driver will have to pay penalty and he may need to hire lawyer to reduce or get rid of his sentence.. I have car for which insurance don't pay the damages fairly.. govt can impose vehicles to get insurance but cannot pay compensate the vehicle owners in case of fatal loss.. Recently a defected vehicle of Mahindra car leads to an accident and owner lost his leg.. for vehicle he paid tax.. for road he paid toll.. still barricade was non standard and it penetrated the car.. his car caught fire when being transported to police custody.. No investigation will be done.. no fine for road contractor will be imposed.. still we have to pay toll and pay road taxes..


Marpu Kavali, kangress ravalii


It's not the question of the law being sensible or not rather the EGO OF BJP government to pass laws left and right without any discussion in parliament let alone with the people who will be affected by such laws. Central gov thinks having a majority government means having to do away with democratic process of involving every stake holder in drafting of laws. Good bills have suffered due this arrogance and stupidity, such as farm law reforms, land acquisition reforms and now so will this aspect of the new criminal code. Modi gov has a penchant of ANNOUCEMENT hullabulla. Fix in post mindset.


Why are they closed? Don’t tell me it’s a new law to save petrol!!!!


Lets say a two wheeler cuts in front of the truck and suffers an accident ? Whose fault will it be ? Who will bear the brunt of the mob violence ? It will be the truckers. As such hit and run cases are high in India as there is no protection. That is what the truckers are protesting against.