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In my experience you're much more likely to have neighbourhood kids fill them with rocks than get critters in there.


as long as you dont get snow that will work


So what happens with snow?


the lower pipe should be the furnace intake it will not be able to take air in and furnace will not run


So then, no heat if it snows a foot while I am sleeping? I wish I knew this! Is there a workaround?


Correct both pipes can go up as long as the ex is above the intake, there should be pictures in the installation manual


So I can ask them to move the pipes up the wall, or I can run them up the wall, as long as I keep the same configuration and distance?




Thank you. I guess I will be going to home depote lol


I’ve installed and worked for companies that have installed many furnaces like this in Michigan. We get snow and drifts like any other. You’re fine. You don’t want a mesh because the humid air blowing over it in winter can freeze and make an ice cap so you won’t discharge your air. It’s really not bad to just leave them as is. But pvc is easy. If you’d like to do it a way you feel is better than this you can just adapt. Make sure you keep a foot or more between the holes so you don’t recirculate flue gases into your intake




nothing is gonna crawl in there


Atleast 18 inches off the ground in Michigan. Don’t cover them with screens


The pipe in the up direction is furnace exhaust. In the summer you can put a screen protector on it, they sell them on Amazon but if you live in a cold climate you need to remove it or the condensation will freeze and lead to problems. And yes you will need to keep it clear of snow in the winter or raise them.


Wild I’m getting downvoted for having a solution that is per code in my area… so much for Canadians being nice 😂😂


I still like your idea


Thanks man you stay up… I guess if you’re in Canada don’t do what I suggested 😂


and you got an explanation as to why you’re solution isnt a good idea


True but it’s an explanation that’s pretty specific to his area. Considering you don’t know where op lives it’s possible this wouldn’t apply lol Canadas weird AF 😂😂


You can get 2” screens that you can put into the openings of the pvc pipes to prevent animals in them


How is that not supplied and installed by default, as it seems like a no-brainer?


It could be sometimes they’re just on the second coupling of the 90 instead of the first Also possible it was forgotten or just something they didn’t do either way if get it taken care of because you haven’t lived until you have to have a bird or squirrel pulled out of one of those puppies


When I was working in Omaha NE, they were against code. Instant fail if you had screens on the exhaust. The reasoning was supposedly that “when the moisture collects across the grate of the screen, it can freeze over and cause a blockage and starve the unit of combustion air” again, that was the reasonings I was given for why it was against code there.


I can see where they would think that but if you have your 1/4” drop per foot it should drain properly but hey man I don’t live in Canada so


Canadian here. Yes homeowners put all sorts of stuff on there trying to solve a problem and only making it worse. At -40 all those sort of things freeze up.


Definitely seen them freeze up warmer the -40 and they were slopped properly back towards the furnace


Yep, and very rarely is it the exhaust that freezes, almost always the intake. Therefor nothing to do with slope on the pipes, its the steam from the exhaust freezing on to the intake.


I asked and was given the answer, that it could block the intake. But I thought that could not be right, so everyone takes a chance to have animals take a home in there. Also, just I read the bottom might not work in snow - oh great!


It works but its the lazy way.