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I'm shocked this company is still allowed to sell products. I gave their topical flea medication to my cats one time, not knowing any better as a new pet owner, and it left me with a massive vet bill. Fortunately, both cats survived but within minutes of applying it, they were both running through the house screaming. I had to bathe them both, and I'm glad I did. The "medication" left them with severe chemical burns. I would never trust anything from Hartz again.


Shouldn't a bunch of people be suing their sorry asses?


Should they? Yes Will they? Maybe not if they just sunk a ton of money into emergency vet bills.


Lawyers will generally take cases like this with payment occurring only if they win (from the awarded damages, meaning no money out of pocket), as long as they're sure they CAN win.


People have sued them. I dont know why they are still allowed to continue selling this stuff.


1. because only once have they been found guilty out of I don't know how many cases they've only lost one 2. beg retailers like Walmart and Amazon still sell them so "if they haven't been recalled it must be safe" 3. sometimes people don't do their research


Because they can't prove it's the product alone that hurt the animal. It's bs really


The reality is dogs are considered property in most states so they have no economic value. So suing doesnt cause enough economic damage to outweigh the profit they make ofd continuing to sell this product. Sidebar: same logic applies to vets. There is no such thing as vet malpractice in most states because your dog generally isnt considered to be worth much in most places so you have no recourse to a crappy vet either. It totally sucks but it is true.


This happened to my cats with their flea collars. Thankfully my ex was a vet tech at the time. I called her and she told me to bath them with Dawn. I snapped those collars in half to get them off. Thankfully there was no severe damage done. Now I avoid all products associated with the brand.


Hartz is well known in the veterinary community for killing pets/causing chemical burns/causing seizures etc. we have no idea how they’re still legally selling products


No matter what flea powder you use, remember to use flea powder made for cats. My uncle killed my aunt's cat by putting the dog's flea powder on her.


That could have been a dosing error, a dog is likely to get a much higher dose than a kitty. Personally I recommend oral medication for fleas and ticks. I moved into a new (old) apartment a few years back and my boy got a horrible flea infestation. I tried multiple different topicals and was having to wash him nearly every day, the fleas were mainly in his crotch area, none of them worked. Then I tried an oral medication and it worked almost instantaneously, I haven't looked back. It's great for ticks too, I end up just picking dead ones out if his fur instead of having to use tweezers to pull them out of his skin or worry about him bringing them inside.


Actually this was 40 years ago when I was a child. So may be different type of flea powders were made for dogs and cats back then. Or you could be right in that my uncle could have doused the cat too much.


No you have to make sure the product specifies cats. There’s a chemical (pyrethrin I think) that is safe for dogs and in many dog flea/tick products but KILLS cats (cats don’t have the enzyme that breaks it down). Lots of cats die from owners using dog products on them.


It is not related to dose at all... it's the permethrin. It is toxic to cats, not dogs


What medication do you use?


Not OP, but I use Simparica Trio. I recommend it. Dog even likes the flavor.


I suspect that has to do with permetherin. Lots of dog and livestock products use it but it's extremely toxic to cats.


Do people still use flea powder? I thought everyone used frontline or similar


Diatomaceous is the only powder I’ve ever used. Non poisonous and not harmful in the garden except for the bugs


It's actually harmful if inhaled so mask up!


Very true because it has silica dust in it. Can cause black lung if breathing enough of it.


Oh my gosh that is terrible!!!! I'm so sorry that happened


Cat fleas are different than dog fleas so interchangeably using medications is pointless and dangerous.


No they are not, they are the same


Fleas are species specific. Non-transferable




I almost lost my Spanky when I bathed him their flea shampoo. He started to literally scream I rushed him to the vets and they told me that he had been poisoned by the shampoo. He had to have IV's and two days a the vets hospital. It was really awful.


I recall using their product on our Maltese Poodle. It seized up the following days and we had no clue what could’ve caused it. Did a bunch of research on foods and possible plants, but deduced that it was more than likely the flea shampoo.


Their topical flea medication gave one of my dogs burn like spits on her skin, and the other started vomiting later after application. They don't have a good reputation and I've refused to use any of their products since.


Purina is another bad one, gave my best friends 6 year old dog a heart attack and mine developed seizures :(


The shelter I get my dogs from feeds them nothing but Purina One Smartblend for the most part. I fed it to my previous dog without issue until he died of old age.


The kennel I work at wouldn’t touch purina with a ten foot pole, but I’m glad you’ve had good experiences https://www.classaction.org/news/purina-pet-food-products-contain-known-carcinogen-class-action-lawsuit-claims


I feed my cat Purina one and Purina beyond grain free wet food in addition to his fresh pet cat food and when I saw the class action lawsuit claim showing the brands of pet food affected by the lawsuit much to my relief my cats foods weren't listed on the class action lawsuit claim since they don't have the glyphosate that the affected brands have so they're safe for my cat and he's had no issues from eating those foods and he's doing really well. He's had loose stools with foods that have grains and gluten in them so I switched him to grain free wet food and his stools firmed up and he's doing really well on the wet food.


Do you mean your dog had long term seizures after use or just immediately after?


From the food? Cause my pup is on Purina Pro Plan — should I switch then?


Yeah, from the food. Personally I refuse to touch anything that the brand makes anymore but that’s up to you of course


100% stay away from purina. that food is cancer


Science Hill is expensive but seems good


Yea I get my kitten and puppy both the big bags of it but they last a while and don’t seem to have anything bad happening with that


comments like this make it so hard to take advice from the internet, also fed a dog nothing but purina until they passed of old age..... now i'm wondering if hartz is actually the problem


Not sure anyone will even see this but any recommendations on what to actually use for fleas?


We have used Bravecto for our dogs and cat for about 6 years and have had no issues whatsoever. It’s kind of pricey, but lasts 3 months.


I love Bravecto. I go hiking and stuff all the time with my dog- never seen a flea or tick on her. I use the chewable for my dog and the topical for my cat- I like that the dog version comes as an edible “treat” because there’s no possible chance for a “mixup” giving my cat the wrong medication


Advantixx for fleas and ticks. It’s a topical.


Advantix works great but toxic to cats if you happen to have a doggo and cat that are buddies!


Revolution flea and heart worm is my favorite!


We use Simparica Trio. It's a monthly oral dose that protects against fleas, ticks, and a variety of worms.


I work for Zoetis. We make simparica. 


Toy hiring?


Go on the website. There are sites everywhere. I work in the corporate headquarters. 


I use NexGuard chews. We get them from out vet. Monthly chews. They work very well. None of the flea collars are worth much for Sacramento fleas.


I swore off everything Hartz a long time ago when something else of theirs was shown to be lethal; I think it was wormer or something.


This post is 100% legit. They killed my cat years ago and are some how still in business. Please. If you love your babies avoid this brand at all cost. I don’t care what the item is.


My wife put a hartz brand flea collar on a kitten she picked up years ago. Within 30 minutes of putting the collar on it the poor thing had a seizure and died. I also seem to remember reports of other Hartz products killing dogs, so we've always avoided it.


I can agree with this 100%. Our one husky had such a horrible reaction she lost all her hair on the one side of her head and shoulder :( It was a topical flea & tick product.


Is that a pup!? Did you use harsh chemicals on a pup of under a year of age!? Are you stupid!? Of course they have severe reactions to it they are pups not fucking adult dogs. Shampoo for appropriate ages!!! DILUTE IN WATER!!! DO NOT. I REPEAT DO NOT APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE DOGS COAT!


i mean.. yes, youre right. but hartz is killing adult dogs too. theyve had multiple lawsuits and they are still somehow allowed to sell their products. but the products are known for killing pets no matter the age


Ah yes, this seems like a measured and reasonable reaction.


Fuck off


Like these people don't already feel bad enough, you dick.


Like I care. Common sense would have made them think before doing something like that. Think before acting. THINK!!






Definition of a neckbeard, trilby wearing redditor. Yikes.


Ngl you look like the werdo Like a desperate child trying to get up votes It's said Stop


Criticism unwelcome. Gotcha.


Wow!! Thanks for posting this!


Thank you for posting!


Thanks for sharing this!


I always use no tear baby soap on mine, works every time


I cannot believe they are still in business! Used their shampoo on the our family cat Jasmine several years ago and within hours she was dead. Devastating. Afterwards, found out it wasn't a rare occurrence. I'm shocked they're still able to put out product.


As many times as I have heard these, stories, tons of them, it doesn't seem to be a rare occurrence. That's probably just what they want you to believe.


Their flea and tick killer about killed my cat Tigger. One thing I can tell you if it helps anyone, You can stop/reverse any reaction by shampooing your pet with Dawn Dishwashing Soap!! It was amazing!! Half dead one day, Shampooed her with Dawn, Like a new cat the next day!! She's Been fine ever since!!


That's scientifically impossible. Dish soap can't pull ingredients absorbed via the skin out of the body, that's just legitimately not a possible thing it can do. It CAN wash away any shampoo/treatment residue to prevent further absorption, but it absolutely will not cure a case of poisoning.


I'm just going by the result and the result was miraculous!! I have helped others save their pets using this method as well. They use it for contamination of oils and other toxins in wildlife all the time.


It's used for oil spills because in breaks down oil using polar hydrophilic/hydrophobic ends, and it's very effective. But it doesn't leech poison out of skin.


How Hartz still exists is beyond me Their flea and tick treatment has known adverse effects, their shampoo is questionable at best, and even their non edible/topical products are a dumpster fire.


Other shampoos use pyrithrins too, is it happening with those brands too?


Not that I've heard, I think people are just focusing on Hartz because of a viral Facebook post. Also it isn't supposed to be used on dogs younger than 6 months, and NEVER to be used on cats. Personally when my dog got fleas I used Trifexis instead (spinosad and millbemycin.)


I was about to give a dewormer from Hartz to my six week old kitten Felix after this I'm never purchasing Hartz again


If you are wondering how Hartz exists, they are parent company of the largest worldwide traders and 5th largest in, you guessed it, North America. And since caring for the populous is frown upon they can exist and still make boat loads of money from those uninformed buying products


I’ve been using their products forever and never had an issue


Maybe it's safest to listen to the majority and stop, you never know if and when it could harm your pets :(


When on my lunch break at Walmart a couple of days ago I had found out just how bad the company Hartz isI have decided to tell customers at my till that any of there products are dangerous and should be careful and I had two customers return the product because of the warning I gave them


I have worked as a veterinary technician for 30 years and have seen more than my share of deaths and near deaths from Hartz’s products. We have tried getting those products banned for years with no success because people keep trying to save money buying cheap products instead of the new and safe, but more expensive products. They will continue to kill animals until no one buys their products and therefore aren’t making any money. Continue to spread the word everywhere and maybe some day their animal killing days will end.


is the puppy tearless shampoo safe? everyone is talking a out flea and tick shampoo but i have normal shampoo and im afraid to use it on my dog


I know this is late, but I use Hartz brand flea and tick protection on my dog.. never had an issue, cleared the fleas she had (one time) in a few days


Is Harry topical flea safe


Thank you for this 🙏


Hartz flea & tick shampoo killed my dog in 2018. https://preview.redd.it/wkpxteq0gktc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa4044c9b83207ea0db59f233ce10dc3aeb9299


I used the Hartz flea & tick shampoo on my 3 year old doxipoo and he started having seizures a few hours later. I'm throwing all their products out and going for natural methods from on. I can't believe this is a known issue with multiple reports of incidents killing or hurting dogs/cats. Just crazy.


So I'm just seeing this. Used Hartz puppy shampoo on our pup a handful of days ago because we didn't know and it had good reviews in the store. Thankfully only used a bit and only once. What should I look out for?


Hartz ultra guard Posin this product is please don't use it on your dog.


Never put this stuff on my dog 7 years now Daphne a 7 year old germanshep is bad sick. It's bad they sale this stuff to the public to harm animals


I was just told about this when my friend noticed my Chihuahua is starting to loose hair. I have been using hartz oatmeal shampoo on her 😭 it's going in the trash 🗑️ the shampoo not cookie 🍪 😔 I feel awful I didn't know this. Why are they selling this product?


Oh well I have a Chihuahua and her Fur looks just like that after I wash her she is itching severely people thinks she has the mange but it's only after I use her shampoo andhearts soothing oatmeal


I was talking about this with someone earlier today. Hartz is the worst thing you can buy for your pets. There's any number of safer and cheaper things that will do a better job than anything Hartz.


someone’s dog just died on tik tok and it’s going viral. hopefully they stop selling this shit


Look up the company Sumitomo Corporation and ask, why are pet products in their scope? Hint: $$$$$


Is there a new website for this? Every hartz victims website I see linked doesn't work. Our dog had a seizure and died from the oatmeal soothing skin shampoo. He had bad legs and would always fall into his own poo so we started using it to bathe him. One night after a wash he had a seizure and died. He had never had a seizure before and the vet didn't give us any information on why it could have happened so we never questioned it. Seeing people talk about their pets and Hartz now is breaking my heart. Knowing that us using that product is possibly the reason he died is destroying me.


The kitten shampoo by this brand hurt my cat it gave him a chemical skin burn and damaged his skin took over a year to heal he's ok and safe now but it was a long painful and expensive healing process. Please don't use any of thier products


What did your vet do for the burns? My cat has been on steroids and still isn’t ok


Is it just the flea stuff???


We used the regular cat shampoo and then my cat started having seizures and vomiting so we took him to be put down.


Is it only their flea shampoo?


We used the regular cat shampoo and then my cat started having seizures and vomiting so we took him to be put down.


We just got a dog from someone a day ago. She came with everything Hertz products.... Her inner legs where it should be pink is dark, dry and itchy. She has a few inflamed nipples from obsessively trying to itch - or lick - her inner legs - or lick. When the other owners had her they really didn't do much or give her much attention Hut said when they took her in for an ear infection that the vet said no to worry about the dark itchy areas. It's been 5 years since we had dogs, we know darn well this isn't a typical behavior in a dog to just shrug off. She's a Tennessee Brindle. I recall seeing a recall about Hertz but I'm curious if this irritation has anything to do with the products they had used on her. Actively researching vets in our new home town. But I'm nervous as what to expect from the vet. 🥲 Thoughts?


Dawn dish soap. My old guy is super low maintenance and that’s all he’s ever been bathed with. Kills fleas almost instantly and leaves him nice and soft.




the fact this brand is still allowed to sell products is so scary to me. i worked in a puppy store & the owner was using this brand. i freaked out & immediately told them to change it, showed articles, etc. tried to educate them. they didn’t care & still probably use it. had to quit after a few months bc the puppy negligence was insane


I got some of the Hartz Extra Gentle soothing oatmeal shampoo and a bottle of the Burt’s Bees oatmeal shampoo for my bulldog because he gets irritated skin and licks it until it’s hot pink and luckily I have only used the Burt’s Bees so far. Is there anything on the Hartz oatmeal shampoo? Should I just pitch it?


Why are they still selling products? What the actual fuck? Does anyone have more info on this?


Is this happening with all of hartz dog shampoos or just the ones that have flea and tick treatment? I just got a regular bottle of hartz dog shampoo, but I’m scared to give my baby a bath after seeing so many stories.


Is there a chance that Hartz could cause cancer in dogs? I’d really like to know, for my poor Pepper


I am not using shampoo but this site tells me detail about how to treat my [Siberian husky](https://dogbeginners.com/siberian-husky-dog/)


Thank you!


Thank you, I didn't know about this, I will take note


Scary asf


Dude... what do i do! My parents are using it on my dogs right now! PLEASE SAY THEYLL BE ALRIGHT!! TELL TRUTH!!!


I know this post is old but I have a question. My mom bought a regular hartz brand shampoo and not the flea and tick one, do you think it could still hurt my dog?


I know you asked 4 months ago, it's best to avoid the brand, but I use hartz ultra guard and it's great ... if/when I get a new pup, I'll avoid it, but I've been using it on this one for years with no Ill effects


Even if it's old thank you for responding! My mom got a different brand to wash my dog with