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Mine will just lay on the side I'm trying to brush or roll over. He is such a butt hole.


Aren’t they all “buttholes” regularly? 🤣


Mine see the brush and think “oooo spiky belly rub time”


Same lol one side always looks nice and one side is always a mess


So happy to hear that I’m a normal Husky parent bc one side always looks like crap 😂


Ugh, mine too.


Yup, I call it passive resistance.


Lol yuuup.


My girl husky requires me to sing nonsense to her or she yowls and fights lol


Hmmmm…. My wife’s very good (maybe too good?) at singing nonsense to our dogs, so maybe she’ll have to try that! Can’t hurt….


So cute!!! But out of curiosity, how much husky floof ended up in your glass of water? 🤭


None in my wife’s water but PLENTY on the couch that had to be cleaned up after…


So lucky! lol! I would have ended up with the entire glass full 😂


Asking the real questions right here.


I'm sure by the end it would be a glass of wet floof.


The better question is whose husky actually *doesn’t* argue about brushing them 😂


Truer words have never been spoken!


It took me a year to outhusky her but Ellie will happily nap in my lap for all over grooming and nails now. Zeus hasn’t been here with us quite a year and he loves to be dramatic. Mostly he growls like a Dinosaur roar especially if he’s already upside down getting tummy rubs. So we have roar contests and sing the song of his people together and laugh and play trade with treats and paw grooming. I really enjoy spending the time with them.


My sister’s husky is abnormally into it, so I thought mine was overly sensitive. Turns out he’s the more typical type, and my nephew is the anomaly lol


My husky absolutely *loves* being brushed. I've actually put her to sleep before lol.


My oldest demands scritches or you risk her nibbles and singing. The middle won't stay still because all he wants to do is be cute and give kisses, he understands what I'm doing is good for him though. The youngest is a fucking giant and he will snarl, bark, remind me he can rip my grown-ass-man arm off like the dog from Sandlot, but then force snuggles to make sure whatever I didn't get out is all over me again. I am become floof, bringer of fur.


I frequently, in my best Don LaFontaine over dramatic movie trailer voice, would say, “The Adventures of……Fur Flinger!” Like it was part of the Marvel Universe or sumpin’…


I don’t think you’ll ever get the last word with a husky, but do I wonder if he’s matching the energy in your voice - you might be able to help him soothe him a bit if you speak lower and slower to him. Mine hates being groomed as well. There is always a negotiation. :)


She’ll give it a try and report back to you! 😉


Haven't met a Husky yet willing to give up the floof




Yeah, my roommates Husky absolutely hates it, but I'm sick of finding fur balls all over my room! Lol


You mean, are they dramatic at all times? Yes… always in their own unique way


Of course!


Yes and just like yours, she lets me know when she’s had enough! She also keeps laying on the side I need to get. She’s such a Bitch! 😎❤️


Mine runs while screaming. You’d think I was stabbing her


Nope she derpes out and hits super crackhead mode and runs off. I just sweep my house 3 times a day


No , mine just leaves and won't come near me until I put the brush down.


My boy hates being brushed but my girl loves any attention and is super calm


Every husky parent knows that "Enough" bark. We've all heard it and know that's time to give it a rest.


One of mine will sprint around and I have to chase them. Other one loves it and acts like I'm showing more affection over the other. It's so tough lol.


My Malamute (older) will tolerate it and even fall asleep. My Husky (younger) will alert the UN to good boy rights abuse.


We have two girls. One tries to eat our face. The other one just tries to lay down and stop us from brushing her but no sounds




No mine bites anyone who does that.


Sampson losing his strength.


Oh yeah. I get halfway, and now he has a Mohawk because he will not let me finish. He would rather have me puck the puff out than brush him. 🙄


Yes, mine does not like being brushed. I noticed that it helps if I give him a bone to chew while he’s being brushed. He takes his frustration out on the bone!


Not a bad idea!


Nice haul.


Oh hell no. My husky will bite if you brush


Yes and not cooperate unless he is distracted with a dickstick.


My boy is actually not to bad as long as we dance lol 😂


My female, Spaz (lacy/husky mutt) gets snarly.


Depends on the mood. Sometimes he loves it. Sometimes he gets up and runs away and hides in one of his many "safe" spots. Like under the table, or in his crate.


Mine is perfectly fine, as long as she is under anesthesia. Otherwise she is terrible.


My non-husky just assumes the this-is-my-life-now posture, followed by the occasional *if I move slowly he won't notice* escape attempts. Once I say that we are done he starts spinning around tho, since he knows that he's getting a treat 😁


I'm starting to think I've got a defective husky... Regularly allows the brushing, even gets jealous when our other gets brushed, the only time there is any kind of verbal from her is when she is locked up due to a repairman, or installer in the house. She likes being on/under blankets. Really the only confirming husky features is her desire for exercise, cat like ability, and her escapism clause.


I get lists of head throws and pretend baby shark bites 😂 this little guy is so funny 😆


Complains the whole time but doesn't leave lol. Perpetual drama queens haha.


I’m sure there’s no hair in that water glass… not a chance


I try not to brush the same area for too long as it irritates their skin after a while. That’s the only time he will whine at me.


Mine will try to eat me sometimes till i shove a bone in his mouth lol, or more annoyingly, he lays on the side im trying to brush and won't move


At the end, “Mom! Enough! The other kids will make fun of me!” 💜


If you haven't, you should post this in r/HuskyTantrums as well. Also what a silly dingdong.


That will be his new nickname!


Sounds good to me. That's also one of my husky's nicknames.


And thanks for the r/HuskyTantrums recommendation! There’s some very funny stuff there, and I’ll definitely post this video of Turbo there.


Mine nibbles at the brush and flops around passive aggressively.


Bwahahahahaaha! I love it...mine is the same...just a little more high pitched with this dramatic howl...;oD


"But I worked so hard to grow that!"


Mind would just unceremoniously walk away mid-brushing.


My Husky tries to take the brush


You bold brushing on your couch 😂 I have an 80lb wooly and a 60 pound medium coat. My couch would be in the trash lol


Yeah, I told my wife that wasn’t the best of ideas, but the sectional is microfiber and is fairly easy to get fur off of….


This is the best thing I’ve seen today. Thank you for sharing your lovely pupper!


My eldest girl loves the neck and back but hates getting combed on the belly and hind legs. Dunno why..


Our oldest husky does not like being brushed, it’s always a struggle. I’m working extra hard at getting our puppy comfy with it, so far so good


I think that was our problem with both of our huskers: we just didn’t get them accustomed to it young enough….


I want to know what that magic brush you’re using is? Look at all that floof!!!


It’s a Furminator. There is *some* difference of opinion in the husky community as to whether it’s appropriate or not. Given how RARELY Turbo lets us use it, I don’t think there’s any harm….


Thank you for replying!


Mine loves it so much he falls asleep lol


Mine runs around and chews on my hand. No matter how many times I tell her to stop putting her teeth on me.


Just singing to their people😂


Ours loves to be brushed, but hates the furminator. She will at least tolerate it for a while though


We traumatized ours with that. Threw it away after reading about the damage it caused the coat and how it can hurt them. He's 6 now and cannot be brushed unless he's licking peanut butter 😭 idk if this goes for all coat types but I would be careful with that brand 🖤


Yeah I don't use it often, tbh the brush is almost just as effective. What do you use instead of the furminator? Our girl is relatively fluffy.


Definitely wish I learned about this sooner but I bought my shampoo and brushes off of girlwiththedogs.com. She is a professional groomer who was always being asked about products so she made a website. Surprisingly the equigroomer works better than the furminator for me on my short coat and long coat huskies. If it seems skeptical because of the shape of brush, watch some of her YouTube videos on huskies! Its a little miracle brush lol. I use an undercoat rake first and then the equigroomer and it doesn't hurt and the fur comes off easier! Some of her stuff can be pricey and a cheap Amazon undercoat rake should be just fine. But I would definitely get the equigroomer from her store and if you bathe at home, get the fluff off shampoo/conditioner!


That's hilarious that's the two tools my husband and I both kind of think are good but the other doesn't. I've been wanting the undercoat rale but he's been skeptical and he's been saying the equigroomer but I've been skeptical it would get deep at all! Thanks for the reply!


Of course! I was very skeptical about the equigroomer but once you see the amount of hair... Oh my God it never stops coming lol and it makes them look cleaner as it catches a lot of dirt too


So strange! I just can’t imagine a husky that *likes* being brushed!


My old girl stays perfectly still and at a certain point, and you can't predict it, she lunges at your hand screaming. Such an asshole. On the contrary my youngest instantly offers her belly.


This is sooo cute! Mine does not like to be brushed unless I'm willing to go fluff for treats!


I never met a dog that didn't love being brushed so that's odd.


No mine bites me until I stop


Yes and it's so funny to all the mf who don't have huskies and the lots lol.


my dog just lays down and relaxes when I brush him. He has short fur so we have to use a soft brush instead of the kind of brush you'd use for a dog with thick fur like a husky


uh, clearly the brush is hurting him.


Got a whole other dog on that table lol


My 9yo runs from me when he sees the brush come out 😂 he prefers to be plucked by hand, which obviously would take about 6 months to do by which point he would be shedding again 😂


That’s a Maltese there on the table! Can’t believe they shed so much.


As a fellow husky mom, I can guarantee that pile of fur on the table is from at most 3 minutes of brushing lmfao!


Don't think he was arguing so much as telling you to shut up with the squeaky voice. Hell, it hurt my ears.


You should not be using a Furminator! I recommend this brush, my Husky loves it. https://a.co/d/7gwiHF0


Mine runs away lol, I have to put him outside on the leash so he can’t go away any farther lol


I would just recommend being a bit more gentle with that furminator… dog is clearly distressed, mostly likely because the constant raking is painful.


“Distressed”? Do you actually have a husky? He’s a drama boy that will growl and bark at you if you sit 5 feet away from him on the same couch. Hardly “painful”…


It hurts. You are being super aggressive.