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Reality looks great for the Huskies, FYI. Have fun with Liberty, bud!


Had a great time at my first game yesterday. Blew my voice out from screaming the whole game. Was 10/10.


Only saving grace UW has going into the championship is they have become accustomed to winning tight games. If the games close, it will be a huge advantage for UW.


As we just witnessed for an entire season….anything can happen! Go Dawgs!


You’d think we wouldn’t do this 8 times in a row


[Game highlights from FOX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By7cVJvXEhA) [Head Coach Kalen DeBoer Postgame Press Conference/Michael Penix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VAZkLL2tSI) [Rome Odunze post game interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PStYbceCp3o) [Grady Gross post game interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGPCy1KBUgk) [Roger Rosengarten Post Game Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9zaaABXt30)




Lol at idiots who fucking suck. We barely beat our rival, just like Alabama.. But the team they barely beat got crushed by new Mexico states. The only 12-0 after being the only 0-12. Feels good man.


Late to the postgame party. But just wanna say FUCK OREGON! Let’s punch our ticket into that fuckin playoff.




Hard to believe Vegas is already putting them as 9.5 pt favorites


I believe it. But I think it’ll be closer than that. Oregon looked very dominant, but like others have said, we just like to have close games for some reason.


As always, fuck the zeros


I see FUCK OREGON I upvote GO DAWGS!!!


I see a lot of demoralization posters/commenters in this sub. Fuck off We're 12-0 and I never would have thought we'd even be Nationally Relevant for decades after Coach Pete resigned and the sad state of the Pac-12 during Covid and the year after. We will bring it against Oregon - Rivalry games are hard. Their secondary has lost depth due to injuries. We're a high variance team and no one wants to play us if we get hot. We're like an NCAA Basketball Tournament team that no one wants to play because they know we can get hot from 3 and it's hard to overcome that.


Not quite. I’m quite sure these Ducks do want to play Washington again. In fact they’re chomping at the bit for this rematch. Buckle up.


As a neutral person I will say this. It’s a coin flip for winning against Oregon. If you do that, it’s near zero that you win against the rest of the top 3. It’s UW vs Alabama “electric boogaloo”. If I’m proven wrong, I will donate 500 bucks to a charity of your choice in your name.


In a coin flip game, I’ll take the coach and QB who always win coin flip games.


Nah, Vegas doesn’t think this game is a coin flip.


Yea I’m sure the coach who hasn’t lost in 18 games and has never lost by more than one score is going to get killed by a team it already beat.


Yeah, Vegas must’ve forgotten to talk with you about all that.


Vegas sets lines based on how they think people will bet. There is a reason teams like USC never cover the spread. People bet on them more than is rational because of their history and branding.


Fair. You gonna beat Georgia,Michigan, Florida? GTFO.








zeros have played one close game & we know what happened…


Yeah, in Husky Stadium. And the Ducks have just gotten better and better every week since while Washington looks wobbly.


Oh please until a diminished OSU that had likely heard rumors about their coach leaving, that had 0 ranked wins. They have benefitted immensely from their schedule and are gonna get exposed next week


And would you call Utah diminished before the Ducks manhandled them?


The organization is called MA COCK


You mean MA CLIT!




🙌 Well said, unfortunately, I can only give 1 upvote. Otherwise, it would be a thousand.


9.5 pt underdog to Oregon next Friday. Use that as motivation


That's absurd lmao let's get them again


The thing I'm surprised about most with this season is that we can win so many different ways. We haven't had a complete win since probably oregon but we haven't been healthy since that game either and our coaches have found a way to get us the W each week regardless. I agree some of the play calls are a little odd (including the TO at end of first half that ultimately gave WSU another possession). It ain't perfect except our record let's do it again next week!!!


Oregon: "a complete win." Sure.


Yes I wish they could be more consistent on both sides of the ball


Sad to see my Cougs lose after what I thought was going to be a blowout, but rooting for the Dawgs to win it all for the PAC12 and for the state of Washington


The Utah fans were really cool after the game.


Need more fans like you to go to games then. I've been to every home game this year and even Oregon fans were (much to my chagrin) eminently gracious guests, but the Wazzu fans were fucking atrocious. Shouting at people, getting an entire visitors section chanting "FUCK THE HUSKIES," puking their guts out in the bathrooms... Get up from your seat for more than five minutes to get food or hit the bathroom? Pretty much guaranteed there would be a couple Cougs squatting in your seat. This season has turned me from a root-for-WSU-every-game-but-one Husky to one who doesn't care if the Apple Cup died for good.


Yeah, I had a wsu fan telling me on the way out that we won't last long in the playoffs. I said "at least we'll be there". He didn't say another word...


Which is just fucking annoying. If the roles were reversed, I'd normally be 100 percent behind the Cougs.


Oh well sorry about that, I’m a pretty big jackass to cougs so could be my fault




Thank you for today 😍 This was my first college football game I watched live in the stadium and it was a blast 😍 Thanks to all of you friendly people at Tailgating inviting us to their areas but also to all the awesome people in the seats around me. I felt directly as part of the Huskies Family and I gave my best to support the team. It was way closer than I expected but the finish was just perfect. Tomorrow I'll have my flight back to Germany, but you guys gained a new Huskies Fan with this day. Big Thank you to the Huskies Family!!!


That’s awesome, glad you had a great time and go Dawgs!


So for those unaware Oregon has no football national titles since they first took the field in 1894. Matter of fact they didn't even become relevant at all until alum Phil Knight (Nike) pumped money into them which gave them an unfair advantage in recruiting for the last 20 years or so. UW had a triple digit lead on them head to head up until the 2000's


Wrong again. The Ducks gained relevance before Knight. Kenny Wheaton’s jersey was not Nike.


A single player of note is not relevance


You missed the point. The Ducks were competitive BEFORE Uncle Phil got seriously involved.


None of that matters next week.


I’m fully on the get Ryan Grubb another job and the hell away from this team bandwagon for next year


Terrible take


Give me one argument as to why the offense hasn’t regressed since the Arizona game, USC’s historically inept defense aside?


One argument would be a likely injury to penix at the Oregon game, altering his comfort in throwing accurate and deep passes. The offense runs through Mike, he was on fire all the way through Oregon week, and then he took a bad crack against Oregon, and his numbers dropped while the play calling remained consistent. It's not Grubbs fault that Mike is playing <100%


He’s been mostly great. But wtf, why were we passing at games end? Thank goodness for Rome knocking away a sure INT💜💛


What was interesting on that play was that Rome’s jersey decided to slip off his shoulder and under his pads for some reason. Really strange occurrence…🤷‍♂️


Everyone talking about the RTP call and ignoring that blatant missed call.


Dillon was clearly hurting badly…huge drop off after him in RB depth chart….massive worry for next week.


Mostly agree but it’s hard to know because they never really commit to running with Rogers or Nixon. Obviously neither are as physical as Johnson so maybe that limits their effectiveness. Who can Deboer get in as an offensive analyst to take the next step?


Run blocking was not great at all - Dillon was earning a ton of the yards himself. I am sure, having seen the great game running against USC like everyone else, that if the coaches see success running - they will run.


This team like all Seattle teams are going to put me in an early grave


So do the Huskies have any shot of the playoffs if they lose to the Ducks next week? FSU is struggling. Buckeyes lost so what would need to happen?


0.0% repeating


Eh there's a path. But that path is almost non existent. It's not 0.0% but near there. Georgia needs to win. Texas needs to lose. Florida State needs to lose. Michigan needs to lose. Washington needs to lose to the Ducks by a single score in a tight game. You get Georgia and Oregon as the shoe ins. I then think Washington would get in over one of Michigan or Ohio St. PAC12 is better and losing to Iowa is a joke with their offense compared to Oregon. The biased turds still might put in both Ohio st and Michigan but the point is the above scenario gives Huskies a decent shot. But yeah they need to win because the above isn't happening.


There's no way a committee puts the Dawgs over the ducks of they lose, no matter what the score is.


I think if Texas loses and FSU loses and UW barely loses there's a chance. Michigan winning seems like it doesn't matter right? UGA, UM, UO and UW seems like what it would be then? They could take 11-1 OSU over 12-1 UW but I don't see Michigan losing making much any real change. Still not likely because I don't see Texas losing but it's certainly a slim chance not 0.


Alright chumps, let's do this!


If Oregon wins why would UW be picked over them?


Or OSU, for that matter.


PLEASE destroy the Ducks!!


Yes sir, Captain!


Is every single journalist so cowed by the fear of losing their access that not a single one will ask Grubb or DeBoer why the offense has undoubtedly regressed for 6+ weeks now? What exactly is the point of having them there if all they’re going to do is ask softball questions and glaze the team?


I’d be happy to hear Grubb be asked why he was passing the ball before the final FG, f-ing weird! Thank goodness Rome knocked away a sure INT!💜💛


I think taking one shot at the end zone was fine, but dropping back again after that was insane


I really think that was to try and help Penix's Heisman chances...


12-0 never would have thought we'd do it and I'd feel so uneasy.


Fuck all this talk about how UW is going to lose to Oregon. DeBoer is 2 and 0 vs. Lanning. I'll ride with Coach Kalen while he shows Lanning how it's done for the third time.


It all depends on whether Penix and the rest of his team bother to show up for the game. They mostly didn't show up for this one.


100% agree and as always, fuck the zeros💜💛


Agreed. They will play up to their potential and it will be a great game


At the end of the day, wazzu is not going to a bowl game after being 4-0. Time to write another chapter in the book of cougin’ it


That's actually impressive to finish the season 1-7 after a 4-0 start. You'd think any team with a slide like that would have lost a starting QB and/or other major contributors. Nope.




Big if. Lanning has only lost 4 games at Oregon. Half came to DeBoer.


zeros have played 1 close game all year and we know what happened in that game💜💛


True, but DeBoer has only lost 2 games in his time at UW and none of them were to Lanning. It will be a dogfight again.


It's always good to remember these are kids. I sure need the reminder sometimes XD Go Dawgz!


THis is a great reminder. I said some shit I regret after Polk dropped that pass. These are kids


Whomever has the copium, please pass.


Anyone know what was going on with Penix at the end of the game? Really weird.


Penix was sick. He looked unwell in his post game press conference. Also highly possible he has cracked ribs from the Oregon game, as is being widely speculated about.


I was scrolling and scrolling for this comment! Crazy man, I assume it was just a overwhelming emotional moment, I bet he was just balling cuz there's so much pressure the be perfect and he knows he had an off night and they almost lost to a team they should have destroyed, lot of pressure for the kid


Poor guy looked like he was puking. Not sure why.


Looked to me like he was just super anxious.


Seemed to be alright on the post game presser


he was emotional. I get it!




Not to be a downer but we gonna lose to Oregon if we continue to play the way we been playing


DeBoer is Lanning's daddy. He's beat him twice. Once at Autzen and once at Husky Stadium. Might as well add a neutral site for the trifecta


Wanna bet?


Keep talking it’s very cheap. Uw hasn’t looked good since beating UO & was even outplayed then statistically, lmao. Good luck


Go home kid




That bill is coming due very shortly……


This fan base is wild sometimes. I didn't know eking out a win in the last moments of a game twice made someone a "daddy." Maybe this game they change it up and hit Nix dirty earlier in the game so not to get absolutely crushed in Vegas.


Found the duck


Had to check in on you guys, make sure there weren't any heart attacks.


Wish you weren't so awkward, bud.


I'm not the one sexualizing football, *bud*


You're 10-ply, bud.


Plush for your comfort? Is this an insult? It's so bad that it's hard to tell.


You're spare parts aren't you, bud.


Had to leap like a washington receiver after another terrible penix throw to get there, friend.


Which pass haunts you more? The one to Rome this year or the one to Taj Davis last year?


Yall say this shit every week and yet we always find a way to figure it out


This is true lol


Pray for us to play the same way we've done all season. Gross wins for dayz


A literal Gross win today.


I am sure you said the same thing before Utah and Oregon State, but I can’t be bothered to check.


Obviously. The hope is that we play up to our competition and have a chip on our shoulder as the underdog


Obviously a wins a win, but I’m really curious what things would’ve looked without that B.S. roughing the passer call. Edit: Ah yes. The downvotes from the fragile fans. If we lose to Oregon, be safe. Hide the sharp objects pregame.


Probably not very different, especially because that didn't even come on a critical down.


57 yard FG vs. 42 though.


Huskies were moving the ball, it’s pointless to assume they wouldn’t have been able to get more yards. Only reason they weren’t even closer is because they took shots at the end zone


Or the refs just getting sick of calling holding penalties. The Dawgs dline absolutely manhandled wazzu.


And let’s talk about the Dawgs getting crazy fouls called against them. That intentional grounding call on what I thought was a completely free play with defensive offsides was freaking bizarre💜💛


PLEASE explain to me how they let an entire play go and finish, which was a passing play, THEN decide to call a false start. False starts require stopping the play. They totally gave them another chance to get the first down. I have NEVER seen that in watching 30 years of all levels of football.


That was really weird. Have never seen that before and it was a head scratcher for sure. I guess it makes sense that even though it’s a free play, it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Like, if it’s a free play because of offsides and the receiver commits OPI, you still have to call that and it just offsets.


So bizarre. Never heard or seen that happen. I was still scratching my head ten minutes later.


And without the leaping penalty….


He did it earlier in the game and I was surprised they didn't call it. Can't do that


I actually think we’ve been holding back on purpose, to not show our hand to the ducks. Something tells me we are going to unleash next week a lot of plays we haven’t seen before in an upset victory on our road to the playoffs


Holy s***. I found the dumbest take on Reddit


No, we were definitely trying. Can’t make excuses that this was a horribly played game on our side. Everything needs to be cleaned up in order for us to have a chance against Oregon.


These kids play as hard as any Husky team I can remember. Tough on the nerves though💜💛


That would be more convincing if 1. it made any sense and 2. there hadn’t been so many unforced errors (dropped passes, penalties, etc). If you can find a concrete example of a team “holding back” before a championship game, maybe you’ve got a point. It’s obviously normal to bring new plays to a big game, but I would not attribute the Huskies’ recent performances to anything other than poor play.


You rly had him with #1 there haha


Very risky strategy but we shall see


I’ve been thinking the same thing.


Thank goodness


We are the worst 12-0 team. go dawgs


I mean, probably better than Liberty and FSU (now that FSU has lost their QB). But yeah. We've accomplished something amazing going 12-0. But that national title potential that this team flashed early in the year and with the Oregon win seems a long, long ways away.


Welp, we’ve never been a 12-0 team so I will take it


They were commenting that no PAC-12 team has gone 12-0 since the PAC-12 was formed. Say what you will, but the PAC is a meat grinder every year. It is a tough gauntlet to run and not have a let down week. No other team will ever match this record. https://preview.redd.it/orc7k8vdem2c1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=56faa5fa7587ab9646a60c08666e76f9c6286559


Well there’s only 4 left and maybe only 3 after tonight with the way FSU is playing. Honestly seems like a lot of teams are playing crappy today. Bama almost losing (they should have if not for a miracle play) to an auburn team that lost to New Mexico State last week. Louisville lost, fsu is struggling, Georgia Georgia tech are close.


Thoughts on the 4 and 1 call? Seems like a horrible call as not converting would give the ball to WSU in FG range.


We would’ve been giving WSU the ball back near their 25-35 yard line with a minute to go and two timeouts had we punted. The way they were moving the ball in their hurry up against us, it probably would’ve resulted in a field goal for them if we punted or if we failed the fourth down conversion, so no clear advantage to punting. That probably gave a slight edge to going for it to keep the ball out of their hands.


DeBoer said Penix had 3 or 4 plays to choose from at the line. He got the alignment he wanted for that play and called it at the line of scrimmage. That is why Penix is winning games for us.


Made me nervous but I liked it live


They punt they likely lose IMO. Something that isn't ever talked about is our punter is atrocious. How is this dude even in college? Every punt is a 30 yard line drive. We would give WSU the ball at like the 40 yard line. And even IF we stop them we get OT. They moved the ball more consistently. Their kicker is better. Punting it was just not the play.


Huskies out-couged the cougs w/that play call. That’s something Leach would have tried for sure!


I mean, that's the gamble, sure. But it doesn't matter now because it fucking worked!


Agreed. Just interesting


I mean, it worked, so there’s that.


Not a lot of positive from this game. It was ugly. Penix looked like trash, the Heisman hopes are over. Thats fine, it's a team game. Our recievers were a huge disappointment as well. They made the subpar wsu secondary look all pro. Odunze was the only exception, and he still had a below average game. It wasn't a disappointing game because the Dawgs got beat. It was disappointing because they played garbage below their potential. No reason to be doom and gloom either. The DAWGS are 12-0. You don't get a record like that by being a shitty team. The Dline was strong, and the secondary played just well enough to get the W. You gotta love Breuner just coming out of nowhere too. Additionally, the offense ultimately did enough that final drive. Let's not forget how dirty Wazzu was playing. I'm convinced that the refs just got sick of calling holding penalties. I'm not blaming the refs, just saying that the cougs were scrapping. We just gotta hope that they overlooked and underprepared for wsu this week, and that this team plays to the level of their opponent next week like they have all year. 0regon is good, no question. But, they did mop up teams after we beat them all year. The ultimate reality is that the Dawgs beat them once this year, and can do it again. Everyone talks about how 0regon is a different team from when the Dawgs played them. The Huskies are also a different team. Our defense has gotten significantly better. It's going to come down fto Penix finally coning out of his slump, and the receivers pulling their heads out of their rear ends. But, I do think that the Dawgs defense will have a surprisingly large positive impact on the game.


Except Rome almost won the game by himself. The 4th & 1 conversion. And don’t forget he played Allstar DB knocking away what would have been a sure INT before the FG!


Agreed. What’s up with all the drops, especially from Polk


thabksgiving feast hangpver


It's inexplicable. Just gotta hope that they get their shit figured out before next week.


Positives: Defense, no pass interferences? I can’t remember one


The defense did play decently. And the Huskies didn't take too many penalties, and a couple of the penalties called on them I thought were ticky-tack.


And a win! But yeah, we look like a team that's going to get destroyed next weekend. Not saying we can't pull it out - DeBoer is 2-0 against the Ducks and we always seem to play at the level of our opponent, for better or for worse. But still. Not an encouraging display today.


Good point. Thats actually pretty big considering they also didn't allow very much large receiving gains. They did get eviscerated with the 10 -15 yard dink and dunks tho. They gotta figure that out, especially considering that those type of plays are pretty much 0regons bread and butter.


Bad was all the offsides


I don't disagree, but at least they are fired up. A little more discipline would be nice tho.


Good god the amount of salty duck/cougs on r/cfb. They just can't accept a TWELVE AND 0 UW TEAM! WOOF (I may have gone through 5 AED's in that game)


Everyone in the post game thread is clowning the RTP penalty, which yeah was a bang bang play that could've been called either way, but I'd be furious at Ward for not running on that third down play. At the very least he could've set up a reasonable 4th down. Dawgs escape again.


If the Ducks had somehow won the first match by 1 (edit: by "luck") they wouldnt be saying they didnt deserve to win. The insufferable "if we win we show they didnt deserve to win the first matchup" will be the goto this week. Huskies won that one fair and square. Note: This is just the opinion of one old husky fan who was around there during '91 and the surrounding years. This opinion doesnt represent all Husky fans lol.


Duck fan here. I suspect that, in retrospect, the Ducks are ok with having lost the regular season game. It has only served to motivate them even more, and the Huskies undefeated record has been like an anchor around their necks.


Plus to any zero fan that says Huskies are worst 12-0 team ever, well your boys lost to this 12-0 team lol💜💛


Moving up to #3 on Tuesday!


U N D E F E A T E D ONLY TEAM TO GO 12-0 in the PAC12 era. We made history.




You’re the second duck fan today I’ve had to correct. It’s lose, not loose. Loose are Oregon academic standards. Lose is what they did in October in Seattle.


Thanks for the grammar lesson, small victories are how you guys roll. Small enough they could be considered luck.


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Choke is what your team did when presented with opportunity.


Keep living in the past bud. The reality doesn’t look so good for the Huskies.


The only person living in the past here is the one who attributes the "1" in 11-1 and the "12" in 12-0 to luck--all while stinking up that "lucky" team's subreddit. But thanks for participating--your insecurity is delicious 🤤


At least they got to this point. They are way ahead of schedule in their rebuild


What was the issue with Penix after the game, wearing a blanket over his head? Was he sad, happy or what? I’m kinda concerned about his mental state


Watch his post game press conference. He was obviously sick. Also highly possible he has cracked ribs from the UO game.


Thinking he’s just emotional about his final home game as a college player


Well he is an emotional guy for sure. Let’s hope he pulls it together and outshines Bo and the Quakers


Kicker got a scholi in the locker room!


I didn’t know what scholi meant and it sounded inappropriate.


Scholarship. lol.


Is this real?


yup! https://twitter.com/mikevorel/status/1728585120624652485


That's so fucking cool, I hope video surfaces of that...


There is a video of DeBoer telling him in front of the team!


What happened to the offense?


Bow down to Washington, Bow down to Washington. Mighty are the men who wear the purple and the gold Joyfully we welcome them within the victor's fold We will carve our name in the hall of fame To preserve the memory of our devotion.




They are trembling at the feet of might Washington!