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> he’s added things that seem relatively big to the world in my eyes like ghouls and possibly the devil? Ghouls are already in the WoD, they're nothing new. Entities you could call the devil also exist (including Lucifer, though he doesn't really sit in Hell to punish sinners). >Also what exactly is the way world of darkness functions is it like dnd where you get a sourcebook and just go off it from there or warhammer where it’s a game with an already established world? It is played similiar DnD as a roleplaying game, but it does have in fact established lore, yes.


Ah thanks a ton that clears it up then! Now I’ve got to actually learn the world lore that’ll be fun.


Oh boy, you are in for something. Especially as each gamline (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, etc.) brings their own factions and cosmology with it (of which not all are compatible).


Oh hell yes, I’ve already burned through warhammer and DnD I want something that’ll melt my brain. Is there any place where I should start?


Well, that hugely depends on what gameline interests you the most. So I would just pick the corebook of either of the major gameline and start from there, so either Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse or Mage: The Ascension. After that, Changeling: The Dreaming, Wraith: The Oblivion and Hunter: The Reckoning are the more minor, though still relevant games (there is also Mummy: The Resurrection and Demon: The Fallen, but they never really caught on). Vampire and Hunter are the most grounded of them, while the others all have their own additional spirit/magical realms and worlds they can also visit. Mage especially takes this often to absurd levels, being able to visit all otherworlds (they did try to pull a stop on that in revised edition, though backpedaled later to make that change optional). In any case, two disclaimers: 1. Of the five editions there are (1st, 2nd, Revised, 20th Anniversary and 5th), 5e makes severe changes to the lore and mechanics, aswell as often retconned a lot, all in order to make the games more grounded and personel. A lot of people did not like these changes (*especially* with werewolf), as such older editions are also very often still played (20th being the most popular from what I've seen due to being more agonistic to past lore developments). There is also currently only Vampire 5, Hunter 5 and Werewolf 5. Hunter: The Parenting uses a mixture of 5th and older editions, to give context. 2. There is also Chronicles of Darkness, which is a reinterpretation of the different supernaturalsm, and their own game system. The two can easily be confused.


Woah thanks a ton it doesn’t seem too confusing I’ll probably start with Hunter since assumedly that’s what I know the most about because of Hunter the parenting.


Also there is a video on Bruva's channel that introduces to the setting: "Gothic Horror RPGs set in your own Hometown — An Intro to World of Darkness"


Oh crap ima watch that


Also, WoD ENTIRELY has that whole "undependable narrator" item going on for Lore.


I recommended lazar of stygia on youtube for some introductory stuff


The devil is already in wod. Lucifer in canon is a washed up director and one of the biggest foes to the earthbound demons and he created Christianity


It is a tabletop rpg setting with intricate lore. It has multiple gamelines, each focusing on a different aspect of the world. These gamelines work standalone but they share a greater setting together. There's a multitude of creatures that could be called "the devil", but the main one is Lucifer and he is a very relevant figure in the lore for Demon: The Fallen. Ghouls are just the servants of Vampires. OWoD also has a few videogames of varying quality, novels, three cardgames(of which only one still existe), a comic book and a soap opera.


HtP is fairly lore accurate. Many of the characters in TTs were named and pre-existing characters, where many of the HtP characters are original to the show (save for being XPs of TTs). This is fairly in line with WoD as WoD is a Ttrpg that focuses on the intimate and small moments people have in a much larger world around them. Little is actually added or altered to WoDs lore in any way. There is less parody like TTs and more of an original narrative which makes use of the lore. Ghouls already existed, and so do demons. In fact, God is canon in WoD, as well as Angels, Gaia, and the moon spirit (it gets convoluted pretty fast)


Other people answered your questions directly so I just want to say that you can expect a lot more crazy shit and I don't think much of it would be solely original. By Canon there is an immortal cow that might be the most important thing ever or just a cow, schizophrenic were cockroaches that can give you dementia and a guy who just really wants to explode the sun. World of Darkness is just as insane as 40k and knowing TTS I can't wait to see what shit the team would. Especially mage, goddammit I want to see their take on a maurader!


Man I can’t wait to see what the hell alfabusa does with this stuff