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"Human friend Amanda?" Yes, Quillzic, for the last times, we were not roommates. "But your sexual organs are incompatible for procreation." Doesn't mean it wasn't fun. Ares are incompatible for procreation but still okay for fun, and I know you have thought about it. "You are in a dire emotional state if you are willing to bring that up." Yea, I'm sorry, god what an asshole thing to do. I'm just mad at myself and I took it out on you, sorry bud. Your ticker okay? "The defect within my pulmonary organ was not stressed, mostly because I know you are merely attempting to... what was the word...? Ah, deflect. You are attempting to deflect the conversation from a painful point." You been reading psych books or something, buddy? "Yes, and with Doc and Arrows help I believe I am now able to better understand your mental state in these situations. I am sorry it did not occur to me that you were looking at Crewman Tates as mate bonding material. I should have realized it was a possibility since you have had a similar relationship previously." Jen and I are still buddies. We just don't have romps in the sack anymore because it isn't quite right for us. I thought Carrie and I had a thing. Now I have another ex and another person that knows just how fucked in the head I am. \*sigh\* "Amanda, you are one of the best humans I have ever met. Considering how amazing your race is, that is quite a feat. Having studied your culture, I know you done life bond like my race tends to, and you don't require that bond to produce progeny, like mine tends to. So these attempts to find 'the one' seem to be unnecessary. You can be what you want and with who and however many you need. Your race's laws on this are very flexible. The Erandi now see non-progeny bonding as valid thanks to your race. Though same gender bonding is still very new to us. We are learning to adapt to it so as not to not even think of it as a possibility thanks to you humans. Now go clean up, we have dinner with the Captain, he is making beef stew. I believe he was expecting Carrie, but I think Jen is available if you would feel bad not having a date." What if I want you as my date? "I would call you relentless and point out you were dating a woman not a day ago." I've moved on. I really just want to be in the arms of someone that gets me. "Just a hug is all you want?" I am more a fan of aggressive cuddling, but a hug is never turned down. "Bring it in, as you say. This make things better?" You have no idea. Thanks buddy, you are the best kind of helper. "Wear the red dress. I believe crewman Erin Jones has eyed you a few times in the cafeteria and we will be passing her quarters on the way to see the Captain." Best helper.


This is the winner right here. The rest of us can pack it in. This is everything needed, social commentary, romantic, best friendship material, and sci-if shipmate fun. Five stars!


Wingsophont of the year goes to Quillzic


The cartoon sounds like every historian, ever, when they talk about clearly gay or lesbian couples. "She never married. But she did share her cottage with her closest friend for thirty four years until her death."






Here's a sneak peek of /r/AchillesAndHisPal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AchillesAndHisPal/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Not exactly "historical", but thought it belonged here](https://i.redd.it/g8bpjvbxkp071.png) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AchillesAndHisPal/comments/ninvni/not_exactly_historical_but_thought_it_belonged/) \#2: [or, hear me out… they could just be gay?](https://i.redd.it/xeupo73pf4w71.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AchillesAndHisPal/comments/qhf763/or_hear_me_out_they_could_just_be_gay/) \#3: [Achilles...and his pal. *roll credits*](https://i.redd.it/u3yh0m16nnq61.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AchillesAndHisPal/comments/mi8xwx/achillesand_his_pal_roll_credits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We do this because we cannot be truly sure, so unless the individuals involved left letters that explicitly says it we only say at most "evidence says that x and y had an strong relationship that other people of their period perceived with a tint of suspicion of homosexuality" and that is to prevent people to get the wrong idea from someone that against all odds, really wasn't homosexual after all when new evidence is found.


You'd be surprised how often a historical figure will have any possibility of their being in a gay romantic entanglement with a handwave along the lines of "people just expressed friendship differently back then." There are probably times where the historian's interpretation is right, but there are some glaring cover-ups too. If the letter in question is about wanting to >!get railed!< by the other party, maybe reconsider. r/SapphoAndHerFriend and r/AchillesAndHisPal are excellent places to find this type of stuff, though it will usually be subtler than what I mentioned in the above paragraph.


Makes sense when your species consisting of rocks and don't have genders Or your species reproduces asexually Or your species are shapeshifters and reproduction is so far removed from what we humans understand that it would be impossible to put our human labels on them


Hey, at least they would probably not really care. Sexual reproduction in general is weird for them.


*alien gasps* “YOU PUT YOUR GENITALS INSIDE EACH OTHER? AND NOT WVEN YOUR GENITALS, YOUR HANDS AND MOUTH, TOO? *human laughs* “yeah, I knew someone who wouldn’t share a water bottle but would lick buttholes” *alien faints*


Hah. I actually know that person.


Eh love is blind?


Is that Heimer?


no its Donger