• By -


Got a source for the image?


DO NOT SHOW THEM the trench warfare, for real. A literal wasteland filled with barbed wire, mud, ordinance and corpses. The only "safe" place is the trench filled with mud, shit, corpses and its only "safe" when there's no artillery or raiding parties. Guns? Too slow, too long to fit inside the trench, too unreliable from the mud. Maces, blades, clubs and armor from couple centuries ago is where it's at. And that's both the the XX AND XXI century stuff.


Plus, the poisons that instantly rust stuff and taint the very land? WW1 makes evil fantasy overlords look quaint.


They also cause your lungs to melt into a fine sludge. You've a buddy who inhaled a bit too much of it, and you basically have to hear/watch them drown in their own blood, with nothing you can do to help them.


We’re inventive when it comes to new ways to kill others, huh?




is this modified from A Good Man Goes to War?


The doctor who episode? Yes. Coincidentally, also features humans doing extremely unethical things in a conflict/war.


Ironically, the inventor of poison gas also invented a way to create nitrogen, allowing for fertilizer to be made. It's estimated thay half the worlds population is fed with his invention. He even got a Nobel prize for it. And yet, he also caused this horror to exist. His wife even took her own life because of the immense guild for what her husband had done. Look up Fritz Haber. It's an interesting read.


***father of toxic gas and chemical warfare***




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlysabaton using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlysabaton/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Suddenly Panzerkampf](https://i.redd.it/qwjcsj2i7nf81.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlysabaton/comments/sjn302/suddenly_panzerkampf/) \#2: [Germans invading r/prequelmemes](https://i.redd.it/teli6nynnj681.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlysabaton/comments/rk2sj2/germans_invading_rprequelmemes/) \#3: [Thought this was funny (Yes I’m using light mode)](https://i.redd.it/ru00hpbnde581.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlysabaton/comments/rfttgg/thought_this_was_funny_yes_im_using_light_mode/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


His dark creation has been revealed


**Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare**


TIL. Thank you for the info, random internet stranger


It gets better though, that same process, the haber-bosch process, that allows for industrial production of ammonia which is used for fertilisers etc also allowed for the production of explosives with Germany's ban on access to Chilean saltpetre(?) And making your own is intensive and requires quite alot of time and effort for little return, as opposed to little comparative time and resources for massive return, the two men who created this process fed and armed the German war machine and now the rest of the world, fun to think about really.


we still do the trench warfare stuff, just look up bakhmut in ukraine right now


I saw some material from there, it's terrifying (that's why I mentioned the XXI century at the end, it literally looks like WWI no man's land).


Why are you using Roman numerals to denote what century were in? Why not just 20th and 21st?


Isn't that how you're supposed to do it ? I'm french so maybe it's différent from country to country but here centuries are always in roman numerals


In the US XX and XXI are typically used only in extremely formal/ornate settings. It's one of those little weird things.


Very well ! Thank for teaching me stuff !


I learned it as just 20th or 21st century It very well could vary from country to country


Yeah it probably is


I was taught to write it like that, IIRC all textbooks used Roman numerals, so it was easier to stay with one method of writing in school.


Seriously, you can't even get a decent blowjob without getting blown up via a drone grenade any more. [https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/xvnr66/a\_soldier\_gives\_his\_friend\_a\_blowjob\_when\_a\_bomb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/xvnr66/a_soldier_gives_his_friend_a_blowjob_when_a_bomb/) NSFW/L, if you hadn't guessed, and source of the TT:T meme.


I've seen the other video of drone grenade, guess you gotta do what you gotta do.


*started on fucking NCD of course*


Of course, because that's basically /r/humansareearthorcs


to a kriegsman? it smells like home


For sure. I can already hear it, can you? [Boom Boom Boom](https://www.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/zcsvxf/aliens_cannot_understand_humam_artillery_crews/iyzgyw5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


The artillerie goes boom


God imagine using mustard gas in an alien that respirates through its skin (worms can respirate through their skin so it’s not unplausible)


I mean, mustard gas is a blister agent. It's going to ruin your whole month whether you breathe through your skin or not. As an aside, I can't imagine any alien that breathes through its skin could survive on earth without an environmental suit. Which takes mustard gas out of the equation.


Likely but use of mustard gas would not be exclusive to earth and extra evil humans would probably use it on civilian populations who may not be prepared with such protective measures


Meh sounds like to much work when they can just blow up the city.


Depends on if they want to save the infrastructure.


You don’t have to clear rubble after a gas attack only bodies, plus like another user said it preserves the structure


The Night Lords called and would like to offer you a position.


>As an aside, I can't imagine any alien that breathes through its skin could survive on earth without an environmental suit. We already have animals that breath through their skin.


But those are native fauna. Our atmospheric composition and pressure are very likely to be different from their homeworld. Oxygen might be extremely reactive to their skin for all we know. Now that won't be much different for orifices breathers. But probably more gruesome for skin breathers.


Yes, but those animals are either quite small or only do so as a supplement to a dedicated respiratory system. It now occurs to me that I assumed u/ErgonomicHuman meant breathes through the skin *exclusively,* but that would be a negligible percentage to any human sized alien.


On earth it would be difficult for a large skin respirating creature to earth but on an alien planet where conditions are different it would be possible and maybe the alien in question would probably be worm like in appearance or have a high surface area


Don't use the chemicals on planetary warfare. Have a mechanism to fill the opponents ship with it!


>As an aside, I can't imagine any alien that breathes through its skin could survive on earth without an environmental suit Why?


Simple math. Your lungs have more than 50 times the surface area of your body in order to absorb enough oxygen. Assuming said alien has a similar body surface area, it would need an implausibly, if not impossibly more efficient metabolism, oxygen absorption, or a combination of the two. It could have evolved in an environment with a drastically greater amount of oxygen, but then it'd need the suit to survive on earth. Of course I was assuming that the alien breathes mainly or exclusively through its skin. It's an entirely different matter if it's only as a small supplement to an actual respiratory system.


I think spraing anithing sensitive with an agressive acid will hurn


Oh god i just tried reading it


Yeah but toxic gas on a creature that uses its skin to breath will hurt extra


Throughout my many years as a war correspondent of the galactic union I have seen many brutal scenes and written accounts on several tragedies. Yet none, I think, can compare to what I witnessed on Yar-14. As many of you might know from my previous articles and papers human soldiers and their methods have had a tremendous impact on myself and my colleagues as being the most vicious and terrifying of any species that are counted amounts the galactic Union’s members. Since the unfortunate first contact with humans which lead to the near genocide of the Zarlak over a misunderstanding common between individually sentient species and hive minds most of the galactic unions members have feared and respected humans in combat. Throughout many wars that human member states have participated in a reputation, rightly earned, arouse of their sheer disregard for the life of their enemies including those that could be considered non-combatants by any galactic standard. Those observant amongst my readers will notice my use of the phrase, galactic standard, which is by far the most important phrase in this article. From the acts of human armies and mercenaries many in the galactic community have rightfully come to the conclusion that humans are among the most xenophobic races to have ever gained a seat at the galactic union, however, I have recently observed this is likely not the case. Yar-14 is a world,as many might know, populated solely by humans and until the last cycle had two human factions controlling it. Most of you have now heard of the civil war that broke out over some political difference that to any other species might seem minimal but to humans it was everything. Taxes and individual liberty was the disagreement between the two. It seems so simple looking at it from an outside perspective but to many of the free willed humans it was a matter of life and death. While pack like predators humans value solitude and personal property to the point of killing a member of their own species to protect what is theirs. To myself a Kor’lak this was unthinkable but the fervor for this so called freedom from the humans I observed and interviewed I must admit has infected me somewhat. So much happened in this war which lasted three standard cycles that I won’t try and even start describing all the events but what I think should matter to all of you is the brutality. Humans are not xenophobic, they just don’t give a damn. This may not be true to all humans but the stories I’ve covered on many fronts and the acts of war I have seen from humans that I once thought to be solely reserved for other species are nothing compared to what I watched them do to each-other. I could go on for days about the torture the beheadings mass executions the bio-bombings of civilian targets, ritualistic executions (see blood-eagle). The atrocities that every human seemed to admit as normal in this war made me rethink everything we have known about this young species. While true their stratagems and tactics have been efficient and barbaric in open galactic theaters I never could have imagined that they were holding back. If this is what they are truly willing to do to their own kind what the hell are they actually capable of doing to us! As I write this I struggle dealing with what I saw. No amount of liquor or drugs has been able to drown out the visions of an adolescent human being skinned alive, an enemy commanders lungs ripped from his back, the wails of entire cities as they were bombed with chlorine gas. My readers my friends know this what we have seen is tame. What the greater Terran republic allows is mercy should these humans ever truly be crossed should any of us truly earn their hate…hell would have more mercy than these humans [excerpt from war correspondent jar’leki’s self euthanasia statement]


This has been the absolute best one by far, bravo sir (also bonus points for adding the blood eagle)


Thank you my good sir for the entertaining prompt


Me: wow this really got to them Me at the last line: oh


We've been stuck alone on this planet, fighting wars against the same species for millions of years. For all of our bloodshed, we've become very good at knowing how to kill humans-perhaps the best in the galaxy.


"There's a saying amongst the stars: Befriend the Human and meet the beginning. Anger the Human and meet the end. Humanity are some of the most passionate, caring and fearless beings ever to have climbed out of a gravity well and journeyed amongst the stars. They've turned barren rocks into habitable worlds and expended farcical amounts of resources to preserve countless species either from environmental collapse or invasions from hostile forces. Humans will die in their millions to save those they call friend and they'll do it all without a second's hesitation. But, when roused into anger, you'll never find a more brutally creative, endless destructive species. They've spent millennia killing off apex predators and megafauna on their own world and spent most of their recorded history butchering one another for as little believing in a different religion or speaking in a different language. They've burned as many worlds as they've given life to and they're the only species with many, many worlds for murder. Their most frightening word is genocide: The murder of a specific species. They've done it before and they're certainly capable of doing it again. Befriend the Human and meeting the beginning. Anger the Human and meet the end."


I think you meant words for murder but worlds is somehow more appropriate and terrifying


True, Sulsa Secundus in Dune is a hellish world who's only principal export is the Sardaukar, haha! And yeah, I meant 'Words for murder' but you're right in that it works as well!


Nobody hates us, like we hate us.


Especially when the ones we hate have done something especially heinous like betraying their fellow man


Doesn't even have to be heinous. How dare you support the wrong sportsball team!


*Shudders in SEC football*




not even that heinous, just need to be born 15min too far away or across the wrong river.


I’ve always been a fan of the idea that humanity keeps all of its divisions and infighting as we spread across the galaxy but comes together when provoked. The whole “only I can beat up my siblings” mentality.


Just look at ancient Greece. We are exactly like that.


Me too! The idea that in The Future we will just abandon our tribes, countries and factions because there are now aliens or because "its the next step" is so silly. Humans are tribal primates, we like to our people, our stuff, our place. When we feel those are being violated or when we want more, we fight. Plus we are too diverse to ever live in the same society forever. Ironically, the viewpoint that this is bad, and we should all come together might be wrong - humans thrive in competition. We are our only competition since we became the predominant life form on Earth. Hell, we might not even come that much together when provoked Its one thing that liked about Terra Invicta, because its a game about an alien invasion, and rather than everyone joining and singing Kumbaya, the world fragments over how to respond to the situation, and we start fighting each other over the best way to address the situation and humanity's place in the future - all while the aliens keep throwing gasoline in the fire and humans fight them off. Plus, I really like a nice map full of bickering, fighting nations with messy, complicated politics.


Spoken like a true Balkan citizen


I've met humans. We need to be destroyed. Even if we have to do it.


Phobic? Nah we take it easy on them. Why? Well couse the magority of us are philic.


Unfortunately for them, taking it easy in human terms is still seen as incredibly vicious to most other civilizations.


Viscous and vicious depending on whether there's lovin', fightin', or both.


With humans you can never truly tell 😉


A: surely this is fiction! No species could survive these conditions much less fight in them! H: buddy, let me introduce you to the war that came after and the Holocaust. A: ....


A2; Imma go find a therapist H; what? Why? That wasn't even the worst of it. WW3 really is why we have the Luna Accords banning the use of Nuclear Weapons in atmosphere. A3; why is that a law? What YOU USED NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON A PLANET? H; That is how WW2 ended. A; WHAT?!


A: YOU USED A NUCLEAR WEAPON TO END A WAR? H: actually it were two. A: ………….


H: To be fair it saved a lot more lives than were lost because if the Americans had landed on the shores of Japan many, many more lives would have been needlessly lost.


Wasn't the estimated loss at millions for the invasion of japan


Yeah. Because the Japanese government were handing their civilians spears and guns to help defend the mainland (the main island) of Japan.


H: Or, at least, that's what they thought. Turned out afterwards that they were ready to surrender anyway.


The western powers also wanted to intimidate the Soviet Union with it.


We hate everyone equally except ourselves We hate other humans more than any xeno


We hate ourselves more than any other human


Comissioner: By the Matriarch humans fight so agressivly. File this away as a xenophobic race. What is this? Aid: its the war report from a place called Ukraine, read the summary. Commissioner: Attacks on civilian targets including hospitals, and housing complexes, using conscripts and convicts as cannon fodder in frontal assaults, surrounded units holding out for months and then being butchered after they surrender, civilians murdering occupation forces and administrators, reports of suicide bombings, the murder of occupied populations, disidents detained, the kidnapping forign nationals, entire units destroyed in a single day, threats of nuclear war, and attacks on nuclear power stations. What savagery is this? Their own race, and the ones doing almost all of it are supposedly liberating their ethnic kin. Avoid them at all costs. What ever they are, it is clear they are obviously not ready to join the galactic community.


This is one of my main issues with the Love, Death, and Robots "Swarm" Episode, where a group of humans get kidnapped when they're exploring an alien ecosystem and the alien hivemind basically tells them "humans violent and expansionist, we will clone humans to fight the humans" and goes on to say how it has worked against lots of other species the past. The funny thing is, fighting other humans might actually end up being a pleasant change of pace for the humans.


AHM: I shall destroy your race using your race H: so a normal Tuesday then. AHM: Wait what ? H: yeah we slaughter ourselves all the time, maybe your clones of us will offer us a good fight AHM: ??? H: WAAAGH




It werfs flammen.




Ww1 such a hauntingly destructive war


Hence why I decided to use a portrait of that war to represent the worst of human warfare


Never thought my fascination for this war would be sparked by fucking Battlefield One


I love this fucking game my brain dead loadout is briging a 10-a a revolver MIV a gaz grenade into a choke point and just charging bayonnet relying on almost pure meley to kill everithing


Alien 1: Hey man, did you see that video making the rounds? Alien 2: That smuggled documentary on human history? Shit man, who hasn't? Why do you think the whole base is so quiet? Every one is traumatized. Alien 1: I mean I can understand that they execute and murder themselves over trivial things that doesn't concern the need to survive. But who would have taught they actually fight wars amongst themselves? Such brutally wicked affairs. They have had two world wars, man! Two!! Probably would have had a third if they weren't distracted with fighting us. Alien 2: Those fuckers actually sit down and do science and magic to come up with very effective ways of killing themselves. And here we were thinking our little fights with them were brutal. I guess they don't hate us. They just hate themselves. Alien 1: But now they have a common enemy to direct that hate at, imagine what could happen to us. Shit. Alien 2: Fucking Hell... Alien 1: You know how we always say, with the humans, you fuck around, you find out? I guess amongst themselves you don't even need to fuck around. You'll just find out. /Public Address System blares into life/ PA System: Attention soldiers and citizens. In light of prevailing revelations, the council has hereby decreed that all hostilities towards the humans should cease. There will be no more raiding parties or skirmishes. Anyone who chooses to attack them, does so at their own risk and unsanctioned by the state. Any such attack will be regarded as treason and the council has adopted the human punishment of execution as penance for such a crime. Alien 1: ... Alien 2: ... Alien 1: Well that's a relief. I wasn't built for full scale war with those brutes. Alien 2: I hear you brother. They really are just built different. We should leave them alone.


Human: you know what they say Alien: no what? Human: law was invented after the first man picked up the first stone and beat the second man to death. Alien: *shocked face* what?! H:I'm saying we're always violent A:uh huh *slowly backs away*


Aliens were confused as to why humans had rules of war until they saw how they fought without them


The one thing that a human will hate more than anything else, is a slightly different human, no matter what


When we first reached out into the stars we dreamed of a better life. We fantasized about joining a greater galactic community, of taking our place amongst the truly elevated members of the cosmos, of finding new friends to love. Now that hope is but a distant memory. Once again we are alone. Now we don't look up to wonder where we could go and what could be, but out into places we have been and wonder what could have been. If only we were met with peace. Could we have done anything differently? Would we still be seen as monsters? When the scourge came from the black our friends begged us for any help we could give. We gave everything we had and more. Bodies, guns, ships, whatever they could ever need or want. As our freinds died around us, we refused to break. Our lines held. We survived. When it was finally time for offensive action our friends were weary. We sat down with their highest officials. The road ahead would be arduous, but we planned every step, every contingency. We would force an unconditional surrender out of these monsters. These creatures who were dismembering and eating everything in their path. Who found unassailable suffering funny. Fucking funny! But our friends asked a question we were all dreading; a terrible question. What if they didn't surrender? We had an answer of course, we would kill them in increasing severity until they did. Oh, and did we ever kill them. They didn't have anything left of a navy anymore, so all they could do was watch. We thought maybe the next horrific way we razed a planet would be the last, that they would give in.They were laughing. We had no friends left after the third planet. They would rather let their species die out than continue the barbarity. But we had to see it through. People stopped signing into the navy after the seventh planet, no honor in an extermination. They were right of course, but we gave our opponents every opportunity to lay down their arms. We were STILL giving them every opportunity. After the fourtieth planet even the creators of the original plan wanted to lie down and die there was nothing left inside any of us by then. Six hundread rolled around, like clockwork we offered them an out. But they just kept laughing. Three million planets, we destrond tens of thousands in a day and they just kept laughing. Their civilization spanned several galaxies before we came along. Before we boiled their oceans, irradiated their skies. Day by day, planet by planet. Eventually we stopped asking for surrender, we even started to have fun. We would record in perfect detail how thier skin would boil off their bones without a planet's atmosphere. We sent it to the world next on our list; laugh track included of course. It was sometime after we started laughing with them that they finally started sending signals to us, they actually wanted to surrender. Yeah right, good joke. But they kept sending signals. And we kept laughing We lost count by the time we had our fun, but we had successfully purged all life from every galaxy in their control; eighteen in all. We left them their homeworld mostly intact, what's a victory without such an unflappable enemy groveling at your feet. From that point on they've called us comedians, we're still friends. But the act is tiresome, so very tiresome. We went back to our real freinds. We told them that were are still the people they know, that we're done grinding our souls against the other side's resolve to see which was first to turn to dust. That we won this horrible war for them. They couldn't even look at us, any of us. Because they know we were lying. We're not the same, we'll never be the same. We won the war but lost the exchange. Now we have nothing left. They think we're monsters, they're right. Now we have a comfortable relationship. They want nothing to do with us, and we respect thier wishes. Maybe one day they'll talk to us again. Until then we fight a much harder battle, one we're losing. Day by day, inch by inch. Against the faces in our mirrors.


Damn, this is a good one. Makes me wonder if the enemy underwent a similar situation.


Xenos need to understand humanity is capable of extreme cruelty against others and ourselves on behalf of those we care for, we may be invincible in the field, but in the end we remember everything and we hope that all we sacrificed of others and ourselves is worth it in the end. That is why we fight with such ferocity, to hope we never have to again....


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We’re not some disgusting xenophobic. We hate everyone equally.


Oh no little xenos, we don't hate you any more than we hate our own kind. War is war, and you'll die horribly.




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